Superset for working shoulders (rear deltoids)

Supersets: overcoming muscle plateaus and increasing strength indicators

Supersets (super series) are the principle of performing exercises in weightlifting, which every athlete encounters sooner or later. It often becomes a real lifesaver when there is a muscle plateau or when muscles get used to monotonous loads. Today we are talking about what supersets are, what their benefits are for athletes, and how to make training more effective.

What is a superset?

Superset (or super series) - stage-by-stage execution of 2 or more different exercises without rest. There are these types of loads.

For 1 muscle group

It is supposed to combine a couple of different exercises that have the goal of working out a single muscle group.

  • 1st exercise is basic. It activates all motor units (provoking microtraumas, strength training, increasing endurance).
  • 2nd insulating. It affects the creation of pumping, and is performed for accelerated pumping of acidified tissues. The effect is similar to shot-steps.

Here are some exercises for the pectoral muscles:

  1. Push-ups on parallel bars all the way with a load on a strap, the weight of the load is about 12-15% of the athlete’s body weight.
  2. Bench press on an incline bench in a lying position (angle 30-40 degrees), and the weight is about 70% of the maximum.

To antagonist muscles

This is a training consisting of exercises acting on antagonist muscles, which are performed in pairs without respite. This approach:

  • Develops aerobic endurance, burns fat and plays the role of cardio training with an increased number of repetitions - 10-20 times. It is possible to train with failure in each approach.
  1. in the case of rest breaks of up to 5 minutes (during which movements for flexibility and relaxation are performed), training with supersets is aimed at working out the glycolytic strength of the muscles;
  2. with short (up to a minute) rest breaks, exercises that affect the production of anaerobic reserves inside the muscles and lactate endurance.
  • Provokes powerful strength and alactic capabilities (with relatively large weights and repetitions of 8 and below).
  1. To increase alactic strength, explosive repetitions are performed in short series. You shouldn’t work one muscle group at once to the point of exhaustion, so relax between repetitions for 1-2 minutes. Failure should occur after completing the entire exercise.
  2. Cutting your rest to 30 seconds or even less. The effect of training in this case concerns alactic acid retention.

Important! In some cases, a symbiosis of techniques occurs. Start - explosive 4-6 repetitions with the highest weight - a smooth transition to a large number of approaches with lower weight.

What are the benefits of training with supersets?

The benefits and harms of training according to this principle have long been discussed in the world of bodybuilding. Many novice athletes wonder: what do supersets do for muscles? We answer:

  • The most significant advantage of this principle is the shock effect that superseps have on muscles that have already managed to adapt to a certain degree of load. The effect is especially visible when the athlete does not use the series every workout, but uses them from time to time, for example, once or twice a month.
  • Development of endurance. This is not a simple workout where after completing a set you can chat with friends or show off in front of the mirror. This is hard work that will require endurance from you.
  • Cardio workout. The development of endurance is directly proportional to cardiovascular training.
  • Fat burning effect. High-intensity training = waste of calories.
  • It has been proven that muscles recover more quickly not only during periods of rest, but also during light exercise. When training with supersets, when one muscle works hard, its antagonist recovers more actively, receiving a small load.
  • Saving training time. Everything is simple here, instead of one exercise, you do a series.
  • Supersets in bodybuilding stimulate active nutrition of muscles. This is due to the pumping effect, which increases blood flow to the muscles, which carries nutrients and hormones.
  • Stretching the fascia. Thanks to the same abundant blood supply to the trained muscles, the fascia (bags that tighten the muscles) stretches. Therefore, if the fascia is stretched, then the muscles have room to grow.
  • Psychological effect and morale. It often happens that regular training gets boring and athletes do it reluctantly and sluggishly. In such cases, super series come to the rescue, they instantly invigorate athletes, and the increase in muscles due to pumping will appeal to every exerciser.

There can only be disadvantages to supersets in one case - if they are used frequently. It's one thing when you use this training once, twice or three times a month to stress your muscles. It’s completely different if the muscles don’t have time to recover after such stress. If you are an experienced athlete, then, of course, your recovery is good, but for beginners it’s better to forget about supersets altogether.

Moral: use super series only if you have been going to the gym for at least a few months, and only 2-3 times a month!

Pace of supersets

As for execution speed, there is a division into types, namely:

  • Maximum.
  • Fast.
  • Average.
  • Slow.

The first option can be implemented either without burden or with minimal burden. It is often used to lose weight and develop muscle definition. The second type is slower than the maximum, its widespread use is observed if there is a need to develop speed and strength, and medium or heavy weights are used.

To develop special endurance, the weight should be reduced and the frequency of movements increased. It is important to understand that maximum acceleration will most likely affect the quality of execution, which means that the effect of reducing the development of strength and the usefulness of the exercise is quite likely. In order for the result not to be lost, you need to control the quality of execution, for example, do exercises for a fixed time (count the number of squats or push-ups in a minute and increase their number over time).

The average pace is considered optimal for most athletes. In such a superset, the principle of training is based on muscle tension and relaxation - these two processes alternate, which is best reflected on the internal organs. At this pace, you can already push harder, within 70-80% of the maximum.

Slow tempo is used when:

  • It gives better results in some exercises, such as the overhead barbell press.
  • It is not possible to perform the exercise at a fast pace. This can happen with muscle damage.
  • If there is a need to activate a large muscle group.
  • Here it will not be possible to use the inertial movements of the projectile, and the muscles are constantly tense - these are the factors that lead to an increase in the effectiveness of such training.

A good option here would be a combination with isometric exercises.

I would like to note that in its pure form this or that tempo is practically not used, that is, they are combined in groups. For example, they combine slow with medium and fast. The best way to regulate the rest period between sets is to measure your heart rate. Consider the fact that a high level of load requires more time to recover.

Proven effectiveness of super series

What is a superset, not only athletes, but also scientific researchers have wondered. In 2009, the Journal of Sports Science published serious material that proved the effectiveness of the superset principle. For 8 weeks, a team of athletes performed super series of incline deadlifts and bench presses.

On topic: Robin van Roosmalen training

This is a chest workout. At the end of the period, the group found that there was an improvement in strength indicators. The group that trained according to the usual method only increased their peak strength in the bench press. In addition, research was conducted in 2005. Then rugby players submitted to science by performing supersets for the whole body. There was an increase in strength indicators by 4.7%.

Rest between sets

  • There is no rest between exercises (some allow 10-20 seconds), but between super-sets the relaxation is 1-4 minutes.
  • Before the start of the lesson, the athlete’s pulse is 80-85 beats/min. And after 4-5 approaches it increases to 130-145 beats/min. The athlete’s task is to reduce the heart rate to the initial values. There is a law: the more powerful the load, the longer the break is needed to restore your heart rate.
  • In addition, the duration of relaxation depends on your goals. Fat burning involves a shorter duration of relaxation than strength training.

Supersets for men

We bring to your attention super series that are focused on specific muscle groups.

Biceps and triceps

A 4-exercise arm superset involves loading the biceps and triceps. Exercises are performed for 10 repetitions and 3 approaches in each set.

  1. standing in a block, curling arms - biceps;
  2. barbell press with narrow arms from a lying position - triceps;
  3. in a sitting position, curling arms with dumbbells - biceps;
  4. extension of the arms in a block from a standing position - triceps.

It is not necessary to perform all 4 exercises in that order. You can choose a series of two exercises for biceps or triceps, without pumping the antagonists.

Impact on the pectoral muscles

You can “surprise” the chest muscles like this (perform 10 x 3):

  • dumbbell flyes from a lying position;
  • dumbbell press while lying on a bench.

If you have done a certain number of repetitions and there is no more strength, this does not mean that the muscles are powerless. Even if you did 40 kg 10 times, then move on to 16 kg weights to perform the fly.

Fat burning and muscle growth with a superset

The variety that superset training provides cannot be compared with any other. A strenuous series of two exercises, with no more than 15-20 seconds between them, can be a good way to engage and develop different muscles. It is not customary to include exercises for those muscles that are located far from each other in a superset.

The most important thing that can be achieved with the help of supersets is the ability to get results in a short time; you will not spend it on different exercises, but will combine working a separate area or muscle group in one. In addition, you will spend half as much time on this. By designing your training to focus on supersets, you can avoid typical aerobic exercise such as running, treadmill walking, etc.

The super series is also a very good help for strengthening muscles. After all, it is well known that the better the muscles are engorged with blood during training, the better they grow and develop. In a superset, the rush of blood is simply unrealistically large.

Examples of supersets for a specific body area

For each part of the body you can choose your own special series.

  • On the shoulders: in a sitting position, press dumbbells from the chest - swing your arms with dumbbells to the sides.
  • Superset for the abs: bending over with weights in a block, standing - lying on your back, raising closed legs.
  • On the legs (femoral biceps): barbell row, standing on straight legs - from a lying position, bending the legs in the simulator.
  • To pump up your calves: sitting and standing on your toes in a machine.

Superset frequency

This issue needs to be taken very seriously, especially for bodybuilders. If you do a superset too often, the effect is reduced, and many people talk about this. It is best to perform supersets every fourth session, and between them you should use classic methods of pumping muscles, just change the exercises.

Almost every athlete has experienced the feeling that they simply don’t have enough strength for a hard workout. In this case, it is better to use the full superset technique. Believe me, the result will be amazing.

In order to work a specific muscle well, you need to use the exact number of repetitions. For biceps, 9-12 repetitions would be ideal, for chest also 9-12. Usually ten, maximum twenty repetitions are used on the calves, fifteen on the back, fifteen on the shoulders. The hamstrings can be worked with 10-15 repetitions, the triceps with 12-20, and the quadriceps with 15-30.

Superset training needs to be taken seriously. For each group of students you need to use a specific layout. Beginners who have been training for three months will be able to get the desired results in two supersets for all parts of the body. Average athletes who have been training for eight months need to perform three to four supersets. But for professionals and experienced athletes, 5-6 is perfect.

Fat-burning supersets for girls from Katerina Buida

The famous trainer Ekaterina Buida has developed a special complex for girls. We present to you a fat-burning workout with supersets. Classes are held 3 or more times a week. Consists of: warm-up, 6 sets, cool-down. Each exercise is performed for a minute, and if you are very tired, you can take a minute break.

Important! Fat-burning supersets, like any other training, must begin with a warm-up. It warms up the muscles, stimulates blood flow and increases the effectiveness of the training.

The most popular superset training programs for girls and guys with weights:

There are many options for how to use sets. To choose the right option for you, you need to experiment and rely not on instant muscle growth, but on your self-awareness. It is better to choose the option that brings the greatest pump. Using new information, you will definitely be able to overcome the plateau effect and move forward without stopping. Have you used the previously described method? Let readers know your impressions in the comments below.


Superset principle

When using a superset in your training, you do not need to use large weights. This is said for a reason; there are explanations.

Large weights do not make it possible to perform the exercise technically correctly, and taking into account the fact that with each new repetition more and more fatigue appears, the accuracy of execution decreases. With a superset, the main thing is isolated pressure on the muscle, which provides good blood flow.

Remember, when working with supersets, you need to choose a weight less than constant. If you do everything correctly and don’t overdo it with weight, you can get a lot of benefits. For the first training, it is best to use high repetitions, this will also increase the size of the overall work. This will also allow for short intervals between supersets.

More than 20 examples for hot weight loss: supersets for all muscles of the body

We are always on the lookout for a “better” workout/diet/life program. It seems to us that there is some secret, secret knowledge, after learning which we can achieve unprecedented success. Recently, superset-style training has been actively promoted on the Internet, promising unprecedented fat burning, increased metabolism and, of course, gigantic muscle growth.

A training program can be built in different ways ( Drawing up a training program (training plan) ). You can perform the exercises classically - one after another: 3-4 sets of one exercise, rest, start another. You can also combine exercises into supersets.

Let's figure out what supersets are in the gym and bodybuilding, whether supersets are as effective as they are made out to be and what they are needed for.

What is in training?

Let's figure out what this actually means. Supersets (super series) are one of the ways to create muscle stress, which is achieved by increasing the intensity of training and time under load. These are exercises for the whole body in a specific order. We want to especially draw attention to the fact that this is only one of the methods , and not everyone needs to use this method and not always.

Are supersets effective? Yes, they are effective! So, should you only use supersets? No ! In essence, this method of training is a combination of two or more exercises in one approach. In practice, 2 exercises are most often used: you perform a specified number of repetitions of one exercise, and then, without rest, another certain number of repetitions of another exercise.

Schematically it looks like this:

    Set of exercise #1 - Set of exercise #2 - Rest - Set of exercise #1 - Set of exercise #2 - Rest.

There is also an option with rest between exercises, when you perform one exercise, rest, and then do the following:

On the subject: Fedor Emelianenko's training regimen

  • Set of exercise #1 - Rest - Set of exercise #2 - Rest - Set of exercise #1 - Rest - Set of exercise #2 - Rest.


Supersets are very often (very noticeably in the gyms) confused with complex/combined sets, especially in the context of the buttocks. Supersets antagonist muscles , and combination sets are performed on the same muscle .

What a hall there is - go online. Most articles describe complex sets, but call them supersets: that’s understandable, there are an order of magnitude more requests for supersets! In fact, complex sets are such a convenient way of pumping . Read more about this in the article Full and partial amplitude. Work within the amplitude. Pumping

Despite the erroneous beliefs of many, the effect of combination sets is much greater than that of supersets . However, it is important to remember that such sets are extremely difficult and intense. Try working with your usual weights, and you will feel that they clearly need to be reduced. Complex sets turn even light weights into heavy weights.

Complex sets are a great way to increase intensity, but are only suitable for experienced ones . And you shouldn’t use this technique in every workout, otherwise you’ll get overtrained.

Combined sets are performed as follows: first come exercises that use multi-joint movements - basic , and only then those that work one joint - isolation .

Here are examples of such combined sets:

For girls and women

For legs and buttocks

To train your legs and buttocks in the gym or at home, it is better to choose the following supersets (which, according to the rules, are actually called combined):

Hamstrings : lying leg curls + standing single leg curls.

Quadriceps : narrow leg press + lunges with dumbbells .

Shin : standing calf raise + sitting calf raise.

For back, chest and shoulders


  1. pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip + pull-downs behind the head with a wide grip,
  2. Bent-over barbell row with a wide grip + seated row with a wide grip,
  3. sitting block row to the belt with a narrow grip + deadlift ,
  4. deadlift + hyperextension .

Front delts: barbell row to the chin + lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Rear delts: bent over dumbbell flyes + dumbbell flyes lying face down on a bench.

For arms - biceps and triceps

Biceps : standing biceps curl + concentrated biceps curl.

Triceps : French bench press + block down press.

For the press

  1. “Upper press”: incline sit-ups + crunches,
  2. Lower press ”: hanging leg raises + reverse crunches,
  3. sitting torso turns + standing torso turns. These abdominal exercises can be performed at home,
  4. serratus and intercostal muscles: crunches on a block + hanging leg raises with rotation.

Analysis of the most effective abdominal exercises

For men

We want to surprise both the weak and strong half of humanity: the above-described exercise options and training programs for the back, legs, shoulders, chest, and abs are suitable for both men and women. All exercises are universally unisex, so do them with confidence. All prohibitions are only in our heads.


These are diametrically opposed movements that must be taken into account when creating your training program.

Sometimes this order is changed - first single-joint movements, and then multi-joint ones. This technique helps to pre-fatigue the muscle before starting the main work (used to “punch” the muscle - “Concentration in training: shake your butt with your head” ). In this case, the muscle will more acutely perceive the training load in subsequent multi-joint exercises.

Types of superset

The idea is simple - pump as much blood as possible into a specific area of ​​the body.


An individual approach, when one muscle is loaded with a variety of exercises. Using this type of superset, you can pump up 3-4 muscle groups throughout the workout.

It is very important to use 2 exercises for one muscle: ⇒ do the basic heavy exercise first, and the second isolated; ⇒ or put first the one that is harder to perform, and the second one is easier.

Using it, fat burning proceeds slowly, the main effort is aimed at increasing muscle mass in a specific part of the body.


1. Bench press – dumbbell fly; 2. Squats - leg extension in the simulator; 3. Deadlift – block pull to the belt; 4. Pull-ups – bent-over dumbbell rows; 5. Raising the body - twisting the body; 6. Curling arms with a barbell - curling arms on a Scott bench; 7. Bench press with a narrow grip - French press. 8. Seated dumbbell press - raising dumbbells to the sides. 9. Seated chest press - lifting the dumbbell in front of you. 10. Deadlift on straight legs - leg bending.


In this case, antagonist muscles are loaded (muscles that are opposite to each other and perform different tasks). For example: Biceps - flexes the arm, and triceps - extends.

By training the first muscle, you force it to increase in volume, at the same time the opposite muscle is pumped with blood, and then moving on to the antagonist, “bomb” it, causing muscle growth. Also, start doing the exercise that requires more effort first. Having performed the superset correctly, in this case the muscles should “expand” on both sides. Probably after reading this nothing is clear?

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