The training program on the course is a high-volume and super-intensive scheme, nutritional recommendations and pct

The training program on the course is subject to all the same laws that all other training programs are subject to, and the differences are not qualitative, but quantitative. The training program on the course can be either voluminous or intensive. Accordingly, if you choose an intensive program, then you need to push the muscles further beyond “failure” than you did without using AAS, but if you prefer volume training, then you need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches. You should immediately make a reservation and say that using AAS makes sense only if you have already learned how to build muscles without using them, but if you are a beginner, if you do not understand how to build a diet, do not know the theoretical foundations of bodybuilding, then you should use AAS early. And in general, keep in mind that steroids have side effects , so you should not use them without a doctor’s advice!

Athlete with coach

The training program for the course also greatly depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, as well as on the “course” itself. It is clear that if this is your first course of steroids, then , firstly, it is short, and, secondly, unpredictable, since you do not yet know how your body will react. It’s a completely different matter if you are already an experienced jock, in which case you can plan your result. This is why we recommend that beginning “chemists” use a high-volume training regimen, since steroids will allow you to gain muscle mass and increase strength, but your ligaments may not be able to keep up with this progress. As a result, very often reckless athletes get injured, tear muscles and ligaments, and this can be avoided.

It is precisely because of the improvement in the adaptive reserve and accelerated progress on the “course” that we recommend that all athletes, before undergoing a high-intensity training program using AAS, devote several months to training the ligaments. It is also important to note that the training program on the course requires an even more thorough warm-up, all for the same reasons, and in addition to the warm-up, you should definitely do a cool-down and stretching. As for recovery, it should also be enhanced, firstly, you need to sleep more, preferably 9-10 hours at night and 1-2 hours during the day. Worry less, work less, in general, your lifestyle should be built around training as much as possible. It’s clear that not everyone can afford it, but, firstly, amateurs don’t understand why they should use AAS, and, secondly, they can take the “course” while on vacation.

Nutrition while on steroids

We repeat once again that the training program on the course is intended for experienced athletes, so in this article we, in principle, do not consider any basics, since if an athlete uses AAS, then he should already know all this and have the appropriate training experience. On the other hand, we have already sufficiently covered the rules and features of the diet of bodybuilders, while also touching on non-trivial topics that may be useful for experienced athletes, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following materials: diet for gaining weight and features of nutrition for weight. As for nutrition during a course of steroids, it should be enhanced, both in calorie content and in the volume of minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Kai Greene on course

Nutrition on a steroid cycle is generally well covered in bodybuilding magazines, which recommend 2.5-3g of protein per kilogram of body weight, 6-8g of carbohydrates and, accordingly, 1-1.5g of fat. It should be noted that carbohydrates should be long, for example, rice, buckwheat, potatoes, pearl barley, etc. Fats must be present, both saturated and unsaturated, respectively, saturated animal “bad” fats in the “chemist’s” diet should be 20-30%, and the rest should be “good” unsaturated fats. Since there are quite a few “good” fats in food in the current environmental conditions, during a course of steroids the athlete is required to drink fish oil or OMEGA-3.

From sports nutrition during a steroid cycle, an athlete can consume creatine, gainer, protein, L-carnitine and hydrolyzed collagen. Gainer and protein, of course, are optional, simply making it easier for the athlete to saturate the body with the necessary micro and macro elements. If an athlete gets all his calories from solid foods, then he definitely needs to take some medications that make the stomach easier, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, you need to take vitamins and definitely hydrolyzed collagen, and it is also advisable to eat jelly. Creatine simply increases the effectiveness of the cycle, and L-carnitine prevents heart disease; it can be replaced with coenzyme Q10.

Attention: before using AAS, get tested and familiarize yourself with PCT .

Arnold Schwarzenegger gives an autograph

How to maintain muscles after the course

Training at pkt

Hello to all lovers of chemistry lessons. This article is just for you, because... in it I’ll tell you how to maintain muscle mass after a course of steroids. Since most approach this issue illiterately, they are overtaken by a rebound after a course of steroids, and with the rebound, their long-awaited muscles fly away. It turns out that you have spent money and health, but the results are minimal. How can we avoid this?

Why is there a pullback?

While taking pharmacology, your hormonal levels greatly increase, which in turn allows you to recover faster after training, glycogen is synthesized faster and more, protein synthesis increases, and in general the process of homeostasis (equilibrium) shifts in favor of anabolism (growth). But after you stop taking doping, all the bonuses you received disappear, and your body not only returns to its previous state, but goes into the red. While taking doping, some organs rested, and the body stopped producing its hormones, because. there was no need for them, because we received excess hormones artificially from drugs. And what is the end result? After stopping the use of steroids, artificial testosterone no longer enters the body, and our natural one has not yet begun to be produced, so we get a rebound after a course of steroids.

2 main reasons for rollback:

1. Reduced amount of anabolic hormones (testosterone).

2. Increased amount of catabolic hormones (cortisol).

All the reasons for muscle loss lie in these two factors. If you continue to train the same way as you did during the course, then you can not only lose what you gained, but also go into a greater disadvantage, burn the muscles that were with you before the course. During rest after pharmacology, there is no talk of increasing strength or mass, because... this is impossible, the main task is to save as much as possible what you have collected, and for this you need 2 things:

1. Try to start recovery as quickly as possible after a course of steroids (restore your hormones).

You can read about this in the article “PCT after the course.”

2.Reduce catabolism caused by external stress (training).

Training after a course of steroids

As you can see, after the course we have a reduced level of recovery and an increased level of destruction. It’s already difficult for the body to be in a negative balance, but we also overload it during training, increasing cortisol, so training needs to be changed. It is very important to reduce the number of workouts per week and the volume of training itself (reduce the number of approaches). Many are accustomed to doping with a quick recovery to work 5 times a week, or even more, and try to digest this volume of load after the course, because. the body physically cannot cope with this, then you lose muscle mass, and even worse, you experience overtraining and injuries.

How should you change your workouts during post-cycle therapy?

After you finish taking doping, take a week's break from the gym and only then start this regimen.

1.Reduce the number of workouts per week to 2 maximum 3

It is necessary to train hard in a strength style (6-8 repetitions), this way we will preserve more muscle, but the training should not be long.

2.Do only basic exercises
3.Training time should not exceed 40 minutes

The longer we exercise, the more stress hormones are produced.

4.Each muscle group is worked no more than once a week
5. We reduce the number of exercises for each MG and the number of working approaches to 2

These are all general rules, and now I would like to share my observations and training at the pct.

The thing that has helped me the most in maintaining muscle mass and strength is periodization of training. The first week I trained as written above, and the second week I reduced the working weight by 50% and did a very light workout purely for tone. Try it, it really works, there are fewer stress hormones, there is no risk of injury, and you won’t fall into overtraining.

There is no need to worry too much about the weight lost during post-cycle therapy, because all this was expected. It is impossible to be in perfect shape all the time. Let you lose some amount of meat and strength, but let your body recover and rest calmly, and if you do everything correctly, then in the next course you will have supercompensation and you will progress even more. The body also wears out, not only through training, but also through constant consumption of large amounts of food. Don't worry, relax and enjoy the off-season.

Source: xn--80akhbn8afi6b1c.xn--p1ai

Volumetric training program on the course

Monday – Legs Barbell Squats – 6 sets of 10 reps Leg Press – 4 sets of 15 reps Romanian Deadlifts – 5 sets of 8 reps Superset: Front Squats – 4 sets of 15 reps Leg Curls – 4 sets of 20 reps Superset: Donkey Exercise – 4 sets of 15 reps Calf press – 4 sets of 15 reps

Tuesday – chest and anterior deltoids Bench press – 6 sets of 10 reps Incline press – 6 sets of 10 reps Dips – 4 sets of 8 reps Superset: Arnold press – 5 sets of 15 reps Dumbbell front raises – 5 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday – back and rear delta Bent-over barbell rows – 6 sets of 10 reps T-bar rows – 6 sets of 10 reps Lower block rows – 6 sets of 12 reps Superset: Bent barbell rows – 5 sets of 10 reps Seated dumbbell swings – 5 sets of 15 reps

Training scheme

Table of contents

I.Workout 1: Chest + Delts

II.Workout 2: Biceps + Triceps

III.Workout 3: Back

IV.Workout 4: Legs

V.How to use this program correctly.

The training scheme I presented does not claim to be the best, but this is the scheme according to which I based my first workouts, and it was this scheme that allowed me to progress by +1 kg per month. The scheme is well suited for beginners who are trying to get everything at once. After the training plan itself, I will describe some points that need to be taken into account in the training process.

I. Workout 1: Chest + Delts

Hose press lying on a horizontal bench

  • *Warm-up approach with a 20 kg bar for 20 reps;
  • first set: 70 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 80 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 90 kg x 10 reps;

Incline dumbbell press at 30 degrees

  • first set: 20 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 22.5 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 25 kg x 12 reps;

Dumbbell flyes on an incline bench at 30 degrees

  • first set: 12 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 14 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 16 kg x 12 reps;

The seated dumbbell press on a 90-degree bench can be replaced with an overhead barbell press using a Smith machine*

  • first set: 14 kg (*30 kg) x 6 reps;
  • second set: 16 kg (*35 kg) x 8 reps;
  • third set: 18 kg (*40 kg) x 10 repetitions;

Barbell rows to the chin in a Smith machine or with a free barbell

  • first set: 25 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 30 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 35 kg x 10 reps;

Lateral dumbbell raises

  • first set: 8 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 10 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 12 kg x 12 reps;


  • Perform 3 sets each, start with crunches on a horizontal bench for 10 repetitions and immediately move on to leg raises in a machine or on a wall bars for 10 repetitions. This scheme allows you to use the upper and lower parts of the press simultaneously.

Testosterone propionate instructions

The drug is used mainly in 2 ways:

  • force;
  • mass and strength.

The table below specifically outlines dosages to achieve both goals:

If you carefully study the first dosage regimen to improve strength performance, then injections should be done after 2 days on the third. This will allow you to get rid of water, which, although slightly, is capable of retaining this drug, which will help maintain the strength result. It is scheme No. 1 that is best suited for powerlifting.

The second regimen will allow you to improve not only strength indicators, but also advance in gaining muscle mass. This occurs due to the more frequent use of injections and, as a result, maintaining a high percentage of testosterone in the blood. Therefore, scheme No. 2 is more suitable for bodybuilding.

There is another method using a course of testosterone propinate, which is used before competitions. It is necessary to inject 300 mg 1-2 hours before the start of the competition. drug, which will cause a sharp improvement in strength and self-confidence.

There have been cases when doping control was deceived in this way, although this is a risky way to achieve high awards, but it has the right to life.

Testosterone propionate: dosage and regimen

The BOMB BODY website does not encourage the use of steroid drugs and does not encourage their use. The goal is to convey maximum real information to those who have decided to take this DANGEROUS step, so that the harm to health is minimal! How to take testosterone propionate. Course and instructions for use. Side effects and post-course therapy. What results are saved?

Workout 1: Chest + Delts

Hose press lying on a horizontal bench

  • *Warm-up approach with a 20 kg bar for 20 reps;
  • first set: 95 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 85 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 80 kg x 10 reps;

Incline dumbbell press at 30 degrees

  • first set: 27.5 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 25 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 22.5 kg x 12 reps;

Dumbbell flyes on an incline bench at 30 degrees

  • first set: 18 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 16 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 14 kg x 12 reps;

The seated dumbbell press on a 90-degree bench can be replaced with an overhead barbell press using a Smith machine*

  • first set: 20 kg (*45 kg) x 6 reps;
  • second set: 18 kg (*40 kg) x 8 reps;
  • third set: 16 kg (*35 kg) x 10 repetitions;

Barbell rows to the chin in a Smith machine or with a free barbell

  • first set: 40 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 35 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 30 kg x 10 reps;

Lateral dumbbell raises

  • first set: 14 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 12kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 10 kg x 12 reps;


  • Perform 3 sets each, start with crunches on a horizontal bench for 10 repetitions and immediately move on to leg raises in a machine or on a wall bars for 10 repetitions. This scheme allows you to use the upper and lower parts of the press simultaneously.

As you can see, the exercises remain the same, but the concept of the training process has changed a lot. I wrote an example only for the first workout, I think that using the same principle, everyone can write out the remaining 3 workouts for themselves. According to this scheme, you will train for 2 cycles, which will take you 16 days, then we return to the original training scheme, but with new weights.

Workout 1: Chest + Delts

Hose press lying on a horizontal bench

  • *Warm-up approach with a 20 kg bar for 20 reps;
  • first set: 75 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 85 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 95 kg x 10 reps;

Incline dumbbell press at 30 degrees

  • first set: 22.5 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 25 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 27.5 kg x 12 reps;

Dumbbell flyes on an incline bench at 30 degrees

  • first set: 14 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 16 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 18 kg x 12 reps;

The seated dumbbell press on a 90-degree bench can be replaced with an overhead barbell press using a Smith machine*

  • first set: 16 kg (*35 kg) x 6 reps;
  • second set: 18 kg (*40 kg) x 8 reps;
  • third set: 20 kg (*45 kg) x 10 repetitions;

Barbell rows to the chin in a Smith machine or with a free barbell

  • first set: 30 kg x 6 reps;
  • second set: 35 kg x 8 reps;
  • third set: 40 kg x 10 reps;

Lateral dumbbell raises

  • first set: 10 kg x 8 reps;
  • second set: 12 kg x 10 reps;
  • third set: 14 kg x 12 reps;


  • Perform 3 sets each, start with crunches on a horizontal bench for 10 repetitions and immediately move on to leg raises in a machine or on a wall bars for 10 repetitions. This scheme allows you to use the upper and lower parts of the press simultaneously.

With new weights, we try to perform the required number of repetitions through strength! Such manipulations with weights and the number of repetitions will allow you to progress well even without steroids, and with the use of medications this process will be 2 times faster. I hope the diagram will be useful and I will be glad if you write me a thank you note if you like this scheme.

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