First day at the gym for a girl. Girl in the gym - first steps

First day at the gym for a girl. Girl in the gym - first steps

Good day!
Today we will look at training for girls, how and where to start! Let's immediately voice the fact that training with weights will not make you masculine even if you yourself want it - this is simply not realistic, since you simply do not have enough testosterone, by the way, and the guys who work out in Many gyms don’t look like men, so forget about it and get to work!

First day at the gym for a girl. Girl in the gym - first steps
The myth that weights turn girls into men was invented by fat-assed women who are too lazy to do anything at all and take steps to improve their figure, complacent because they have heavy bones, bad genetics, and - love me as I am! (Fat, lazy, fat! God be their judge, don’t pay any attention to such wretched individuals, because they are trying to assert themselves in this way! Various fitness clubs and their aerobics instructors and similar things help them in this! Yes, aerobic exercise burns fat, yes for many girls it is more interesting and enjoyable than working in the gym, but what they don’t tell you about, since they have a specific task to get money from you - everything else is secondary! What don’t they talk about? But what they don’t talk about is that fat burns during aerobic work, attention, only in a certain interval of heart rate (heart rate), which is determined by a very simple formula tied to your age and as you now (hopefully) understand, it is individual for everyone and in groups with a certain number of people of different ages it cannot be the same for everyone! So it turns out that you go to these cardio workouts and, apart from strengthening the heart muscle (which is also very useful), you get nothing! This is one thing - the second thing is that fat during cardio exercise begins to melt only after 20 minutes of training and ends immediately upon completion! After training with weights, fat is burned by the body for a very long time, and even if you finish training with weights on a cardio machine, the fat will begin to melt immediately and not after 20 minutes as when using solo aerobics - this is explained simply - glycogen after the machine ( I just advise you to load up on bcaa immediately after strength training and before cardio so that the muscles don’t burn along with the fat) is completely exhausted and the body will immediately turn to fat as fuel! And one more fact - you will get the maximum effect from aerobics only by doing it in the morning on an empty stomach, which is not very good for the heart!

And one more request - do not measure the result by scales - this is fundamentally wrong, since it does not reflect the true picture of what is happening - only photos once every three months and the envious glances of friends are a 100% indicator of the correctness of actions!

I have lost many lazy clients who were swollen with fat right down to their brains only because when they came to my gym they said one thing - I’m ready to do anything, die under the barbell and on the machine, sweat on the treadmill, but just don’t change my diet (read stuffing yourself with all sorts of crap! I couldn’t lie and spoke, explained, convinced that training is secondary and the main thing is proper nutrition, that without nutrition all training and money and efforts in the gym will be in vain - but while there are fitness gurus who claim on the contrary, the fatty brains and asses of our girls will only increase, as we will always choose what is easier! Remember - if you are a cow hanging from both ends of the stool - stop eating all sorts of nonsense!

Let's get to training! If you need to lose no more than 15 kg, then feel free to read on, but if more, then go to the surgeon and sew up your mouth! We will start and finish our workouts on an elliptical or, best of all, on a rowing machine (you can use a treadmill, but only walk, not run, unless you want to kill your knees! At the beginning, 3 to 5 minutes of cardio and 5 to 10 at the end ! At the end of the workout, the last two minutes of cardio, gradually slow down the pace of movements and restore your breathing! The workout always begins with hyperextensions, which will strengthen your butts and lower back, and also protect your spine from injury! There are two types of hyperextensions (for some reason, almost none of the instructors gyms don’t know this, and if they know, they don’t say it. The first classic is emphasis on the groin area and hips (a little higher and a little lower will shift the load from the lower back to the biceps of the thighs - alternate both options) flexion and extension of the straight body to the level of parallel with the legs and in no case higher, so as not to injure the vertebrae! The second is more difficult, but very effective for the muscles that fix the spinal column, and the hips and buttocks receive a rare static load! It is performed not by bending - extension, but by twisting, as for the abs! To make it easier, imagine that you have a ball in your stomach and you are rounding your spine around it, then straightening up! First, let's learn how to do two exercises: squats and deadlifts, how long will it take you? I don’t know - from experience I will say that no more than a month and my urgent advice to you is not to rush and bring the technique to automaticity (any trainer will teach you this... or there are plenty of videos


After you have completed these exercises automatically, we move on to the following workouts:


1 deadlift 5 x 12-15. 2 lying leg curls 3 x 10-12. 3 leg abductions in the simulator. To the sides, sitting 3 x 20. 4 pull-ups in the gravitron, or using 3 x 10.


1 squats 5 to 10-12. 2 lunges 3-4, 10-15 on each leg. 3 bars in a gravitron. Or using 3-4 at 12-10.

Do this for three months, after which your workout should look like this:


1 deadlift 5 x 12-10. 2 lying leg curls 3 x 8-12. 3 leg abductions in the simulator. To the sides, sitting in a half squat 3 to 20.


Vertical block rows 3 to 15. Horizontal block rows 3 to 15. Standing dumbbell press 4 to 12. Pull-ups with a grip 3 to the maximum. Bars 3 maximum. Third:

1 squats 5 to 10-12. 2 Romanian deadlift (on almost straight legs) 3-4 to 12-15. 3 walking lunges, 15 on each leg.

We train like this for another three months - day training, day rest, without reference to the weekly cycle, or three times a week!

Subsequent training for a month should (but is not obligatory) circular:

Vertical block pull. Deadlift. Horizontal block thrust. Squats. Standing press. Dec or chest press in the pec machine. Lying leg curls.

All exercises are performed in a circle with minimal rest between them (start with 30 seconds and reduce gradually until you move from projectile to projectile) with 15 repetitions for each! Between approaches, rest for 30 seconds gradually, reducing to moving from machine to machine, the less rest between exercises, the more between circles! Rest for 2 - 5 minutes between circles, perform at least 3 circles! I wish you success!

Exercise and the menstrual cycle

  • Many girls believe that it is unacceptable to exercise on sports equipment during menstruation, but this opinion is erroneous.
  • You can exercise, but you need to be more attentive to your own well-being and reduce the load.
  • During menstruation, it is recommended to avoid strength training and reduce the number of sets of exercises performed.
  • After each exercise performed, it is recommended to increase the rest to three minutes; if you feel unwell, you should stop exercising.
  • For girls who suffer from increased sensations of pain and dizziness during this period, it is recommended to skip one lesson.
  • During menstruation, girls may experience a decrease in strength ability and rapid fatigue; this is considered normal, so it is better to avoid heavy loads these days.

The girls' first day at the gym. Physiological features

When drawing up a training program, you need to take into account the peculiarities of female physiology, which differs from male physiology, which determines the specifics of the classes.

  1. Testosterone. Many girls are afraid to pump themselves up in the gym and acquire a masculine figure. This will not happen only because the male hormone testosterone in girls is several times less. And they cannot perform exercises to failure, which prevents their muscles from growing as much as men's.
  2. Muscles. Firstly, the muscle structure of women is different; they contain fewer muscle fibers, which are responsible for contraction and stretching. Therefore, they hypertrophy less during strength training with a small number of repetitions to increase mass.
  3. Secondly, in women, muscles are distributed differently - there are more of them in the lower part of the body - legs, buttocks. Therefore, pumping up this part is faster than the upper part, plus the lower abdominal muscles are weaker.
  • Metabolism. Women's metabolism is slower than men's, in particular, carbohydrate metabolism. This causes excess carbohydrates to quickly turn into fat. This must be taken into account when consuming the right carbohydrates, which are stored as glycogen in muscle tissue. The more glycogen in the muscles, the faster they will gain shape and expressiveness, and strength training will be more effective.
  • Do: Be attentive to what is happening around you

    Respect the personal space of your colleagues in the room. You don't want someone to throw a dumbbell on your leg! Be aware of what others are doing. It will not be very pleasant to trip over someone who is doing a stretch or belaying another person.

    Personal space is very important in the gym. Few people like it when a stranger talks on a mobile phone a centimeter from their face. And even more so, don’t even think about approaching people who are doing deadlifts.

    Do not block other people's access to exercise equipment, mirrors, or weight racks. For example, moving away from the barbell weight rack will allow other people to preload the weights while you perform your set without waiting for the barbell to release. Even if the room is cramped, try not to stand between another person and the mirror, you may interfere with their ability to monitor the correct execution of the exercise.

    You can do yoga exercises or stretch in different areas of the gym . Many halls have special areas for this. Therefore, you should not interfere where they are working with heavy weights; this is dangerous for both you and others. Move to the designated area and practice there calmly.

    Girl's first day at the gym. 10 tips on what to do in the gym for a newbie girl

    A training program for girls in the gym to burn fat is an interesting topic,

    It is quite difficult to extract detailed instructions on what to do and how to do it from the sea of ​​information.

    We tried to collect all the most important things about fast fat burning using exercise machines.

    We warn you: it just won't happen.

    But what are difficulties when the prospect is a body without a single extra fold, which you have been dreaming about all your life?

    The harder you try, the greater the victory will be! So, let's begin.

    A training program for girls in the gym to burn fat - a combined method or a circular one?

    When we first get into the gym, it is important for us to maintain a productive rhythm of visiting the sports club.

    After solving this question, the next one arises: how exactly to train? With what intensity?

    Exercises for girls in the gym to burn fat should be done using two methods:

    1. Combined
    2. Circular

    The first involves mixing strength training and cardio.

    The result is high-intensity training, in which the body does not have time to adapt to constantly changing conditions, and the fat burning process is much more effective.

    Physical activity to train the abdominal muscles

    Girls often believe that they can get rid of fat in the abdominal area by just pumping their abs.

    It should be noted that without a properly selected set of exercises and proper nutrition, a person will not be able to get a sculpted belly. The muscles will only be pumped up with a layer of fat, thereby increasing the size of the belly.

    To pump up your abdominal muscles in the gym, you should perform the following training methods:

    ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
    Press on a bench with an incline in each directionat least 10 times in three approaches
    Bends on a fitball2 sets of 10 times
    Tilts using a block3 sets of 15 times
    Leg Raise3 sets of 8 times
    Twisting while lying down2 sets of 15 reps

    Of particular importance is adherence to a special diet, in which preference is given to products that help speed up the metabolic process and trigger natural fat burning processes, and the natural fat burning process continues to operate for a long time after exercise.

    You should start training only after all types of muscles have been worked through the stretching method, otherwise damage to muscle tissue may occur.

    The first day at the gym, where should a girl start? Execution specifics

    The first day at the gym, where should a girl start? Execution specifics
    Before you start doing the exercises for the first time, it is better to take a lesson from a professional trainer who works in the gym. Ask to show how each task from the program is performed correctly. Work through each movement under supervision in order to eliminate mistakes. Improper mastery of the technique can result in injuries, severe muscle pain and decreased efficiency for a beginner. If after the first workouts muscle pain does not go away for several days, then most likely you have chosen the wrong load. After training, the muscles should be felt, but not much.

    • You should not move on to the next task while the previous one is causing difficulties.
    • Advice for girls coming to the gym for the first time:
    • On your first day at the gym, focus on technique over quantity.
    • Start with the lightest weights and a small number of approaches and increase the intensity every day.
    • Keep a training diary.
    • Once you are able to complete the entire program, try to complete each task to failure (while you have the strength).
    • Breaks between approaches are no more than 1–1.5 minutes.
    • Do not work too hard, especially at first; you should increase the load gradually, otherwise the desire to exercise will quickly disappear.
    • Enjoy your workouts; if you like music, take your player to your workouts.
    • Don't miss classes. If for some reason you were unable to come to training, be sure to work the next day or as soon as possible. Muscles quickly forget about the load, and returning to sports after a long break will be very difficult. If you can't go to the gym, train at home. of course, unless the absence was due to illness.

    Rule 4: Neatness

    After working with the tools, put them in their place - not on the floor, the barbell - on the rack, the weights - where everyone else is.

    When you leave the room, make sure that all traces of your work are removed and in their proper place. Heavier plates - usually hang at the bottom of the rack - and upwards downwards.

    All your plates need to be in the right place, because 61-year-old Grandma Maria may have a hard time reaching the 5kg plate she needs, which is hanging behind the 25kg one you inadvertently placed in front of her that you hung after your squats.

    Of course, knocking over someone's water bottle is bad, but not apologizing afterwards is absolutely disgusting. If the bottle has been opened, it is your direct responsibility to wipe up after yourself. Don't wait for someone to do it for you, do it yourself. It’s you who overturned it, and it’s up to you to eliminate the consequences.

    First day at the gym for girls. Keeping your body in good shape

    A training plan in the gym for girls to maintain physical fitness could be like this:

    Day 1

    1. Cardio load – 15 minutes at an average pace.
    2. Dumbbell bench press – 3 x 10.
    3. Reduction of hands in a crossover – 3 x 10.
    4. Arm extension in block – 3 x 10.
    5. Dumbbell overhead press – 3 x 12.
    6. Reverse hyperextension.
    7. Cool down: cardio 10 minutes, stretching.

    Day 2

    1. Cardio – 15 minutes.
    2. Leg press – 4 x 10 reps or Smith squats.
    3. Leg extensions in the simulator – 3 x 10.
    4. Breeding plus abducting legs in the simulator - a total of 4 sets of 2 for each exercise, 10 times.
    5. Leg curls in the simulator – 3 x 10.
    6. Dumbbell lateral raises – 3 sets of 10 reps.
    7. Raising legs from a lying position - 4 sets of 20 times.
    8. Cardio – 10 minutes.

    Day 3

    1. Cardio – 10 minutes.
    2. Hyperextension – 3 x 20.
    3. Romanian deadlift – 3 sets of 10 reps.
    4. Pull-down of the upper block behind the head – 4 x 10.
    5. Bent-over dumbbell flyes – 3 x 10.
    6. Curls with dumbbells – 3 x 10.
    7. Roman chair crunches.

    This gym training program for girls allows you to maintain strength and external indicators and be in good shape all year round. The main condition is not to increase weight. Then the muscles will not grow.

    Among the exercises for girls, we can note the abduction and extension of the legs - the problem areas of the outer and inner thighs are trained.

    Needed: change of clothes and shoes

    Proper Gym Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts

    Nobody likes it when someone brings dirt, dust into their house and leaves prints all over the floor? Especially, no one likes to clean it all up and wash the floors afterwards, right?

    A pair of sneakers, as replacement shoes, will keep the gym clean, and will protect the exercise equipment from street dust. Of course, many gyms have a full-time cleaner, but many don't. Those gyms where there is no cleaner will be very grateful to you if the attendant does not have to walk around the hall and clean up the dirt after you.

    In some gyms, having replacement shoes is a mandatory rule, and you may simply not be allowed into the gym without them.

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