Exercises with a curved barbell at home photo

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Find out the best barbell exercises to build strength, gain mass, and improve muscle endurance. Exercise technique and instructional video.

It is no secret to experienced athletes that barbell exercises are basic in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Using a bar with weights, you can maximally load all muscle groups, engage even deep-lying fibers and achieve impressive results.

Below are the TOP 10 exercises that have shown maximum effectiveness in practice:

Bench press

Bench press

This is a basic exercise for developing the muscles of the chest, triceps and the entire shoulder area. The bench press is the main argument for developing strength in all strength sports. It can be performed from different angles, using various areas of the chest for comprehensive development of all muscles.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Contraindications to weightlifting

Weightlifting exercises are strictly prohibited for any visual impairment, such as myopia or retinal detachment, internal blood pressure disorders, heart disease, or problems with a person’s physical development. You should also not engage in this sport if you have chronic illnesses, brain injuries, any mental or nervous system diseases, or epilepsy. Anything related to weightlifting exercises involves lifting heavy weights, so age under 7 years is also a contraindication.

technique of performing exercises in weightlifting



The main exercise for developing all the muscles of the body; all areas from the calves to the trapezius are involved in the work, because more than 75% of the muscles are involved in the work. The exercise is a good boost not only to the growth of muscle mass and strength, but also an excellent way to burn excess fat deposits; those who do it will confirm how hard it is and how much sweat is released.

The main load is placed on the muscles of the back, legs and buttocks; if these areas need to be tightened, this exercise must be included in your training program. There are variations of exercises, such as straight leg deadlifts, power rack deadlifts, and sumo deadlifts.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Weight training basics

First of all, you need to understand that the barbell gives a significant increase in loads not only on the muscles, causing them to increase in volume, but also on the joints and spine.

Failure to comply with safety precautions during training will lead to injuries, quite possibly with far-reaching consequences.

Secondly, before starting a set of exercises, you need to do a mandatory warm-up to “warm up” the tendons and muscle mass. The risk of accidentally hurting yourself is reduced. The third important point is to monitor your breathing. You need to breathe correctly. Lastly, at the moment when the body begins to give signs that it is overloaded, the training stops.

Bent-over barbell row

Bent-over barbell row

It is well suited for pumping up the thickness of the back; if the back is tilted at 50-60 degrees, the central part is actively trained; when the back is tilted at 60-75 degrees, the upper part and part of the trapezoidal part are included in the work. The effect of this exercise will be felt in sports such as boxing, wrestling, swimming, rowing.

The exercise can be performed with a regular grip or with a reverse grip; in the latter case, the biceps and muscles located closer to the spine are more involved in the work.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

The benefits and harms of weightlifting

Like any sport, weightlifting helps keep our body in good shape, which is a beneficial factor. Classic weightlifters are resilient and healthy if they train and eat right. But in addition to the benefits, there is considerable harm. When lifting heavy weights, arthrosis and arthritis of the joints may begin to develop. There is a danger of developing an intervertebral hernia and “breaking” your back. Damage to the heart is possible, since under increased loads it does not work normally, which increases its wear and tear. It is worth noting that these factors are individual and depend on the health status of a particular person and his compliance with safety precautions.



Squats with a barbell are the best exercise for developing quadriceps, buttocks and partially thigh muscles. It is often used not only as a mass-gaining exercise, but also for rehabilitation after injuries or as recovery after a surgical period.

When performing squats, despite the fact that the primary load falls on the lower part, the back, abs and core muscles receive part of the load, because holding the barbell in the correct position requires effort.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

How to prevent overtraining during training?

Home gymOne of the best preventive measures for overtraining is the so-called fasting week.
It should be the only one in your monthly training cycle. At this time, you need to reduce the volume of training by 50 percent and introduce cyclic loading into the training program. Before starting each lesson, you need to warm up thoroughly for 10 or 15 minutes. Also remember the importance of performing warm-up movements in the pauses between sets. For example, when performing barbell presses, you can shake and massage the working muscles. The main part of each session is devoted to working out all the large muscles of the body, and after completing the workout, do a cool-down.

When creating a barbell training program at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Select the correct weight of sports equipment.
  • When performing heavy movements, you must use special shoes that securely fix the ankle.
  • Using various options for performing exercises, you can reduce the load on the joint-ligamentous system.
  • Do not overload the spinal column during each session, alternating movements in sitting, standing and lying positions.

You also need to learn to control your breathing. When you return to the starting position, you need to exhale. Until you exert maximum effort, you need to inhale.

French press with barbell

French press with barbell

The exercise is aimed at developing the triceps, and it uses not a specific area, but all 3 muscle areas as a whole. You should not ignore this exercise, because the triceps make up 70% of the muscle mass of the arm and only 30% is occupied by the biceps, and not vice versa, as some people think.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Barbell Curl

Barbell Curl

One of the most popular and sought after exercises for developing biceps. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a professional, it is always in the arsenal of exercises for increasing mass and developing strength. By changing the grip width, you can vary the load; a narrow grip trains the outer part of the biceps, a shoulder-width grip trains the central part, and a wide grip works mainly the inner area.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Extension of arms from behind the head[edit | edit code]



: In a standing position, press the barbell into straight arms. Hold the barbell with a grip narrower than shoulder width.


: Slowly lower the barbell behind your head. Keep your elbows still. Using an isolated triceps force, straighten your elbows and lift the barbell overhead again. Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides. This will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

The barbell is the highest invention of sports thought. Even today she does not know any competition. The barbell maximally corresponds to the biokinematics of the human body, and therefore gives the highest training return.

Barbell up press

Barbell up press

Basic exercise for training the deltoid muscles. If you perform an overhead press with a wide grip, the predominant load falls on the middle deltoid; when doing a barbell press from the chest, the front bundle of deltoids, the upper part of the pecs and the long section of the triceps are more actively involved in the work.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Close grip press

Close grip press

Another basic exercise for developing triceps, the starting position assumes a grip width of 25-30 cm, but not 5 cm, as many do. A position that is too narrow will not engage the triceps well enough and will put the wrists in an uncomfortable position, which can get injured under heavy weights.

It is important to breathe correctly during the exercise, under no circumstances hold your breath; when lowering during the relaxation phase, inhale; when ascending during the effort phase, exhale.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

The importance of sports in human life

Unfortunately, human health is a fragile and fickle concept. Our body is susceptible to numerous diseases and problems. But there are several rules that will help any person maintain strength and vigor for as long as possible. To stay healthy we need a healthy heart, proper metabolism and good circulation. Since childhood, we have been running outside, playing outdoor games, and breathing fresh air. At the same time, our muscles develop and gain strength, grow, and the heart pumps oxygen-enriched blood. After playing, children want to eat, and healthy food contributes to the growth and development of the body. Everything is functioning correctly.

But as we get older, we often begin to lead less active lifestyles, especially in middle age. Sedentary work, lack of oxygen and movement make us weak. The body freezes, the blood does not deliver useful microelements to all organs, in particular to the brain. The result is weakness, bad mood and illness. Therefore, it is extremely important to exercise. Any type suitable for you.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges with a barbell

The gluteal muscles are actively developed, and to stabilize the barbell, the core muscles are additionally involved in the work. Can be performed either with free weights or in a Smith machine. If your lower back is experiencing problems, then you should definitely perform the exercise in a Smith machine.

When doing lunges, you need to maintain a width of 20-30 cm between your legs. If you lunge strictly along the line, your balance will be disrupted and you can fall to the floor with the barbell.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here .

Forward bends with a barbell

Bent-overs with a barbell

The second name of the exercise is good morning, an alternative to hyperextension and is aimed at training the lumbar muscles and hamstrings. The main thing is to choose an adequate weight so as not to fall head over heels. When performing, do not lift your head up too much, so as not to cause pinching of the muscles or nerves in the neck.

Detailed technique and a visual video of the exercise are here.

Remember these 10 exercises that should be included in your training complex for quality development of the whole body!

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