24 best abdominal exercises for girls at home

Rules for training the press

If you, getting ready for a date, wondered how to pump up your abs in 3 days, then the answer is obvious - no way. Abdominal training is a very difficult exercise that requires constant practice. Even one month can be considered a short time for pumping up the abdominal muscles, but by adhering to certain rules, you can significantly strengthen your abs, make them more attractive and beautiful.

Basic rules for abdominal training:

  1. You need to practice systematically and regularly, otherwise there will be no effect. The abdominal muscles are unique in that, unlike others, they do not require much rest; you can exercise them almost every day.
  2. It is recommended to carry out training in the morning on an empty stomach. Without external sources of energy, the body will release its own fat reserves. This is very important, because if you have fat deposits on your stomach, it is simply unrealistic to achieve a flat stomach and see your own abs.
  3. For girls, it is recommended to refuse training during critical days. Start exercising only when you feel well.
  4. You need to find the right approach to training. There is no need to overload yourself from the first days, as unbearable pain in the abdomen will not allow you to fully continue exercising.
  5. You should follow a healthy diet that includes a calorie deficit. This is important for burning fat, which, as mentioned above, prevents the appearance of six-packs.
  6. You shouldn’t expect results right away; only constant training will help you see the slightest changes. But with the right approach, even in one month you can significantly improve your appearance.
  7. Before training, you should consult your doctor. If there are any contraindications, it is recommended to either completely abandon exercises or choose ones that are safe for yourself. It is especially important to train with caution if you have spinal diseases.
  8. Experts recommend constantly drawing in your stomach. This will not only make it flatter, but will also tone the muscles, making them more resilient.
  9. It is very important to evenly and fully work all the abdominal muscles, which consists of several groups. Since working on a separate group will not bring the desired result.

Recommendations and rules

What the abdominal muscles look like in women are elastic and sometimes flat outlines that minimally or maximally display the abdominal muscles.

Please note: It turns out that a pumped-up female abs is a flexible concept, defined from a flat tummy to the coveted 6-pack. Such features do not lie in physical training or predisposition, but only in the patience and determination of the girl herself.

Regular training for a month already gives you the opportunity to boast of a flat stomach, but only duration and constant increase in load is the basis for achieving a sculpted body.

Before you start pumping up your abdominal muscles using the exercises below, you should familiarize yourself with certain facts:

  • Firstly, abdominal muscles are built only through regular training with a constant increase in load. The girls choose the program themselves depending on what effect they want to achieve.
  • Secondly, even the increased muscles will not be visually displayed if there is a layer of fat on the stomach. First, you should switch to proper nutrition and add cardio training to lose weight.
  • Thirdly, achieving 6-pack abs is not so easy - athletes here recommend consuming more protein foods (dairy products, cottage cheese, meat, poultry, fish).

If you want to achieve faster results, it is recommended to use the program of performing the complex every other day. Daily training will only lead to physical fatigue - the muscles need a day to recover in order to “consolidate” the results of the exercises performed.


Types of exercises for abdominal training

Different types of exercises are aimed at working specific muscle groups. There are three groups: upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Only a full study of all three groups allows you to achieve the desired result.

Exercises for the upper group:

  • Crunches.

You need to lie with your back on the floor. Place your hands on your chest or behind your head with your elbows apart. The legs should be positioned at right angles, with the feet resting on the floor. The exercise begins by lifting the body at an angle of 45 degrees. The lift must be done slowly to feel the muscle tension. You need to linger a little at the top and bottom points. You can increase the load by holding a certain weight at your chest, which can be a dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell plate or any other weighty object.

  • Deflections.

This element is performed lying on your stomach. Having straightened up, you should try to raise your arms and legs as high as possible. This exercise will strengthen not only the abs, but also the back muscles, which is very important for full development.

  • Leg raises.

You need to lie on your back with your legs straight. Then slowly raise your legs to a perpendicular position to the body, after a short pause you need to lower your legs. Then repeat the original movement.

Exercises for the lower group:

  • Weighted leg raises.

You should lie with your back to the floor with emphasis on your arms, which need to be bent at the elbows. Straightened legs should be raised to 45 degrees with a slight delay at peak height, then pull the knees to the chest and slowly lower.

  • Scissors.

A set of exercises for the upper abs

The remaining exercises are no less effective, as they help strengthen the muscles of the upper abs in combination with standard crunches:

  • Lie on the floor with your right leg bent at the knee - it will be your supporting leg. Raise your pelvis, keeping your left leg parallel to the floor. Perform 15-20 repetitions with each leg.
  • Sit down, place your arms in the east-west direction so that they are supporting, while your legs stand slightly wider than shoulder width. Raise your pelvis to a height parallel to the floor and lower it. This exercise can be performed at a good pace, for example, alternating with smooth crunches, doing 20 repetitions.
  • An effective exercise is backbending. Lie facing the mat with your arms and legs extended. Start by gently lifting your arms and legs at the same time without any excesses. Do not try to raise your arms and legs to the sky, but stretch and stretch and you will feel the tension and, accordingly, the work of the abdominal muscles.

Bench press exercise

  • “Scissors” work extremely effectively on the upper abs: lie on the floor, raise your legs and begin to cross them alternately. An important point: the lower above the floor you perform this exercise, the more effective the work on the upper abs will be.
  • The “bicycle” is a simple exercise that works your upper abs, whether you pedal while lying on the floor or simply alternate between pulling your leg toward you and extending it above the floor.
  • “Bridge” is a childhood exercise that will inevitably help you in the fight for spectacular abs. The bridge can be done by stretching your arms. The main thing is to feel the press and freeze in this position, starting from 30 seconds and above.


  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and place your hands under your hips. Spread your legs as much as possible and return them to their original position - the muscles of the upper abs will “burn”.
  • Vacuum is a great exercise that will easily make your abdominal muscles shake up and throw away excess. Moreover, this exercise can be done lying down, sitting on the couch, working at the computer, or while driving. You simply make sure that you are sitting upright and take a deep breath in with your “belly” with the obligatory feeling that your stomach is about to touch your spine. We did it, held for 30 seconds and exhaled. Do 3-4 approaches.

In addition to the above exercises, you should not neglect the plank, as it has a general strengthening effect on the entire torso as a whole. It’s good to finish a cycle of upper abdominal exercises with a plank, and you can do different variations of it:

  • on the elbows;
  • on outstretched arms;
  • lateral;
  • moving from classic to side.

The main thing to remember is that you need to stay in the plank for at least 30 seconds. You can clearly see the correct technique for performing the plank in the video:

We strongly recommend that you read our next article: how to pump up your lower abs (the correct technique for doing the exercises).

Scheme for pumping up the press for girls

The press pumping scheme is selected individually. Given the wide variety of exercises, it is simply impossible to do them all. Therefore, to create a program, you need to choose one exercise for each group and be sure to do the plank.

To find the optimal exercises, you need to try everything and choose those that most heavily load certain muscle groups and which are the most difficult to perform. This allows you to develop an optimal program for the most effective training.

What to do to get six-pack abs?

By doing home workouts on your abdominal muscles, you can achieve the appearance of six-packs. A special physical complex aimed at developing each area of ​​the abdominal muscles will help.

  • Working on the top. Are you taking i.p. lying down, bend your knees, place your hands behind your head. As you exhale, you rise; as you inhale, you descend. Repeat 25 times, 3 sets.
  • Working on the bottom. Take a horizontal position, arms down along the body. Straighten your legs and lift them off the floor at an angle of 45°. Repeat 15 times, in two sets.
  • Work on the oblique muscles. Lying on your back, clasp your hands behind your head, bend your knees, without pressing against your buttocks. Bring the elbow of your right hand to the knee of your left leg. Constantly press your lower back to the floor. Twisting must be done 25 times, in two approaches. Gradually try to increase the number of repetitions. By doing these exercises for women, you can achieve the formation of six-pack abs.

What muscles are involved in torso twisting?

When performing the exercise, the main load goes to the rectus abdominis muscle. It is located between the chest (from the middle) and the pubic area. It is its elaboration that makes it possible to see the relief of the 6-pack on the abs.

It is also a spinal stabilizer, which helps improve posture. The muscle is brought into action when a person bends forward - when the chest moves closer to the pelvis.

Ab crunch for women. Technique for beginners, video

In addition to this muscle, during twisting the following are worked out:

  • pectoralis major muscle;
  • transverse muscles (located on the abdominals);
  • oblique muscles (internal and external);
  • serratus anterior muscles (located on the chest);
  • back muscles (rhomboid and trapezius);
  • anterior neck muscles.

Twisting on an inclined surface

Women can also perform crunches on an incline bench - this will help diversify the classic workout. With this version of the abdominal swing, the thigh muscles are additionally involved in the work, helping to maintain a stable body position and balance.

Ab crunch for women. Technique for beginners, video
Ab crunches for women on a bench

The table below shows the main types of crunches that can be performed on an incline bench and the technique for performing them.

CrunchesWhat muscles workHow to perform
ClassicThe main load goes to the rectus abdominis muscle; the oblique abdominal muscles are also involved.
  1. You need to sit on the bench, fix your legs under the bolster and lie down on the bench with your whole body. Hands need to be placed behind the head.
  2. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your upper body using your abdominal muscles. At this moment, only the shoulder blades come off the bench, and the lower back remains pressed.
  3. At the top point of the exercise you should linger for 2 seconds. and tighten your abs as much as possible.
  4. Next, you should return to the starting position and repeat the exercise the required number of times.
Twisting with body rotationThe load goes to the internal and external oblique muscles, as well as the serratus muscles.
  1. It is necessary to take the starting position - fix your shins under the cushion, lie down on a bench, place your palms on the back of your head.
  2. As you exhale, you should raise your body (your lower back remains pressed against the bench) and point your left elbow towards your right knee.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the required number of exercises. Similarly, you should perform exercises with a turn in the other direction.

Crunches on an incline bench are contraindicated for people with high blood and intracranial pressure, as well as for frequent migraine attacks.

Double crunches

Double crunches have a big advantage over the above variations of the exercise - they allow you to work your entire abs. Performing crunches involves simultaneously lifting the pelvis and twisting the body.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • You need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knee joint, place your feet on the floor, and put your hands behind your head.
  • The lower back should be pressed to the floor to avoid sagging.

Ab crunch for women. Technique for beginners, video
Double crunches

  • As you exhale, you should simultaneously pull your chest and pelvis towards each other. To avoid pressing your hands on your head, you can hold them near your temples.
  • Next, you need to inhale and return to the starting position, without lowering your shoulders to the floor or relaxing your abdominal muscles.

During exercise, a burning sensation and numbness in the abdominal muscles are an indicator of correct execution. Beginners are recommended to do 10 repetitions, and experienced athletes - 25-30 rubles. To fully work out the abs, 2 hikes will be enough.

Abdominal crunches can not only tighten your abdominal muscles, but also improve the overall health of women. The main thing is to adhere to the specified execution techniques and follow all recommendations.

Russian crunches

Russian crunches allow you to work your oblique abdominal muscles. The rectus muscle in this case helps to hold the body, working statically. If the exercises are done with a weight, you can use muscles such as the deltoid, latissimus, gluteal, and thigh muscles.

The technique for performing Russian twists includes the following steps:

  • You need to lie on the floor and put your feet forward. Beginner athletes can fix their feet, while more experienced people simply need to place them on the floor or hold them suspended to complicate the exercise. In this case, the legs act as a counterweight.
  • Next, you need to lean back 45° and round your back.
  • Your hands should be placed in front of you, your gaze should be directed forward.

Ab crunch for women. Technique for beginners, video
Russian crunches

  • As you exhale, you need to turn your body to one side, fixate for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Next you need to turn in the opposite direction and return to the starting position.
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