Hip adduction in crossover from the lower block

Seated leg raiser

A similar device is available in most gyms. The design of many of these simulators allows you to perform not only abduction, but also adduction of the hip.

The classic version of the simulator looks like this. The design consists of a seat with a back and two restraints, between which the legs bent at the knees are placed. The limiters are connected using cables with weights. The workload is varied using all-metal load blocks. There are handles on the sides of the device that allow you to securely fix the body.

The angle of the backrest can be fixed or can be changed.

A rack with cargo blocks can be located either behind the back or in front of the seat. The second option creates additional convenience when changing weights and allows you to make the workout more variable (you can hold on to the rack rather than the handrails). In some modifications, such a stand has a side position.


Exercises with additional equipment

Mixing with Pilates ring

A Pilates ring can be found at the gym or purchased at a sports equipment store.

Lie on your side, place the ring between your legs at ankle level or slightly above and lower your leg against resistance.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

Leg extensions with an expander

For this exercise, you can use a resistance band, a short resistance band, or a figure-of-eight resistance band folded in half.

Place the resistance band on your legs, lie on your side and push your knees apart against resistance. Perform three sets of 10–12 reps on each leg.

Leg abduction with expander

For this exercise you will need a long resistance band. Hook it onto the post, place the loop around the leg that is closest to the post, and turn sideways.

Extend your working leg beyond the supporting leg: forward and to the side. To make the exercise more challenging, move further away while pulling on the resistance band.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

Technique for performing leg raises in the simulator

Before starting a lesson, you need to set the optimal weight on the machine. It should be selected in such a way that it is possible to do the required number of repetitions without violating the technique.

Classic version of the exercise pek dek

There are many options for performing the peck deck exercise (peck deck spread, reverse butterfly, etc.), let's consider the classic version of the leg spread in the simulator. Sit on the machine and press tightly against its back. Your hips should be between the side supports. The back is straight, the chest is straightened. Holding the handles, spread your legs slightly to the sides. This will be the starting position.

  1. After a deep breath, a powerful but smooth spread of the legs to the sides begins as far as physical fitness allows. It is accompanied by exhalation.
  2. At the end point of the movement, pause for 1-2 counts, contracting the muscles as much as possible.
  3. As you inhale, slowly and under control begin to close your legs, returning to the starting position. Mixing is done more slowly than breeding.

Perform 15–20 repetitions in 3–4 approaches.


Video: basic leg raise technique in the simulator

How to diversify your technique

The disadvantage of this exercise is the rapid muscular adaptation to such a similar load. To avoid reducing the effectiveness of the training, it is recommended to diversify the load by regularly leaving your comfort zone.

When doing leg raises in the simulator, you can use the drop set technique. It consists of sequentially performing several approaches with weight loss, with minimal pauses between them (ideally, this is the time required to install a new weight).

  1. The set begins with a working weight. Make the required number of dilutions (the last time should be difficult).
  2. Next, reduce the load by approximately 25% and immediately continue the lesson.
  3. Having done the exercise the required number of times, again reduce the weight by a quarter. All actions are repeated.

This is what one approach of an exercise performed using the drop set method looks like. After a short rest, these actions are repeated 1-2 more times.

By spreading your legs in the simulator, you can shift the work emphasis by tilting your body forward and backward. In the first case, the load on the top of the gluteal muscles will increase, and when tilted back, the load on the gluteus medius and minimus will increase. If the design of the simulator allows, when bending forward, it is permissible to hold your hands not on the handrails, but on the stand of the device.

When varying the inclination of the body, it is important to fix it and not change it during movements. When bending forward, you should not round your back: it should remain straight.

If your physical fitness allows, you can perform fly-ups without sitting down and remaining in a half-squat. You need to hold onto the counter in front of you with your hands. Before moving on to this option, you should perfect the basic method.


Video: how you can modify the leg raise technique in the simulator

Pulling the leg back in the simulator: variations of the exercise while standing and in support

Isolating exercises for the buttocks occupy a leading position in the TOP exercises for girls. They have earned such popularity because they eliminate the load on the quadriceps and form exclusively the buttocks. One of them is leg abductions in the simulator. But the only benefit of this exercise? Let's take a closer look at the disadvantages and advantages of the technique, the rules for its implementation and implementation in training.

Important nuances, secrets and effectiveness of the exercise

Despite the widespread opinion about the uselessness of leg raises in the simulator, if a number of conditions are met, it will help diversify the training process and bring significant benefits.

How to increase the effectiveness of an exercise: technical nuances

Leg raises, despite the low level of complexity, have their own technical subtleties, knowledge of which will help make the exercise more effective.

  • During execution, all work should be carried out only at the expense of the hip joint, and the knees and ankles should not be included in the movement.
  • The legs are spread apart with a powerful movement, and brought together under control and slowly.
  • At the point of maximum extension, you need to linger for a couple of seconds, focusing on the peak muscle contraction.
  • You cannot use the force of inertia when jerking. The exercise is performed using the target muscles.
  • There is no need to allow the legs to finally connect at the point of convergence: this relieves muscle stress. Tension in the legs should be maintained at all stages of the movement.
  • There is no need to help yourself with your body: it remains motionless.
  • To increase the load on the buttocks, the socks can be turned outward.


Effective or useless?

Many coaches and experienced athletes consider this exercise ineffective. This point of view is argued by the fact that it is isolating, actively using only the gluteus medius muscle, which is small in size and therefore does not have a significant effect on strengthening the buttocks as a whole. In addition, such training is accompanied by insignificant energy consumption and will not be useful for fat burning.

However, we cannot unconditionally say that leg raises in the simulator are a useless exercise. It will be useful for beginners whose physical fitness makes it difficult to perform the basic complex. Breeding will help prepare the muscles for more serious work, tone them, and teach the body to cope with physical activity.

For girls, training the gluteal medius muscles, supplemented with other exercises for this area of ​​the body, will help to form an attractive buttock shape.

Ladies with extensive training experience, as well as men, can use fly-ups for pre-fatigue when training the lower body. This method consists of working the target muscle using an isolation movement (in this case, flyes) with the goal of fatigue. This is followed by a quick transition, without a pause for rest, to a basic exercise (for example, squats, deadlifts).

Experienced superset athletes can supplement flyes with other lower body exercises (leg presses, lunges, squats, etc.) for best results.

Exercise on this simulator is included in fat-burning circuit training as a “unloading” exercise between more complex and energy-consuming movements.

Leg raises in the simulator work effectively if you perform them in a comprehensive workout, combining them with basic exercises for the lower body.


What muscles are involved?

One of the most effective exercises for the buttocks: leg swings - 10 types

Muscles receiving load in crossover swings from the lower block:

  • Back : main - gluteus maximus, hamstring muscles, stabilizer muscles - spinal extensors, obliques, gluteus minimus/medius, quadratus lumborum, rectus abdominis ( "Abs": myth or reality? ).
  • Forward : front surface of the thigh (quads).
  • To the side : what muscles work - gluteus medius, stabilizers, inner thigh (adductor).

You will learn about the advantages of performing exercises with one leg and their effect on the gluteal muscles from the article “ Romanian deadlift on one leg with a barbell or dumbbells: developing the buttocks

How to replace leg raises in the simulator

The situation when the necessary simulator is busy is very common. You shouldn’t change your training program because of this: you can work the outer thighs without it.

Leg abduction on a block

To take the starting position, position yourself with your left side to the pulley machine. Attach a cuff connected to the lower block fastening to the right leg. Holding the handles of the device, move away to a distance at which the cable is in a taut position.

  1. Taking a deep breath, as you exhale, with a powerful effort, move your leg to the side and up.
  2. At the top point, take a short pause, accompanied by an additional contraction of the target muscles.
  3. With a controlled movement, return to the starting position.
  4. After the required number of repetitions on the right leg, similar actions follow on the left.

Perform 12–15 repetitions on each leg in 3 sets.

When performing, you need to maintain a level body position and not use the force of inertia. It is important to select the weight in such a way that you can perform the movements technically competently.



How to fit it into a workout?

  1. Legs should be pulled back at the end of the workout on the thighs and buttocks, in other words, leg-butt. It is well suited for finishing off gluteal muscles.

    Let us remind you: swinging your legs will not make your buttocks firm and will not remove cellulite .

  2. Cellulite does not go away when playing sports and losing weight: what to do?

  3. Choose light or medium weight , there is no need to be a hero here. It is important to feel the movement and do it as efficiently and thoughtfully as possible.
  4. Breathing technique : exhale - with effort, moving the legs back; inhale - when placing your foot.
  5. This exercise, like isolation in general, is a high-repetition exercise ; there will be no benefit from a large weight and a small number of repetitions, because punching and finishing a certain, previously significantly tired muscle is important.
  6. Number of approaches 3-5, reps 15-20, concentration 100%.

    In isolation, you can twist and work within the amplitude, shorten and pump the muscles. Read more about these techniques in the article “Full and partial amplitude. Work within the amplitude. Pumping"

Practical tips and advice

  • You should exercise regularly with a gradual increase in load.
  • To burn excess fat accumulation, you should perform exercises at a faster pace.
  • Drink more fluids, but never sparkling water.
  • Stretch your muscles between exercises.
  • Restore and relax your muscles with creams and massages.
  • Love yourself!

It is possible to make your legs slim. The main thing is proper nutrition and a suitable set of exercises.

By performing the above exercises consistently, and most importantly correctly, the first results will be noticeable very soon.

Do not neglect the rules of performing the exercise and safety during exercise.


Types of leg abduction

The result can be achieved through comprehensive training, using all muscle groups. Exercises should be performed with short pauses and at a high rhythm. Combine basic and isolated actions (working a specific muscle group).

It is recommended to perform exercises once every 7 days. This does not depend on the physical fitness of your legs. After exercise, the muscles need to recover. If after a few days you feel that your legs are rested, you can make the classes more intense and increase the number of repetitions.

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