Weight loss + beautiful muscle definition: how to dry girls

Defining the goal

It is very important to do this from the very beginning.

In order to make your body sculpted, you must determine for yourself what you need first:

  • Lose weight, burn body fat
  • Pump up (pump up muscles)

See now I will explain. It is impossible to make the body sculpted if there is excess fat on it. See photo:

Are you overweight (fat)? If so, when you remove it = voila = your body will become ripped.

Therefore, your strategy: first lose weight, and then grow muscles with minimal fat.

In order to lose weight (burn fat) you will need some proper training, nutrition and recovery (specifically aimed at fat burning). We'll talk about this a little later.

If you have no fat = you are thin = you immediately need to add volume.

You need, so to speak, to pump up, build muscle on your body, with minimal gains in fat (otherwise there will be no relief, fat = like a fur coat = hides everything underneath), because the beauty of the body is made up of muscles.

And if you don’t have them (no muscles) = you’re thin = you only have bones / yes skin = it’s not beautiful.

It will be beautiful = when there is no fat and there are muscles = that will be beautiful.

In general, if this is the case for you, then your strategy is to immediately grow muscle with a minimum of fat. This also requires proper training, nutrition and recovery (only aimed at muscle growth).

That is, do you understand what I'm getting at? You need to decide where to start.

Only after you determine where you need to start can you proceed to the next steps, namely training, nutrition and recovery. Why this particular sequence?

Because depending on the goal, training, nutrition and recovery will be different.

If you lose weight, it’s one thing, if you grow muscles, it’s completely different.

And so, I hope you understand. Let's move on to the next points.

Terrain training program for men

This weekly program is built on the split principle, that is, only one muscle group is trained on one day, which will allow you to perform a high-quality workout and fully recover for the next one.

Workout 1: Chest

This set of exercises targets both your upper, lower, and middle pecs—while also targeting your shoulders and triceps—so you can begin to build a bigger, wider, more defined chest.

1A Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell press lying on a horizontal bench5 sets of 8 reps Rest 30 sec.
Benefits : Works your chest, shoulders and triceps.

Technique : Lie on a horizontal bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand and placing your feet on the floor. Push the weight straight up, straightening your arms, then return to the starting position.

1B Pullover with dumbbell

Pullover with dumbbells

Sets 5 Reps 8 Rest 60 sec. Benefit : Opens the chest, fully stretching the pectoral muscles at the bottom of the range of motion with each repetition.

Technique : Lie on a horizontal bench with your head on it and your feet flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbell with both hands above your chest, then lower it behind your head. Forcefully return the dumbbell to its original position from behind your head and take the starting position.

2A Dumbbell bench press with a narrow parallel grip on an incline bench

Parallel grip dumbbell press at an angleSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 30 sec.
Benefits : The head-up incline press focuses the load on the upper pecs.

Technique : Lie on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand near your shoulders, push your chest up and feet firmly on the floor. Press the weight vertically upward until your elbows are fully extended and return to the starting position.

2B Dumbbell flyes lying at an upward angle

Angled dumbbell raisesSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : Isolates the pectoral muscles, forcing them to do all the work.

Technique : Lie on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Straighten your arms, palms facing each other. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lower the dumbbells to your sides, then squeeze your chest muscles to return to the starting position.

3A Bringing hands together in crossover

Bringing hands together in crossoverSets 3 Reps 12 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : Works the middle portion of the pectoral muscles and the front of the shoulders.

Technique : Stand in the center of the machine's frame, holding a D-handle in each hand. Keeping your arms slightly bent and your chest up, slowly lower your arms in an arcing pattern, bringing them together in front of your chest. Reverse the movement.

3B Crossover on block

Crossover in the upper block

Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60 sec. Benefit : Also loads the middle part of the chest, making your pectoral muscles more prominent.

Technique : Same as crossover, but lower your arms until they meet at the top of your thighs. Try to stretch your arms as best as possible at the top point of the amplitude.

Workout 2: Back and Shoulders

The first superset will work your upper and middle back to make it wider. Next up are two shoulder exercises designed to increase the size of all parts of the shoulder muscles before you finish off tired muscles with two often overlooked exercises.

1A Vertical thrust

Upper pulley to chestSets 5 Reps 8 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : Works the lats, making your back appear wider so your waist appears narrower.

Technique : Grab the handle with a wide, straight grip. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, push your chest up and pull the handle down to chin level. Return to the starting position.

1B Rowing

RowingSets 5 Reps 8 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : The machine ensures proper technique for performing the exercise, so use heavier weights, watch your form, and focus on contracting your upper back muscles powerfully with each rep.

Technique : Squeeze the handle with both hands, palms facing each other. Keeping your back straight, pull the handle towards you, starting the movement with your elbows. Return to the starting position.

2B Army dumbbell press

Military Dumbbell PressSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : Allows you to work the muscles of each shoulder separately, you can squeeze the weight through the full range of motion. Perform each repetition slowly and under control.

Technique : Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells vertically upward until your arms are fully straightened, and return to the starting position.

2B Dumbbell swings to the sides

Swing dumbbells to the sidesSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : Works the middle delts, increasing the width of the body.

Technique : Stand up straight with dumbbells in both hands. Lift the weight up through your sides, starting at your elbows. Lower your arms down in a controlled manner.

3A Pull-down of the upper block with straight arms

Straight arm lat pulldownSets 3 Reps 12 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : You'll again work your lats and the front of your shoulders, but don't use too much weight: strict technique is essential to preventing injury.

Technique : Grasp the straight handle with an overhand grip with straight arms. Push your chest up and pull the handle down in a slightly curved path toward the front of your thighs, and slowly return to the starting position.

3B Pull block to face

Upper pulley to the foreheadSets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60 sec.
Benefits : This exercise activates the often-overlooked rear delts, and by adding volume to them, helps create that coveted inverted triangle shape.

Technique : Stand up straight and grasp the double rope handle attached to the overhead pulley with straight arms. Raising your chest up, pull the ends of the handle towards your face on both sides, then return to the starting position.

Weight loss training program for men

The Ultimate Chest Exercise: Build Massive Chest in 8 Weeks.

A monthly arm workout that will help you build biceps and triceps in 30 days.

Workout 3: Biceps and Triceps

This set of exercises alternates between working your biceps and triceps, allowing you to build muscle in your arms while saving time and allowing for efficient recovery between exercises so you can give it your all in every set for maximum muscle gains.

1A Close grip bench press

Close grip bench pressSets 5 Reps 8 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : A narrow grip shifts the load from the pectoral muscles to the triceps.

Technique : Lie down with a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Lower the bar to your chest, then press the weight back up.

1B Vertical row with reverse grip

Reverse Grip Lat PulldownSets 5 Reps 8 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : Using this grip works the biceps more intensely than with a straight grip.

Technique : Grab the handle with an underhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, push your chest up, and pull the handle down in front of you until you reach your upper chest. Return to the starting position.

2A French press EZ-bar while standing

Standing French press EZ barbellSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : Isolates the triceps and works them through their full range of motion. Don't sacrifice proper technique for heavier weights.

Technique : Stand up straight, holding the EZ bar with your arms straight above your head, shoulder-width apart. Lower the barbell behind your head, then straighten your arms, returning to the starting position.

2B Raising the EZ-bar for biceps

Barbell curlSets 4 Reps 10 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : Intensively works the biceps without putting extra strain on the wrists.

Technique : Stand up straight and grab the EZ bar with a reverse grip, shoulder-width apart. Raise the barbell up to shoulder level, pause, then lower the barbell down to the starting position under control. Squeeze your biceps at the top and stretch your triceps at the bottom with each rep.

3A Block press for triceps

Triceps block extensionSets 3 Reps 12 Rest 30 sec.
Benefit : The block helps maintain tension in the triceps during both the downward and upward movement of each repetition, so that the muscles remain contracted the entire time.

Technique : Stand facing a pulley machine, grasping the double cable handle with both hands with your palms facing each other. Press your elbows to your sides and pull the handle down until your arms are fully straightened and return to the starting position.

3B Hammer curls with rope on the lower block

Biceps curls with a rope hammer gripSets 3 Reps 12 Rest 60 sec.
Benefit : Constant tension on the block provides enhanced training of the biceps.

Technique : Grasp the ends of the double rope handle with a palms-facing grip. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, bend your arms to shoulder height. Squeeze your biceps and return to the starting position.

Proper training

I will not describe everything in detail in this article, because I have already done this in other articles:

If the goal is weight loss: “Proper workouts for weight loss.”

If the goal is muscle growth: “Workouts, training programs, etc.”

Iron Health

Muscle definition is one of the main goals not only of professional athletes, but also of ordinary amateurs. Whatever training schemes and plans we use, the ultimate goal of our training is to increase body definition. In our article today we will look at the question of whether it is possible to effectively train for relief at home.

Muscle relief: theory

The relief of the body, and in particular the muscles, depends on two factors - the development of muscles and the amount of fat on them. The more developed our muscles are and the less fat they have, the more prominent they will be. This goal can be achieved through the use of strength training and proper nutrition.

Strength training will contribute to the development of certain muscle groups, increasing their mass, and a proper diet will lead to a reduction in subcutaneous fat. Ultimately, these two processes will lead to improved body definition.

However, the question remains: can all this be done at home?

Muscle definition at home

You can achieve the development of muscle groups and reduce subcutaneous fat at home. The only disadvantage of such training is that you are unlikely to be able to seriously increase muscle mass and the development of all muscle groups. This is due to a fairly limited list of exercises and workouts that can be performed at home. However, if your goals are only to improve the shape of your muscles and increase their definition, then such a deficiency will not be a problem for you.

So, for home terrain training, you first need to build a training scheme by first selecting a split. I recommend using the following home workout regimen:

  • Monday – pectoral muscles + back muscles
  • Wednesday – deltoids + trapezius + abs
  • Friday – biceps + triceps

Next, we need to decide on the diet. Regardless of your body shape or excess fat, you should definitely take protein and creatine after training. In addition, increase your protein intake - up to 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of your weight. Compliance with these minimum requirements will allow you to effectively develop the muscle groups being trained and increase their muscle mass. For athletes with a lean build (virtually no excess fat), this is enough, and no additional nutritional requirements are needed.

Athletes with excess fat need to slightly reduce their daily calorie intake. First of all, immediately give up fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, white bread); they can be eaten in minimal quantities only in the morning. Next, remove everything unnecessary from your diet between main meals - snacks, tea (empty, possible), coffee (empty, possible), etc. If you have a fairly large amount of fat, reduce your meal portions by 10% (except for proteins). If the excess fat goes away from month to month, you are on the right track. If not, continue to “cut” carbohydrates - reduce food portions (except proteins) by another 10%.

Thus, with the help of the given training scheme and diet, you can effectively ensure the relief of your body muscles at home, without resorting to the help of a gym.


The first thing you definitely need to change in your usual diet is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, which supply our body with energy. If there is a deficiency of these substances, the body will be forced to burn subcutaneous fat. But this needs to be done gradually, not abruptly, so that the body gets used to these changes.

As with everything, diet requires a certain amount of patience. For the first 2-3 weeks you will hardly notice any changes. And only at 4-5 weeks you will begin to reap the first benefits of fasting: the lines of the body will become more powerful, prominent and harmonious. Drying at least once a year is very important for the hobbyist - it saves you from problems in the future.

After all, having once lost excess fat, the next time you will have to burn only what has accumulated in just a year. Once you have gone through the diet path, you once and for all gain experience - what, how and why. The most pleasant side of this is that each time both the drying itself and the peak form will become easier.

At the same time, you need to go on a protein diet to provide your muscles with the necessary building materials and the required number of calories you need for the day.

These calories should come 35-45% from protein, 10-15% from fat and 35-45% from carbohydrates. The way you eat should also be different...

Now you need to eat more often, but in small portions, in order to maintain your metabolism at the desired level and not store unnecessary fat in the body, because then the muscle relief will suffer.

Meals should not be skipped because when there is a lack of nutrients, our body releases the hormone cortisol, which burns our muscles, using them as fuel for the body. Well, no one needs this!

  • you will need to exclude from your diet fast foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar (hot dogs, pizza, etc.);
  • no fatty foods, especially mayonnaise;
  • We eat only natural and high-quality products, preferably low-fat ones;
  • We include omega-3 fats in our diet, which improve digestion, food absorption and help reduce body fat levels.

As for special supplements, it would be very appropriate during the period when we are trying to achieve muscle definition and their quality - to use carnitine.

First of all, L-carnitine is widely known as a fat burning supplement. L-carnitine transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are broken down and released energy. As a result, excess fat is burned and at the same time additional energy is generated necessary to maintain a high level of vital activity.

But in addition to the presence of the required amount of carnitine in the body, to trigger this wonderful transformation, it is necessary to follow a competent diet and the necessary physical activity.

A very important advantage for athletes is precisely the fact that the use of l-carnitine as a “fat-burning” supplement does not lead to the destruction of proteins and carbohydrates at all.

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