Breeding legs in a sitting machine, what muscles work?

Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Author and creator of the site CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Primary muscles : gluteus medius Additional : gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata Difficulty : easy

Description of the exercise

Unlike the picture, it is advisable to bend your knees very slightly. It is advisable to pause in the final phase. You can also try the option of tilting the body forward. This will further stretch the working muscles.

Main features

1. I prefer exercise machines where you have to keep your legs almost straight. In my opinion, they are more effective. Because you can spread your legs a little wider in them.

2. When you spread your legs, stay in this position for a second. It is better to spread your legs with a powerful swinging movement. And not sluggishly and smoothly. Only in moderation. There is no need to jerk your legs with all your might.

3. This exercise is not basic, but it will complement basic buttock exercises well if performed immediately after them.

4. Don't bring your legs all the way down. Keep your thighs and buttocks in constant tension.

5. Set the weight so that you can do at least 10 repetitions. But you need to do it until your muscles burn. Otherwise it will be of little use.

6. If the socks are turned outward, the buttocks will work a little harder. But remember that in this exercise the load on the buttocks is indirect.

What muscles work when you raise your legs in the simulator?

This exercise works the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. The external parts of the quadriceps are also actively involved. These are the muscles that are the most difficult to pump. Therefore, the condition of the inner thighs often remains unsatisfactory in many women and men. However, representatives of the stronger sex try not to pay attention to this, while the weaker sex suffers from such imperfections.

However, an exercise such as leg extensions in a simulator helps to cope with this problem. With its help, you can reduce the volume of the inner thighs and also make your butt firm.

However, we should not forget that the exercise is performed while sitting. This means that active muscle pumping cannot be expected. Therefore, experts recommend doing leg raises in a special simulator after all the muscles have been thoroughly worked out. In addition, when performing this exercise while sitting, the abdominal muscles, spinal extensors and lower back muscles are activated. However, they receive minimal load.

Cossack squat

This exercise provides a unique lower body training stimulus that will shape your butt and thighs from all angles. To do this, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging relaxed at your sides. Squat as far to the left as possible, turning your toes to the right and moving your right leg out to the side (while keeping your leg straight and your torso leaning slightly forward to maintain balance). In other words, squat on one leg. Extend your arms straight from your shoulders. Return to starting position and perform on the other leg to complete 1 set. Do 2 to 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Cossack squat

Similar approaches

“Leg scissors” in a prone position are suitable for people with strong abs. The scissoring support of this exercise not only targets the inner thighs, but also forces the arms, chest, and buttocks to be engaged.

To do this, you need to get into a push-up position. Place each foot on a folded towel, paper plate, or sliding disc. Hold your upper body, spread your feet out to the sides, keeping your legs as wide apart as possible, and then slowly squeeze your inner thighs to move your feet together. To get started, just do 2 sets of 15 repetitions, resting 1 minute between sets.

In between approaches, replenish the water balance that every body needs.

man drinks water

Possible mistakes and useful recommendations

To obtain maximum results, you must adhere to the correct technique and certain recommendations, as well as avoid potential mistakes that beginners often make. Experienced athletes give the following advice:

  • during the exercise, you need to carefully monitor the position of the body; in the classical technique, the back should be flat and fit snugly against the back of the simulator;
  • It is necessary to separate your legs as far as possible from each other;
  • the correct technique involves powerfully spreading the legs and slowly bringing them together;
  • when bringing your legs together, your knees should not touch each other;
  • with the maximum extension of the limbs, you need to linger for a couple of seconds;
  • it is important to adhere to the correct breathing technique (as you exhale - open, while inhaling - close);
  • During the entire exercise, your hands should grip the special handles of the simulator;
  • the hip joints should work, not the knees and ankles;
  • If the toes are turned slightly outward, the muscles of the buttocks will have to work harder, which ensures greater efficiency.

The effectiveness of the exercise and the risk of injury depend on the correct weight. The best option is a weight at which a slight burning sensation is felt in the muscles, and repetitions are difficult. The athlete should get up from the exercise machine a little tired. But using excessive weight is also not recommended.

Internal pumping

The bonus of this inner thigh exercise is that it is a safe and effective way to gain strength even during pregnancy. To do this, you need to lie on your right side, supporting your head with your hand. Bend your left leg and place it firmly on the surface in front of your lying leg. You can hold your ankle for support. Point your lower leg and lift it as high as possible. Use a swinging motion to circle the raised leg. Make 10 to 20 circles in each direction, then change sides, legs and repeat.

One last tip: the best way to keep these muscles relaxed and flexible is to include dynamic stretches in your warm-up and static stretches in your recovery. Regularly stretching the adductor muscles can improve flexibility and performance, and prevent injury and stiffness.

Technique for performing leg raises

An exercise such as leg raises in a machine should be performed according to these rules:

  • Keep your head straight, press your back firmly against the backrest, and lock your buttocks in one position. You should not slide your butt on the seat, otherwise the exercise will be ineffective.
  • You should not place your entire foot on the soft bolsters, but only your heels.
  • Perform the exercise immediately after warming up and main training. It is best for them to complete their classes.
  • Do everything slowly and smoothly. Do not perform the exercise jerkily, otherwise sprains and other injuries may occur.
  • When moving the legs, only the hip joint should take an active part. It is not recommended to use the knee and ankle joints.
  • Socks should not “go” parallel to each other. Turn them in different directions. Thanks to this, the leg muscles will receive maximum load, therefore, the effectiveness of the exercise will increase.
  • Don't bring your legs all the way down. Keep them slightly spaced out. Thanks to this, the leg muscles will always be in tension, which will have a positive effect on their condition.
  • As you bring your legs together, hold the position for a couple of seconds. Keep your muscles under maximum tension.
  • During rest, you should not relax your muscles. Since the exercise is performed while sitting, they will not receive all the necessary load anyway. It is best to stretch or do the Lotus pose.
  • Leg extensions in the simulator should be performed 10-12 times. In addition, you need to do 3 approaches.
  • If at the final stage of the exercise you are left with no strength, and you are not able to do the required number of times, then you should not stop the exercise. The best thing is to perform the exercise a few more times, but not to the full amplitude. Don't bring your legs all the way down or spread them completely. So, do it a few times and the set will be considered complete.

This exercise, since it is done while sitting in a special simulator, has a very simple technique. Here she is:

  • Set the required weight on the machine. For women at the first stage it should be 10 kg. Over time, it can be increased, bringing it up to 20 kg. More weight is not required, because it will not pump up the muscles, but will only increase their endurance. As for men, the recommended weight for beginners is 20 kg, and for experienced athletes – 25-30 kg. It should not be increased either.
  • Sit on the machine so that your thighs are between the side platforms. Press your heels into the lower soft bolsters and grab the handrails located on the side of the machine with your hands. This will help you stay in place.
  • Take a deep breath and spread your legs as far apart as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be as tense as possible.
  • Exhale and come back. As already mentioned, you should not bring your legs all the way down. They should be kept at a distance from each other. You should not stay in this position for long. Better do it again right away.

Breeding legs on the simulator

Leg raises are an auxiliary exercise that should be included in your leg training. It is performed on a special simulator and affects the upper part of the gluteal muscle.

This exercise helps create roundness in the hips, which, in turn, emphasizes the waist - it appears thinner. This is a common exercise among women.

Main working muscles:

To begin the exercise, sit on the seat of the machine and rest your back against its back. There is a deflection in the lower back. Exercise technique:

  • As you exhale, with a powerful movement, spread your legs as wide as possible.
  • Smoothly, while inhaling, return your legs to their original position.

Leg spread technique

It's easy to confuse leg raises and leg abduction machines, but they work completely different muscles that actually work together more often than not to ensure a stable body position. Therefore, it is advisable to use both simulators during one workout.

To engage the entire gluteus maximus muscle, simply vary the angle of your torso during one set when performing this exercise. For example, lean forward 10 times and then lean back 10 times.

Squeeze and lift

The low range of motion in this isolation exercise makes it a great option for people with very weak inner thigh muscles or a groin injury. Plus, it's easy to learn and can be practiced almost anywhere.

To do this, place a small ball between your ankles (this can be a soft, weighted ball filled with air, or a medicine ball, but softer ones are more comfortable) and lie on one side, supporting your head with your hand. Bend your top arm and press it to the floor in front of your chest to stabilize your body. Squeeze your inner thighs to secure the ball. Extend your legs and then press your lower leg onto your upper leg to lift both legs about 10-15 cm from the surface. Hold for 5 seconds and do 10 repetitions. Then repeat on the opposite side.

Pros and contraindications

Before engaging in a particular sport or just fitness, it is advisable to consult a doctor and determine the absence or presence of certain contraindications. You should not start training if you have cold symptoms, or if you have pain syndromes. And now a small table to compare the pros and cons of this exercise.

AdvantagesContraindications in which the exercise should be performed with caution or completely canceled
Isolated workChronic back diseases
Pumping small thigh musclesBackache
Support for toning the muscles of the outer thighsDamage to the hip joint

pain in the hip area

Execution while standing

In addition to the classic seated leg raise, it can be performed in another way. It is enough to change the position of the body, and a person will feel that he is pumping the most. Now a little about how to train on a machine from a standing position.

You need to turn your back to the rollers, secure your hands behind the back of the chair and place your knees. The body should be kept straight and the pelvis should be moved back a small distance. It is imperative to monitor your breathing: exhale to strengthen, inhale to relax. Accordingly, when exhaling, do a dilution, and return back while inhaling.

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