Methandrostenolone - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews

Methandienone is a hormonal drug belonging to the group of left-sided anabolic steroids. It is often prescribed in the treatment of thyroid diseases. This drug is also well known to athletes, as it helps reduce fat deposits and increase muscle mass.

Methandienone is a hormonal drug belonging to the group of left-sided anabolic steroids.

Release form, composition and packaging

Methandienone (Metandienone, or in Latin - Metandienonum) is available in tablet form, 20 pcs. in a contour cell. Packaged in cardboard boxes with 3 or 5 blisters (60 or 100 pills) in each pack.

In pharmacies, this dosage form is found under different names, but among athletes this drug is simply called Methane. The active ingredient of this drug is methandienone. Each Methandienone tablet contains 5 or 10 mg of this substance.

Methandienone (Metandienone, or in Latin - Metandienonum) is available in tablet form.

Side effects

  • Gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, impaired liver function, jaundice;
  • Cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems: leukemoid syndrome (pain in long bones, leukemia), iron deficiency anemia, hypocoagulable changes (with a tendency to bleeding);
  • Other: edema, increased levels of low-density lipoproteins and decreased levels of high-density lipoproteins.

With long-term therapy, the following undesirable effects may be observed: hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatonecrosis, hepatic purpura, cholestatic hepatitis, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, increased or decreased libido, flatulence, chills, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, sleep disturbance, convulsions.

Also, with a long course of treatment, the following phenomena were noted:

  • In women: hypercalcemia; virilization, the symptoms of which are hoarseness or deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, hirsutism, dys- and amenorrhea, oily skin, steroid acne;
  • In men: in the prepubertal period - priapism, penis enlargement, acne, formation of secondary sexual characteristics, idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin, calcification of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones; in the postpubertal period - gynecomastia, mastodynia, decreased sexual function, priapism, bladder irritation, hyperplasia and/or prostate carcinoma (in old age).

How does Methandienone work?

This drug has anabolic and hematopoietic pharmacological effects. Penetrating into the cell nucleus, the molecules of the active substance activate the genetic apparatus of the cell. This enhances the synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins. In addition, when using this drug, enzymes of the tissue respiration chain are activated, catalysis of oxidative phosphorylation reactions and ATP synthesis occur. In turn, this leads to the accumulation of high-energy molecules inside the cell.

Methandienone therapy causes changes in the body such as:

  • increase in muscle mass;
  • increase in physical indicators;
  • increased appetite;
  • relief of pain from old severe injuries;
  • decreased production of the stress hormone cortisol;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • reduction of subcutaneous fat.

This drug helps to enhance the synthesis of erythropoietin with the implementation of hematopoietic action. Methandienone has an antiallergic effect and promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men.

Effects of methandienone

1. Gain muscle mass. One of the most obvious and tangible effects of the anabolic steroid methandienone on the athlete’s body. Mass gain, as a rule, is of interest to bodybuilders during the corresponding period of gain. But methane shows itself most effectively when combined with other drugs, when the goal is to create a powerful anabolic combination.

2. Increase in physical indicators. Methane is a favorite steroid among weightlifters and powerlifters. This is due to a pronounced increase in strength in a fairly short period. The use of methandienone helps athletes develop strength potential and ensure progress, which directly affects achievements.

3. Stimulation of protein synthesis. The cell begins to produce more protein when methandienone and globulin begin to act on certain receptors.

4. Elimination of pain from old injuries. Fluid retention occurs in the joint capsules, which eliminates joint pain.

5. Glycogen restoration. Glycogen is the main source of energy, which accumulates in the liver and muscles. During periods of intense and heavy training, the body quickly depletes glycogen reserves. Methandienone, in turn, ensures the shortest restoration of glycogen, which leads to progress and productivity.

6. Increased appetite. Methandienone activates anabolic processes. Naturally, the body begins to request building material in the form of food, or rather, it is interested in nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) - no matter in what form.

7. Reducing the stress hormone cortisol. An anabolic steroid already a priori suppresses cortisol and works as an anti-catabolic. In the case of the use of methandienone, protection against the destruction of muscle structures during severe, stressful situations, such as training, is noted.

8. Anti-catabolic effect. Preservation of muscle mass in moments of extreme tension.

9. Light fat burning effect. The effect of methane on the burning of subcutaneous fat has been recorded. This effect is a consequence of the production of additional dopamine. However, methandienone is extremely rarely used for weight loss, since some water retention does not allow tracking the process of fat reduction.

10. Strengthening the bone apparatus. Thanks to this effect, methandienone is successfully used in medicine.

The results from using methandienone are felt almost immediately, within the first week. Increased physical strength and mass, improved well-being and vital energy, drive for training, pumping and, lo and behold, pleasant muscle fullness. The anabolic steroid methandienone not only has a positive effect on the training process, but also gives self-confidence, which significantly improves the quality of life.

Indications for use of Methandienone

Doctors can recommend this remedy in the complex treatment of protein metabolism disorders. It is prescribed for conditions such as:

  • cachexia of various origins;
  • pathologies of protein metabolism (post-traumatic, post-operative and post-burn origin);
  • infectious processes accompanied by protein loss; trauma;
  • protein metabolism disorders after radiation therapy;
  • angiopathy in people with diabetes;
  • toxic goiter;
  • growth retardation in children;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • glucocortico-induced myopathy;
  • delayed puberty in boys, etc.

Methandienone is prescribed for progressive muscular dystrophy.

Despite the fact that Methandienone is prohibited for use in sports, it is often used as a doping in strength sports - bodybuilding, boxing, weightlifting or wrestling. According to athletes, the effect of using this drug is felt within the first week after starting use.

It helps increase physical strength and muscle mass, and also improves well-being during exercise and heavy training.

The disadvantages of Methandienone include the “rollback phenomenon” present in it. Most athletes note noticeable loss of muscle mass after discontinuation of this drug. Therefore, a course of taking other drugs that eliminate such processes is necessary. It is believed that this drug has the greatest effect when used in combined courses of steroids.

Despite the fact that Methandienone is prohibited for use in sports, it is often used as a doping in strength sports, such as boxing.

Indications for use of the drug Methandienone

Asthenia, cachexia of various origins, convalescence after severe injuries, operations, burns, in the preoperative and postoperative period, as well as after irradiation and infectious diseases, renal and adrenal insufficiency, toxic goiter, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis and delayed formation of callus after fractures, myopathy and progressive muscular dystrophy. As part of complex therapy, it is used for tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, asthma and hepatitis. In addition, methandienone is prescribed in the treatment of corticosteroids in order to prevent the catabolic effect of the latter. In pediatric practice it is indicated for growth retardation, dwarfism, anorexia, malnutrition, etc.

How to use?

Methandienone is convenient to use because the tablets are easy to dose. The standard dosage regimen is orally, before meals, twice a day. For medicinal purposes, adults are prescribed 5 mg per dose. For children - depending on age and body weight:

  • up to 2 years - 0.05-0.1 mg/kg;
  • from 2 to 5 years - 1-2 mg/kg;
  • from 6 to 14 years - 3-5 mg/kg.

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Duration of taking the drug is up to 4 weeks. Repeated treatment may be recommended after 1.5-2 months.

Duration of taking the drug is up to 4 weeks.

The daily dosage of Methandienone for athletes can be increased to 50 mg with an even distribution of the drug in 3-5 doses throughout the day. When using this anabolic drug for the first time, a solo regimen is recommended.

You should start taking the drug gradually, not exceeding the daily dosage of 20 mg. When repeated doses may be increased. In addition, in this case, combination regimens with other steroids are recommended. The course of taking this drug for athletes is 2 months.

The use of this drug requires medical supervision, since it has a number of contraindications and side effects.

The use of this drug requires medical supervision, since it has a number of contraindications and side effects.

When does it start to work?

The effect after taking Methandienone for medical purposes in most cases is observed already on the 5-7th day of use.

In athletes, when taking the drug correctly, muscle mass begins to increase from 2-3 weeks of use. After the first course, an athlete can gain about 10 kg, but after stopping Methandienone, half of the gained weight will go away, since it will be water.

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Methandienone – why is it so popular?

Methane in Ukraine - in the old days it was one of the most popular means for athletes. The drug promotes protein synthesis, as it maintains its increased level. This manifests itself in a positive nitrogen balance. The calcium balance is also normalized, as the product promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones. Over a short period of time using methane, increased muscle growth is observed. But one of the disadvantages of the product is that the body retains too much water, which will interfere with those who want to develop certain muscle groups. For those who simply need to increase volume, this drug is ideal. Methane is often used as a replacement for Oxymethalone. The similarity between them is not only anabolic, but also in side effects.


As a rule, methane is combined with other drugs, such as Testosterone and Nandrolone decanoate. With the help of methane you can increase weight in a short time. This is a potent drug, with the help of which nitrogen is retained in the muscles, they increase in size and become prominent. The body also retains potassium and sodium. With the use of methandrostenolone, the body becomes more resilient and the person increases physical activity. At the end of the cycle of taking the drug, it is clear that the rate of muscle development has increased.

According to research, methane is one of the best means for developing muscles. But in order to get really good results, you need to consume more than five thousand calories a day. The product is not recommended for those who want to lose weight or become more agile. Women are not advised to take the drug. You could buy Methandrostenolone in Ukraine directly at the pharmacy in the 90s. The price of methane depended directly on the size of the package. Unfortunately, due to the ban, it is now impossible to buy methane on the open market.

Method of administration

The drug can be taken either orally or by injection. It is important to control the amount of product taken. Methane for muscles should be taken for 4-7 weeks. This is enough to observe a significant effect on the body and avoid side effects - this course makes the cycle safe for beginners. The drug does not stay in the body for a long time, so it should be taken 3-4 times a day after meals. Some experienced athletes prefer to take the daily dose at one time - before training. This creates an instant boost of energy, but in this case the drug is unsafe. The dose of methane should be a minimum of 30 mg per day, but the most common dose is 40 to 60 mg per day, when used for 4 weeks.

Effect of taking the drug:

  • rapid increase in muscle mass;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • fat is burned;
  • the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • appetite increases.

Side effects

The drug is harmful (or even toxic in large doses) to the liver. Methane can cause two noticeable problems: gynecomastia (breast growth in addition to normal size), acne, especially for those who have had it. In order to confidently take the drug, it must be combined with a liver protective drug. Due to water retention, methane can significantly increase blood pressure. Other effects may occur, but are not common:

  • hair loss;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • localized fat accumulation;
  • Virilization is possible in women.


  • hypersensitivity to methandrostenolone.
  • severe liver failure.
  • pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Also, people with hypertension should not buy methandrostenolone.

Side effects of Methandienone

This anabolic agent has the ability to convert into estradiol. This leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body and can trigger the development of gynecomastia. Other side effects are:

  • worsening atherosclerosis (increased LDL concentration and decreased HDL concentration);
  • development of iron deficiency conditions;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • disturbances in the digestive tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • in case of liver diseases, disturbances in its functioning and the occurrence of cholestatic hepatitis occur;
  • development of leukemic syndrome; increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • sleep disorders, etc.

Taking methandienone may cause seizures.

It should be borne in mind that this drug has an androgenic effect, since while taking Methandienone, the level of male sex hormones - androgens - increases in the body. This may increase side effects. As a result of using this drug, women may experience signs of virilism (deepening of the voice, excessive male-pattern hair growth, the formation of steroid acne, menstrual irregularities and other undesirable effects).

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In men, taking Methandienone can lead to bladder irritation, mastodynia, gynecomastia, impotence and priapism. In rare cases, signs of prostate hyperplasia and carcinoma are observed (in men, mainly in old age).

As a result of using this drug, women may experience signs of virilism.

Side effects

Methandienone tends to be converted to estradiol, which can lead to undesirable effects such as the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and the risk of gynecomastia. These side effects can be avoided. It is enough to follow the following recommendations.

  1. Do not exceed recommended dosages (25-30 mg per day. If well tolerated, 50 mg).
  2. Take rest between courses, that is, periodically stop using AAS.
  3. Take antiestrogens (including tamoxifen) and perform PCT.

Methandienone and its effect on the liver . Oral steroids may indeed have some effect on liver function. But do not harm the organ, but increase its activity. The harm of methane to the liver has been greatly exaggerated. After the course, the liver is able to recover on its own and with adequate dosages, no negative effects will be noticed.

Contraindications for use

This drug is not recommended for:

  • individual intolerance or signs of allergy to Methandienone;
  • liver failure;
  • renal pathologies of an infectious-allergic nature (for example, glomerulonephritis or nephrosis);
  • prostate adenoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms.

This anabolic agent is prescribed with caution to patients:

  • with chronic heart failure;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in childhood and old age.

Methandienone should not be taken by patients suffering from liver failure.

Indications for use

  • Cachexia, protein metabolism disorders (including conditions after operations, burns, severe injuries, radiation therapy);
  • Severe form of infectious lesions leading to protein loss;
  • Glucocorticoid-induced myopathy;
  • Progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • Diabetic angiopathy;
  • Encephalopathy (due to alcoholic hepatitis).

The use of Methandrostenolone is also recommended when it is necessary to accelerate bone regeneration in case of fractures and injuries, when the growth of children is slowed, or when physical development and puberty are delayed (pubertal infantilism) in boys.

special instructions

Taking this steroid drug requires constant medical supervision and systematic monitoring of blood concentrations of Ca2+, hemoglobin, glucose and hematocrit. In addition, in the process of consuming Methandienone, it is necessary to provide adequate nutrition with a sufficient content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Taking the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated. Due to the risk of side effects in the child while taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Taking the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Use in children

Can be included in treatment regimens for children under 2 years of age. In pediatrics, the course of treatment using this drug should not exceed 4 weeks. Repeated treatment can be carried out only after 1.5-2 months.

Increased growth of tubular bones is observed within six months after treatment. Monitoring the condition of the child’s skeletal system in the epiphyseal growth zones is carried out using x-ray examinations 2 times a year.

The drug can be included in treatment regimens for children under 2 years of age.

How to take if you have impaired renal function?

Taking steroid drugs negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and leads to dysfunction of the urinary system. According to research conducted by scientists at Columbia University, the anabolic activity of such drugs provokes progressive kidney disease.

This leads to surgical interventions and long stages of tissue restoration.

Therefore, if any symptoms related to the urinary system appear, you should consult your doctor. If the development of undesirable processes is detected, the doctor will most likely change the treatment regimen and prescribe other medications.

Taking steroid drugs negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and leads to dysfunction of the urinary system.

Pharmacological action[ | ]

Penetrating into the cell nucleus, it activates the genetic apparatus of the cell, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins, activation of enzymes of the tissue respiration chain and increased tissue respiration, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis and the accumulation of macroergs inside the cell. Stimulates anabolic and suppresses catabolic processes caused by GCS. Leads to increased muscle mass, decreased fat deposits and positive nitrogen balance. The hematopoietic effect is associated with an increase in the synthesis of erythropoietin. The antiallergic effect is due to an increase in the concentration of the inhibitor of the C-1 complement fraction and a decrease in the content of the C-2 and C-4 complement fractions. The presence of androgenic activity can contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics of the male type. Duration of action - up to 14 hours.

Drug interactions

Taking this anabolic agent enhances the effect of drugs that reduce:

  • thrombin activity in the blood;
  • formation of prothrombin (necessary for blood clotting);
  • glucose level in the body.

Methandienone accelerates the process of mineralization of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones. In addition, when taken together with glucocorticosteroids and sodium-containing drugs, it increases fluid retention in the body and leads to the formation of edema.

Taking Methandienone leads to the appearance of edema.

Interaction[ | ]

Strengthens the effect of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, insulin and hypoglycemic drugs, as well as the side effects of hepatotoxic drugs. Weakens the effects of growth hormone and its derivatives (accelerates the mineralization of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones). GCS and MCS, corticotropin, Na+-containing drugs and foods rich in Na+ increase (mutually) fluid retention in the body, increase the risk of developing edema, and increase the severity of acne. It acts synergistically when used simultaneously with nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) preparations.

What medications should I take after a course of Methandienone?

At the end of the course of taking methane, accumulated fluid will be intensively removed from the muscle tissue. It is also necessary to take into account that any anabolic agent is an artificial analogue of the male hormone testosterone. The human body is a complex self-regulating system.

When there is an excess of this substance in the body, the production of its own hormone decreases. In some cases, such processes lead to complete or partial atrophy of the testicles.

Therefore, after a course of this drug, it is necessary to minimize possible losses in muscle tissue and restore natural testosterone levels. To restore hormonal balance after a course of therapy with Methandienone, drugs may be prescribed that promote:

  • blocking the production of estrogen and stimulating the production of own testosterone (Letrozole, Clomiphene citrate, Tamoxifen, etc.);
  • liver restoration (for example, Karsil);
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • reducing cortisol in the body (Clenbuterol, Glutamine, Insulin).

Karsil is prescribed in parallel when taking a drug to restore the liver.

Stanozolol injections can prevent suppression of testosterone production (testicular atrophy) in the body during a course of taking anabolic drugs. This drug is an alternative to Methandienone.

To form a dry and high-quality muscle structure, create relief and increase vascularity, athletes often use the steroid drug Turinabol.

It is used as a nutritional supplement to gain muscle mass by runners, swimmers and tennis players. Unlike Metandienone, this anabolic drug has almost no side effects.

Methandienone is available from a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Methandienone

Anabolic steroid. Penetrating into the cell nucleus, it activates the genetic apparatus of the cell, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins, activation of enzymes of the tissue respiration chain and an increase in the processes of tissue respiration, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis and the accumulation of high-energy compounds inside the cell. Stimulates anabolic and inhibits catabolic processes, leads to an increase in muscle mass and a negative nitrogen balance, inhibits the excretion of potassium, sulfur and phosphorus necessary for the synthesis of proteins, promotes calcification of bone tissue, increases appetite, increases body weight, improves the general condition of asthenia and cachexia. The hematopoietic effect is due to an increase in the synthesis of erythropoietin. Androgenic activity is 100 times less than that of testosterone. It is quickly and completely absorbed from the digestive tract; low bioavailability is due to the effect of primary passage through the liver. In the blood, 90% binds to specific carrier globulins. In the liver it undergoes biotransformation with the formation of inactive metabolites. Excreted in urine. Duration of action - up to 14 hours. Duration of action - up to 14 hours.

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