(VIDEO): 39 CrossFit exercises and techniques for performing them

The desire to be beautiful and to be liked is a distinctive feature of girls. A slim and fit figure is not only beautiful, but also good for health. After all, excess fat deposits can envelop internal organs and threaten your condition. Nowadays there are many options for exercises and sports programs that help improve the body. However, the CrossFit program has gained popularity all over the world.

This is a type of fitness, a training program that consists of cycles of exercises performed at an intense pace. The main feature of CrossFit is that training takes little time (up to twenty minutes on average), does not require extra expenses, and in the process you lose up to 1000 calories.

Doing CrossFit is quite difficult: the break between exercises and circles should be minimal, and the intensity should be maximum. These exercises constitute the training program for representatives of fire services, law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies.

These are strength exercises that are aimed at improving your willpower as well as endurance. A person hardens, becomes more beautiful and slimmer, muscles acquire the desired relief, and health “appears.”

Athletes who train at the base perform a standard daily program: warming up, learning new exercises, a daily program and working on mistakes. There are group and individual classes, since crossfit is also about the ability to work harmoniously in a team.


More about crossfit

This is a highly intense training program that is based on performing various strength and aerobic exercises, including push-ups, sprints (running with acceleration), and work with weights, rope, pull-ups, lifting a barbell (weightlifting exercise - push).
The exercises are usually combined into so-called “Workouts of the Day” (“WOD”), which usually last from 5 to 15 minutes. Results are tracked and assessed to promote friendly competition and measure progress. In most WODs, you perform one exercise after another, without resting in between, for a certain number of circuits (rounds), as quickly as possible. In other WODs you need to do as many rounds as possible, against the clock. For example, a WOD called "Helen": Do 3 laps (rounds) as quickly as possible:

  1. 400 meter run.
  2. Kettlebell swings – 21 times.
  3. Pull-ups - 12 times.

WOD "Fran": Complete the following as quickly as possible: Three rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps:

  1. Bar ejection – 40 kg;
  2. Pull-ups.

Murph WOD: Complete the following steps as quickly as possible:

  1. 1600 m run.
  2. Pull-ups – 100 times.
  3. Push-ups – 200 times.
  4. Squats – 300 times.
  5. 1600 m run.

You can split the strength exercises however you like, but you should start and end the workout with a 1,600-meter run.
People pay a lot of money for these workouts; the average CrossFit gym membership costs more than a regular gym membership. Here's what they look like:

As you can see, they are well equipped with squat racks, dumbbells, medicine balls, kettlebells, gymnastics rings, weightlifting platforms, ropes, rowing machines and other fancy exercise equipment. This is one of the great things about CrossFit: most gyms have everything you need to perform strength training. Of course, what you do with the equipment is most important, but step one is undoubtedly having good equipment, and most CrossFit gyms excel in this regard. However, the enormous interest in CrossFit is not associated only with fancy exercise names and well-equipped gyms. It was the emotional atmosphere that made him so popular.

Basic CrossFit exercises (29 videos)

The CrossFit exercises presented below are used directly in full CrossFit training and competitions:

Kettlebell swings | Kettlebell Swing

Burpee | Burpee

Pull-ups | Pull-up

Emissions/Thrusters | Thruster

Walking Lunges | Walking Lunge

Ring push-ups | Ring Dip

Squat barbell snatch | Snatch

Ball throws | Wall Ball

Pull-ups to rings | Ring Row

Push-ups | Push-Up

Rowing | Rowing

Single leg squats - “pistols” | Pistol

Cleans | Clean

Kipping leg raises to the bar | Kipping Toes-to-bar

Double Jump Rope | Double-under

Strict exits on rings | Strict Muscle-up

Strict handstand push-ups | Strict Handstand Push-up

Standing Dumbbell Press | Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Shvung Press | Dumbbell Push Press

Dumbbell snatch from the floor | The Dumbbell Power Snatch

Hanging dumbbell snatch | The Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch

Hanging dumbbell squat snatch | The Dumbbell Hang Snatch

Standing up with dumbbells | The Dumbbell Hang Power Clean

Squatting dumbbells | The Dumbbell Hang Clean

Push push with dumbbells | Dumbbell Push Jerk

Pull-ups with legs in the corner | Pull-up L-Sit

Hip extensions | GHD Hip and Back Extension

Abmat sit-ups | AbMat Sit-up

The positive aspects of CrossFit

Clear instructions from the trainer

Typically, people visit the gym several times a week in order to work out what they want at the moment. Such trainings do not have a specific logical structure; they are quite chaotic and spontaneous, so one cannot expect any results in increasing strength and gaining mass. And at the same time, when you come to CrossFit classes, the trainer gives you a clear task, explains how to do it and when to stop. A competent instructor can create a task so that every large muscle group in your body receives enough load. He can also tailor workouts to suit your needs and abilities. For example, if your upper body is weak, the trainer will replace the bench press with something you can do better (push-ups or dumbbell presses). If you're not particularly good at running, you can do a combination of walking/running or some other form of cardio (like rowing). Most CrossFit coaches will track your progress, which is vital to avoid plateauing in strength or weight gain.

Basic exercises

The main goal of strength training is to become stronger. The best way to achieve this is to focus on multi-joint compound barbell exercises such as the squat, bench press, military press and deadlift. Many people do not pay enough attention to these exercises, and sometimes do not do them at all. This is perhaps the main reason why they stop growing. Well, the first thing they teach you in CrossFit is how to squat, bench press, do military press, deadlift (and this is the most correct way to get acquainted with strength training).

Very heavy loads

You will never push yourself to train as hard as CrossFit does. Many people don't like discomfort, and the more discomfort they feel, the more they want to stop everything abruptly. This number won't work here. Although sometimes it becomes too extreme, the fighting spirit of “I can’t do it” is one of the reasons for the effectiveness of CrossFit. Be prepared to work harder, faster and longer in every workout. Give it your all if you want to see your name rise higher and higher on the demo board. Not all people like such a hyper-competitive environment. But this is a huge help for those who find it difficult to motivate themselves to exercise.

CrossFit makes you fall in love with fitness

In the gym you will be surrounded by people who love a healthy lifestyle. Not only do they spend more time exercising than the average person, but they also eat healthy and have fewer bad habits (smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep). When you spend a lot of time in the company of health enthusiasts, it is inevitable that their drive for life will rub off on you.

Types of CrossFit workouts

There are several standard CrossFit complexes for beginners:

  1. Angie. It includes: 100 squats, 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups. Before moving on to the next exercise, you need to completely finish the previous one;
  2. Barbara. Includes: 30 pull-ups and push-ups, 50 squats and sit-ups. The exercises should be performed as quickly as possible. You need to perform 5 such circles, leaving 3-5 minutes to rest between circles;
  3. Chelsea. Includes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. This will be 1 lap, you need to do 30 laps in total;
  4. Cindy. This complex includes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. This will be 1 lap, you need to do it as quickly as possible, and as many laps as possible in 20 minutes;

Complexes were listed here, which include only standard exercises: pull-ups, push-ups, squats and sit-ups. You can create your own training program based on the available equipment.

After training, it is recommended to pay attention to stretching the entire body.
CrossFit training videos

Disadvantages of CrossFit

If you want to become a little stronger, master some exercises with a barbell, develop decent endurance and flexibility, if the atmosphere of the workout is important, then CrossFit is ideal in this regard. But CrossFit is definitely not suitable if the goal is to effectively and quickly gain muscle mass, lose excess fat and get healthier. And that's why.

CrossFit effectiveness?

There are many such expressions in the CrossFit lexicon:

  • functional readiness;
  • general fitness training;
  • workout training;
  • conditioning training (“MetCon”);
  • general physical fitness (“GPP”).

The idea is that using a wide variety of exercises is the best way to achieve an overall level of fitness, which is the best way to achieve an aesthetic physique.
In the CrossFit lexicon, fitness has an unusual definition: “Increasing the ability to perform functional movements across multiple time intervals and modal domains.” That is, it turns out that your overall fitness is not measured by anything other than results in CrossFit. A very convenient and clever definition.

But not entirely true. For example: watch some videos online or visit a CrossFit gym and you will see quite a few weak, obese, inflexible people playing the role of Spartans, doing strength exercises incorrectly, and some of them throwing up after completing a WOD. These are not the most trained people. It's not that they aren't fit; we all respect people who work to improve their physical condition. But any activity is as beneficial for your physical fitness as it helps you become stronger and more resilient and improves your physique and flexibility. How effective is CrossFit? It is often claimed that it is the best way to simultaneously increase endurance, gain muscle mass and strength. At first glance, this theory looks very plausible due to the very structure of the training - high-intensity load with heavy weights.

But what does sports science say about this?

Unfortunately, if you try to do everything at once, your results will always be below average. In simple terms, when you combine strength and endurance exercises, you are sending ambiguous, conflicting signals to your muscles. You don’t give them the opportunity to adapt to either one or another load. Does this mean CrossFit won't improve your strength and endurance?

No, that doesn't mean it. But if you want to get significantly stronger or improve your aerobic endurance as much as possible, then, according to sports science, CrossFit is not the best way. So it's no surprise that most people who do CrossFit aren't particularly big, strong, or tough.


Many of us have seen the incredible bodies of athletes in the CrossFit Games, which seems to demonstrate how CrossFit develops the body. Who wouldn't want to look like this guy and girl:

crossfit athleteHowever, it is important to remember that CrossFit is a professional sport, meaning it uses vitamin S extensively (in most cases, athletes are not tested for anabolic steroid use). It sounds cynical, but none of us will ever naturally achieve the same chiseled figure and level of strength as most of the athletes at these Games. How then to train? Many sports physiologists believe that the best way to gain muscle mass and strength, and improve aerobic endurance, is to train them separately. It is most effective to adhere to clearly defined training programs, to focus only on gaining mass and strength for a certain period of time, and a little less effective - to do strength training and cardio simply on different days. As a last resort, you need to separate cardio and strength training for at least a few hours.

Crossfit and weight loss

Many people are convinced that because CrossFit training is so intense, it must burn tons of calories and fat. In fact, this is not entirely true. While CrossFit workouts are high intensity, they are not long, so on average, girls can expect to burn between 60 and 120 calories per workout, while men can expect to burn between 110 and 170 calories. While this seems impressive, especially considering the length of the workout, you can burn the same amount of calories in 30-40 minutes of walking. It's also quite insignificant when it comes to weight loss because 1 kg of fat contains over 8,000 calories (you need to burn a lot more energy every day if you want noticeable fat loss results).

CrossFit leads to overtraining

Many CrossFit athletes pride themselves on the fact that their workouts are so intense and hard that by the end of the training they are ready to collapse from exhaustion. This all sounds really cool in theory and no doubt requires a lot of physical and mental toughness, but it can also lead to overtraining, which in turn can lead to serious health problems including general fatigue, depression, anxiety, loss of appetite and much more. If you train to the point of exhaustion several times a week, especially with heavy lifting, you will eventually drive yourself into a state of extreme fatigue. It's only a matter of time.

You Can Get Injured in CrossFit

Most people who do CrossFit experience sprains, joint injuries, and even torn muscles and tendons. No wonder.

According to statistics, on average, every 1000 hours of training, a person receives from 2 to 4 injuries. This is the same as in weightlifting and powerlifting, but 2-4 times higher than in bodybuilding (1 injury per 1000 hours).

The risk of injury largely depends on the trainer and training program. For example, if you are tasked with performing exercises such as deadlifts, squats, or bench presses, then it is advisable to know how to do them. If a trainer (instructor) has not taught you the correct technique, or suggests working with too heavy weights until complete muscle failure (very popular in CrossFit), the likelihood of injury increases significantly. The main cause of injuries is not even the trainer, but working with heavy loads to the point of exhaustion. This is why sports physiologists in weightlifting recommend resting at least 3 minutes between heavy sets. The main conclusion: the CrossFit exercises themselves do not lead to injury; the risk of injury increases significantly if you perform them without a break or with incorrect technique.

CrossFit Benefits

CrossFit, as a sports discipline, has a huge number of advantages over other sports. For example, if in bodybuilding classes you can improve the strength of your muscles, which will be practically not used in everyday life. During classes, you will develop your body in many ways, which will help you apply the acquired skills and strength in any situation.

Pros of CrossFit:

  • Thanks to the aerobic exercises included in the complexes, overall body endurance develops;
  • The work and potential of the heart and blood vessels improves;
  • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;
  • Regular CrossFit classes improve the general condition of the body - you are less bothered by various pains, insomnia, and bad mood;
  • Flexibility of the body, joints and ligaments develops;
  • Body coordination improves;
  • You begin to feel your body and muscles better;
  • “Dull” strength develops - you will be stronger in every sense of the word;
  • Promotes the development of muscle mass;
  • The muscles become more prominent and strong;
  • Excess weight is intensively burned;
  • You can easily engage in any physical activity - from running long distances to simply digging up potatoes;
  • A huge number of elements will allow you to make your workouts varied;

CrossFit classes have a huge number of positive properties that are not inherent in other sports.

CrossFit Benefits

Cons of CrossFit:

  • Intense workouts push your heart to its limits. Therefore, if you do not follow a rest and exercise regime, this can cause a number of problems with the heart muscle;
  • CrossFit is much more dangerous than any other sport. Due to the high intensity of training, concentration will weaken during it. This can lead to incorrect execution of a particular exercise and injury;
  • Although CrossFit includes elements from many sports, you will never be better at them than those who practice them with purpose. In other words, you will run worse than runners, bench press worse than bodybuilders, etc.

Contraindications to CrossFit:

  • Problems with the joint-ligamentous apparatus;
  • Existing heart disease;
  • Recent surgeries;
  • Low or high blood pressure.

Is it worth doing CrossFit?

It depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to get stronger and healthier and at the same time have a great time in the company of like-minded people, and you also have a good trainer who will help you avoid overtraining and injuries, then CrossFit is a very good choice. But if you want to gain muscle mass and strength, lose excess weight as quickly as possible, with minimal risk of injury, then CrossFit is not for you. To do this, it is better to use more traditional methods (cardio or strength training).

Principles and rules of CrossFit training

The principles of CrossFit are the skillful combination of exercises from various disciplines. In one workout, you should work your entire body, and include both cardio and strength training.

There are a huge variety of exercises that can be included in a CrossFit workout. However, it should include:

  • Pulling – pull-ups or other types of traction;
  • Pushing – parallel bars, presses, etc.;
  • Cardio exercises – burpees, running, jump rope;
  • Leg exercises – jumping, squats, etc.

The system is very diverse, but experienced athletes identify several classical training systems.

  • A circular system in which you need to select all the exercises of the program in a row, without rest. You need to decide in advance how many circles will be made, and do them in the minimum amount of time;
  • Execute the program in the least amount of time. Here the point will not be in the number of circles, but in the number of repetitions of exercises that need to be done in turn. You do not divide them equally for each circle, but try to do the maximum amount for each approach;
  • Practice intense cardio at the beginning and end of your workout. This could be, for example, 15 minutes on the rope before and after the main training.

You can do CrossFit every day using different programs. It all depends on whether your body has time to recover in the time allotted to it. If after some time you begin to feel constant fatigue, then this is a sure sign of overtraining.

Principles and rules of CrossFit training

Main conclusions

Overall, there is a lot that is attractive about CrossFit.
Thanks to him, millions of people began to train, became acquainted with weightlifting and barbell exercises. CrossFit helps you lose weight, improve your figure and improve your overall health. On the other hand, it has significant drawbacks - it is not the safest or most effective way to achieve all of the above. So, if you're looking for something more athletic than just a simple gym workout, love to compete, and want to push the limits of your training, then you'll likely enjoy CrossFit. And if you want to build muscle, increase strength and stay lean, toned, or improve aerobic endurance, then traditional, time-tested strength and cardio training will be safer and more effective. Good luck!

See you later!

CrossFit - what is it?

This sport appeared relatively recently, but has already gained sufficient popularity throughout the world. It is used for training in law enforcement agencies, sports teams, and self-defense courses.

CrossFit can be confidently called a sports discipline that combines elements from other sports. The workouts include exercises from fitness, bodybuilding, gymnastics, plyometrics, functional training, cardio, weight lifting, etc.

The basis of CrossFit is the crossing of exercises from different disciplines into a single complex. Some complexes involve the use of barbells and other gym equipment. At the same time, to practice other programs you only need your own body.

CrossFit as an intense workout

It is worth considering that CrossFit is a very intense training that can affect the well-being of an unprepared athlete. It is necessary to monitor your pulse and general health. If you experience discomfort, nausea, or dizziness, you should stop training and reconsider your training. Often such things happen due to poor nutrition or general unpreparedness of the body. It is worth switching to a properly selected diet and starting to exercise gradually, slowing down the pace.

It is extremely important to follow the technique, otherwise the exercises can lead to injury. CrossFit is a rather traumatic sport due to the speed and intensity, as well as the fact that many exercises are performed with the whole body. Before you start exercising , you need to understand whether there are any contraindications to certain types of exercises.

CrossFit exercises are suitable for both men and girls. Of course, it is important to choose a workload that is suitable for yourself and determine your own program based on your capabilities. It is too early for a child at a young age to engage in CrossFit; it is better to start with general physical training and gymnastics. With proper training, CrossFit allows you to quickly get in shape, tighten up, build strength and improve fighting qualities. But only if you follow all the rules and principles of the training.

Originally posted 2018-02-07 10:21:27.

CrossFit at home: 5 workout programs at home

We have selected for you 5 effective, intense CrossFit training programs that you can do anywhere, anytime!

If you find yourself in your living room watching TV with a cat on your lap and a cookie in your hand, drop everything and do one of these CrossFit routines. They are fast, heavy and require almost no equipment.

CrossFit at home for beginners: training program for men, women, a set of exercises at home

It’s not always possible to go to a CrossFit gym or stadium, work out for an hour and come back. But you can always go outside or work out in the apartment for half an hour.

Program 1

Pattern: As many laps as possible for 10 minutes.

  • Burpees - 10 times
  • Squats - 20 times
  • Rising to your feet from a lying position - 30 times

Do each exercise the prescribed number of times, continue in a circle for 10 minutes. Be sure to record how many laps you completed so you can beat your own record next time.

Program 2

Pattern: 5 circles

  • Push-ups while standing on hands - 5 times
  • Jumping lunges - 10 times
  • Emphasis on hands, one leg at hand level, changing legs while jumping - 15 times
  • Sprint – 200 m

To complete one circuit, do each exercise the required number of times. Try to complete all 5 laps. You can do handstand push-ups against any wall. If you can't do them, do regular push-ups. If you don't have enough room for a 200-meter sprint, just run in place for 30 seconds.

  • 20 minutes
  • Minute 1: burpees, 15 times
  • Minute 2: jumping onto a high pedestal, 15 times, or stepping onto a medium-height pedestal with a barbell on the shoulders, 15 times
  • Minute 3: Kettlebell swing, 15 reps

Do the exercise for 20 minutes, minute by minute. This means that in the first minute you will have 60 seconds to do 10 burpees. If you complete all the burpees faster, rest until the second minute begins. As soon as the second minute begins, start doing 15 jumps (if you don't have special equipment, a sturdy sofa or chair will do).

Try to do all 15 times in 1 minute. If you finish before this minute passes, then rest until the third minute begins. If you don't complete all reps before the end of the second minute, still begin the kettlebell exercise at the beginning of the third minute. In the third minute you should do 20 kettlebell swings. Once the 4th minute begins, begin burpees again.

Continue this way for 20 minutes.

This exercise may seem easy because it requires plenty of rest, but the more tired you become, the more your rest periods will become shorter.

CrossFit at home for beginners: training program for men, women, a set of exercises at home

If you are not used to moving intensely for a long period of time, this exercise can be quite challenging.

Program 4

Scheme: 1 lap for time

  • Running - 800 m
  • Push-ups - 50 times
  • Squats - 100 times
  • 'Stand up - lay down' - 150 times
  • Running - 800 m

If you are not used to moving intensely for a long period of time, this exercise can be quite challenging. But it's great if you want a real challenge. The main thing is to complete all the repetitions. And if you want to squeeze yourself like a lemon, repeat everything a second time.

Program 5

Pattern: As many laps as possible for 15 minutes

  • 'Pistol' - 10 times
  • Pull-ups - 10 times
  • Jumping - 10 times
  • Push-ups - 10 times
  • 'Stand up - lay down' - 10 times

The 'pistol' can be tricky to make - so lean on a wall or use a counterweight. If you don't have room to do pull-ups, just release them and do the other 4 exercises. Fifteen minutes will seem very long if you do everything intensely. Calculate your strength to hold out for 15 minutes.

  1. More interesting on the topic:
  2. — 3 killer workouts at home
  3. — Nutrition in CrossFit: 11 best foods
  4. — CrossFit training: Personal experience
  5. — Workout: training program
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