Beautiful abs of girls. How to pump up your abdominal press? Nutrition for the abs

Scissors in the air

Image taken from

The “scissors” exercise has a complex effect on the entire rectus abdominis muscle. At the same time, its lower part, which usually reacts poorly to load, is perfectly worked out. Regular exercise will strengthen your abs and make your stomach flatter.

What does it train:

External oblique, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris.

How to do it:

Lie on your back and press your lower back to the floor. Raise both legs up at a 45-degree angle. Start slowly crossing your legs. Perform 10-15 repetitions

on each leg.

Russian twist

Image taken from

What does it train:

The internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen, the rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis muscles work absolutely the entire abs.

How to do it:

Sit on the mat and bend your knees, lean back slightly. Your torso should form a "V" shape with your hips. Extend your arms forward. For convenience, you can join your palms. Raise your legs off the floor and begin twisting your body and arms to the right and left. The knees, in turn, remain in place or slightly rotate in opposition to the body. Perform 20-25 crunches.

How to pump up beautiful abs at home

If you think that pump up great abs in the gym, then this is not so! The basis of any sports activity is simple: proper nutrition, thoughtful exercise, regularity. If you follow these points, in a couple of months you will be able to boast of perfect abs, and no one will believe that you did not go to the gym. However, those who want to pump up their hair in a week at home will be very disappointed: these methods are designed for correct and long-term results, and not for speed.

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It is best to do abdominal exercises (like other exercises) in the morning. The best option is to pump your abs three times a week for an hour . It’s not worth doing abdominal exercises more often, because more exercises do not mean that you will achieve beautiful six-pack abs quickly and effectively.

Gorgeous abs

Drinking regime and proper nutrition are also important. If you choose one thing - diet or training - do not expect results. There will be muscles, but under a layer of fat, so no one will see or appreciate all your efforts. Burning fat through dieting can lead to sagging skin and dehydration, and you will simply lose muscle mass instead of building it.

Here are a few exercises that will help both a man and a girl pump up their abs at home:

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Exercise No. 1. Twisting

The exercise is performed from a lying position, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the neck, elbows spread to the sides.

Slowly lift your upper body. Also slowly lower yourself to the starting position. The lower back should be pressed firmly to the floor throughout the exercise. Perform this upper abdominal exercise in three sets of 50 crunches.

Video: How to effectively pump up your abs in just 10 minutes!

Exercise No. 2. Diagonal twist

The starting position is the same. Do the twist so that your left elbow touches your right knee, and after that, with the same success, your right elbow touches your left knee.

Diagonal twist

Perform the exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles in three sets of 30 crunches on each side.

Exercise No. 3. Reverse twist

This exercise strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Starting position – lying on your back, arms along your body. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs, and then lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it as high as possible.

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Reverse twist

Having reached the highest degree of tension in the abdominal muscles, slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Exercise No. 4. Double twist

This exercise develops both the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees.


Your hands can be placed on your shoulders or behind your head. Raise your head and legs and slowly move them towards each other. Also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise three times 25 times.

Exercise No. 5. "Abdominal vacuum"

When performing this exercise, the transverse abdominal muscles are mainly loaded. Get on all fours, keep your back straight.

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Exhale completely, relax your abdominal muscles, and then pull your stomach in as much as possible. Breathe through your nose, do not hold your breath and continue to draw in your stomach. Freeze in a position with your stomach pulled in for 15-20 seconds, relax. To start, do 12 repetitions. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to 25.

Video: Working on the abs correctly

Exercise No. 6. "Bike"

Starting position – lying down, hands behind your head. Bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees. Imitate riding a bicycle by alternately bringing your right and left elbows closer to your knees.


Don't lift your head off the floor. The closer the legs are to the floor, the more intense the exercise, the more the abdominal muscles work.

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Exercise No. 7. "Book"

Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head. Raise your body and legs at the same time, trying to touch your knees with your forehead. Slowly return to the starting position.

It is important that your legs are straight and brought together throughout the entire exercise. This exercise develops both the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Do it in three sets of 10 times. Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise, when the body and legs are not lowered completely, but freeze about 15 centimeters from the floor, after which the next twist is done.

Exercise No. 8. Pulling bent legs to chest

Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet touching the ground.

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Using your palms for stability, extend your legs forward without straightening them completely. Pull your legs towards your chest, then extend them forward again.

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Exercise No. 9. Crunch “Frog”

Sitting on the floor, feet touch the ground. Raise your legs and pull them towards your chest, trying to wrap your hands around your knees without touching them.


Then stretch your legs forward and spread your arms to the sides.

Exercise No. 10. Spread-legged frog crunch

The exercise is similar to the previous one, with one difference - when stretching, the legs should be spread apart from each other at a distance of 60-80 cm between the ankles.


Exercise No. 11. Full Crunch with Spread Legs

Lying on the floor, legs spread forward. Raise your torso and, placing your left hand behind your head, reach with your right hand towards your left leg.

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Twisting frog

Return to the starting position and change hands.

Exercise No. 12. Exercise “Pipe scissors”

Lying on the floor, legs together, arms along the body. Without lifting your head and legs, slowly lift one leg up, then slowly lower it down.


Switch legs. At the bottom, keep both legs elevated.

Exercise No. 13. Knee and hip raises

Lying on the floor, arms along the body, palms touching the floor. Place your feet together and spread your knees out to the sides.

Knee and hip raises

Without pushing with your hands, lift your legs up, lifting your pelvis off the ground as high as possible. Keep your knees straight when moving.

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Exercise No. 14. Raising straight legs up

Lying on the floor, arms along the body, palms touching the floor. Straight legs are raised up and bent at a ninety-degree angle to the body.

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Raising straight legs towards the body

Without pushing off the floor with your hands, lift your pelvis as high as possible.

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Exercise No. 15. Alternating crunches

Lying on the floor, straight arms extended upward. Without lifting your feet off the ground, lift your body, trying to touch your toes with your hands.

Alternating crunches

Lower your body halfway while raising your legs, then try to touch them again.

Exercise No. 16. Lying lateral crunch

Lying on your side, knees bent at a thirty-degree angle. Place one hand on the floor for stability, the other hand behind your head.

Lift your legs up and pull them towards your chest. Repeat for the other side.

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Exercise No. 17. "Climbing the Leg"

Lying on the floor, knees bent, feet on the ground. Extend one leg forward, touch your toes with your hands, and slowly lower down your leg, as if you were rappelling.

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Climbing up the leg

Then “walk up” your leg, keeping it straight. 14 times on each leg.

Exercise No. 18. "Mason Crunch"

Sitting on the floor, knees bent. Clasp your arms straight in front of you, lift your bent knees off the ground, then try to touch your left and right sides alternately. Perform for 25 seconds.

Mason Crunch

If you have already achieved good results, you can increase the load by adding additional weight when lifting and twisting, and increase the number of approaches in each exercise. How quickly you can pump up your abs at home depends on your individual characteristics, level of endurance and loads, your desire to get those coveted abs and how quickly you progress in loads.
Choose these exercises for yourself in increasing difficulty and do not forget about the warm-up and cool-down. They are also important.

Heel touch

Image taken from Google Images

What does it train:

Oblique abdominal muscles.

How to do it:

Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Arms extended at sides. Raise your body slightly and touch your right heel with your right hand. Return to the starting position, but do not lower your shoulder blades to the floor. Now touch your left heel with your left hand. Perform this exercise 5 times on each side.

What determines the quality of the press?

We look with envy at the beauties from fitness magazines. They boast not only a thin waist, but also sculpted abs in the abdominal area. But when we try to pump up the same one for ourselves, we run into problems. Despite the endless body lifts, “bicycles” and lifting of the legs, fat from the abdomen does not disappear anywhere.

This is biology. The condition of our press depends on several factors, including not only physical education:

  • the right exercises for a beautiful belly
  • appropriate diet
  • genetics

All this will be discussed in more detail below. But heredity should not be discounted. Someone can eat buns at night, do a couple of exercises a day and be in shape. For others, every extra spoon of creamy soup is deposited on the sides.

If you eat right, have a normal routine and haven't given up on sports, you will inevitably get into good physical shape. Another thing is that the beautiful figure intended for you by nature may be slightly different from the one that glossy magazines impose on us.

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