How to enlarge the mammary glands in a week at home

Need I tell you how important beautiful breasts are for a girl? Almost all men pay attention to this part of the body, so if everything is fine with it, you must not be deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. According to statistics, many women are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts: those who have large ones want to reduce them, and those who have small ones want to make them larger. Well, we will someday dedicate a separate article to the first one, but today we will try to give a detailed answer to the question of how to enlarge your breasts at home.

Operating method

Breast augmentation or reshaping is one of the most popular and common operations in the field of surgical plastic surgery.
Women who, for some reason, are dissatisfied with this part of their body resort to it. Most often, the reason is the desire to increase aesthetic appeal, since there are very few medical indications for such operations and they are not very common.

Most often, recommendations for mammoplasty are given by doctors during surgical removal of the mammary glands due to various diseases or loss of shape and elasticity after pregnancy or sudden and severe weight loss.

Any such surgical interventions must be preceded by careful preparation, which begins with a visit and consultation with both a plastic surgeon and a professional psychologist.

Breast augmentation surgeries are strictly contraindicated:

  1. For minor girls , since their mammary glands have not yet gone through all stages of formation.
  2. In the presence of severe and acute forms of internal organ diseases, this can cause serious and irreparable complications.
  3. In the presence of any cancer.
  4. In the presence of infectious diseases, surgery is possible only after complete recovery and completion of the rehabilitation period.
  5. Women experiencing problems with blood clotting.
  6. During periods of breastfeeding .

Today, there are many different surgical methods for breast enlargement, which are fundamentally different from each other.


The most common are:

  1. Enlarging and changing shape using implants. This technique allows you to give the breast any desired shape or size, which will depend on the type of prosthesis chosen. This operation is performed in many different ways, which differ not only in the type of implant, but also in the place of its implantation. All modern endoprostheses have a natural appearance and are lightweight, and also have a good level of safety.
  2. Mastopexy , that is, breast lift, is also performed in various ways: it can be performed in combination with the introduction of endoprostheses or without their use. Implants are used in cases where it is necessary to change the size of the breast, and the shape can be changed without implantation.
  3. Endoscopic surgery is another type of implantation, but using special medical equipment, including an endoscope. It is carried out if it becomes necessary to implant an endoprosthesis into the axillary region, which cannot be accomplished without the use of medical optical equipment.
  4. Breast reconstruction surgery after breast removal. The breast is usually removed to treat the most complex forms of cancer that affect the mammary glands. They are performed only by experienced surgeons who can perform the operation either by implanting endoprostheses, or using living tissue of the patient being operated on, as well as using combined methods.

Ways to help enlarge breasts at home quickly and without surgery

If you are not satisfied with your breast size, you will need to be patient to correct it. After all, to realize this dream you will need more than one month - there is a large number of trainings ahead that will help you achieve your goal.

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There are several ways to enlarge your breasts at home:

  • folk remedies;
  • taking hormonal medications - of course, in this case, be sure to consult a doctor - only he can tell you the correct intake of hormones;
  • following a certain diet. This step is very important not only for enlarging the mammary glands, but also for the woman’s health in general;
  • doing systematic massage using special creams;
  • choosing special clothes or a bra;
  • using cosmetics such as highlighter and bronzer.

And of course, the most serious and difficult step is plastic surgery. But this method has nothing to do with home options, so we’ll skip it.

Exercises to enlarge your breasts

A natural way to enlarge your mammary glands at home is to pump up your muscles. The chest muscle, like other human muscles, will easily become elastic after systematically performing certain exercises.

EasyCurves chest trainer - will help pump up your chest

To make your breasts bigger, you need to exercise with the EasyCurves exercise machine daily.
The principle of the exercise is as follows: the handles must be pulled to the sides and returned to their original position. Push-ups and palm squeezing are another way to enlarge your breasts at home. Girls should do push-ups up to 15–20 times with a straight back on their toes. Squeeze your palms in front of you as if you were praying with maximum force. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds. Repetitions – 5 – 7 times.

You can also perform special sets of exercises developed by professionals. Watch video tutorials:

You can enlarge your breasts at home by one size without plastic surgery or creams of dubious origin using a set of special exercises. This, by the way, will not only allow you to acquire the desired volume, but also generally improve your physical condition.

Such exercises are especially useful after childbirth, when it is necessary to get the body in shape.

How to enlarge breasts using folk remedies

So, girls who want to enlarge their breasts should pay attention not only to a set of exercises that help “pump up” the pectoral muscles, but also to their own nutrition.

There are several products that should be consumed if you want to enlarge your breasts on your own and not spend money on surgery:

  • More protein! Chicken meat, fish, seafood, milk, linden tea are excellent helpers in this matter.
  • Where would we be without cabbage? Everyone knows that if you eat cabbage, it will cleanse the body of toxins and promote the beauty of the skin.
  • Eat a teaspoon of turmeric with milk every time before meals.
  • A hormone such as estrogen is very important for the enlargement of the mammary glands. It is found in walnuts and honey . Pour honey over the peeled nuts and leave in a cool place for a week. Eat two to three spoons every day!
  • The infusion is intoxicating . To prepare it, take a tablespoon of hops and one glass of water. Cook this mixture for about 20 minutes. Drink three tbsp. before each meal.
  • Cereal cocktail: corn, millet, oats, barley. Take 1 tbsp of all ingredients. and add 500 ml of water. Cook until the grains soften. Strain before use! Take as in the recipe above!
  • Strawberry leaf tea is very beneficial not only for the breasts, but also for improving health. You can brew them like regular tea, leave them for a while and drink whenever you want!

Important! Do not use iodine for breast enlargement at home, as this is all a myth. Only burns on the skin will remain.

How to visually enlarge breasts?

So, if breast augmentation is required urgently and there is no time for exercise, diet and, especially, surgery, do not despair. By choosing a dress with a deep neckline, you can quite impress everyone. To do this, use the right bra.

The Rabbit Bra breast correction bra is a great option!

This bra helps lift the breasts and adds volume due to the silicone located in the cup. It is comfortable to wear and is completely invisible under clothes.

Another option is the BreStick invisible bra

It perfectly maintains its shape, creating the effect of visually enlarging the bust.
It is also a useful bra for those recovering from breastfeeding. Additional tips for visual breast enlargement without surgery:

  • you can use a regular bra with a push-up effect;
  • wear T-shirts with a V-neck or chest pockets more often;
  • High-waisted dresses and pastel-colored sweaters will also visually add volume to the bust.

In addition to such techniques, breasts can be visually enlarged using cosmetics. To do this, you need to apply highlighter to certain areas. Watch the video tutorial.

How to quickly enlarge your breasts?

It is believed that compresses made from natural blue clay or essential oils are good for breast enlargement at home.

  1. Recipe one: apply crushed blue clay to your chest overnight. Rinse off in the morning with warm water and moisturize the treated area with cream.
  2. Recipe two: mix 1 tbsp each of ylang-ylang oil, almond and geranium Apply to fabric and leave overnight. Remove the remaining compress with a cotton pad in the morning.

"GormoByust" spray - another option for breast enlargement

The drug "Gormobyust" contains phytoestrogen, which is responsible for stimulating the growth of the mammary gland.

How to enlarge breasts with massage

At home, you can not only do sports exercises that help enlarge your breasts, but also massage. Do a daily massage in the shower in a circular motion, or from the nipple to the shoulders and armpits, using a rich cream. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging the delicate skin.

Hardware method

Various devices are used for this, but they all have a similar design and the same operating principles. They are based on a vacuum, which, by influencing the mammary glands, changes their size. All such devices have a special funnel that is placed on the chest, at the same time the pump pumps out air, creating an airless space.

The strength of the vacuum, as well as the degree of its impact, is controlled and determined by the doctor who performs these manipulations. The hardware technique for breast enlargement still causes lively debate among specialists at various levels: some of them believe that this method leads to favorable growth of fat cells, others believe that it unnecessarily stretches the skin, which, on the contrary, has negative consequences.

Medication techniques

Another way to non-surgically change the mammary glands is to use various pharmacological drugs, which can be hormonal or non-hormonal.
This technique has both an individual number of disadvantages and certain advantages.

The main positive points are:

  1. A result guaranteed by reputable drug manufacturers.
  2. A non-surgical technique that eliminates the possibility of infection, as well as rejection or rupture of the implanted implant.
  3. Short period of time after which the first changes will be noticeable.

But the use of such drugs also has a negative side, due to which many women refuse to use this technique.

First of all, these include:

  1. Possible weight gain.
  2. The need to constantly take medications, because after stopping the course, the bust returns to its previous appearance.
  3. There is a possibility of side effects such as nausea, headaches, lack of sleep and others.
  4. After prolonged use, they can cause addiction or hormonal imbalance in the body.

Cosmetic method

Another alternative method is to enlarge the mammary glands using special creams.
This cosmetic method is quite new, but it is gradually gaining popularity among women because it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Unlike the medicinal method , it does not involve taking the drug orally, which makes it much safer.
  2. It is non-surgical , which means it eliminates all the risks associated with surgery.
  3. It is simple because it only requires rubbing in the cream.
  4. Allows you to feel the result in a short time: from several weeks to a month.

Special creams contain a number of substances, such as:

  • collagens;
  • various acids;
  • plant components and others;

They increase the elasticity of the skin in the chest area, causing it to thicken and tighten without increasing the volume of the glands themselves. This improves the visual and aesthetic condition of the body.

Also, there are certain types of hormonal creams that can be more effective because their composition helps to increase the volume of gland tissue.

However, the use of such cosmetics is also more dangerous: hormonal creams can cause undesirable consequences, for example, affecting the menstrual cycle or hair growth.

How to enlarge a woman's breasts with massage: proven methods

Massage is an excellent method for bust enlargement. It should be done as softly and gently as possible so as not to damage the mammary glands and not provoke the appearance of stretch marks. Take some cream or oil and warm it in your palms. Start tracing the right breast with your left hand, and the left with your right: do this with slow movements, starting from the outside and smoothly moving inward. Then turn your palm to a horizontal position and make several pressing movements from the bust to the chin. Give this massage at least 15 minutes daily.

You can perform a massage using water procedures. To do this, it is enough to treat the bust and décolleté area with a contrast shower, making circular movements with a stream of water over the chest. In this case, it is not recommended to touch the nipple area. Spend 2 minutes on each side.

It is impossible not to mention Shiatsu massage, which can help a woman enlarge her breasts. Its essence lies in the impact of fingers on certain points of the body. Naturally, without special knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to do such a procedure yourself, and therefore we recommend finding a specialist in your city and contacting him.


girl doing breast massage

Another option for non-surgical breast enlargement is the use of a variety of massage techniques.

This can be done in three different ways:

  1. On your own at home , for example, by rubbing various creams or using a shower.
  2. Using special equipment , this is the so-called vacuum method.
  3. By seeking help from a professional massage therapist or chiropractor.

The main positive effect achieved by using massage is improved blood circulation in the massaged area. When carried out correctly, the blood supply to the corresponding glands improves, which makes the breasts more toned and adds visual appeal to them.

Of course, if we compare this technique with other methods, for example, surgical operations, then they allow us to achieve a much more noticeable effect.

Massage techniques are also capable of increasing size, but only slightly; their main advantage is the elimination of visible defects, improving the visual component and increasing elasticity.

When performing a massage yourself, you must remember that it can also harm the body if you make serious mistakes.

The main dangers are:

  1. The likelihood of receiving microtrauma to the mammary gland or skin. In order to avoid these dangerous and unpleasant moments, massage must be carried out carefully and accurately, with a minimum of effort.
  2. The likelihood of developing tumors. To protect yourself from this danger, before performing a massage you need to consult with specialists, primarily a gynecologist and mammologist. They will check the gland for any benign tumors or other formations.

Diet for bust size

Expectant mothers note that during pregnancy their bust grows by about 2 sizes. For some, this value remains even after the lactation period. This breast enlargement is due to an increase in the formation of the hormone estrogen. It is known that certain foods increase its amount in the body:

  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat,
  • cabbage (it has long been recommended for inclusion in the diet of teenage girls because it contains many vitamins),
  • nut mass with lemon and natural bee honey,
  • Licorice root has a positive effect on blood circulation and maintains muscle tone,
  • seafood and fish dishes from the northern seas,
  • green apples,
  • chicken's meat,
  • products with added soy (it contains isoflavone, which directly affects muscle growth).

If a woman regularly includes in her menu dishes with these products, which affect the formation of fatty tissues, she can enlarge her breasts at home.


It is necessary to enrich your body with estrogen and folic acid, so the cabbage diet is perfect. This method has very low efficiency, approximately the same as that of massage techniques; it cannot give a great result - but it does cause positive trends.
The main positive aspect of this breast augmentation option is its absolute safety. Despite the high content of estrogen in cabbage, it is still not possible to radically change the overall hormonal levels using the food method.

If this particular technique was chosen, then a good addition to it to enhance the positive effect would be:

  1. Refusal to combine with other dietary methods that are aimed at weight loss.
  2. Combining the cabbage diet with massage techniques after appropriate consultation with a specialist.
  3. Using special exercises that increase physical stress on the chest, such as push-ups and pull-ups.

Therapeutic compresses

The use of compresses is another modern method for changing the shape and size of the gland, which is comparable in its effectiveness to the use of massage techniques and appropriate diets.

There are many types of compresses that have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the mammary gland, the main ones are:

  1. Compresses using cold water, combined with subsequent rubbing with a towel and the use of cosmetic creams, not only improve the aesthetic appearance of this part of the body, but also significantly increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  2. Compresses made from camphor alcohol or vodka mixed with citric acid, which are left for 10-15 minutes and are also perfectly combined with massage practices, are one of the most effective options of their kind.
  3. Compresses made from cottage cheese with the addition of olive oil, fruit juices or honey are left for 20-25 minutes, and washed off with chamomile decoction - this gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect.
  4. Contrast compresses with alternating cold and hot water, to which you can add wine vinegar and salt, respectively. Hot compresses are applied for 30 seconds, cold compresses for 1 minute, the process must be completed with a cold compress, after which the chest is rubbed with a towel to improve blood circulation.


When turning to such exercises, you need to remember that you should always start with those that have stretching capabilities, this will prepare the body and help avoid possible injuries.
It is best to do this in special rooms where there is an instructor who will always give advice if necessary, and also evaluate the effectiveness and necessity of the exercises performed.

Push-ups are one of the basic and simplest physical exercises, which will be recommended regardless of where the training takes place: at home or in a fitness center.

To begin with, you can start doing push-ups using auxiliary elements, such as a chair. You need to strive to be able to easily do about 15 push-ups and repeat 3 sets. When this bar is reached, the exercises can be done without a chair, doing push-ups directly from the floor.

When this technique is mastered perfectly, you can move on to its more complex modification - reverse push-ups.

There are a number of exercises with dumbbells, but it is better to do them in a fitness center, since it is often not always possible to independently master the correct technique that will give a visible effect.

When conducting training, you need to remember several important points that will make it most effective:

  1. The result will be noticeable only if you give the pectoral muscles a rest after physical activity. Therefore, you need to train not every day, but 3-4 times a week.
  2. Positive results will appear in 2-3 weeks, but changes in shape and size will occur at least after a few months if training has been regular.
  3. In order to stimulate positive processes , physical exercise must be combined with proper nutrition. The body will need more proteins, which means a rational solution would be to include cottage cheese, nuts and seafood in your daily diet.

How much does it cost to enlarge breasts?

If you are still wondering: “How to increase breast size?”, but do not want to spend a lot of effort to achieve the goal, there is a great way - a plastic surgeon can easily and quickly make it a size or two larger. But this is a very expensive path, before which you need to find out whether the operation is suitable for you personally, whether you will tolerate it well, and many other nuances. Naturally, we are against surgical intervention. But this fact does not stop women from taking such serious measures. For example, such celebrities. Like Glucose, Anna Khilkevich, Victoria Beckham and many others went through this.

Surgical augmentation is a serious step that requires a lot of money for the operation to be truly successful. This procedure costs from 250,000 rubles .

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Traditional methods

Alternative medicine also contains many techniques that women have used since ancient times.
The most famous of them are:

  1. Eating large amounts of cabbage. Moreover, the younger the woman, the more effective this method will be.
  2. Drink at least a small amount of infused black tea mixed with milk daily.
  3. Eating chopped walnuts mixed with honey. This mixture should sit for a week, after which it should be consumed regularly 2-3 times a day.
  4. Eating bread crusts. Although many women confirm the positive results, this is not one of the most effective methods. The peels must be consumed in large quantities, and noticeable results appear in no less than six months.
  5. One of the oldest methods is turmeric with milk, which must be taken a teaspoon before each meal about 3-4 times a day.
  6. Decoctions of various grains , such as barley, corn or rye. The decoction should be consumed before each meal every day, and at night, treat the chest with rice porridge. However, the effectiveness of this technique is ambiguous and depends on many individual characteristics of each woman.

What should you eat to increase breast size?

The right diet is what will help you enlarge your breasts at home without surgery. With the help of well-chosen food, you will not only transform your appearance, but also improve your health. Looking ahead, let's answer the question that may have appeared in your mind: no, cabbage does not affect size in any way - put it out of your head.

First of all, add milk and dairy products , seafood , and meat . You will get a fair amount of protein from this food. If you have small breasts, hop cones , which contain estrogen, will help you enlarge them. They need to be brewed and taken as an infusion for one week. This is allowed to be done no more than once a month.

Grains and cereals are also very useful . By consuming cereals and infusions from them, you will not only be able to enlarge your breasts, but will also provide the body with useful elements important for its normal functioning. We recommend eating flaxseed, olives, avocados, fatty fish and other foods containing monounsaturated fats , which to some extent are a source of femininity.

Visual methods


The safest and simplest are various visual methods of breast enlargement, since they do not require increased physical activity, surgical interventions, or strict diets.

Every woman who is dissatisfied with her bust should know about them before deciding to take any radical action.

Some of these methods are:

  1. Choosing the right bra: it should not fall off, put pressure on the chest, or leave noticeable marks on the skin after removal. If you have doubts about the correct choice of underwear, you should ask a consultant for advice.
  2. Using bras with a push-up effect , which lifts the breasts, making them visually more attractive.
  3. Clothing that has an open neckline will also make your breasts appear larger.
  4. You need to choose the right not only underwear , but also the color scheme of outerwear. To achieve the desired visual result, it is most optimal to use clothes in dark colors with a bright top.
  5. Small decorative elements , for example, ornamental patterns, brooches or bows, attract the attention of people around, which also gives a certain effect.
  6. Refusal of baggy and loose clothes in favor of those that fit tightly to the figure, emphasizing its shape.
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