Bulging veins on the upper extremities can be seen in almost every man who engages in strenuous sports. This is especially true for professional bodybuilders, whose arms are subject to constant stress. The veins protruding under the skin in this case indicate intensive work on the body. Also, a similar phenomenon is observed in people whose professional activities involve heavy physical labor.
Swollen, protruding vessels are considered by experts as a deviation from the norm, which serves as a sign of pathological changes.
The most common cause of vein deformation is the development of varicose veins or atherosclerosis. In addition, protruding blood vessels detract from the appearance of the body and are considered a cosmetic defect. However, many men do not attach any importance to this and even take measures to enhance this effect. How to make veins on your arms?
Venousness and its genetic determination
Venousness is an indicator that characterizes the level of blood filling of capillaries, veins and arteries. By the level of its development, others judge the degree of training of the athlete, and the relief of the muscles in particular. A correct, proportionally formed network of blood vessels will emphasize the dignity of the figure and the aesthetics of the bodybuilder’s appearance.
It happens that some athletes work hard for days to get a beautiful and sculpted body, but it remains “smooth,” while others show off with bulging veins after just a couple of sets. It's all due to genetics. Although it is impossible to radically change the situation, there are a number of methods using which anyone can significantly improve the condition of their veins.
How to determine
It is possible to diagnose the disease using studies: Doppler sonography, MRI of the veins, ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities. The most modern diagnostic method for the occurrence of symptoms of varicose veins and phlebitis (inflammation of the walls of the veins) is considered to be duplex sonography (ultrasound examination of blood vessels).
Is it possible to clean the vessels? More details
Reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat deposits
The percentage of body fat is the second most important factor, after genetics, influencing the vascularity of the body.
- Due to the fact that lipid reserves are deposited directly under the skin, they literally hide the network of veins like a shield.
- In order to “expose” the blood vessels to the world, you need to significantly reduce the percentage of fat. For men it should be less than 10%, and for women less than 20%. At the same time, venousness in the arms will begin to appear even with a large percentage of body fat, so it’s worth thinking about it and starting reasonable drying. First, you should decide on the caloric intake that is required to maintain your current weight, and then reduce your daily intake by 300-500 calories to create a deficit. Now be patient, because you need to survive this deficit for 2-3 months. A week with this regimen you will lose about 200–700 grams of fat.
- At this very time, increase the degree of physical activity, but not suddenly, but gradually, in successive steps. Your goal is to get rid of as much fat as possible without losing muscle mass.
Which doctor should I contact?
A phlebologist deals with the problems of vein diseases. If it is not available, you can contact a vascular surgeon or general surgeon. Any of these specialists prescribes an examination and chooses the tactics for managing the patient - medications or surgery. It is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness after a course of therapy, and then observe it at least once a year upon completion of treatment.
If dilated veins are accompanied only by a cosmetic defect, then treatment is carried out at the request of the patient. If there are signs of circulatory problems (swelling, heaviness) or inflammation (pain, temperature), a visit to the doctor is strictly required; such conditions can be dangerous to health and even life.
Watch the video about the reasons for the appearance of veins on the arms:
Treatment of veins of the upper extremities
Depending on the diagnosis and severity of varicose veins, the presence of phlebitis, medications, sclerotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, folk remedies, gymnastics and surgical treatment are used.
Drug therapy
External agents - creams and ointments with venotonic components - are applied to the affected limb with protruding veins. They include:
Venotonic component | Drug names |
Heparin | Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Trombless |
Troxerutin | Troxevasin, Troxerutin |
Rutosides | Venoruton |
Horse chestnut extract | Venitan, Aescin |
Multiple Components | Antistax, Venitan forte, Trombless plus |
If swelling is severe, it is recommended to wear a compression sleeve. If only external treatment is ineffective, it is supplemented by taking medications in tablets. They increase the elasticity of the venous wall, improve venous and lymphatic outflow, and restore microcirculation. Recommended:
- Detralex,
- Cyclo-3-fort,
- Phlebodia,
- Vasocket,
- Aescin,
- Angionorm,
- Antistax in capsules,
- Ginkor Fort,
- Aescusan.
For thrombophlebitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated; for a purulent process, antibiotic therapy is necessarily prescribed. If the condition progresses, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Drugs to dissolve the blood clot and anti-clotting medications are administered. One of the alternative methods of treatment is hirudotherapy (placement of leeches).
Surgical solution to the problem
The need for surgical treatment arises in acute circulatory disorders due to blockage of a vessel (swelling, redness or bluishness of the skin), inflammation with fever, and suppuration. Most often, surgical methods are indicated for thrombophlebitis and complications after intravenous injections. For cosmetic purposes, complete removal of veins on the arms is not used.
Cosmetology procedures
You can improve the appearance of your hand using sclerotherapy and laser coagulation.
A substance, a sclerosant, is injected into the vessel, which hardens, and the vein is cut off from the bloodstream. After the manipulation, it is necessary to apply ointments and wear a compression sleeve for a month.
Laser coagulation
With the help of a beam of light, crimped and overly expanded areas are cauterized; they gradually become denser and become empty. The procedure gives a lasting effect if the cause of varicose veins is eliminated.
The following types of treatment are used:
Treatment method | How to carry out the action |
Electrophoresis | Administration of venotonic, vascular, anticoagulant agents - Heparin, Xanthinol nicotinate, Fibrinolysin, Trental. |
Darsonvalization | Massage with a nozzle with electric discharges to increase vascular tone and improve blood flow. |
Magnetic therapy in combination with laser | Swelling and inflammation are reduced. |
Air compression | A special sleeve is put on into which air is supplied. The tissues of the hand are compressed, which speeds up the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid. Gives a good effect in case of persistent edema, but is contraindicated in case of thrombosis. |
Hydrotherapy | Whirlpool, contrast baths for hands, with bischofite, hydrogen sulfide, radon, hydrolaser shower. |
Massage with liquid nitrogen or cryosauna treatments | It sharply activates blood flow, trains blood vessels, and opens up reserve outflow pathways. |
Traditional methods
Herbs are used with the following effects:
- venotonic – horse chestnut, nutmeg, rue, meadow lumbago, verbena;
- blood thinners - golden mustache, willow leaf and bark, raspberry leaves, peony flowers, chestnut fruits, toadflax, sweet clover;
- decongestants – horsetail grass, knotweed, elecampane root, dandelion;
- anti-inflammatory - chestnut fruit, alder fruits, lilac flowers, bergenia leaves.
Any herbal remedies help only with the initial stage of varicose veins. Most often, a tincture is prepared from chestnut fruits. For 10 finely chopped fruits you will need half a liter of vodka. The mixture is infused in a dark place for three weeks, shaken periodically. For 30-45 days, take 25 drops dissolved in a third of a glass of water three times a day.
The tincture is also used to wipe bulging veins after morning and evening showers.
To improve blood circulation with protruding veins in the arms, gymnastics is recommended. It should only include stretching exercises:
- stretch your arms forward and pull your palms as high as possible, then down;
- gather your fingers one at a time into a fist and open your hand in the same manner;
- fold your palms in a prayer gesture in front of your chest and raise your clasped hands up.
You need to stay in each position until slight fatigue appears. Upon completion, stretch with a towel (movement diagram in the photo). Throughout the day, it is recommended to make circular movements with your hands, bending your elbow joints, and circles with your arms as often as possible. If you have dilated veins, you cannot exercise in the gym with a barbell, weights, or do push-ups or pull-ups on the bar.
Muscle gain
The greater the volume of muscle mass, the more blood is required for its functioning. When you eat and train for muscle hypertrophy, the body has to expand its network of blood vessels to accommodate the newly acquired tissue.
Important! According to the experience of professional bodybuilders, good muscle vascularity can be achieved by alternating cycles of reducing fat percentage and gaining muscle mass.
The right food for results
In addition to meat, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as lean protein, in your diet. You will need to give up various sweets and junk foods. It is better not to eat outside your apartment at all, since food prepared in fast food places contains a large amount of harmful substances and fats. Still, you shouldn’t eat ready-made semi-finished products, they also have very little useful content.
You need to pay attention to sodium intake. It does not allow fluid in the body to be eliminated correctly, which means that the veins will not be visible. Therefore, it is imperative to reduce its consumption. Another important fact for veins to become visible is the amount of salt per day. It is 2300 mg, which is equal to 1 teaspoon. For the fastest possible results, it is better to reduce its consumption to 1500 mg. Therefore, it is better to eat fresh vegetables, herbs and spices.
Pumping those muscles where there is not enough vascularity
Pump (pumping) - accumulation of metabolites in muscles and swelling of cells, which has a positive effect on muscle hypertrophy.
- You can increase vascularity by pumping as much blood into the tissue as possible through high-intensity training with short rest periods between sets.
- An interesting technique for blood flow restriction (BFR) will help you achieve vascularity in your arms. According to this technique, it is necessary to compress the veins in the working muscles, which leads to the accumulation of blood in them and the obstruction of its return to the heart.
- If you want to develop a network somewhere in certain areas of the body, such as triceps, quadriceps, biceps, then complete the training with high-quality pumping.
- Include isolation exercises in your training, such as arm curls (for biceps), arm extension in a block (for triceps work), leg flexion-extension (in the simulator) in 4 sets. 30/15/15/15 repetitions with rest periods of 30 seconds, using the limited blood flow technique.
Diagnosis of changes
To examine the venous network of the arms, ultrasound with Doppler sonography is most often prescribed. This method helps determine:
- size of venous vessels, their patency;
- blood flow speed;
- degree of valvular insufficiency of veins;
- location of the thrombus (if any);
- How far does the obstructed blood flow extend?
If necessary, this study is supplemented by the administration of contrast (venography), MRI, blood tests - general, for coagulation.
You can't neglect cardio
Many bodybuilders try their best to avoid aerobic exercise, coming up with various excuses, and switching only to working with iron. Note that cardio cannot be neglected, as it also helps develop veins in bodybuilders. First of all, cardio burns calories (as long as you don't overeat afterwards), and thanks to cardio you will become leaner. And, as you remember, the less fat, the clearer the appearance of the veins.
It is important that systematic aerobic exercise can increase the number of small vessels (capillaries). Friendship with cardio will help you very effectively saturate your muscles with blood and oxygen. Over time, more veins will appear outward, and blood will circulate much better in them.
Vein pain
If a vein in the arm is swollen and painful, dense, hot, red, and all this happened after an injection or injury or even without it, this may be a sign of thrombosis or phlebitis. This condition requires a visit to a doctor, but this is not always possible as soon as possible; in such situations, a number of accessible and safe measures can be applied:
- Applying cold to the vein will increase its tone, reduce swelling and local temperature, and reduce pain;
- Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels: Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren and others;
- Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs for oral administration: Dicloberl, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, Aspirin;
- In case of a general increase in temperature and further spread of inflammation, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Doxycycline and others) is permissible.
The use of any medications is permissible only in the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance. Even if the above measures helped and a complete recovery has occurred, you must definitely visit a doctor and this must be done as soon as possible.
Use of sports supplements
Swollen veins in bodybuilders may be the result of increased blood flow during training. And it, in turn, is observed from the production of nitric oxide (NO). This substance helps to dilate blood vessels, through which blood circulation increases. Taking into account these properties of nitric oxide, pharmaceutical companies have developed special drugs to improve vascularity. You can start with the following names:
- Citrulline. Just a couple of years ago, L-arginine, a precursor to NO, was considered a top muscle pump supplement. But it was successfully replaced by citrulline, which is able to increase the level of arginine without complications for the digestive system more than arginine itself. Dosage: take 6-8 g of the drug 40 minutes before the start of training. To enhance the effect, you need to take the product at a time, without dividing it into several doses throughout the day.
- Nitrates. As you know, the two most common sources of nitrates are pomegranate and beets (in juice or extract). Both of these products have a vasodilating effect when consumed before sports activities. Doses: 1000 mg approximately half an hour before training.
- Creatine. This is a cumulative substance. Creatine remains in muscle cells, which promotes their swelling. As a result, the biceps swell more and more, and increased venousness is observed. Dosage: 5 g of creatine monohydrate per day.
- Thermogenics. Thermogenic supplements help increase the body's production of heat. In response to this, more and more blood rushes to the skin to cool the body. Select a thermogenic to suit your taste: capsaicin (a component of hot peppers), caffeine, green tea, ginger, etc.
- Agmatine in a dosage of 0.5-1 g 30 minutes before the start of classes.
- Coenzyme Q10 (including its effective form Ubiquinol). Dose: 100 mg, in combination with vitamins E and C.
- Clenbuterol, and other complex products to increase pump levels.
Preparations for vascularity in bodybuilding are numerous and varied, but do not overdo it with chemistry. Before taking, be sure to consult with your doctor.
Interesting! The best time to show off clearly defined veins in bodybuilding is 15-20 minutes after finishing your workout.
Associated symptoms
In the case of pathological provoking factors, pronounced veins usually cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort.
This mainly manifests itself:
- heaviness and pain in the hands;
- swelling of the hands.
One of the common symptoms is a constant desire to fix the arms above the level of the head (in this position, the outflow of stagnant blood improves).
In difficult cases, when vein pathology is caused by serious circulatory disorders, as well as thrombophlebitis, the following is observed:
- slight increase in body temperature;
- hyperemia of the skin of the hands;
- lump, lump, lump, swelling or ball at the site of the lesion;
- swelling, blueness;
- change in skin color;
- muscle weakness;
- the appearance of ulcers on the skin.
Venousness: all the pros and cons
It's no secret that all athletes dream of looking attractive, and even brutal.
- Proportionally developed veins protruding from under the skin visually make the athlete much more developed. But the obvious advantages are overshadowed by many disadvantages. When working on veins, the athlete must exercise extreme caution.
- This is explained by the fact that many pharmacological drugs have multiple side effects, having a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. This is especially pronounced when supplements are used incorrectly.
- In addition, hypertrophy of the capillary-venous network can cause varicose veins, to which the fairer sex is especially prone. Therefore, when identifying a person’s predisposition to this type of problem, it is better to be careful.
- In other words, before you develop vascularity, weigh the pros and cons. Remember that a minimum of adipose tissue and a body covered with a network of veins is, rather, the prerogative of professional bodybuilders rather than ordinary gym goers who come for an athletic figure and health, which, for high-class professionals, is often not the first priority place.
What do you think, what lengths can an athlete go to in order to show veins, and is it necessary to pay attention to this nuance at all? Share your opinion in the comments.
Why does this happen?
It is important to be able to distinguish in which case this symptom is a variant of the norm, a physiological condition, and in which it is pathological, requiring diagnosis and treatment.
This is what it looks like in the photo:
In ordinary healthy people
As a normal option, large swollen veins in the arms may appear in the following situations:
- A person regularly performs strength physical activity on his hands. In this case, the pressure on the vessels increases, expanding their lumen, and at the same time, the arm muscles become hard - they also help push the veins out.
- From the blow. The site of the bruise usually swells, the vessel becomes more noticeable and pronounced. If a person hits his hand right in the place where the vein passes, then it may swell, turn blue or purple, sometimes even turn black and a bruise will form around it.
- Thin, translucent skin (especially in girls, teenage boys and children), with a small layer of subcutaneous fat that could hide blood vessels. Normally, this problem should not cause cosmetic defects in a child.
- A hereditary feature is the superficial location of the veins. Most often, enlarged veins appear after too much physical exertion or when a person holds for a long time and then quickly lowers his hands. It occurs less frequently in boys than in girls.
- Hot weather, significant increase in air temperature. This factor sometimes provokes increased blood pumping in the extremities, due to which the vessels and capillaries increase in size, inflate and become convex (on the legs this manifests itself as varicose veins and swelling in the evenings).
- In older people, as a result of the aging of the body. With age, the elasticity of blood vessels begins to be lost, the walls of the veins are unable to maintain their shape, and the tortuous pattern on the hands becomes more noticeable.
- Pregnancy, postpartum period. In this condition, bulging veins in women is a physiological process associated with hormonal changes in the body.
- Blood collection, IV placement, anesthesia administration. In some people, the veins may swell after a blood donation procedure, or after a catheter is removed. In this case, the injection site often ache, itch, and there is redness and burning. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon that is associated with anatomy, there is no need to worry. But if there is also pain, you should consult a doctor, this may be a sign of post-injection phlebitis.
- When you lower your hands. A similar phenomenon is usually observed in people with problems with blood pressure, with increased blood density. When the arms are lowered, especially if they had been raised for a long time or were tense, the blood does not have time to circulate normally and the veins become more visible.
Treatment tactics
It is unwise to treat swollen arteries as a symptom. Therapeutic measures should be taken in relation to the source of the development of pathology. Most often, the doctor prescribes local medications, tablets, and compresses. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.
Swelling of the arteries - the cause | Help needed |
Varicose veins | Physiological treatment or surgery. |
Thrombophlebitis | Taking anti-inflammatory, blood thinning agents, antiplatelet agents, using warm compresses. |
Heredity | Aesthetic discomfort is eliminated surgically. |
Physical exercise | Reducing or abandoning physical exercise and work associated with increased stress. |
General recommendations
Drug therapy or surgical care must be supported by additional measures. To hide the visible tortuous pattern, you need to strengthen the body:
- Avoid alcohol.
- Limit your coffee consumption.
- Drink plenty of still water. Moisture is necessary for the epidermis to improve its structure.
- Use moisturizing creams.
A little gymnastics also helps eliminate the subcutaneous pattern.
Light exercise in the morning
The following exercises are considered effective:
- Extend your thumbs in different directions.
- Bend each finger in the opposite direction. Then repeat the exercise, bending all your fingers at once.
- Squeeze your fingers, bend your hands up and down.
- In the same position, twist your fists in different directions.
- Bring your hands together in front of your sternum. Raise your elbows up, lowering your clenched palms to your stomach.
- Squeeze your fingers and straighten them sharply.
- Extend your arms to the side and make several circular movements left and right.
- Depict playing the piano.
Exercises must be done daily. Perform each exercise 10 times.
The source of the visible defect and its consequences can be eliminated with the help of conservative medical care. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- Troxevasin, Atenolol - significantly reduce pain.
- Aspirin, Lopirel, Curantil - thin the blood, reduce the risk of blood clots.
- Fibrinolysin, Urokinase, Trypsin are fibrinolytic drugs that help thin the plasma.
- Ketonal, Loxidol, Ibuprofen are anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain.
- Pentoxifylline, Vazonit - improve blood circulation, prevent vasoconstriction and blockage.
Important! Self-prescription of drug treatment is fraught with the development of serious consequences. Medicines have contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.
Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect.
Contrast shower
Therefore, for the comprehensive elimination of venous bloating of the arms, it is recommended:
- Contrast shower morning and evening. During the week, the time spent under water should be increased from 10 to 20 minutes.
- Massage.
- Baths with the addition of sea salt or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, lemon balm).
- Magnetotherapy.
Surgical intervention is used only in two situations:
- the patient’s desire to get rid of cosmetic flaws (the female part of the population resorts to the procedure more often);
- the presence of pathologies requiring surgical intervention.
Operations based on the principle of influence are divided into several groups:
- Laser therapy. A gentle method in which swollen vascular formations are removed with a laser, gluing them from the inside.
- Phlebectomy. Special instruments are used to remove somuds affected by varicose veins.
- Ultrasound thrombolysis. Ultrasound destroys the blood clot, which subsequently dissolves.
- Sclerotherapy. The affected vessel is filled with a special liquid and excluded from the bloodstream.
The rehabilitation period after surgery depends on the chosen technique. Phlebectomy is the most difficult to tolerate. After the procedure, the patient is limited in movement, must follow a certain diet, and take medications.