Drying the body: menu for 2 weeks and useful tips

Drying muscles at home is a completely understandable task, because the main condition for reducing body fat mass is nutrition - you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. In second place will be training, they will help guys quickly dry out the body of fat and make their muscles sculpted by increasing calorie consumption per day.

We have already told you what drying is and why it is needed, and in this article we will tell you how to properly dry for muscle relief for men at home or in the gym. Below you will find several training programs and choose the one that best suits your conditions and capabilities.

With the right diet, strength and frame training, you can lose up to 10 kg in 2 months, but this depends on the characteristics of the body, age, hormonal levels, lifestyle and nutrition.

The drying period can last up to 4 months, but it is better to do shorter cycles. As for training, of course, you can achieve results faster in the gym, but sports fans can get by with a well-chosen complex for terrain.

Where to begin?

To dry out a man’s body, first you need to cut down all simple carbohydrates, primarily sugar (including milk), flour products, sweet fruits and vegetables with a high glycemic index. It is not advisable to remove salt so as not to disturb the water-salt balance and not lose water, so you will clearly see how much fat you are losing.

Before you start drying your body, train yourself to drink a lot; you will need a large amount of clean water to remove ammonia, into which protein breaks down, since the diet will be high in protein. Toxins will also be eliminated and the blood will not thicken during exercise. Water is a transporter of nutrients into cells. Drinking liquid will dull your hunger; if you want to snack prematurely, extinguish your hunger with a glass of water.

Your diet will be dominated by proteins in large quantities, and carbohydrates will be reduced to an acceptable minimum. Fats, as an additional intake, are removed altogether, since lipids will significantly increase the calorie content of the diet, which is not good for you. You will get fats in small quantities from meat, fish and seafood.

Nutrition to reduce body fat

If you are wondering how to dry out the body fat for a girl or a guy, while maintaining excellent health and a fighting spirit, it is important to take a responsible approach to the issue of the daily menu. The set of products should be such that the body receives a minimum amount of calories, but the energy resource is not depleted. Therefore, nutrition during drying should include proteins and carbohydrates, sufficient fluid intake. The proposed diet may seem wild to some, but you just need to get used to it, after which the fat will go away.


If a person is in search of an answer to the question of how to dry the body of fat, his food basket changes its content somewhat. Allowed products for drying the body are cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), legumes, eggs, lean meats and fish, cottage cheese and dairy products with a reduced fat content. In addition, you can eat vegetables and fruits, but first make sure that they do not contain light carbohydrates.


Breakfast is hearty, dinner is early and light. Here is the basic rule when answering how to dry your body of fat. Nutrition can be balanced and complete, but it must be fractional and must contain proteins in a high concentration. A diet for drying the body can last several months, therefore, in order to somewhat diversify an already boring menu, you need to study low-calorie recipes for every day.


To remove thighs and other problem areas of the body, you should eat right. For example, the ideal breakfast is oatmeal cooked in water without sugar or salt, seasoned with a handful of dried fruits. As an alternative, you can make cottage cheese with raisins, but be sure to wash it down with unsweetened tea.

It is better to boil or steam fish and meat without fat, and heat treat raw vegetables using the same principle. Potatoes and carrots should not be present in the diet menu. For example, you can stew fish with tomatoes and onions, and before serving, sprinkle generously with herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice.

How to correctly calculate calories and nutritional supplements

To reduce body fat, you need to consume 21 to 26 calories per kilogram of weight. This will provide an energy deficit, and the body will begin to release fats. Start calculating with more - 26 calories, when a plateau occurs, gradually reduce calories to 21 per kg of weight.

So, let's take as an example the total weight - 80 kg.

Multiply your weight by 26 calories = 2080 calories per day that you need to consume.

Let's calculate the amount of carbohydrates: 80 multiplied by 1 g = 80 g of net carbohydrates that you need to consume. If we convert it into calories, knowing in advance that 1 g of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, we get (80x4) = 320 calories from carbohydrates.

Proteins: subtract 320 from the total calories, we get 1760 calories from protein. 1 g of protein also contains 4 calories, (1760 divided by 4), we get 440 g of pure protein that you need daily. For every kilogram of body weight there will be (440 g/80 kg) = 5.5 g of protein.

Diet plan

Below is an example of an approximate daily menu for a man weighing 80 kg. Products can be alternated and swapped. The last carbohydrate intake can be made after training, but in the evening protein should predominate. You can break it down from 6 to 8 doses per day, the main thing is to get the right amount of nutrients.

  1. 30 g brown rice, 1 cucumber + 6 egg white omelette
  2. 60 g buckwheat, 1 apple + chicken fillet 200 g
  3. 30 g brown rice, 1 cucumber + veal 200 g
  4. 60 g buckwheat, 1 cucumber + 200 g chicken fillet
  5. 30 g brown rice, boiled cauliflower 100 g + tuna 150 g
  6. 30 g brown rice, broccoli 100 g + chicken fillet 200 g
  7. hake or pollock 300 g + vegetable salad 100 g
  8. chicken fillet 200 g + 1 cucumber

A diet that replenishes the daily need for protein - 440 g, and 80 g of carbohydrates, for an athlete weighing 80 kg. At first it will seem that it is impossible to eat so much meat, but believe me, a hungry body on a low-carb diet will experience hunger every 2-2.5 hours. Protein does not fill you for long, and a small amount of carbohydrates will lead to an energy deficit, due to which fat will burn quickly.

Example menu

Unfortunately, the list of products is very meager, and it will not be possible to create a varied menu for a month without repeating products. We present menu options that can be alternated with each other to dry out. The ideal nutrition program for drying the body for men is an individually selected nutrition plan, which is based on personal experience of fat burning and an understanding of how the body reacts to changes in calorie content and proportions of fatty acids in the diet.

Example 1

  1. Protein omelet with cabbage.
  2. 1 apple.
  3. Rice with boiled meat.
  4. Chicken baked with vegetables.
  5. Orange.
  6. Vegetable salad with seafood.

Power scheme 2

  1. Meat with vegetables.
  2. Grapefruit.
  3. Buckwheat with fish.
  4. Boiled squid with fresh cucumbers.
  5. Mussels with greens.
  6. Shrimp omelette without oil.

Alternate days, changing dishes only to those allowed from the list.

Sports nutrition supplements


Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) make up 14-18% of the amino acids in skeletal muscle proteins. This is an essential supplement during cutting that will prevent muscle breakdown, preserving muscle mass, helping to burn fat, without losing your own protein. BCAAs should be taken half an hour before training and immediately after sleep.

Full cycle amino acids

When not consumed in full from food, non-essential amino acids also interfere with the catabolic effect. Take after training and before bed.

Whey isolate

Whey isolate is the purest drying supplement that does not contain sugar and replaces a full protein meal, providing the required amount of protein (1 serving – 25 g of protein).


This supplement is indispensable before cutting workouts, but only in dry or capsule form. L-carnitine transports free fat as energy to the muscles, where it is most needed. L-carnitine acts more as an energy drink for training, with a slight fat burning effect. The supplement improves the strength and endurance needed for high-intensity exercise.

Fat burners

For faster drying results, you can connect fat burners with a thermogenic effect. They increase body temperature, enhancing lipolysis. Another benefit is appetite suppression. Such drugs may include: ephedra extract, yohibin, caffeine, aspirin. But such supplements have contraindications, for example, increased blood pressure and nervous system disorders, so we do not recommend taking them on your own, especially if your weight does not stay the same for a long time.

What is drying

When choosing a training complex or simply a diet to correct problem areas, it is important to understand that there is fat under the skin; and the main goal is to get rid of it productively, thereby releasing depressed muscle mass. Drying the body precisely contributes to this; it helps to quickly and productively decrease in size, get a more graceful and miniature figure, and acquire a sculpted muscle corset.

Since as a result of the efforts made, the body becomes lean and dry, a characteristic name in bodybuilding has appeared - “drying”. In fact, this is a safe method to lose weight quickly that guarantees crazy results. This applies to all muscle groups, the growth of which has been inhibited by reduced physical activity, and the appearance of a subcutaneous layer of fat.

Pharmacy drugs

Vitamins and minerals

The body especially needs these nutrients during the drying period and when there is a deficiency of calories and vitamins in permitted foods. The complexes will also increase working capacity and speed up the recovery period, calming the nervous system. Any complexes that are available and that you like will do, just avoid taking additional vitamins or minerals to avoid hypervitaminosis.

Complexes for joints

During the drying period, the joints become depleted and lose fluid; at the first pain in the joints, start taking complexes with glucosamine and chondroitin. Such drugs can be found not only in pharmacies, but also in sports nutrition stores.


It is not a mandatory supplement, but perhaps melatonin will be useful for those whose nervous system cannot withstand heavy loads on the muscles and the nervous system as a whole. For insomnia and anxiety, take the drug as directed.


Before conducting classes, it is important not to look for the most problematic areas with fat, but to study videos where professionals tell in detail how to dry your body without any problems. In this case, we are talking not only about physical activity to burn fat, but also about proper nutrition that is beneficial for the body and organism. Do not violate these recommendations, and then your figure will soon become fit and athletic.

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