The effectiveness of evening jogging for weight loss


The benefits of sports training are difficult to overestimate. Such exercises not only help get rid of unaesthetic fat deposits and tone your body, but also prevent many serious diseases. Therefore, in our time, when due to an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition, most people are obese, such activities have rapidly become fashionable.

Sport is the healthiest option for losing weight. It does not have a negative effect on the body, like dietary supplements or strict diets, but at the same time it quickly and effectively allows you to cope with excess weight. Moreover, exercises can be performed not only in the gym. Those who do not have the opportunity to visit such specialized institutions can exercise on the street. One of the most popular workouts is running. Most people do it in the evening. However, is it optimal?

The benefits of running

The benefits of running
Running is one of the most natural forms of physical activity. Our ancestors were forced to perform this exercise every day while hunting or escaping from predators. Now running is no longer a vital activity, but remains a very important part of our lives.

Nowadays, running is not a way to survive. However, such training allows you to improve your body health and improve your body appearance. Therefore, most people choose it as a way to lose weight.

The advantage of running is that, unlike other exercises, you don't have to concentrate on working your muscles when doing it. This natural method of movement is genetically embedded in each of us, so the body itself understands how to perform it.

Such workouts evenly strain all muscle groups. At the same time, they have a positive effect on some internal organs. Therefore, the benefits of running are almost impossible to overestimate.

Benefits of running:

  1. Running uses all muscle groups. Therefore, when performing this one exercise, the whole body becomes slimmer and more toned.
  2. Such exercises strengthen the muscle frame without leading to an increase in its mass. Therefore, the benefits of running in the evenings are especially relevant for women who do not go to the gym for fear of “over-pumping.”
  3. Running requires a lot of energy. Therefore, when performed correctly, a large amount of fat deposits is burned.
  4. This exercise trains more than just muscles. During its implementation, the heart and lungs are strengthened.
  5. Running improves blood circulation and metabolism.
  6. This type of physical activity prevents many diseases.

Minuses (-)

The disadvantages of running in the evening relate primarily to the internal mood before training. Physically, there are virtually no downsides associated with this time of day, meaning the only downsides are likely to be psychological. Many of the runners we surveyed said the hardest thing about running after work was finding motivation after a long day at the office. Even though the evening is a peak time for physical activities, it is not at all suitable for mental stress.

After a hard day at work, especially if the activity is associated with constant thought processes, few people will want to waste their rest time on additional physical activity. The main thing in this matter is to start. Show yourself and understand how many positive moments you can take from an evening run. In fact, after the first couple of classes you will be able to see the positive effect on the body from such a simple load.

People who choose to run in the evenings every day usually need a break to mentally reset and unwind at the end of a long day. While the body may not be quite at its physical peak as it begins to prepare for the sleep phase, it is still in fairly optimal shape before 7 p.m. Remember to give yourself time to digest your dinner before heading out for a run. That is, the hour before and after running should not be set aside for eating, and this also applies to sleep - you should not overeat before falling asleep, this will only harm both the quality of sleep and the entire body as a whole. Calculate your time for training in such a way that it fits seamlessly into your daily schedule, without causing harm, but only bringing benefit.

What are the benefits of evening jogging?

The main convenience of running is that it does not require any special exercise equipment or equipment. You can do it right on the street within the city. This is convenient for people who are at work from morning to evening. They can engage in such physical activity after a hard day at work.

It is known that at different times of the day the body reacts differently to physical activity. Therefore, it would be quite logical to consider the benefits of evening running for weight loss.

Benefits of evening running:

  • Most people spend a lot of time sitting at work. This leads to a slowdown in blood circulation, and, therefore, a worse supply of oxygen to tissues. Running in the evening helps to speed up the blood and eliminate the negative consequences of a hard day at work.
  • In the evening it is easier for a person to force himself to run. Not everyone is able to get up early for a morning run. After work, everyone can take time to heal their body.
  • Many people experience severe psychological stress at work. Running will help relieve it, during which a large number of “happy” hormones are released.
  • A person consumes a large number of calories per day. Running before bed allows you to get rid of their excess.
  • If you exercise after your last meal, fat burning will continue during sleep.
  • Running in the evening helps eliminate waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body during the day.

Be sure to read: The most effective men's workout program for weight loss in the gym

Is it possible to lose weight by running in the evenings?

Is it possible to run in the evening to lose weight? Definitely yes. However, during long runs, there comes a time when the body’s glycogen reserves are exhausted, and the breakdown of fats has not yet begun. During this period, muscle proteins begin to be consumed. Thus, if the goal of running is to dry the body without losing muscle mass, then jogging should be avoided.

When is it better to exercise for weight loss: morning or evening

You can achieve the desired weight loss effect by doing interval running. It consists of a series of running exercises with maximum effort and rest. For example, 100 meters is a calm walk, 100 is a jog and 100 is a sprint with maximum speed and effort. If you alternate this sequence for 30-40 minutes, you get the effect of long-term fat burning.

Note! Using interval running promotes fat burning for 6 hours after training.

Choosing the right workout clothes can help you lose weight. The ammunition should be made from natural fabrics, non-compressive and light. Be sure to purchase running shoes, especially for running on asphalt.

You can achieve a greater effect using special shorts for women. When using them, more active sweating occurs, which leads to the removal of waste and toxins from the body tissues.

What is better – evening or morning jogging?

A debate often begins between athletes and those losing weight about which is healthier: morning or evening workouts. And to answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the benefits of morning exercise that evening jogging does not have.

Morning jogging

Benefits of running in the morning:

  1. In the early morning, there are fewer harmful substances in the air. Therefore, such activities are a great opportunity to breathe clean air.
  2. By running in the morning, a person speeds up his metabolism for the whole day.
  3. After such exercises, fat burning occurs for another 3-4 hours. This is especially valuable for those losing weight.
  4. A morning run energizes a person for the whole day.

It is also worth noting that in the morning hours there is less stress on the joints that have rested during the night. In the evening after work they are exposed to greater pressure.

However, for some, morning jogging will not be beneficial. This mainly applies to night owls, for whom getting up early is already a lot of stress. In this case, training will take even more energy from them.

Thus, morning running is actually more beneficial for many people. But if you run in the evenings, you can also lose weight.

You need to understand that everything is individual. It is not for nothing that there is such a proverb: “what is good for a Russian is death for a German.” Therefore, if a person feels better after evening jogging or does not have time for morning workouts, then exercising at a convenient time will also bring a lot of benefits.

Running and nutrition

Our diet should be correct, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also contain all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is best to eat 2 hours before training, drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.

Is it acceptable to eat after running? Opinions vary. Someone says that it is better not to eat anything, just drink a glass of kefir at night, then weight loss is guaranteed. Some are of the opinion that a light dinner is needed, for example, cottage cheese casserole with yogurt and orange.

All food should contain from 1800 to 2400 kcal per day (more precisely, it must be calculated individually based on height, age and other indicators). Of these, about 50% should be carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat. Slow carbohydrates are preferable.

cottage cheese for dinner

Possible harms of running

Possible harms of running

There is an opinion that running can bring not only benefits, but also harm. However, is this statement not an invention of those who simply do not want to subject their body to physical activity?

In fact, there are still some “dark sides” to running in the evening for weight loss. However, there are much fewer of them than its beneficial properties.

Running puts significant pressure on your joints. Moreover, the greater the body weight, the stronger the pressure. Therefore, professional runners often experience joint diseases.

However, you need to understand that such a negative effect occurs only during long daily runs with acceleration. Professional athletes spend hours in training running at high speed. An ordinary person trying to lose weight does not face such problems. Moreover, in this case, running has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Obese people need to run more carefully. In the initial stages of training, it is better for them to refuse acceleration and obstacles.

Running also increases blood pressure and speeds up your heart rate. However, these influences can be classified as negative only conditionally. They can be harmful only if there are contraindications to such training.

Thus, running will not harm a person who runs in order to improve his health and get his body in order.

Running - review

Good day!

Today I would like to make you look at running from a slightly different angle. Personally, I get great pleasure from evening jogging and this pleasure does not go unnoticed; I get a lot of advantages, which I will discuss below.

A small retreat

I run exclusively in the evenings and exclusively with pleasant music in my headphones. To be honest, I don’t understand how people force themselves to run at 6 am before work/school.

This means getting up earlier, loading the body with physical activity that is alien to it in the morning. These people probably need to erect monuments! But personally, I don’t enjoy such runs.


In addition, experts recommend giving the body physical activity 2 hours after waking up.

Why do I love running?

During an evening jog, I can finally throw away all my problems that have accumulated during the day and be alone with myself. I'm lucky, there is somewhere to run near my house.

Path near the house

I hope you find a good place to run too.

I like that while jogging you get energy, you want to run and run. There is energy for household chores after a run. I don’t know why this happens, maybe from fresh air

And of course, if you run regularly, your skin will be toned, you won’t see cellulite on your legs (of course, if you don’t constantly eat nasty things), and excess weight will go away.

How to start and not quit

In any activity, regularity is very important and running is no exception. I'm not saying that you need to run every day, but at least 3 times a week.

• Tell your family that from such and such a day you will start running regularly. after all, no one wants to be an empty talker. I think that to some extent everyone would be embarrassed in front of their family for what they say and do not do.

• Probably many of you know that it has long been proven that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. Therefore, it is 21 who will want to come up with an excuse and not go anywhere. exactly 21 days must be endured without “absenteeism”

Tips that will definitely come in handy for beginners in this business

• You should not eat before jogging, this will add extra heaviness, which will make it difficult to enjoy running.

• Watch your diet. The results from running will be many times better if you switch to proper nutrition.

• It is advisable to have dinner an hour after jogging, or run an hour after dinner

• Drink occasionally while running. This thins the blood and puts less strain on the heart.

• If you are breathing too heavily, slow down or walk until you feel better again.

I wish you great willpower. And turn running not into a duty, but into a hobby


Contraindications to classes

You need to understand that running has a fairly intense effect on the body. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications to this type of training.

Contraindications for running:

  • Hypertension;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Tumor diseases of malignant and benign types;
  • Gallstone and urolithiasis;
  • Serious kidney pathologies;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Recovery period after childbirth;
  • Injuries to bones and joints;
  • Exacerbation and severe forms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • Colds;
  • Tuberculosis of bones.

In any case, if you have any illnesses, you should consult a doctor before you start running.

It is also worth noting that if you have varicose veins, classes should be held in special compression garments. It minimizes the risk of negative consequences.

When is the best time to run to lose weight?

Many people are interested in the question of how to start running in the evenings. So we figured out how to run to lose weight. You will notice that running in the evening is beneficial.

Therefore, it is better to train at a comfortable time, working with full dedication and pleasure. Running in the evening helps improve sleep, which means it helps balance leptin and ghrelin levels. You're more likely to run consistently 3-4 times a week where there is light and decent coverage.

Otherwise, your dreams of losing weight by running will be dashed by the harsh reality of unlit parks and fear.


The last “preparatory” tip is to figure out your nutrition before you start running seriously.

Running in the evenings was the only possible option for me, since I left for work early in the morning, and getting up at five in the morning was not an option for me at all. If I had a stadium nearby, I would definitely run.

And everyone chooses their own time. Some people find it convenient to do this in the morning. There is a stadium under my windows - at 5 in the morning they not only get up but are already running. It is the benefits of running in the evenings that are most noticeable to the body. While running, blood supply and oxygen supply to tissues increases.

If you want to lose weight by running, then you should consider jogging in the morning or increasing the time in the evening. Proper running in the evenings will have a positive effect on the entire body. Running is a great way to keep yourself toned, stay healthy and get rid of extra pounds. However, there is an absolutely free and accessible way to almost everyone, namely, running for weight loss.

So, we have realized that losing weight by running is not only possible, but also necessary. All that remains is to figure out how to run to lose weight.

Remember about regularity: to get rid of extra pounds, run at least twice a week.

To burn more calories, try running at a fast pace: alternate between walking, jogging and running at full speed for half an hour at equal distances.

Run with pleasure and without coercion, in the mode that is most comfortable for you. And then running will bring you not only benefits, but also joy.

This way you will prepare your body for stress and burning calories, which means running will be much more effective. But fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, will help you lose weight.

Choose natural and comfortable clothes for running and don’t skimp on good running sneakers, especially if you will be running on asphalt.


Inhale and exhale through your mouth - this is an indispensable condition for proper running for weight loss. Some people practice morning jogging to lose weight, while others prefer to exercise in the evening. Morning jogging strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and afternoon jogging strengthens muscles. The best way to lose weight is to run in the evenings.

And besides, the reward for your work will be vivacity, energy, good mood and pleasure from classes. Running in the evenings is much healthier than running in the mornings.

If you want to lose weight, relax, or simply relieve stress, then you should know a few rules.

Yes, of course, you shouldn’t run along dark alleys, it’s extremely dangerous, but at the same time, next to a large concentration of cars, it won’t provide any benefit.

Yes, and cardio on an empty stomach is a tough, but proven method of training. First of all, running allows you to solve two problems - to warm up after a hard day, especially if your job is sedentary, and to relieve unnecessary emotional tension and stress. The benefits of running for those who relieve stress by eating excess food have been proven by scientists from the University of Maryland.

So, should we quit and go to our favorite sofa? In any case, running helps burn calories. This will benefit your diet - you will stop overeating due to a “ghrelin attack” and the weight will go down.

On topic: At what temperature can you run?

All this is only true if you follow simple recommendations. You can always increase the load on it by adding incline and speed and easily track the results.

Condense your daily activities, throw out all unnecessary activities so that there is enough time for jogging on the training day in any case.


It’s more pleasant to run in the evening, the fatigue goes away and then I sleep well. If you jog for 10-20 minutes, then you are unlikely to lose weight. At least in the morning, at least during the day, at least in the evenings. And so - I have nowhere to run. There are cars, cars, cars all around. And sometimes in the evening—in summer it gets dark around 9:30 p.m.—people are running around in the dark.


Evening running rules

In order for running in the evenings to bring only benefits and not harm, you must follow all the basic rules of such training.

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How to run in the evening
Evening running rules

Evening running rules:

  1. Classes should be held in a tracksuit or clothing that does not restrict movement. It is also necessary to take care of comfortable shoes that will have the correct curves on the soles.
  2. In the evening, there is a particularly large amount of harmful substances in the air. Therefore, for training you need to choose places that are far from the roadway.
  3. The optimal jogging time is 1 hour. However, in the early stages such long training can be difficult. Therefore, you can start with 15-20 minutes.
  4. You can run no earlier than an hour after eating.
  5. After an evening run, it is better to go to bed hungry. In this case, fat burning will continue at night.
  6. It is very important to drink enough liquid during training. Therefore, you need to take enough water with you when going for a run.
  7. Regular exercise is the key to successful weight loss. Therefore, you need to run at least every other day. However, daily training will also be useful.
  8. The optimal time for evening jogging is 19-20 hours.
  9. If you go to bed immediately after a run, you may suffer from insomnia when you are losing weight. Therefore, the best thing to do after a run is to do some quiet activities for another hour.
  10. You shouldn't talk while running. Improper breathing greatly reduces endurance.


Running in the evening can cause harm mainly due to increased air pollution during these hours. This is especially true for large cities. If in the morning you can breathe more or less freely, then in the evening the concentration of harmful substances in the air reaches its peak. To protect yourself from such negative impacts and get only the benefits from running, you need to be wise when choosing places for jogging. It is better to avoid highways and roads with high traffic; preference should be given to parks and squares, green areas where there are many trees and no traffic. In such places, running is not only useful, but also pleasant.

Correct running technique

For running in the evening to be truly beneficial, you need to perform the correct training technique. This exercise also has its own rules.

Running technique:

  • First of all, you need to monitor your breathing. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This way, even a beginner will not lose his breath for a long time and will develop endurance.
  • It is very important to place your feet correctly while jogging. The foot should land on the heel and then smoothly roll onto the toe.
  • It is necessary to distribute the load between the ankle and knee joints. This will reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system.
  • The position of the hands also plays a role. While running, they should be bent at the elbows and move in time with their legs.

The good thing about running is that when you do it, you don’t have to watch how your muscles tense. They will work correctly without any control.


Jogging technique

It is believed that running faster in the evenings is the most beneficial for men and women in terms of weight loss. However, beginners may not be able to handle such loads at first. Because of them, training will be short and ineffective.

Therefore, you need to start with regular jogging. At the same time, it should be alternated with fast walking, gradually increasing the intensity of the load.

Every workout, regardless of your level of physical fitness, should begin with a warm-up. This will make it possible to minimize the likelihood of injury.

Training option for beginners:

  1. First day. You need to start training by walking with increasing intensity. After this, you need to run one lap, and walk one lap quickly. Perform 3 such approaches. There should be a total of 4 walking laps and 3 running laps.
  2. Second day. The beginning of the training is the same as on the first day. Next, you need to run 2 laps and complete 1. Perform 3 such approaches. This day will consist of 6 running laps and 4 walking laps.
  3. The third day. The beginning of the workout is walking. Next you need to run 3 laps and walk 1. Perform 3 such approaches. This will be 4 laps of walking and 9 laps of running.
  4. Fourth day. Do a lap at the beginning of your workout. Next, you need to run 5 laps, walk 1 lap, and run 5 laps again. Finish your workout with walking. In total, you should get 3 walking circles and 10 running circles.
  5. Fifth and subsequent days. Complete the first lap. Run seven laps. Finish your workout with walking.

Next, you will need to gradually increase the number of running laps. However, you should always start and end your workout by walking.

Running with accelerations

Speed ​​running is the next level of training. Such classes are suitable for people with a good level of physical fitness. However, you also need to start training with less intensity.

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As in the previous case, all classes will begin and end with walking. In this case, after finishing the workout, you will need to walk until breathing is restored.

Acceleration training:

  1. First day. You need to jog three laps, then speed up for 200 meters, then jog three more laps. Perform two such approaches.
  2. Second day. It should be the same as the first one, only with acceleration you will need to run 400 meters.
  3. The third day. Three laps of jogging should be alternated with 600 meters of accelerated running. Two approaches are required.
  4. Fourth day. On the fourth day, it is necessary to increase the running mileage with acceleration to 800 meters.
  5. Fifth day. Alternate a speed circle and a jog circle. Perform as many approaches as you have the strength to do.

Such training should be started when jogging is already easy. In this case, it will be possible to burn more calories.

Running with obstacles

Running up the steps
Running with obstacles

To increase your training productivity, you can use various obstacles and unusual types of running. In this case, the number of calories burned will increase, and the muscles will begin to work actively.

Running in the evenings for weight loss with obstacles:

  • If there is a location with stairs nearby, then it will be very useful to run along it. Running up the stairs is a great workout for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  • You can also run by jumping over a row of tires. This decor is often present in playgrounds and stadiums.
  • You can use the gallop exercise. To do this, you need to move sideways around the stadium.
  • Running with high legs will stretch your hamstrings and strengthen your glutes. With it, you need to put your palms near your chest, and when running, try to touch them with your knees.
  • You can also touch your heels to your buttocks when running. These exercises will also pump up your leg muscles.

You can combine all these types of running. In this case, the effectiveness of training will increase significantly.

Under what conditions can you lose weight by running?

In the mornings and evenings in cities and villages you can meet people running. Their number is constantly growing, as more and more citizens become convinced of the benefits of this type of physical activity.

You don’t need any special conditions to run, just your own desire. When they choose it consciously, and even do it with pleasure, the result is not long in coming.

What's the bottom line? Let's count the advantages and talk about possible complications.

Does running help you lose weight?

If you run, you can lose weight - this statement has long become an axiom. Not only are extra pounds lost, but also the symptoms of a number of chronic diseases go away along with healthy sweat.

The impact of running is complex, since different muscle groups are involved, and organs and systems are also activated. Breathing quickens, blood flow accelerates, and with it metabolic processes.

Cells are maximally saturated with oxygen.

These physiological changes have beneficial consequences: you can lose weight by running due to the removal of toxins through the skin, and also the gastrointestinal tract and liver begin to work rhythmically, relieving us of all sorts of harmful things along with the hated kilograms.


The process involves energy consumption mechanisms; jogging requires a lot of it. It is believed that moderate-intensity jogging burns 400-500 kilocalories per hour. The advantage is oxidative processes involving oxygen. This is why you can lose weight if you run regularly and for a long enough time.

Lightness appears in the body, it is renewed and rejuvenated. The muscles of problem areas are tightened: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, the body takes on harmonious shapes.

Tips for beginners: time, place, shoes

There are conflicting recommendations in open sources regarding optimal training times. Summarizing this information, we can come to the conclusion: it doesn’t matter at all whether you lose weight from running in the mornings or evenings, or during the day.

The main thing: the level of load, its competent increase, the correct running technique. Get on the treadmill when it's convenient.

And when you need it: you can’t make yourself healthier and happier “under the gun,” unless it’s the starting gun for a competition.

You can lose weight if you don't run on a full stomach. A light snack before the start is good, but not heavy libations. And for another hour after the finish it is better not to touch the plates: the body must calmly recover from the energy overload. A warm shower is what will definitely help you relax quickly.

Regarding the location of the races, there is more clear advice: away from highways with their toxic emissions, best of all - in a park, forest area, or stadium. It is in such places that the most suitable paths are found: with a special cinder coating or simply dirt paths. Asphalt does not provide good shock absorption; your legs will quickly get tired, or even become deformed.

Will running in uncomfortable shoes make you lose weight? There may be some effect, but it is completely offset by the harm to the condition of the legs. Joints are especially affected if shoe soles are rough, have high heels, or are completely flat. Shoes should be well cushioned, reducing the load on joints and blood vessels, and preventing falls and injuries.

Can everyone lose weight by running?

Any physical activity is a test for the body. Running, like other sports activities, has its own list of contraindications and complications.

Hypertensive patients, people suffering from coronary disease and heart defects should not start training; those who experience acute inflammatory processes; Intensive running is also contraindicated for such diagnoses as peptic ulcers and varicose veins, bronchial asthma, flat feet, vertebral deformities, and pronounced endocrine disorders. It is clear that even after injuries, you should not run in the postoperative period.


Even with medical recommendations in hand, you should start slowly: from short distances and speeds. Gradually add more jogging time and speed up. 10 minutes will be enough for beginners, then day after day increase this time by several minutes, bringing it to the optimal: half an hour to an hour.

If you feel unwell, you should stop jogging, otherwise you can only harm yourself. A pulse of more than 120-130 beats per minute after completing a workout should alert you and be a reason to see a specialist. The pulse should return to normal half an hour after exercise.

Under what conditions is running effective?

Many people think that if you run, you can lose weight without any problems, because running is very simple. In reality, everything is not quite like that; the effect will only occur if a number of conditions are met. The first is regularity. Even moderately intense workouts every day will give much greater results than exhausting marathons 2-3 times a week.

Running technique also plays an important role; don’t forget that your foot should be placed on your toes, not your heel! And try to do it softly, as silently as possible. When a runner stomps like an elephant, this means that the ligaments, blood vessels and joints are under excessive stress.

Bend your arms at the elbows, help with movement and monitor correct breathing - other conditions for the success of a sports activity. You need to breathe through your nose or half-closed mouth, diaphragmatically (not through your chest).

Another important point.

Why do we so often see the figure 40-60 minutes in recommendations for training duration? If you run less, your weight will stabilize, but to the question of whether running helps you lose weight, in this context the answer will be negative. A minimum of 20 minutes is required to use up the energy from the food consumed. And only then will fat deposits become a source of maintaining strength.

You can lose weight if you run with pleasure!


Running for weight loss

Oh running - you are the world! And the one who was able to gather her willpower into a fist and decide to go for regular health jogging is the queen of this world.

If you want to be healthy, run, they tell us in physical education classes, from the pages of fashion magazines, commercials and films about the beautiful life. And we start running. We use running to lose weight and increase our self-esteem.

After all, we are ready for such feats for the sake of beauty! And everything is true, losing weight through running is one of the most effective, the main thing is to run correctly!

Questions and answers

When starting to jog, you should answer the so-called “running questionnaire” so as not to harm your body. How long will I run? What time of day? How to run better? How to properly monitor your pulse and breathing? Jogging track or park? How much should I run to lose weight and how long can I run?

The initial enthusiasm with which novice runners start training can seriously undermine their health. You need to increase the load gradually from run to run. It is best to choose a forest path with ascents, descents and changing soil as a running area rather than a flat stadium track. Changing the speed, intensity of running and the surface under your feet only contributes to weight loss.

Running for weight loss does not require high pace and huge distances; to get results, jogging and a small mileage is enough, the main thing here is regularity.

Does running help you lose weight?

Yes Yes Yes. This is an ideal load on the body in the absence of contraindications. When running, more than 20 muscle groups are activated, and blood flow increases exponentially, which in turn leads to greater oxygen consumption, and therefore an acceleration of metabolism. In addition, when heated, toxins are removed from the body.

Calories are burned not only during a run, but also for several hours after it. Therefore, it is after running that you need to eat the most healthy foods possible so that their beneficial substances are fully absorbed by the body.


Running also solves another “painful” problem for all those who lose weight: lost kilograms are rarely returned and not in full force. Ideally (if running remains on the daily schedule), they do not return at all, and the body tightens up and becomes more athletic.

The only disadvantage of running for weight loss is that it is slow. Unlike starvation diets and instant results, in order to lose an extra ten you need to run constantly for 4-5 months.

  • Firstly, take care of the right sports shoes and be attentive to your body. Ideally, measure your pulse before and after jogging to calculate the rate of load that does not exceed the body’s capabilities.
  • Secondly, if there are a lot of extra pounds, you need to start not with running, but with walking. And only after 2-3 months of regular exercise can you start light jogging.
  • Thirdly, to get maximum results in the thigh area, you can use slimming shorts.
  • Fourth, add a balanced diet to your running. We are not talking about temporary diets, but about a permanent transition to food containing more fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits and less carbohydrate products.

The classic option for jogging is early in the morning before breakfast. And from the point of view of burning fat, running in the morning for weight loss is also optimal. However, the characteristics of the female body interfere here.

Nature has designed us in such a way that strong physical activity in the morning is a huge stress for a woman, while in the evening it can even be “not noticed.” Therefore, it is recommended to start running for weight loss in small evening runs, which bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Before jogging, you need to have a light snack or at least drink tea, then the feeling of hunger will not catch you halfway through the distance.

If your work schedule does not allow you to run in the evening or you simply don’t have the energy left for it, then you can get used to running in the morning. For example, with the help of your favorite music and a regular route, you can turn your morning run into a personal ritual, a time when you can be alone with your thoughts.

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