Casein: A Guide to Slow Digesting Protein

Benefits of casein protein

Casein is not some kind of “harmful chemical”, but a natural type of protein compound. In ordinary food we find it in cottage cheese and cheese. But the sports nutrition product is much better absorbed. It is purified from impurities such as unnecessary fats and milk sugar lactose, does not cause allergies, and helps fight monotony, because it has attractive tastes.

How casein works:

  • Once in the stomach, it is digested slowly;
  • The release of amino acids into the blood will be small but stable;
  • During the night, anabolic hormones help amino acids to be absorbed and literally “repair” damaged muscle fibers;
  • Deep sleep of a well-fed person increases the natural secretion of growth hormone;
  • As a result, we wake up rested, slightly hungry, and recovered for the next workout.

Knowing where casein is found, you can get some of the “slow” protein with regular food. But modern fitness enthusiasts are increasingly turning to sports nutrition. It's simple - 200 grams of high-quality cottage cheese costs much more than a portion of sports nutrition. And sports nutrition is absorbed more fully. The choice is obvious.

Features of choice

When choosing casein protein, you need to take into account that it should not contain synthetic additives - only natural milk raw materials. Salt and vegetable fats are also not allowed. The powder should not have a moldy smell, its consistency should be uniform, without lumps. It is recommended to choose micellar casein without unnecessary additives, produced by a reliable and trusted manufacturer. Remember that a good quality product cannot be too cheap.

Casein is an important component in sports nutrition. It helps to provide long-term, uniform nutrition for bones and muscles, and prevent catabolism at night. The product can also be used to reduce appetite when losing weight. It is only important to choose and use the product correctly, without abusing it.

How to drink casein correctly

The number of servings of casein is calculated depending on the overall diet. Sports nutrition should not completely replace regular protein products. 1 serving contains 20 g of protein, on average.

On average, it is enough:

  • One serving of casein with milk or water at night, right before bed;
  • One serving between meals if you are planning a long break.

Important! You can replace your daily casein intake with whey protein if you eat every 3-4 hours and there is no need to skip meals.

What is better to dilute the powder with? Many people lean toward skim milk because it tastes better. But it is worth remembering that milk adds calories to the product. Water does not create such problems, and many brands specifically make their proteins suitable for dilution with water.

how to drink casein protein

Advice! If you feel hungry, add a little less water and a spoonful of psyllum seeds or flaxseeds. This will turn the cocktail into a tender pudding and help satisfy your hunger.

Can you combine casein and whey in one meal plan? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!

If you are losing weight:

  • After training, take protein isolate or hydrolyzate;
  • Make a casein fiber shake at night.

If the goal of training is to gain lean muscle mass:

  • Post-workout, take any whey protein with milk or juice;
  • Before bed, take a portion of casein, or perhaps with the addition of fruit in a smoothie format.

More about casein

Casein, a milk protein, is obtained through the enzymatic curdling process of milk without the use of any chemicals. It makes up a total of up to 80 percent of the proteins in cow's milk.

The biological value of casein is 77. This number indicates how many amino acids found in casein are converted into our body’s own proteins. And although casein does not compare to other types of protein in this regard, it is an indispensable part of sports nutrition for athletes who want to build muscle mass.

Casein harm

On various forums you can read that the harm of casein to humans is:

  • High risk of digestive disorders, constipation;
  • Fast weight gain;
  • Damage to the liver and pancreas;
  • Increased load on the kidneys.

Unfortunately, such things are written by people who have nothing to do with sports or medicine, and who, out of ignorance, do not distinguish sports nutrition from prohibited pharmacological products. Casein is a common protein. Our body is “equipped” with the enzyme protease for its breakdown and absorption. Constipation with increased consumption of sports nutrition is the fate of those who forget about the importance of fiber in the diet, do not eat vegetables and cereals, and do not want to take additional bran.

Damage to the liver of a healthy person by consuming casein is a myth. The liver is only involved in the removal of protein metabolites, and they are completely the same, whether we are talking about protein powder or a piece of meat. The kidneys can only be damaged if a person consumes an unreasonably large amount of protein, for example, 5 g per 1 kg of body weight, and does this for several years.

Do ordinary people need casein?

Those who do not engage in physical activity do not need to take casein. As we have already said, a casein shake is necessary to prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown). But ordinary people do not have excess muscle mass, like bodybuilders, so they do not need to take “long-term” protein.

The only situation in which such a supplement can be used by “non-athletes” is for weight loss. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, casein shake can be taken instead of an evening snack. This will muffle the feeling of extreme hunger and will not cause a sharp surge in insulin, which inhibits fat burning processes.

Casein in women's training

Casein is good for girls because it helps to gain the required amount of protein easily and tasty. Casein-based products are often sweet and resemble dessert pudding rather than a boring “health smoothie.” This helps many women stick to proper nutrition for years, and not overindulge in sweets and sugar.

Casein does not contain any harmful substances for the female body. If someone is afraid of gaining weight by adding casein or whey protein to their diet, it is worth knowing that weight gain is only possible if a person consumes more calories than he expends. It is enough to monitor your diet and choose the optimal training regimen.

Modern casein proteins help preserve muscles during weight loss and ensure high-quality recovery after workouts. They eliminate protein deficiency in the diet, have a pleasant taste, and are a good alternative to regular food.

What does casein contain?

What is casein and why do exercisers need it?

The main sources of casein are dairy products. Goat and cow's milk contain it in an amount of about 80%, hard cheeses - 30%, full-fat cottage cheese - 22%, low-fat cottage cheese - 18%, kefir and yogurt - about 15%.

With such a phenomenon as casein allergy, certain dietary restrictions will be necessary. If we are talking about a baby, then the mother needs to adhere to a special hypoallergenic diet. If this does not work, the baby is transferred to formulas containing hydrolyzed goat milk proteins.

When this is also ineffective, juice-based mixtures are used. In older children and adults, milk and products containing it are eliminated from the diet and replaced with plant foods: different types of cabbage, nuts, cereals, legumes, and leafy vegetables.

How to use casein?

To gain muscle mass, casein is taken before bed for several reasons: to inhibit catabolism and protect muscles from cortisol. While you sleep, you deprive your body of nutrition, and anabolic processes practically disappear. These are suitable conditions for catabolism. To avoid this, you need to take catabolic protection - lactarin.

Since casein has an anti-catabolic effect, it is recommended to take it during intense training. The best effect can be achieved when taken at night. If you don't have the opportunity to eat during the day, a protein shake will also be useful. Casein before or after a workout will not give the desired result, since the body at this time needs fast proteins and carbohydrates, which can only be obtained from gainers. You should drink protein before bed, and the dose should not exceed 40 g.

If your goal is to lose excess weight, but at the same time want to maintain muscle mass, the number of doses should be increased to four times a day. Consume protein between meals and before going to bed. The dosage ranges from 20 to 30 g. Remember that the protein value of the protein must be taken into account when creating a nutrient schedule. The calorie content of 100 g of powder is 360 kcal.

Micellar casein

Casein is the main milk protein and makes up approximately 80% of the total protein content. Like whey, casein protein has a high biological value, meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids needed for all processes that require protein.

Micellar casein is the most modern form of casein, when the protein is extracted from milk without the use of acids or heat, through micro and ultra filtration, as opposed to calcium caseinate in which the protein is denatured.

Casein is a slow digesting protein

Casein is a slowly digesting protein. Casein coagulates in the stomach, forming large protein globules. This slows down the rate of digestion and casein amino acids enter the bloodstream at a constant rate.

Casein for Muscle, Strength and Recovery

Just one scoop of micellar casein protein contains a whopping 24g of protein. During training, in order to make progress, muscle fibers must be torn down and repaired again and, as has been shown in a huge number of scientific studies, increasing protein synthesis has a direct effect on this process and, accordingly, the development of muscle mass.

With a broad amino acid profile including leucine, isoleucine and valine, casein helps repair muscle fibers and not only reduce muscle soreness, but also help you achieve your goals at a faster pace.

By reducing recovery time, casein can help you last longer in the gym and increase strength and power. Both casein and whey protein play an important role in muscle development, but due to their different properties, each should be part of your sports nutrition.

Casein for bones and teeth

Believe it or not, consuming casein protein can benefit your dental health! Research has shown that consuming casein can promote tooth enamel growth and help reduce acid erosion.

Casein protein before bed

Scientific research shows that casein can take up to 7 hours to digest, which is almost as long as the average person sleeps. Casein increases the release of amino acids into the blood, improving nitrogen retention (necessary for protein synthesis).

Remember, however, how much time is wasted sleeping when your body is not receiving any nutrients. As you know, if you don't have enough amino acids in your blood, your body can start breaking down muscle proteins to fuel itself.

Taking casein before bed is a great way to avoid protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation. According to research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, people who take 40g of casein 30 minutes before bed are able to stimulate their protein synthesis to a greater extent.

Benefits of Casein and Whey Protein


Many people ask which is better to take for muscle growth: casein or whey. But why not just combine them both? Casein does not have the strong anabolic effect of whey. However, it can extend its anabolic effects for many hours.

Whey causes a rapid increase in plasma insulin and branched chain amino acid concentrations, but casein can prolong the release of amino acids for up to 7 hours, ensuring the body maintains a positive nitrogen balance.

How to take casein

The ideal time to take casein is 30 minutes before bed, but after exercise, whey protein is a much better option.

The main feature of casein

The main feature of casein is that it can form a long-digesting “gel”. Thanks to this “casein gel”, a long-term supply of amino acids into the blood and muscles is achieved, i.e. casein is characterized by a pronounced anti-catabolic effect.

After taking it, the level of amino acids in the body reaches its maximum level only after 4 hours, and the effect after consumption lasts up to 8 hours. Due to this property, casein is classified as a slow protein .

Thus, it is recommended to consume casein primarily before bed, when the body has been without protein for a long time. Thanks to it, the athlete's muscles are provided with amino acids throughout the night.

This makes it possible not to get up in the middle of the night to replenish protein reserves. It’s not for nothing that casein is also called “night protein.”

Whey Protein

Whey Protein

Whey protein is also obtained from cow's milk. More precisely, from one of its fractions - whey (as, however, is clear from the name). This supplement has a rich composition, which includes a huge amount of beneficial nutrients.

Thus, whey protein contains:

  1. Beta-lactoglobulin. This protein contains a large amount of BCAA - branched chain amino acids. They are responsible for the synthesis of new muscle tissue and - in some cases - are even taken separately as part of sports nutrition;
  2. Alpha-lactalbumin. Characterized by ease of absorption. It is digested very quickly and begins to metabolize almost immediately after consumption;
  3. Glutathione precursor. Used as an antioxidant. Slows down catabolic and oxidative processes, preventing sudden muscle destruction due to overwork or simply increased physical activity;
  4. Immunoglobulins. They have a complex positive effect on the body's defense systems. Strengthen the immune system, as they stimulate the growth of the number of leukocytes - white blood cells;
  5. Lactoferrin. It has an antimicrobial effect, thanks to which it further strengthens the body’s immune system and defense systems.

Thus, the effect of whey protein is positive and complex. It not only helps in the “building” of muscles, but also protects against breakdown, and also strengthens the body’s immune system.

In addition, whey protein is very easy to digest. It is quickly digested and metabolized quickly. Thus, drinks based on it are suitable for consumption before and immediately after training. This schedule will help increase the volume of muscle tissue. It is also recommended to drink whey protein in the morning.

In general, whey protein is characterized as follows:

  1. Fast, almost instantaneous digestion

    . Whey protein takes less than an hour to begin to be absorbed by the body. That is why drinks based on it can be consumed immediately before the start of classes in the gym and immediately after their completion;

  2. Short-term effect.

    This substance is quickly digested, acts quickly and quickly stops working. Within 2-3 hours after consumption, all the whey protein consumed is consumed. As a consequence, it is not suitable for use as a long-term catabolic inhibitor;

  3. average price

    . The cost of whey protein varies depending on the specific type and manufacturer, but it is usually fairly average compared to other types of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements.

It is worth noting that it is advisable to take whey protein not only before training, but also right in the morning. At this time, the body needs protection from catabolism more than ever, but it cannot yet take it from regular nutrition - nutrients from food are absorbed rather slowly.

Whey protein comes in three forms:

  1. Whey protein concentrate (WPC). There is practically no additional processing after receiving from raw materials. That is why it is absorbed relatively slowly, and the concentration of pure protein in the powder is up to 80%. But the protein fractions remain intact (if this is important to someone for some reason);
  2. Whey protein isolate (WPI). Contains up to 90% pure protein, which, moreover, is also very quickly and easily absorbed. However, post-processing removes some beneficial substances from the protein;
  3. Whey protein hydrolyzate (WHP). After being extracted from the whey, it undergoes a hydrolysis procedure. It breaks down protein bonds, making protein easier to digest. It is digested and metabolized very quickly, making it recommended for consumption immediately after training. However, it has an unpleasant bitter taste.

In general, all three varieties are useful. It is better to consume GSB after training, WMB - before, and WPC, which contains the maximum of useful substances, in the morning or 1-2 hours before training in the gym.

So, let's summarize.


  • Contains many useful substances that are not limited to proteins and amino acids;
  • It is quickly digested and absorbed by the body, making it suitable for use before and after training.


  • Not suitable for long-term inhibition of catabolic processes.

The correct selection of whey protein is not particularly important. Regardless of the specific variety, it will cope perfectly with the task assigned to it.

Casein protein

The photo of casein shows a graph of the final results of scientific research. So they took several people for a test who did not eat for 10 hours and consumed casein in 7 hours.

These results showed that protecting muscles from breakdown is unlikely, but taking casein at night will not harm the body.

Bodybuilders actively take casein, which provides the body with the necessary amino acids and breaks down quite slowly in the stomach, forming a clot.

Also, the effect of casein for weight loss is aimed at suppressing appetite, slowing down the action of other proteins.

Casein selection ///

As a general rule, I recommend purchasing sports supplements from manufacturers who can provide laboratory results for their products. This ensures that the information on the packaging matches its contents.

It should also be noted that many companies sell protein mixtures consisting of both casein and whey. Due to the high cost of such mixtures, I would like to once again emphasize that a casein-whey cocktail can be prepared by yourself at home. Just don't add an alcoholic drink to it. (If you still decide, use vodka.)

Biological properties of micellar casein

The very name of this type of protein already contains its biochemical characteristics. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, casein molecules are grouped and form supramolecular formations - micelles. As a result, the area of ​​interaction between digestive enzymes and protein is significantly reduced, due to which the speed of its action increases significantly. As a rule, the period of action of such casein protein is 10-12 hours from the moment of its intake.

What is the purpose of using micellar casein?

One of the main goals of a bodybuilder or a person seeking to maintain his body in sports shape is to create a positive or equilibrium nitrogen balance in the body 24 hours a day. That is why the nutrition program includes as many meals as possible with the inclusion of complete protein. Micellar casein, in relation to this task, meets two requirements at once:

  • Contains a complete amino acid complex
  • Provides the body with a slow supply of amino acids over a long period of time

Based on this, this type of protein is best suited during periods of skipping meals, before bed and immediately after training. In addition, micellar casein can be used as the main component of sports nutrition in a diet for weight gain or fat burning.

Taking micellar casein when gaining weight

When gaining muscle mass, ideally it is necessary to create conditions so that the supply of amino acids to muscle tissue is continuous. Micellar-type casein protein allows this task to be performed. Taking just one serving of this protein allows you to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the athlete’s body for at least 6-8 hours.

Of course, compared to whey protein, casein has a lower anabolic response, but it is much more beneficial in preventing the development of catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue, provoked by extreme stress from training.

The use of micellar protein for weight loss

While following a program aimed at getting rid of excess fat deposits, it is important to maintain low blood sugar levels at all times. This means that the diet should contain predominantly protein foods.

Micellar casein is best suited to serve as an additional source of protein during this difficult period of the body’s life.

It ensures the supply of amino acids to the bloodstream - the main source of energy for a person who wants to lose weight. Unlike carbohydrates, this compound does not lead to changes in insulin production, which means that adipose tissue will not have time to recover and fat will be burned much faster than with a diet based on carbohydrates.

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