Sets of exercises for legs - how to quickly build muscles at home for men or women

How to properly pump your legs at home

Many guys and girls are wondering how to pump their legs at home. A balanced diet is half the success on the path to slender, pumped up thighs and legs, because it promotes muscle growth and reduces the percentage of subcutaneous fat. The correct technique for performing leg exercises at home will protect you from injury and pain.

You need to follow these recommendations:

  • eat healthy, eating plenty of protein and avoiding carbohydrates;
  • do a warm-up before training;
  • choose a workout routine and stick to it;
  • choose the optimal load, duration, pace of training;
  • work out muscle groups evenly, adhering to a certain sequence;
  • Over time, increase the load, number of repetitions, approaches.

Girl with a plate of vegetables and a dumbbell in her hands

How to pump a man's legs at home

Pumped legs in men are an important part of a muscular figure. Agree, if a man pays attention to pumping up only the upper body (abs, biceps, triceps, shoulders), and does not work out his calves, leaving them thin, he looks ridiculous. Strong shins are essential for men who have to stand or walk a lot at work. For those who sit a lot due to their work, move little, preferring cars to walking routes, it is necessary to train their calves and hips to prevent joint diseases. Guys, to pump up their legs, need to use weights - dumbbells or a barbell.

How to pump up a girl's legs

To pump up your legs at home, a girl is recommended to exercise at least three times a week. The equipment you will need is a jump rope, and exercises that will help pump up your hips and tighten your calves are squats, lunges, and deadlifts. If you use additional weight during exercise, training your legs at home will be no less effective than in the gym under the guidance of a trainer.

How to pump up your butt and legs

All girls dream of ideal slender legs and toned buttocks, like in photos from magazines, so they are often interested in how to pump up their legs and butt quickly at home. The female body is predisposed to the accumulation of fat deposits in the hip area, so in order to achieve a beautiful figure by replacing fat with muscle mass, you will have to work hard. Proper nutrition should be combined with various squats, lunges, swings, jumps - these exercises will allow you to pump up your hips and buttocks in combination.

A girl demonstrates the procedure for performing the exercise Lunge with jumping

Exercises for leg muscles. Increasing the volume of the lower leg

I must say that you can correct your body with the help of physical exercises not only at a young age, but also at a fairly mature age.

It is very important for women to have beautiful legs. And there are lucky women who got beautiful legs literally at birth.

What if the shape of your legs is far from ideal? Some things can be improved in this case as well. For example, sometimes even women “in the body” have very thin shins. It would seem that it is believed that slender legs are beautiful. But if only not too much.

Exercises for the leg muscles to increase the volume of the lower leg are quite simple. They can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home.

Our muscles are made up of two types of muscle fibers: “slow” and “fast”. “Slow” ones work when running and walking, when doing exercises with light weight. They are very hardy, and increase in size insignificantly.

Another thing is “fast” fibers. They are not durable and are intended for short-term work with significant weight. And these fibers increase their volume well. This means that training with significant weights is exactly what you need to build sculpted muscle mass. And this applies not only to the leg muscles.

But! If you have not worked in the gym with weights or on machines before, do not rush to start working with heavy weights. Start by purchasing leg weights from a sporting goods store. To begin with, you need weighting materials of no more than 0.7-1.5 kg. Use weights when doing exercises 1 through 4.

To perform exercises starting from 5 you will need dumbbells of 2-5 kg. The weight of the dumbbells should be such that you can perform the entire set of leg exercises three times, with short rest breaks.

Leg exercises at home

Don't have time to go to a sports club or gym? Not scary! If you want to get a slim, resilient body, do leg exercises at home. By exercising correctly, regularly and intensively, you can achieve impressive results - improve the appearance of your legs, give a beautiful shape to your calves, and correct the volume of your hips.


A mandatory element of training is warming up before exercise, which accelerates the process of muscle growth and also reduces the risk of injury. The main task of warming up is to warm up the muscles. Jumping, running in place, squats, and stretching are suitable for this. It is important that the heart begins to actively pump blood throughout the body, preparing it for stress. Spend 7 minutes warming up.


A popular effective exercise known to everyone is squats, which work the medial thigh muscle. Often girls and men are interested in how to squat correctly. It is important to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • fix your feet on the floor, turn your toes outward at an angle of 35°C;
  • straighten your back without arching or slouching;
  • Tighten your abs as much as possible, allowing your abdominal muscles to fix your spine;
  • when sitting down, bend your body at the knee and pelvic joints, moving your back forward;
  • focus on your heels, holding for a couple of seconds;
  • keep your knees above your feet without moving beyond them;
  • monitor your breathing, alternate inhalations and exhalations in time with your movements;
  • When lifting, do not bring your knees inward.

Man doing squats

The technique of execution determines which muscles are used during the exercise. You can focus on the quadriceps (quadriceps muscles on the front of the thighs), adductors (inner lateral thighs). If you exercise without additional weight, focus on muscle tension - squat until your shins and thighs begin to “blaze.”


An indispensable part of the workout is lunges for the legs and buttocks, which allow you to thoroughly work out the knee, hip, and ankle joints. To do lunges correctly, follow these guidelines:

  1. Stand straight, back straight, arms along your body.
  2. Place your feet directly under your hips.
  3. As you inhale, take a step forward with your right foot, keep your body straight, lower your body down, transferring your weight to the leg in front.
  4. The right thigh is parallel to the floor, the left one is barely touching the floor.
  5. Lift from your heel in front, without tilting your body. Feeling the back of your thigh, return back to the starting position.

Having mastered simple lunges, supplement them with knee lifts, jumps, and crunches. To increase the load while performing lunges, use a step platform or a small wooden bench - this will help to thoroughly pump the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. If there is a ladder in your house or entrance, use it - do lunges, stepping a couple of steps.

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Various leg swings for the thigh muscles allow you to pump up its back, inner, front, and outer surfaces. By performing swings regularly, you will tighten the muscles of the lower body, giving your body elasticity and attractiveness. Try taking weights - this will increase the load on your muscles. Follow the correct technique for performing back swings:

  1. Support yourself on your knees and elbows. The back and lower back are straight.
  2. Straighten your working leg, rest your foot on your toes.
  3. Lift your shin straight and push your heel up. Do not try to bend your lower back - the foot does not stretch due to it.
  4. Lower your foot, do 30 times, then repeat with the other.

The girl performs leg swings

Exercises with dumbbells

By using dumbbells for your legs, you increase the load and apply additional force to your muscles. The effect of training with dumbbells is much better than that of training without the use of weights. To pump up your lower body, use dumbbells while doing these exercises at home:

  • wide plie squats - hold the dumbbell with both hands below, slowly lower yourself into a squat, hold the position, get back to the starting position, repeat;
  • lunges - take a step forward, lower yourself down, holding a dumbbell in your hand;
  • deadlift - slide two dumbbells along the front surface of the thighs, tilt the body, abducting the pelvis, then straighten the body with the force of the buttocks;
  • squats with jumps - two dumbbells in your hands, lower yourself into a squat, pushing off with your heels and jump.

Calf exercises

Beautiful calves are evidence of regular exercise, daily walking and excellent endurance. To pump up a girl’s calves, she should do the following exercises:

  • “pistol” (squats with emphasis on one foot);
  • squats with a load;
  • jumping rope;
  • walking up stairs;
  • lifting on a stand (toes pointing, heels in the air);
  • walking on toes;
  • running in place.

Girl doing Pistol exercise

How to pump up your calf muscles

You can give your lower body a beautiful shape by doing exercises to strengthen your lower legs. Walking on steps, weighted lunges, calf raises, running, squats - all this will help pump up the muscles of the lower leg. Use weights, weights, dumbbells to speed up the process of seeing results at home, since the muscle tissue of the legs requires a long, thorough pumping.

How to gain weight in your legs

Those who want to get an athletic figure have to work hard on themselves. Gaining muscle mass requires long training, regardless of what part of the body you want to develop. The leg muscles need a separate set of exercises, which is quite primitive to master.

How to gain weight in your legs
You will need

  • - Dumbbells or barbell.


1. In order to get your legs in shape, you will need to work with weights. The most primitive exercise that you can do even at home is squats. To do this, bend your knees and lower yourself down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. There is no need to do large squats anymore, because it is possible to injure the knee joints. In this exercise, your own body weight plays the role of weighting. To achieve results, you need to do at least 3 sets of 15 repetitions each. 2. Lunges are done alternately on each leg. Take one leg forward and bend it at the knee, actually touching the floor, then return to the starting position. After performing this exercise 15 times, change your working leg and lunge onto the second one. After a short rest, do two more cycles of exercises on each leg. 3. Leg mass is also gained by doing single leg squats. Because the exercise is quite difficult, perform it while holding the support with your hand. Squat down and rise up smoothly. Without advance preparation, it is difficult to do more than 2 or 3 squats on each leg, but with the advent of skill, the number of approaches and the effectiveness of the exercise increases. 4. In the gym, you can develop your legs using special exercise equipment. This is a leg press from a supine position, as well as relief work on the muscles of the front, side, back and inner thighs. 5. Perform any exercises for the leg muscles more effectively by picking up dumbbells or using a barbell. The weight of the weight depends on the level of physical training, but it makes no sense to take dumbbells smaller than 5 kilograms. In fitness, special body bars are used for squats, which are lightweight bars and plates, while for bodybuilding, more important weights are taken.

Many people struggle with being overweight, but some struggle with being too thin. Often, in order to gain body weight, a combined approach is required.

To gain weight
You will need

  • desire to get rid of thinness and patience


1. Stimulate your appetite before every meal. This can be done using various methods - drink mineral water, fruit juices, milkshakes. They will start the work of the stomach, accordingly, gastric juice will begin to be produced, and appetite will appear. 2. Eat regularly, but at least 6 times a day. However, you need to eat at the same time if you really want to gain weight. Three times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner - eat hot food, three more times a day you need to have a snack, preferably vegetables and fruits. 3. Let the food digest - after eating, lie down on the sofa, do not immediately start moving energetically or doing something. The body must absorb food, help it. 4. Drink as much fluid as you can, ideally 2-3 liters. These can be tropical juices, thick milk, cranberry juice, which has a high energy value. The more high-calorie drinks you consume, the faster you will gain weight. 5. Eat foods that have high energy value. In other words, give preference to high-calorie foods. Eat meat, fish, baked goods, dairy products (milk and sour cream, cottage cheese and butter), you can allow yourself all sorts of desserts, thick yogurts and so on. 6. Try to gradually increase your share of food intake. For example, make what you previously ate as an independent dish as a side dish and add a salad dressed with vegetable or corn oil. 7. Take multivitamin complexes, which will bring additional calories and undoubted benefits to the body in the form of vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to consult with an expert before purchasing such a drug. 8. Play sports, train your body so that in addition to mass, it acquires excellent relief. Be patient and assertive, you will certainly achieve success in this difficult matter. Video on the topic

Note! It is impossible to recover dramatically, because the body must get used to the ongoing changes. Know your limits. Helpful advice It is advisable to gain weight under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Newcomers have problems getting a job without experience . In such an environment you need to go to work easily. What’s better – a great position in a fairly impressive company with low pay, or a low position in a fairly impressive company? It all depends on your future goals.

How to gain a skill


1. Determine what you want. Now forget about the fact that you don’t have the necessary experience or education. Just dream - where and who would you like to work for? Make a decision right now. Even if you are not sure about your choice, you still need to stop at something; on the contrary, you are allowed to doubt for years. 2. Go work in your chosen field. If you know exactly what you want to be, but you are not hired due to lack of experience , ask for an internship. Apply to someone as an apprentice. If necessary, work for nothing, but ask for a recommendation. If there is no chance of working for nothing, then just get a job in an excellent company. Even if they hire you as a janitor, agree. In impressive companies, new directions are periodically opened, and people are invariably needed. If you prove yourself well as a responsible, disciplined worker (if you are not late for work), you will be given the opportunity to prove yourself and get promoted. 3. Work in one organization for at least a year. Firstly, a year of work is already experience. Secondly, during this period, be diligent in communicating with company employees. Ask more questions. Make friends with the HR department. Let them know that you are a young and very promising comrade. Be active. Do your job quickly and look into other departments of the company. Provide services to people, help with something. If a vacancy appears, they will remember you. 4. Take trainings and seminars. While you work and get the 1st skill, educate yourself. Read more books. Go to trainings, get a lot of different certificates. And don’t forget to share this news with HR and other employees. Let them know that you do not intend to stay in a low position for long. 5. Achieve growth. Don’t be shy – ask if this is possible for you. What needs to be done for this? Approach acceptable options with joy and enthusiasm. Even if it is a small increase, consider it as another step up. Video on the topic Please note! If you work for a long time in a low position, you can get used to it. Don't fall into such an unsafe state, don't let yourself fall asleep. To do this, motivate yourself by reading great books on triumph. If you gravitate upward, the probability will appear sooner or later. This happens to everyone. Helpful advice Try to work hard next to a more experienced colleague. Absorb all his skills and abilities. Keep track of what he does and how he does it. Ask how to learn this.

In addition to large layers of muscles, such as the legs, chest and back, there are also smaller ones, such as the arms. It is important to know which exercises will increase your muscle mass and which will not. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet throughout the day.

How to gain arm muscle mass
You will need

  • - sports uniform;
  • - Gym;
  • – rod;
  • - dumbbells;
  • - high-calorie diet.


1. Perform one basic exercise for every workout. In order to effectively gain muscle mass in the arms, you need to evenly train the whole body. It is with compound basic exercises that the entire training must begin. Train 3 times a week. On day 1, do bench presses on a horizontal bench. In the 2nd - squat with a barbell on the shoulders. In the 3rd - deadlift. Each exercise is performed in 5 sets of 10 repetitions each. They will help trigger muscle growth, both biceps and triceps. They also develop the shoulder and forearm well. 2. Do dumbbell or barbell curls. Next, perform isolated exercises for the biceps brachii muscles. Stand on the floor, keeping your legs straight. Pick up either dumbbells or a barbell. Bend the projectile at the elbow joint so that it reaches the pectoral muscles. Slowly return it to its original position. Repeat this 10 times. After this, take a good breath and do 3 more approaches. 3. Exercise your triceps on a flat bench. After this comes the turn of the triceps brachii muscle. Sit on a bench, take a light dumbbell in one hand and place it behind the back of your head. Bend the projectile at the elbow joint and lift it to its original location. Perform 4 sets of 8-10 times each. 4. Pull up on the bar and do push-ups on the uneven bars. If you are unable to exercise with weights or your health does not allow it, then training with your own weight is suitable for you. The first exercise is a medium-grip pull-up to the chest and behind the neck. Do at least 12 reps for 3 sets. Do push-ups using the same pattern. Both of these exercises will help you gain muscle mass in the shoulders, forearms and triceps. 5. Monitor the amount of calories entering your body. It's impossible to build great muscle without eating enough protein all day. Multiply your individual weight by 3 and you will get the daily amount of calories you need to grow. Eat lots of cottage cheese, bananas, low-fat meat, fish, drink milk. Then progress will come much faster.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are perfect for those who are just starting to increase muscle mass. This is due to the fact that working with your own weight is the least traumatic. In addition, pull-ups do not require difficult equipment or special programs. Pull-ups are suitable even for completely unprepared people.

How to gain weight on the horizontal bar
You will need

  • - horizontal bar.;
  • – weights for the body.


1. Pull-ups allow you to engage a large number of muscle groups at a time, this in turn activates growth hormone, which leads to an accelerated increase in muscle mass. However, all of the above only works with a positive technique for performing pull-ups. 2. Grab the bar shoulder-width apart. The palms must be turned away from you. Tighten your abs and squeeze your shoulder blades slightly together. Keeping your back straight, smoothly pull your elbows towards your body. It's easier than reaching up. After you touch the bar with your chin, smoothly lower your body down. 3. Do not relax your arms abruptly, this may cause injury. Better yet, try lowering your body twice as slowly as you raised it. This will put a significant load on the triceps. 4. The main muscle groups that receive stress during pull-ups are the shoulder girdle, back muscles, arms and abs. 5. In order to adjust the load, place your hands on the bar quite differently. The greater the distance between the palms, the higher the load on the back muscles, especially the latissimus. 6. If you want to increase the load on your biceps and forearms, grab the bar with an underhand grip with your palms facing you. In addition, when the arms are placed closely, the pectoral muscles receive a great load, but the main work comes precisely from the strength of the arms. 7. A close reverse grip also trains the deltoid muscle. In order to pump up the trapezius, it is better to use a reverse grip with a medium position of the hands, and when lifting, be sure to touch the bar with your upper chest. If you pull the bar behind your head while pulling yourself up, in addition to the trapezius muscles, you will pump up the upper latissimus muscles, as well as the round muscles of the back. 8. Don't forget about the press. Free hanging leg raises on the bar are one of the best exercises for the core muscles. They allow you to perfectly pump not only all the abdominal muscles, but also the stabilizer muscles of the body. Do not swing on the crossbar, so as not to work due to inertia. Keep your body motionless and raise your straight legs as high as possible. 9. Perform three sets of 8-10 repetitions. The final lift must be performed at the limit of strength. Only in this case is it possible to achieve muscle growth. If you can easily perform 12-15 repetitions, increase your working weight with the support of different weights. 10. Be sure to take a rest day between workouts so that your muscles have time to recover. It is known that the growth of muscle fibers occurs during rest. Note! You won't be able to pump up your legs on the bar. Combine work on the horizontal bar with barbell squats and you will achieve uniform development of all muscle groups. Helpful advice: Strictly increase the amount of easily digestible protein foods. Chicken breast, low-fat sea fish, cottage cheese are perfect suppliers of proteins needed for muscle growth.

We play sports for various purposes. Some go to the gym in order to get rid of excess weight, some in order to provide the necessary cardio load, and some masterfully work on their body. Depending on this, we choose the training methodology. In order to gain muscle mass in a short period of time , you need a special approach to exercise methods and nutrition.

How to gain muscle mass in a short time
You will need

  • – gym membership


1. First of all, categorize your training schedule. Every day you should be devoted to exercises for one muscle group, maximum two, and the second should be involved in the first part of the workout. The following ligaments are useful: chest-triceps, back-shoulders, and legs-abs. Train your biceps and forearms on a separate day. 2. Perform a minimum of approaches, achieving complete muscle failure in the last approach. Calculate your weight in increasing order, the number of repetitions should decrease. A pyramid of the following number of repetitions is considered impeccable: twelve-ten-eight-eight-six-six-four, where the numbers are the number of repetitions, the weight goes from the smallest to the maximum. 3. Eat as densely as possible, leaning heavily on proteins and carbohydrates. Use special protein shakes that will provide you with weight gain due to a high concentration of building protein. The use of stimulants such as guarana and caffeine is allowed if you have no contraindications, but it is better to do without them. Note! Get enough sleep. The shortest daily sleep is nine hours. Helpful advice : Train every other day - this will provide your muscles with the best rest.

One of the most common goals for beginners who come to the gym to train is to gain mass. This problem can be solved within a certain period of time if you continuously follow a highly effective proven method of pumping muscles.

How to gain muscle mass: a proven remedy
You will need

  • - gym;
  • - sports uniform;
  • - enhanced diet.


1. Join a gym. Only there is it possible to get a hypertrophied load from weight training. It is high-intensity training in 45-60 minutes that will help you gain muscle mass in the shortest possible time. It’s best to work out three times a week – on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each of your training should not consist of more than 2-4 exercises. 2. Do exercises for the hips and lower legs on the 1st training day. The first of these is the barbell squat. After you have completed 5 sets of 10 times, catch your breath and walk around the room. The second exercise is calf raises with a barbell on your shoulders. Perform 15 lifts and three sets. And finally, do lunges with a barbell at the rate of 4 sets of 12-15 reps. 3. Work your pectoral muscles on the 2nd day of classes. The best exercises for this task are: bench press, lying dumbbell fly and standing barbell press. By performing them at the rate of 5 sets of 10-12 times in all, you will be able to rapidly develop all the thoracic regions. 4. Pay close attention to the back muscles, since together with the legs they make up 2/3 of all muscle fibers. For this task, it is rational to perform deadlifts, pull-ups on the bar and rows on a special machine. Perform all these three exercises based on the same thesis: 4-5 sets of 10 times each. 5. Create a balanced, enhanced diet. You need to eat approximately 5-6 times a day every three hours. This will help ensure a continuous supply of all the essential micronutrients for muscle growth. Your continuous diet must include foods such as chicken, buckwheat, oatmeal, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, bananas. Prepare food for the day in advance and distribute it in approximately equal portions. Note! The key to a rapid gain of muscle mass is the continuous addition of additional weights (weights, pancakes) to the weights with which you are training. Try to do this every week. Then progress will not be expected. Helpful Tip Always warm up thoroughly before your entire workout. Don’t forget about stretching your limbs later in the class as well. This will help restore muscles faster and prevent injury.

Thin people have a much harder time gaining weight through muscle mass. However, if you choose the right set of exercises and adhere to a certain diet and sleep regimen, then after a few months you can notice significant metamorphoses. And by continuing to work on yourself, you will soon achieve the desired result.

How to gain muscle mass when skinny
You will need

  • - balanced diet;
  • – a set of exercises;
  • - excellent sleep.


1. WorkoutsChoose a set of exercises. The main thing is that the workouts are short and you don’t get tired. You need to practice for an hour and a half, taking breaks between approaches to normalize breathing. Before starting exercises, be sure to warm up. 2. Create a training schedule for yourself. On the 1st day, give preference to strength training, the next two days - aerobic exercises, after which return to strength training. Approximate system of exercises for the week: Monday (Strength) 1. French bench press – 2 x 8 (two sets of eight times); 2. Leg bending – 2 to 10; 3. Press on uneven bars 2 to 12-15; 4. Leg press in a lying position - pyramid method (1st approach 12 times, 2nd - 10, 3rd - 8); 5. Exercises with dumbbells while standing – 2 to 8; 6. Incline dumbbell press - pyramid method Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (aerobic) Exercise on an exercise bike - in the first week about 30 minutes, not exceeding a heart rate of 100 beats per minute. Over the next week, work out five minutes more. If desired, the pulse can be increased slightly. Thursday (strength) 1. Seated dumbbell press – 2 to 8; 2. Leg extension – 2 to 8; 3. Bench press in a lying position – 2 to 8; 4. Push-ups – 2 x 10; 5. Exercises with dumbbells lying down - 2 to 8. On Saturday and Sunday, take an energetic rest. Let's say, take a walk around the city, play volleyball or badminton. 3. Nutrition Watch the number of calories you consume. Try to eat every three hours. It's best if you set a specific time for meals. Drink plenty of milk; tea contains 500 kcal in one liter. Eat foods rich in proteins. Sources of protein include the following: eggs, fish, dairy products, poultry and lean red meat. 4. Recovery Pay attention to rest. You need to sleep about 8-10 hours a day. You can probably take a short nap during the day. To ensure that no one disturbs you while you sleep, close the door to the room and turn off the phone. Try to avoid unnecessary activity; on the contrary, you will waste your energy. Video on the topic

The gym is a pleasure that requires regular payment for a subscription. But it often happens that we cannot allow ourselves to do this, or we simply do not have enough time. There is a way out of this situation - study at home. Of course, we won’t achieve the same results as in the gym, but gaining muscle mass at home is certainly possible if you take the exercises seriously.

How to gain muscle mass at home
You will need

  • – Kettlebell weighing 16-24 kg
  • – Two medium dumbbells
  • – Two heavy dumbbells


1. Use one kettlebell and four dumbbells. The kettlebell should be of medium weight - from sixteen to twenty-four kilograms, while the dumbbells should be of 2 different weights - medium and heavy, for different types of exercise. 2. To pump up your shoulders, use the following exercises: - Lateral raises with medium dumbbells in a straight position - Front raises with medium dumbbells in a straight position - Overhead raises with heavy dumbbells Do ten to twelve repetitions of each exercise, six repetitions of each. 3. To work on your back, use the following exercises: - Lower rows of heavy dumbbells in an inclined position - Alternating lower rows of kettlebells with the knee resting on a chair - Two-handed kettlebell rows in a standing position from the waist to the clavicle tier Do each exercise eight to ten repetitions, five all sorts of approaches. 4. To pump up your biceps, use the following exercises: - Alternating lifts of medium dumbbells in a standing position - Alternating lifts of medium dumbbells with the elbow resting on the knee Do each exercise ten to twelve repetitions, six repetitions in any way. 5. To pump up your triceps, do the following exercises: - Push-ups with fists - Arm extensions with medium dumbbells in an arrangement with the knee resting on a chair - Alternating arm extensions with medium dumbbells from behind the head Do each exercise eight to ten repetitions, five sets of everything. 6. To work on your abs, use the following exercises: - Straight crunches in a lying position - Lateral twists in a lying position - Leg raises in a lying position - Side bends in a standing position Do each exercise eight to ten repetitions, five sets of each. 7. To work the pectoral muscles, use the following exercises: - Push-ups on widely spaced hands - Push-ups on widely spaced hands with clapping. Do eight to ten repetitions of each exercise, six approaches each. 8. To pump up your calves, stand on the toes of one foot, holding a weight in your hands. Rise to the end on one leg, then freeze until you feel a burning sensation. Do this exercise for six sets of 15 to 20 repetitions each. Note! Unfortunately, it is unthinkable to work muscles such as biceps and triceps at home; the maximum permissible result can be achieved with a large number of squats.

Video: how to pump up your legs at home

These videos will show you how to pump up your legs at home and gain a beautiful, toned body using your own weight and available weights. By exercising regularly using videos, you will soon be able to enjoy toned legs and thighs, and you will do this at home, without visiting fitness clubs or gyms. If your workouts become easier over time, increase the weight of the weights.

Exercises for different muscle groups in the legs

How to pump up your legs at home - training your leg muscles at home

Exercises to increase leg muscle mass

Exercises for thighs and calves
Strong leg muscles will help you quickly climb stairs, ride a bike for long periods, and even just walk long distances. And since there is such a large concentration of muscles in our legs (especially in the thighs), strength training will not only add strength to you, but will also help you lose weight and get rid of excess calories even when your body is at rest .

“Muscle actually helps burn calories,” says Michael J. Joyner, a Mayo Clinic physical therapist who has spent years studying the physiology of maturation, aging, and the impact of exercise on life. “The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest.”

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