Girls love metal too: exercises with dumbbells for the abs

exercises with dumbbells for the press

Good physical shape of your own body is the basis for good health and a joyful mood. Beautiful lines of the female figure, meeting modern canons of attractiveness, give its owner more confidence in her own irresistibility. Gone are the extremes: massiveness and transparency are equally unfashionable. At the peak of popularity is a slim, athletic figure that looks fit and energetic: flat abs, toned buttocks, beautiful back, arms and legs. It remains to be seen how to proceed in order to generate such data in a short time.

Of course, in the matter of slimness, the main thing in the process of obtaining the desired body model will be nutrition. But physical activity also plays a significant role. It seems unlikely to reveal all the nuances in just one article. Therefore, here we will talk about training complexes that every young lady can afford. Even if you have never been familiar with sports, memories of physical education lessons only evoke unpleasant emotions, and the fitness club is a closed area, exercises with dumbbells will interest you in their simplicity and effectiveness. Even if you don’t want or can’t go to the gym, by working out with dumbbells at home, you will achieve quite obvious results.

abdominal exercises with dumbbells

Exercises with dumbbells for women's abs

In fitness, it is customary to pump up the abs without weights. However, over time, your own body weight begins to limit progress, causing muscle growth to slow down. Dumbbell ab exercises are a reliable and effective way to ensure consistent progression and the right level of training stress needed for muscle growth.

Required Attributes

To conduct classes, you need a special equipment, which can be purchased at any sports store. This is the most popular equipment, which is suitable for various workouts, does not take up much space when stored at home and is very budget-friendly.

Dumbbell workouts

The main criterion when choosing is weight. Beginning athletes should choose the minimum - 1.5-3 kg (you should not take less - it will be ineffective). For professional athletes, the recommended weight is 8 kg.

Increase the weight over time to ensure progress and definition.

Take care of comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes. Give preference to special fitness suits and sneakers. They do not restrict movement and do not cause discomfort.

Most exercises are performed on the floor, so a mat or a special fitness mat will be useful. It will provide comfort and help avoid discomfort and pain.

Features of abdominal training with dumbbells

The option of pumping the press using weights is usually called power. However, it is he who provides a truly powerful load on the entire abdominal area. The abdominal muscles are almost no different from other muscles of the body. To progress, they also need a load that will gradually increase. Working with your own body weight is good only in the beginning, although gradually its benefits fade away due to the fact that the body adapts to the load.

To tone your abs with dumbbells, you need to perform a small number of exercises, allowing enough time for recovery. You should also pay attention to key points when working with weights:

  • Movements should be smooth and slow (due to the increased risk of injury).
  • Exercises are selected so as to eliminate increased stress on the lower back (no Roman chair).
  • Work with a small number of repetitions (10-12).
  • Rest between sets – 2 minutes.
  • Increase the weight used to maintain the progression of the load.

Can women pump up their abdominal muscles?

Women need to train their abs! You shouldn’t unconditionally trust women’s forums that are full of horror stories about missing waistlines, muscle tears and prolapsed organs. Common sense should tell you that a woman’s body is not a bag of groceries for something to “fall out” of, but a missing waistline and damage to muscle fibers are the result of thoughtless and inadequately intense training.

The abs are very important, they belong to the core muscles - they help maintain balance and stabilize the spine. With any effort, any load, the abdominal muscles tense and fix the spine. The abs must be both flexible so that bending and turning are possible, and rigid in order to protect the abdominal organs and support the spine.

If a woman is planning motherhood, then strong abdominal muscles will make the pregnancy easier - the load on the spine will be less, childbirth will be easier, and restoration of the figure after childbirth will be faster.

Top abdominal exercises using dumbbells

Most abdominal exercises can be adapted to work with weights, although not all movements will be equally effective. A number of exercises are ideal for pumping up your abs using dumbbells. It is this group that will ensure the fastest progression.

Side bends with raised arms

A very powerful exercise that also works the shoulders and back (statically). It loads the entire core, but the movement should be done with caution for people who have back problems (hernias, protrusions, etc.).


  1. Stand straight, lift the projectile above you with outstretched arms with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  2. Lean to the side so that the position of your arms does not change (movement only at the waist).
  3. Tilt to the right, to the left, then straighten out and repeat the movement.

For more powerful pumping of the body, it is recommended to combine bending with lunges (the body is tilted in a sitting position).

Dumbbell plank row

Complex abdominal exercise with dumbbells for men. Also suitable for women, but you must choose a weight with which you can perform at least 10 rows on each arm.

  1. Hold the dumbbells and get into a plank position.
  2. Pull one hand to your lower abdomen while simultaneously moving your shoulder and shoulder blade back.
  3. Take a short break, then return to the starting position, accept the support and repeat the movement with the other hand.

To make it more difficult, gradually move forward (walking a lizard/monitor lizard).

Lumberjack exercise

An explosive abdominal exercise with dumbbells for women, which effectively works the entire abdominal mass (with an emphasis on the oblique muscles).


  1. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and stand straight. Lift and hold it so that it is above your right shoulder.
  2. At a moderate pace, move the exercise diagonally towards the left calf (knee, if mobility is poor), while simultaneously performing a partial squat.
  3. Without pausing, return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

It is important to perform the same number of reps on each side and keep your back straight throughout the entire approach.

Leg raise with dumbbell

These are regular lifts that are adapted to work with weights. Great for working out the lower abs.


  1. Lie down on the floor and cross your legs. Secure one part of the dumbbell with your feet and raise your legs up so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Begin to slowly lower your legs down, maintaining a slight bend in the knee (to minimize injury).
  3. At the bottom point, take a short pause, then, as you exhale, raise your legs to the starting position.

The difference with regular lifts is that when working with weights, the movement starts from the top. This makes it much easier to fix the projectile with your feet.

Rotating the dumbbell around the body

This exercise is initially performed with a kettlebell, but a dumbbell works well. Loads all the muscles of the core, although it does not lead to a strong contraction.


  1. Take a dumbbell with one hand (by the handle or a plate, whichever is more convenient), stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Begin to rotate the projectile along the body in a circle (with half-relaxed arms) clockwise.
  3. At the level of the buttocks, intercept with your other hand, and then perform the same rotation. The next interception is made in front of you.

When working with dumbbells, you need to pump your abs to failure. Therefore, you need to calculate approaches not by the number of repetitions, but by the execution time.

"Russian twist"

One of the best ways to create powerful side abs. The Russian twist is considered a universal movement that is suitable for athletes with any level of physical fitness (but only with the right weight).


  1. Sit on the floor, tilt your body back slightly (back straight). Legs are bent at the knees at a right angle. The dumbbell is held in front of you with your elbows bent.
  2. Rotate your body while moving your hands with the projectile to the side.
  3. Move your hands to the other side and perform the same movement.

To complicate the movement, try to bring the dumbbell closer to the floor, but only without rounding your back.

Standing dumbbell bends

Bent-overs are often criticized, but only because beginner athletes do them incorrectly.


  1. Stand up straight, place one hand at your side, and hold a dumbbell in the other.
  2. Start leaning towards the hand holding the projectile at a slow pace.
  3. Pause for 1 second at the bottom point, then straighten up and slightly tilt your body in the opposite direction.

On the subject: Top fit exercise machine exercises for the abdomen
It is important not to move the body too far in the other direction so that the movement does not look like a pendulum. This abduction helps increase amplitude and better stretch the muscles.

And also read: Is it possible to train your abs every day →

The abdominal press is the largest muscle group in the human body, which, moreover, is difficult to correct. A flat stomach with the notorious sculpted abs is the result of persistent, high-quality training and a low-calorie diet.

Abdominal exercises with dumbbells for women will help you achieve your desired goal, namely an elastic, toned abdomen with a minimal layer of fat. Working out with weights helps not only tighten your muscles, but also burn extra calories. You can train with dumbbells in the gym and at home. More about the most effective exercises below.

Training complex

The concept of “abdominal press” includes:

  • Straight;
  • Pyramidal;
  • Oblique;
  • Transverse abdominal muscles.

Each of the above muscles requires special abdominal exercises for women:

  • effectively work out the oblique muscles like this: your feet are shoulder-width apart, you should take a dumbbell in one hand, and the other pressed to your body. It is necessary to tilt the body towards the lowered upper limb. The number of executions is twenty times for each hand.
  • Exercise for the rectus abdominis muscles with dumbbells for women. Starting position - lying on your back, arms with dumbbells (the weight of the weight is small) crossed on your chest. You should slowly raise your body no more than forty degrees, and lower it to the floor at the same pace. The total number of repetitions is 30-40. Over time, the burden can be increased.
  • The transverse muscles require the following work: the initial position of the body is lying on your back, arms with weights behind your head. You should simultaneously lift your body and legs and slowly lower them to the floor. To achieve the desired result, the exercise is repeated at least thirty times.
  • Workout to work the pyramidal abdominal muscles . Starting position – lying on your back. In this case, the hands are placed behind the head, and a dumbbell weighing at least a kilogram is clamped between the feet. The legs rise above the floor literally a few centimeters, stay in this position for a couple of seconds, and then gradually lower down. Number of repetitions: two to three sets of 20-30 times.

Video “Set of exercises for girls and women. Exercises with dumbbells":

Features of “volume” training for women

If the goal of training is to get sculpted abs on the stomach, then they talk about “volumetric” training; its task is to increase the amount of muscle mass. The rectus abdominis muscle in women has a small volume, and even a well-trained abs will not become covered with a six-pack pattern if you do not add mass to it.

Men, when working “for volume,” use large weights (heavy sports equipment) with a low number of repetitions (8-12). This scheme does not work for women. Due to the characteristics of muscle fibers and hormonal levels, girls need a large number of repetitions (up to 80-100) to add muscle mass.

Another feature of “volume” training is the long break between abdominal workouts – about three days. This is how long it takes for muscles to recover and increase mass. If a woman is training to increase abdominal strength without increasing volume, then plan 3-4 sessions per week.

Effective abdominal exercises

Let's look at other options for training with dumbbells that can be done at home:

  • Diagonal twists . Hands with weights are bent at the elbows, pressed to the body. The body must be raised slightly and alternately touching the opposite knees with your elbows. The total number of repetitions is from 30 to 50.
  • Lifting the body (weights in hands), without lifting the lower back from the floor. It is necessary to perform three approaches of 20 times.
  • Exercise “Book” : simultaneous raising of arms with dumbbells and legs so that at the maximum point the forehead reaches the knees. The optimal number of repetitions for this exercise is thirty times.
  • The starting position is standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells pressed tightly to your body. It is necessary to alternately lower the upper body to the sides (do this smoothly, without jerking). This exercise perfectly works the oblique abdominal muscles and “sculpts” the waist.
  • Starting position – side plank. Dumbbell - in your free hand, which is on top. The leg, bending at the knee, is pulled towards the elbow of the arm with a weight. The total number of repetitions is ten times for each side.

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Will your waist disappear if you pump up your abs?

If the obliques become too bulky, your waist may become wider, but this rule does not apply to everyone. There are women whose abdominal muscle structure is such that no amount of “pumping” will spoil their narrow waist. But even if the body constitution is inclined to have a wide waist, then the solution to the problem is not to use “volume” training in exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, that is, not to do an exorbitant number of repetitions.

General recommendations

Before you start working on your abs with dumbbells at home, the fair sex should understand the basic rules for working on this problem area:

  • It is better to train on an empty stomach or no earlier than two to three hours after eating;
  • It is prohibited to pump up your abs during menstruation;
  • The load should be increased gradually. This applies to both the weight of the dumbbells and the total number of approaches and repetitions for performing each exercise.

The basic rule: you need to train three to four times a week, the duration of classes is at least half an hour, the optimal number of repetitions for all abdominal exercises is 20 times.

Video “How to pump up your abs while standing. 5 effective exercises with Tatyana Melomed":

So, training with dumbbells not only helps to tighten the abdominal muscles, make the stomach flat and elastic, such exercises in combination with proper nutrition contribute to effective weight loss.

WorkoutsDumbbell arm exercises for women

WorkoutsDumbbell exercises for women at home

To perform dumbbell exercises correctly and with maximum efficiency, women need to consider the following::

  1. Rely on your own strengths and do not overwork. It is recommended to start with two workouts per week, no more than 40 minutes each.
  2. The number of repetitions varies from 10 to 20 times depending on the level of training. There can be 2 approaches, after 1 month 2 more times are added.
  3. Watch your breathing. There is no need to detain him. At the moment of greatest tension, you need to exhale.
  4. For the greatest control over execution, exercises are best done in front of a mirror.
  5. After each approach, it is recommended to take a break of 30-60 seconds.
  6. The training begins with a basic set of exercises to warm up the muscles (lunges, squats and deadlifts).

Abdominal muscles and the menstrual cycle

This delicate feature of a woman’s body should definitely be taken into account when organizing training.

  • The greatest performance occurs during the period between menstruation and ovulation; the body responds well to strength loads.
  • 2-3 days of ovulation, a woman’s performance is at its lowest in the cycle; loads during this period should be light.
  • After ovulation and until menstruation, physical capabilities are average, exercises performed at high speed bring good results.
  • Actually, menstruation is the most ambiguous period of the cycle. If these days turn into torture with pain and a vile mood, then any training should be excluded. If a woman’s well-being allows it, then cardio exercises are allowed, but abdominal training during this period has restrictions: it is strictly forbidden to pump up the lower abs and you cannot perform exercises in which the pelvis and/or legs are raised above the abdomen.

Contraindications to training with dumbbells

Doing exercises with dumbbells is useful for women, like any small physical activity, however, you need to do it with extreme caution and attentiveness to the body. Doctors have identified a number of contraindications to exercise using dumbbells:

  • Hypertension (pressure above 170/90 mmHg). There may be a risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Diseases, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (failure, angina, arrhythmia). During exercise, most of the blood flows to active muscles, thereby increasing the load on the heart.
  • Bronchial asthma. Excessive physical activity is a provocateur of an attack.
  • Presence of hernia, spinal diseases.
  • Postoperative period . There is an increased risk that surgical sutures may open.

Exercises with dumbbells should be performed with caution during menstruation and pregnancy.

And also for people who do not have much experience in such physical activity.

How to choose the right dumbbell weight

The best option for beginners would be 0.5 kg. Dumbbells with weight increases up to 2 kg. However, professional fitness experts advise choosing dumbbells for exercise individually for each woman. Thus, the range of choice of exercise equipment increases to 10 kg.

In order to settle on those dumbbells that are needed, you should pay attention to the purpose of using dumbbells:

  • For weight loss, a weight of less than 2 kg will be suitable.
  • To form and strengthen the muscle corset – from 2 to 10 kg.
  • For arm muscles you will need dumbbells from 1 to 8 kg.
  • For the pectoral muscles 1.5-5 kg.
  • For the back muscles – 5-10 kg.
  • For leg muscles from 2.5 to 5 kg.

Those women who have been practicing weight training for a long time recommend choosing prefabricated dumbbells for home exercises, with the possibility of increasing the load.

In order for the lesson to be as effective as possible, a woman needs to decide for herself what weight of dumbbells will be optimal.

On topic: How to pump up your abs in the morning

It is necessary to perform about 15 repetitions of any exercise with the same weight and check the sensations. You should feel tired, but be able to continue performing the action.

Warm-up for the shoulder girdle before training

A prerequisite for quality training and the absence of sprains and injuries is a warm-up before exercising with weights.

You need to spend from 10 to 20 minutes on it. A sign of a successful warm-up is an increase in heart rate to 100-110 beats and completely warm muscles. You need to perform 2-3 approaches.

The warm-up complex should include:

Also an important part is stretching the muscles of the arms and shoulders. There are dynamic and static stretches. The meaning of the first is to stretch the muscles to their limit and then return to the starting position. This increases the power potential.

To perform dynamic stretching before exercises with dumbbells, it is recommended to use a special elastic band for women

The second type of stretching involves holding the muscle in a tense position for 5-10 seconds. This method is safer.

Medicine ball fold

This exercise pumps up the abdominal muscles well, and due to the medicine ball, the muscles of the arms and legs are tensed.

Execution technique

Lie on the floor on your back, take a medicine ball in your hands and hold it above your head with outstretched arms, raise your legs to a right angle with the floor. Lift your arms and upper back and hold the medicine ball between your ankles. Lower your legs until the medicine ball touches the floor. The arms and upper back remain raised at this time. Raise your medicine ball legs and pick up the ball again.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

You can incorporate these exercises into your workout by replacing regular crunches with ab crunches, or perform all eight as a stand-alone core workout.

To increase efficiency, perform the exercises without rest as one circuit. Depending on your capabilities, do 1-3 circles.

A set of exercises with dumbbells for beginners

Exercises with dumbbells for women should be performed with light weight (1-3 kg) and very clearly. The complex consists of 9 exercises, you should do 2-3 approaches.

Arm extensions with dumbbells

Dumbbell arm extensions are necessary to develop and strengthen the 3-brachialis muscle.

They have many variations:

Lifting with dumbbells lying down

The exercise helps to work out and develop the width of the pectoral muscles and engages the stabilizer muscles (biceps, triceps). In addition, it helps train the respiratory system and increases lung capacity. The exercise consists of several stages:

  1. Take a lying position and throw dumbbells on your chest or ask them to be handed to you if someone is nearby. Initial position - the apparatus is on top, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the palms are directed towards each other. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor.
  2. As you inhale, your arms spread in opposite directions and describe a semicircle. Having reached the lowest point (at or slightly below the chest), the pectoral muscles tighten and the dumbbells are brought together as you exhale.
  3. At the highest point you need to linger for a few seconds, not allowing the projectiles to touch. Then the exercise is repeated the required number of times.

When performing, you should move slowly, feeling the tension in each muscle group. You need to spread your arms out to the sides as far as possible until the pectoral muscles stretch slightly.

Push ups

There are several ways to do push-ups using dumbbells:

  • One hand remains on the floor, the other rests on the dumbbell. An easier way.
  • Both hands are held on dumbbells, which are parallel to each other. The greatest load goes to the upper chest.
  • Two shells lie in front of a man. The exercise is similar to the bench press. Helps develop shoulder mass and strength.
  • Push-ups with simultaneous movement of the apparatus in different directions. The most difficult option to perform, the main emphasis is on muscle strength.

The exercise technique is as follows:

  1. Lying position.
  2. Bend your elbows while inhaling until you are as close to the floor as possible. Elbows should be pressed to the sides.
  3. As you exhale, push up from the floor. You need to watch your back position. It should be smooth.

When performing the exercise, do not turn your wrists inward. This may cause injury. Also, you should not allow your pelvis to sag; the technique will be violated and the desired result will not be achieved.


The exercise is necessary to strengthen and train the gluteal muscles and hips. To better practice the technique, it is recommended to use a chair to begin with. Before performing it, you need to put it behind you and lightly touch it with your buttocks while squatting.

Basic rules for obtaining the desired result:

  • The body must be warmed up.
  • The feet are placed parallel to each other.
  • You should start without dumbbells, gradually adding weight.
  • The back remains straight both at the entrance and exit from the squat, and tilts no more than 45 degrees relative to the legs, otherwise there is an increased load on it.
  • Feet remain shoulder-width apart.

Squat technique:

  • As you inhale, you bend forward and bend your knees with your back straight.
  • Hands hold dumbbells and hang along the body. The shoulder blades are retracted as far back as possible.
  • The legs are bent until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should not go ahead of your toes. The heels remain firmly pressed to the floor.
  • Lifting up is done while exhaling.
  • You should keep your knees slightly bent to avoid injury.
  • The required number of repetitions is done.

Deadlift with dumbbells for buttocks

Among the exercises for women with dumbbells, the deadlift is very popular. The technique uses a large number of muscles and is useful for stabilizing the core, strengthening the muscles of the hips, buttocks, forearm and others.

There are several options:

  • On half-bent legs.
  • Romanian cravings.
  • Deadlift.
  • Sumo deadlift.

For beginners, bent leg rows are most suitable:

  1. First pose: look forward, the lower back is slightly arched, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. The dumbbells are comfortably angled for grip and positioned in front of your feet.
  3. It is necessary to tilt the body forward up to 45 degrees relative to the floor, without changing the position of the lower back. Then, to reach the implements, you need to bend your knees.
  4. The dumbbells rise and the body straightens. The exercise is repeated the required number of times, bending forward should leave about 10 cm to the floor.

Dumbbell flyes for back muscles

The exercise is done this way:

  1. The legs are placed slightly wider than the pelvis, the knees are slightly bent. With a straight back and toned abs, you need to bend forward and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  2. Straight arms need to be lowered, then spread in different directions. Elbows point up.

Arm curl for chest muscles

There are dumbbell exercises for women that are useful for strengthening the pectoral muscles and lifting them up. You can perform it either lying on a bench with an incline or on a horizontal one.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Lie down on a bench, with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Raise your arms perpendicular to the floor, leaving your elbows slightly bent.
  3. As you inhale, spread your arms in different directions.
  4. As you exhale, with tension, your arms return to their original position.

Crunches for chest and abs

You need to lie down on the mat and take dumbbells. Press your hands tightly to your body and bend your elbows slightly. Next, the torso is lifted off the floor and twists are made so that the elbow lightly touches the opposite knee.

In a more difficult version, you need to lift your legs off the floor and keep them parallel to the ground.

On topic: I don’t pump up bodybuilding abs

Bent-over dumbbell flyes

This exercise works the deltoid muscles. It's done like this:

  1. The initial position is the same as for the deadlift. The body is tilted at 45 degrees, the back is straight, the legs are slightly bent.
  2. Dumbbells are moved to the sides. Their arms should be parallel to their feet. Your elbows should be slightly bent.
  3. When raising your arms, it is advisable to hold for a couple of seconds, and at the last repetition, fix the position for 5-7 seconds.

Strength exercises for athletic girls

Designed for already trained girls who are familiar with exercises using apparatus.

Lateral lunges for legs and buttocks + biceps

The exercise is performed in several stages:

  1. With your elbows pressed to your body and dumbbells in your hands, take a wide step.
  2. Side lunges are performed with alternating bending of the legs at the knees. After a few lunges, you can add arm movements.
  3. At the moment of squatting on one leg, you need to bend both arms at the elbows, the projectiles begin to be pulled towards the chest.

Back Lunges and Dumbbell Up Press

The main emphasis is on the muscles of the legs, buttocks and shoulder girdle. You need to bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle and raise your forearms up, squeezing dumbbells in your hands. Lunge forward with one leg. This is the starting position.

Then a lunge is made back, the knee is pulled towards the stomach, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, at the same time the dumbbells are squeezed up. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions of 2-3 approaches.

Dumbbell row to the chin

Shoulders and triceps are worked:

  • Level stance. The weight is taken in the hands, palms facing the body.
  • As you inhale, the dumbbells are pulled up to your chin. The palms remain below the level of the elbows and shoulders.
  • Several repetitions are carried out.

Sumo Squats and Dumbbell Curls

The sumo squat is similar to the stance of a sumo fighter, which is where it gets its name. The main load here goes to the buttocks and inner thighs; the back extensors and trapezius muscles are also involved.

The technique is as follows:

  • Feet are placed wider than shoulders, toes pointed in different directions. The pelvis should be pulled back as far as possible and the knees bent.
  • The dumbbell is held strictly parallel to the shins and as close to the body as possible, keep your back straight and strain your abs.
  • As you inhale, you need to lower yourself down, almost reaching the floor with the projectile.
  • As you exhale, you rise to the original position.
  • Several approaches are performed at least 10 times.

The dumbbell curl exercise has many variations:

  1. Lying on an inclined bench.
  2. In a sitting position, resting your elbow on your thigh.
  3. Standing.
  4. In the position of a Sumo wrestler.

The simplest technique is standing. The feet are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, the hands hold dumbbells, the elbows should be bent and pressed tightly against the body. This way the muscles will always be in a state of tension. As you inhale, you need to slowly bend your arms; at the moment they are parallel to the floor, you need to start turning your hands with your palms up.

Hands with dumbbells are raised to the level of contact with the shoulders. You should stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the original position while inhaling. While performing the exercise, you must not swing your body or tear your elbows off.

Side plank

The initial position is a plank with straight arms. The body turns to the left, the right hand with the projectile rises, then lowers, touching the thigh and rises again.

Several repetitions are performed, then the position changes sides.

Rowing up

Works the muscles of the arms and shoulders. The first position is to stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, dumbbells with the required weight held in your hands. Palms are turned towards the body. Knees slightly bent. Next, the dumbbells are raised to the shoulders without touching them, the arms are bent at the elbows.

Then they smoothly return to the starting position.

Incline rowing

Strengthens the upper back and triceps. There is a slight bend forward with a straight back, the legs are slightly bent, the arms are stretched down, then pulled closer to the chest and the shoulder blades are brought together.

The required number of repetitions is performed.

Other effective dumbbell exercises for women

In addition to the described complexes, there are also a lot of useful exercises for training different muscle groups.

Dumbbell Curls and Overhead Press

This exercise works the shoulders and biceps. The legs are placed at the level of the pelvis. The dumbbells are held so that the palms are turned away from you. At the first stage, the arms are bent at the elbows and the projectiles are raised to the chest, then they are pulled up above the head.

In the second stage, the dumbbells return to chest level and lower down to their original position.

Exercises with dumbbells on one leg “Scarecrow”

This exercise works the back and shoulder girdle, and using only one leg as support helps develop balance.

Execution steps:

  1. Starting position - standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee, pulling the thigh closer to the stomach.
  2. The arms are bent at the elbow joints and placed parallel to the floor, the forearms are facing upward, and projectiles are clutched in the palms.
  3. As you exhale, lower your forearms down.
  4. Several repetitions are performed with alternating legs.

Exercises with dumbbells “French press”

You need to lie down on a bench or mat. Dumbbells are taken in two hands and raised up perpendicular to the floor. Next, the arms are bent only at the elbows, heading towards the head.

Then they return to the starting position.

Exercises with dumbbells “Boxer”

The emphasis is on the back muscles and triceps. The legs are slightly bent, the body is tilted forward, the back is straight. The arms are spread one forward, the other back. The front arm is a continuation of the body (extended in line with the spine).

Then the hands change places. Several repetitions are performed.

Rules for performing exercises with weights

When deciding to start training with dumbbells, it is first recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules of strength training, the selection of exercises and loads:

  1. There is no need for daily training, 3-4 times a week is enough.
  2. One lesson takes 45 minutes, beginners need 20 minutes. with a gradual increase in load.
  3. A well-designed diet with limited fat and consumption of simple carbohydrates will help you achieve quick results.
  4. Exercises done incorrectly will cause harm, so first learn the technique.
  5. Instead of store-bought dumbbells, you are allowed to train with plastic bottles filled with water.
  6. If at the end of the approach the muscles feel burning and fatigue, then the weight is selected correctly.

Gymnastic exercises with dumbbells at home for women begin with a warm-up. The main thing is to warm up the muscles and ligaments with joints. In addition to warming up large muscle groups, while warming up, be sure to stretch your back muscles.

exercises with dumbbells at home for women

Strength complex exercises must be performed in sets, starting with two and working up to 5. Per set, do 6-10 repetitions, sometimes 12-15. A rest of 40-60 seconds is recommended between approaches, and 1-1.5 minutes between exercises. To save time and reduce the load, exercises, doing 1 approach, can be performed one after another in a circle. This means that after the last one, after resting for 1-1.5 minutes, they move on to the first task and so on for as many laps as there are planned approaches.

The third option is to separate exercises for the lower body and for the shoulder girdle, and perform them in two days. When planning training, it is advisable to take into account the level of physical fitness. Beginners, whose muscles take longer to recover, require 1-2 days of rest; experienced athletes are allowed daily exercise.

At first, it is allowed to reduce the load; if after repetitions the strength remains, the amount is increased. When 3 approaches are easy to do, increase the weight.

During training, masters advise drinking water and breathing properly, and at the end - stretching. Breathing correctly means evenly and deeply, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. It is also worth monitoring correct posture, controlling the position of the body and shoulder blades.

A set of exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

Rules for doing exercises to lose weight

  1. Adequate load. There is no need to use a lot of weight at once, this can harm the body.
  2. You should understand each exercise in the complex before practicing.
  3. The back should be straight so as not to overload the spine.
  4. Any workout should begin with a warm-up warm-up.
  5. Clearly track your breathing.
  6. To get the best results, days of training with dumbbells should be alternated with running, walking, aerobics or other activities.
  7. Increase the load gradually.

Training program

It is recommended that training programs be drawn up with a trainer who knows the person’s goals and characteristics. Weight loss complexes usually include exercises:

  • Warm up.
  • On arms and shoulders.
  • On the chest. They pull it up.
  • At the waist. They help clean the stomach and sides.
  • On the thighs and buttocks.
  • For slim legs. Most often it involves squats using dumbbells.
  • On the back.
  • Stretching muscles after training.

Effective exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

The most effective techniques for women will be those performed correctly and with the appropriate load. Some of the most effective exercises are:

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