How to pump up your butt like a nut: effective exercises at home

If you decide to pump up your buttocks at home, then information about the structural features of the gluteal muscles will be useful to you. There are only three of them: large (responsible for volume and shape), medium and small. If you take into account the functions of these muscles, the exercises you perform will be most effective. So, the large muscle works during the movement of the leg back, that is, during the extension of part of the leg from the knee to the pelvis. When moving the hip away from the body line, the middle and small muscles are activated.

To give your muscles volume, you should perform exercises with good strength loads, maximum weights and a small number of repetitions. For example, if you are thinking about how to pump up your buttocks quickly, then you need to perform three sets of twelve repetitions for each exercise.

Before starting home workouts, be sure to do a warm-up: without it, there is a high risk of injury, sprains, and heart overload when performing the main set of exercises. Warm-up warms up the entire body, preparing the muscles for stress.

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The best warm-up option is running in the fresh air. If the weather is good outside, and the girl has the opportunity to leave the house and run around the park or the nearest stadium for 10-15 minutes, she should use this chance. Running will not only warm up the body, but also improve the functioning of the circulatory system, bronchi and lungs. Running burns fat throughout the body, including the butt, and very actively defeats cellulite.

When running, muscles contract, a natural anti-cellulite massage occurs, subcutaneous fat cells begin to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which contributes to their restoration.

If you don’t have the opportunity to run outside, you will have to do the warm-up at home. If you have cardio machines, you can warm up on them for 10 minutes; if you don’t have machines, running in place, jumping, turning, squats, any base will do. You can use walking in place, followed by arm swings and leg rotations. The main thing is to warm up all parts of the body.

About the ideal

So, before you start pumping up a girl’s butt at home in seven days, it wouldn’t hurt to find out what you should actually strive for, and what are the main signs of a beautiful butt?

It turns out there are several of them:

  1. Rounded, clear contours.
  2. The body is elastic, smooth, without signs of cellulite.
  3. The buttocks are raised upward, and the plane drawn mentally through the most convex point will pass in front along the very middle of the pubis.
  4. The buttocks do not hang over the back of the thigh, the fold under them is completely absent or weakly expressed. Try a simple test: place a pencil in the subgluteal fold. If it doesn't fall over, held up by the weight of your butt, then it's time to get serious about your butt!
  5. The fold between the buttocks is V-shaped.
  6. There are two dimples above the buttocks.
  7. Well, the last parameter, “for everyone”: the presence of a depression on the side surfaces of the buttocks, in the place where they turn into the hips.

perfect butt

How to achieve perfection?

To pump up a girl’s butt and achieve the ideal, you just need to train your gluteal muscles! By the way, this task is not so difficult; any woman can solve it, regardless of age, body type and level of physical fitness. But before you start pumping up your buttocks, a little theory regarding the anatomy of the butt.

The following muscles are distinguished:

  • Large - the largest, diamond-shaped. Its main functions are to fix the position of the torso and flex/extend the hip.
  • Average. It is located on the side and works during movements associated with abduction of the hip to the side.
  • Small. Involved in movements that involve the pelvis and torso.

It is important to understand: when walking slowly, the muscles are inactive, starting to “help” the thigh muscles only when you start walking or running quickly. Unfortunately, in everyday life they bear almost no load, which leads to a gradual weakening of the muscles and the appearance of fatty deposits on them, which, although they enlarge our “fifth point,” do not add beauty to it.

A beautiful butt in a week of training - is it possible?

Yes. If you know the special exercises and perform them correctly every day. In this case, it is advisable to simultaneously change the diet. The wider the front of influence on the hated fat, the faster its volume will decrease.

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We train at home.
Chair workout Lose 5 kilograms in 3 weeks.

Why am I not losing weight?

To make loose deposits on the buttocks “melt” faster, increase the load on the deep-lying muscles. They hardly work if a person sits on a chair for most of the working day and gets to work by transport. As soon as these tissues are stirred up, blood circulation in them will improve and metabolic processes will be activated, due to which the gradual melting of fat “glaciers” will begin.

How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt with exercises at home in a week?

In order to at least somehow pump up her butt in a week, any girl will have to sweat a lot, doing simple and complex exercises in front of the mirror at home. Ideally, 2 sets of 30 minutes each (morning and evening).


How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

As mentioned above, squats must be performed correctly in order to achieve minimal results in a week. It is also worth mentioning that after 7 days of training you cannot reset everything to 0, otherwise there will be no point! It is necessary to constantly train, spending at least 15 minutes a day.

Swing your legs

How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

Another effective exercise is leg swings. It is performed as follows: hands on the waist, approach each leg 30 times (pulling back as far as possible).

Raising the body

How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

Lying on a flat surface, you need to raise and lower your body, straining your gluteal muscles and supporting yourself on your hands. 2-3 sets of 20-25 times.

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How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

Another exercise that directly affects the buttocks and abs. You need to stay in the position for at least 3 minutes.

Breathing exercises

To lose weight you need to learn to breathe correctly. For this, Marina Korpan’s technique is suitable, which helped the famous presenter get in shape after pregnancy and childbirth.

With dumbbells

How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

Exercises with dumbbells are more effective than without them. Therefore, it is best to combine a training program with weights. By the way, dumbbells can be replaced with a plastic bottle filled with sand or water.


How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

Exercise bike will help replace cycling by 20-30%. To do this, in a lying position, you need to reproduce the movement of scrolling the pedals.


How to quickly pump up a girl’s butt at home in a week

An essential part of any training program. The exercise time is based on the girl’s physical fitness and most often starts from 15 seconds, increasing over time to a minute.

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Gymnastics is different

The gluteal muscles need to be made to work, and they will regain their attractive appearance. Do not hurry! In order not to get the opposite result, you should remember that physical exercise can both reduce volume, getting rid of excess fat, and increase muscle mass.

The first type of exercise (aerobic) involves moderate weight loads, but long-term training. And in classes that allow you to pump up your butt in 7 days and are aimed at creating sculpted muscles, preference is given to short-term strength (basic) exercises with weights, with a small number of approaches.

For example, if you ride a bike on a flat road for several hours every day, your thighs will lose weight by losing excess fat. And if you ride the same bike uphill for 5 minutes, then rest and repeat the climb from the beginning, and so on 3-4 times, then your hips will become wider due to an increase in the volume of muscle mass.

girl riding a bike

We draw conclusions: if there are large fat deposits on the buttocks, under which the pumped up muscle will not be visible, gymnastics for weight loss is first recommended, and the strength exercises given below are performed 1-2 times a week.

For those who do not have excess fat, but their buttocks are in poor condition, a set of strength exercises “how to quickly pump up your buttocks” is recommended to correct their shape, during which it is advisable to use weights, gradually increasing their weight.

Classes are held every other day, perform the following exercises at home:

  • Squats: performed 15 times, 5 approaches in total. Pump up your muscles first without weights, then using dumbbells (0.5 kg). This exercise perfectly trains the gluteus maximus muscle. Attention! The back should be straight, the entire surface of the feet should be on the floor, the butt should be moved as far as possible.

squats with kettlebell

  • Swing to the side to develop the middle muscle. This, and all subsequent exercises, are performed 20 times, for a total of 5 approaches. As weighting agents, you can use 0.5 liter plastic bottles tied to your legs with an elastic bandage.

Swing to the side

  • Thanks to the back swing, the small muscle of the buttocks will be pumped up.

swing back

  • Fish. It trains all muscles and helps to make a firm butt, and also helps strengthen the back muscles. The exercise is performed lying on your back.

fish exercise

  • Bridge. A “golden” exercise for women who dream of an ideal figure, which involves all the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thighs and abdomen.

The increase in load occurs gradually due to weights (and not the duration of training!), The number of approaches remains the same.

bridge exercise

In addition to the main set of exercises, you should provide your buttocks with constant physical activity, for which:

  • run at a moderate pace every day for half an hour;
  • walk briskly for about 50 minutes a day;
  • walk up the stairs for about 20 minutes;
  • jump rope - 15 minutes.

These exercises perform several tasks at once: remove excess fluid from tissues, prevent fat from settling on the buttocks, and allow you to get rid of soreness - muscle pain caused by unusually high load.

Further, the initial complex can be supplemented with other exercises:

  • walking on bent legs;
  • “scissors” in the “sideways” position;
  • lunges alternately on the left and right leg.

Cross lunges

We perform a set of weekly exercises at home

Exercise one . The first exercise to warm up is squats. Place your feet wide and squat as deep as possible to get the most out of your glutes. While squatting, push with your heels, you can even lift your toes a little. Do 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

How to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home quickly in a week

Exercise two . The next exercise will be aimed as much as possible at working the buttocks—lying up the pelvis. It is performed lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet placed close to the buttocks. For greater efficiency, you can place your feet on a hill to increase the amplitude. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, straining the buttocks. Do 4 sets of 20-30 repetitions.

How to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home quickly in a week

Exercise three . The next exercise for a beautiful butt is lunges. It’s better to do them with weights, but the effect will be there even without it. During lunges, your legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, keeping your back straight. The knee of the back leg cannot rest on the floor. Try to include your buttocks as much as possible. Do 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise four . An exercise such as lunges will be effective in any situation. To perform this you will need a minimum of equipment, so it doesn’t matter if you are at home or in the gym. The first two days of training, the body needs to be tamed to the lunge technique, and then it is recommended to use weights.

The starting position is as follows: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward (if weights are not used), or lowered down along the body. Next, we release one leg a wide step forward, and transfer the entire body weight to it. From the outside it looks like you are doing squats on one leg. The position of the thigh of the supporting leg should reach parallelism with the floor, the back leg bends at the knee joint and almost touches the floor. We fix ourselves in this position for 2-5 seconds and lift the body, do the required number of repetitions and return to the starting position. We switch legs and do the same. When performing the exercise, the thigh and gluteal muscles are actively involved, which makes it possible to place a significant emphasis on their elasticity and fit.

Exercise five . Our last exercise will be leg kicks. This exercise should be high rep for best effect, so do 3 sets of 30-40 reps. Place your elbows and knees on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and push your heel up.

Do no harm

The above exercises, included in the complex “how to pump up your buttocks in a week,” and the recommended number of approaches are designed for the “average” woman and need correction, taking into account your physical characteristics, body structure, health, and age. The ideal solution would be to visit a fitness club and get advice from an experienced specialist, but if this is not possible, you will have to independently look for “your” norm based on your own feelings.

After training you should feel pleasantly tired. Krepatura is present - it is an indicator that the muscles have really worked. But the pain should disappear without a trace after a short warm-up, and gradually the manifestations of soreness weaken.

If the pain increases, becomes unbearable, is present even at rest, if the other day after training you feel completely exhausted, then you are doing something wrong, and you must either stop training altogether or reduce its intensity.

Remember, the main thing is to do no harm!

Diet for the butt

To increase muscle volume, the body needs “building material” and this material is protein. And if so, we focus on protein foods and eat more meat, fish, eggs, and lactic acid products. And no “starvation” diets: they are incompatible with the dream of enlarging your butt and making it beautiful and voluminous!

At the same time, we try to consume as little sweets as possible - a source of “fast” carbohydrates, and in order not to deprive our body of the carbon-based food it needs, we switch to “slow” carbohydrates. We eat more vegetables, fruits, and leguminous products: beans, peas, lentils.

beans peas

When can I expect results?

“Soon the fairy tale will tell...”, but in life you have to wait a long time for the result. Nothing will change in one day, and attempts to force events will lead to the most unpleasant consequences - sprains, pinching, joint diseases. For the impatient, there are methods of visual correction - modeling tights, shaping panties, corsets. Take advantage of them at first.

Changes for the better can be expected within 1 week of training, however, they can only be noticed with the help of the above-described manipulations with a pencil. And for the effect to become visible to others, you have to work much longer.

Moreover, if you are concerned about the question, is it possible to pump up your butt so as to forever maintain the ideal shape of your buttocks? The answer is no. You will have to do gymnastics regularly. To maintain the results already achieved, it is enough to perform the entire set of exercises 1–2 times a week, combining it with running, fast walking, and jumping.

Difficult? At first, yes, but then, when your buttocks become firm and in perfect shape, and the exercises become a habit, you will enjoy them. Don't believe me? Then try to pump up your butt at home in a week!

How to pump up a girl’s butt at home quickly in a week

How long it takes to improve your shape is a very common question among girls. To achieve high efficiency, you should train for at least 10-15 minutes according to the schedule: 1 day we work out, 1 day we rest. It's quite simple and doesn't take much time.

Significantly better results will be achieved if you combine exercises with aerobic exercise. They should not be carried out so often - twice a week for 1 hour is enough.

Important: Aerobic exercises are classic cardio workouts: running, swimming, jumping rope and other active sports.

Following the training set, each exercise must be performed starting with 15-20 repetitions. Such loads need to be increased gradually. This will keep muscle tissue healthy and develop it effectively. Every 2-3 workouts, the number of repetitions can be increased by 3-5 units.

Important: Proper nutrition and regular exercise do not guarantee results, as many girls forget about the need for proper rest. Any athlete will agree that it is impossible to gain muscle mass without adequate rest for the muscles.

Before you can quickly pump up a girl’s buttocks at home in a week, it’s worth considering the most important rule: to achieve quick results, you need to use a little extra weight. As weights, you can use kilogram dumbbells or a couple of liter bottles of water or sand. Since it is impossible to increase the muscles of the buttocks without weights, you should take care in advance about purchasing them or making them at home.

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