Transverse arm curl with dumbbells. Alternating biceps curls with dumbbells. Lying biceps curl with dumbbells

Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Author and creator of the site CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Main muscles - biceps Additional - brachialis Difficulty - easy

Execution technique

Initial position:

  1. Hold a dumbbell of suitable weight in both hands.
  2. Hold the implements in your hands along your body with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  3. Take the starting position while standing: spread your legs hip-width apart, straighten your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together.


  1. Tighten your core. Inhale and as you exhale, bend one arm at the elbow joint, lifting the dumbbell in an arcuate path towards the shoulder.
  2. At the same time, as you rise, turn your hand with the projectile, palm up.
  3. Stop the movement when the dumbbell is at chest level.
  4. Lower your hand with the projectile down, turning your hands to a neutral position.
  5. Adhering to the specified algorithm, perform a similar movement for the second hand.
  6. Perform a series of alternating bends in the required volume.

Attention! Recommendations! Execution options

Hammer curls

The dumbbell hammer curl is a basic exercise that targets the shoulder muscles and biceps.

A hammer with dumbbells may have several grip options:

  • Pronation, when the hand is turned palm down. The greater the pronation, the stronger the shoulder muscle will work.
  • Supination, that is, the palms are turned upward. In this case, the muscles work more.
  • A neutral grip, in which the fist is parallel to the forearm, determines the work of both the biceps and shoulder muscles.

Types of grips for performing the exercise.

Hammer bend technique

For this exercise you will need two dumbbells and the following steps:

  • We take dumbbells in our hands with a neutral grip.
  • We place our hands along the body, while the body should be straightened. This body position will be the starting position.
  • Slightly bending your back in the lower back, we fix the back muscles.
  • Inhale and then lift the dumbbell to the top point. When curling your arms, you need to make sure that your elbows are tightly pressed to your torso, remaining motionless throughout the entire approach.

Important! When lifting dumbbells, do not allow your elbows to move forward. Having raised the dumbbell to the top point, you should not pull it to the very shoulder, as if throwing it up.

  • We lift the dumbbell exclusively with the strength of the biceps, after which we need to slowly lower it to the bottom position, straightening the arm to the end. At the same time, you should not swing in order to lift the weight next time by inertia.

Correct execution of the exercise.
Correct execution of the exercise.

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of exercise - which muscles work



Preparing for the exercise

To prepare for the exercise, do a general warm-up. Focus on developing the elbow joints of both hands. Before working sets, perform a lead-up set with light dumbbells.

Proper execution


Efficiency Tips

Inclusion in the program

Alternating lifts are most often used after a base load - for example, heavy barbell lifts.

Since in this case dumbbell curls are aimed at isolated and targeted finishing of the biceps, the range of repetitions is selected appropriately - 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.


How to replace dumbbell curls with standing biceps curls

A great way to replace dumbbell curls is with a pulley machine. A similar movement with standing supination can be performed on a lower pulley with a cable handle.

Incline Dumbbell Raise

Raising dumbbells on an incline bench.
Raising dumbbells on an incline bench.

The biceps consists of two bundles or heads. And almost all the best exercises designed to pump up this muscle train the inner biceps. Only a few allow you to pump the outer beam, and this is one of them.

Options for performing exercises on an incline bench:

  • dumbbells are lifted with both hands at the same time;
  • dumbbells are lifted alternately with each hand;
  • classes are conducted in series, when first one arm is worked out (for example, 10 repetitions are done), and then the other.

Important! This exercise can also be performed on a horizontal bench.

A concentrated dumbbell curl on an incline bench allows you to move your elbows as far back as possible. Thanks to this, the external bundle of the biceps is included in the work. Since the elbows are usually brought forward when performing biceps exercises, in this case only the inner head of the biceps works.

The technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  • We take a dumbbell in each hand and sit on a bench. Your arms should be down.
  • We press our hands as close to the body as possible (on the sides). If this is not done, then when lifting dumbbells, the load from the upper head of the biceps will switch to the internal one, and the exercise will be performed incorrectly.

Correct execution of the exercise – hands pressed to the body.
Correct execution of the exercise – hands pressed to the body.

  • When your hands are in the top position, you need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds for a peak contraction, and then slowly lower the dumbbells down.
  • At the bottom point, as in the previous exercise, you should not fully extend your elbows. They should remain slightly bent so that the load does not go away from the biceps. In addition, when extending your arms, you can get injured.

This material will be perfectly complemented by the following publications:

  • Arm training for girls in the gym
  • Training biceps and triceps in one day


To perform such bends, the athlete will need dumbbells and a horizontal bench if the exercise is performed in a sitting position. Additional equipment includes sports gloves and elastic bandages for the elbow joints.

  1. To make the body sway less, your back can be pressed against any vertical support. This will prevent you from cheating by lifting the weight due to inertia. However, this prevents the use of cheating in the last repetitions, when the muscles can no longer bend on their own.
  2. There is no need to throw the dumbbells up. At the top point of the amplitude, the hand should be in front of the elbow. Only in this version will the biceps receive maximum load. If the dumbbell is thrown back, then at the highest point the load will disappear.
  3. To further work the inner head of the biceps, you can use a wrist rotation. If at the top point the little finger is higher than the thumb, then the inner part of the muscle will receive a greater load. It is most convenient to perform this technique when your hands hold the dumbbell closer to the inner edge of the handle.
  4. If the arm curls are performed alternately, the athlete will be able to use heavier dumbbells. However, it is important to ensure that the body does not swing.
  5. The higher the elbow rises at the top point of the amplitude, the better the biceps will contract, but at the top the load on it will be less, so it is better not to abuse this method.

Alternating dumbbell curls with supination

Lifting dumbbells with supination is one of the most effective and popular exercises for working the biceps.

Alternating dumbbell curls with supination
Lifting dumbbells with supination is one of the most effective and popular exercises for working the biceps. Most often it is done in combination with other exercises for the biceps brachii muscles (biceps).

Performing this exercise involves supination - rotational movements of the wrist joint while lifting dumbbells. During supination, a fairly wide range of muscle fibers are involved in the work. In addition to the biceps, the brachioradialis muscles, pronator teres, extensor carpi radialis (long and short), and the extensor carpi ulnaris also work.

The main advantage of using dumbbells when training biceps with supination is that dumbbells do not limit the movement of the wrist joints. This is why supination becomes possible.

Technique for performing dumbbell lifts with supination

1. Starting position – you should sit on a bench and pick up dumbbells. During this, direct your palms towards yourself, that is, inward.

2. Inhale deeply and lift one of the dumbbells until your forearm is parallel to the floor. Next, begin to rotate your wrist, turning your palm upward.

3. After you have done this movement several times, take a short break (without lowering your wrist) and rotate your wrist again. Next, return to the starting position and repeat the same movements, but with the other hand.

Alternating dumbbell curls with supination

Practical recommendations and advice

To train your biceps more effectively, try not to move your elbows while lifting the dumbbells. This means that the elbows cannot be tilted away from the body, since otherwise the load will be greatly shifted from the trained biceps and the maximum result after training will not be achieved.

The hand should begin to rotate when the elbow is at a right angle. If you start supinating earlier or later, you can seriously injure your elbow and shoulder joints.

There are some caveats regarding the weight used in training. Don't think that using heavier dumbbells will help you train your biceps faster or get by with fewer repetitions of the exercise. This is wrong. You should use dumbbells of such weight that you feel the load on the muscles, but no more.

Too much dumbbell weight is simply dangerous. In addition, you will not be able to completely accurately follow the technique of performing the exercise if you take dumbbells that are too heavy. So try to correctly calculate your strength and strictly follow the technique of performing the exercise.

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Standing barbell curl for biceps Standing barbell curl for biceps

The biceps is one of the most visible muscles of the human musculature, therefore, when doing bodybuilding or fitness, it is important to pay special attention to its development.

Raising dumbbells in front Raising dumbbells in front

Exercises to develop the anterior deltas are one of the fundamental exercises in bodybuilding. For maximum load isolation

Alternating dumbbell curls for hammer biceps Alternating dumbbell curls for hammer biceps

To make your biceps perfect and beautiful, you need to work on the inner side of the muscle, which consists of bundles. The “hammer” dumbbell curl exercise was invented especially for this purpose.

biceps, biceps, dumbbell lifts, pump up biceps, biceps exercises, dumbbells, shoulders, shoulder exercises, shoulder exercises, anatomy Source:

Bending arms on a block (Crossover)

In principle, arm curls on a block are performed according to the same principle as arm curls with dumbbells. Here you can also work with one hand and two at the same time. You can perform different variations with the position of the brush. The technique is as follows:

  • Standing facing the machine, grab the handle of the block with one or two hands. The brushes in their original position will be turned upward.
  • Inhale, bend your arm(s) at the elbow and exhale at the top point.

This is a good option for an isolation exercise that targets the biceps and brachialis muscles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the exercise of bending the arms from the upper block. There are some nuances here. The technique is as follows:

  • Standing in the center of the Crossever machine, grab the handles of the upper block with one or two hands. In this case, the hands should be directed upward (although there is a variation with a reverse grip).
  • Inhale, bend your elbow, trying to pull the handle towards your head. At the end point, exhale.

Now about some features of this exercise. It is most often used to complete a training session to develop the shoulder and forearm flexor muscles. This exercise works the brachialis and biceps muscles while giving them a good stretch. It is not recommended to work with heavy weights here.

Bending your arms on a block in this way can be done with different grips. If you do a reverse grip, i.e. turn the hand down, then when flexing, the force of the biceps will spread to the distal tendon.

It is also one of the favorite exercises among athletes, as it allows you to work with various variations and use different bundles of muscle fibers. If you perform exercises at home or in the gym that require a regular barbell (with a straight bar), then the technique will be as follows:

  • Standing with your back straight, hold the barbell with your arms straight so that your grip is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Palms turned up.
  • Inhale, bend your elbows and exhale at the extreme point.

Muscles worked in this exercise:

  • biceps brachii;
  • brachialis and brachioradialis muscles;
  • flexors of the hand and fingers.

In addition, stabilizers work - the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks.

In this case, the classic basic version was described. There are variations. For example, a reverse hand grip that engages the wrist extensors:

  • extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis;
  • extensor digitorum;
  • elbow extensor.

This type of variation is used to train the wrist joints. If you constantly train with the same grip, the flexor muscles will dominate the extensors, creating an imbalance. Therefore, it is advisable that your training always includes this option.

Barbell curls can also be performed with different grip widths. If you make the grip narrow, i.e. the hands will be located on the hips or next to each other. If you use a W-shaped (curved) bar, the emphasis will be on the long head of the biceps. If you have a wide grip, then the effective emphasis will be on the short head.

  • If you perform dumbbell curls with a change in the position of the hand from pronated to suninated, then try to take the dumbbell not in the center of the bar, but somewhat closer to the outside.
  • When performing flexion exercises with changing the position of the hand, try to supinate the hand at the top point, and not immediately at the beginning of the exercise. The process of flexion and supination must occur simultaneously.
  • Perform flexion and extension under full control of the process, do not cheat.
  • If you notice that during the exercise your body moves back or your elbows move forward, then your technique is suffering and you definitely need to correct it. It is best to seek outside help.
  • There is no need to get hung up on these exercises. This uses small muscles that already receive a lot of stress during other exercises, such as the latissimus dorsi or bench press.


– movements during exercises that allow the weight to be transferred from an isolated muscle group to other auxiliary muscles, thereby facilitating the process of execution, as well as allowing the athlete to take larger weights and increase the number of repetitions.


- outward movement of a limb or part of it.


- movement of a limb or part of it inward.

The following materials were used in the article:

  1. Frederic Delavier "Anatomy of strength exercises for men and women"
  2. Stuart McRobert's Comprehensive Guide to Weightlifting Techniques
  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger "The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding"

Good day, dear readers, admirers and other personalities! As usual, on this mid-day there is a technical note on the project, and today we will talk about seated dumbbell curls for biceps.

After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, its benefits and technique, we will also find out how good this exercise is and whether it is worth including it in your training program.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's start off easy.

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