Squats are one of the few effective exercises for working almost every major muscle group.
How to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, with push-ups Many athletes ask how to pump up their shoulders at home
Benefits and disadvantages The exercise refers to narrowly focused techniques or variations of squats. Main Purpose of Execution
What is cardio training? Cardio training is the performance of cyclic exercises aimed at developing cardiovascular fitness.
Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984
Dumbbell Curl on a Scott Bench Any beginner knows that the curl involves
There is an opinion that after training, namely within a quarter or half an hour, it is necessary
>Operation >Do-it-yourself treadmill at home The treadmill is a popular exercise machine for
In any fitness class you will see a fitball; exercises with it are common in medical and health