Exercises for the pectoral muscles for girls at home

One of the inevitable consequences of the aging process is that our bodies begin to sag. Unfortunately, the first area where we notice this phenomenon is the chest.

Although there is no official cure for aging, there is such a cool thing as sports that slows down its manifestations. In this article we will tell you about the best exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles of a girl, even at home. By doing them, you, of course, will not increase your breast size, but the effect will become noticeable immediately.

Multi-joint exercises.

Bench presses

  • Options: horizontal bench, positive incline bench, negative incline bench.
  • Grip width: wide, regular, narrow.
  • Equipment: barbell, dumbbells, in Smith.

Bench press in Hummer

Push ups

  • Execution options: from the floor, with your feet raised on the bench, hands resting on the bench, on one hand, with a clap.
  • Hand width: wide (wider than shoulder width), normal (shoulder width), narrow.
  • Equipment: bench, hand rests, Swiss ball, BOSU platform, medicine ball for narrow support with two hands, for support with one hand.

Push-ups on wide bars

  • Execution options: with additional weight, with counterweight.


The crossover is very similar to the Butterfly, but unlike it, the first one has a much more complex mechanism. It is very difficult to make the right movements here, so beginners often try together with a coach.

It consists of a cable, you will need to make increased movements with your hands and as smooth as possible. Otherwise, you may place the load on the wrong muscles.

Isolation exercises.

Bringing hands together

  • Execution options: on a horizontal bench, on a bench with a positive incline, on a bench with a negative incline.
  • Equipment: dumbbells, crossover.

Reduction of hands in a standing crossover

  • Execution options: from upper blocks, from lower blocks.


  • Execution options: lying on a bench, lying across the bench.
  • Equipment: dumbbell, EZ barbell, cable trainer.

Reduction of arms in the Pec Deck simulator

Since the chest muscles are a large muscle group in the human body, they need to be worked through various exercises and a large number of hikes.

When creating a training program, choose 2-3 compound exercises and 1-2 isolation exercises to ensure maximum stimulation of muscle growth and strength gains.

Absolutely all exercises for the pectoral muscles involve them completely over their entire area, but still, each of these movements shifts the emphasis of the load to one or another area, depending on the angle of work.

To target the upper chest (sternal head), which is slightly larger than the clavicle and is the most visible part of this muscle in a woman, choose incline exercises.

Select exercises performed on a flat bench target overall chest muscle development, while exercises performed on a negative incline bench target the lower chest area.

As for working out the external and internal parts of the pectoral muscles, based on the rules of elementary biomechanics it follows that it is possible to pump up a separate part of a particular muscle only if this part performs a separate motor function. Therefore, it will not be possible to work these areas in detail; the load will be distributed over the entire plane.

Recommendations for girls on training

In order to carry out training to correct the shape of the pectoral muscles and glands as effectively as possible, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • You cannot start training exercises without warming up. Therefore, before the main exercises, it is worth performing several simple ones, for example, turns or tilts of the head and torso. You can also take about 10-15 minutes. run on an elliptical or treadmill to prepare your body.

  • Complex exercises that require a lot of energy, such as the bench press, should be performed at the beginning of the workout, while you have the strength.
  • When performing the bench press exercise, you must correctly set the height at which the bar will be located. It is advisable to position it so that during capture the arms are bent, forming an angle of 20°. This is necessary so that when you grab it and prepare for the exercise, there are no difficulties in removing it.
  • The bar should be grasped with an overhand grip, and the hands should be kept at such a width that the index finger is located on the inside of the extreme mark. This distance is usually wider than a woman's shoulders.
  • When lifting the barbell, your arms should move slightly diagonally. When the bar is lowered, the bar is located opposite the eyes, and when raised up, it is between the chest and neck.
  • It is better to start each workout with a training set with a lower weight than usual. The number of repetitions is 15 pieces. You need to gradually increase the weight of the forestay with each approach until it reaches the working value.

By following all the rules and recommendations for training aimed at maintaining the tone of the pectoral muscles in the gym, you can not only significantly improve the appearance of your breasts, but also maintain good physical shape and health.

Sets and reps.

Generally speaking, the pectoral muscles of many women respond well to performing 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 working sets of a particular exercise. But this will all vary depending on your training history, current fitness level and goals.

Those women who want to focus their workouts on gaining muscle mass should work in the classic 8-10 rep range for 3-4 sets.

If you want to increase your strength, then a little more weight and training in the range of 6-10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

You can also include one, two or all three rep ranges in your training program for variety. For example, those looking to gain size and strength might alternate between training 8-12 reps one week and 6-10 reps the next.

Principles of using the simulator

The expander is specially designed for home use. The main objective of the device is to increase breast volume by improving shape. Interest in the products is shown by:

  • girls with small breasts by nature;
  • young mothers who have gone through the stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • older ladies who have suffered from age-related and hormonal changes in the body.

The developed set of physical exercises using the EasyCurves simulator will strengthen the pectoral muscles. By stretching and compressing the device holders, the chest tissue overcomes double resistance. Proper physical activity when moving the handles in the right direction causes the muscles to tense. The chest rises. Gets an attractive silhouette

Professional studies of the simulator prove that the muscles are stimulated twice as much. Muscle tone is a consequence of tightening the chest, which quickly becomes toned. While working with the device, a uniform load is distributed on the body. Thanks to this, a woman gets a beautiful and proportional result.

The manufacturer indicates the following results achieved during training with EasyCurves:

  1. The expander will help strengthen the chest muscles to lift the bust.
  2. Muscular tone helps increase the elasticity of the glands.
  3. The bust will increase in volume by a whole size.
  4. Blood circulation will improve. This is a consequence of preventive work against various diseases in this area.

Muscles trained with chest muscles.

The pectoral muscles are a fairly large muscle group, so many athletes dedicate a separate training day to working them.

Another option is to train your chest with your shoulders and triceps. This is a variation of the “Pull/Push” split where all pushing (pressing) movements involve the muscles of the chest, deltoids and triceps muscles.

In addition, the shoulders and triceps act as synergistic muscles in many chest exercises. This split option is suitable for those who want to save time in the gym and at the same time maintain a high workout intensity.

You can also work according to standard patterns - chest/triceps, chest/shoulders.

If you like the idea of ​​devoting a separate day to chest training, but don't have time to do a 5-6 week split, train your chest muscles along with your biceps.

By combining these two biomechanically opposite muscle groups in one day, you can train them with greater intensity than in the chest/triceps or chest/shoulders variant.

The serratus anterior and teres major muscles can also be worked along with the pectoral muscles. They are included in the work in such exercises as: pullovers, dips, pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

In this case, the option of training the chest muscles with the back muscles is not excluded.

A little breast anatomy

It is a combination of muscle and glandular tissue. The pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, and subclavian muscles are the target group that will need to be worked with. The major and minor muscles consist of muscle fibers located in different directions. By working them, you can ensure that the muscles become prominent, and the mammary glands rise and become more elastic. more about the theoretical side of a breast lift here.

In addition to exercise, there are 15 more proven methods for making your breasts firmer.

The anatomical structure is clearly visible in this atlas:

Among the main reasons for sagging busts are the following:

  • Genetic factors.
  • Age.
  • Childbirth and improper breastfeeding.
  • Wrong weight loss.

Frequency, duration and intensity of training.

Again, since the chest is a large muscle group, the best option is to train it with small groups or on a separate training day.

It's definitely not a good idea to combine chest and leg training on the same day if you want to work these two large muscle masses at high intensity and volume. You simply don’t have enough strength and energy for a full training session.

In terms of duration, training the pectoral muscles, if they are worked on one day, takes on average 30-45 minutes, if paired with other muscle groups - 45-60 minutes.

It's fairly easy to maintain intensity during a workout. The chest muscles are easily fatigued by using various methods of shocking the muscles - complex sets, drop sets, rest pauses, partial repetitions, negative repetitions.

Be sure to train with absolute failure on the last two sets, and the first two sets should be heavy enough to keep the training intensity high.

Advantages of the EasyCurves simulator

Doctors and people agree. After all, the EasyCurves expander is endowed with a significant number of advantages. Many of them boil down to the following:

  1. The device is lightweight and compact.
  2. Reliable in operation.
  3. The expander does not require any maintenance.
  4. Attracts with its elaborate design.
  5. Proves high productivity.
  6. Lifts the chest muscles, visibly strengthening them.
  7. Corrects the shape of the bust.
  8. The device adds volume to the breasts without surgery.
  9. The workouts take 5 minutes a day.

Gaining muscle mass.

The chest is the most difficult muscle in a woman's body as you are most strong in the lower part of the body, so you have to work hard to create size and increase the strength of the pectoral muscles.

This can be done by training at high intensity, shocking the muscles with various exercises, and using fairly heavy weights week after week.

Be sure to include bench presses with a barbell or dumbbells in your program. This exercise, like no other, is aimed at increasing muscle mass in the pectoral muscles.

Just make sure you perform it with proper form and have the help of a training partner if you decide to do a couple of forced reps.

Tips and tricks from professionals

All professionals agree that you cannot increase breast size through physical exercise, but you can improve its contours and tone.

Lena Miro, a famous blogger who covers, among other things, issues of body beauty

“...girls can and should pump up their pectoral muscles. I don't see any threat to female beauty in this. The breasts of professional bodybuilders are reduced due to general weight loss, and not due to physical exercise.”

Ilya Timko, fitness trainer, author and founder of the website tvoytrener.com

The creator of the popular site believes that women should not be afraid that their bust may become smaller due to training on the sternum muscles. Diet is more likely to change the volume of this part of the body than training.

Yaroslav Brin, famous blogger, trainer and bodybuilder

Yaroslav says that it is impossible to radically change your breasts through training. It is a fact. But it is quite possible to slow down sagging, improve tone and elasticity, and also form a posture in which the bust will look more advantageous.

Variety of exercises.

There are a few basic basic exercises that target the chest muscles, and there are tons of variations on these basics, so you should never get bored in your workouts or have your routine become "stale."

By changing bench angles, grip widths, or the type of equipment you use, you can customize your workout in new ways to keep your program fun, intense, and effective.

Varying your exercises will not only add variety to your gym routine and prevent plateaus; this is important for the full development of the pectoral muscles.

If you only stick to incline presses, your lower chest area will remain underdeveloped, which can cause an overall size imbalance.

Add variety to your program by choosing incline, horizontal, and negative presses every 2-3 workouts. Perform them in different orders to fully highlight the target chest area in each session.

Customer Reviews

Veronica, 24 years old I realized that I want to enlarge my breasts. Expensive surgeries are beyond our means. I saw information about the EasyCurves simulator on the Internet. I became interested in the invention. I read the reviews. I called a company representative. I decided to buy sports equipment. The goods will arrive in the mail in 2 weeks. From the first day I started working on my chest muscles. I studied hard. 3 weeks of training have passed. Let me state a fact: old bras have become too small. The breasts have grown.

Sofia, 32 years old, gave birth to a baby. Breastfed the child. As a result, the mammary glands lost their attractiveness. The EasyCurves simulator helped to rehabilitate the body. Every day, according to the instructions, I conducted classes. At the end of the first week, I switched the regulator to the third position. I began to feel strength in my hands. The contours of the chest began to round out. After 4 weeks of training, my chest is toned again.

Milana, 29 years old The reflection in the mirror was disgusting. The face is young, and the chest is like an old maid. A friend recommended reading an article about the EasyCurves simulator. I wanted to apply the developed exercise technique on myself. I bought EasyCurves through the website. The chest rises! Maintains position as in youth.

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If there is no development of the chest muscles, this will be clearly visible, especially with a small breast size.

If any area of ​​the pectoral muscles is “lagging behind”, adjust the training according to this error.

With proper development, you get the same one. This can be helped by raising your arms with dumbbells on a bench at different angles and peak muscle contraction at the top of the range of motion.

Main conclusions

You can effectively work out the muscles of the sternum both in the gym and at home. The main thing you should pay attention to is the execution technique:

  1. Exercise will not turn a size 3 breast into a size 5.
  2. Beginners should start with simpler complexes, gradually adding complex elements.
  3. To achieve the best effect, training should go hand in hand with nutrition, massage, contrast shower and cosmetic procedures.
  4. Correct technique is more important than the number of repetitions and the number of sets.

Exercising will not increase the size of your breasts, but it will help give them a beautiful shape.


To minimize the stress on your back and shoulders when performing bench presses, follow a few rules: the bar or dumbbells should not move in your hands, make sure to maintain a natural arch in the lower back, the bar is lowered to the top of your chest (incline press), the shoulder blades are brought together, the legs are firmly fixed with the heels on the floor, at the lowest point of the amplitude of movement the forearms should be vertical.

Exercises such as dumbbell flyes, crossovers, and Pec Deck exercises provide complete isolation work for the pectoral muscles, regardless of the angle of inclination. While performing these exercises, always maintain a slight bend in your elbow joint.

To maximize peak contraction, stop the movement in the positive phase of the repetition and tense your muscles hard for 1-2 seconds while the dumbbells or cable handles are 7-10cm apart.

Home program for girls

We offer a training plan based on the exercises discussed above.

  1. Warm-up part: cardio (7-10 minutes) + warming up the arm joints (swings, shoulder rotations).
  2. Push-ups (3-4/12-15).
  3. Reduction of hands with an expander (3-4/12-15).
  4. Incline push-ups (3-4/12-15).
  5. Dumbbell bench press (3-4/12-15).
  6. Pullover (3-4/12-15).

After your workout, stretch your pectoral muscles. This will help you recover faster. Example of a stretching exercise:

  1. stand in the doorway;
  2. place your palms on the doorposts at chest height;
  3. perform smooth forward bends with a delay at the bottom point for 2-3 seconds.


If your pectoral muscles are lagging behind in development relative to the rest of your body, you can apply the principle of priority to your training program by starting your training week by working these muscles.

Also try to train your chest once a week only with presses (barbell, dumbbells) at different bench angles (positive, negative, horizontal) and no isolation exercises.

Another way to prioritize development is to train your chest by doing a heavy workout one week, followed by an intense workout that includes isolation movements the second week.

Strength exercises build strength and mass, while isolation exercises help build muscle.

The main exercise for building the pectoral muscles is the bench press. If you don't include it in your program, it could be the cause of underdeveloped pectoral muscles!

By all means include presses in your routine, but make sure you are using proper form to perform the movement.

Where to buy a chest trainer

Attempts to find the EasyCurves expander in the local pharmacy chain in the city will not be successful. The production company protected the product from inflated prices and counterfeits. Original products are sold through the website of the production company. Online applications from buyers are accepted around the clock. The client informs the company of his desire to purchase the product. Leaves your phone number and name on the order page. After some time, the operator calls back for free. During the conversation, any questions will be clarified. The seller will inquire about the customer's postal coordinates. The parcel will be sent to the specified address. The full purchase price is paid at the time of direct receipt of the parcel at the post office. No prepayments are required.

Order with a discount

Train hard enough.

Despite the fact that women are weaker in the upper part of their body relative to the lower part, many, through hard work, have been able to build powerful and strong pectoral muscles.

The chest responds well to heavy weights with low reps in the 6-8 range.

Constantly try to increase the weight of the apparatus in the bench press, even if it is by a couple of kilograms. This, of course, will not happen in every workout or even every workout, but it is necessary to increase the weight! The fact is that muscles adapt even to heavy work and, if you do not stimulate them with heavier weights, you will not see progress.

Incorporate workouts 1 and 2 into your split, performing workout 1 in the first week of the microcycle, workout 2 in the second week.

If you want to train your chest and biceps in one session, choose two multi-joint exercises for the pectoral muscles (barbell presses, dumbbells at different bench angles) and one isolation exercise (breast curls with dumbbells on a flat or incline bench). To complete this workout, perform two biceps exercises.

The ideal split for those who want to increase strength and muscle size is to train the chest, shoulders and triceps in one session.

To implement it, perform one multi-joint and one isolating exercise for the chest and shoulder muscles. Then do 1-2 triceps exercises to complete the workout.

Workout No. 1 (Week – 1)

Warm up: 5-10 minutes of moderate cardio and full body dynamic stretching.

1. Bench press on a horizontal bench

  • Set #1: 10 reps.
  • Set #2: 8 reps.
  • Set #3: 6 reps.
  • Set #4: 6 reps.
  • Lift #5: 4 reps.

2. Dumbbell bench press with a positive incline

  • Set #1: 8 reps.
  • Set #2: 6 reps.
  • Set #3: 6 reps.
  • Set #4: 4 reps.

3. Dumbbell curls lying on a horizontal bench

  • Set #1: 12 reps.
  • Set #2: 10 reps.
  • Set #3: 8 reps.
  • Set #4: 6 reps.

Workout No. 2 (Week – 2)

Warm up: 5-10 minutes of moderate cardio and full body dynamic stretching.

1. Dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench

  • Set #1: 12 reps.
  • Set #2: 10 reps.
  • Set #3: 8 reps.
  • Set #4: 6 reps.

2. Dumbbell curls lying on a bench with a positive incline

  • Set #1: 12 reps.
  • Set #2: 10 reps.
  • Set #3: 8 reps.
  • Set #4: 6 reps.

3. Bringing hands together in a crossover from the upper blocks

  • Set #1: 12 reps.
  • Set #2: 10 reps.
  • Set #3: 8 reps.
  • Set #4: 6 reps.

Training is carried out according to the principle of a straight pyramid, the weight increases with each approach, and the number of repetitions decreases. The last two sets should be performed to failure.

Rest between sets is 1-1.5 minutes, between exercises 2-3 minutes.


How to pump up a girl’s breasts: what’s important to know

Lack of training or insufficient exercise of the upper body leads to the fact that women's breasts lose their firmness and elasticity. To prevent sagging breasts, fitness experts recommend that girls regularly perform strength exercises. In this case, it is necessary to work not only on the pectoral muscles, but also pay attention to the back muscles and core muscles.

It should be clarified that chest strength exercises will not increase the volume of the upper body and will not make the chest noticeably wider. The purpose of the exercises is to restore the firmness and elasticity of the muscle fibers, and also to ensure that the breasts do not visually look flabby and sagging.

Features of female breast training

An important physiological feature is that the female breast consists of fat and mammary glands. There are no muscles in the chest, so it is impossible to “pump up” a girl’s breasts with the help of exercises. The pectoral muscles are located under the mammary glands - they separate them from the ribs. In this regard, breast volume depends on the volume of fatty tissue and mammary gland tissue, and not on the volume of muscle tissue. This is why it is impossible to increase breast size and change its shape through training. The pectoral muscles in girls have virtually no effect on the shape and size of the breasts.

As you can see in the image, a significant portion of the breast is fat. Accordingly, the higher the percentage of body fat, the larger your breasts. When you start to lose weight, fat melts throughout the entire body (local weight loss is impossible), so it disappears not only in problem areas (abdomen, arms and legs), but also in the chest area. Therefore, workouts that promote weight loss will only speed up the process of breast reduction. The algorithm is like this:

  • As your body fat increases, your breasts will grow.
  • When you reduce the amount of fat in your body, your breasts will shrink.

It is impossible to change this process! No amount of training, ointments, wraps or other magic remedies can force your body to retain fat in your breasts while losing weight. Of course, there are cases when even excess weight does not contribute to breast growth. Or vice versa, the girl loses weight, but her breast volume remains the same. This is influenced by the ratio of glandular and adipose tissue, which depends on individual genetic characteristics.

Why do you need chest exercises?

Then why do girls need chest exercises at all, you ask? Even though breast exercises will not help girls increase breast size, they are still necessary. It is the pectoral muscles that are responsible for the degree of sagging or lifting of the breasts. More developed pectoral muscles create an excellent frame, which will help lift the breasts, visually improve the shape of the mammary glands, and slow down breast sagging and the appearance of sagging. Therefore, it is possible to pump up your breasts at home, if by this you mean the pectoral muscles, and not the female breasts themselves

As a result, we emphasize once again that with the help of training it is impossible to increase the size and fundamentally change the shape of a woman’s breasts, but you can improve its appearance and protect it from early flabbiness and sagging. Therefore, if you care about the beauty of your bust, then chest exercises must be regular. But even regardless of training, the shape and size of breasts varies greatly among different girls. What does this depend on?

What affects breast size and shape?

  1. Body fat percentage. The higher the percentage of body fat, the larger the breasts. Of course, there are exceptional cases, but more often than not, it is the total amount of fat in the body that affects breast size. Therefore, when you lose weight and, accordingly, when the percentage of fat in the body decreases, the breasts “go away”.
  2. Heredity and anatomical features . This is the most important factor influencing the size and shape of the breast. It is almost impossible to seriously change with exercise what is given to us by nature.
  3. Pregnancy . Changes in hormonal levels and preparation of the body for lactation affect the enlargement of the mammary glands and, accordingly, the size of the breasts. Therefore, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman’s bust is usually especially attractive.
  4. Age . As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and the connective tissue that supports the breasts loses its strength. These factors affect the shape of the breast and its sagging. This process usually begins after 40 years.
  5. Plastic surgery . Implantation of implants will significantly change your bust and help you create the desired breast shape. However, surgical breast enhancement is not suitable for everyone.

How to reduce your waist and trim your sides

Main conclusions

Let's once again note the main aspects of how to pump up a girl's breasts at home:

  • Women's breasts are mostly made up of fat, so when you lose weight, they almost always shrink.
  • The body loses weight as a whole, and not locally, so it is impossible to lose weight in certain places (hips, abdomen) without affecting the chest.
  • The shape and size of the breast is largely determined by genetic factors, which are very difficult to seriously influence without surgical intervention.
  • Exercises for the pectoral muscles will not help you enlarge your breasts or significantly change their shape.
  • But exercises for the pectoral muscles will help lift the breasts, slow down the sagging of the breasts and the appearance of sagging.
  • Breast firmness also depends on age, elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • You can pump up your breasts at home, if by this you mean the pectoral muscles.

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