How to pump up your chest with dumbbells: a complete guide for men

exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles
07/24/2016 Training

The best exercises with dumbbells to train the pectoral muscles

When it comes to training the pectoral muscles, the first thing that comes to mind is the bench press. But there are several equally effective exercises using dumbbells. There are a number of reasons why you need to add these exercises to your training program:

  • Firstly, these exercises will add variety to your regular workouts, which is a definite plus.
  • Secondly, performing these exercises requires strict adherence to technique. Consequently, the stabilizer muscles responsible for controlling movements and maintaining balance will work.
  • The pectoral muscles are trained in different directions.
  • Additionally, we can focus on more than one muscle group, allowing for natural range of motion.

The disadvantage of such exercises for the pectoral muscles is that, unlike exercises with a barbell, with dumbbells it is not possible to take such a large weight.

How to pump up your chest with dumbbells - basic training

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Lifting hands with dumbbells while lying down

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Pullover with dumbbell

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

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It is recommended to perform this chest training program 2 times a week, dividing the workouts by chest sections: separately for the top, separately for the middle and bottom of the pectoral muscles. The upper part of the chest muscles is more difficult to develop, so it is important to pay more attention to it and train it on a separate day. For example, you devote Monday to the top and center of the chest, and Thursday to the lower and middle parts. The training duration will be no more than 40 minutes.

Exercises with dumbbells for chest muscles

You've probably noticed that most bodybuilders' attention is focused on the effective bench press. Although the bench press is one of the most common exercises in strength training, it is debatable whether it is considered the best movement for the chest. Instead of the classic bench press, it is better to use a varied load on the chest muscles, targeting different parts of it.

The dumbbell bench press additionally engages the core stabilizer muscles and loads the arms more intensely.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Make sure the dumbbells are at the sides of your chest, your shoulders and forearms are bent at right angles, and you have full control of the exercise. At the extreme point of the movement, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows.

It is better to increase the load without cheating, since it reduces the effect of the workout. Tighten your muscles and then lower the weight half as fast as you lifted it. Pause at the bottom of the lift before quickly lifting the weight.

Additionally, it is advisable to include in the complex a variety of dumbbell presses lying on an inclined bench upside down and dumbbell presses lying on an inclined bench. These exercises will create additional impact on the upper and lower chest.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline dumbbell press upside down

The best additional exercise for the chest is rightfully the lying dumbbell fly, in slang “fly” or dumbbell fly. Due to the different angles of the bench, this exercise can pump up all areas of the pectoral muscles. By working even with light weights after the main series, you will quickly notice progress and new feelings of strength.

The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

So let's finally get to our list of the 10 best chest exercises at the gym, listed in no particular order. In it you will find basic exercises for the pectoral muscles, as well as isolation exercises, depending on your training goals.

Bench press

Reason for inclusion in the list

This chest exercise is good for working the middle and lower part of the pectoral muscles, but requires proper technique.

You can generate maximum force by performing different barbell exercises, so the standard bench press allows you to lift the most weight. In addition, this chest exercise allows you to balance the weight better than an exercise with heavy dumbbells. The bench press is easy to belay and relatively simple to master. There are many variations of this chest exercise that you can use to increase strength and mass.

bench press

Place in the training program

Perform bench presses at the beginning of your chest workout, using heavy weights but limiting your reps to low reps. Try different grip widths for a more detailed workout of the pectoral muscles.

Dumbbell bench press

A great exercise to tone all parts of your chest muscles. It involves the upper, middle and lower thoracic regions.

Reason for inclusion in the list

Chest exercises with dumbbells allow each part of the body to move independently of the other, this engages the stabilizer muscles. The dumbbell press requires additional effort to balance them, as it is necessary to constantly maintain the correct trajectory. Dumbbells also provide the opportunity to increase the range of motion compared to the barbell press, both in the lower and upper phases of the exercise. The dumbbell bench press will allow you to lift quite a lot of weight, and can also be a good alternative to the long-practised bench press.

Dumbbell bench press

Place in the training program

Perform flat dumbbell presses to begin your chest workout, using heavy weights for low reps. We generally don't recommend this exercise in addition to the bench press because the exercises are so similar.

Their identity was confirmed through electromyography (EMG), which revealed no significant differences between them in terms of muscle activation.

Bench press at an upward angle

Reason for inclusion in the list

The main working muscles are the upper chest.

Often the bench is placed at a very steep angle, thereby forcing the front deltoids, rather than the pectoral muscles, to be involved in the work. Therefore, if you want to focus on developing the upper chest and not overload the deltoids, use a less steep incline of the bench. You can also do this easily with an adjustable bench on a Smith machine.

EMG results showed that a narrow grip allows for significantly better work of the upper pectoral muscles.

Bench press at an upward angle

Place in the training program

Often, chest workouts at the gym start with bench presses and later move on to incline presses, but it's time to break this bad habit. Start practicing incline presses from time to time. The advantage will be that you will be able to handle more weight and, as a result, better work the upper pectoral muscles.

Hummer chest press

Reason for inclusion in the list

Some machines (for example) allow you to work each arm separately, independently of each other, which is a great advantage for chest training. In addition to the usual position, in such machines you can sit sideways and perform a bench press with one arm across your body. This will give a completely different load than what would be in the standard position.

With such a transverse movement, the pectoralis major muscle comes into play. Think back to the butterfly or crossover exercise to get an idea of ​​the exercise. Sitting in this position, you maximally load the pectoral muscles, which means you enhance the effect of the exercise.

Hammer chest press

Place in the training program

Perform free weight chest exercises early in your workout because they require more balance and alignment than machine exercises. Therefore, the cross press in the machine is suitable as the last multi-joint exercise in your training program. recommends Fitness Trainers:

Reduction of hands with dumbbells while lying down (“Fly”). This exercise is also important in pumping up the chest and can be performed on both a horizontal and an inclined bench.

Dumbbell curls lying on an incline bench

Correctly performed technique allows you to simultaneously load the chest and stretch it in the negative phase of the exercise.

The arms should move in a wide arc until the pectoral muscles are fully stretched, but not below shoulder level, so as not to injure the front part of the shoulder.

As in the previous version of the movement, you can perform dumbbell flyes either lying at an angle of 30-45 degrees or upside down.

Lifting hands with dumbbells while lying down

Pullover. This exercise is also an excellent final movement for the main part of the workout due to its characteristics similar to the fly.

Pullover with dumbbell

Your arms should be bent at the elbows throughout the exercise and move in a wide arc until the pectoral muscles are fully stretched, but not below shoulder level, so as not to injure the front part of the deltoids. Return to the starting position along the same path.

Upper chest exercises

Without a bench: 9 exercises with dumbbells for the chest

Building an upper chest is one of the most popular goals of bodybuilders and gym goers.

Unfortunately, this is greatly influenced by genetics. Some people immediately have a more defined upper chest, even before they start working out.

Others have to work for years before they start to show muscle.

Considering that you can control your genetics, just like you control the weather, all you can do is get the best possible results with your best efforts.

Many athletes begin to train the upper half of the chest, knowing how difficult it is to train.

Do the following exercises if you think your upper chest is lagging behind.

Bent-over push-ups

Without a bench: 9 exercises with dumbbells for the chest

If you don't have access to a bench press, one of the best exercises to substitute is the incline push-up (upside down).

To perform it, you just need to find a hill and put your feet on it. You can use the following items - chair, sofa, table, stool, etc.

In the starting position, hands are shoulder-width apart, feet are elevated. Performing the exercise is no different from standard push-ups, except that it may be a little harder for you than with standard push-ups.

Keep your abs tight, your back straight, and push-ups will do the rest - pumping up your upper chest.

Svend press

Without a bench: 9 exercises with dumbbells for the chest

This exercise can be performed with a dumbbell, or use a barbell disc. The main point of the exercise is the use of moderate weight.

If the weight is too heavy, then the front deltoids will be involved in the work, this is a little wrong, because we need to pump up the chest.

Our goal is to load the upper part of the pectoral muscles as much as possible. To do this, you need to use a weight ranging from 5 to 12 kg.

Take the dumbbell with both hands, pressing it to your body, raise it to chest level. This will be the starting position.

Slowly press it away from you, control the movement of the dumbbell throughout the movement.

Pullover with dumbbells

Without a bench: 9 exercises with dumbbells for the chest

Even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself advised using a pullover as an exercise to build the upper chest.

Although we won't be using a bench press in this case, you will still need some kind of elevation to perform the exercise through its full range of motion.

Lie with your shoulder blades on a surface that is elevated above the ground, such as a chair or sofa, or if you are in the gym, even on a medicine ball.

Grasp the dumbbell with both hands and lift it above your chest at arm's length. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head, feeling the stretch in the muscles, and return it to the starting position.

Please note that the dumbbell must remain perpendicular throughout the movement.

How to pump up your upper chest with dumbbells

To properly pump up your chest – and it doesn’t matter whether you use dumbbells or a barbell – you must realize that the division of the chest muscles into upper, middle and lower parts is quite arbitrary. In fact, the pectoral muscle group consists of just one muscle with two parts: the sternocostal muscle and the clavicular muscle.

The chest is a large muscle group, and it is recommended to set aside a separate day for training it. For example, you can train it first, combining it with working on small muscle groups, like biceps or triceps. The combination of chest and back training with supersets in one complex is also popular.

In addition to the basic one, we offer training to work the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

A little anatomy

The pectoral muscles consist of two muscles, which in turn are divided into groups of fibers - long muscle cells. They participate in the breathing process and ensure that the hands are brought to work.

The largest muscle is the pectoralis major muscle, located directly under the mammary gland. When used regularly, it helps maintain breast tone and firmness.

This muscle includes three groups of fibers:

  • clavicular-costal;
  • sternocostal;
  • abdominal.

The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle, begins near the ribs and is also divided into fibers. Functionally, the pectoral muscles are push muscles, so dumbbell chest exercises are basically pushing weights forward, away from you.

Lower pectoral muscle training

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Dumbbell flyes on a negative incline bench

  • 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Pullover dumbbells on bench

  • 4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

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Train as hard as you can and remember to rest and recover: get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Chest program with dumbbells

DAY 1 (bottom)
DAY 2 (top and center)

DAY 1 (bottom)

DAY 1 (bottom)

DAY 2 (top and center)

Reduction of dumbbells on a bench with a negative incline

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Pullover with dumbbell

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Incline dumbbell press upside down

  • 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Incline Dumbbell Press with Neutral Grip

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Lifting hands with dumbbells while lying down

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Reduction of dumbbells on a bench with a negative incline

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Dumbbell abductions lying down

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Finish off your workout with a series of stretches that cover your entire body and target your shoulders and chest muscles to ensure that your chest-pumping workout produces really good results.

Tips : The exercises can be swapped from time to time and the workout can begin not with the dumbbell press, but with the hands together. Pullover can be done not only with dumbbells, but also in a block or in a simulator, if there is one in the gym.

Lifehack . For home workouts with dumbbells, we recommend purchasing a Sport Elit press and press bench, which has a straight and negative inclination angle. It is a universal exercise machine, as it can be used to train the abdominal muscles at an angle or as a horizontal surface for exercises with dumbbells.

While working out on this simulator, you can lift your legs or torso, work with your abdominal muscles, do various lifts with dumbbells, and train your long back muscles.

Exercises with dumbbells for arms and chestEveryone who has a desire to play sports wants to know the best exercises with dumbbells for the arms and chest in order to pump up the necessary muscles as quickly and better as possible.
Since some people have been pumping their muscles for a long time, but do not achieve the desired results due to the lack of correct and effective exercises. The most important thing is desire, goal and motivation. In the article you will learn what exercises with dumbbells for the arms and chest, how to perform them correctly and what to do to speed up and improve the process. After all, knowing and practicing more effective exercises, you will achieve results much faster. The main thing is to do these exercises regularly, without missing classes. Find out: exercises with dumbbells for women at home.

Exercises with dumbbells for arms and chest

The first thing you need to start with is drawing up goals and a plan for their implementation. Decide what results in sports you want to achieve and for how long. Write your goal down on a piece of paper and set a date by which you need to achieve it.

Exercises with dumbbells for arms

After that, in order for exercises with dumbbells for the arms and chest to produce results, make a training plan that will include a schedule, the necessary exercises, approaches, repetitions and time for performing the exercises. Find out: exercises with dumbbells for men at home.

Exercises with dumbbells for chest and arms

Dumbbell biceps curl

If you want exercises with dumbbells for your arms and chest to help you pump up your biceps, then do 5-10 sets and 20-30 dumbbell biceps curls a day. It is advisable to perform the exercises while standing, with a straight back; if desired, you can sit. Take such a weight that you can lift dumbbells 20-40 times for your biceps.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbell push-ups

If you need exercises with dumbbells for your arms and chest to pump up your chest, do push-ups on dumbbells for 40-70 push-ups and 3-4 approaches. Start with 10-20 push-ups, depending on your preparation, but correctly, keeping your back straight. Find out: dumbbell exercises for men.

The Best Dumbbell Exercises for Arms and Chest

Be sure to warm up all muscles before exercise so that they are not injured during exercises with dumbbells. Also create your own motivation, which will inspire you to work even harder and achieve the desired result.

Lifting dumbbells onto your shoulders

Also, for exercises with dumbbells for the arms and chest to benefit all the muscles of the arms and chest, lift the dumbbells onto your shoulders and behind your head. This will allow you to pump up all the muscles you need. Do all the exercises given in pictures and videos and you will succeed. Sports tips in pictures and videos

Post-workout chest stretching exercises

It is important to regularly stretch the pectoral muscles as they often lack elasticity, causing the shoulders to shift forward. Not only does this cause poor posture, but it also causes damage to the upper spine as the back rounds.

The following 7 exercises will help you stretch quickly.

Stretch by moving your elbows back. Stand up straight, move your arms back and place your palms on your lower back. Start bringing your elbow joints towards each other.

Dynamic stretching. Stand up straight, straighten your arms in front of you and clasp your palms together. Quickly move your arms back and forth with maximum amplitude.

Stretching using a fitball. Get on all fours and place your left hand in a bent position on the fitball, with your right hand resting on the floor. Start pushing your body down, stretching your pectoral muscle. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Or, an alternative wall technique: Press one hand against the wall at chest level, elbow slightly bent. Turn your body and chin in the opposite direction so that you feel the maximum stretch in your chest muscles.

One arm stretch. Stand in a doorway or in front of a squat rack. Place your left arm at a 90-degree angle against the door frame or counter frame. Take a small step forward and lean forward. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, then return your hand to its original position. Once you've finished stretching on one side, switch hands and repeat. When stretching in this position becomes too easy for you, do it with a straight arm.

Two-handed stretch. Place your hands behind your back and slowly raise them. Stretching both arms at the same time limits your range of motion. In the first month of training, do exactly this exercise. Then you can move on to one-arm stretches.

Supplements for pumping up the pectoral muscles

Basic set

Basic set

Basic set


MAXLER | Ultrafiltration Whey Protein ?

  • We take the first portion of whey protein before breakfast, the second between meals before training, and the third, double, after training.
  • Category: Whey Protein More about the category

1 serving each.

To meet the needs of modern athletes, we have included MAXLER® Ultrafiltration Whey Protein in our range to help maintain adequate protein levels in the body.

MAXLER | Creatine Caps 1000 ?

  • We take creatine after training.
  • Category: Creatine capsules More about the category

5-6 capsules can be taken as protein.

Creatine monohydrate MAXLER® Creatine Caps 1000 from a branded manufacturer from Germany MAXLER is a 100% natural creatine monohydrate, which is available in free natural form.

MAXLER | Vitamen?

  • Take the tablets throughout the day, preferably with food.
  • Category: Vitamin-mineral complex More about the category

3 tablets per day

The German company, known in the global sports nutrition market for many years, has released a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals in one package - Maxler USA Vitamen

Universal Nutrition | Un Proton 7?

  • You can take Universal Nutrition Proton 7 protein mixture at any time of the day.
  • Category: Multi-component protein More about the category

Mix 1-2 scoops of product in 230-470 ml of water or juice.

Universal Nutrition Proton 7 is a multi-component protein mixture designed to constantly replenish muscles with amino acids.

Universal Nutrition | Daily formula?

  • You only need to take the supplement once a day.
  • Category: Vitamin-mineral complex More about the category

One tablet immediately before meals (preferably before breakfast).

UN Daily Formula is a highly effective multivitamin and mineral complex that, in addition to the basic elements, contains a set of specially selected enzymes that promote the rapid absorption of essential nutrients.

Universal Nutrition | Calcium Zinc Magnesium ?

  • 1-3 times a day.
  • Category: Minerals

1-3 tablets.

Universal Nutrition Calcium Zinc Magnesium is a complete vitamin and mineral complex for athletes experiencing significant physical activity, which results in the threat of irreversible changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Universal Nutrition | Amino 2700?

  • The supplement is taken twice a day, regardless of the athlete’s weight.
  • Category: Amino Acid Complex More about the category

4 tablets before and immediately after training.

UN Amino 2700 is a modern amino acid complex that is derived from pure whey protein, and therefore has exceptional effectiveness and comprehensive effects.

Universal Nutrition | BCAA Pro?

  • Combine with an amino acid complex and take before and after training.
  • Category: BCAA More about the category

2 tablets each.


Ultimate Nutrition | Kre-Alkalyn?

  • Recommended only on training days. In the morning and after training.
  • Category: Creatine with transport system More about the category

2 capsules each.

Creatine with the Universal Nutrition Kre-Alkalyn transport system is notable because when it is transported into muscle tissue, it does not break down into harmful byproducts such as creatinine.

Universal Nutrition | LAVA?

  • Take Universal Nutrition LAVA just once a day, one serving after training.
  • Category: Special Sports Supplements

To do this, 2.5 scoops are mixed with 250 grams of water.

UN Lava is an exceptional quality product that is designed to seriously increase the intensity of your workouts in order to quickly and effectively gain muscle mass.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

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