Pilates for the spine: effective exercises and reviews

In one word – beauty! But correct posture is not only a straight back and a slender silhouette of the figure. This is also the health of the human body and the proper functioning of internal organs.

No matter how hard we try to monitor our posture, our back will still slouch. This is especially true for people with a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, we get fatigue and tension in the spine, a desire to stretch out, back pain, chronic stoop, and poor posture. How to prevent problems with the spine?

Pilates for the back

– the best remedy for back problems for people with sedentary or sedentary work. How to organize a training session correctly? We will talk about this and much more in our article.


is a set of exercises aimed at stretching the spine and working the deep muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvis. This type of training is suitable for all ages and is beneficial for posture for several reasons:

  • Strengthens the back muscles and increases their elasticity,
  • Relieves tension from the spine,
  • Increase flexibility and improve stretching.

To achieve visible results, it is recommended to systematically (3-4 times a week) perform five simple exercises in a certain sequence. Perform 5-10 repetitions of each exercise. After completing a set of exercises, it is recommended to meditate for 5 minutes.

A little history

The world-famous exercise system was invented by John Pilates more than a hundred years ago. It was intended to get rid of back pain, neck pain and even improve posture.

John Pilates developed his training program initially for the rehabilitation of patients who had suffered a spinal injury. But the set of exercises has been loved by thousands of people around the world over a hundred years of existence. Today, the popularity of Pilates gymnastics for the spine is only increasing.

exercises for the spine

History of Pilates

Pilates is named after the German Joseph Pilates (1912-1967), a man who overcame his childhood weaknesses by developing and practicing his own exercise regimen. According to the Pilates Foundation website, Josef apparently suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. In 1912 he worked as a circus performer, boxer and self-defense instructor in Great Britain. After this, he worked with wounded WWI soldiers who were unable to walk due to their injuries. This type of exercise has evolved over the years to become a reliable system for training and rehabilitating the body.

What is Pilates?

Pilates was invented for the rehabilitation of patients who had suffered an injury, so we can conclude that the set of exercises does not involve excessive loads and is not based on the principle “the stronger the better.” If you perform the exercises according to the instructions, then there is no chance of injury, unlike any other exercise system.

The goal of Pilates is not to build muscle or quickly lose 10 kg. First of all, this is gentle stretching and gentle strengthening of muscles. Just like a hundred years ago, and to this day, Pilates for the spine is considered one of the most highly effective techniques that strengthens muscles.

What is it?

"A Pilates circuit is a mind-body workout that targets your core with each exercise," says Manuela Sanchez, a Pilates instructor in Brooklyn, New York.

The deep stabilizer muscles are worked and strengthened through progressive movements using gravity, body weight, and specially designed equipment as forms of resistance. The mind-body connection is critical to Pilates. It trains the mind to maintain a constant level of awareness of body movements, resulting in greater body control and greatly improved technique.

Whether you perform a core-focused exercise or one that targets other muscle groups, your core is always engaged during Pilates. This training method strengthens different areas of your body. “It works the abdominal area, both at a deep and superficial level, so you can achieve true abdominal strength,” says Sanchez. “This means that these movements work a wide range of muscles, from the deep inner transverse abdominals to the abs (that's what we always picture in our heads when we hear the word abs).”

To help you appreciate and reap all the benefits of Pilates, Sanchez has put together some of the best exercises that will focus on your core. All of them are classic, “so all Pilates lovers will recognize them immediately, and people new to this gymnastics / with an initial level of physical fitness. training, will be able to easily master them,” she says. Another plus: none of these exercises require equipment or special equipment, so you can do them almost anywhere: at home, in the gym, on the street.

Pilates classes at home

What's the point?

Like any training program, Pilates has its own principles and rules. The most important of them are the following:

  1. Concentration is the paramount rule. This principle implies that each exercise should be performed wisely, you need to fully concentrate on the muscle group that this or that exercise is aimed at. One simple rule works here: the higher the degree of concentration, the better the result in the future.
  2. Without relaxation there is nowhere. This principle tells us that it is under no circumstances recommended to perform exercises while under stress or in a bad mood. No matter how bad your mood is, before training, try to get everything bad out of your head and focus on the exercises for the next hour.

    muscle training

When is Pilates recommended?

Outdoor activities
The vast majority of diseases have become significantly “younger” over the past decades, and if previously it was mainly older people who suffered from back pain, today the younger generation also suffers from this problem. But many people are interested in whether it is possible to exercise with existing injuries or illnesses? Many experts recommend Pilates for the spine, not only as a technique that restores health, but also as a preventive measure to avoid the development of many pathologies:

  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Diseases of the lumbar region.
  • Spinal dysfunction.
  • Chronic back pain.

Pilates for spinal health allows you to use those muscle groups that are usually at rest even when playing sports. In the process, blood flow improves, tone and coordination of movements return, stiffness and tension in the back are relieved, and well-being improves.

Preparatory stage

Preparation is one of the most important stages in training. Each joint must be in its place during exercise, otherwise there will be no sense in it. Even the slightest displacement can lead not only to pain, but also to serious injuries, such as sprains or dislocations.

Concentration goes hand in hand with coordination. It is necessary not only to focus on the muscles that the exercises are aimed at, but also to constantly monitor the correct execution of these exercises. When the exercises become a habit, coordination will be carried out at a subconscious level.

In other words, a dynamic stereotype will be developed. The exercises are performed “automatically” and at the same time with exceptional accuracy and correctness. The principle of centering is based on the fact that not only the abdominal muscles, but also the abs, take part in supporting the spine. Safe and correct exercise is based on stabilizing the abdominal muscles.

ball and spine

How to choose the right exercises?

There are a lot of exercises in Pilates, but not all of them are equally useful for certain diseases. For example, if there is pathology in the cervical spine, classes are recommended that include the following approaches:

  • You need to take a horizontal position, pull your socks towards you and pull in your stomach. Gradually bend, using the abdominal muscles, while it is important to concentrate on the sensations in each vertebra.
  • In a sitting position, gradually pull yourself up towards your feet, pausing for just a second, slowly returning to your previous position.

Pilates for cervical osteochondrosis should imply the smoothness of each movement, special attention to execution and uniform breathing. You need to imagine how the navel is pulled towards the lower back, and hold the abdominal muscles in this way.

Who is recommended to take up Pilates?

Since Pilates exercises for the spine are considered one of the safest physical activities, the complex, according to experts, is recommended to be performed in the following cases:

  • It is strongly recommended to turn to a set of exercises for those who have suffered a musculoskeletal injury. First of all, ligaments, muscles, bones.
  • For diseases of the spinal column and any derivatives from them.
  • Exercises are recommended for pregnant women and during the recovery period after childbirth.
  • For varicose veins.
  • For joint problems caused by excess weight.
  • To old people.
  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, if you have a sedentary job and completely lack physical activity, as well as for those who engage in heavy physical labor. Such exercises will be useful for both categories of people, since they are aimed not only at stretching, but also at relaxation.
  • Pilates is suitable for spinal hernia.
  • The ideal complex would be for those who have never played sports before, that is, for unprepared people. This may be the initial stage before serious physical activity.

In any case, your back will only be grateful. However, despite the fact that Pilates is considered a gentle complex, if you have serious chronic diseases, it is better to consult a specialist before starting to train.

strengthening the spine

Posture is the basis of the Pilates method

Posture is a concept that has firmly entered our lives. Since childhood, we have all heard about the need to have “good posture” and its significant impact on various areas of a person’s life: “don’t slouch, boys (girls) won’t love you,” “sit up straight so that your back doesn’t hurt,” “straighten your shoulders, throw the bad things out of your head”, etc.

These are frequent sayings of grandmothers and mothers, to which neither we nor even they themselves pay attention anymore, due to the “hackneyed” phrases. But these phrases can easily be attributed to folk wisdom, and wisdom should not be ignored. It is better to use it by taking a closer look and shaking off the centuries-old dust, wiping it with modern scientific confirmation.

All these phrases, if we take a closer look, tell us about the close connection between the physical body and the state of consciousness. Perhaps, few people would argue that a person experiencing an emotional upsurge will walk with his head down. His behavior will be described by observers with typical phrases: “he’s just flying today!” or “wings grew behind my back.” Or a person learned about a positive result of a solution that had been tormenting him for a long time. He exclaims: “like a weight lifted off my shoulders!” This means that all this time he physically felt heaviness and stiffness.

These are examples of the effects of emotions on the body. There is also feedback. The human being is designed in such a way that it is enough to “pat the head, the back, etc.” and “the heart thaws.” This means that if someone or you yourself treats your body with due attention and care, then it will definitely thank its owner with temporary, but spiritual comfort.

So, posture, what is it? In the modern Pilates system, there are concepts of Habitual and Ideal posture.

Habitual posture is a manner of holding oneself, moving the body in space, which is a set of habits and skills that have an impact on a person. This means that our entire life path is reflected in the way we sit, lie, move, gesture and, accordingly, feel ourselves in our own body. The formation of posture occurs under the influence of internal and external factors, such as:

  • anthropological features of body structure
  • heredity
  • illnesses
  • living conditions (during the formation period)
  • professional activity
  • sports, motor hobbies, passions
  • injuries
  • everyday habits (sleeping, reading, long-term)
  • emotional condition
  • aging
  • excess weight
  • manner of dressing
  • etc.

Each person, to one degree or another, is influenced by these factors and pays with the condition of his body, which is most often subject to ruthless exploitation and wear and tear. The basis of this attitude is elementary ignorance, inattention to the needs of one’s own body, which, in turn, reminds itself of itself through pain or refusal to cope with the task.

The optimal state of the human body can be considered “functional” - without extreme abilities and features of functioning.

It is impossible to deny the spectacular stunts performed by artists and athletes. However, why does the human body need a length of hamstrings that allows it to tie itself into a knot, if it is quite enough for it to be able to bend down to the ground without discomfort or sit with a straight back and legs, that is, perform everyday activities without experiencing discomfort and resistance from the body?!

If we take as a basis the model: Body Gravity Movement (immobility), then we come to the conclusion that as a result of movement (immobility) under the influence of gravity, the body acquires habits and movement skills, which subsequently affect it, physically modifying it.

The pathologies are: Hypomobility – loss (reduction) of normal range of motion. Overexertion is repetitive straining at the edge of the pain range. Hypermobility – expanding the range of motion. In some people susceptible to hypermobility syndrome, collagen, which is the building material for ligaments, has increased plasticity. Instability – excessive mobility, including the neutral zone. Muscle imbalance is the uneven development of the muscle corset.

Undoubtedly, the human body is a much more complex mechanism than a moving set of body parts, but we are now considering precisely this side of life. In addition, as an integral system, the human body reacts to any deviation from the norm by the reaction of the entire chain of interconnected organs and systems.

The physical and emotional states of a person are two moving models in constant interaction. They are as changeable as the world and often unpredictable. However, there is a set of standard reactions and behavior patterns of every person, and as conscious beings, it would be a good idea for us to take control of this process. At a minimum, try not to pull your head into your body in moments of unexpected irritation - bright light, loud sound, fear, etc. This reflex reaction of the body leads to overstrain of the collar area, which is often the cause of headaches and insomnia.

Sometimes, having noticed causeless blues and “heaviness in the heart,” it is enough to simply change your breathing pattern - the problem dissolves in thin air. In order to masterfully manage your body and mind, it is advisable to at least know about this possibility. Then you just need to develop the habit of observing your behavior in everyday life.

Everyone has the power to consciously influence their physical shell, putting into action certain mechanisms. The main difficulty is to find the courage in oneself, to admit that, even having noticed the consequence of sadness or joy on the physical level, be it shallow or too deep breathing, a hunched back, an overstrained lower back, etc., it is more difficult for a person to decide to return himself to a balanced state state by simply relaxing the muscles, rather than continuing, out of habit, to remain in the chosen emotional mode.

Identifying oneself with one’s reactions is a more common way of being for a modern person than control over consciousness and the physical body, and as a consequence, curbing emotional swings. But this is a topic for another conversation.

Here are just some examples of standard habits and their consequences : - the habit of standing, leaning on one leg - signals that one leg is shorter, scoliosis is present

- habit of “pulling your head in” - overstrain of the collar area, headaches, sleep problems

- tight, constricting clothing - shallow chest breathing, tendency to restlessness, anxiety

– high heels – pain in the lower back, sacrum, shortened Achilles tendons

- narrow shoes - inactive toes, feet in general, as a result - instability, tension of internal organs

- enlarged bones at the base of the big toes - occurs due to improper distribution of body weight on the foot. Leads to instability of the ankles, problems with the knee joints, compression in the lower back, sacrum

- unsymmetrical body position at the desk - scoliosis, muscle imbalance

– prolonged sitting – shortened hamstrings, iliopsoas, hip flexor

- reading while lying down, prolonged work at the computer - the head is pushed forward, which leads to overstrain of the neck muscles and increased load on the intervertebral discs

- overstrain of the abdominal wall - problems with breathing, the body’s cleansing system.

It doesn't take much effort to break these habits. This is something that is corrected automatically, provided that attention is directed correctly, during standard exercises.

Now it’s time to figure out what Ideal Posture is.

Ideal posture is the position of body segments relative to the vertical axis, in which all components of the musculoskeletal system experience the least resistance. This arrangement significantly reduces stress, reducing wear and tear throughout the body.

Ideal posture allows the body to perform the full range of functional movements without harming the body. Thus, when it comes to ideal posture, it is not only and not so much the aesthetic side that is affected, although it is difficult to deny the visual advantages of an anatomically correctly built body, but the ability to return this body to working capacity through the use of accessible and well-structured physical activity.

Therefore, we can safely say that building the body using the Pilates method, based on posture correction, has a much deeper impact on the human body as a whole than simply creating an attractive appearance.

Thus, we can summarize that Ideal posture is a state of a person’s physical shell, which allows him not to experience excessive stress and is both a consequence and a result of the optimal functioning of consciousness.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the absence of excessive tension and the usual, characteristic tension are quite difficult to correctly identify. For a person who has been experiencing tension for years as a consequence of a habitual pattern of behavior, changes in the direction of reducing tension by correcting the vertical axis may initially even feel like imposed discomfort.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to break habits, even clearly harmful ones. But, on the other hand, a habit is the result of frequently repeated actions, which means that in order to form the correct (Ideal) posture, it is enough to form a healthy movement pattern and make it habitual.

Pilates exercises are aimed at developing precisely these skills. It is the formation of a healthy movement habit that is natural for the human body that lies at the heart of the method. And the concept of Ideal Posture is the core idea of ​​the system.

Enough has already been said about the importance of posture. Now let's look directly at the Pilates method. There are as many types of posture as there are people, and each person is individual. However, if we consider the human body as an engineering structure consisting of a bone (hard, supporting) and muscle (soft, motor) structure, then for convenience, we can distinguish several main types of posture:

Round-concave Quickly, in general terms, let’s consider the characteristic features and their possible effects on well-being and personal characteristics using the example of this type of posture:

The head is pushed forward, which leads to a multiple increase in the load on the intervertebral discs along the entire spine. The consequence may be various deformations of the intervertebral discs, pinched nerve roots, muscle spasms, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs, depending on the degree of neglect of the situation. All this leads not only to pain and sores, but also to a distorted perception of reality. After all, every organ and its condition has a direct impact on the work of consciousness.

There is a huge amount of knowledge accumulated on this issue. The main source is oriental medicine. There is a lot to dig into if you are interested.

Due to the fact that the muscles of the back of the neck and the occipital muscles have to experience increased stress supporting the weight of the head, they create unnecessary tension in the collar area. This tension is akin to a noose around the neck, which tightens tighter and tighter over time.

As a result, a person may experience such undesirable consequences as headaches, sleep disturbances, deepening of facial wrinkles, tension in the root of the tongue, and therefore in all internal organs from the pharynx to the perineum. This again affects their functioning.

Hyperkyphosis of the thoracic region (excessively convex curvature of the spine of the upper body or, more simply, a hunched back). This shape of the chest is characterized by a shallow type of chest breathing, which, as noted above, often causes the mind to be in a restless state, makes it difficult to concentrate, which significantly reduces performance.

If we take into account that stooping is caused, for example, by frequent use of the computer, which is typical for people with intellectual work, then the ability to concentrate plays an important role for them even in moving up the career ladder.

Due to the change in the shape of the chest, the internal organs located in its cavity (lungs, heart) experience some discomfort and respond with corresponding malfunctions. The greater the “yoke on the neck” or the “cart on the shoulders,” the “heavier the soul,” or the “stone on the heart.” And what state of consciousness do these statements indicate?! ...

Of course, this does not mean that a person with a stooped back is not able to enjoy life, but “breathing deeply” is not characteristic or habitual for him, which means his dominant state is depression, and in order to get out of it, “straighten his shoulders”, such a person needs significant additional impulses.

It will be helpful to simply lie on your back without throwing your head back, wave your arms, breathe deeply, but do not do all of the above with excessive effort, such as “opening the chest with backbends” and “stretching the chest muscles” without a concomitant impact on the back muscles.

In general, any extreme forms of physical activity are not particularly effective in a health sense. After all, in order to complete a super task, the body begins to use all its reserves, exploiting its already strong sides.

So, for example, an extreme “bend back” for a person with a slouched back will be more likely to be achieved due to the load on the lower back, rather than increasing the mobility of the thoracic region, where it is insufficient. More effective for such a posture would be not “bending back”, but straightening and lengthening, aimed at mobilizing the sedentary thoracic region with mandatory control of the lumbar spine and the muscles of the Center. All basic variations of the Diving Swan exercise will be very relevant.

The next point is lumbar hyperlordosis, or too concave lumbar deflection. A characteristic female body posing, especially among lovers of high heels, as well as pregnant women and men, with a “beer tank”.

Here we can note such features as: constant excessive tension in the muscles of the lower back, and therefore the kidneys, and the spine in the lumbar region. Flaccid deep muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor, the so-called Center. Possible consequences: lower back pain, genitourinary disorders, prolapse of internal organs, especially those located in the pelvic area. It’s not pleasant, but it’s a fact – a decrease in reproductive function, as well as the level of pleasure received from this very function.

This does not mean that you cannot wear heels, bear children and drink beer, but take care of the condition of the pelvic floor muscles and lower back bones, it is better not to wait for the consequences of your established lifestyle.

Next, the knee and ankle joints, as well as the feet. The usual distribution of body weight on the feet for people with high lumbar deflection is the placement of weight on the inside of the foot, that is, the ankle joints fall towards the middle and increased load on the joints of the big toes. Hence degenerative changes, such as “bumps” on the joints of the big toes, flat feet, pain in the knees, and in the lower back.

Among those who have this habit of carrying themselves, many are unable to squat without raising their heels, which means that the likelihood of problems with the cleansing function of the body is very high. The chain of consequences is easy to trace... Problems with the knees develop into problems with the liver and vision.

All you need to do is learn to keep your body weight evenly on your entire foot and stand on two legs, placing them hip-width apart.

Round back, or “lazy posture”. The most common type of posture. It is formed under the influence of prolonged sitting (school, computer, TV, etc.) combined with an insufficient level of physical activity (car, elevator, no time to go swimming, etc.).

This type of posture is good because it is the easiest to correct. Its distinctive features: the head is shifted forward relative to the shoulder girdle, the chest is tilted back relative to the ilia (pelvic bones), and the pelvis is pushed forward relative to the chest.

This zigzag-like profile can be changed by going up to the wall and leaning your heels, sacrum of the shoulder blade and back of your head against it. The difficulty is to teach the body to maintain a vertical axis and feel it convenient, comfortable, familiar. Pilates exercises are suitable for this, especially the Hundred family, Side Kick, Swan Dive, Torso Twists.

Unpleasant characteristics of this type of posture include: stooping, tension in the collar area, excessive load on the lower part of the spine, shortened back of the thigh, and rather weak legs. Insufficient elasticity of the muscles of the back of the thighs hinders movement, making everyday activities such as bending forward to pick up something from the floor or tying shoelaces without a chair difficult; sitting on the floor with straight legs becomes very uncomfortable.

Extended leg movements and wide lunges may not be such everyday actions, but running into an obstacle in the form of a fence or even a low hedge, trying to climb a tree to remove a wayward kitten, or leaving the house through a ground floor window are unlikely to be look smart when performed by the owner of a set of habits that form this type of posture.

Representatives of the “lazy type of posture” are characterized by shyness and some infantilism. Will, determination, and ability to concentrate may be suppressed or in a passive state. There is a tendency to “go with the flow.”

Of course, these observations are not uniquely true for everyone, but they describe a general trend. It is impossible not to mention other factors that can serve as the basis for the formation of this type of posture.

For example, people with increased mobility (hypermobility) of joints, of whom there are quite a few among dancers and rhythmic gymnasts, behave in this way due to the lack of need (as it seems to them) to control themselves in everyday life, but when they need to perform the most complex tricks, they do not experience restrictions in the form of shortened hamstrings. Just standing in line at the store, it is easier for them to “hang on their bones” than to hold themselves upright, controlling the stability of their body.

For such people, the ability to concentrate and determination do not cause difficulties, but emotional instability and excessive impressionability may be present.

Another common accompaniment of “lazy posture” is scoliosis. A very broad topic that requires separate consideration. Scoliosis can be present in any type of posture, but most often occurs in combination with the type in question. This can be explained by the fact that both Round Back and Scoliotic Posture are the results of Body Instability.

To correct scoliosis, or rather to prevent its development, the optimal ones are balance exercises (on a ball, on a roller), stabilizing exercises - the Hundred family, Lying on your side. Do not forget about maintaining the mobility of the spinal column, but you should take into account the different amplitude of movement in different directions. Do not use additional weight when performing power loads while standing or sitting. Do not be overzealous with stretching the enslaved side without carrying out stabilizing work. These recommendations are very general. In general, scoliosis is a very broad topic that requires separate consideration.

Flat back. This type of posture is often inherited from parents or grandparents. This is no longer so much a habit as a given, a program at birth. But it may well also form as a result of injuries or pain in the lower back.

Flattening of the thoracic spine can be a consequence of specific physical activity (dancing posture), which leads to excessive stress on the heart.

The hereditary, congenital variant of a flat back requires special attention. A distinctive feature of this type of posture is the flattened shape of the vertebrae, which means a reduced shock-absorbing function of the spinal column as a whole and an increased load on the intervertebral discs. The natural curves of the spine are greatly smoothed out. The mobility of the spine is limited, which means the range of motion is also narrowed.

Such a person can live and move quite fully, but the strength of his spine is somewhat reduced. Thus, physical activity should be aimed at maintaining general tone and functional mobility, but should not be overly aggressive, focused on achieving super results.

Gentle but regular physical activity will have a very beneficial effect on your overall health. Pilates exercises are suitable: torso twists, diving swan. The basic exercises of the Hundred family are good.

The effectiveness of physical activity, including the Pilates method, in this case will be very little noticeable externally. Important motives for continuing exercise on a regular basis are: maintaining the mobility of the spinal column and general body tone. Once again, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of a non-aggressive, gentle mode of exposure, resulting from the natural “fragility” of this structure.

All stress on the spine should be avoided. Any impact load - jumping, running, step aerobics, etc., anything that leads to a concussion of the spine.

As for the so-called acquired type of Flat Back, the following can be added. Depending on the degree of degeneration of the bone structure, it is largely subject to correction and improvement of the situation. Of course, in each individual case, progress will be very individual.

But, an important distinguishing feature of the acquired type of flattening from the congenital type is that in the case of modification of posture under the influence of pain, the flattening of the natural curves of the spine is caused not by the shape of the vertebrae themselves, but, often, only by the condition of the muscle corset.

When it comes to soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, even joint capsules), we have the power to change a lot. The bone structure undergoes little change as a result of exposure to Pilates exercises. And, frankly, just physical activity at the bone level can have a beneficial effect on elasticity, density, and the ability to regenerate, but not on the shape of the vertebra itself. And as already emphasized above, we should not forget that excessive force or mechanical damage can lead to degenerative processes in both the bone and muscle structure of the body. But maintaining mobility and overall body tone are priority and very important goals in both cases.

People with this type of posture are at greater risk of injury. Due to the limited range of mobility, the muscles throughout the body are not flexible enough and also need strengthening.

It is these features that increase the risk of injury from a fall, loss of balance control, and may be the cause.

The normal state of a person with a flat back is stiffness, tightness, and inability to relax. The indicators of endurance and strength are not too high.

Ideal posture is a landmark that is practically never found in nature.

It is worth considering that posture is something living, changing under the influence of gravity, age, emotions, etc. It is not possible to once receive a result and maintain it for a long time without making habitual the entire way of existence that led to this result. We live, feel, think, act and all this is reflected in how we look. The body is a continuation of thought, a long-term project, work on which does not stop throughout life. In any case, over time the body changes. However, whether this process is relatively controlled or spontaneous largely depends on ourselves.

Using the proposed theoretical material, you need to understand that it is more important to grasp the principle of action itself than to try to fit the entire variety of existing bodies into several templates. Alas, it won't work. There will definitely be deviations from the scheme. Here you will need the experience and knowledge of a qualified instructor, or at least the desire to figure it all out.

But if we describe the operation of the system in a simplified way, it looks something like this. The bones are the masts of the ship, the muscles are the ropes. Some are longer, others are shorter. The instructor's task is to make sure that all the ropes are of the required length, and with their help it would be possible to easily control the ship. And how quickly and efficiently the instructor will cope with this task depends not only on his qualifications and experience, but also on the desire of the ship’s captain to operate the machine, taking into account its individual characteristics.

The instructor’s task during the lesson is to take into account the above circumstances as much as possible, and, as necessary, explain to students the causes of certain problems in order to prevent their occurrence. The main task when performing Pilates exercises is to instill the skills of competent (non-stressful) movement in everyday life. Then the posture that results from your new habits will become a daily occurrence. Your Posture is the life you put on your body (Nula Coombs), and you can change your clothes if you wish.

Author: Ekaterina Smirnova

Contraindications to classes

Despite the fact that Pilates for the spine is considered one of the safest techniques, it is not recommended to immediately run for the mat. As experts say in their reviews, exercises have a gentle effect on the body, but a complex that is not compiled correctly and does not take into account any chronic diseases can cause complications. The following factors are contraindications to training:

  • Acute infections that provoke an increase in body temperature.
  • Any serious pain for no reason.
  • If there is a risk of bleeding after an injury or surgery.
  • If you feel unwell and are in serious condition during the period of illness.
  • A foreign body in the body, usually after injury.

In any case, consulting a doctor won't hurt.

Are there any contraindications?

As already mentioned, Pilates has virtually no contraindications. But there are a number of cases when it cannot be done. These include:

  • A strong increase in temperature, from 37.5 and above.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the body, accompanied by severe ailments.
  • Fractures, tears or sprains are also a serious obstacle to exercise.
  • Cannot be practiced with any impairment of motor coordination.
  • Osteoporosis, scoliosis, arthrosis and others.
  • Mental disorders.

Since classes require full concentration, relaxation and concentration, these diseases can interfere with or worsen. Therefore, if there is at least one item from the list, it is better to abstain from classes.

How to achieve a good result?

As reviews show, the effectiveness of exercises depends on proper implementation of the complex and a uniform increase in loads. Even if during the process it seems that everything is easy and simple, do not try to increase the load or speed up the pace of the complex.

As reviews say, if you have health problems, then the supervision of a trainer at the initial stage is necessary. Only a professional will be able to control the correctness of the exercises in order to help correct mistakes on time and show how to do it without the risk of injury. Take your time, study the technique of performing each exercise, study the nuances and subtleties.

Pilates with equipment

How to do exercises correctly?

It is advisable to conduct classes under the supervision of a qualified trainer, but if there are no serious health problems, video Pilates lessons at home can help you master the technique. It is better to perform all movements without stopping, since one exercise will gradually prepare the body for the next, and the load in this case will increase gradually, without causing discomfort. You can master the technique:

  • Using special Pilates equipment.
  • On the simulators.
  • On the rug.

Clothes for Pilates should be comfortable and not restrict movement. It is advisable to give preference to knitwear. But you should avoid wearing shoes altogether, as bare feet improve blood circulation. Here are some helpful tips for teaching.

  • Pilates for cervical osteochondrosis involves strict control of head position. It cannot be tilted, only held at body level.
  • Classes are accompanied by uniform breathing. It is advisable to master several techniques for controlling inhalation and exhalation in advance so as not to get confused during the exercises.
  • Pilates for a herniated disc should include stretching exercises to increase the distance between the vertebral discs and have the desired effect.
  • If all the exercises are performed for the purpose of general health, then they involve every vertebra in the work, from the neck to the lumbar region.
  • Corrective treatment is carried out only with the consent of the attending physician.

Pilates is multifaceted and can help strengthen almost all muscle groups. The main thing is to choose the right complex for yourself, then the result will appear after just a few weeks of regular implementation.

A set of exercises for the spine, legs and buttocks

Experts recommend starting your training with meditation; it is very important to calm down and relax. The main load in this complex is aimed at the abdominal muscles and leg muscles. So, let's start with training:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, breathe deeply, with equal intensity as you inhale and exhale.
  • Lie on the floor, press your knees to your chest with your hands.
  • Pull your stomach in to feel every part of your abdominal muscles and lock them in this position.
  • Extend your arms in front of your body, at approximately shoulder level.
  • Now, using your abdominal muscles, you need to lower your legs to the floor. Next, smoothly turn your knees to the right and fix them in this position.
  • Pull your stomach in again to feel the work of your abdominal muscles, tighten your stomach as much as possible. There must be at least 3 such cycles.
  • Lower your feet back to the floor and turn your knees to the left side, locking them in place. Do not forget to control the tension in your muscles, breathe smoothly and evenly.

Now you can move on to exercises on the spine.

Pilates exercises

The benefits of Pilates for the back and spine

Until recently, it was believed that problems with the spine were a problem for older people.
However, back diseases have become younger, which is explained by people's sedentary lifestyle.

The benefits of Pilates have been confirmed by doctors; this technique helps with various spinal problems, curvatures, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and other disorders.

The uniqueness of the technique is that during classes, those muscle groups that are almost not involved in everyday life are worked out.

In this case, it is important not how much force the person performing the exercises applies, but how focused he is on his muscles and how he feels its movement.

During the training process, the overall blood supply to the body improves, muscle tone increases, and compressed nerve tissue is released.

Pilates is beneficial and safe for the back and neck because:

  1. Most exercises are performed lying down or sitting, which eliminates stress on the spine.
  2. The technique is aimed at working out the muscular frame of the spine, and strong back muscles prevent increasing the load on the vertebrae and cartilaginous layers.
  3. Thanks to these techniques, correct posture is developed, which means that the load is evenly distributed on the spine and prevents it from curving in one direction or another, preventing diseases such as scoliosis.
  4. With the help of Pilates you can lose weight, which will also have a beneficial effect on the spine.
  5. The exercises are aimed at releasing muscle spasm, which occurs both due to inactivity and various diseases.
  6. Correct execution of the complex leads to normalization of blood circulation in the muscles of the spine and intervertebral discs.

The technique has almost no contraindications, even with very serious back problems. In some cases, exercises may be adjusted or canceled.

A set of back exercises

When performing such a complex, you need to especially monitor your breathing and muscle tension. Is it possible to do Pilates if you have a herniated disc? The answer is clear - it is possible. However, this must be done very smoothly and carefully:

  • Stay on the floor, pull your stomach in again and tighten your abs, straighten your legs and pull your toes towards you. Take a deep breath and slowly lift your spine up until you find yourself in a “sitting” position, but so that the main load falls on your abs. It is important to feel every vertebra.
  • Now you need to continue to slowly reach for your feet until you reach the point where you feel discomfort. Stay in this position for literally 2-3 seconds and slowly lower back to the floor until you are lying on the floor again.
  • Do not forget that the abdominal muscles should be tense throughout the entire exercise and the stomach should be retracted.
  • When you hit the floor again, bend your knees and keep your feet parallel.
  • Now we smoothly lift the pelvis up, we also need to make sure that the spine comes off the floor. Lock in this position for 2-3 seconds. Remember to take deep breaths. This Pilates exercise is perfect for a herniated lumbar spine.
  • Return to the starting position, legs remain straight, relax, releasing tension in the muscles. Pull your stomach in so that your navel is literally glued to your spine. Now slowly pull your toes towards you so that your heels do not leave the floor. At the same time, pull your head forward, trying to reach your chin to your chest. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe evenly and stop doing the exercise if you feel any discomfort. This Pilates exercise for a herniated cervical spine is recommended to be performed by specialists, but only after consultation.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands on top of each other near your chin. Without letting go of your chin, try to lift them together with your head and chest as you exhale. Remember to keep your lower body in the original position.

    yoga and pilates

This complex is usually recommended for a sore back. An important rule is smooth, slow execution, but without long stops. If you experience any pain, you should stop training and consult a doctor.

Why do you need to strengthen your muscle corset and posture?

Not only for external gloss and creating the image of a confident person: the correct functioning of our entire body also depends on them. “Through the spinal cord and the nerves extending from the spine, the brain regulates the functioning of internal organs and receives feedback from them,” says Anna Vladimirova , founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of healing practices. — If your posture is poor, the transmission of signals from the brain to the organs and back is difficult and incorrect. Thus, the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is slowly but surely disrupted. And this leads to a variety of ailments: from impaired blood supply to the brain to hormonal imbalance or problems with conception.”

Weak muscles of the back and core (and this can be the case even if you regularly visit the gym, but ignore exercises for the upper back and lower back) provokes the “collapse” of the spine - the formation of a stoop, which is fraught with health problems. “Slouching reduces the volume of the chest, which means the heart has less room to work. It will adapt to this to the last, sacrificing the nutrition of its own tissues, but sooner or later the problem will manifest itself, for example, with coronary disease, reminds Anna Vladimirova. — If the back muscles are plastic, the intervertebral discs receive enough nutrition (the discs are nourished diffusely - during muscle contraction and relaxation), the spine remains flexible and plastic, the nervous system works correctly, maintaining the health of the whole body. Correct posture provides sufficient space for the efficient functioning of all organs, and high-quality blood circulation is ensured through loose, flexible muscles.”

Vertical Pilates solves well the problem of flexibility of the back and core muscles, since it involves them in work during almost every exercise.

“When training, it is important to maintain the Pilates position all the time: while inhaling, slightly tighten your stomach (as if you are trying to tighten the belt on your trousers), straighten your shoulders, twist your pelvis forward so that the iliacus bones are clearly under the ribs,” says Ekaterina Soboleva , fitness -Director of the Zupre club and the author of this complex. - Lean on your entire foot and try to stretch your body along your spine as high as possible. All this, by the way, will help develop a sense of balance.”

Pilates equipment

Equipment for Pilates classes

Exercises on mats

Exercises on mats are much more accessible than exercises with gymnastic apparatus, as they require less equipment. This variation of Pilates takes place on a mat indoors and involves working with gravity and body weight to hold and maintain various positions using strength and endurance. It is quite popular because of its versatility. All you need initially is a mat! Sometimes classes include the use of resistance bands and balls. Mat training is great for beginners as it helps develop a basic level of core stability before moving on to more advanced tools.

Exercises with gymnastic equipment

Joseph Pilates made exercise machines by attaching various equipment to hospital beds. The exercise machines you see these days are specifically designed for this purpose; devices include Cadillacs, reformers, barrels and chairs.


Before practicing this system, you need to study possible contraindications, because in some cases Pilates can harm your health.

It is prohibited to perform “gymnastics for the lazy” in the following cases:

  • Serious diseases in which a person’s condition significantly worsens.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by fever.
  • The likelihood of bleeding in the postoperative or post-traumatic period.
  • Injuries after which a foreign body enters the body.
  • Severe pain of unknown origin.
  • Cellulitis or abscesses.

It is strongly recommended that you consult with a physician or professional instructor before exercising, especially if you have a chronic illness.

Important. Before training at home, do several classes under the supervision of a trainer to master the basics of Pilates. The specialist will tell you what mistakes you are making and also explain how to correct them.

Useful tips

Before you start training, you need to study the following recommendations:

  • Do Pilates in clothes that do not restrict your movement. It is better to train barefoot so as not to disrupt the blood circulation in your legs.
  • To master the Pilates technique, take several classes under the guidance of an instructor.
  • Before training, consult your doctor, he will tell you how often you can exercise.
  • Warm up before gymnastics.
  • During home workouts, monitor your technique, concentrate on a specific muscle group, and control your breathing.
  • Perform the exercises slowly and smoothly.
  • When doing gymnastics, try to keep your back straight; after 10 to 15 sessions, your posture will improve.
  • The first workouts should consist of simple exercises without additional equipment. Over time, you can try more complex exercises. Increase the amplitude gradually to avoid injury.
  • Perform the complex at a smooth pace without interruption (except in cases where this is specifically stated).
  • Perform the exercises in the order that the instructor created for you.
  • To help your spine stretch better, pull in your stomach and hold it in that position.

It is better to train in comfortable sportswear and barefoot

Remember that Pilates is a rehabilitation system that does not involve impact loads. This gymnastics consists of stretching exercises, not strength exercises.

Pilates stretching for runners

Pilates warm-up for runners

Use Pilates stretching and exercises to run further, faster and longer.

When people are focused on improving their running performance, they are primarily focused on running more. You can run with an emphasis on speed or distance. The tactic is clear - running will help you become a better runner.

But what would you think if your coach told you that there is another way that will help you run faster and longer? Lyn Robinson, founder of Body Control Pilates, explains: “Pilates can improve your running posture, endurance, balance and stretching.” Below are four exercises Lin recommends doing before or after your run.

Spinal twists

twisting the spine while lying on the floor

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your arms at the sides of your body and inhale.

Lift your pelvis up, lifting your pelvis off the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Stretch out, moving your knees away from your hips. Exhale as you lower your pelvis towards the floor. Repeat 10 times

Exercise oyster

Lie on your side with one arm extended and under your head, the other arm resting on the floor in front of your body. Bend your knee and pull your foot towards you. Exhale as you lift your leg and inhale as you lower your leg to the starting position. Keep your hips still. Repeat 10 times.

Squats Pilates

Pilates squats

Stand straight with your feet parallel to each other and hip-width apart.

Inhale and, stretching your spine, bend your knees and hips and lean slightly forward. Extend your arms in front of you for balance. Exhale as you rise up and straighten your legs. Repeat 10 times.

Main conclusions

Pilates for the back will help restore the spine after injuries, get rid of discomfort, pain, maintain physical fitness, and increase body flexibility. This gymnastics is suitable for people of any age and gender. However, it should be remembered that there are some contraindications to Pilates. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should consult your doctor before training. All movements should be performed smoothly, at a slow pace, without jerking. During classes, you need to be in a relaxed psychological state, focus on the muscles being worked, and monitor your breathing. The first training should be carried out under the supervision of an instructor; only after mastering the technique can you practice at home. With regular exercise, you will be able to strengthen your back muscles, make your ligaments more elastic, and relieve pain. Pilates is recommended for the prevention of many spinal diseases.

Pilates or yoga

There are some similarities between yoga and Pilates. Both systems focus on the mind and body with an emphasis on relaxation and breathing. However, Pilates is more of a physical therapy program, while yoga focuses on spiritual well-being. If you are looking for relaxation, flexibility and spiritual well-being, then choose yoga. If you want to tone, strengthen and rehabilitate your body, then you should do Pilates.


  • https://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/exercise/pilates-for-beginners-benefits.htm
  • https://www.self.com/gallery/pilates-exercises-that-work-your-core

Various Pilates disciplines

Stott Pilates

This is a modern version that appeared in 1988. The Stott Method has been revised by fitness and rehabilitation professionals to incorporate modern principles of physical science and spinal rehabilitation. The benefits of Stott Pilates can be enjoyed by everyone, from people undergoing rehabilitation to sports professionals.

Body control

The Body Control Method is an option that specifically focuses on rehabilitation and is quickly becoming an osteopathic recommendation for patients suffering from almost any injury.

Body management is based on 8 principles :

  • Relaxation
  • Alignment
  • Breath
  • Centering: Creating a Belt of Power*
  • Coordination
  • Smooth movements
  • Endurance

*The Power Belt, the principle mentioned above, is a method of tightening the pelvic floor muscles and drawing the abdominal muscles towards the spine to achieve a "strong core".

Who is Pilates suitable for?

Everyone! Need I say anything more? We all need to strengthen our muscles to keep our bodies moving. Our core muscles are the ones that stabilize our pelvis and spine to maintain optimal alignment. These stabilizing muscles include: abdominals - transverse abdominals and internal and external obliques; gluteal – greater and ischial (buttocks); back muscles - multifidus, trapezius and serratus anterior. It is important that these muscles function correctly as they support our posture and facilitate movement. If our deep stabilizer muscles are not strong enough, they can be damaged.

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