8 Best Supplements for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Sports nutrition, regardless of whether you use it or not, should not represent an information vacuum for you. Anyone who, in one way or another, was involved in fitness and bodybuilding earlier or later, has at least heard about it, but often does not know the material. And you need to know about it! At a minimum, in order to understand what it is, what benefits or possible harm it causes to the body, and for what purposes it is generally used. What sports nutrition is will be discussed in this article.


First, some food for thought. Sports nutrition has nothing to do with anabolic steroids, this one, does not have a negative effect on internal organs, this is two, it is freely available in any specialized store, this is three, and does not have any significant side effects, this is four. The worst consequences that can befall you from consuming it are indigestion or an allergic reaction, nothing more. We will return to these issues later, but while you are drawing conclusions, we will continue.

In this article we have collected the main, or let’s say, the most commonly used and popular types of sports nutrition, which include the following products: protein, gainer, creatine, amino acids, vitamin-mineral complexes and fat burners. It is from this set of supplements that the consumer basket of both a beginner and a more experienced athlete is most often formed. Today we will try to understand what sports nutrition is, why it is needed and for what purposes it is used, and we will also learn about the benefits or harms of sports nutrition.


protein for weight gain, weight loss, harm and benefit

A type of sports nutrition consisting of concentrated protein. Protein is used to build muscle tissue, bones, hormones and enzymes. In other words, during systematic exercise with weights, you need to consume protein to build lean muscle mass, although, as we have already found out, this is not its only function.

There are many myths surrounding this supplement. One of them says that protein is chemistry. In fact, protein is made from natural products that are subjected to purification processes. Another myth talks about the harmful effects of the product on internal organs. In reality, for such effects to appear, you need to take a huge amount of protein per day, about 350 grams or more, which in practice is simply not possible. It is also a myth that protein is addictive. In fact, any tasty food is addictive. That's why you want to eat it again and again. And finally, another popular myth, according to which sports nutrition, in particular protein, is “not worth it.” In practice, everything happens quite the opposite. Protein-rich foods have the best effect on reproductive function. In our article “Proper Nutrition for Sports,” in the list of protein foods, you will find seafood, which includes, among others, squid and shrimp. They are known to be considered one of the best aphrodisiacs - substances that stimulate and enhance sexual desire. So, we have debunked several myths that float around protein and have no basis in fact. Now that we know that protein is not at all harmful, but is very useful and necessary, we can move on to studying its varieties.

  • Whey protein comes first in terms of effectiveness. It is produced from whey, is absorbed quite quickly and has high biological value.
  • Egg protein is in second place after whey protein in its effectiveness, it also has decent biovalue and is absorbed by the body within 4-6 hours.
  • Casein protein is characterized by the fact that its biovalue is 80%. At the same time, the rate of its absorption is minimal, so most often it is taken at night.
  • Soy protein, among other things, can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. However, its disadvantage is considered to be the mediocre quality of purification and low absorption.
  • Complex protein includes all the types of protein listed above. It combines all their advantages, so it is rightfully considered both useful and effective.

You most likely have a logical question - “so which one is better?” There is no better or worse, they are all equally good, it’s just that each one is produced and used for different purposes. Two questions remain open regarding this supplement. So, is sports nutrition harmful, and what side effects can be caused by its use? Let's look at these questions in order.

So, regarding the harm. Is he there or not? Can protein be consumed by children, adults and the elderly? The answer goes like this. Protein is made from natural raw materials, which are of natural origin, which means there are no restrictions on gender or age. Moreover, this protein powder is the basis of infant formulas such as “Baby”, which we all used in childhood.

The only side effect in the use of this product is “individual intolerance,” which is caused not by the production, quality or origin of the product, but by the individual physiological characteristics of the human body. By the way, individual intolerance can also be expressed in relation to ordinary food products. This problem is expressed in the form of digestive disorders, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and, less commonly, constipation. The disease is treated by adjusting the diet and reducing the dosage of protein portions.

Well, we have looked at protein sufficiently, learned its pros, cons, benefits, varieties and talked about the myths circulating around it. This type of sports nutrition is suitable for both gaining weight, losing weight, and maintaining it, which indicates its versatility.

Additive properties

Andarine (S-4), belongs to the category of SARM drugs. Their distinctive feature is their selective interaction with receptors of muscle and bone tissue, resulting in an effective effect on these two body systems. Regular use of testosterone supplements, as well as various anabolic agents (such as Epistane and Winstrol), entail undesirable consequences, such as dry joints, hair loss, and increased blood cholesterol. In this regard, the advantage of Andarin is the absence of the above-mentioned side effects. Thus, the beneficial effects of Andarine on bone and muscle tissue, with minimal harmful effects on the body, have made the drug quite widespread in the sports environment.

General picture of the drug’s action:

  1. strengthens joints;
  2. promotes muscle growth;
  3. burns fat;
  4. does not require post-cycle therapy;
  5. does not cause prostate hypertrophy;
  6. no effect on female libido;
  7. does not cause baldness;

When using Andarin, there is no “rollback” effect, i.e. there is no return to the original state.

The drug has a selective effect on muscle tissue. Acts as a stimulant with a moderate anabolic effect, but does not increase the concentration of estradiol (female hormone). The active substance in the supplement is able to bind to androgen receptors 33% more than testosterone.

The drug promotes fat burning processes by eliminating accumulations of lipoprotein lipase. Thus, the level of lipids in the blood (fats and fat-like substances) is also regulated, which is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The richest lipase enzymes are: adipose tissue, heart, skeletal muscle, and other body tissues, except the liver. That is why Andarine S-4 does not have any effect on this organ. The active component of the supplement prevents the binding of natural dihydrotestosterone to the receptors of the prostate gland, which means it does not cause baldness, which is inherent in testosterone supplements. Andarine’s ability to strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on joints has been reliably proven.


weight gainer, harm and benefit

A sports supplement that is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. What is it used for? The carbohydrates included in this mixture, when ingested, stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, which facilitates the entry of amino acids into muscle cells. Proteins, also included in the gainer, when they enter the body, are broken down into amino acids and circulate in the blood. The simultaneous intake of proteins and carbohydrates enhances the overall effect of their intake by the fact that insulin directs amino acids into the muscle fibers, which accordingly accelerates muscle growth.

Here you most likely have a logical question. What is the difference between this sports supplement and the previous one, if they both aim to gain muscle mass?

The fact is that protein, that is, pure protein, can be consumed by people of any body type, be it ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph (we wrote about body types here). Gainer, in addition to proteins, also contains carbohydrates, and, on top of everything, a small amount of fat, therefore it is suitable for people who do not have problems with excess weight, that is, people who are predominantly thin in build. It is better for people with a heavy build to avoid taking a gainer, since a significant part of the carbohydrates will be stored in the form of fatty tissue. In simple terms, a gainer is best suited for people with a thin, asthenic physique (ectomorphs). People with heavier builds (mesomorphs, endomorphs) should avoid taking a gainer.

This sports supplement, just like protein, is created from natural foods, so it is no different from them. It can be taken by adults and children, both men and women. Side effects are mainly the same as for protein: possible digestive disorders, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation. They are also treated by adjusting the diet and reducing the dosage of portions. The harm of this protein-carbohydrate mixture can be equated to the harm of baby food. Everyone ate it in childhood, obligingly and in considerable quantities. As a result, they grew up and became full-fledged, strong and healthy people. As for all kinds of statements regarding damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs, these are nothing more than myths generated by ignorance, low awareness and, accordingly, incompetence in this area of ​​​​those people who spread such rumors.

So, a gainer is a type of sports nutrition intended for gaining muscle mass by people with an asthenic (thin) build. It is made from food products, has no side effects, and is not suitable for people with a heavy build (mesomorphs, endomorphs).

How to take Andarine (S-4)

To achieve visible results, it is recommended to use the drug in a course of 6 weeks. For the purpose of fat burning, it is optimal to use Andarine in combination with Ostarine. The half-life of the active substance from the body is 4-6 hours.

The table shows the optimal dosage of Andarine for the 25 MG capsule form. The supplement should be taken in the morning, after breakfast (one hour later). People over 85 kg, take 2 capsules per day (one in the morning, the second immediately after training).

Up to 85 kg - 25 mg per day for 6-8 weeks. Combines with Ostarine.

Over 85 kg - 50 mg per day in 2 divided doses for 6-8 weeks.

Maintaining muscle tone - 25 mg 3-5 weeks.

Andarine Sarms is a safe product for effective fat burning, while simultaneously having a moderate anabolic effect on muscle mass.


creatine for weight gain and weight loss, harm and benefit

A sports supplement whose task is to restore ATP reserves (adenosine triphosphate) wasted during training. ATP, by the way, is the main source of energy for our cells. This type of sports nutrition is used in bodybuilding to increase strength and build muscle mass. This is partly due to the fact that creatine retains water in the body.

Creatine is a natural substance found in human muscles. With his direct participation, energy exchange occurs and numerous movements are performed. The human body synthesizes it independently from three amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine, and they, in turn, are the constituent components of protein.

When you lift weights, increasing your strength load also increases your creatine consumption. Accordingly, its reserves in the body must be replenished not only by adjusting the diet (since meat contains creatine), but also by taking it additionally from sports supplements.

Increased strength during creatine supplementation occurs by increasing the amount of ATP, which, after converting all fuel sources (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), becomes available as molecules used by the body as an energy source. Thus, by increasing the amount of creatine in the body by obtaining it from sports supplements, the amount of ATP increases, and accordingly, muscle strength also increases.

Gaining muscle mass occurs because increasing strength allows you to achieve the impact that maximally stimulates muscle growth. But this effect does not always occur. If the body's sensitivity to creatine is low, you should not expect a significant increase in muscle mass. At the same time, an increase in body weight occurs due to the fact that creatine retains water in the muscles. Because creatine monohydrate binds to water, you should drink plenty of fluids while taking it. Muscle cells are 75% water, and when their volume increases due to overhydration (increasing water content), protein synthesis increases and protein breakdown is minimized. Thus, taking creatine monohydrate provides significant assistance in the process of bodybuilding.

This representative of sports nutrition is absolutely safe and its use is permitted for any age group, with the only exception that it is strongly recommended to start taking it only after puberty, which in girls occurs from the beginning of the regular menstrual cycle (16-17 years old), boys, from about the age of 18-20 years.

Another interesting fact is that creatine is great for women and for weight loss. In the process of losing weight, creatine supplements allow you to increase the intensity of training, and therefore accelerate the process of destruction of adipose tissue, while maximizing the preservation of muscle tissue.

Scientific research

A number of experiments were carried out on experimental rats. The studies were conducted on 120 castrated rodents. Half of them were given equal proportions of S-4 into their food, while the other half were given a normal diet. During the experiment, a decrease in the fat layer was noticed in the first group of experimental rats. Further research showed an increase in bone strength. As a result, in male rats from the first group, when taking 3 mg of Andarine per kg of body weight, strength indicators and muscle tissue growth (including soleus muscles) increased. No rebound phenomenon was observed in test rats taking the supplement.

Amino acids

amino acids for weight gain, weight loss, harm and benefit

Namely, “BCAA” (BCA) – Branched Chain Amino Acids, which translated means branched chain amino acids. This sports supplement contains three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The fact that these amino acids are essential means that you need to get them from the outside, but replacing them with regular food is problematic, so you need to get them from appropriate sports nutrition supplements.

What are amino acids used for? Their main feature is their anti-catabolic properties, that is, the ability to reduce the destruction of muscle proteins during training, and accordingly, improve the recovery process after training, which is known to be stressful for muscles. As a result, we destroy our muscles less, recover faster and grow better.

In general, we have already realized that the positive effect of taking this sports supplement is quite large. What other beneficial proven effects does it have? In addition to protecting muscles from destruction, this is an increase in lean muscle mass, a decrease in body fat and an increase in strength indicators.

This product is absolutely safe. As for all sorts of rumors about its harm, first of all it is worth understanding the nature of the origin of amino acids.

Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins (including food proteins). Simply put, proteins are made up of amino acids, just like a house is made up of bricks. Almost any food we eat contains protein, and protein in turn contains amino acids. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, proteins break down into amino acids, the same ones found in sports nutrition. These amino acid supplements are obtained from whey protein (this is a natural protein from cow's milk), which in turn is obtained by breaking it down with enzymes. Thus, it turns out that if cottage cheese, milk or eggs in the stomach in any case break down into amino acids, then there is practically no difference whether you get them from foods or from sports nutrition.

Why then take amino acids in supplement form when you can get them from natural foods? The thing is that during training in the gym, the body’s need for amino acids increases, and it is not possible to obtain them sufficiently from foods. At the same time, amino acids in the form of supplements are absorbed much faster, and muscles recover much faster, which means the overall effect of taking them is much greater. In addition, amino acids can be taken immediately before training, while eating immediately before training to obtain amino acids from regular foods is not recommended.

As a result, we come to the conclusion that the harm and side effects from taking amino acids is another myth, again generated by illiteracy and low awareness.

Everything you need to know about Andarine Sarms

The drug was developed by the American company GTX.INC for the prevention of muscle atrophy and osteoporosis. The most famous laboratory cipher is S-4. Although during the development process the drug was called GTx-007 (according to the company designation). It also has a Latin term - Andarine, which, in turn, is used most often. Today, the company has stopped producing the drug in favor of an analogue, ostarine. At the same time, drugs based on Andarine (Andarine, S-4) are actively produced by other brands, for example, Andarine from Envenom Pharm.


vitamins for weight gain, weight loss, harm and benefit

Supplements whose purpose is to provide the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements are called vitamin-mineral complex, or VMC for short. The use of such complexes during regular physical exercise, whether strength training or aerobic exercise, is a necessary condition for achieving high results. What can we say about playing sports, even if doctors recommend using IUDs for people who are not involved in any kind of active activity? During sports, the need for their use increases significantly, due to the fact that an active lifestyle increases the body’s need for these substances.

Vitamin and mineral complexes are usually divided into sports and pharmaceutical ones. Athletes are most often recommended to take sports supplements, because people actively involved in sports have a higher need for their use compared to those who, let’s say, do not expose their body to physical activity. And sports complexes are precisely adapted for these purposes. The concentration and dosage of the same vitamins in sports supplements is usually several times higher than in pharmaceutical ones. But again, no one forbids you to buy a pharmacy supplement; moreover, it will not be radically different from a sports supplement, it’s just that the concentration of nutrients will again be less. Even though now pharmaceutical IUDs are also produced for those involved in sports.

It is also worth noting the following. Don't think that vitamin sports supplements will awaken the beast in you, and you will begin to bench, squat and deadlift significantly more. VMK is the most common food supplement to the daily diet, containing the same vitamins and minerals as in food. During the period of vitamin deficiency, when we eat less vegetables and fruits, immunity is reduced, and the risk of disease increases. In such a situation, a vitamin-mineral complex is the best and most likely the only remedy both to protect the body from all kinds of diseases and to provide it with all the necessary microelements.

Vitamin-mineral complexes do not contain hormonal components. They do not pose a danger to health, but on the contrary, their goal is to strengthen it. Anyone can use an IUD, from children to the elderly. Moreover, modern IUDs are developed taking into account the gender, age and type of activity of the individual, which significantly expands the scope of their application.

Fat burners

fat burners for weight loss, harm and benefits

Sports supplements or various drugs designed to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, reduce weight and show body contour. The principle of their action is often based on stimulating metabolic processes, suppressing appetite, blocking the synthesis of adipose tissue and more. The effect of such drugs is closely related to the training process and proper nutrition. Thus, for those who want to lose weight, but do not exercise and eat everything, the drug will not bring any benefit, and the effect of its use will be minimal. Below are the main types of sports supplements aimed at reducing the level of subcutaneous fat and highlighting the relief:

  • Thermogenics. Supplements whose main principle of action is to increase the body’s production of heat, which leads to a noticeable acceleration of fat burning.
  • Carbohydrate blockers. Their operating principle is based on blocking enzymes that break down carbohydrates, which is why the body receives fewer calories from food.
  • Fat blockers. Their operating principle is based on blocking enzymes that break down fats, increasing viscosity and reducing the absorption of gastric contents.
  • Thyroid stimulants. Its hormones increase sensitivity to neurotransmitters, which speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning.
  • Appetite suppressants. The action of this sports supplement is based on the work of mechanisms aimed at suppressing the hunger center and activating the satiety center.
  • Cortisol blockers. One of the main effects of cortisol is the accumulation of fatty tissue. The drug reduces its secretion and activity.
  • L-carnitine (levocarnitine). The drug transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are destroyed, which gives a fat-burning effect.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. The drug reduces the level of subcutaneous fat by accelerating metabolism, enhancing hormone production and suppressing the release of cortisol.

Now again, about the dangers of sports nutrition. As for the harm or side effects from the use of fat burners, the safety of such drugs usually depends on the composition of the components and their quality. You should avoid using them if you have: arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and other heart diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver failure. In this case, you must first consult a doctor, otherwise fat burners may cause you to experience increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, trembling, sweating, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea or flatulence.

Be that as it may, experience shows that following the manufacturer’s recommendations and the absence of objective contraindications make taking fat-burning sports supplements completely safe for health. In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use.


what is sports nutrition for?

So, we have found out that sports nutrition is actually not harmful to the body, since it is made from natural products. The main raw material for the production of protein is milk, through pasteurization, filtration, concentration and drying, the final product is produced in the form of a powder. Gainer is a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, it usually consists of protein (we already know how it is produced) and maltodextrin, which in a gainer is a source of carbohydrates; it is a mixture of fast and slow carbohydrates obtained from corn. That is, a gainer, like protein, is made from natural products.

The production of creatine, of course, differs from the production of previous sports supplements, however, creatine is a natural substance that is found in meat and produced in the human body, and its additional intake is nothing more than meeting the increased need for it during physical activity. Amino acids are all the more natural elements, since muscles are almost entirely composed of proteins, and proteins are composed of amino acids, respectively, what a person is made of cannot be harmful to him. Moreover, any protein-containing food (food or sports supplements) entering the stomach in any case breaks down into amino acids. Accordingly, these types of sports nutrition are also not harmful.

There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamin-mineral complexes at all. We all know from childhood that this is useful and necessary. During sports, the need for such complexes increases significantly and it becomes impossible to obtain them sufficiently from foods, so it is necessary to use various intravenous complexes. Fat burners are rather the only representative of sports nutrition that can cause any side effects, but this is explained primarily by the fact that the very principle of its action is based on “increasing, increasing and accelerating” processes in the body associated with heartbeat, metabolism and digestion , as well as other processes occurring in it. Such “going beyond” without consequences is possible only if a person is absolutely healthy. Fat burners mostly consist of caffeine - this is a stimulant of the nervous system, which is found in plants such as coffee, tea, mate, etc.; guarana - a creeping shrub; omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, walnuts and other seeds and pits; green tea extract and other products and plants of completely natural origin. All this allows us to conclude that the harm of sports nutrition is nothing more than fiction.

ADVICE. You can get acquainted with an extended description of each of the above sports supplements by clicking on the corresponding links to our articles: “What is protein” “What is a gainer” “What is creatine” “What are amino acids” “What are sports vitamins” “What are fat burners »

Side effects

As we have already understood, most sports supplements do not have them, and those that can cause them are quite easily reversible by reducing the dosage, adjusting the diet, or stopping their use. They can cause harm only if the dosage is significantly exceeded, which the manufacturer does not recommend exceeding, firstly. Secondly, a significant excess of consumption of any food product threatens nothing more than an upset stomach, nausea or vomiting. Thirdly, and most importantly, if you are not deprived of having a head on your shoulders, and everything is in order with your health, you most likely will not exceed the dosages of sports nutrition recommended by the manufacturer, and if undesirable reactions of the body occur, reduce them or stop taking them.

Where to buy Andarine (S-4)?

You can purchase the supplement in our sports nutrition store Muscle. Recently, the method of purchasing sports supplements through online platforms has become very popular. In addition to the undoubted convenience of this method, it is also much more profitable, since online stores are not associated with the organization of sales points, and often work with direct suppliers. All this affects the final cost of goods, and allows you to profitably buy not only Andarine, but also any other sports supplements.

Rollback effect

As for the so-called “rollback” after completion of the reception, it is absent. This is the answer to the question if you, say, ask it as follows: “What if I use a gainer, gain the kilograms I need with it, and then stop using it. Will everything I built blow away?” The answer is extremely simple. Sports nutrition is the result of the processing of regular food products. You don’t get “blown away” by regular food products. Or another question, the opposite of the first: “If I take fat burners, lose the required amount of kilograms, and then stop taking them, will I gain them again?” The answer is also extremely simple - fat burners are just an additive to the diet, and if it is not adjusted, after you stop taking the drug, you will quickly gain back all the lost kilograms. Both during weight gain and weight loss, always focus on your diet, and only then pay attention to sports supplements.

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