How to Eat Eggs for Muscle Growth Before or After Workout

Eating a pre-workout snack can help properly energize your body. Many people make the mistake of eating incorrectly before going to the gym. This makes it almost impossible to train effectively. You may get tired faster, and finishing your workout will be an impossible task. However, you also shouldn't make the biggest fitness mistake: working out on a full stomach.

When choosing a pre-workout snack, it's important to make sure it's the type of food that will naturally balance your body's nutrients. A proper diet helps avoid fatigue and naturally speed up your metabolism. You should choose foods that are rich in minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants to help avoid muscle soreness after and during exercise.

What are the best foods for a pre-workout snack? Below are the top 10 products. Also pay attention to the article 10 foods to increase muscle mass.

Peanut paste

peanut paste
Eating just one spoon of peanut butter (about 3 mg) will provide your body with a dose of antioxidants. Magnesia, vitamin E - you will find all this in this product. Peanut butter also provides minerals needed to strengthen bones and treat any chronic problems.

You don't have to spread the paste on the bread. In fact, just a spoonful of pure paste will be enough.

What is it, Mr. Coach?

The composition and quality of the foods you are going to eat before training are very important. Now we will talk about a full meal, which is best eaten two to three hours before training. After all, this is exactly how you should try to plan your schedule.

So, before training, the meal should be filling and rich in nutrients. “Empty” dishes that contain neither protein nor fiber are no good. So put off your quick coals in the form of fruits and chocolates for later. Here we need heavier, or rather, complex, artillery.

Complete proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber - these are the elements that a meal should consist of.

Using this algorithm, you can create different dishes, experimenting and choosing what you and your body like.

“This is all good,” you say, “but what exactly should you eat before training?!” In fact, everything is very simple. To satisfy your body on all the indicators mentioned above, you need to choose products from the lists below.

Brown rice

brown rice
If you feel really hungry before a workout, you can satisfy it with a handful of brown rice. Brown rice has a mild, nutty flavor that's not too spicy without being too floury. This product is rich in manganese and selenium.

It is also beneficial for weight loss and is rich in antioxidants. It is also considered an all-grain food that may reduce the risk of heart disease and cholesterol levels.

What can you drink before training?

As mentioned earlier, before active exercise the body should be provided with enough fluid. But it’s worth figuring out whether all drinks are suitable for this role.


There are directly opposite points of view on the benefits of this drink for the body before physical activity. As you know, it contains caffeine, which has an stimulating effect and stimulates the release of adrenaline. Reasons to drink coffee before training include:

  • Increasing the speed of metabolic processes. It is believed that caffeine speeds up metabolism, resulting in active fat burning.
  • Efficiency increases. The release of adrenaline leads to an increase in the intensity of the workout.
  • Blood circulation improves. This has a direct impact on the quality of the exercise, because the faster the heart pumps blood through the vessels, the better the muscles are saturated with oxygen.
  • Reducing pain after training. Experts believe that if you drink a couple of cups of coffee before class, you can then endure the muscle recovery period much easier.
  • There is also an opinion that the drink helps reduce the risk of injuries that are associated with wear and tear on the body.

But among athletes and just amateurs, there are those who believe that drinking coffee before training is harmful. Among the arguments are the following:

  • Since caffeine increases blood pressure, the aromatic drink is not recommended for those with heart problems. After all, during training it already receives sufficient load.
  • Coffee is a diuretic drink. During exercise, a person sweats a lot, which causes fluid to leave the body. And coffee only brings it out even more.


There is also no consensus regarding this drink. Opponents of energy drinks insist that they are harmful to the heart. After all, they, like coffee, promote the release of adrenaline and increase blood pressure. All this leads to the fact that the heart receives too much stress.

But recently, more and more people have begun to consume energy drinks before training. Athletes note the composition of the drink, which contains many components that can increase the intensity of exercise. These substances include the same caffeine, guarana, amino acids, argenine, and vitamins.

It is usually recommended to drink an energy drink 20 minutes before starting a workout. Components such as caffeine and guarana will have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, as a result of which a person will feel a surge of vivacity. And the remaining components of the energy drink will work to increase endurance.

At the same time, experienced athletes note that it is better not to buy ordinary drinks that are found on supermarket shelves. The most effective options include those sold in specialized sports nutrition stores.

Watch this video about what to drink for an effective workout:


This is the most ideal and simplest option. To help your body better cope with the upcoming load, you can drink half a liter of water two hours before training. Also, thirty minutes before the start of class, you need to replenish the amount of fluid by about one more glass, that is, 250 milliliters.


This option is ideal for very busy people who don’t have an extra minute for snacks. Cocktails from special mixtures are easy and quick to prepare and saturate the body well. Protein can be consumed before training even just half an hour before. The mixture can be prepared with either water or milk.

Milk, kefir, yogurt

It is worth paying attention to these drinks. As for milk, its use before training is acceptable. After all, this natural product is a source of protein and also helps restore the missing amount of fluid. In addition, it promotes quick saturation.

Therefore, you can safely drink a glass of milk before training. It should be remembered that it is better not to use it later than half an hour before arriving at the gym.

Regarding kefir, we can say that it has similar properties. But usually experts recommend consuming dairy products after exercise, because they help the muscles recover faster. But, nevertheless, you can drink a glass of kefir before training.

The same goes for yogurt. In this case, both a thicker one that can be eaten and drinkable is suitable. But it is important to choose a natural product, without any flavoring additives. And if you want to make it sweeter, it’s better to add a handful of fresh berries. Like other dairy products, yogurt can be drunk before and after a workout. To fill yourself up and prepare yourself for physical activity, one glass 30 minutes before the start of classes is enough.

We recommend reading about whey protein for weight loss. From the article you will learn about how whey protein works for weight loss, types of proteins, their advantages and disadvantages, and rules of administration. And here is more information about whether creatine will help with weight loss.

An important component of the effectiveness of training is properly organized nutrition. You need to choose only those foods before physical activity that will provide the body with energy and also help the muscles recover faster. When it comes to drinks, water is always the best option, but coffee, dairy products, protein shakes and energy drinks are acceptable.


Chicken is just pure protein. The role of chicken in the process of weight loss is invaluable. What else chicken is a necessary assistant for is the building and growth of muscle mass. However, you can eat chicken and even overeat. It is important to limit yourself to a few pieces before training.

It can also serve as a natural antidepressant. Chicken can also be served as the main dish for dinner. Chicken plus vegetables makes a particularly healthy dinner. You might be interested in the article 10 most delicious chicken recipes.

Is it possible to eat the yolk?

The yolk of a chicken egg contains about 4 grams of fat. Therefore, many athletes refuse yolks. This is only justified if you are in the process of drying. When building muscle mass, the yolk will be very useful. In addition, if eggs are cooked correctly, the yolks will “burn” quite quickly during the training process.

In addition, you shouldn’t give up the yolk altogether: it’s only advisable to reduce the number of eggs you eat to 2-5 per day. This is due to the fact that the yolk contains many important amino acids. In addition, fats promote better protein absorption.


Another great way to start your day is with a cup of yogurt. It is considered a natural probiotic. This means that yogurt improves digestion. Regular consumption of yogurt also improves immunity, prevents diarrhea and treats constipation, plus it fights against the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Plain yogurt is the best option, but fruit flavors are just as beneficial.


As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. They affect various body systems, bringing benefits in any area. Eating apples makes teeth healthier and whiter. Apples contain pectin, which is another reason to love them.

It is this protein that makes apples so healthy. They also lower blood cholesterol levels and support heart health. Contrary to popular belief, apples of any color are equally beneficial for the body.


If you think about how many beneficial substances these citrus fruits contain, you can get lost in the list. They're loaded with vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, pantothenic acid, thiamine, folate and even nicotine.

Pink grapefruits also contain a rich supply of minerals and general vitamins that are required for daily life. One grapefruit before training will speed up your metabolism thanks to all the micro- and macroelements it contains.

If your sports goal...

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then your pre-workout meal should be rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Slow-acting carbohydrates will fuel your body with energy throughout your workout, and proteins will help protect your muscles from breakdown. To effectively gain weight, you need to consume 50-60 g of carbohydrates and 25-30 g of protein before training.

As for fats, they should be present in the diet of any person, but before training it is better not to consume them or reduce their amount to a minimum, since fats prevent the body from quickly absorbing other useful substances, and fatty foods themselves take much longer to digest.

In addition, it is recommended to drink a gainer or protein half an hour before training.

Weight loss

In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the body consumes fewer calories than it expends. It is necessary to adjust your diet so that two hours before training you consume 10-15 g of complex carbohydrates and about the same amount of protein. Thus, the energy your body receives from food will be enough for you to start an intense workout, but not enough to complete the workout. Thus, the body will begin to use up its own reserves, that is, break down fat deposits.


You can consume oatmeal to replenish your fiber stores. According to recent studies, about 25 grams of fiber per day is not only the necessary amount, but also sufficient, since a person simply cannot consume more.

One bowl of oatmeal provides 4 grams of fiber. They also contain magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, iron and selenium. It is also a good blood sugar regulator.

In what form is it best to eat eggs?

As already noted, many athletes prefer to drink raw eggs. But it’s better to boil or fry them: this way the protein necessary for muscle growth is better absorbed, and the chance of getting a “bonus” in the form of salmonellosis is minimized. You need to cook the eggs for at least 7-8 minutes so that the yolk is completely cooked and hard. The best option is hard-boiled eggs: frying requires fat, which will increase the amount of calories and cholesterol.

The traditional way to hard-boil an egg is to place the egg in boiling salted water and cook for 8 minutes from the moment it boils. Experienced chefs give another piece of advice: cook eggs at low temperatures. To do this, place the egg in cold salted water, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 12-15 minutes.

Salt is added at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water. This is necessary not only to prevent the egg from cracking, but also to speed up the coagulation of the protein.

One of the most popular foods to eat before a workout is banana. The fruit often becomes an outcast in various diets. But for those who want to gain a little strength, it is ideal. The fact is that bananas fill you up quite quickly and also provide the body with glucose, fructose and useful minerals. It is also believed that the fruit helps to quickly recover after exercise.

It is recommended that those who have just embarked on the path of an active lifestyle take a closer look at this product. People who are not used to physical activity often experience a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. And banana contains a lot of glucose and therefore will help avoid this situation. Usually one fruit is enough to satisfy you.

Other foods that you can eat before training include oatmeal porridge. This cereal contains a large amount of B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. In addition to oats, the following porridges are also suitable: buckwheat, pearl barley, barley.

A good option for a quick and easy snack would be a sandwich with boiled turkey or chicken. It should be remembered that only whole grain bread is suitable, because other varieties contribute to the accumulation of fatty deposits. In addition to meat, you can diversify the sandwich with eggs or herbs.

Also among the permitted pre-workout products are:

  • cottage cheese with a low fat content, but it should be consumed two hours before class;
  • five egg omelette;
  • energy bars (it’s better to limit yourself to one);
  • steamed vegetable mixtures.


One of the most popular breakfasts is, of course, scrambled eggs. One fried egg and you have enough energy to start the day right. Eggs contain a significant amount of iron, iodine, and many essential vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, B12. Selenium and biotin are also present in eggs in sufficient quantities.

Harm and contraindications of eggs

Despite the important role of eggs in our diet, this product can be harmful to the body under certain conditions. What are the negative effects of this product?

  • With excessive consumption of eggs, the liver suffers, harmful cholesterol accumulates in the body, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.
  • An egg that is not thermally treated can cause a serious illness - salmonellosis.
  • To ensure survival, chickens kept in poor conditions are given antibiotics in their feed, which are then laid in their eggs. This reduces a person’s immunity and susceptibility to drugs.
  • Poor quality chicken feed contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in eggs, which have a negative effect on the human body.
  • Egg is a product that often causes allergies.

It is not recommended for allergy sufferers to eat eggs. People with diabetes, cholecystitis, obesity, or high cholesterol should significantly limit their consumption of the product and include it in their diet only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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