How long should you hold the bar? Proper execution and timing for effectiveness

The plank is one of those exercises that can be used in almost any workout. When performed correctly, the plank activates not only your core, but also the muscles of your shoulders and legs. Additionally, it can help you develop strength and endurance. Some people want to give 100% in training, so they plank until they feel sick. We learned from the top trainer of the World Class fitness studio network Ekaterina Nekrasova

How to perform this exercise correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Preparation test. Checking your physical fitness using the bar

Find out who you are - beginner, advanced or record holder.

Plank exercise: benefits and harms


Basically, all the exercises done in training are dynamic. They are aimed at working one muscle group. The static load when performing the plank exercise acts on a muscle group and amazes with its results. Within just a few weeks, you can notice a change in your figure for the better. By doing this exercise it is possible to lose weight, as daily exercise increases metabolism. The plank can be part of a regular dynamic workout and can perfectly complement it.


For people suffering from unstable blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system, this exercise is not recommended, since the pressure may rise during the exercise. For girls, a contraindication to performing this exercise is the period of PMS and pregnancy.

How long to stand in plank

When starting to do the exercise, many complain that the results do not come immediately.

Reasons for poor or slow results:

  • Insufficient load;
  • Incorrect execution technique;
  • Poor physical fitness.


If you spend a couple of minutes doing the plank during your morning exercises, you shouldn’t wait for the first results in a day or a week. For those who want to see results as quickly as possible, it is recommended to increase the number of approaches per day or the time the exercise is performed.

Important! The number of exercises performed per day depends on the person’s physical fitness. A couple of minutes will be enough for a beginner in the first days, but this will not be enough for a trained person. At first, you won’t have enough strength to even do a plank for a minute, so you can do the exercise 3-4 times a day.

How often to do the plank to have an effect in the form of weight loss? The number of repetitions of the exercise depends on the goal you are pursuing. In order to slightly tighten the muscles, only two approaches a day are enough, for example, in the morning and in the evening, each for 2-4 minutes.

If you want to lose weight more thoroughly and burn excess belly fat, you will have to perform 4-5 approaches a day. You should start with a little time. The first time you are unlikely to stand in the plank for a minute, 30 seconds will be enough to start with. Take a short break and get back into plank position until you can increase your set time.


Plank on hands or elbows, classic plank

There are several types of classic planks, all of which differ in the degree of load on a particular muscle group.

Plank performed with straight arms

Classic plank, performed with straight arms. You need to take a position as if you are going to do push-ups, with your body extended in one line, your neck stretched, and your gaze directed down in front of you. Hands are placed shoulder-width apart and form a 90-degree angle with the body, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible.

Classic plank

Classic elbow plank

The classic plank on the elbows repeats the plank on straightened arms, with the only difference that the support is not the palms, but the elbows.

Elbow plank

Side plank

The side plank helps strengthen posture, endurance, and trains the abdominal muscles, thighs, and calf muscles.

Plank exercise, how to do it correctly

  1. Side plank from a straight, steady arm: keep your feet close together or place one on top of the other. The body should be positioned diagonally, on the same line. The hips and lower back must be kept tense to prevent sagging.
  2. Side plank from the elbow: the position should be the same as in the side plank from a straight, steady arm; you should lean not on the palm, but on the elbow. In this case, the elbow joint receives maximum load. The body line should be straight, the stomach and buttocks should be drawn in.

Progressive plank exercise

If your body easily tolerates the loads of the classic plank, you can do more difficult exercises.

Plank and push-ups

Plank with a transition from a position on your hands to a position on your elbows and back (plank - push-up). This exercise must be performed as the load increases.

Plank push-up

Plank jump

The jumping plank is another form of progressive exercise. To perform it, you need to push off with your toes and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pushing off a second time to return your legs to the starting position. When performing such an exercise, more significant loads are applied to the muscles.

Plank with arm extension

A simpler exercise than the previous one, but no less useful, is the plank with your arms extended forward. Removal of the hand is carried out alternately. When performing this exercise, the center of gravity changes, which forces the muscles to work differently.

Side plank

When performing a side plank, the body is on its side, supported by the foot and palm, or supported by the foot and elbow. The body is elongated in line, the hips and lower back are kept in tension without bending, the stomach is pulled in.

Side plank on elbows

Progressive side plank or transition plank

When performing this exercise, you switch from a side plank to a classic plank on your elbows, followed by a transition to the other side and back.

plank with jump

Progressive side plank with twist

This exercise is analogous to the twisting exercise, and affects the work of the oblique abdominal muscles.

Plank with frog lunge

This exercise is very good for stretching and strengthens the gluteal muscles.

Plank on fitball and bench

Despite the similarity of this exercise with the classical variation, the number of muscles involved here is greater, since while leaning on the fitball you also need to maintain longitudinal balance.

Reverse plank

This exercise does a good job of tightening the buttocks, evenly distributing the load on the shoulder muscles and stretching them. You can enter the stand from a sitting position, leaning on your palms - straighten your body. When performing the exercise, just like in the classic plank, the body should be in one line.

reverse plank

How to do a plank. Plank for men: technique, monthly schedule, results

How many times should you do the plank to lose weight? How many times a day to do the plank for weight loss results?

A sculpted and powerful body is the dream of every man. Today we will talk about how to significantly increase the effectiveness of your training and take another step towards your dream figure.

Build muscles or strengthen your body?

The most notable feature of the plank is its versatility. It is equally useful both during regular exercise in the gym and when doing exercises or warm-ups at home. Experienced athletes value it not only for its general health-improving effect, but also for... Every serious man knows that the plank gives excellent results when drying the body.

Let's look at some useful aspects of this exercise:

  • The plank affects all major muscle groups of the human body, be it the muscles of the arms, buttocks or abs. By regularly performing handstands, you will be sure that no part of your body has been neglected.
  • The plank strengthens the body's muscular corset, preparing it for further stress.
  • The plank increases the body's endurance and allows you to exercise with heavy weights without detrimental effects on the muscles.
  • The plank trains the vestibular system, develops a sense of equilibrium and balance.
  • The plank has a preventive effect, preventing pain in the lumbar region - a common problem for men.
  • The plank develops the back muscles, makes your posture straight and your gait confident.

This list clearly shows how great the benefits of the plank exercise are for men. It will be a great addition to your training program.

Plank as a basic exercise

We figured out the benefits of the plank. Time to talk about how to do the plank correctly for men striving for better results. Let's look at the technique using an example.

The essence of the exercise is as follows:

  • Take a lying position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Rest on your outstretched arms or elbows (clasping your hands).
  • Straighten your legs and rest on your toes.
  • Lift your pelvis and align your body so that it looks like a perfectly straight line.
  • Fix your body in this position and record the time from the beginning of the approach.

The classic plank is the main exercise that has a general strengthening effect.

If you decide to use the bar as the basis of your training, pay attention to the ones designed to work with different muscle groups. The right combination of different types of exercises will allow you to achieve incredible results and give your body the desired relief, even if you don’t have time to visit the gym.

We supplement the training program

As we said earlier, the plank will be an excellent solution to diversify and complement your training program. Especially for you, we have compiled a plank schedule for 30 days, which outlines the number of approaches of various types of planks per month for men. Use this as a rough guide to achieve the best results. Remember that any trained muscle becomes stronger, but don't overwork yourself by trying to achieve big results in a short time.

Mistakes when performing the plank exercise

Back bend

The most common mistake when performing the exercise is arching your back. This error occurs due to undeveloped back muscles or due to ignorance of how to correctly perform this exercise.

Knee bending

If your knees are bent while performing the exercise, this affects the overall position of the hips, which in turn can cause discomfort when performing the exercise.

Tucking your head under or lifting it too high

If the head is positioned incorrectly, pain in the cervical spine may occur. The neck should be located almost in line with the spine.

Incorrect palm placement

When performing a classic hand plank, your palms should be at shoulder level. When doing planks on your elbows, the same rule applies. Incorrect hand placement is very common among those who have recently started doing it.

Plank on hands

Reverse plank

The reverse plank helps to evenly distribute the load on the shoulder muscles, as well as stretch them and tighten the buttocks.

  1. The reverse plank is standard: you should lean on the palms of your hands and heels, pulling your face up. Arms and legs should be straight, the lower back should not bend. The neck should be stretched.
  2. Reverse plank – “table”: you should take a natural reverse plank position and bend your knees. This exercise should be performed if the previous ones have already been well mastered.

Plank exercise for 30 days or abs of steel in 30 days

This marathon program can truly do wonders for your body in just 30 days. The most important thing in this program is regularity. Set yourself a reminder on your smartphone or alarm clock and go ahead. In terms of time, this entire action takes no more than 5-10 minutes a day. This time is not difficult to find even for the busiest person.

Plank exercise for 30 days

What happens if you do planks every day?

Beautiful abs

The results are visible

The result is visible

The plank is an ideal exercise for working your abdominal muscles. The position in which the plank is performed allows you to maximally strain these muscle groups. Other abdominal exercises work only on certain areas, but the plank simultaneously affects all muscle groups, allowing you to achieve maximum results.

Reduces the risk of back or spinal injury

Using a plank you can build a powerful back

If you do the plank every day, you can build powerful back muscles in a short time. Exercise allows you not only to relieve pain, but also, for preventive purposes, provides the spine with good support in the form of strong stabilizer muscles. The plank is very useful for those who prefer to perform strength exercises with heavy weight on the apparatus: the risk of injury in this case is reduced.

Metabolism will improve

It has been noticed that doing the plank burns much more calories than other exercises. This is a great way to challenge your body and get a few steps closer to the body of your dreams. By doing the exercise every day, you can keep yourself in excellent shape, even in conditions where you do not have the time or opportunity to visit the gym.

Improved flexibility

During the process of performing the plank, tension and stretching of many muscle groups occurs - legs, arms, shoulders, shoulder blades, hips, oblique abdominal muscles. This impact not only increases muscle strength and strength, but also their flexibility, and flexibility itself is an excellent protection against injury.

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