30 day training program for girls at home

The need for warm-up and stretching

The term "warm-up" describes a series of light, low-level movements and activities such as walking and jogging in place. The main goal of warming up before training is to gradually prepare the body for performing the selected exercises.

Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles
Warm-up exercises can be different, but be sure to warm up all muscle groups.

Stretching is performed to increase joint mobility and flexibility. If you constantly perform muscle stretching exercises, you can improve their elasticity and tone them.

Doing a warm-up before working out at the gym for girls is important in many ways. A good exercise program allows you to gradually increase your heart rate, speed up blood circulation in your muscles, tendons and ligaments, and prepare you mentally for the workout.

Let's start with nutrition rules

Nutrition aimed at losing weight is especially important for girls. First of all, for historical reasons, due to which attractive appearance is much more important for women than for men. As a result, most of the female half of humanity diligently attends workouts in the gym, exhausts themselves with diets and invents many other known and unknown methods, the goal of which is a fit and slender figure.

At the same time, absolute ignorance in nutrition often turns the process of losing weight into torture - ending in stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headaches and even hysterics. Meanwhile, the weight loss program (in terms of nutrition) is quite simple, and does not at all involve the use of strict diets that are extremely dangerous for the body. There are only three main principles:

  • reducing the number of daily calories consumed by an average of 15-20% from the usual diet;
  • saturated fats and “fast” carbohydrates are sacrificed approximately half to protein foods;
  • Refined products are generally excluded from the list of the daily menu, replacing them with the most healthy natural ones.

As can be seen from the above points, a normal healthy diet is not going to extremes. The amount of fats and carbohydrates should be reduced, but not eliminated completely. In other words, food must be healthy, balanced and moderate – but at the same time tasty and varied. And then the excess kilograms will go away naturally, without being accompanied by nervous breakdowns and ailments.

The first sign that the transition to proper nutrition (complementing the weight loss training program for girls) is bearing fruit will be the gradual disappearance of the fat layer, which will be replaced by muscles barely visible under the skin. The muscles themselves will decrease somewhat in volume, but will acquire elasticity and smoothness instead of lethargy and flabbiness.

Next, you will need to strictly follow the norm, for which the percentage of fat in food should reach a level of approximately 12-14% (for girls, this is a standard indicator that guarantees sufficient envelopment of internal organs with fat cells and is necessary to avoid disruptions in the reproductive system).

IMPORTANT! As a result, the daily menu should contain (with a 20% calorie deficit) a maximum of protein foods, a minimum of carbohydrates, a certain amount of fat, represented mainly by unsaturated fatty acids, and the entire necessary range of microelements and vitamins.

Having decided on the rules of nutrition, let's move on to issues of physical activity - mainly focusing on conducting classes in the gym.

How to distribute the load across all muscle groups

Advanced athletes know that you cannot train all muscle groups every workout, because the muscles need time to recover, and for this you need to create a training program so that the muscles have time to rest. Such forms of training give positive results.

With a separate training option, one muscle group is trained once a week. In one workout you can effectively load 2 or even 3 muscle groups. But after such a load, they need to rest for several days.

The full body workout is ideal for beginners. The full body workout mode trains all the major muscles of the chest, back, arms, hamstrings and abs. The complex includes exercises that involve several muscle groups at once, and the load is distributed evenly.

Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles
The plank is one of the best exercises that involves almost all muscle groups.

Ways to dose loads on all muscle groups:

  • decreasing or increasing the number of plays;
  • amplitude modification;
  • decreasing or increasing speed, tempo;
  • increasing or decreasing the distance of movement;
  • application of additional weight load;
  • simplification or burdening of the initial and final provisions;
  • changing the mode of muscle function;
  • modification of the respiratory rhythm. When performing exercises, breathing should be rhythmic, without delays.

Compound exercises use a lot of energy and burn more calories, but they also overwork the muscles.

Strength training wisely

The only time I recommend doing straight sets (meaning you complete all the prescribed sets and reps for one exercise before moving on to the next) is on lower body days.

After a heavy squat or deadlift, you won't want to do anything but rest (or maybe do calf raises). In the case of full body workouts or upper/lower body sleeps, you can combine or group exercises together. This will allow you to get more work done in less time.

Basic exercise program for beginners

The basic version of the exercise program in the gym for girls is developed with the aim of strengthening the functional base of the body. It is necessary to master the technique of performing the entire set of exercises and only after that can you devote training to gaining muscle mass and strength endurance.

Beginners often make the mistake of performing exercises with light weights a large number of times (30 or more), the total tonnage is substantial. However, lifting light weights is not very effective for gaining muscle mass.

The recommended rest period between sets should be 30-90 seconds; you should not rest for too long, as this can ruin your efforts.

Sample workout for beginners:


  1. Running, treadmill (1 set, 5-10 minutes).
  2. Triceps on the block – 2 sets.
  3. Limb extensions on the simulator – 4 sets.
  4. Butterfly (1 complex).

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  5. Press (1 complex)
  6. Deadlift – 3 sets.


  1. Deadlift with straight legs - 2 sets.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  2. Bent-over rows – 3 sets.
  3. Barbell squats – 4 sets.
  4. Bicycle (22 minutes).
  5. Press (1 complex).

An exercise program in the gym may well become the main one for girls who want to gain a healthy and fit figure. You need to follow this program for at least two months, after which you should evaluate the dynamics of weight gain. If the growth is good, you can continue to follow the program.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Body drying for girls. Training program, detailed nutrition menu for the month by day.

Workouts to gain muscle mass for girls

If you have never exercised before, it may not be easy for you. But that's why we chose these exercises: squats, deadlifts and push-ups. These exercises involve a huge number of muscles, provide a significant load and, due to the natural direction of movement, are ideal for regular training. Additionally, these exercises are reminiscent of activities that you probably do every day without even thinking about it. To lift your baby, you need to squat. While making your bed, you do deadlifts. If you push someone away, you do push-ups.

You can find alternatives to chin-up rows and crunches, but we'll come back to those exercises later.

The problem is that technique is extremely important in these exercises; it will take you a long time to master the correct execution. Luckily, since you're a beginner, by building up your technique with light weights, you have a good chance of still gaining a significant amount of muscle.

Step-by-step program for losing weight for a week

Below is a sample workout plan from Monday to Sunday that will help you lose excess weight. All you need to do is stick to proper nutrition and consistently perform the entire set of exercises.

1 day:

  • Squats – 15 reps.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Bench press with dumbbells - 12 repetitions.
  • Plank. It is necessary to hold the body vertically for 30 seconds - 10 repetitions.
  • Jump rope for 7 minutes.

Day 2:

  • Squats – 2 sets of 15 reps.
  • Dumbbell curls in a standing position – 6 sets of 10 reps.
  • Press – 3 sets of 19 times.
  • Running – 1 complex 5 minutes.

Day 3:

  • Simple push-ups – 1 set.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Lying emphasis – 1 set of exercises.
  • Lifting dumbbells on toes - 2 sets of 14 times.
  • Biceps with dumbbells – 1 complex.

Day 4:

  • Running on a treadmill (10 minutes).
  • Deadlift – 1 complex.
  • Pullover – 6 sets of 2 reps.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Jumping rope for 7-10 minutes.

Day 5:

  • Lying fly - 1 complex.
  • Extensions on the simulator – 1 complex.
  • Lifting dumbbells on toes - 4 sets of 17 times.
  • Floor push-ups – 1 complex.
  • Exercises for the press on the simulator - 2 sets of 12 times.

Day 6:

  • Plank – 40 seconds – 12 repetitions.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Squats with a bar – 2 complexes.
  • Crossover curls – 3 sets of 7 times.
  • Press – 3 sets of 19 times.

Day 7:

  • Jump rope for 22 minutes.
  • Squats, complicated by using dumbbells - 6 sets of 9 times.
  • Pullover – 4 sets of 7 reps.
  • Press – 4 complexes.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

65 seconds are allocated for rest between each round of exercises.

Complex for muscle relief

The exercise program in the gym for girls who want to create a sculpted body is aimed at working all muscle groups.

Muscles gain definition when the muscle fibers themselves become larger due to mechanical stress (for example, the stress that occurs when lifting a heavy weight for several repetitions). Therefore, training programs for muscle definition contain exercises that help accelerate the growth of muscle fibers.

  1. Monday – race walking for 50–70 minutes.
  2. Tuesday – classes in the gym. They perform a number of exercises: dumbbell press, flexion and extension of arms on a machine, abdominal exercises in a machine, jumping rope.
  3. Wednesday – bike ride for 60–90 minutes.
  4. Thursday – abdominal exercises on machines and standing pullovers (4 hikes 8 times).
  5. Friday – repeat training in the gym with lifting weights.
  6. Saturday – cardio training (running on a treadmill).
  7. Sunday – swimming in the pool for 20 minutes.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

The muscles will acquire the desired relief if the exercise technique is followed.

Program to maintain muscle tone

This type of program involves 3 basic classes per week. Before starting exercises, you need to warm up well and warm up your muscles.

Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles
Gym exercise program for girls

First day:

  • Stepping onto the platform - 4 sets 30 times.
  • Hyperextension – 2 sets of 24 times.
  • Weighted push-ups – 3 sets of 23 times.
  • Butterfly – 1 complex.
  • Exercises for pumping up biceps – 4 sets of 24 times.
  • Triceps extensions – 4 sets of 23 reps.

Second day:

  • Shoulder rotation with a bar on the shoulders – 2 complexes.
  • Butterfly - 4 sets of 23 times.
  • Barbell (traction) – 4 sets of 26 reps.
  • Lifting dumbbells – 6 sets of 13 reps.
  • Run on a treadmill for 9 – 13 minutes.

The third day:

  • Butterfly – 4 sets of 26 reps.
  • Running in place – 2 sets of 8 minutes.
  • Run on a treadmill for 15–17 minutes.
  • Exercise bike – 4 sets of 3 minutes.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Rows for the pectoral muscles – 3 sets of 17 reps.

Complex with emphasis on legs and buttocks

An exercise program in the gym for girls with an emphasis on legs, if designed correctly, will help achieve good results.

The most effective set of exercises for legs:

  • Pulling the leg back with a machine – 4 sets of 11 times.
  • Deadlift – 4 sets of 11 reps.
  • Squats with a bar – 6 sets of 14 times.
  • Press for leg training – 5 sets of 9 times.
  • Reverse grip rows – 3 sets of 13 reps.

A set of exercises with an emphasis on the buttocks:

  • Oblique muscle crunches – 4 sets of 7 times.
  • Lunges with dumbbells – 1 complex.
  • Shrugs behind your back – 2 sets of 6 times.
  • Gluteal bridge – 1 complex.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

The secret of ideal relief is properly pumped muscles and the absence of fat. When choosing abdominal exercises in the gym, you need to remember that all parts of the abdominal muscles should work.

Sample exercise program:

  • Lower block tilts – 2 sets of 18 reps.
  • Rolls in a multi-station - 5 sets of 11 times.
  • Abdominal twisting. Waist twist with weights – 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Pullover – 4 sets of 19 reps.
  • Abdominal exercises on the bar – 4 sets of 18 reps.

Another good way to build muscle is through cardio training with intense push-ups.

Don’t miss the most popular article in the section: Glutamic acid - what it is, why and how it is used in sports and bodybuilding.

How to create an individual plan

In order for an individual training program to help its owner lose weight as quickly as possible, its preparation requires compliance with basic recommendations:

  • increase the load gradually;
  • start and end the workout with a warm-up and cool-down, respectively;
  • choose most of the exercises based on which part of the girl’s body needs more work;
  • to determine the initial working weight, it is necessary to perform the basic exercises of the program using sports equipment of various weights;
  • devote at least 1 hour to cardio exercises in total for 1 workout.

If a girl doubts that the program she has compiled will really be effective in burning fat, she should use the services of a personal trainer. The specialist will not only describe a set of exercises taking into account the initial parameters, the desired result of the client and the presence of contraindications, but also, if necessary, give recommendations for a smooth transition to proper nutrition.

Split program for back, arms, shoulders

The split program should be mastered after 6 months of training in the gym. This program is capable of working out muscles well and is suitable for those girls who cannot often go to the gym.

An approximate set of exercises:

1 day. Leg and abdominal muscle training.

  • Vertical wide row – 28 times.
  • Weighted squats – 24 times.
  • Leg press with wide legs – 15 times.
  • Twisting on a Roman bench – 28 times.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • With emphasis on the elbows, lifting the limbs - 29 times.

Day 2 Chest and triceps workout.

  • Exercises with dumbbells – 4 sets of 11 times.
  • Butterfly – 14 times, 3 approaches.
  • Bending your arms on a machine – 1 set of 20 reps.
  • Seated press (with dumbbells) – 2 sets of 17 reps.
  • Exercises on the horizontal bar – 3 sets of 12 reps.

Strength training at the right intensity

This brings us back to the point that most women never use enough weight. Without intense exercise, you simply will not get the desired training effect. So what is the right intensity?

There is no specific level because everyone’s strength and endurance are different. The best way I can explain it is: if you're going to do a set of eight reps, then the last rep should be hard enough that you can do one extra rep (maybe two), but no more.

Let's say you do eight reps in a series of squats, but you know you could do 12 or more, that's not intensity. You should finish all sets knowing that you could have done no more than two additional reps. It's this intensity that actually challenges your muscles and helps build a lean body.

To train at even higher intensity, you simply work in a lower rep range. Example: sets of five reps. To train at lower intensity, work in higher rep ranges. Example: sets of 12 reps.

Circuit training

Circuit training allows you to reduce the number of sessions in the gym and helps increase muscle endurance. There's nothing wrong with doing circuit exercises for your muscles a couple of times a week. By combining different types of exercises, you can find the ideal circuit training scheme.

Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

Here is an example of circuit training.

Monday Thursday:

  • Jumping in place and pumping the press – 39 times, 3 approaches. Classes alternate.
  • Hack squats – 16 times.
  • Abdominal exercises – 5 sets of 11 reps.
  • Simple pull-ups and push-ups - 5 sets of 21 times. The exercises alternate: odd circle – pull-ups, even circle – push-ups.


  • Abdominal exercises on a Roman bench and abdominal exercises using a machine - 29 times, two approaches, alternating with each other after every 5 laps.
  • Seated press, squats with dumbbells – 2 sets of 20 reps. The exercises alternate: 1st and 3rd circle – squats, 2nd and 4th circle – dumbbell press.

    Exercise program in the gym for girls to lose weight and build muscles

  • Chair rises and lunges. 4 rounds of exercises are performed.

How not to become masculine

For those who have decided to lift, but are afraid of becoming “masculine” from working out with dumbbells, I can say the following - the female body is extremely reluctant to build muscle. Therefore, you are unlikely to succeed in becoming a female bodybuilder.

Know that even with very heavy training and a high-protein diet, your increase in muscle mass will be no more than 500 g per month. There were two women in my training practice who, from strength training, really became like a “woman with an oar.”

But this is an exception - they had such a hormonal status, that is, an excess of male hormones, visible to the naked eye. If you do not suffer from increased hair growth and your figure has traditional feminine shapes, then you should not worry.

Monthly training program

This four-week workout program for girls was designed to build an ideal figure and speed up your metabolism. Each new week, gradually increase the intensity of training to improve results and avoid injury.

Day 1
  • Pullover standing: 12
  • Performing crunches: 15
  • Leg swings: 45
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 15
  • Jump rope: 80
Day 2
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 9
  • Leg Swings: 50
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 18 times
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 25
  • Pullover on block: 14
Day 3
  • Pullover standing: 14
  • Performing crunches: 20
  • Leg swings: 55
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 25
  • Jump rope: 90
Day 4Rest
Day 5
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 10
  • Leg swings: 60
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 30 times
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 27
  • Pullover on block: 16
Day 6
  • Pullover standing: 16
  • Performing crunches: 25
  • Leg swings: 65
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 30
  • Jump rope: 100
Day 7
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 12
  • Leg swings: 70
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 35
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 30
  • Pullover on block: 18
Day 8Rest
Day 9
  • Pullover standing: 18
  • Performing crunches: 30
  • Leg Swings: 75
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 40
  • Jump rope: 111
Day 10
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 14
  • Leg Swings: 80
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 45
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 34
  • Pullover on block: 20
Day 11
  • Pullover standing: 20
  • Performing crunches: 35
  • Leg Swings: 85
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 40
  • Jump rope: 122
Day 12Rest
Day 13
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 16
  • Leg Swings: 90
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 45
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 36
  • Pullover on block: 20 times
Day 14
  • Pullover standing: 22
  • Performing crunches: 40
  • Leg Swings: 95
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 53
  • Jump rope: 135
Day 15
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 18
  • Leg Swings: 100
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 55
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 38
  • Pullover on block: 22
Day 16Rest
Day 17
  • Pullover standing: 24
  • Performing crunches: 45
  • Leg swings: 105
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 60
  • Jump rope: 140
Day 18
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 20
  • Leg Swings: 110
  • Push-ups: 65 times
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 41 reps.
  • Pullover on block: 26 times
Day 19
  • Pullover standing: 26
  • Performing crunches: 50
  • Leg swings: 120
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 70
  • Jump rope: 145 times
Day 20
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 22
  • Leg swings: 125
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 75 times
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 45 reps.
  • Pullover on block: 28 times
Day 21
  • Pullover standing: 28
  • Performing crunches: 60
  • Leg swings: 130
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 80
  • Jump rope: 155
Day 22
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 24
  • Leg swings: 135
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 85
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 45
  • Pullover on block: 30
Day 23
  • Pullover standing: 30
  • Performing crunches: 70
  • Leg swings: 155
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 90
  • Jump rope: 161
Day 24Rest
Day 25
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 26
  • Leg swings: 166
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 95
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 50
  • Pullover on block: 32
Day 26
  • Pullover standing: 32
  • Performing crunches: 75
  • Leg swings: 170
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 101
  • Jump rope: 168
Day 27
  • Hyperextension: 3 sets of 28
  • Leg swings: 175
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 105
  • Scissors: 2 sets of 58
  • Pullover on block: 34
Day 28Rest
Day 29
  • Pullover standing: 34
  • Performing crunches: 80
  • Leg swings: 185
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 100
  • Jump rope: 175
Day 30
  • Hyperextension: 4 sets of 18
  • Leg swings: 200
  • Dumbbell push-ups: 120
  • Scissors: 3 sets of 65
  • Pullover on block: 36

Any exercise program for girls must be selected individually. Gym classes must include a preparatory period that lasts at least 3 weeks.

During menstruation, girls should avoid exercises to pump up the abdominal muscles and reduce the workout load. To achieve the best results, you need to consume healthy foods low in carbohydrates, giving preference to protein foods.

Changing your diet

First of all, you need to reconsider your diet, since without this, training will be ineffective. Those who engage in serious physical exercise need to pay special attention to protein in their diet. Protein products include:

  • Seafood;
  • Fish;
  • Meat. Preferably low-fat;
  • Dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese;
  • Plant sources of protein. You can read more here;

In the off-season, you can diversify your diet with slow carbohydrates, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal and quinoa. If the diet is compiled correctly, this guarantees that the results from training will appear faster, and the training itself will be more successful and productive. Bodybuilders advise giving up sugar for the most effective muscle pumping. You should also drink plenty of water and eat as many vegetables as possible.

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