How to customize a treadmill for yourself. First time in the gym: how to use basic exercise equipment

How to turn on a treadmill in an air conditioned gym

The treadmill is a panacea for maintaining weight and muscle tone at any age. You can exercise at home or go to sports centers, enjoying running and socializing. Many people have no idea how to turn on the treadmill at the gym and waste time waiting for help. Let's study!

How to turn on the treadmill in the club?

  1. Many treadmills are electrically powered. Connect to it. If the unit has an auxiliary toggle switch, turn it on. Is your treadmill display lit up? So she's ready to go.
  2. Stand on the panel on the sides of the canvas. If you stand on the belt while turning on the device, there is a risk of overloading the motor and causing injury!
  3. The monitor has a key hole. Insert the security key into it, and attach the second part to your belt so that the track turns off if a fall occurs.
  4. Press "start" and follow the instructions on the monitor. Almost all modern models have weight parameters. Enter them and press the SELECT button.
  5. On the right and left of the monitor there are buttons to decrease and increase speed (SPEED), usually they are triangular.
  6. After the belt starts moving, stand on it and start training. Correlate the level of intensity of movement with physical fitness. If the load is small, complicate the task by changing the inclination using the INCLINE button.

Knowing how to turn on the treadmill will help you get started without any assistance. Remember that when purchasing, you need to consult with the seller, check the centering while driving and listen to the sounds of the track.

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How to start running at an angle?

Everything needs to be gradual, especially in training. Therefore, no matter what physical shape you are in, you should not immediately push the track to the maximum. Even if you think you can handle it, you won't. And it doesn’t even depend on how strong and resilient you are, but on the fact that your body is not used to it.

What does it mean? The biomechanics of lifting up at speed are quite difficult. It requires not only physical strength, but also good coordination of movements, as well as coordinated work of the whole organism. So the advice for all levels of training is the same - start with the bare minimum. This way you will understand what percentage of inclination is comfortable for you. And you can increase it at any time.

Everything should be in moderation. So don't forget to alternate such activities with regular running so as not to overexert yourself.

How to use a treadmill

For a modern gym, a professional treadmill is a priority because... If strength and cardio equipment in one way or another slightly differ in the audience of fitness enthusiasts, then a treadmill is a common exercise machine for everyone, which is used by everyone without exception.

These are perhaps the simplest of all simulators. However, there are some secrets here. For example, in order not to accidentally fall during class, you need to carefully monitor your posture. An unlucky beginner slipping off the treadmill is a familiar sight at the sports club. Below you will find out what you need to pay attention to so that this does not happen to you.

Currently, mechanical models are becoming less and less common, since electric treadmills are much more comfortable and efficient to use.


All that can be seen on the display of a mechanical treadmill is heart rate, speed, workout duration, distance traveled and calories burned.

Electric models offer a noticeably greater variety of indicators displayed on the display, and also allow you to select the optimal load mode based on several dozen special programs for the simulator.

Treadmills make it possible to regularly go for healthy runs, regardless of the weather and time of year.

  1. The treadmill is a cardio machine.
    That is why there are practically no contraindications for exercising on this treadmill, even for overweight people or experienced heart patients. The main thing is to organize your training correctly. It is not at all necessary to set an accelerated pace from the very first days. Remember: a long journey begins with a small step, and walk towards your goal confidently but consistently. You'll feel it yourself when it's time to speed up!
  2. Modern models of treadmills allow you to diversify your activities, use your imagination and at the same time alternate loads on different muscle groups.
    If desired, you can change the angle of inclination, the speed of movement of the treadmill belt, monitor your heart rate, pulse, and count lost calories. You can also listen to music on the built-in DVD or watch a TV show. More bonuses - higher tone!
  3. If money is tight, look for economy class treadmills. These usually include mechanical ones.
    Here, too, you can find many advantages: in order to operate the mechanism, the track does not have to be connected to the electrical network. She will be “turned on” by your movement, and during training you will be one with her! A mechanical treadmill is very compact, especially folding models.

    Even in a small apartment they are not a hindrance: once you work out, you can hide your exercise machine in the closet or on the balcony. Until next class!

  4. A good offer for people above average income is electric treadmills.
    Of course, they cost more, but not more than your health! These smart simulators can set the program themselves depending on the characteristics and needs of your body. If you wish, you can even create a training program for yourself. As a rule, the motors in them are silent, so conflicts with neighbors are excluded.
  5. Can't make a choice? There is also a third option: magnetic treadmills. In essence, this is a type of mechanical one, but with greater capabilities. Such paths make it possible to change the load more smoothly, calmly transition from walking to running, and brake gently.
  6. Using a treadmill, you can not only strengthen your cardiovascular system, but also pump up your muscles. You just need to voice your desires when purchasing, and the sales consultant will definitely select the right class of exercise equipment for you, and you can focus on strength training!
  7. Exercising on a treadmill is safe.
    However, for users of electric walkways, a safety key will add confidence, which will stop the movement if a person stumbles. But, in order not to stumble, when choosing a simulator, it is advisable to give preference to the one with a wider belt and a more powerful motor, at least one and a half to two horsepower.
  8. When purchasing a treadmill, you will always receive a guarantee.
    Of course, provided that it is a simulator from a well-known company that has managed to establish itself well in the sports equipment market.
  9. In addition, you can also count on discounts!
    The very fact of buying a treadmill in an online store is savings. But in addition to this, there is also a flexible sales system, a gift for customers. Be careful!
  10. Rejoice: your self-improvement program will not be hindered by bad weather or interruptions in public transport. Working out at home - what could be more comfortable? You also don't have to wait in line for this machine at the gym. Your treadmill will always be nearby!
  • Start at low speed. Many stationary treadmills are designed to increase speed gradually, but anything can happen. When you turn on the machine, your feet should be on either side of the moving belt. Stand on it only if the tape is moving at low speed - 2-5 km/h.
  • Don't rely on safety handles. When you're just starting out on the treadmill, it makes sense to hold on to the safety handles for a while until you get used to it. But it's much easier and more natural to move when you're not holding on to anything and swinging your arms just like you would when you're walking. If you hold the handle in front of you, you gradually assume the position of a water skier, i.e. your body leans back slightly. This is a fairly common occurrence among those who train on treadmills. As a result, the elbow bones and joints are overloaded, and this is not the best operating mode for the machine itself. In addition, you are deceiving yourself, because... The readings of calories burned on the monitor do not correspond to the real state of affairs.
  • Look straight ahead. If you look to the side, you are more likely to lose your step. If someone calls you during the exercise, do not make sudden turns of your head. All of the above may seem obvious, but, oddly enough, violation of these trivial rules is most often the reason for falling off the track.
  • Always be prepared for the possibility of losing your balance. The first time you run on a treadmill, you may feel dizzy. The reason is a contradiction that is insoluble for your body: you walk, but everything around you stands still. Do not worry. In most people, the vestibular system returns to normal after the second or third attempt.
  • Never run barefoot. Always wear good running shoes when using a stationary treadmill.

Sports doctors recommend:

  • Before starting your workout, you should familiarize yourself with the design of the treadmill and the control panel. You need to know how to change the speed, the incline of the treadmill, and how to turn it off.
  • During classes, be sure to maintain correct posture: shoulders back, abdominal muscles tense. Look forward, not down.
  • Choose a step width that you usually move with.
  • You should not lean to the sides or backwards while walking.
  • It is advisable to practice regularly, at the same hours and at the same time.


Cardio training for fat burning: how to do it right

1 Start with light loads

As with any type of physical activity, start cardio training with easier options. This will help avoid injuries and premature burnout. Easy 10-minute runs at a moderate pace, or even regular walking if you have injuries or a lot of excess weight. Doctors recommend physical activity for obese people - daily walks. And only after some of the weight is gone, you can start running training. But even if you only have 10-20 kg extra, you still need to increase the intensity of your training gradually.

2 Train within your calculated maximum heart rate

The higher the heart rate at which you exercise (the higher the intensity), the more calories you burn. But if you go beyond the maximum (220 minus age), you risk injury.

3 Maximum duration of cardio training – 45-60 minutes

No matter how much you would like to quickly get rid of excess weight, cardio training lasting more than 60 minutes will lead to the opposite effect. You risk getting injured - which will prevent you from training for some time. You will burn muscles - which are so important for getting a beautiful figure. If you want to maximize fat burning, combine cardio and strength training.

4 Exercise regularly

If you want to get the effect, train 3-4 times a week and with sufficient intensity (according to your level of training) - don’t slack off! The mere fact that you are at the gym is not enough. You need to make an effort to get results. For beginners, 3 cardio workouts per week for 45 minutes may be enough to burn fat (if you do strength training, less). But to increase endurance, you need to train more often/more intensely.

5 Drink enough water

When doing cardio to burn fat and lose weight, you sweat a lot and lose a lot of water - so it needs to be replenished - both before and after, and during the workout itself. Especially in the summer, when you lose additional water due to the heat. During training, drink frequently and in small sips. But you don’t need to “stuff” water into yourself. Focus on your feelings - the body itself will tell you whether it needs water. “2 liters of water a day” is just a myth – each of us has different height/weight/activity throughout the day. And in summer more water is wasted. Therefore, it is logical that different people in different conditions will consume different volumes of water - and not the universal “2 liters”.

Bonus: music for cardio training

The whole truth about exercising on a treadmill

© Corbis/

The treadmill is the main cardio machine. A newcomer who comes to a fitness club approaches her first. And he stands there for a long time in bewilderment or, even worse, presses buttons at random, risking injury.

However, even those who have been going to fitness clubs for years have a lot of questions about the treadmills. I chose the most popular ones and asked the fitness manager of the Alex Fitness club, Valentin Belotserkovsky.

For the last 15 years he has seen treadmills every day and knows everything about them.

Is it possible to configure the simulator so that it shows the effectiveness of training not in kilocalories, but in the number, for example, of donuts burned per unit of time?

“This is not possible yet. It must be said that even modern methods of calculating calories burned are far from perfect. To measure the exact number of calories burned, the simulator would have to collect a complete medical history about the client: gender, age, weight, profession, etc.

Let’s say two people of the same build approach the simulator, but one has muscle mass of 20% of the total weight, and the other has 30%. This means that the former will burn fewer calories during cardio training than the latter.

But the simulator uses average calculations: for example, a woman weighing 70–75 kg, after running for an hour, burns 300 kilocalories. In terms of food, as far as I understand, this is one donut.”

The treadmill not only monitors your heart rate and calculates energy expenditure, but also offers a ready-made program with a certain speed, distance length and obstacles such as “hills”. How to use all this?

“The treadmill, no fools, is a very smart exercise machine. The on-board computer stores several programs in memory that meet certain tasks: burning calories, training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increasing endurance.

“Fat Burn” is a program where a person runs at one pace, holding a handrail, and built-in heart rate monitors ensure that the heart rate remains within 70-75% of maximum values (

It is calculated simply: 220 minus age.
The “Hills” program trains endurance—the heart rate here is allowed to go off scale beyond 80% of the maximum.

A number of programs work only if a person keeps his hands on the handrail, others do not monitor this. The problem is that heart rate monitors lie. You are already all sweaty, there are circles before your eyes, and he shows you, they say, 60 beats per minute, keep up the good work! I support customers who choose manual mode: it's easier to adjust the speed yourself.

For those who use a cardio machine for weight loss, I advise you to bring a watch with a heart rate monitor - they are more accurate. And run without holding the handrail: swing your arms freely and burn more calories.”

They say the treadmill has a seat belt to help you stay on your feet?

“I saw in some film that they train bull terriers this way: they tie them with several leashes, and, poor things, they run. The string that hangs on the side of the dashboard is called the Emergency Stop Device.

According to the rules, which, unfortunately, few people follow, a person must fasten the end of the lace to his T-shirt.

If he gets sick and loses coordination, the rope will jerk, the stop valve will operate and the track will stop.”

For fans of sprint racing, training on treadmills is like a poultice for the dead. Is the trainer designed for calm, measured running?

“The speed limit for treadmills in fitness clubs is 20-25 km/h. Do you think you can run faster?”

Why can’t you get on the treadmill until the belt starts moving?

“There are two basic rules for using a treadmill. First: you need to stand on the canvas after the track has started moving, otherwise the engine will receive an unnecessarily large load, starting work with additional weight. Second: you need to leave the path only after it stops. The first rule protects the equipment, the second protects the client.”

Can an overweight person break a treadmill?

“Factory weight limits are 150–180 kg. But this is already obesity. With such a diagnosis, as a rule, they do not go to a fitness club, but to a clinic for treatment. In addition, I can hardly imagine a client weighing 200 kg who decided to run. He won’t break the treadmill, but his knees.”

If I fall while running, will the exercise machine suck me in like an escalator in the subway?

“It can suck in clothes. Most often, it sucks in a towel, which some clients are too lazy to hang so that it does not fall. Getting a foreign object into the moving belt is the surest way to damage the machine.”

Is it worth buying a treadmill for home?

“I am against home exercise equipment . They cost the same as an annual membership to a very decent fitness club, where in addition to the tracks, there is a lot of other interesting things.”

Is it true that in the gym you can’t use the treadmill for a long time, for a maximum of 40 minutes, otherwise others will be indignant?

“During rush hour, there are queues outside the cardio equipment. But this is indecent, first of all, for the club itself, which was unable to provide clients with the required amount of equipment. In fact, the time for cardio training is limited only by a person’s individual performance. For example, a well-trained man who has no serious illnesses can run for an hour or longer.”


Meet the track Torneo Linia T-203

First, let's look at what the instructions for use say.

Track characteristics:

  • drive type: electric;
  • when folded, the size decreases to 65/75/155 cm;
  • maximum permissible weight: 100 kg;
  • depreciation: present;
  • not intended for professional sports;
  • running belt (dimensions): 40 by 110 cm;
  • dimensions in assembled position: 160/72/136 cm;
  • structure weight: 47 kg;
  • The kit additionally contains: rollers for transportation, floor unevenness compensators, and a glass stand.

Technical component of characteristics:

  • belt speed: step-by-step regulation from 1 to 13 km/h (step 1 km/h);
  • engine power: 1 horsepower;
  • there is no way to adjust the angle of the blade;
  • It is possible to measure the pulse (by placing both hands on the handrails).

Track functions and programs

Using the two middle buttons, “-”, “+”, you can change your movement speed in 1 km/h steps. The left button (red) – “stop”, stops the simulator. The right (green) button is “start”, it starts the simulator, although to start it you also need to insert a special key, a magnet. This is done to increase security.

The display has three windows where you can find out your heart rate during training (if you put your hands on the handrails), speed, distance traveled, and calories burned.

The treadmill is equipped with programs executed by a computer. They allow you to set one of nine modes. This variety is achieved by the presence of 3 training programs, multiplied by three different speed modes in each of them.

Three training programs:

  1. The speed gradually increases to a certain constant level (8.9 or 10 km/h, depending on the selected load level); periodically, at set intervals, moving to a lower level (with a difference of 5 km/h) and back, spasmodically.
  2. The speed slowly increases evenly throughout half the training time to the maximum (9, 10 or 11), remains at this value, and, at the end of the lesson, quickly smoothly returns to the original speed, stopping.
  3. A wave-like increase and then a decrease in speed (“sinusoid”), limited by the configured amplitude (from 2 to 7, from 3 to 8 or from 4 to 9 km/h).

How to use a treadmill

Entering a modern gym, it is impossible not to notice that the professional treadmill has become the most popular area, because strength training equipment differs in its audience of amateurs, and the treadmill is universal for absolutely all categories of people. Beginners immediately ask the question: how to use a treadmill? Let's look into this.

Despite the fact that these are the simplest of all simulators, there are still some secrets here. It's interesting to watch a beginner slip off the treadmill. After all, he still doesn’t know that during class he needs to very carefully monitor his posture.

Electric treadmills have gradually replaced mechanical ones. And this is not surprising, because they are much more effective and comfortable to use. All that the mechanical treadmill will show you is your heart rate, speed and distance that you covered during the workout.

Sometimes such machines also calculate the number of calories. Electric ones, in turn, give us a wide variety of functions that can be seen on the display, and they also help to select the desired load mode for our body.

Basic rules for using a treadmill

— training should be started at low speed. Some treadmills already have a setting that makes the speed increase gradual. When turning on the machine, your feet must be on both sides of the moving belt. You can stand on it if the speed is no more than 2-5 km/h.

— You shouldn’t rely too much on the safety handles. When you're just starting out, it certainly makes sense to use their help until you get used to it. But, you see, it’s more natural and easier to move when nothing interferes with the freedom of your hands and they perform their natural movements.

— During training, you only need to look forward. If you turn your head to the sides, you will definitely lose your step. Of course, there are situations when you may be called out. Do not turn your head sharply under any circumstances.

- Always be prepared to lose your balance. When you first practice, you may feel dizzy.

- You should never run barefoot. For this you need running shoes.

Now you know how to use a treadmill and won’t be confused when you get to the gym.



Before and after training

To avoid feeling thirsty and at risk of dehydration during exercise, you need to drink water beforehand. It is recommended to drink about 500-600 ml of water 2-3 hours before running. But to avoid the risk completely, you should drink 250 ml of water half an hour before starting your workout. You should also drink 250 ml of water after finishing your workout. To help you see how much water you've drunk, buy a bottle with a measuring scale.

You can also drink water during your workout. Many gyms have drinking water coolers where you can refill your bottle. It is also recommended to drink during training - 200-250 ml of water for every 10-20 minutes of running. Don't be surprised if you have to drink 800ml of water if you've been running for about an hour.

How to exercise on a treadmill for weight loss

How to exercise on a treadmill for weight loss

In previous articles it was written: how much should you run to lose weight? These articles were about running outside.

This article will talk about how to properly exercise on a treadmill to get rid of extra pounds.

You will receive information about the correct calculation of running speed, and how to correctly create a menu for weight loss.

You've been going to the gym for a month now. Regularly, don’t miss workouts. Classes are conducted by an experienced trainer who observes how many approaches you do. But the weight doesn't go away. Why?

Eating means running in vain

No matter how much you run, there will be no results if you eat incorrectly. To achieve the maximum effect from training, you need to create a diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.

One hour before training, the body only needs to consume a portion of porridge. Forty minutes you have to work on the exercise equipment and get on the treadmill. When working on exercise machines, carbohydrates are not completely burned. On a treadmill, carbohydrates are completely burned, while fat fiber remains intact.

Conclusion. You do exercises on exercise machines and a treadmill - in one workout. The amount of carbohydrates in food should be 60g. This is 4 tablespoons of boiled porridge, which you should eat one hour before training. The workout should be 50 minutes. The load should lead to active sweat production.

Walking too slow


Many people mislead themselves into thinking that they can burn fat on a treadmill without first training on machines. From the maximum heart rate, the “fat burning pulse” gives only up to 70% weight loss effect.

But this is for athletes who are involved in bodybuilding, it helps preserve muscle fibers. An hour of walking will not replace 30 minutes of intense training on simulators.

If you want to lose weight, don’t be lazy, work until you sweat!

After you have been working out for one month in the gym, the “fat burning zone” needs to be increased. To lose weight, you need to add load to all muscle groups and run faster on the treadmill.

Calculation of the correct running speed and drawing up an independent program

To lose weight, you need to individually develop a training regimen. Those programs that are offered for the treadmill do not give the desired effect. You can create the program yourself. This only takes 60 minutes. Take a heart rate monitor with you to the gym.

  • Warm-up: brisk walking – 10 minutes.
  • Let's start running. Speed ​​7-9 km/h. Do not lift the track surface. When running, you constantly need to measure your pulse and record the data. Run for 5 minutes, then switch to a slow jog. When breathing improves and heart rate calms down, the treadmill should be raised to 6 degrees. Five minutes walk and we record the data. Slow down your walking pace and stop walking.

Compare measurement data. Your heart rate is higher when running, which means you need to choose the first interval training scheme. The pulse is higher when walking, then your second scheme. Twice a week there should be less intense exercise. These days, do not exercise on the machines, but do interval training on the treadmill.

Scheme of interval training on a treadmill for weight loss 1

Kneading: calm walking – 10 minutes, speed – 4-6 km/hour.

  1. calm walking - 5 minutes, path slope with a slope of 3-6 degrees, speed - 4-6 km/h.
  2. running – 2 minutes, zero slope, speed 7-9 km/h.
  3. running – 1 minute, maximum speed (it is individual for everyone).

From the second, third training – segments 1,2,3, do up to 4 times. If the training time is limited, you can increase the speed and incline angle, and repeat the segments up to 2 times.

On training days, after training on the machines, run for 20-25 minutes at low speed.

Scheme of interval training on a treadmill for weight loss 2

Kneading: calm walking – 10 minutes, speed 4-6 km/h.

  • running, speed 4-6 km/h, straight path, no slope.
  • calm walking – 2 minutes, with a slope of the path – 2 degrees. Then add the slope of the path by 2 degrees and walk for another 2 minutes. Walk up like this for 10 minutes, then down the same way.

Repeat each segment 2-4 times. Replace walking with running for subsequent workouts.

On training days, after exercising, walk on a treadmill for 20-25 minutes, the inclination angle of the treadmill is 5-6 degrees.

When training, you need to constantly measure your pulse. If it decreases under load, then you need to increase the slope of the track and add speed. If you don't do this, the weight will not decrease.

If you want to know how to conduct training more effectively, and what exercises women should do in the gym, then follow the link.

Good luck and a beautiful figure!

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How to walk correctly to lose weight?

Before you start training, you need to learn a few important rules, which will be discussed below.

How often should you exercise?

The walking program for burning fat is individual. On average it should be one hour a day. Some trainers advise exercising on this simulator every other day with intense exercise. You can use different types of activities, such as walking uphill and with weights, which involve different durations and different levels of intensity. How often and for how long should you exercise? To begin with, it is enough to exercise twice a week. Gradually, the load and frequency of exercises must be increased.

What heart rate and speed should it be?

Schemes for walking speed from different trainers may differ due to different approaches. One of the most common recommendations is to determine the speed by focusing on the pulse rate, which should be one hundred and thirty beats. Although this indicator is individual for everyone. Depending on the goals pursued during training, in sports circles it is customary to distinguish 5 pulse zones.

  • The value of the maximum heart rate depends on age, health status, the presence or absence of physical fitness, as well as the presence of extra pounds.
  • A trainer equipped with a cardio sensor will help you monitor your heart rate and adjust the load correctly.
  • It is necessary to precede the workout with a warm-up, which is done by walking at a slow pace. The speed of walking must be gradually increased in order to reach the heart rate, which is on average one hundred and thirty beats. The speed should be such as to maintain this indicator for twenty minutes of walking.
  • Then, at the final stage of training, the speed is gradually reduced. The recommended time for this stage of training should be ten percent of the time of the entire session.
  • An indication that you have chosen too high a speed is that you feel very tired, so you need to adjust your speed downwards.

Attention! It is necessary to change the speed after pressing the “stop” button and stopping the track. To comply with safety regulations, functions must not be changed while the machine is operating.

How to breathe during training?

Correct breathing is, first of all, measured breathing. If you are out of breath and lacking air, then the pace of walking is chosen incorrectly and its intensity must be reduced.


Gym - instructions for beginners

Even in the recent past, going to the gym was a predominantly male activity.

And while the men were carrying iron and being inspired by an Arnold Schwarzenegger poster, the women were doing aerobics to the rhythmic music of the beautiful Jane Fonda.

It would seem that everything is in its place - the stronger sex is fighting for every millimeter of muscle mass, and beautiful ladies in multi-colored swimsuits and leggings gracefully enter into a battle with excess weight. However, time has changed a lot.

Progress does not stand still. A healthy lifestyle has become fashionable, but the rhythm of life itself has noticeably accelerated. It was these factors that pushed humanity to create machines that not only help in everyday life, but are also capable of ridding the body of hated fat and strengthening muscles, and doing this in the shortest possible time.

Are you thinking about buying a fitness machine for your home? Do not hurry! To get your body in order, one exercise machine is hardly enough.

To create a slim and beautiful figure, you need to act on all fronts, and you simply cannot do without a professional approach.

Therefore, if in the very near future you plan to see a noticeably slimmer body in the mirror and lose several clothing sizes, then all roads should lead to the gym.

Ideal model of behavior in the gym

So, you've come to the gym. First of all, this is very cool and deserves at least approval. Secondly, you must spend time with maximum benefit for your figure and not at the expense of your invaluable health. To do this, you need to act in the following directions:

  • setting specific goals for the near future (for example, not to lose weight by summer, but to reduce your figure by 2 cm per month);
  • contacting a personal trainer;
  • adjusting the current diet and lifestyle taking into account regular training;
  • drawing up an individual training program (IPT) based on the initial external data and characteristics of the human body;
  • running the program for one and a half to two months;
  • analysis of ongoing changes, well-being and emotional state. As a result, the current program is adjusted.

The practice of professional instructors shows that if all nutritional recommendations are followed and IPT is performed correctly, the first positive results can already be observed after the first month of training. If this does not happen, it is necessary to look for both internal (hormonal levels, metabolism) and external causes of failure (non-compliance with the daily routine and healthy eating rules).

When analyzing the changes that are taking place, it is necessary to be as honest as possible with the coach, because only mutual trust and open communication can overcome the difficulties that arise during the training process. For example, you shouldn’t hide the fact that you allowed yourself a cake or ice cream in the afternoon for a holiday.

In the first lesson after the weekend, the instructor will place special emphasis on exercises that burn extra calories, for example, increasing the time or intensity of exercise on the elliptical or treadmill. This will help prevent excess calories from turning into fat, and you will stop suffering from remorse.

How are classes going in the gym?

The training program will depend on the purpose for which you came to the gym. However, any workout includes:

  • warm-up;
  • Cardio exercise (on a treadmill, elliptical trainer, stepper, etc.);
  • performing basic exercises (squats, abs, etc.);
  • work on strength training equipment.

Depending on the goal, the trainer will set the intensity, duration and order of the exercises. Moreover, the main importance is how and how much you perform the exercise, and not the exercise itself, because the same problem can be solved in several ways.

Ideal women's exercise machine

Due to the individual characteristics of each person, it is impossible to give universal advice on drawing up IPT, but still I would like to draw special attention of women towards such exercise machines as an elliptical, stepper and treadmill.


. Treadmills are the easiest exercise machine to learn. In modern models, you can change not only the speed of movement, but also the angle of inclination of the canvas, thereby adjusting the level of load on the body. Therefore, exercising on a treadmill speeds up metabolic processes in the body and helps burn a large number of excess calories.

However, compared to an ellipsoid and a stepper, a treadmill places a greater load on the joints and cardiovascular system. For this reason, people over 40 years old, as well as those who are overweight, need to walk quickly on a treadmill, and it is better to pay attention to the elliptical and stepper.

Ellipsoid and stepper

. These machines appeared in our fitness centers relatively recently, but in a short time they managed to win the respect of professional athletes.

The fact is that, compared to other exercise machines, the elliptical and stepper allow you to burn calories safely for the joints and with maximum comfort for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


At the same time, they use the maximum number of muscles and give the right load simultaneously to the legs, buttocks, abs and even arms.

It is recommended to use the stepper and ellipsoid both for people with high physical fitness and for beginners. In this case, completely different goals can be pursued: to lose weight or strengthen muscles - the stepper and ellipsoid will be equally useful to all visitors to the fitness room without exception.

The difference between these two simulators is that the stepper simulates climbing stairs, and the ellipsoid simulates skiing.


How to properly exercise on a treadmillRaúl González/
The first thing that comes to mind when talking about cardio is running. It would seem that this is the simplest and most natural load for the body, but running is not suitable for everyone. Of course, anyone can start running, but whether they will benefit from it and enjoy it, and whether they will come for a run a second time, depends on many factors.

If you are overweight, have problems with your leg joints or have poor physical fitness, you need to be very careful when choosing a load. If you prefer running, then you should gradually increase the intensity of your training.

What muscles work

Running strengthens more than just your legs and buttocks. The core muscles, including the abs, are also involved in the work. But let's start from the feet.

While running, the quadriceps (front of the thigh), muscles of the back of the thigh, anterior and posterior tibial muscles (shin), and calf muscles work. All gluteal muscles are tensed: large, medium and small, the iliopsoas muscle, responsible for hip flexion, works.

In addition, running strengthens the muscles of the upper and lower abs, as well as the intercostal muscles responsible for a strong core. Working your arms while running provides a slight load on the biceps, triceps and latissimus dorsi muscles.

Of course, running will not help you build up sculpted muscles (arms and legs), but it is quite enough to keep them in good shape.

Running is right for you if:

you want to pump up the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen (but not pump up) muscles, increase endurance; you want to lose weight and are careful when choosing exercise (a rapid increase in intensity can slow down your metabolism); you are looking for the cheapest type of cardio exercise - without gyms, swimming pools and exercise equipment.

Running is not suitable for you if:

  • you have a lot of extra pounds and problems with your leg joints. When running, a lot of stress is placed on the joints of the legs, and in combination with excess weight and unprepared muscles and ligaments, running sessions are fraught with injuries;
  • You have hated running since childhood. Many people remember running in physical education class, and these memories are not always pleasant. Perhaps a quiet workout with your favorite music will change your opinion about running, but if everything inside you protests against jogging, you don’t need to force yourself - choose other types of exercise.
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