How to go to the gym without a trainer for a girl to lose weight

Contrary to popular belief, a girl does not need to perform exercises in the gym under the strict supervision of a personal trainer in order to strengthen her muscles and achieve weight loss by getting rid of excess mass. It is enough to actively conduct classes and follow some simple tips on how to train correctly, and a woman will be able to quickly bring her weight back to normal.

A beautiful figure is what all girls want to have, and what is a priority for men. In order to have an ideal body, women have to resort to truly Spartan methods of losing weight. See also - how a girl should eat to lose weight in the gym. In order for this process to be most effective for you, it is recommended to conduct regular training in the gym.

However, this does not mean at all that you need to run headlong to get a subscription to the nearest gym. You need to know that a set of exercises with simulators is somewhat different from home complexes. So, how can a girl go to the gym without a trainer to lose weight? This issue requires more careful consideration.


To make it easy for you to lose weight, before starting the process, ask yourself the question: why do I want to do this?
Do I need this for my health? I want to have a slim body? Will I gain self-confidence by losing weight? A favorite dress that has suddenly become scarce this summer can be an incentive. Your answer will be the motivation for which you came to the gym. It will become the impulse that will give movement towards the intended result.

To make the goal more tangible, set criteria by which you will know that you have achieved what you want.

For example: I want to lose weight by July 25th.

Or maybe your criterion will be weight? I want to lose 8 kg.

Or centimeters of your desired waist. Hip volume.

These criteria help evaluate how you are moving towards success, towards your desired result. They will inspire you to continue what you started.

How many calories can you burn in the gym?

Scientists have long calculated how many different types of exercise burn calories and recorded the data in the appropriate tables.

Remember: all such calculations provide only an approximate estimate. The exact value for each individual person is very individual and is determined at least by body weight, muscle mass in the body, gender, age, intensity of exercise, and genetics.

250 kcal when running at a slow pace for 30 minutes 11 .

If you increase the intensity and run at a moderate pace with an average speed of 9 km/h, you can already burn 365 kcal in 30 minutes 11.

For the same 30 minutes of training in the gym, approximately 130-220 kcal 11.

Cardio training burns slightly more calories than strength training at the gym.


The given figures will be different for a person weighing 73 kg in whose body there is 30% fat and 8% (like an athlete), since in the second case there is more muscle mass, and it requires more calories to maintain activity.

Recommended : How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?

Also, the efficiency of burning calories very much depends on the intensity of the exercises, which, as will be shown below, is one of the main criteria for determining the best exercises for weight loss.

You can work out in the gym in very different ways: with and without breaks of 5 minutes between approaches (or with very short ones), with high intensity. You can also run fast and slow.

So, the relativity of these numbers has been learned. And now the most important thing.

Please note that the amount of calories burned for any exercise (running or working out in the gym) is quite small

: an hour of running or strength training in the gym burns a maximum of 1 Snickers bar, and often even less...

Share with us your experience of losing weight or gaining muscle mass!

At the same time, 1 hour of running, even at a slow pace, is a very difficult task...

In 1 hour of running or working out in the gym, only the amount of calories equivalent to a Snickers bar is burned; more often - even less...

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Warming up is the most important component of any workout.
With its help, you will warm up your muscles, increase blood circulation, and gradually increase your heart rate. A proper warm-up will help you avoid sprains when performing aerobic and strength exercises. First there is a warm-up, then exercises for joints, stretching muscles and tendons. Next - more intense cardio exercises. The warm-up ends with stabilization of breathing and heart rate. Cardio Warm Up Exercises

  • Walking with knees raised

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. We alternately raise the leg bent at the knee, simulating walking in place. Execution time – 30 seconds.

  • Running in place

Run in place at an easy pace, with calm breathing. Execution time – 30-45 seconds.

  • Jumping rope

This is a higher intensity exercise. We choose the pace according to our capabilities. Execution time – 60 seconds.

Exercises for joints:

  • Neck _

Gently, without sudden movements, rotate your head in a semicircle from right to left and from left to right. First, lowering your head to your chest. Then, throwing it back, we make a semicircle. We perform 10 times in each direction.

  • Shoulder girdle and arms

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms positioned freely along the body. We raise our shoulders and move them back. We make circular movements. We perform 10-15 times. Then we do circular rotations with our hands. We perform 10-15 times.

  • Lumbar , hips, knees

Hands on the belt. We make rotational movements with our hips to the right and left.

After a 7-10 minute warm-up, you can begin aerobic training.

Features of the training process

For many, it may seem strange, and maybe even incredible, the fact that you can fully exercise in the gym without an instructor. Of course, when you are under the supervision of an experienced specialist, when you receive individual instructions or comments from him, this is good. But who said that you can’t do without it at all?

The main thing in this matter is to create your own individual program, based on your level of physical fitness, body characteristics, as well as your desires. After all, for one girl the main goal of training will be to reduce the volume of the hips, for another - to lose weight in the waist area, and for the third - a general reduction in body weight. Each body develops individually, so developing a training set requires an individual approach.

When creating an individual training program, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  1. Any activity should begin with a warm-up. Before putting a serious load on the muscles, it is necessary to warm them up thoroughly and prepare them for subsequent exercises. Otherwise, you may damage ligaments or strain muscles.
  2. To lose weight as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is important not only to exercise, but also to eat right. Since we are a reflection of what we eat, our nutrition should be balanced. In no case should you allow yourself to overeat, but you shouldn’t limit yourself too much either. The body must receive its daily requirement of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, not only for its proper functioning during the day, but also for training.
  3. Strength exercises should definitely be present in your program. Since they are the most debilitating, you will lose weight faster and achieve the desired result faster. Also, strength exercises will help you develop a slender, toned body and beautiful, sculpted muscles.
  4. Stretching is something that should definitely end with any of your activities. To avoid unwanted pain and injury, at the end of the complex, perform 3-4 stretching exercises for all muscle groups.

READ Exercises for losing weight in the shoulder girdle for women

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, aerobics, cardio training are all physical activities that consume large amounts of oxygen and use different muscle groups.
Cardio workouts are tailored programs for burning fat. Also, these exercises will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and make your body more resilient. Effective aerobic exercises are:

  • Run
  • Swimming
  • Fast walk
  • Dance exercises
  • A ride on the bicycle

For all these types of physical activity, the gym has special equipment: exercise bikes, treadmills, steppers.

You have the opportunity to ride a bike, run and even dance in one workout.

When women ask which exercise equipment to use to lose weight, the answer immediately emerges:

  • Exercise bike

Suitable for girls and women, overweight people, elderly and young.

An experienced instructor will help you determine the intensity of the load and the duration of the exercise. The beauty of this exercise is that doing it in the gym in a group, you can feel like you are participating in a bike ride. This will give you excitement and motivation. After all, the spirit of competition stimulates one to work on oneself. Without a doubt, we can say that an exercise bike will become your assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

You need to start training with low intensity, gradually increasing the load. Be sure to monitor your heart rate and remember to drink water. Classes will be effective if you practice regularly at least 4 times a week.

  • Walking on a stepper

Another one of the most effective aerobic exercises. With its help, you not only burn calories, but also work the muscles of your legs, thighs, and buttocks. It will allow you to normalize your blood pressure and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

  • Walking on an elliptical

This exercise machine combines the advantages of an exercise bike, a treadmill and the same stepper. When performing exercises on this simulator, the muscles of the arms and even the chest are strengthened. The muscles of the legs, thighs, buttocks are worked out.. But the most important thing is that the joints do not receive extreme stress. And this is very important for overweight women and girls. Therefore, it must be included in the training program to combat excess weight.

To be successful on cardio machines, we also need exercises to strengthen our muscles. In order for the body to look sculpted and the skin not to sag after weight loss, we will have to add strength exercises to the training program.

Why the gym is the basis for losing weight

Leading a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable these days. Every day we see someone going out for a run early in the morning, buying jars of vitamins, or visiting the gym. Are these people really driven by fashion alone?

Of course, visiting the gym is a very expensive pleasure. And not only in terms of finances, but also time. After all, if you decide to take such a step, then your lesson should not be limited to thirty minutes (although this depends on the stage or level of preparation).

However, this is a plus. Instead of hanging on a horizontal bar at home for ten minutes or jumping rope, you get a full-fledged lesson with a full load for you. You devote this time to yourself, your body, and your body will thank you for this in the form of lost weight.

READ Exercises for losing weight in arms for girls

As you know, to effectively lose weight, you need to be regular in your workouts. So another plus is that you are unlikely to miss classes if you pay for them.

In addition, a weight loss program will give visible results provided that it is composed of a variety of exercises for all muscle groups. Modern gyms are equipped with all the necessary equipment that will allow you to create your own individual complex, taking into account your capabilities and preferences.

No matter how trivial it may sound, in order for sports to bring a visible effect, the atmosphere is important. Everything around you should put you in a working mood; this is the only way you will have the desire to work on yourself. This is exactly what a gym can provide you with, where there is simply no place for laziness.

So, the advantages of training in the gym without a trainer are as follows:

  • full load;
  • regularity;
  • variety of exercises;
  • atmosphere.

How many times a week should you go to the gym to lose weight?

According to one of the most authoritative sports organizations - the American College of Sports Medicine - to improve health, overweight people are recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes a week , and to lose weight - 200-300 minutes a week, t .e. about half an hour a day 9.

The more, the better the effect. Or not?

Unfortunately, the principle “the more the better” does not seem to work here... proving once again the relativity of everything in our world.

One of the arguments why some modern scientists consider any type of exercise to be ineffective for losing weight

lies in the so-called compensation mechanism.

In a nutshell, its essence is that after training your appetite increases and you want to eat more


As a result, the result of more time spent in the gym, in the form of more calories burned, is easily negated by an additional portion of something tasty that has slipped past the censor of conscience under the pretext of “you worked hard and deserved a reward.”

Read more about this phenomenon in the material How to lose weight without sports or Why a proper diet is more important than sports in losing weight.

To lose weight, you need to exercise at least 150 minutes a week. On the one hand: the more, the better. On the other hand: the more, the stronger the appetite, with the ensuing consequences...

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