Bodyweight training: shoulder training at home

Shoulder Musculature and Bodyweight Training

Strong and beautiful shoulders are an undoubted sign of masculinity.
If, for genetic reasons, you do not have wide and powerful shoulders, then training exercises will help to achieve a significant increase in their volume, making your figure stronger and more stately. Shoulders are one of the body parts in men that, wittingly or unwittingly, receive special attention when assessing appearance. Therefore, when performing exercises to strengthen the body, the deltoid muscles should be given one of the priority values. If you are new to sports and are just starting to exercise, then you are probably wondering how effective exercises with your body weight can be, both for the deltoids and for the rest of the muscle groups of the body. Based on the experience of many athletes, we can say with confidence that training with your own weight has serious results with the same approach to training - with all seriousness and responsibility to yourself. Depending on the muscle group, the individual characteristics of the trainee and the approach to exercise, the difficulty of achieving noticeable and high-quality muscle growth will differ. In the case of deltoids, make your shoulders strong by doing only bodyweight muscle exercises

, it will be difficult, but not impossible.

The best approach to build up deltoids as quickly and effectively as possible is a combination of exercises with and without additional load. However, not in every case there is an opportunity or desire to visit the gym; the necessary sports equipment is available at home, and for some, strength exercises with weights are completely contraindicated for health reasons. Therefore, here we will consider the option of how to pump up deltoids at home using your own weight.

Shoulder exercises with your own weight and without axial load - 12 win-win options!

One of the most popular questions from beginners is whether bodyweight shoulder exercises will help you gain muscle mass? It worries, first of all, those who cannot or do not want to go to the gym. And also those for whom weight training is contraindicated due to problems with the spine. For this reason, today we will look at both home workouts for the shoulders and exercises for the gym, which do not put a dangerous load on the spine.

It is important to understand that the correct combination of both bodyweight exercises and weight training will be correct. Only in this case will you be able to increase the load, which will have a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass and strength. You can train without performing axial load exercises and achieve good results, but it is important to design the program correctly.

How to pump up deltoid muscles with your own weight

You can understand how best to make your shoulders unusually strong by consistently understanding their functional and muscular structure, then you can select the most suitable and effective exercises, combining them into a set of bodyweight exercises for men

. The deltoids consist of three parts (or bundles, as they are also called):

• Front – controls the movements of the arms up and towards oneself; • Middle or lateral, thanks to which we can stretch our arms to the sides; • Back – responsible for the ability to move your arms behind your back.

In order for exercises with your own weight to help build delt muscles with maximum efficiency, you need to direct the training program to the obstacle to the adaptation of the muscular system to loads. An approach in which different shoulder exercises are combined with each other in a high-amplitude mode up to sets without rest can help with this. Using the basic delt exercises below, you can prepare for some serious muscle work and ensure that your bodyweight training program includes more advanced shoulder exercises, which we also cover thanks to the Lazy Sloth.

We present several types of shoulder deltoid exercises - from the basic plank and various push-ups, to dips and pull-ups.

Dumbbell workout

If you want to diversify your workouts, read below on how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells. You will need to use a special set of exercises. Using various dumbbells, the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle, and in particular the rear, middle and front deltoids, are well worked out.

  1. Shrugs. This exercise works the trapezius muscle as well as the latissimus dorsi muscle. And your posture after regularly performing this exercise will be enviable! Stand up, keeping your body straight. Hands with dumbbells are lowered. Lift dumbbells, but not with your arms, but by engaging only the trapezius muscles, raising your shoulders as high as possible.
  2. Vertical row - uses almost the entire shoulder girdle: deltoids, trapezius muscles and biceps. Take dumbbells. Stand up straight. The back is straight. Bending your arms, move your elbows to the sides. Raise your arms to the middle of your chest. Don't drop your elbows. Try to fix the body without rocking it. Next, lower your arms with the dumbbells down.
  3. The seated press involves the shoulder girdle as much as possible. While sitting on a bench, keep your back straight. Raise the dumbbells up, but at the end point, try not to straighten your arms all the way. Lower the dumbbells, spreading your elbows out to the sides, to shoulder level.
  4. The Arnold press should also be included in the set of exercises to work the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Stand straight, bend your elbows, place them with dumbbells in front of you so that your palms are facing you. Raise the dumbbells up and turn your palms 180 degrees during the movement. Try not to straighten your arms all the way, feeling the muscle tension. Return to the starting position with your palms facing you.
  5. Isolatedly affects the front and middle deltoids by lifting dumbbells in front of you. Stand up straight, keeping your body straight. Take dumbbells, lower your arms and bend your elbows slightly. Point your palms towards you. Raise the dumbbells just above shoulder level. Smoothly lower your arms to the starting position. While performing the exercise, try to keep your body motionless.

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The question of how to pump up shoulders at home arises quite often among busy men who do not want to regularly visit the gym. You always want to have broad, manly shoulders and well-developed arms and shoulder girdle! It's real! With or without dumbbells, and regularly devoting time to training, you can quickly see visible results. The main thing is a good mood and faith in success!

Doing exercises to strengthen your shoulders

Helping you choose the most effective bodyweight exercises

for deltas, we suggest including the following in the training program:

• Plank with emphasis on bent arms; • Push-ups with hands at the waist; • Push-ups in the letter L pose; • Dips with knees to chest; • Handstand push-ups; • Push-ups with legs elevated; • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Plank exercise

performed on bent arms, includes the deltoid muscles in active work. This is an excellent exercise for initial training at home. Taking a horizontal emphasis on your arms bent at the elbows, keep your body as level as possible. Elbows should be placed at a 90-degree angle between them.

All kinds of push-ups

are well suited to develop and strengthen the deltoid muscles of the body; also, such home training is as convenient and practical as possible. However, it should be borne in mind that these exercises mainly work on the front deltoids, while the middle and rear ones will be almost not involved. Not Lazy Sloth notes some types of push-ups, such as with your hands at the waist or in the “L” position, which will contribute to the most active growth of the shoulder muscles in the anterior region. When performing push-ups for the shoulder girdle, inhale while lowering and exit when lifting. We maintain the emphasis and position of the body according to the instructions for the exercises, described in detail on our pages. It is recommended to perform several sets of each shoulder push-up exercise with no less than about two dozen repetitions. But the real quantitative limit depends on your initial physical fitness.


– these are exercises for the anterior deltoids. Careful attention should be paid to selecting the width of the beams. If possible, choose an option that is not much wider than shoulder width to avoid unnecessary stress on the joints. Non-Lazy Sloth advises not to exclude the possibility of pumping up your deltoids on the uneven bars, since the more varied exercises you use, the more your muscles will be exposed to stress, which will have a noticeable effect on their growth.

Standing push-ups

performed on the hands against a wall or any other suitable vertical object. The peculiarity of this exercise for the shoulder muscles is that, thanks to the position perpendicular to the floor, the load is removed from the chest muscles and redirected to the shoulders and arms. Also, such push-ups are suitable as an exercise option for the rear and middle deltoids, and not just the front ones.

Elevated leg push-ups

- one of the more complicated push-up options. It should be borne in mind that the higher the position relative to the rest of the body we place our legs, the greater the load on the shoulders and arms will be. These push-ups for beginners should be performed with the legs raised at an angle of about 40 degrees.

In addition to those listed in the list, training exercises such as classic and Australian pull-ups

. The latter are pull-ups for beginners on a lower horizontal bar than the usual one, at an acute angle and with legs extended forward. To direct the load of this exercise to the rear deltoids, place your palms on the bar as wide as possible. Pull-ups also work as exercises for the middle and anterior deltoids. Thus, it is also possible to pump up the deltoids on the horizontal bar; pull-ups for the shoulders can be no less effective than for the biceps, so this universal gymnastic equipment should not be neglected when involving your deltoid muscles in activity.

On our website Kak-Nakachat.Pro you can find out useful and detailed information about training using your own weight and with loads, for both men and women. See our anatomical catalog to select physical exercises for any muscle group and learn how to perform them correctly.

How to pump up your shoulders with and without dumbbells at home

How to pump up your shoulders at home, without having dumbbells and other sports equipment on hand? Everything is very simple. To pump up the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and especially the deltas, with the help of which the volume of the shoulders is formed, pull-ups and push-ups are most often performed. Pull-ups are divided into several types:

  1. Wide, narrow and medium grip pull-ups. Such exercises pump up the upper part of the shoulder girdle well.
  2. Reverse grip pull-ups. In this case, the palms of your hands will face you.
  3. Pull-ups work the back muscles very well, as well as the rear deltoid, which is lagging behind in many people.

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Push-ups, in turn, are divided:

  1. Classic push-ups. Most of this exercise will work the pectoral muscles, but it will also work the shoulder girdle. A narrow placement of the arms will involve the triceps and middle delta in the work, and if you place the arms wider, then in addition to the middle bundle, you can also use the anterior delta bundle. In order to use the muscles of the shoulder girdle to the maximum in the exercise, try to do push-ups not all the way to the floor, but a little higher, so that only the deltoids work.
  2. Dips. The shoulder girdle, in this case, will only work when you rise up. Therefore, having dropped as far as possible, rise up without straightening your arms to the end. Then go down again. This way you should feel the deltoid muscles working well.
  3. One-arm push-ups are good for toning the shoulder girdle. It is important to take into account one point: the wider your legs are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but the less stress on the muscles. So choose the appropriate position for yourself.
  4. Handstand push-ups. This exercise may seem a little difficult for a beginner, but if you do it leaning against a wall, it will be much easier. This way you can work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle well.

Best exercises

Let's figure out how to pump up your deltoids and how often to exercise. Beautiful, pumped up shoulders are formed by working with your own weight, with a barbell or dumbbells, or on special exercise machines. Each group has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Working with your own weight is accessible to everyone. Various push-ups and pull-ups can be easily performed at home or on the nearest sports ground; you don’t even have to go to the gym. The downside is that it is quite boring and monotonous, so movements with your own weight are combined with other types of load.
  2. Working with free weights is the most effective way to train, as it leaves many options for execution with a large, adjustable range of motion. The downside is that it is easy to get injured if there is not enough training experience. It is important to be able to feel your own muscles and correctly assess the maximum working weight.
  3. The exercise machines will allow you to pump up your shoulders simply and safely. Even a person who has just discovered bodybuilding can cope with them. The downside is the limited range of motion. On the one hand, this minimizes the risk of injury, on the other, it significantly reduces the efficiency of movement.

The best option is to combine all load groups for rapid muscle development.

With its own weight

The three best options for developing the shoulder girdle are push-ups, dips, and pull-ups. They are simple to perform and will not be difficult to master.

  1. Push-ups : take a lying position, placing your hands close to each other to put more stress on your deltoids. Lower your body as low as possible, then push it out with one concentrated press. Here the main load goes to the pectoral muscles, but the shoulders are also involved in the work.
  2. On the uneven bars : The secret is to lower your body as low as possible, pushing your hands into the bars to engage your deltoids. Otherwise, everything is simple - rest your straight arms on the bars, straighten your chest and shoulders, then lower your body as low as possible and return to the starting position.
  3. Pull-ups : a classic exercise, familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons, is great for developing deltoids. To maximize the load on this area, it is recommended to perform pull-ups with a narrow grip behind the head.

The listed exercises are basic; during movement, the muscles of the arms, chest, and upper back also work. They are useful for beginners who strive for overall body development in a short time. Bodyweight training not only develops and strengthens muscles, but also increases endurance and strength, which is especially important for beginner athletes.

Free weights

Barbell and dumbbells are the most effective way to pump up the body. Presses will help you achieve your goal in just a few months, and the first results are noticeable after 3-4 workouts.

  1. The Arnold press is a must-have for all men, as it helps to harmoniously develop the upper body. In essence, this is a regular dumbbell press with a wrist turn. Starting position – sitting on a bench, pressing your back against the backrest. Feet wide apart on the floor, knees bent at right angles. Take dumbbells in your hands, turn your palms towards you, elbows bent strictly at right angles. Press the dumbbells up in one clear motion, rotate your hands so that your palms face outward, then return to the starting position and repeat all over again.
  2. Lifting dumbbells (incline) perfectly develops the back of the target area. Stand up straight, take the shells in your hands, tilt your body forward. Lower your arms, while inhaling, raise and spread your arms, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. The secret of correct execution is that the back should be straight, with a natural arch in the lower back.
  3. The barbell pull is an effective movement for the deltoids and trapezius. To perform, stand up straight and grab the barbell with a narrow grip. Pull the barbell to the level of your collarbones, keep your elbows turned to the side during the movement, and pull the barbell in a straight line, as close to your body as possible. At the top point, hold the tension and lower the projectile. Can be performed with dumbbells.

The Arnold press can be replaced with a military press; it can be performed standing or sitting. Different variations of the press use different bundles of the target muscle. Pulls and swings to the sides can be performed not only with a barbell, but also with rubber. Beginners should carefully select the weight; if pain in the joint appears, stop training or take less weight.

Exercise equipment

Isolated loads will help swing the body, and the reduced range of motion reduces the risk of injury. This type of load is especially recommended for those who do not feel confident in working with free weights.

  1. “Butterfly” - work on this machine is aimed at developing the back of the shoulders, which is often not sufficiently loaded with other exercises. In addition, the “butterfly” perfectly works the pectoral muscles. The movement is performed as follows: adjust the height of the bench, sit up straight, straighten your shoulders, then grab the handles and spread them to the sides. To accentuate the back bun, try not to involve your upper back.
  2. The lat pulldown is a basic movement that develops the posterior muscles, trapezius, and biceps. Set the required weight of the block, grab the narrow handle with your palms, tilt your body a little back and lock it in one position. Pull the handles to the level of the collarbones, while spreading your elbows wide. It is the raising of the elbows to the side that emphasizes the load on the desired area.
  3. Side crossover swings are another effective movement for the deltoids. Set the desired weight, grab the handles, while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, and while exhaling, bring them together. Essentially, this option is an alternative to dumbbell swings. Whether you need to perform swings in a crossover or with dumbbells depends on how the load feels better. As a rule, beginners feel their muscles better when working in a crossover.

In the exercise machines, you can use a little more weight than when working with dumbbells, since the movement is easier to perform.

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