Benefits of L-Arginine for Heart Health and Exercise Performance

L-arginine belongs to the group of conditionally essential amino acids. In the body of an adult healthy person who leads a healthy lifestyle, the amino acid is produced in sufficient quantities. Its synthesis is reduced in childhood, in elderly people, patients with chronic pathologies. Arginine production also decreases after age 35, and consumption increases during periods of stress and intense physical activity. Therefore, anyone who is actively involved in sports is recommended to take arginine supplements.

What is arginine

Arginine (or L-arginine) is one of 22 amino acids that, like puzzle pieces, fit into protein molecules in the human body. L-arginine can be classified as a conditionally essential amino acid, since it can be synthesized in the body, but only in healthy adults. It is not produced in the bodies of children, adolescents, the elderly, and those suffering from certain diseases, but can only be absorbed from food proteins. Therefore, the diet of these categories of people should fully cover the body’s needs for arginine.

Transparent crystals of arginine are soluble in water. This compound was discovered in the late 19th century and its name comes from the Argentum periodic table element silver, as it was first isolated from lupine sprouts as a silver salt.

This amino acid is found in many foods, but in varying quantities. Foods that contain the highest amounts of arginine:

  • walnuts and pine nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • peas;
  • meat, fish, eggs.

Contents in products

What foods boast high arginine content:

  • sesame;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • Walnut;
  • pine nuts;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • chicken fillet;
  • tuna;
  • dried peas.

After heat treatment, the arginine content in products decreases. And in order to completely compensate for the amino acid deficiency, you should eat 350 grams of pork or 6 chicken eggs per day. This diet is not suitable for everyone, so it is much easier to include special complex supplements or a pure substance in the diet if necessary.

The amino acid is also present in brown rice (for example, red), wheat and corn flour. Nutritionists recommend buying wholemeal flour for baking, which belongs to complex carbohydrates, since this variety does not have a pronounced effect on weight.

The price of L-arginine in Moscow depends on the manufacturer of the drug, the form of release and the volume of the substance.

Biological functions

Arginine plays an extremely important role in the human body. The importance of this compound in the body was discovered relatively recently. A real sensation in 1998 was the discovery of the most important functions of nitric oxide in the body. The Nobel Prize was awarded to three American biochemists who managed to prove that nitric oxide is one of the main regulators of the cardiovascular system. And if you consider that arginine is a donor (precursor) of nitric oxide, then it becomes clear why the sensational discovery of the Nobel laureates forced us to look at this amino acid in a new way.

Arginine in tablets and capsules

The biological role of arginine is determined by the following functions:

  • Being a donor of nitric oxide, it reduces the tone and increases the elasticity of the arteries, regulating blood pressure and improving vascular permeability.
  • It is an integral part of many proteins and participates in the formation of creatine and proline.
  • Participates in the utilization of protein breakdown products, neutralizes ammonia, promoting its conversion into urea and excretion from the body.
  • Plays an important role in maintaining immunity, participates in the synthesis of antibodies, increases the production of T-lymphocytes and the antibacterial activity of immune cells.
  • Stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is the most important anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle growth and accelerates fat burning.
  • Increases sperm production, increases libido in men and women, strengthens and prolongs erection.
  • Participates in collagen synthesis, accelerates tissue regeneration in fractures, injuries, burns, trophic ulcers.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of glycogen in muscle tissue and liver, helps reduce fat reserves.
  • Activates insulin production.
  • Helps maintain optimal blood cholesterol levels.
  • It has antioxidant activity and eliminates the destructive effects of free radicals.
  • Nitric oxide, the donor of which is arginine, has antitumor activity, prevents osteoporosis, and increases bone density.

Due to the important role of L-arginine in the functioning of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, immune and nervous systems, it is widely used in medicine. It is included in many drugs:

  • cardiological, prescribed for angina pectoris;
  • antihypertensives, to lower blood pressure;
  • immunomodulators, in particular for those infected with HIV and AIDS patients;
  • for the treatment of burns;
  • for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions;
  • for nutrition by intravenous administration of nutrients.

The amino acid arginine is also used for oral administration as a supplement for people whose synthesis in the body is impaired - children, the elderly, adolescents, and patients. With a lack of this amino acid, people at risk may develop:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • weakened immunity, fraught with the development of cancer;
  • memory impairment;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • delayed growth and puberty in children;
  • fatty infiltration of the liver.

Mechanism of action

The basis of the body's vital functions are protein elements. They contain amino acids, one of which is arginine. In addition, this substance is an important source of nitrogen.

For a long time, amino acids were classified as harmful substances. However, scientists subsequently managed to record a special effect on the body.

The amino acid is involved in all metabolic processes. It is responsible for the synthesis of hormonal and enzyme elements. Without the presence of this substance, the full functioning of many elements of the body - the heart, muscle tissue, immunity, nervous system, and genitals - is impossible.

Application in bodybuilding and sports

The biological functions of L-arginine make it an almost ideal supplement for men and women involved in sports and bodybuilding. After all, it is a donor of nitric oxide and its functions correspond to the tasks of sports activities:

  • it is part of proteins;
  • utilizes and removes harmful products of protein metabolism;
  • improves cardiac activity;
  • promotes rapid muscle recovery and healing of injuries;
  • stimulates the production of one of the most important anabolic hormones – somatotropin;
  • participates in the synthesis of glycogen and creatine;
  • promotes fat burning;
  • improves sexual function.

All these positive qualities could not go unnoticed, and l-arginine became one of the most common sports supplements. Moreover, scientific research has confirmed its therapeutic effectiveness and safety for the body.

Arginine powder

However, with regard to the effectiveness of taking arginine supplements in bodybuilding and sports, it has not been confirmed by multiple scientific studies conducted in the period 1993-2012. All researchers agree that large doses of arginine do not affect the level of nitric oxide in the body and physical performance during training.

This discrepancy between theoretical premises and practical conclusions gives rise to many disputes regarding the advisability of taking this supplement by athletes and bodybuilders.

The main argument of opponents of taking L-arginine supplements in sports is that the US National Institute of Health and the Australian State Sports Committee classify it as a drug with unproven effectiveness.

But the data obtained from studies also indicate that taking arginine does not reduce the production of this amino acid in the body and does not have negative consequences. This means that you can try this supplement yourself without any risk and, based on your experience, draw conclusions about the degree of its effectiveness.

Many athletes who took arginine before training experienced an increase in blood flow to the muscles - a pump, as well as other signs that the supplement was working. Obviously, the best criterion for assessing the effectiveness of taking L-arginine in sports is your own experience. This supplement is harmless; once you try taking it, you will be able to assess for yourself how much you need it without risking anything.



Today, quite a lot of dietary supplements containing arginine are produced. Each of these drugs contains a specific list of contraindications. Products that include this amino acid usually pose no danger to the human body. The only exception is cases of individual intolerance.

If you take arginine in the form of a dietary supplement, you should consider the following contraindications to its use:

  • Schizophrenia;
  • Presence of herpetic infection;
  • Active growth phase in a child - the use of arginine during this period can provoke a sharp growth spurt, which causes the formation of gigantism;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

It is also worth considering that consuming large amounts of arginine can cause symptoms of intoxication. Excessive amounts of amino acids in the body lead to thickening of the joints and dermis. It is worth considering that when the dosage of the substance is reduced, the condition gradually normalizes.

Release forms and admission rules

Arginine is produced:

  • in tablets and capsules in dosages of 500 mg, 750 mg and 1 g;
  • in powder form;
  • in bottles with 21% solution for injection.

The recommended dose for athletes and bodybuilders is 1 g/10 kg of weight, the maximum daily dose is 10 g. The dosage should be increased gradually, starting with minimal doses. Arginine injections should be prescribed by a doctor. Arginine is taken in courses with monthly breaks.

Arginine should be taken with food, dividing the daily amount into two doses. On training days, it is advisable to take the supplement 0.5 hours before training, as well as at night, to enhance the production of somatotropin, which is produced during sleep. Take with a glass (200 ml) of water.

The supplement can be combined well with creatine and other amino acids; arginine is also often included in pre-workout complexes.

How to get enough L-arginine?

The human body is able to produce this amino acid, but in what quantity depends on various factors such as age, level of inflammation, heart and artery conditions, gender, diet and genetics. There are several other reasons: a diet with low or insufficient amounts of complete proteins (vegetarians and vegans), digestive problems that make it difficult to process proteins, oxidative stress caused by free radicals, smoking and genetic factors.

To help your body make and use this amino acid, you need to eat more whole, real foods, namely complete proteins. They are necessary for muscle tissue growth and proper neurotransmitter function.

Wild fish like salmon are an excellent choice because in addition to L-arginine, they contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, which are essential for normal vascular and heart function. If a person eats only plant foods or is lactose intolerant, then alternative sources of l-arginine may include nuts, seeds, coconut products, seaweed, or whole grains and legumes in moderation. In fact, any protein food contains L-arginine, the only exception is gelatin.

The best natural sources of l-arginine are:

  • Homemade eggs;
  • Dairy: yogurt, kefir and raw cheese;
  • Beef, poultry;
  • Liver and meat by-products (chicken liver pate);
  • Wild fish;
  • Sesame seeds;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Seaweed;
  • Spirulina;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • Walnuts;
  • Almond;
  • Coconut pulp.

what is l-arginine in?

Review of reviews from arginine customers

Many customers noted a significant decrease in weight without food restrictions, after a course of taking arginine. At the same time, there are no symptoms accompanying strict diets: drowsiness, loss of strength, irritability, emotional instability.

Separately, clients noted that when losing weight with arginine, the skin of the body is tightened, there is no sagging and sagging.

A significant part of the positive reviews relate to changes in the condition of the skin and hair. The participation of arginine in the enhanced production of collagen makes the skin much firmer, increases its turgor (elasticity), smoothes out wrinkles (medium and small creases disappear completely). Accelerated metabolism, blood circulation, and regenerative processes can improve complexion, rejuvenate the skin, and narrow pores.

Women were satisfied with the effect of the amino acid on the hair, which became thicker, thicker, shine appeared, and the number of split ends and brittle hair decreased. Some customers noted accelerated hair growth and an increase in hair quantity.

A number of customers have experienced the rejuvenating effects of arginine: activity, firmness of the face and body, improved mood. Accelerated metabolism contributed not only to slimness, but also to improved functioning of the osteoarticular system. Clients noted relief from puffiness, saggy and sagging skin.

A certain number of positive reviews relate to improving the condition of the reproductive system. Clients note a decrease in inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, a decrease in the treatment time for gynecological diseases, and relief of their course (reduction of pain, reduction of inflammation, normalization of the menstrual cycle).

If you play sports, arginine will be a real assistant for you in creating an ideal body. Sports fans note:

  1. The amino acid significantly reduces fat tissue and increases muscle mass. Allows you to create a body with a beautiful relief.
  2. Increases energy and endurance, which helps even with the toughest workouts.
  3. Helps to recover after training (reduces fatigue, pain and muscle spasms).

Daily requirement

The average daily intake of arginine is 4 g for children and 6 g for adults. But depending on age, gender, and health status, the dosage of the drug may vary.

Table 1 - Recommended amino acid servings for some cases

IndicationsDaily dose, gFeatures of using the additive
Cardiovascular diseases4-6Should be taken twice a day - morning and evening
Impotence3-6Should be consumed twice a day
Increased performance5-9Recommended to drink before breakfast
Inflammation10Needs to be taken once a day
For athletes8-10Should be consumed before and after training, at night
Vegetarian dietUp to 30It is recommended to drink 2-3 times a day

Arginine can be ingested through food or synthesized in the small intestine and kidneys. The average value of the isomer content in the blood is 80-150 µmol×l-1. You can find out this data by taking a comprehensive analysis of amino acids.

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