Mass training and relief training - distinctive features and systems

Key point when working on terrain

Most novice athletes do not understand how to develop this or that sporting quality. They cannot distinguish between work for muscle mass and work for relief. So, the main point when working on relief is working with light weights and performing a large number of repetitions in approaches.

The main thing is to feel the burning sensation in the muscles. This is an indication that you are doing everything correctly and the training was not in vain. So , when working on terrain there are two training principles:

  1. Achieving muscle failure with high repetitions.
  2. Pumping.

By high reps we mean 20-25 reps per set. It is optimal for working on terrain. That is, the weight should be taken so that it can be performed no more than 25 times per approach. For example, if you can perform 10 biceps curls with 15 kilogram dumbbells, then to perform 20-25 curls you will need a weight of 8-10 kilograms.

Pumping is the maximum pumping of blood into the muscles. By applying this training principle, you can increase muscle volume by 20 percent, and also greatly improve the contours of your body. The essence of this training is that you take a very light weight and perform 100 repetitions per set. To train one muscle group, one approach will be enough for beginner athletes, and two approaches for experienced athletes.

So, think about your last high-intensity workout with light weights. Your muscles burn intensely, but are greatly increased in size. The increase occurred due to the pumping of blood into the muscles. With this training, your strength endurance and relief are pumped up.

When working on relief, it is best to perform isolation exercises. They involve only one joint, so that only one muscle is involved in the work. This means that the entire load goes only to this muscle. The most popular isolation exercises include:

  1. Lying dumbbell raises.
  2. Bending and extending arms with dumbbells.
  3. Swings with dumbbells.
  4. Leg bending and extension on a machine.
  5. Vertical pull of the block to the chin.

There are several hundred isolation exercises in total, so you can choose them based on your own tastes.

We can say that a person has a sculpted body if he has:

  1. The veins on the arms are visible.
  2. The top of the biceps is emphasized.
  3. Lumpy back.
  4. The outline of the pectoral muscles is clearly visible.
  5. All bundles of deltoid muscles are visible.
  6. All the abs are visible.
  7. All the muscles of the thighs are drawn.

Most young people want just such a body, because it attracts the attention of the opposite sex so much. Remember, achieving a sculpted body is much easier than achieving muscle volume. Therefore, keep your nose up! And step off to training!

You can pump up the definition of your body both in the gym and at home. Let's talk about the training programs for each of these places.

Rule 1. Do strength training

If we are talking about drawing muscles, first of all we should pay attention to strength exercises. This type of exercise is least likely to be accompanied by swelling and water retention in the body. If you are aiming to reduce your body fat percentage, you should perform strength exercises for at least 10-15 repetitions.


How to avoid injuries in the gym?

The trainer talks about the main causes of damage and exercises that are best avoided.

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You no longer need a gym membership and we'll tell you why.

Relief training program for men in the gym

Working out the relief, first of all, requires quite a lot of power. The respiratory system will also be actively involved in the work. Therefore, before starting classes, you need to warm up thoroughly:

  1. Do general warm-up exercises for all joints.
  2. Run 1 kilometer on a treadmill or jump rope for 5 minutes.

This is necessary to keep your body hot and your cardiovascular system in working order. Your heart rate should be 120-140 beats per minute. After you have warmed up, you can begin exercises with apparatus. The training plan will be scheduled by day:

Day one - working out the back, middle and rear deltoids:

  1. Wide grip chest row - 4 sets of 20 reps.
  2. Dumbbell rows to the waist - 4 sets of 2 reps.
  3. Shrugs with dumbbells - 4 sets of 20 repetitions.
  4. Hyperextensions - 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions.
  5. Swings with dumbbells - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  6. Pulling your arms back from dumbbells - 3 sets of 20 reps.

Day two - working out the chest and front delts:

  1. Dips - 4 sets for the maximum number of times.
  2. Dumbbell flyes - 4 sets of 20-25 reps.
  3. Raising your arms forward with dumbbells - 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

Friction day - leg work:

  1. Leg extensions on the simulator - 4 sets of 20 times.
  2. Leg curls on the machine - 4 sets of 20 repetitions.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells - 4 sets of 20-25 reps.
  4. Working out the calf muscles - 4 sets of 25 reps.

Day four - working on the hands. Here we train biceps and triceps. These are antagonist muscles. That is, the tension of one of these muscles leads to relaxation of the other. To ensure that all muscles are working during training, we will perform supersets.

Superset one:

  1. Arm curls with dumbbells - 20 times.
  2. Arm extensions with dumbbells - 20 times.

Superset two:

  1. Arm curls in the simulator - 20 times.
  2. Bench push-ups with hands behind your back - 20 times.

Each of these supersets must be performed 3 times and then your arm muscles will be simply happy!

Of course, this program is just a sample and everyone can customize it to suit themselves by inserting their favorite exercises into it. The main thing is high-intensity training with low weights. The break between approaches is no more than one and a half minutes.

At every workout you need to pump up your abs. Exercises should be chosen to suit your taste. The main thing is to feel a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles. As soon as you feel it, you need to increase the pace of the exercise and do it another 20 times. For a good workout of the abdominal muscles, four approaches per workout will be enough.

Rule 6. Drink plenty of water

It is advisable to drink about two liters of water per day. Water helps reduce fat and speeds up the drying process. Maintaining water balance is the key to a healthy body.

A beautiful, sculpted body with defined muscles requires a lot of effort and time. This long journey includes several stages, each of which is very important to achieve the final result. A specific training plan, diet and regularity - all these elements will help you “dry out” and maintain the results for a long time.

A set of relief exercises for home

You can also work out the terrain at home. After all, there are quite a few exercises available to you at home in which you can perform a large number of repetitions. To make your workouts more productive, you will need parallel bars and a horizontal bar. You can find them in any yard, and you can also buy a wall-mounted horizontal bar with bars for your home. Its price does not exceed two thousand rubles.

The concept of working out at home will be slightly different from working out at the gym. Here we will have 3 workouts a week, not 4. After all, we don’t have as many exercises available to us at home as in the gym.

Day one - pumping the pushing muscles:

  1. Dips - 3 sets of max reps.
  2. Push-ups - 3 sets of maximum reps.
  3. Bench push-ups with hands behind your back - 3 sets of 20-25 reps.

Day two - pumping the pulling muscles:

  1. Wide-grip chest pull-ups - 3 sets max.
  2. Close-grip pull-ups - 3 sets for maximum reps.
  3. Pull-ups on a low bar with a medium grip - 3 sets of maximum repetitions.

Day three - leg work:

  1. Single leg squats - 3 sets max.
  2. Jumping lunges - 3 rounds of 20 reps on each leg.
  3. Gluteal bridge - 3 sets of 20-25 reps.
  4. Working the calf muscles until there is a strong burning sensation.

At every workout you need to pump up your abs. The principles are the same as when working in the gym. The proposed training program was created for a situation where, apart from the horizontal bar and parallel bars, you have nothing. However, if you have dumbbells or weights, it will be much easier for you to make your body more sculpted and sexy.

Rule 5. Use fractional meals

To effectively dry your body, Alexander recommends eating often and in small portions, without reference to the number of calories.


With fractional meals, your body assimilates the food consumed as efficiently as possible. Also, with such a nutritional system, there are no sharp jumps in insulin in the blood: the larger the single portion of food, the higher the release of insulin into the body. Accordingly, if the release of insulin and other hormones into the blood is as smooth as possible and not spasmodic, the better for your health.

Nutrition and training: what and how often to eat to see results?

Carbohydrates at night are fine, but snacking every two hours is not necessary.

Additional Tips

You should work on relief only after gaining muscle mass. If you just came to the gym, then work on the mass first. What's the point of training muscles if they are small?

When it comes to home workouts, everything is simple. You will learn to do exercises such as pull-ups and push-ups from scratch. In the meantime, you will do a small number of repetitions, your muscle mass will increase, after which, when you can perform the exercises many times, you will work on relief.

If you feel like you can do a set a few more times, do it! You need to hammer the muscles to failure. It is in moments like these that true strength is born!

The training process should be varied and bring you joy. Therefore, show your imagination and create a variety of training programs. Muscles always need to be surprised, and relief work is no exception.

Drink at least two and a half liters of water per day. When your body is drying out, you need to drink a lot. Don't listen to those who say you need to reduce the amount of fluid you consume. This is nothing more than a myth!

One of the goals of working on relief is burning fat. Eating plenty of proteins, fruits and vegetables helps you burn subcutaneous fat faster, and most importantly, prevent new fat from being deposited. Therefore, during the drying period it is necessary to avoid fatty foods.

When increasing muscle definition, aerobic exercise is very important. Therefore, run and jump rope, because it helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat. And if you are too lazy to run, then sign up for the pool: combine business with pleasure.

Despite the fact that you will be working with small weights, you should not violate the technique of doing the exercises. No matter how small the weight, there is still a risk of injury.

Your workout should last no more than an hour . If you exercise for more than an hour, your body will begin to release cortisol, a hormone that prevents any muscle development.

During the drying period, it is very important to maintain intervals between workouts and meals. You can exercise only two hours after your last meal. And after training you also need to wait an hour. You can eat after a workout only at the moment when the protein-carbohydrate window has almost closed. This will prevent fat from depositing under your skin and making your body less defined.

Rule 4. Comply with BZHU

Despite all his beliefs, the fitness trainer believes that counting calories is not at all necessary. In order to achieve an athletic body, you need to maintain a balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Also, do not overuse salt and sugar. However, moderate addition of salt and other natural seasonings to dishes is allowed.

BJU “for dummies”: why count calories

What diet should you try now to “burn” fat as quickly as possible?

The influence of body type

Before we talk about nutrition, let us remember that all people according to their body type can be divided into ecto, endo and mesomorphs.

The hardest thing is for endomorphs. Their metabolism is aimed at gaining muscle and fat. They don't have to worry too much about getting enough food. But in terms of losing weight, it’s difficult for them - calories need to be severely limited.

It’s easier for ectomorphs with relief - they are already thin to begin with. They literally fight for every 100 grams of muscle mass and quickly lose it during a long break without exercise.

Your body type will determine how to build a ripped body for you. Therefore, you need to take into account your body type when you calculate how much nutritional supplement and calories you need per day.

The training program for an endomorph for relief will be more severe than for an ectomorph.

And yes, training for weight and relief at the same time in the general sense is impossible. If you approach this issue more loyally, then over the course of several years of training your body will in any case become more muscular. In this regard, you can gain mass and at the same time relief. But not dry form, which is needed only for bodybuilding performances.

To maintain mass and definition at the same time, train with working weights for 3-4 approaches, adhering to an already proven diet.

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