The best exercises to enlarge the buttocks with a description of the technique

Build up your pectoral muscles in 2 weeks at home

There are several muscle groups that, when sufficiently developed, make a man stand out on the beach and make him more impressive and attractive in everyday life.
Today we will look at how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home without additional equipment or with a minimum of simple sports equipment


If you want your pectoral muscles to grow, then you need to provide them with enough stress to make them want to grow.

Since the beginning of bodybuilding, this stress has been measured in the number of repetitions in exercises and amounted to 6-10 repetitions in a working approach, it is this regime that allows you to effectively increase volume

Here the mathematics is simple, to ensure the growth of the pectoral muscles you need to select those exercises in which you can perform 6-10 repetitions in one working approach at maximum intensity, when the last repetition is at the limit

Such exercises include:

Dumbbell bench press;

Weighted parallel bars push-ups;

Lying dumbbell flyes;

You may ask, where are the push-ups? But there are no push-ups here, because try to create the load described above with push-ups from the floor

Of course, you can get more sophisticated and put various weights on your back in the form of water bottles, pancakes or a backpack with books. But the exhaust from this will not be the same as from working with heavy dumbbells or doing push-ups on uneven bars with weight

For all other options, that is, when there is no sports equipment at all, there is only one thing left - to do push-ups from the floor

If you want to pump up with push-ups, go to the Internet for a super technique; if you want to grow your pecs, buy heavy dumbbells


Chest exercises for home training can be divided into two types:

Basic with weights

– bench press and dumbbell flyes, weighted dips;

Shaping with own weight

– various types of push-ups;

Let's look at the main types of exercises, execution techniques and the main nuances of training.


Working rep range 10-12, rest 2-3 minutes between sets


Sit on a bench or two stools standing next to each other, lift the dumbbells from the floor one by one and rest them on your knees;


Take a lying position with dumbbells resting on your chest;


With a sharp movement, press the dumbbells upward as you exhale;


As you inhale, gently lower the dumbbells down to a 90 degree angle at your elbows.


It is worth performing flyovers for 10-12 repetitions per set, with 1-2 minutes of complete rest between sets.


Sit on a bench or two stools nearby, place dumbbells on your knees;


At the same time, pressing the dumbbells to your chest, lower yourself to a lying position;


Squeeze the dumbbells up and gently, while inhaling, move them downwards to the sides, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows


Lower until your hands are level with your shoulders;


As you exhale, bring your arms up, but do not touch the dumbbells at the top point so as not to relieve tension from the pectoral muscles;


For beginners, it is worth increasing the number of repetitions to 20 in one approach and doing 5 such approaches per workout, which is carried out 2 times a week. Rest between sets 1-2 minutes


Place your feet on a raised platform, this could be a cabinet, chair, table, etc. You should not make the angle too large, since when it increases, the load shifts from the top of the chest to the front deltoids. Place your hands firmly on the floor, arms spread wide;


As you exhale, lower yourself down until your chin touches the floor, while inhaling, return to the starting position;


Nutritional Features

Your diet needs to be reworked so that it contains enough protein to build muscle mass. Even if we do not want a strong increase in muscle mass, protein is necessary.

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During training, muscles tear, after which the torn areas are overgrown with new fibers. In order for these fibers to appear, you need protein, a building material for muscles.

If you have never been actively involved in sports or your job does not include regular physical activity, you need it.

Now you understand more about how to tighten your buttocks at home, because you are beginning to realize the importance of nutrition. However, it’s not just muscle growth that decides everything – nutrition must be comprehensive.

To do this, we need to limit ourselves not only in junk food, but also in high-calorie foods. To do this, we begin to count calories, not only those that we eat, but also those that we spend.

A calorie counter like MyFitnessPal is good for this.

In addition to carbohydrates, we need fiber, which helps get rid of fat and slow down the digestion process. Most of it is found in whole grain food products - mainly various cereals. Fiber is also found in various fruits, so you will have the opportunity to make a varied diet.

Beautiful buttocks in 2 weeks: 4 simple exercises for home

Beautiful buttocks are the result of long and hard work. Of course, there are girls who are genetically predisposed to round shapes, and there are those whose back smoothly goes straight into their legs. It is for such “lucky” people that in modern fitness there are many exhausting programs that bring visible results with regular exercise. But not all of us have the time and money to visit a fitness club, right? Fortunately, many exercises for training the muscles of the buttocks can be performed at home and without the use of special exercise machines or complex equipment. Today we will look at 4 effective exercises for the laziest

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