Gymnastics at home: exercises for the abdomen, sides, buttocks

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Tight abs and strong, slender legs are the dream of many people.

To become the owner of pumped up, sculpted muscles of these parts of the body, you will have to organize your training correctly.

Classes for working out the hips and abdomen include exercises for the abs and legs.

Basic loads and execution technique

Photo 2To gain beautiful, strong abs, you need to choose the right set of physical activities. They should be aimed at effectively working the abdominal muscles and burning the fat cells located above them. The training set also includes exercises for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, as they help to quickly form a beautiful relief and get rid of fat deposits.

Basic principles of classes:

  1. When doing abdominal exercises, the emphasis is not on the number of approaches and repetitions, but on the correct execution technique.
  2. The lesson should include exercises for the abs, buttocks and legs, since these parts of the body are most prone to the appearance of fat deposits.
  3. You need to choose a complex in accordance with your level of physical fitness.
  4. You need to train your abdominal and buttock muscles every other day – 3-4 days a week. It is not recommended to combine a complex of abdominal exercises with intense strength training, since excessive training can cause back problems.

Attention! Exercises for the abs and working out the thigh muscles are associated with low calorie expenditure. Therefore, if a person wants not only to build muscles, but also to lose weight, then he will have to combine exercise with a diet.

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The best loads for the abs and hips:

  1. Bicycle : an exercise to work on the abs and posture is performed in a lying position. The rectus abdominis, anterior abdominal muscles and buttocks are involved in performing the “bicycle”. This is a universal workout for the stomach and thighs. “Bicycle” is always performed at a slow pace. As you exhale, the person twists the body and pulls the elbow to the knee, and while inhaling, he unbends. The starting point is considered to be the lower position, at which the abdominal muscles completely relax.
  2. Plank : the exercise is a handstand, for which you need to tense your abs and the back of your thigh. The plank is one of the few static exercises that allows you to pump up the muscles of problem areas. The breathing rhythm remains normal. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the exercise, you should try to increase the duration of the plank, reducing the rest time between repetitions.
  3. Crunches : in fitness, there is a wide variety of techniques for performing this exercise. Abdominal crunches can be done on a fitball, lying on the floor or using a special roller. Crunches in different variations simultaneously improve the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

In the gym you can exercise on an exercise bike, hyperextension, orbitrek or treadmill.

Training program

When creating a training program, include 7-10 exercises in it, preferably to work all the muscles. By decreasing the number of exercises, increase the approaches, and vice versa.

A workout aimed at burning fat should be intense.

  • To reduce fatigue, alternate exercises for the upper and lower parts of the body.
  • Start and end your workouts with light exercises, and put heavy exercises in the middle.
  • Change exercises from time to time for similar ones, since the muscles work the same, but in different ways.
  • Add new exercises to your classes, ones you haven’t done yet. There are hundreds of them. Include exercises with additional equipment (dumbbells, barbell, body bar) in your workouts. For example, exercises with a fitball for the abs, buttocks, and thighs are quite effective and involve different muscle groups.

Training program for the abdominal muscles, thighs, buttocks

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In order to properly organize training for the buttocks, abs and legs, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of physical fitness, but also gender. During classes for women, the emphasis is on the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, since these are the most problematic areas of the body. Abdominal training is moderate, since excessive stress on the abdominal muscles is harmful to women's health.

During training, men can focus on training their abdominal muscles. An effective exercise would be hanging leg raises, which allow you to pump up your abs and back muscles.

The best exercises have been developed for both men and women to achieve an athletic body.

Exercises for men

The optimal complex for the stronger sex:

  1. Bicycle : Lie on your back and press your lower back firmly to the floor. Legs bent at the knee joint stand on the floor with full feet. Hands are behind the head. Straining your abs, you need to raise your legs up. Raising your shoulders and body, you need to reach as far as possible with your left elbow towards your right knee. After a few seconds of delay at the peak point, the side is changed and the exercise is repeated. It is optimal to do 5 repetitions on each side. The bicycle is done in 3 approaches.
  2. Exercise with a fitness roller : sit on your knees, after which you place a gymnastic wheel in front of you, leaning on it with both straightened arms. A slight deflection is made in the lower back. As you inhale, roll the wheels forward without resting on the floor. After a few seconds of delay at the peak point, they return to their original position. Repeat 10 times in 3-4 approaches.
  3. Hanging Leg Raises : To perform the exercise, you need to grab the bar with both hands. After straightening your limbs, you need to bend slightly at the lower back. As you inhale, pull your legs as close to your stomach as possible, trying to keep them straight. Slowly lower your legs, rest for a few seconds, and then repeat the exercise. Pull-ups are performed in 3 sets of 15 times.

Classes for women

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What exercises for the abs and legs are useful for women:

  1. Lying crunches : lie on the floor face up, and place your legs bent at the knees on your feet on the floor. Hands are placed behind the head. By tensing the abdominal muscles, the shoulder blades are lifted off the floor, twisting in the body. At the peak point they linger for 1-2 seconds and then return to the starting position. 15 repetitions in 3 sets are enough.
  2. Plank : arms bent at the elbows are placed at the same level as the shoulders. The back is perfectly straight, and the legs rest with their toes on the floor. The head should not be lowered, but the gaze should be focused on the floor. In this position, strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible, staying in this position for a minute. Every day this time is increased by 15 seconds.
  3. Crunches with arms outstretched : lie on your back on the floor, bending your knees. The arms are straightened and in this position, as you exhale, they rise to the knees, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position. The movements are repeated 15 times in 3 approaches.
  4. Squats : feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. When squatting, your knees and feet should be on the same imaginary line. To pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks, you need to try to ensure that the weight moves to the heels when squatting. Repeat squats 20 times in 3 approaches.

Exercises for the buttocks

In fact, exercises for the buttocks, thighs, and abs cover a group of muscles. They do not work any one muscle. Exercises for the buttocks usually train either the hips, or the back extensors, or all together.

  • Deep squats are great for toning your buttocks. It is recommended to use dumbbells or a body bar as weights. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Do not lift your heels off the floor during the exercise. We squat and take dumbbells. During a squat, the body tilts forward and the pelvis backwards. Straighten your legs when lifting.

a set of exercises for the abs and buttocks

  • Lunges with dumbbells. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands. Take a step forward with your right foot, the left remains in place. While inhaling, you need to sit down. As you exhale, push off the floor, rise and return to the starting position.
  • Hyperextension works the muscles of the back and buttocks. There are two ways to do this exercise at home. The first one is on the floor. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. As you inhale, lift your legs off the floor, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

A set of exercises for the hips

The hips immediately respond to weight gain. Cellulite appears on them, the skin becomes lumpy and loose. Why does fat love these places so much? The thigh muscles, especially on the inside, are almost not involved in walking. Therefore, fat deposits in this area are not burned. All hip exercises come down to activating the work of these underdeveloped muscles.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up your muscles. The warm-up includes torso turns, alternating leg lunges forward and to the side, bends forward, right, left. Next, you can start training to lose weight on your thighs. As a result of regular exercise, the muscles will tighten. Fat deposits on the inner thigh will decrease and the skin will smooth out and become elastic.

  1. Stand up straight, spread your shoulders, put your hands on your belt, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean on your left leg, while turning your right toe inward. Make movements with your right foot, moving it to the left. Change the position of your legs and do the exercise to the right side.
  2. The position is the same, but place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Do deep squats for weight loss smoothly until painful sensations appear. Squat 14 times.
  3. Stand up straight. Toes point forward. Squat down deeply, straighten one leg forward, and stand up. Alternate legs.
  4. Straighten your legs while sitting on the floor, rest your hands behind your back. Raise your legs 15 cm above the floor and do the scissors exercise. Not only the muscles of the thighs are tense, but also the abs.
  5. Lie on your right side, leaning in front on your left hand. Place your left foot in front of your body at the level of your right knee. Raise your lower leg as high as possible. Make springy movements without touching the floor with your foot.
  6. Lie on your back, leaning on your elbows behind you. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Cross your legs.
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair, raise your knees bent above the floor. Hold a sheet of paper with your knees pressed together. At the same time, strain the inner thigh muscles.

Exercises to form a beautiful thigh contour:

  1. The volume of your hips will reduce the next weight loss movement. It will help make them fit and proportional. Stand with your back to the wall. Spread your legs 50-60 cm apart. Inhaling, slide your back down. The knees should be in a 90C position. Fix the point and slowly stand up. Do two sets of 10-12.
  2. Squats on a step. Stand on a low bench with one foot, pointing your toes and knees to the sides. Lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. We take 2 kilogram dumbbells as weights. We do lunges with each leg in turn. We lean on it with our whole body until the knee of the other leg touches the floor. This exercise can be done on a flight of stairs. Your thighs will be strong and elastic.

A set of exercises for legs

Beautiful legs are the pride of any woman. And so as not to be ashamed of wearing a miniskirt, we are ready to work hard. A little patience, will and time - and the goal of losing weight has been achieved!

All leg muscles immediately come into play when we jump. The best sports equipment would be a jump rope. A woman of any age and build can practice with it. This is a good home exercise machine that you can use in any free minute.

Perform jumps in place, in motion, on one leg, with both legs at once, alternating variations. The most important thing is the time of continuous jumping. To get started, 1-2 minutes is enough. You can gradually increase the duration of the exercise. Obese women should not jump straight away. First you need to reduce weight through diet and other, more static, weight loss exercises, and then take up the jump rope.

Any type of running is very beneficial for the leg muscles. It builds muscles, burns fat, and brings your legs into athletic shape.

During movement, the muscles of the whole body work, so this is the most effective exercise for women losing weight. You can exercise on a treadmill, but if there is a park or other green area nearby, it is useful to combine exercise with time in the fresh air. Stepper

A stepper is a simulator that simulates walking and climbing. It can be equipped with devices for hand training. The muscles get the same load as if you were climbing stairs. Exercising for a long time burns a lot of calories and you lose weight.

Pool activities:

  1. Doing exercises in a pool involves an additional load of water resistance. And yet, the exercises are done easily, without unnecessary stress. Water has a beneficial effect on the skin and the condition of internal organs. You can attend aqua aerobics classes. The set of these exercises is aimed at reducing fat mass.
  2. But simple swimming at an intense pace will also have a beneficial effect on solving this problem. Movement in the water column burns a lot of calories. After water training for weight loss, you want to eat. You must endure this condition and start eating no earlier than 1-2 hours later. After the pool, you can treat yourself to warming herbal tea.
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