What does stretching do for your figure and health, are there any contraindications?

Stretching, or stretching, is a popular area of ​​fitness that is aimed at increasing the flexibility and range of motion of the body.

You can improve the flexibility of your body through online courses, practicing at home. This does not require any special skills or sports equipment: you just need comfortable clothes and a little patience.

On average, courses last a month of regular classes. You will be able to gain grace and flexibility, improve the functional abilities of your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and develop maximum range of motion in your joints.

We have compiled for you a complete list of good online courses, after which you can easily do the splits.


Website: https://irs.academy Cost: from 16,500 rubles.
per course After completing the online stretching course, you will become more flexible and graceful, be able to perform various exercises and learn what your body is capable of. Flexibility is important in many sports: martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, classical and modern choreography. Stretching also helps you relax, because by consistently tensing and relaxing your body, you also work on your state of mind.

Maybe you've been dreaming of doing the splits since childhood? Not everyone has good stretching ability; training and education are required to perform a range of exercises, given that the flexibility of all joints is different. For example, longitudinal twine can be much easier than transverse twine.

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Breathe correctly during class
  • Understand and use the stretch-relax principle
  • Do passive and active stretching
  • Understand and use the principle of circuit training

Lady Kursy

Website: https://ladykursy.ru Phone: Cost: from 500 rub. per course

Stretching is not only splits and spectacular poses on Instagram, first of all it is:

  • healthy, mobile joints and spine,
  • smooth, impressive posture,
  • absence of muscle tension and spasms.

You don't have to go to a studio to stretch regularly. You can do stretching at a time convenient for you and in a place convenient for you online under the strict guidance and support of Elena Naumchik.

Course program

30+ VIDEO LESSONS ON COMPLEX STRETCHING FOR THE WHOLE BODY Video classes are divided into 3 main sections - legs, back and complexes for the whole body.

LESSONS FROM 10 TO 40 MINUTES FOR DAILY PRACTICE Designed for classes at any time and anywhere.

READY TRAINING PLANS FOR THE FIRST WEEK ACCORDING TO YOUR GOALS FROM THE TRAINER Individual training plan immediately after subscribing and filling out the participant form.

CHAT FOR CONTACTING WITH THE TRAINER AND OTHER COURSE PARTICIPANTS You will receive support, training plans and motivation for regular classes in the online chat format.

What do you need to remember when doing stretching?

Back stretch
Before muscle stretching exercises, they require a mandatory warm-up. There can be as many options as you like (about 10-15 minutes of an exercise bike, light jogging, intense jumping, etc.).

Stretching should not exceed the amplitude limit beyond which pleasant sensations give way to obvious pain. In other words, a certain level of flexibility must be achieved gradually.

Holding poses at the extreme points of stretching usually lasts from 10 seconds to a minute. In this case, the tension (as it feels) should slowly fade away - and if this does not happen, then the amplitude should be reduced.

When performing any exercise, the body position must be completely stable.

Concentrating on those parts of the body whose muscles you are stretching helps the effectiveness of the exercise.

The main indication for training is the time immediately after physical activity. In addition to the fact that the muscles will be warmed up at this moment, stretching will better relieve their fatigue (which, in turn, will improve not only your well-being, but also your mood).

An extremely important point in training is proper breathing. It is recommended to keep the pace familiar and natural, without excessively sharp inhalations, exhalations and breath holdings.


Website: https://ru.stretchingdream.com Cost: from 290 rub. per course

Mini-course Express stretching of the whole body

A short stretching course takes only 15 minutes, but gives good results within just 2 weeks of training. Study with a teacher via video in real time! An express course on stretching the whole body can be performed daily at any convenient time: as morning or evening exercises or after strength training.

What is included in the Express course?

  • The course consists of an introductory theoretical video and a full lesson on stretching the whole body lasting 15 minutes. Includes detailed explanation and demonstration of each exercise in the core routine, plus 15 additional exercises to add variety to your workout.
  • The course pays attention to stretching the insteps of the feet, leg muscles (longitudinal and transverse splits, folds), back muscles, deltas, pectoral and neck muscles. Dynamic and static work alternates, due to which the body quickly warms up and is ready for stretching.
  • The lessons pay special attention to breathing, gaze direction and compensation after stretching. These small but very important nuances will allow you to feel the effect already in the first lesson.

What is stretching

The word "stretching" comes from the English. stretching - stretching. Thus, stretching is nothing more than regular stretching.

If we talk about it as a direction of fitness, then stretching is a system of gymnastic exercises for developing flexibility, joint mobility and muscle stretching.

It is definitely included in the training program of professional athletes and crossfitters. It is used as a component of other types of fitness (as a cool-down after a workout) or as an independent type of physical exercise to improve the health of the body.


Stretching does not have a creator or an exact founding date. It is known that Greek Olympians and Roman gladiators practiced stretching, but the world saw it as a system of exercises only in the 50s of the 20th century.

For the first time, Swedish doctors openly spoke about the benefits of stretching, and by the 80s, more than one athlete, be it a gymnast, runner or weightlifter, did not train without this system.

The most famous stretching exercise is the splits. But a set of stretching exercises is designed not only to work out the ligaments, muscles and tendons of the legs. It allows you to develop absolutely all the muscles of the body and achieve flexibility in all joints and tendons.


Stretching is based on muscle tension, alternating with relaxation. Performing stretching exercises improves flexibility and elasticity in almost all major muscle groups of the body.


Website: https://mysporty24.ru Phone: 8-911-923-05-52 Cost: from 490 rub. per course

Splits from “0”

This home course is suitable for beginner girls without physical training or sports background.

  • 2 workouts per week

You receive a training video for a month, where I explain and show each exercise in detail. I explain the technique and lead you to the cherished splits and a healthy back.

  • Trainer support 24/7

All course participants end up in a closed chat, where each of your questions is discussed in detail, errors are sorted out, and everyone shares motivation with each other.

  • Checklist of your progress

We correctly measure your results at the end of each lesson. We see a clear result to compare with the initial level.

Russian School of Twine

Website: https://russianshpagat.ru Phone: Cost: from 1490 rub. per course

Increase your flexibility and do the splits in 30 days

Online video course of 30 full-fledged stretching workouts from the Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics - Daria Moroz.

You get access to the course immediately after payment, for 3, 6 months or forever (depending on the selected version of the course). You can start classes at any time (the course is available 24 hours a day). The start of the course starts from the moment you pay for it!

Each workout lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. The program is scheduled by day. Every day you will know exactly what exercises to do. You just open the day you need, turn on the video and do the exercises with me on the video. You don’t need to pause the video, you don’t need to spend a long time delving into what’s going on. You go through the entire training with me, via video that can be watched from any device.

Features and nuances of various types of stretching

Like every sport, this gymnastics also has its own characteristic features, as well as nuances that should not be ignored. Don't forget that before you start exercising, be sure to warm up. This is necessary to prepare the muscles, joints, and ligaments for work.

The main principle of stretching can be called smoothness, gradualness and slowness of movements. This is the only way to achieve the desired result. Everything related to flexibility, any training of this type must be carried out at a minimum pace, without any jerks, ideally with slow relaxing music. Always “listen” to your body, it sometimes gives signals that we ignore, which can lead to injury.

Types of stretching training

Different stretching

There are only five types of this gymnastics. It’s worth understanding them to understand where best to start. However, you can practice them alternately to develop the flexibility of the whole body, rather than individual parts.

  • Static ABS stretching, what is it? This is a set of exercises in which, as in yoga, a certain position is maintained. Then the working muscles are stretched in a certain order. To strengthen and stretch them, this is the best option.
  • To warm up before any sport activity, a slow one is best. It makes it possible to pull them to their maximum length.
  • Stretching is called dynamic, which involves alternating springy, smooth movements. Moreover, at extreme points, when maximum muscle tension is felt, it is recommended to fixate for a few seconds.
  • Paired exercises are called two-person exercises, when a partner helps to give the load in order to stretch the muscles as much as possible.
  • Active swings of arms, legs, bending and bending of the body with a wide amplitude are called ballistic stretching.

It doesn’t hurt to take into account that for beginners you shouldn’t immediately give heavy loads and try to do something that you can’t do. It is better to increase the amplitude of movements, effort and other indicators gradually, moving towards your goal in small steps. Class time can start from five to ten minutes, and over time increase to half an hour.

Rules and tips

  • Movements must be done very smoothly, measuredly, you should not chase speed, this is not the main thing here.
  • In stretching there is always a certain limit, upon reaching which you need to stop. It can be identified by pain. As soon as the unpleasant sensations become painful, it is time to complete the movement.
  • Pain is an indicator of poor health and should be closely monitored. We must learn to distinguish a pleasant pulling feeling from real pain. If the latter occurs, it is better to stop training altogether.
  • Running, walking and jumping in place, turning the body, swinging legs and arms, jerking movements, bending are good as a warm-up before stretching.
  • Watch your breathing, it should be rhythmic. All exercises begin with inhalation, except for bending. It doesn’t hurt to take short breaks from your workout if you can’t restore even breathing.
  • After stretching, you should not immediately run to work or go to strength training - the muscles should rest. Therefore, you need to choose the time for such activities with special care. After all, it’s better to postpone even household chores, like washing the floors, for at least two hours.

Examples of stretching exercises for beginners

Anyone can start doing this type of healthy gymnastics at any time. Regardless of initial training, level of development, age, gender and other functional indicators. It is optimal to sign up for group classes at a gym where real professionals teach. However, it is quite possible to start on your own, at home, simply by watching useful video courses.


Website: https://online.topstretching.com Cost: from 2900 rub. per course


The body gains ease of movement. Your posture will become stately and beautiful. Improve your stretching. Properly reduce body weight. Improve the quality of your health

Online courses from trainers are 100% suitable if you want:

  • Develop the endurance of your heart and respiratory system in terms of cardio.
  • Learn to control your body, muscle strength, gain beautiful muscle definition, pump up your legs, buttocks and abs with the most effective exercises in terms of functional training.
  • Gain grace and flexibility, improve the functional abilities of your muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.
  • Develop maximum range of motion in the joints, increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, gain lightness throughout the body, feel a little like a gymnast, and get closer to your childhood dream - doing the splits!

Federal network of stretching studios #StretchBerry

Website: https://stretchberry.ru Cost: from 3000 rub. per course

Intense 30-minute workouts Suitable for even the busiest people. You can train at any time of the day. For classes you only need a mat and the Internet.

Exercise every other day for 10 weeks Many people think that you need to stretch every day. It is a myth. In order to do the splits, it is enough to train 3-4 times a week.

Support at all stages of training Video lessons are uploaded to a convenient platform for online learning. There you can ask any questions about the course and promptly receive feedback.

Large video course of 36 lessons, designed for 10 weeks (3 lessons per week). During this period, absolutely anyone can do the splits, even with an initial level of training.

What to wear to stretching classes

Regardless of where a person will train, it is necessary to take care of comfortable clothing. The main thing is that it is comfortable to do all the exercises in it. To do this, everyone can find stretching for beginners and video lessons at home .

There is no need to be shy about tight clothes. Soon every beginner will realize that this is very convenient. At the same time, it is worth selecting things according to their strength so that they stretch well. It is also advisable to give preference to clothing from well-known companies that produce equipment for athletes.

Another advantage of tight-fitting clothing is that a person can clearly see progress during the training process.

Online stretching school Stretch Body

Website: https://stretchbodyonline.ru Phone: Cost: from 1900 rub. per course

Training and nutrition programs created by a team of professionals. Each course will help you achieve your goal

Try stretching. Basic self-paced course. The course program includes 5 modules, more than 70 video lessons for self-study, homework and Intensive stretch testing. With this course you won't be alone! Constant monitoring from trainers and experts and support from a curator will help you achieve excellent results in a short period of time Premium stretch. Premium package with an individual approach, special bonuses and the opportunity to train and consult with school experts throughout the year

  • entrance checklist,
  • access to a closed community,
  • first measurement of stretch indicators,
  • recording the current psychological state,
  • learning the basics of safe training,
  • first stretching and pumping workouts,
  • doing homework

Twine Online

Website: https://shpagat.online Cost: from 2000 rub. per course

The course is structured in such a way as to take into account all possible features of beginners who continue the course separately for an advanced level of training.

Each course contains 30 lessons. Accordingly, you can study every day and complete the course in a month, or study 3 times a week, then the course will take 3 months. The Premium package includes 60 classes: 30 days for beginners, 30 days for intermediates.

The course has no time limit. You can take it now and start going through it in a month. It is not recommended to take long breaks, but even in this case you will not need to purchase anything additional.

You receive a file as an attachment with links to a series of video lessons. Carefully read the file, read the entire training program, read the contraindications if you have not done so before, and, if there are no contraindications, start training at your own pace. DO start with a warm up and then start stretching. It is recommended to exercise 3 to 6 days a week.

Program description

Neck stretch
Answering the question of what stretching is, you should immediately say that it includes dozens of techniques, movements and poses that develop the flexibility of the cervical, back, lumbar, calf and other muscle groups, joints, ligaments and tendons - practically leaving none of them unused them. That is why such a popular complex is useful not only for ordinary amateurs, but also for professional athletes. In martial arts, part of its exercises is included in the mandatory training program; in fitness, it is a transitional stage from therapeutic systems to strength ones, and some teachers are also included in anti-cellulite programs.

In addition, restrictions on stretching are present only for a very small category of people who are generally prohibited from even minimal physical activity. Contraindications, therefore, apply only to heart patients, hypertensive patients, very elderly citizens and those for whom stretching is not available for various reasons (for example, those suffering from serious spinal injuries). Perhaps, these are the only disadvantages of this system - for others, the harm from stretching is completely excluded (of course, provided that all techniques are performed correctly and there is a smooth transition from the initial level to a higher one).


Website: https://yourstretching.com Phone: Cost: from 990 rub. per course

Online course Your Stretching Do the splits and improve your body flexibility in 30 days

About the course

With the help of this course, you will learn how to properly warm up your muscles without harming them, and you will develop flexibility, which will give you more grace and sexuality. You will no longer be bothered by pain and discomfort in your back and posture, and a pleasant bonus will be that you can lose a few extra pounds and tighten your body.

This course is for you if:

  • You want to do the splits without harming your health and enjoying the training.
  • You want to become more attractive, sexy and graceful.
  • You want to remove stiffness in your body and muscles, gain ease and elegance of movements.
  • You want to return to your best shape (for example, before pregnancy) or even surpass it.

Video lessons for beginners on stretching: at home

If a person cannot afford to train at an expensive sports club, then one can choose to train at home as an alternative. To do this, you can use stretching video lessons , where a specialist will explain in detail what and how to do.

Video lessons for beginners on stretching: at home

First, you need to understand what a sport like stretching is. This is one of the types of fitness that is aimed at improving the flexibility of the body. These exercises will be very useful if a person wants to improve their health and well-being.

Studio "On the splits"

Website: https://nashpagate.ru Phone: Cost: from 990 rub. per course

  • Effective stretching studio is now in your phone! SPLIT comes to your home.
  • Connect to ONLINE live broadcasts and train right at home.
  • Save your live broadcast schedule or watch saved broadcasts at a time convenient for you!

Basic stretching is a contact stretching exercise adapted for home workouts. We stretch the whole body, all muscle groups. We practice beautiful swings and dynamic exercises. Any level of training!

Stretching PRO - contact stretching for all muscle groups (back, shoulders, neck, arms, feet), adapted for home workouts, with an emphasis on transverse/longitudinal splits. Any level of training!

Online School of Flexibility “ZaShpagat”

Website: https://zashpagat.ru Phone: Cost: 1400 rub. per course

What will you get after the course?

Lightness and flexibility throughout the whole body When stretching to the splits, the mobility of the pelvis and joints inevitably increases, and this is an excellent prevention of arthritis and arthrosis.

You will become healthier. Blood flow in the pelvic and abdominal areas improves, and this is the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.

You will become more graceful. Your gait will become more feminine and flexible. Your resistance to stress will increase Thanks to my classes, your stress level will decrease.

You will become slimmer and fit. Exercises will improve blood circulation throughout the body and blood flow to the brain will increase. Plus, the feeling of hunger will decrease and there will be no temptation to eat crap.

  • A unique course of 12 lessons
  • Detailed analysis of each exercise
  • Suitable for any level of flexibility!
  • 24/7 access to lessons
  • Chat support with the teacher
  • At the end of the course there are gifts, lessons on “Flexible back”
  • Access to lessons 4 months

Stretching and pregnancy

Stretching during pregnancy is allowed and even encouraged. It will improve blood circulation and partially help relieve pain in the lower back and legs. You can perform the usual exercises, but with the following exceptions:

  1. During the first trimester, any aggressive stretching that can cause tension in the abdominal muscles is not recommended. We are talking about stretching while hanging on a horizontal bar, in inversion boots, and also with the help of an instructor.
  2. In the second and third, exercises with emphasis on the stomach from a supine position are excluded.

Ideally, you need a pregnancy video or a corresponding group of classes. Those who have been practicing stretching for a long time can independently dose the load.

A training option for pregnant women is presented in the following video:

If you experience any unusual sensations of exertion, you should stop and consult a doctor . The complex itself can be selected by both a physical therapy doctor and a fitness specialist for pregnant women.

Ladies Dance&Mind

Website: https://ladies-dance.ru Phone: Cost: from 590 rub. per course

Exercise 30 minutes a day and learn a complex for self-stretching in 4 weeks!

You will become flexible, even if you have never exercised! Conducted by a certified stretching coach, the founder of the school - Natalya Morozova Participate online, watch the video and perform exercises without leaving home The course has already been completed by 40+ students, reviews on the website

Why take this stretching course?

  1. A noticeable effect from the first lessons. Already after the first lesson you will feel an improvement in your overall well-being. All students note a positive effect after just 1 training session.
  2. A fun activity: Warm-up, muscle pumping and stretching, including stretching elements for splits. I’ll also tell you the theory of stretching - it will be varied and fun!
  3. Motivation Daily DMs in WhatsApp chat will keep you from losing your mind!


Website: https://smstretching.online Phone: 8 800 4444 270 Cost: from 2990 rub. per course

Two new courses and more than 100 of the most effective exercises are available to you anywhere in the world. It's time to take some time for yourself!

More than 15 thousand people have already been convinced of the effectiveness of training and improved their results together. The teachers worked the program down to the smallest detail. Each exercise is discussed in as much detail as possible so that you don’t have any questions. But if you still have questions, just write to the chat. Your result is their goal.

The website offers 2 courses for self-study:

  • STRETCHING (Updated course with Samira Mustafaeva)
  • BARRE (The first and only online course on Barre with Ekaterina Akulina)

Both proprietary courses are a full-fledged training program for 1 month and consist of 12 separate workouts that you will perform synchronously with the trainer. You will study under the guidance of Samira and Katya 3-4 times a week for 20-45 minutes. For training you will need: the Internet, any device (phone/tablet/computer/TV), and simple equipment (more about it below in the section “Where to buy or what to replace equipment with”).

How to do the splits: 7 video collections

Now let's move on directly to the programs that will help you do the splits. It is not necessary to choose only one video complex; you can simultaneously train with different trainers to achieve the best results.

To open the full video playlist, click on the horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the video.

Split stretch with Elena Malova

Elena Malova, a popular YouTube blogger and yoga expert, offers you a week-long video set for split stretching. Her program included 5 workouts of 20-25 minutes each. Elena suggests training 5 times a week with two days off a week on random days. If you do not achieve the desired result in a week, then repeat the complex for as long as necessary, gradually progressing and deepening the splits.

This complex with Elena Malova includes 2 videos on the longitudinal split, 2 videos on the transverse split, which you will alternate with each other, and 1 video on both splits at once. If desired, you can combine stretching for longitudinal and transverse splits in one day. If you need to master only one split, you can select only the videos you need and alternate between them. By the way, Elena herself says that she did the longitudinal splits for the first time at the age of 28 and it was not easy for her.

A brief description of:

  • This video set for splits includes 5 workouts of 20-25 minutes each.
  • The program is designed for 7 days: 5 training sessions + 2 days off per week
  • Training in Russian
  • The program is suitable for beginners
  • You work on both cross and longitudinal splits

Splits in 30 days from onlinefitnesstv

An excellent comprehensive program for splits is offered by a team of Ukrainian trainers onlinefitnesstv. They created an entire course, which is designed for 30 days of daily lessons with a gradual increase in complexity. The program is suitable even for beginners and people who do not have good natural stretching. The course is structured in such a way that it is suitable even for completely inflexible people.

The classes are taught by several different trainers, mostly the programs are presented in Ukrainian, but there are Russian subtitles. Several videos are presented in Russian. The training is very step-by-step and simple, but gradually the complexity of the classes increases. It’s not a fact that in 30 days you will be able to do the splits, but you will definitely be able to improve your stretching and deepen your splits.

A brief description of:

  • This video set for splits includes 25 workouts of 25-45 minutes each.
  • The program lasts 30 days, with a ready-made schedule
  • Trainings in Russian and Ukrainian
  • The program is suitable for absolute beginners and inflexible people
  • You work on both cross and longitudinal splits

Split stretch from Lazy Dancer Tips

Another good selection of splits videos was developed by a professional ballerina from England . Alessia offers 4 short videos on the side split and one 25 minute video on the side split. Lazy Dancer Tips workouts don't include a warm-up, but Alessia offers a separate video to help you warm up: Active Warm Up. Also, to warm up before splits exercises, you can perform the videos that we offered at the beginning of the article.

The best description of the video for split stretching from Lazy Dancer Tips is this review from our subscriber Christina:

Split stretch with Olga Sagay

Olga Sagay has a number of short videos for stretching into splits for 10-15 minutes. Her programs are characterized by a soft and pleasant style of delivery that everyone will enjoy. You can combine several of Olga Sagay’s videos for a full-fledged long-term lesson or supplement her programs with another stretching course of your choice.

Olga’s entire YouTube channel is dedicated to the development of flexibility and stretching, so with her help you can not only work on the splits, but also on the flexibility of your entire body. By the way, if you want to do a cross split, then also watch our selection of videos for hip joints with Olga Sagay. Opening the hip joints is one of the most important steps towards the cross split.

Splits for 7 days with Adee

Another full-fledged 7-day complex that will help you do the splits is offered by yoga trainer Adee on her YouTube channel. Her program included 7 videos of 30-35 minutes, which must be performed daily for a week. Then you can take 1 day off and continue the seven-day period again. You will be working on both side and side splits.

Adee offers many dynamic movements, including yoga, to deepen your stretch and help you do the splits in no time. If you love yoga, she also has a great 30 Day Beginner Yoga Series that will help you improve your splits in no time.

A brief description of:

  • The program with video on splits from Adee includes 7 workouts of 30-35 minutes each
  • A ready-made video sequence for the entire week is already offered
  • You need to exercise every day without days off or with one day off per week
  • Trainings are held in English
  • You can add yoga for beginners to your splits workouts from Adee

Split stretch with Ekaterina Firsova

Ekaterina Firsova has become a very popular trainer on YouTube for split stretching. She offers 60-minute videos that will especially appeal to those who have plenty of time to spend on stretching. Ekaterina leads a workout in the studio, and several other girls demonstrate the exercises with her, so you can also target people who are weaker in stretching. Trainings are held in Russian.

In total, several hour-long lessons with Ekaterina Firsova for stretching the splits have been posted on the fitness timestudy_ru youtube channel, which are quite enough for mastering both longitudinal and transverse splits. You can alternate between all 10 videos or choose the ones that interest you the most. But if you like classes with Ekaterina, then you can purchase the full set with a paid subscription on the official website of the channel.

A brief description of:

  • Ekaterina Firsova offers several free videos for split stretching
  • Classes last 1 hour, i.e. The stretch will be deep and complex.
  • Trainings are held in Russian
  • The program is performed by a whole team of practitioners, which is convenient for demonstrating various exercise options.


Website: https://ssflex.ru Cost: from 1590 rub. per course

Do you dream of doing the splits? This is true at any age! Stretch safely and methodically with Sonya. Any level of training and even “tree”.

What is online twine? This is your splits in 30 days without injury at any age! The author's technique of Sonya Soldatova is now online! 11 full-fledged video lessons lasting 60-90 minutes for safe stretching into splits Personal chat with each participant and answers to all questions (chat with a trainer is available only in the “full” package) Processes in your personal account on the website, no emails or mailings that are lost in the mail. Online training is comfortable!

What makes the program unique?

  • You can finally do the splits in 30 days!
  • Adapted for people who have not stretched before
  • Takes into account the physical fitness of each participant
  • Effective and simple technique
  • Author's combinations of exercises
  • The program has been developed for more than 5 years
  • Particular emphasis on adherence and technique
  • Only you choose the day and time of training
  • Ask questions to Sonya in your personal account
  • Access to the program remains FOREVER
  • Convenient website with full automation

Varieties of stretching

Experts distinguish five types of stretching:

  • static – movements at a normal pace, holding poses in the range of 10-30 seconds and periodically changing muscle tension and relaxation;
  • slow - practiced mainly at the initial warm-up stage (a greatly reduced speed of movements allows you to achieve the maximum permissible stretching of muscles and ligaments);
  • doubles - your partner plays the role of an “obstacle” to stretching;
  • dynamic - characterized by the presence of not just smooth, but artificially springy movements. Answering the question of what dynamic stretching is and how it differs from other varieties, we can safely cite the example of Pilates or Iyengar yoga, where strength exercises are always combined with soft stretching.
  • ballistic is the most unusual form of stretching, since it practices sharp loads during rapid swings of the arms and legs, the absence of postural delays at the end points of the amplitude, and short but intense (rather than long and slow) lengthening of the muscles.
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