Fat burning workout in the gym for girls and men

Pros and cons of cardio training

Regular exercise has a positive effect on:

  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to aerobic exercise, which involves all the muscles of the human body, the amount of oxygen consumed increases. The result is a rapid heartbeat and intense stress on the heart muscle.
  • Increased endurance. Thanks to cardio, lung capacity increases and the athlete becomes stronger.
  • Acceleration of metabolism and metabolism. As a result, weight loss becomes active and safe.
  • Arterial pressure. An active lifestyle improves blood composition and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Psycho-emotional state. An increase in endorphins in the blood makes the athlete calm and normalizes sleep.

An incorrectly selected intensity of cardio training will not bring the expected benefits and will harm the athlete. Exercising too intensely leads to a decrease in the hormone cortisol in the blood. This threatens:

  • The emergence of insulin resistance and the inability to burn fat on your own.
  • The occurrence of an unreasonable feeling of hunger.
  • Decreased growth hormones and testosterone.
  • Loss of muscle tissue.
  • Decreased psycho-emotional stability.

In order for cardio training in the gym to bring only positive results, you need to correctly approach the construction of the program and monitor your physical condition.

Cardio training with a personal trainer and in group classes

At the beginning of the article, we already drew attention to the fact that almost any workout to one degree or another is cardio training.

The MyFitness Club offers a wide variety of group classes, which primarily differ in intensity.

More intense ones are Step Start, Interval, Tae Bo, Latin MIX - they work on the pulse in a higher zone, so the training is aimed at developing endurance. Less intense classes - Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, Bums - which work on certain muscle groups, combine exercises that burn the most calories and help you lose excess weight. Note that there is no specific exercise that burns fat better; any workout is always a balanced complex.

Ivan Moiseenkov - trainer of the MyFitness Club

Ivan Moiseenkov, trainer of the My Fitness Club:

“In addition to group classes, you can—and even need to—do cardio with a trainer. The trainer will competently schedule the workout - time, intervals, peak, rest, so the heart will work exactly in that specific pulse zone that a person needs. If this is endurance training, we will train endurance, if the goal is to lose weight, we will work in the fat burning zone. A professional instructor will always help you achieve maximum benefit.”

Rules for safe training

To ensure that exercise does not harm your health, you need to pay attention to the work of the heart, breathing and general well-being.


The main rule for safe cardio training in the gym is monitoring cardiac cycle indicators. The pulse should not exceed 80-85% of the maximum values.

To calculate them, use the formula:

220 - (athlete's age) = maximum allowable heart rate.

If the indicator during exercise does not exceed 65% of the maximum heart rate, then the training will be ineffective.

It is recommended to measure your pulse every 4-6 minutes of training. However, there is no need to reduce its intensity during measurement.

You can count your pulse yourself by palpating the cervical artery with two fingers for 10 seconds and multiplying the result by 6.

If your heart rate is too high, you should gradually reduce the load to the recommended level. Sudden stops are prohibited.

So for a 30-year-old athlete, the heart rate indicators will be as follows:

Below normal (training will not bring results)NormAbove normal (load needs to be reduced)
Less than 123 beats per minute130-150 beats per minuteMore than 160 beats per minute


The basic rule is that breathing should be comfortable, deep and uniform. If the pace is lost, you should gradually reduce the load.

When exercising on a treadmill, experts recommend sticking to the 2:2 system. Two steps are taken while inhaling smoothly, two more while exhaling. Depending on individual characteristics, the system can be adjusted to 3:3 or 4:4.

During exercises, inhale should occur when bending, exhale after straightening the body.

An important rule: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Weight loss training program for girls

Now I will list and briefly describe some of the best and basic exercises that I use when creating fat burning workouts for girls.

Leg exercises

Squats . There are a lot of variations of squats. You can squat with a barbell on your shoulders, with dumbbells in your hands, in a smith, in a hook. Personally, I most often use squats with dumbbells in my hands.

But the technique for performing all squats is the same - the weight is always transferred to the heels, the pelvis is pulled back, the knees are spread to the sides where the toes are pointing, the knees do not go far forward beyond the toes, the back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the lower back is arched, the chin is raised, the gaze is directed straight .

Squats for girls in the gym

Lunges . And again there are a lot of variations. There are Bulgarian lunges, there are diagonal/cruciate/cruciate lunges and whatever lunges they were called, and all of them can be done both with free weight and in Smith.

You can also do lunges while standing in one place, or while moving. You can take a step forward, or you can take a step back. But again, the technique remains the same - the emphasis is only on the front leg , the weight is transferred to the heel, the knee is above the heel, the lift is carried out not by straightening the knee, but by moving the pelvis forward.

Lunges with dumbbells for girls

Deadlift . Believe it or not, there are so many options again. For example:

  • classical,
  • dead,
  • Romanian,
  • sumo.

Here, of course, there are very noticeable differences. In the classic version, a full squat is performed and the quadriceps is more involved in the work. In the deadlift and Romanian deadlift, the movement is performed by leaning the body and the knees are either straight or slightly bent. Deadlift sumo differs from all others in that in it the legs are placed much wider and the toes are pointed to the side, while in the rest the legs are placed approximately shoulder-width apart.

Again, they have a basic common principle - the weight is always transferred to the heels, and the back is always straight .

Deadlift with a bar for girls

Platform leg press . The exercise is very similar to squats, only here the back muscles are not involved in the work. And the principle is the same as everywhere else - you need to push the platform with your heels, but not with your toes.

The position of the legs will determine which muscle will work more. If you place your legs wider, the adductor muscle of the thigh will work more, if narrower, then the outer part of the thigh, if lower, then the front, and if higher, then the back.

Platform leg press for a girl

Hyperextension . An exercise that not only works well on the back of the thigh and buttocks, but also strengthens the back. The most important thing is to keep your back straight and look straight. If your back bends, you can get injured.

Breeding, abducting, and bending legs in machines are already isolating exercises, with which usually no one has any difficulties. It is difficult to do them incorrectly, because the simulators are designed to simplify the technique, and here everything is simplified so much that even the trajectory of movement is given and you just need to direct the effort.

Leg abduction in the simulator

Upper body exercises

Upper block thrust . This is a back exercise. Many people have difficulty with it because they feel their hands instead of their back. This can be solved quite simply. You just need to pull not with your hands, but with your back.

It would seem that I'm joking, but no. To pull with your back, you need to start the movement by lowering your shoulder blades down and then pulling your elbows behind your back. That's all. And you don’t need to pull the bar as close to yourself as possible if your shoulder blades no longer move together.

Upper block pull for girl

Bent-over barbell row . Also the back exercise and the problems with it are the same. Surprisingly, they resolve it in the same way. First, we bring the shoulder blades together, then we pull the elbows behind the back, do not spread the elbows, but press them to the body, and now the back is pumped. You also need to keep your back straight and tilted forward at all times, and your legs slightly bent.

Bent-over barbell row for a girl

Push ups . But here there are also a lot of variations. Even if you say that you don’t know how to do push-ups, I’ll just smile and find a million options for how you can do push-ups. For example, you can do push-ups from the floor from your knees or a wave, or you can do push-ups from the bar. In general, don't make things up.

Push-ups for a girl

Pressing dumbbells, barbells, disks while sitting or standing . This is an exercise for deltoids. If you want your shoulders to be graceful, then rock them. And don't be afraid that you will become a girl with shoulders like a coat hanger.

For a girl to be spoiled by toned shoulders, they need to be twice the size of her hips, and this is almost impossible. Besides, there is nothing complicated about these exercises, you just take and lift the weight above your head.

Lifting dumbbells and swinging in front, back or to the sides . More shoulder exercises. But where you pull the weight will determine which part of the deltoids will work. If you lift the weight in front of you, the front part of the deltoids works. If to the sides, then the middle one, and if back, then the back one. And again, nothing complicated, just try to pull not with your hand, but with your elbow.

abdominal exercises , since there are simply a million of them. If I do this, then your grandchildren will finish reading the article with abdominal exercises. I told you how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat here.

How to get the most out of your workout

Depending on the goal of cardio training, you can build the correct intensity of exercise. The main indicator in this case is the pulse.

  • For weight loss if you are overweight, as well as for beginners, a load with a heart rate of 55-60% is suitable. The same applies for warm-up and cool-down. Training time is 25-40 minutes.
  • To eliminate fat deposits, it is recommended to exercise with a heart rate from 65 to 75% of the maximum value. Training time is 50-80 minutes.
  • For more prepared athletes, a load with a cardiac activity rate of 80-85% is suitable.
  • For professional athletes, a training regime with a heart rate of up to 90% of maximum is suitable. In time no more than 10 minutes.

Combining cardio with nutrition

Cardio training, even if it is performed according to all the rules, should be supported by a balanced diet. Without adjusting the diet, exercise is ineffective.

Dietary recommendations:

  • the last meal before training should be no later than 2 hours before the start;
  • The meal following the workout should be no earlier than 45 minutes later;
  • at least 50% of the diet should be carbohydrate foods, 30% protein and no more than 20% fats;
  • Before training, you should eat protein and complex carbohydrates;
  • after cardio - fast protein, then complex carbohydrates;
  • Drink only water during physical activity.

Cardio training program in the gym

Before you start your main workouts in the gym, you need to warm up. It will warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the load.

Cardio training can be performed on the same machine at different intensities.

Running on the track

  1. Warm up on the treadmill at a speed of no more than 4-6 km/h for 10 minutes.
  2. Set the track at an incline of 5 degrees and warm up for another 10 minutes at a speed of no more than 6 km/h.
  3. Set the track strictly horizontally and run for 3-4 minutes at a speed of up to 8 km/h.
  4. Set your speed to the highest possible speed and run for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Repeat the program 3 times (except for the warm-up).
  6. Cool down.

During exercises, you should not hold the handrails of the machine with your hands. The speed should be increased gradually. Classes are held only in shoes, light sneakers or sneakers. If your health worsens, the activity should be gradually stopped.

Cardio on an exercise bike

  1. Warm up on an exercise bike for 7-10 minutes. Set a comfortable pace.
  2. Continue the lesson at a slightly faster pace (4-7 minutes).
  3. Set the pace to medium for 2-4 minutes.
  4. Pedal at maximum speed for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Repeat the program 3 times (except for the warm-up).
  6. Cool down.

During cardio training on an exercise bike, you should not put your head down, lean on your hands, or arch or strain your back. Your hands should be relaxed and your gaze straight ahead. Pedal with full feet, wearing comfortable shoes. The seat height is individually adjustable.

Cardio exercises at home

cardio for weight loss 3
It is possible to lose weight without exercise machines, gyms and expensive services of a personal trainer, using only what is at hand in your arsenal. The popular methods are not only simple, but also accessible to everyone. The main thing is to choose a direction that you really like and with which you don’t need to force yourself to train.


Today, this is considered the most effective cardio training for weight loss and the most accessible method for everyone. You can run in the park, at the stadium, around the house - you just need to buy special good sneakers and comfortable clothes. Some people prefer to exercise on a machine in their apartment while watching TV or listening to the news.


If you have the opportunity, finances and time to visit sections and the gym, but are haunted by a persistent dislike of exercise equipment and hardware, then exercising to music is an ideal option. You can choose your favorite style and dance to your heart's content. Exercises not only help you lose weight, but also lift your spirits and create the right atmosphere. The best styles for weight loss are considered to be those that actively use active movements: zumba, step, reggaeton, hip-hop, salsa, flamenco, strip plastic and other intense styles. It is best to practice any type of dance two to four times a week. How much cardio per week you need to burn fat depends on your goals and needs. 2-3 days are considered optimal.


Like running, this is a very popular exercise as a fat burner. Among other things, the projectile can be used for its intended purpose - as transport, and get a triple effect - lose weight, strengthen leg muscles and improve health.

Winter sports

Skating, skiing, and snowboarding are a great way not only to have fun, but also to lose weight. This is especially true after the New Year holidays, when you want to get rid of what you accumulated over the holidays. And if to skate on some equipment you need to go to a mountainous area, then to go ice skating you will need to make a minimum of effort: there are skating rinks in all cities and you don’t even have to have your own equipment - you can rent it. In comfortable clothes, which you can order in the Stayer online store, doing winter sports and losing extra pounds will be even more enjoyable.

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