Effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

Causes of fat around the waist

Fat deposits do not always appear due to excessive food consumption.

Sometimes there are other reasons for their occurrence:

  • slow metabolism;
  • genes;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • disease;
  • stress;
  • age;
  • incorrect posture;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • eating large amounts of food;
  • Abuse of sweets and excess fast carbohydrates.

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

To avoid excess fat on the waist and sides, you need to follow some points:

  • Nutrition must be correct and balanced. The number of meals should be 4-5. Harmful foods should be excluded.
  • It is necessary to include exercise in your daily life. They should alternate: strength day, cardio day.
  • Sometimes you need to cleanse your intestines.
  • After sleep, you need to drink a glass of water to start metabolic processes.
  • You can use different creams and go for a massage.

How to determine the amount of fat?

For the female body, fat reserves must be present. They protect internal organs and are involved in many processes. However, everything should be normal.

There are several options for measuring fat:

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

1. Body mass index.You can find out if you have excess fat in your body using your body mass index. It is calculated as follows: body weight in kg divided by height squared, indicated in cm. If the resulting value is more than 25, it means the person is overweight. The norm is considered to be from 18.5 to 25. But all these values ​​also depend on age.
2. Belly to hip ratio.Using a tape, you need to measure the widest part of the leg and the narrowest part of the waist around the navel. And divide the waist in cm by the hip. The ideal ratio is 0.7. Anything above normal is considered excess fat.
3. Waist circumference.An acceptable figure is considered to be a waist size of 80 to 89 cm. With a larger value, you must definitely address this problem.

Why does fat appear on the sides?

Excess weight can be deposited on the sides for a number of reasons. The most common of them:

1. Increased stress. Fat on the sides can appear due to excessive nervousness, as it provokes malfunctions in the body. In addition, amid stress and bad mood, many people begin to eat more, which contributes to excess weight gain.

2. Internal diseases. Excess fat can be formed due to therapeutic diseases. Its deposition is stimulated by hypertension, rheumatic carditis, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, disturbances in the functioning of endocrine organs and many other ailments. Sometimes health problems cause uneven distribution of fat under the skin, which is why it begins to be deposited on the sides. It is not possible to be completely cured in all cases, since such conditions are usually chronic.

3. Problems with the hormonal system. The female body produces a huge number of unique hormones that affect the normal functioning of organs. If their ratio is violated, failures occur that lead to excess weight. In most cases, disorders occur due to an excess of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Treatment in such situations should be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

4. Postpartum fullness. Many young mothers lose their flat stomach and thin waist after giving birth to a child. Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal reaction of the body, which stores fat to protect the baby and prepare for breastfeeding. These reserves are consumed by themselves, and the woman gradually returns to her original weight.

5. Wrong mode. Every year more and more women begin to lead a passive lifestyle, so today this is the most common reason for the deposition of fat on the sides. If you work in an office and do virtually no physical activity, then excess weight will only continue to gain. No diet will help you without regular exercise and daily routine!

6. Eating junk food. If you overeat on sweets, fast food, soda, flour products and other fatty foods, then sooner or later you will become overweight. In addition, it is not recommended to eat salty and smoked foods - they retain water in the body, leading to swelling. Change your diet to reduce your waistline. Choose a healthy diet that suits you, but don't overdo it—starving yourself will only make your problems worse!

7. Genetic predisposition. Some women are genetically predisposed to obesity, which makes it much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. People with this type of body type are called endomorphs - to get rid of fat on their sides, they must exercise regularly and watch their diet.

8. Slow metabolism. As women age, their metabolism slows down, leading to the appearance of fat on the sides. To help the body cope with extra pounds, you must follow certain rules: switch to smaller meals, drink more water, reduce the consumption of coffee and sugar, and increase the consumption of fiber and proteins.

Features of the exercises

Exercises for the sides and abdomen have several features:

  • It is necessary to monitor the correct execution technique.

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • Be sure to warm up before and stretch after training.
  • You need to pay more attention to cardio exercise, but also not forget about strength training.
  • There must be at least 3 classes per week.
  • A set of exercises for the waist and sides should consist of a load aimed at developing the upper and lower abs, as well as the oblique muscles.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the vacuum exercise.
  • A fitball is perfect for reducing the load on your spine.

Life story

By the way, if your problem is abundant fat deposits on the abdomen, then a few workouts will not help the matter! You also need: dietary changes, calorie restriction and cardio exercise. But it's not that difficult.

One of my friends was convinced of this. In general, he was rather slender, but his stomach protruded strongly forward - that’s where all the fat accumulated.

And do you think the guy took up hard bodybuilding - pumping up his abs, doing various planks, crunches? Quite the contrary, he simply took daily half-hour walks.

And then I took up Nordic walking. In order not to forget, he included active walks in his daily routine. That is, on your daily to-do list. However, there were no significant changes in diet and lifestyle. After all, my friend often indulged in a burger and also indulged in beer and chips.

But after a while, various delicacies began to lose their appeal. The magnetic properties of the refrigerator also disappeared. There was a desire to lead a different lifestyle. As a result, he became more energetic and optimistic. And although the belly hasn’t gone away, it’s only for now! Because my friend appreciated another pleasure - the one that physical activity brings. And it captured him.

And the stomach and even the sides are just a matter of time.


Before performing any exercise, be sure to warm up. It takes a little time (about 4-8 minutes), but it helps prepare the body for the upcoming load.

Warm-up should include:

  • cardio exercises;
  • work with joints (starting from the head and ending with the legs);
  • slight stretching;
  • breathing work.

The entire workout takes place at a moderate pace and without jerking. Before performing exercises for the sides and waist, they need to spend more time warming up.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home
Before performing exercises for the sides and abdomen, it is necessary to do a thorough warm-up to avoid injuries and sprains.

Example of warm-up exercises before training:

  1. Run in place.
  2. Tilts of the head in a circle.
  3. Exercise "Mill".
  4. Lunges.
  5. Exercise to restore the respiratory system.


Exercises for the sides and abdomen have many options. These also include crunches, which are one of the well-known exercises for working the abdominal muscles.

They will perfectly help remove fat from the sides and make your waist thin. For twisting, it is important to keep your back in a slightly bent position. Such training must take place with obligatory adherence to the execution technique, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. There are several twisting options.

All of them are aimed at pumping different muscles of the abdomen and sides:

  • reverse;
  • ordinary;
  • oblique;
  • lateral;

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • with raised lower limbs.

Regular crunches work actively on the upper abs.

Classic crunches should be done as follows:

  • The limbs are bent at the knees, the feet are on the floor, the hands are behind the head.
  • As you exhale, lift your chest. The lower back remains on the floor, and the head does not move.
  • All movements must be performed using the abdominal muscles.
  • Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. The abdominal muscles should be tense.
  • As you inhale, lower and relax again.
  • Complete 2-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Reverse crunches

Reverse crunches involve the lower abs.

Reverse crunches are performed a little differently:

  • You need to take a position on the mat. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your legs bent at the knees so that they become parallel to the surface.
  • Exhaling, pull your knees to your chest, raise your lower back and pelvis from the floor.
  • Hold out for 2-3 seconds. and when inhaling, return to the initial state.
  • Perform 2-4 repetitions 10-15 times.

Oblique crunches

Oblique twists work well on the sides and create a waist contour.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • Lie down on the mat. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your left leg on top of your right.
  • The right hand is behind the head, the left is extended forward.
  • As you exhale, stretch your right elbow towards your left knee.
  • When inhaling, go back.
  • After several repetitions, change position and twist in the other direction.

Crunches with legs raised

Leg raise crunches or corner crunches place more emphasis on your upper and lower abs:

  • Take a lying position. The back is pressed tightly to the floor, and the arms are placed either behind the head or crossed on the chest. Raise your legs above the floor and bend your knees, forming a right angle.
  • As you exhale, raise your rounded back and tighten your legs a little.
  • Try to reach your knees with your head, not your chin.
  • Do not tear your lower back. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  • Inhale and take your original position.

Side crunches

Lateral crunches help develop the oblique muscles of the abdominal region and are responsible for shaping the waist.

This exercise is performed according to the following principle:

  • You need to lie down on the mat. Place your hands behind your head. Legs bent at right angles, turn to the right.
  • As you exhale, the body rises, the lower back and head are not involved.
  • As you inhale, lie back down.
  • Do a couple of repetitions and switch sides.

Twisting bike

The bicycle exercise works not only as a lateral crunch, but also develops the muscles of the entire abs:

  • Press your back to the floor, place your hands behind your head. Raise your bent legs to form a right angle.

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • Raising your shoulder blades and rounding your back, we stretch our right elbow to the opposite knee. The right leg, at the same time, straightens. We repeat the movement with the left elbow.
  • It is better to choose a moderate pace.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides

At home, it is important to remember that using weights during training to reduce waist size will lead to the opposite result.

Effective exercises:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, abs tense. Smooth turn to the right, stay at the extreme point for 2-3 seconds. Make a left turn and pause. Perform 10 repetitions, 3 sets.
  2. While sitting on the floor, you need to rest your hands on the floor behind your back. Raise your legs. Hold it there for a few seconds. Gradually increase the exercise time.
  3. Lying on your side, bend your knees. Slightly twist the body to the right. Try to touch your heels with your hands. Hold the pose for a minute. Do 20 times on each side.
  4. Lying on your back, spread your arms out to the sides, palms pressed to the floor. Pull your knees towards your chest. Move your legs to the right without straightening your knees. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds, return to the starting position. Do 20 times in each direction.
  5. Lying on your back, feet near your buttocks. Legs are bent at the knees. Move your arms to the right, legs to the left. The housing should twist in opposite directions. Move your arms and legs to the opposite side. Do 20 repetitions.
  6. On your back, hands under your lower back. Raise straight legs above the floor to 45 C. Lower them to a height of 5 cm from the floor. Repeat 10-20 times.
  7. Scissors. Lying on your back, raise your legs 45 C from the floor, bring them together and spread them without lowering them to the floor. Make 10-20 adducting and spreading movements.

    Workouts for losing weight on the abdomen, sides and thighs at home. Strength, dance, interval for girls

Press zoneType of exerciseNumber of repetitionsNumber of approaches
Upper pressRaising the body from a lying position to a height of no higher than 20 cm from the floor.At least 10 times3
Medium absLifting the body without lifting the feet from the floor to a vertical positionAt least 15 times3
Lower pressRaising your legs to different heights from the floor.At least 10 times3
Oblique musclesTwisting the body diagonally.At least 15 times3

Plank with twists

The plank exercise is universal. It can be done every day. Its advantage is that the plank requires a small amount of time, but it gives excellent results. Many muscles are involved in the execution process, depending on the version.

The plank exercise performs many different functions:

  • Allows you to strengthen the muscles and, at the same time, puts little stress on the spine.
  • The plank reduces back pain and strengthens the muscle corset.
  • A few minutes of this activity speeds up metabolic processes and burns more calories than squats or crunches.
  • Thanks to the bar, you can get an even posture.
  • The plank increases flexibility and develops balance.

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

The plank with hip rotations allows you to work on your stomach and sides:

  • Get into a regular plank position. Emphasis on your elbows, feet on your toes. The pelvis and head do not need to be lifted up much.
  • Turn your pelvis to the right side. The leg up to the knee will be on the floor, and the hip will be in a hanging position. The left foot is placed on the right.
  • Return to an upright position.
  • Change sides. The rotation is made while exhaling.
  • Perform such turns 20-50 times.

Classic plank

The plank not only strengthens your back, but also tightens your stomach - you will feel your abs tightening. Alternate between arms and elbows. Gradually increase the time from 30 seconds to a minute or more. Make sure that your pelvis or lower back does not sag when performing - your body should be straight.

Classic plank - Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Plank with a turn

The plank with a turn allows you not only to strengthen the muscles of the entire body, but also to work out the stomach and sides:

  • Take the same position as a regular plank. Place emphasis on your elbows, with your feet on your toes. The pelvis and head do not need to be lifted up.
  • Turn your body to the left and raise your left straight arm above your head. The legs do not change position.
  • Return to normal position.
  • Repeat everything on the right side.
  • The number of repetitions is from 20 to 50.

Exercises for abdominal muscles while standing

Dumbbell Bends

There are a lot of the most effective exercises for strengthening muscles and losing weight in the abdomen. Simple exercises such as bending are very effective when it comes to losing weight in the abdomen and sides.

Bends can be strengthened by adding dumbbells or other heavy equipment to your hands.

Standing exercises and turning left and right have also worked well. When the abdominal muscles are tense, the person stands on bent legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. In this position, perform turns in different directions. The exercise is effective for losing weight in the abdomen and sides.

These exercises can also be included in your morning exercises to reduce your waistline and slim your belly.

You can include exercises for the lazy in your exercises, such as lifting your legs while sitting on a chair, when your knees are pressed to your chest and held for 10-15 seconds. This exercise also gives good results in losing weight in the abdomen and sides. Be sure to add exercises with a hoop.

Lunges with twists

Leg lunges allow you to exercise the muscles of your buttocks and legs. And if you add turns to this, then the lateral abdominal muscles are involved in the process.

There is nothing difficult in performing this exercise:

  • Feet slightly apart, arms along the body.
  • Lunge forward with your right leg, forming a right angle. The left leg is slightly bent at the knee.
  • The back is in a straight position. Arms extended forward. You can take a ball or dumbbells in your hands.
  • Turn the body to the right.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat the movement with your left leg.
  • Perform 2-3 repetitions 15-20 times.

Side bends

Another well-known and simple exercise is side bends. They help remove the sides and work on the oblique muscles. For the best effect, use a dumbbell in the hand where the tilt will be performed.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

The exercise is done like this:

  • Place your feet at shoulder distance, keep your back straight.
  • One hand should be on the belt, the second will be stretched above the head in the direction of the inclination.
  • Do not bend your lower back, bend to the side as low as possible.
  • Movements are made alternately in one direction and then in the other.

Exercise vacuum

The vacuum exercise is a breathing exercise that involves the abdominal muscles. They are reduced and give the desired result.

Using a vacuum you can achieve the following outcome:

  • reduce your waist;
  • get rid of visceral fat;
  • remove a stretched belly;
  • work out your abdominal muscles;
  • achieve a flat stomach;
  • reduce back pain.

For this exercise, it is important to inhale and exhale correctly, as well as maintain the position of your stomach.

It is best to do this exercise in the morning before meals or in the evening before bed.

  • Choose a comfortable position (lying, sitting or standing, you can also on all fours).
  • Inhale deeply through your nose. At the same time, the stomach needs to be stretched out.
  • Exhalation is done through the mouth. The stomach is pulled in strongly. Breathing occurs.
  • Stay in this state for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly and relax your stomach.
  • Restore your breathing a little and repeat again.
  • Perform 2-3 approaches for 10-15 seconds.

Vacuum for a slim tummy

Additionally, I will describe here a breathing technique that speeds up metabolism, improves intestinal function and effectively removes fat from the waist area. That is, it literally works for weight loss. It's called "abdominal vacuum".

Anyone can do it at home. It is important to exercise every day, on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of water with a slice of lemon 20 minutes before starting. How to do this practice? The training includes the following stages:

  1. Exhale. Then inhale deeply with your stomach and exhale slowly, forcefully, completely removing the air.
  2. Now pull your stomach slightly up and towards your spine, trying to press it towards your ribs. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds without breathing.
  3. Exhale freely, relax your stomach, and take 3 simple breaths. Repeat 3 steps 5 times.
  4. Finally, breathe quietly for a minute.

Abdominal vacuum for weight loss on video:

Raising legs on a chair

Raising your legs on a chair uses the muscles of your lower abs and upper thighs.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

It can be performed not only at home, but also during breaks at work.

  • Sit on a chair or bench. But not on the entire surface, but on the edge. Keep your back straight. Hands hold onto the seat of the chair.
  • As you exhale, raise your legs, but not too high.
  • As you inhale, lower it again.
  • Perform at least 20-25 times.


Walking is the most accessible way of physical activity. It refers to cardio training. To lose weight by walking, you need to walk at a moderate pace for about an hour or 4.5-7 km.

Pulse is also important. It should be 50-70% higher than usual. During this time, walking consumes about 300-400 calories. To achieve results in weight loss, you need to walk daily or every other day.

During walking, excess fat does not disappear immediately. First, the body takes energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates. Then glycogen comes into play. And somewhere after 40-45 minutes. The body goes after fat deposits.

The best results are achieved in the morning, as metabolism occurs faster at this time. It is advisable to have a small snack before training. Always have water with you. And just like before any physical activity, you need to do a warm-up to warm up your body.

What is belly fat

There are two types of fat deposits located in the abdominal area. This is subcutaneous and visceral, or internal, fat.

Subcutaneous fat is located between the muscles and the skin. It is not associated with a risk of developing metabolic syndrome. And in moderate quantities it does not cause any harm to the body.

But for some people they may pose a cosmetic problem.

Since proper physical activity helps strengthen the abdominal muscles. But it does not guarantee that even well-pumped ones will be visually noticeable and will become those same famous abs on the stomach.

In order for the abdominal muscles to be clearly visible, they should not be covered with a significant amount of subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat is found in the abdominal cavity and surrounds the internal organs. It has hormonal activity and is directly associated with a high risk of developing metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


Jogging differs from regular running in that the speed of movement is low: about 5-7 km/h, and the foot is completely flat. This type of cardio exercise is suitable for beginners who can train their endurance and accustom their muscles to the load. Unlike regular running, jogging puts little pressure on your joints.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

For jogging, the pulse should be about 120. It is best to jog in the evening for 40-60 minutes. It is not advisable to exercise more, since the body takes energy from fat reserves somewhere after 40 minutes. and it lasts 10-15 minutes. Next, energy will be replenished from protein in the muscles.


Running is a form of cardio exercise. It is very important to breathe correctly so that the pressure on the cardiovascular system decreases and the organs and tissues receive more oxygen.

For weight loss, interval running is best, which is characterized by alternating fast and slow paces in one workout. This type of running burns more calories than normal running. During a fast pace, you need almost 2 times more energy. Switching to a slow pace allows you to regain some strength.

For running to help you lose weight, you need to run at least 3 times a week. The duration of such a lesson should be from 25-30 minutes. With proper interval running, you can do it in 60 minutes. lose up to 800 calories.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

Cardio training and its importance

To burn fat and tighten muscles in the abdomen and sides, as well as below the waist, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. If there is such an opportunity, great, but most modern girls are short of time. There is a simple and reliable way to help women lose weight and pump up their thighs without much effort. Cardio training is an excellent solution in the fight against extra centimeters. The best exercises for losing weight are:

  • Run . You can run at a stadium, in a park, square or on a treadmill. If you exercise for 15-20 minutes a day, you will not be able to tighten your thighs. Training should be long and exhausting. A great option would be sprinting, i.e. alternating fast and slow tempos. You can run in the morning or in the evening, the optimal duration of the session is 40-50 minutes.
  • Swimming . Sign up for the pool. By visiting it 2-3 times a week, you can noticeably lose weight, improve the functioning of your internal organs and strengthen your cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Jumping rope . A proven option for getting quick results. Every day you need to jump 80-100 times or for at least 5 minutes, maintaining this pace, you can see the effect of the classes within a week of training. Start with 30-40 repetitions. As the body adapts to the load, increase the time. You can practice different techniques - jumping forward, backward, on one leg, etc.
  • Bike . If you have a bicycle, be sure to ride it. If not, you can use a simulator with the same name. You can make movements as if you were pedaling without any equipment at all. Lie on your back, raise your legs in the air and spin the “invisible pedals” for 2-3 minutes.

If you are trying to get rid of fat and extra inches, reconsider your lifestyle. Walk more in the fresh air, play active games with children or friends, go up to the apartment not by elevator, but by stairs. All this helps to increase the body's endurance, and also brings you closer to the dream of thin thighs.

Cardio training

Exercises for the sides and abdomen will be more productive along with cardio exercises. Cardio training is a necessary part of the fat burning process. They accelerate metabolic processes and contract muscles.

During cardio exercises, almost all the muscles of the body are involved. This workout should last more than 30 minutes. The heart rate depends on the chosen exercise.

Cardio workouts that help remove extra pounds from your waist and sides include:

  • swimming;

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • run;
  • jogging;
  • jumping rope;
  • Biking;
  • aerobics;
  • walking;
  • ice skating or skiing.


Swimming in the pool has a good effect on your figure. Exercising in water speeds up metabolism, and this is a direct path to weight loss. At the moment of swimming, all the muscles of the body are involved. In 60 minutes of active training, the body burns about 350-500 calories.

Swimming helps fight extra pounds on the waist and sides. By visiting the pool 2-4 times a week and following proper nutrition, you can achieve a thin waist.

It is most productive to swim in different styles. This will help to engage all the muscles. Cooler water burns more energy, so your body requires more calories to stay warm.

For those who cannot swim and do not know different styles, water aerobics will be an excellent assistant in building a waist. Exercises in water to lose weight in the abdomen and sides will help pump up the abdominal muscles.

Rules for performing exercises for abdominal muscles at home

Alternating abdominal exercises and jogging

  1. An important point in training is the timing; you cannot start exercises and exercises for the abdomen after eating. Try to start exercise on an empty stomach, immediately after sleep, or 3 hours after eating. It is at this time that the body is more actively tuned to burning fat.
  2. When doing morning exercises or exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and thighs, do not use weight training equipment. The use of such projectiles leads to an increase in muscle mass in problem areas and a visual increase in volume.
  3. The main condition for achieving results in losing weight in the abdomen and thighs is regular exercise. Decide for yourself how often and for how long the training will take place, the main thing is to stick to the schedule every day. Give up laziness and do not allow long breaks in your studies. Exercise should be enjoyable and a feeling of slight fatigue.
  4. Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and thighs should be alternated with exercises for losing weight in the legs, race walking and regular jogging.
  5. It is necessary to start exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with a warm-up. During warm-up, muscles warm up, blood circulation in the body accelerates, and the range of motion in the joints expands. This prevents injury.
  6. Those women who are determined to get their figure in order should know what exercises to do while exercising to remove fat on the stomach and thighs. Below in the article we will present the most common training options, but if possible, it is worth getting advice from a professional specialist.
  7. To achieve results in losing weight in the abdomen and sides, it is enough to choose a set of 5 exercises and perform them one by one, in three approaches, repeating each exercise at least 30 times 3 - 4 times a week. While playing sports, carefully monitor your sensations and heart rate. Don't overwork yourself!

Post-workout stretching

Exercises for the sides and abdomen, like any other physical activity, should end with stretching. Stretching exercises help muscles recover after exercise and relieve tension. Duration of stretching is about 5 minutes. After an intense workout, you first need to bring your heart rate back to normal, and only then begin to cool down.

Example of post-workout stretching exercises:

  1. Exercise "Cat".

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  2. Tilts towards the feet.
  3. Clasped hands above head.

Exercises in the fitness room

Exercises for the sides and abdomen can also be done in the fitness room. The peculiarity of performing a workout for losing weight on the waist and sides is that you can use various exercise machines and additional devices:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • rowing simulator;
  • ellipsoid;
  • stepper;
  • fitball;
  • hoop;
  • barbell;
  • dumbbells.

Circular training will help achieve the best effect, when several exercises are performed and a break between them is about 15-20 seconds. The training plan should include not only cardio exercises, but also strength training.

An example of a couple of exercises in the fitness room:

  1. Side bends with dumbbells.
  2. Working on a rowing machine.
  3. Crunches on a bench.
  4. Rotation of legs in a hanging position.

Common mistakes

Many people who set themselves the goal of losing weight and losing fat make some mistakes:

  • When twisting, it is important to work the muscles of the abdomen and back, and not to stretch with your head.

    Exercises for the abdomen and sides to remove fat from the waist. Effective workouts at home

  • Sometimes exercises are done incorrectly, which affects the final result.
  • It is not the number of repetitions that is important, but the quality of execution.
  • Strength training should be alternated with cardio and always give the body the opportunity to rest.
  • Many people do not pay enough attention to warming up and cooling down. And they are an important element that will help avoid problems and tone the body.
  • You should not start with a heavy load; it is better to choose a small number of repetitions and a small distance for running or walking. Every day you can increase the intensity of your workout.
  • You can often come across a moment when a person plays sports, but does not follow proper nutrition. This should be done together, then we will be able to achieve what we want. Otherwise, muscles will appear, but they will not be visible behind a layer of fat.

Exercises aimed at the stomach and sides will help bring them back to normal and remove excess fat deposits. For such training, you can use additional devices that will help increase efficiency.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Is it possible to remove fat only from specific places on the body?

Those who are losing weight are often interested in the question of what exercises or gymnastics can be done at home to remove their stomach and sides. However, they do not exist, since fat deposits disappear throughout the body more or less evenly, and not in a specific area.

Twisting, massage, miracle creams or belts will not help remove fat from a specific area. This can only be done with liposuction, but if you don’t eat right, the fat layer will quickly return.

Local weight loss is the biggest misconception of modern people.

For example, when a person performs abdominal crunches, it is not a fact that fat will disappear from this particular part of the body. Fats are triglycerides that are broken down in the body into fatty acids and glycerol, which then enter the bloodstream to provide energy. However, blood moves throughout the body; it cannot be forced to circulate in one area.

Therefore, if you decide to lose weight in your stomach and sides, then be prepared that fat will be burned first in other areas, and only then in the right place.

However, besides the fact that there is no way to lose weight on your stomach and sides in a week at home or in the gym, there is good news.
Stimulating specific muscles (in this particular case, the abs) will help tighten your stomach. And thanks to such loads, the aesthetic appearance of the body can be significantly improved. On the one hand, such results will be noticeable, on the other hand, they will stimulate overall body weight loss, during which the fat layer will gradually disappear from the peritoneum and sides. You may also be interested in:
How to lose belly fat at home in a short time

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