All about the external oblique muscle - creating perfect abs

A story about how to pump up your side press. Where do abs on your stomach come from? Why aren't there upper, lower and middle abs? Useful exercises for men and women to quickly pump up your side abs. You will learn about all this right now.

Masha dreamed of a beautiful, thin waist and began to work out with Petya, doing the same exercises as him. And then she got offended and stopped being friends with him. She said that it was his fault that her waist had become even thicker...

Hello friends! Such incidents can happen to anyone who does not quite correctly imagine how to pump up the lateral press. Any training process must be approached wisely and critically. We are all different, and we all need an individual approach.

Friends, read the article further, there will be a lot of interesting things in it!
And for those who want:



How to pump up your side press: a little parting word

the goal is to pump up the abs

Start with a goal: do you want to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles, or remove excess fat from your waist? These are two fundamentally different tasks. The formation of a “wasp profile” is the third. Now I will talk specifically about pumping.

The cubes on the stomach are a developed long muscle. She is tied with tendons like ribbons, and therefore it seems that she is not alone, but there are several of them. But several muscles are responsible for the general tone of our lumbar and abdominal regions:

  • the longus abdominis muscle, which I just talked about;
  • two external obliques (right and left);
  • two internal obliques;
  • the transverse ones, which hold the abdominal organs, form the “white line” and are responsible for the visible reduction of our abdomen.

To prevent your belly from sagging, you need to develop this entire complex.

Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles for girls


Lying crunches for obliques315
Lightweight plank1from 10 sec. up to 1 min.
Dumbbell Bends5-620
"Boat"120-60 sec.

Lying crunches for obliques


  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Place your hands behind your head. Spread your elbows wide and bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, lift and rotate your torso so that your elbow touches the opposite knee.
  3. Fix your body for 8-10 seconds.
  4. Take the starting position while inhaling.

Number of repetitions:

3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.

Lying crunches for obliques
Lying crunches for obliques

Tip: When performing the exercise, the lower back should remain motionless (perform twisting, not lifting the body).

Read : Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles for women

Lightweight plank

Execution technique

  1. Take a lying position with support on your knees and hands.
  2. Raise your feet up, crossing your legs at the ankles. Maintain a linear posture.

Lightweight plank
Lightweight plank

How many:

during the first training sessions 10-20 seconds; gradually the duration should be increased to 1 minute.

Dumbbell Bends


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep one hand on your belt or put it behind your head, take a dumbbell in the second (when the weight is in your right hand, the left side of the abdominal muscles is worked, when in the left, the right side, respectively).
  3. As you exhale, bend towards the dumbbell strictly in a horizontal plane, then as you inhale, gently return the body to its original position.

Number of repetitions:

5-6 sets of 20 inclinations.

Dumbbell Bends
Dumbbell Bends

Tip: Don't use heavy weights, otherwise you will build massive oblique muscles and widen your waist. The pelvis should remain motionless. Keep your lower back straight and your abdominal muscles tense. Otherwise, the load will be distributed to the lumbar spine, which is fraught with compression injuries.

Read : Hourglass Waist Exercises



  1. Lie on your back. Stretch your arms forward, behind your head or along your body.
  2. At the same time, lift your body and straighten your legs, trying to bend in half, leaning on the buttocks and sacrum.
  3. Try to stay in a half-bent position for at least 30 seconds.

How many:

3 reps


Tips: Do not help the abdominal muscles with your hands if you hold them behind your head while doing the exercise. Keep your breathing even.

Read : How to warm up before training

I want to draw the sides!

oblique muscles

I'll start with the main thing. If you perform basic exercises correctly, your abs should develop quickly. How much depends on individual characteristics. By means of slight adjustments, you only need to “paint on” each muscle to a visible relief.

Let me make a reservation right away: there is no “upper abs,” “lower abs,” or “middle abs.” This is a single, inseparable muscle corset in the area of ​​our abdomen and waist. There is no need to divide it into parts.

oblique abdominal muscles

Someone says: “It’s made in the kitchen!” - and it is true. Someone is indignant: “I'm tired of hearing for the thousandth time that abs are made in the kitchen! This is wrong!" - and he’s not wrong either. If you work out as hard as you can, but don’t see results, it means you forgot about the B/F/U ratio. And remember that power loads are of no use here. In this case, the aerobic method with less effort will lead to results without losses and injuries.

Three main postulates:

  • any muscle fiber works only when it contracts;
  • nutrition is required to thicken these fibers;
  • skeletal muscles are not adapted to work under constant load.

It is clear that in order to get rid of excess food, you need to reduce carbohydrate foods, and to increase meat, you need to increase protein foods. And what is especially important: if the muscles are overworked, they become exhausted.

Abdominal muscles

Anatomically, the abdominal muscles consist of:

  • Lateral - external oblique, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.
  • The anterior ones are the rectus muscle and the pyramidal muscle.
  • Posterior - quadratus lumborum muscle.

There is a misconception that the abdominal muscles are divided into upper and lower parts. In reality, this is not the case - when performing any exercise, the rectus muscle is used along its entire length, and the difference lies only in the degree of its tension.

Common Misconceptions

  1. You need to pump up your abs in order to burn belly fat. This is an erroneous statement - in fact, in order to lose excess weight from just one problem area, you need to lose weight as a whole. No matter what numerous articles on the Internet say, losing weight localized in one part of the body will not work. Performing abdominal exercises can only increase of the abdominal muscles , but not burn off problematic pounds in the abdominal area.
  2. Another common opinion is that in order to get six-pack, you need to cut calories - eat 500-600 kcal less than usual. Extreme calorie cutting has many negative consequences for the body - this includes a deterioration in overall health, decreased immunity, and deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair. Moreover, the body includes a protective reaction - a rapid gain of kilograms after leaving such a “diet”. If you have a few extra pounds, you first need to lose them with fat-burning exercises - the same cardio training and a balanced diet. And the next step will be to load the muscles in order to draw the relief.
  3. With the help of abdominal exercises you can reduce the size of your waist. No you can not. The waist-hip ratio is determined genetically. Neither twisting nor a hoop will help with this. That is why there are different types of female figures, such as “hourglass”, “pear”, “triangle”. The only way out is to pump up the volume of the hips and legs to visually increase the difference between the lower body and the waist.
  4. In order to pump up your abs, you need to do a lot of repetitions. Again, no, because such “pumping” in the form of a large number of repetitions develops muscle endurance, but an increase in volume is achieved by increasing the load. That is, not a set of 50 repetitions, but, for example, 15 repetitions with an additional weight of several kilograms.

Useful tips

  • Eat food 1.5-2 hours before training.
  • Warm up before exercise to warm up your muscles. Warm muscles, ready for further stress, are what help reduce injuries.
  • The number of abdominal workouts for beginners is no more than 2 per week. Abdominal muscles, like any other, need rest and recovery time of at least 48 hours.
  • The number of repetitions for beginners is 20-25, but preferably until failure. When using weights, the number of repetitions decreases.
  • The number of approaches is 3-5.
  • Breathing - exhale with effort. In other words, if you, for example, do body lifts, then you need to exhale at the top point, and inhale, on the contrary, at the starting point.
  • Abdominal exercises can be performed at the end of a strength training session, because they are already involved during the rest of the exercises.
  • Movements are performed at a slow pace.
  • The exercise technique is the same for both men and women. But it is important to remember that when using weights in exercises, you can add a few extra centimeters to your waist.
  • At the end of the workout, a cool-down is performed.

A story about how our ancestors dried sides

chopping wood obliques

In the old days, the main occupation of a man was chopping wood. Central heating, gas stoves and electric saunas had not yet been invented. The food is cooked in the oven, the warmth in the house comes from it, and to wash and steam, you are welcome to go to the bathhouse! Firewood is needed everywhere, from a hut to a palace.

The man took a saw and an ax and went into the forest. He felled a tree, sawed it, then used a heavier cleaver and broke powerful wooden blocks into pieces so that they could crawl into the furnace mouth.

The blow to the trunk is applied from the side. To cope with such work, I had to make hundreds of movements: I raised my hands with an ax, cut down from left to right. Then he picked it up and added it from right to left. The chips are flying, things are going bad!

When sawing, the legs stand as a stop, shoulder-width apart, the movement of the saw forces the body to work forward and slightly to the side.

WEBINAR Friday sign upFriends!
I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch! Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • An effective method for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system at home
  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?


sawing wood

All this load helped the lumberjacks develop the lateral abdominal muscles. And for us, the descendants of these strongmen, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to master similar exercises, but in the gym on a simulator.


However, the lateral abdominal muscles can be tidied up just as well at home.

Tips and tricks before training

In general, in order to pump up the press correctly, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Eat a light meal 2–2.5 hours before class. If you exercise on an empty stomach, you will not give your full strength, which means the workout will be ineffective. An overfull stomach can also leave negative consequences, such as nausea and severe dizziness.
  • Warm up your muscles with a light warm-up. Jump, run in place or on a machine, perform simple techniques such as turns, bends and rotations.
  • Do not overdo it! There is no need to exhaust yourself every day. Exercise 2-4 times a week - this will be enough for a beautiful and sculpted belly.
  • Every exercise should stretch your muscles. You should feel how tense they are. If it doesn't, then you're doing something wrong.
  • Don't eat immediately after training. If you feel very hungry, snack on an apple or drink a glass of water. Start eating no earlier than an hour later.

Attention! Don't be afraid if you get tired quickly while practicing. Since the muscular frame of the abdomen is difficult to stretch, such a reaction is quite normal.

Great start and more to the point at the end!

Now you know how to pump up your side press. Classes can be repeated no more than 3 times a week. As I already said, muscles must have time to recover after exercise.

Remember! Everyone has abdominal muscles! The most effective way to see them in the mirror is to reduce belly fat! Only excess fat hides them from the envious glances of others.

My photo is a clear confirmation of this.

lost 30kg

It is enough to lose extra pounds by eating right and in a few months you will be admiring your abs in the mirror. And by combining this simple home complex with my “Active Weight Loss Course,” in which I will explain how to choose the right diet for yourself and get rid of excess, you will achieve the desired result even faster.

And you don’t have to push yourself to the point of exhaustion. This path only leads to you deciding that it’s not for you and quitting.

The main thing is perseverance and consistency. And also a pleasant feeling of satisfaction that will certainly follow. You can trust me.

Functions of oblique muscles and features of their development

The oblique abdominal muscles perform the following functions:

  • bend the torso at the waist;
  • turn the torso to the left and right;
  • move the pelvis back.

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Unlike the rectus abdominis muscle, oblique fibers directly influence the outline of the figure . The larger the muscle, the wider the waist appears - this should be taken into account by all athletes, especially girls, for whom excessive development of the lateral press can be harmful.

Great news!

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I hasten to please you! My “Active Weight Loss Course” is already available to you anywhere in the world where there is Internet. In it, I revealed the main secret of losing weight by any number of kilograms. No diets and no hunger strikes. The lost kilograms will never come back. Download the course, lose weight and enjoy your new sizes in clothing stores!

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog. And let's move on!

How and when to take supplements

A positive effect in losing weight can only be achieved if you follow a sports nutrition regimen. You need to take drinks and medications on time, strictly following the instructions.

In this case, the result depends on what goal is being pursued - someone is gaining muscle mass, someone is “drying out”, someone simply wants to lose weight by shedding fat ballast... Therefore, there are no “recipes for everyone”, in this matter an individual is needed an approach. However, some general tips will help you get your bearings.

  1. Immediately after waking up, take protein isolate. This can be either soy or whey protein. It is recommended to drink these same drinks and medications half an hour after training - this way they are much more effective.
  2. Complex protein shakes, which are designed more for weight loss than for strengthening muscles, should be drunk at night. It is known that during sleep the body continues to actively break down fats and expend the released energy to restore various systems. Therefore, additional help to your own body is simply necessary. In addition, these drugs can “stop” excessive evening and night appetite.

Despite taking protein supplements, the body still requires additional amino acids, including essential ones. Therefore, you cannot exclude protein foods from your diet at this time - fish, nuts, eggs, milk, etc. They contain the vitamins, microelements and other “building materials” necessary for the body to renew cells and improve health.


To prepare your cardiovascular system and get ready for training, it is recommended to do a warm-up.

It is advisable to jog for 10 minutes on the track, or work on a ski machine, hit a punching bag or do squats. Sudden surges in blood pressure can ruin your entire mood or even disrupt your workout.

Many people have watched action movies or videos of side press exercises in which martial artists or athletes do a staggering number of repetitions.

However, this is necessary for narrow areas of activity. For those who want to achieve beautiful and sculpted abs, 10-20 repetitions are enough. There is no need to exhaust yourself until you lose your pulse.

In order for muscle growth to occur at maximum speed, the amplitude must be maximum. This means that all movements must be performed completely, and stop only at the extreme points. This will ensure full development of all groups and stretch the tissues, giving them the potential for growth.

After classes, it is advisable not to eat for an hour. This is not standard training, in which closing the carbohydrate window plays an important role.

If a whole workout was dedicated to training the abs, then, firstly, the stomach and intestines are in an exhausted state, and secondly, the restoration of microdamage to the abs is not so dependent on the level of sugar in the blood.

You can afford to drink a cocktail that will not burden your digestive system.

The side press for girls should be elastic, but not pumped up. This is not a muscle that will look good on the body. The smoothness of the lines is important in it.

Unlike men's training, you should not use large weights for weighting, otherwise you can greatly harm the aesthetics.

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