Fitness or running
There is no answer as to what to give priority to. Each trainee has his own goal, physical fitness, preferences and capabilities.
Fitness is multifaceted and universal. It includes almost any type of physical activity, the purpose of which is to improve and strengthen muscles. But in essence, this is a system of physical exercises.
Benefits of fitness:
- the training program can always be adjusted to the level of physical fitness;
- strengthening the muscles that create the functionality of the body;
- improvement of appearance;
- effective for weight loss, just like running.
But the downside is the need to master the technique of many exercises and study theory. This is important because you need to be aware of what you are doing with your body.
Approximately 5 km of cycling is equivalent to 1 km of jogging. If you want to lose weight and get back in shape, and you don’t have time to train in the gym, running is an undeniable option.
Fitness does not have such a harsh effect on the joints. Running is more dangerous - knees, ankles, back.
Running strengthens and tightens the whole body. Fitness modifies the body, building muscles.
In terms of health: when running, the heart muscle is noticeably strengthened , since blood flow increases and the risks of heart pathologies decrease. Fitness will increase muscles, coordination and mobility.
Both disciplines reduce stress.
Running, among other things, is accessible to everyone and does not require large financial investments. Just buy the necessary equipment. You can run anywhere: you don’t need gyms with exercise equipment.
For weight loss, running is more important because it burns more calories. In an hour, a runner spends 600 kcal; in fitness, this amount is equivalent to 2 hours of intense cycling, 3 dance or gymnastics classes, 4 yoga classes. Running is natural, it trains endurance, breathing, heart, the body easily adapts to it.
Since the answer to the benefits of any type of exercise is mixed, enjoy any physical activity! In any case, you will win.
Contraindications to training
The load on the joints is why there are restrictions.
- Running is harmful to the female body with joint diseases (arthritis, spinal obstruction, sciatica). Excess weight harms your joints, so be careful, and if your weight is much higher than normal, give preference to other sports and consult your doctor.
- Run on flat surfaces or special concrete treadmills.
- Listen to yourself, and if you feel pain in your muscles and joints, do not tempt fate and consult a doctor.
The benefits and harms of running for women
The main property of running is the comprehensive improvement of health:
- slimness is easily achieved;
- cellulite becomes invisible as the skin tightens;
- the stomach becomes flat by reducing the fat layer and strengthening the abdominal muscles;
- the butt becomes like a nut - it becomes rounded, elasticity and bulge appear;
- legs acquire relief;
- general tone increases and fatigue decreases;
- drainage and cleansing of lymph;
- acceleration of blood flow;
- increased libido;
- endorphins are produced;
- Stress levels decrease and mood improves.
Running after 40 helps fight signs of aging. The complexion remains healthy for a long time, swelling under the eyes disappears, and the skin becomes more elastic.
Running leads to increased lung capacity. A woman who runs always looks better than a sedentary matron in the office.
Another useful property of running is the normalization of hormonal levels. This means - down with PMS and long live a healthy pancreas and thyroid!
Physical activity greatly strengthens the immune system. Jogging is an excellent prevention for the development of cancer of the mammary glands, genital organs, colon and lungs.
Running – prevention of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, arthrosis. It increases life expectancy.
Harm of running for women:
- Failure to use proper technique can result in increased stress on the spine and joints. And this is fraught with injuries and sprains. To avoid this, learn the technique of movements.
- A woman becomes lean, she is inflexible, her views and priorities change.
- Due to weight loss, the skin sags and the mammary glands can dangle (proper underwear is required). The foot expands and the size of the leg increases.
- In the closet, the focus is on outfits rather than regular dresses;
- The shoes chosen are not elegant, but comfortable, in the form of sneakers.
- There is always a specific tan on the body and limbs, which is obtained when running in the air.
- The legs become working, the calves with a cleavage stand out sharply. When you run a lot, your muscles hurt. If you don't take into account the timing of your meals while running, your stomach starts to hurt.
But these attributes are more external. And the presence of contraindications is more serious. So first, visit your doctor.
If you have pathologies of the cardiovascular system or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acute pain, any chronic problems in the acute stage, conditions after abdominal surgery, pregnancy, cancer, glaucoma, any inflammatory processes, classes are prohibited.
The woman who runs
Any sport has supporters and opponents. Running - due to its accessibility - has armies of both. However, the number of opponents is growing when it comes to running for women. Criticism and speculation about the physical capabilities of the “weaker” sex have continued for centuries. Where are the sources of these prejudices and do they have a medical basis?
Where do legs grow from?
The history of running is only a fragment of the overall picture of attitudes towards women in society. The idea that they are passive by nature was cultivated by Aristotle. The rules of the ancient Olympic Games did not allow the fair sex either as participants or spectators. Thus, the stereotype about women’s inability to cope with heavy workloads is firmly rooted in the minds of generations and at different times was fueled by new inventions. In the Victorian era, the most odious and, alas, tenacious story emerged - about uterine prolapse. Information was disseminated by scientific journals. For example, The German Journal of Physical Education wrote: “Violent movements of the body can cause changes in the position and loosening of the organ, as well as its prolapse and bleeding.” In the 20th century, they frightened people with other horror stories: if you run, your legs will turn into those of a man, hair will grow on your chest, and you will never get married. Doctors around the world have argued that running is harmful for women, citing their excessive emotionality, excess adipose tissue, and so on. Gradually the gender barrier was broken. And today, remnants of past years evoke a condescending smile among athletes. “To be honest, I have never encountered such thoughts. We understand that previously many things were considered unacceptable for women - not just running... This is probably why they came up with various myths as excuses. Now, on the contrary, running has become the most accessible sport, thanks to which you can maintain good physical shape and have a beautiful body, which is very important for girls,” says Elena Korobkina (Russian track and field athlete, long-distance runner, Honored Master of Sports of Russia). However, there is still an idea among ordinary people that running and women’s health are poorly compatible concepts. The Internet warns about the risk of urinary incontinence, damaging your knees before ovulation, and what’s more, they also seriously write about uterine prolapse. Doctors can only patiently explain the real state of affairs.
Running as part of a healthy lifestyle
Marina Glagoleva (obstetrician-gynecologist): “Health running is useful for any person, regardless of gender. Moderate exercise increases blood supply to the pelvic organs, eliminating congestion. This, in turn, affects fertility (the ability to produce offspring), and also protects against prolapse of the vaginal walls in conditions of physical inactivity. That is, it is inactivity, and not physical exercise, that contributes to uterine prolapse. As you can imagine, the information about pelvic organ prolapse while running is, to put it mildly, ridiculous. The main reason for drooping is age and, as a consequence, changes in hormonal levels (our muscles are very sensitive to a lack of hormones). Moderate running throughout life is an excellent prevention of prolapse of internal organs during menopause. Even a girl who has recently given birth can gradually begin training: she just needs to strengthen the muscles of the perineum. If there are no serious contraindications, you can run during pregnancy (especially if the woman ran before). However, all this takes place only after consultation with a doctor.
The same myth is urinary incontinence while running. This is an age-related problem, which can be provoked by difficult or repeated childbirth, but not by sports. The risk of getting a knee injury before ovulation is another fiction. The situation is the same with menstruation: during it, athletes break records, ballerinas do not cancel their performances. What can we say about recreational running (not marathon running) - if you feel well, there are no special restrictions. However, based on my medical experience, I can say that professional athletes (and no matter what sport they represent) may experience certain difficulties during childbirth: overtrained, inelastic pelvic floor muscles complicate the process of childbirth. But we are talking about healthy lifestyle - here everything is the other way around. Of course, it is advisable to start even recreational running under the guidance of a coach, having first undergone at least a basic examination.” Triathlete Vera Sosnova agrees with the doctor’s opinion: “I am convinced that running, when used correctly and in dosage, has a positive effect on the female body. This type of activity is just as good for us as it is for men. The main thing is to listen to your feelings, give the optimal load and recover correctly.” Wellness jogging is sorted out. How are things going with the health of marathon runners?
"Royal" 42.195 km
“A woman is psychologically unable to withstand such a distance,” was the response of the Boston Athletic Association to Bobbi Gibb, the first girl who, despite the ban, took part in the legendary marathon (though without a number and official registration). A year later - in 1967 - her feat was repeated by Katrin Schwitzer. Other women took up this baton, and soon the “royal” distance was no longer considered exclusively for men. The new running movement paved the way for larger changes: the women's marathon became an Olympic discipline in 1984 (88 years after the men's). The right to participate in the most difficult type of running was won. But at what cost? Not only representatives of elite sports, but also amateur runners admit that ultra-high loads have caused disruptions in the functioning of their body (in particular, the menstrual cycle). On this matter, in the sports media you can find the following position: if a woman runs exhaustingly for a long time, then the body, working according to the principles of cave times, turns off unnecessary functions - first of all, reproductive: they say, since you have to get food on your own (why else run?) - This means that the male is not nearby and the running one is clearly not interested in the offspring. As a result, menstruation stops so that the body can conserve energy for more important processes. Experts are skeptical about this theory. “Evolutionarily, the most important goal is procreation, and not one’s own survival, therefore the functions of conception, bearing a child and childbearing at an appropriate age atrophy last, and the body in any conditions puts them in first place. And not all athletes lose their periods. This is due to an artificial change in hormonal levels, which purely mechanically rearranges the cycle. By artificial, I do not mean drugs (although in the case of big-time sports this is most likely the case), but forcing oneself to perform loads that are no longer even close to being the evolutionary norm for the majority of the inhabitants of the earth. Proof of this is the following fact: there are still a small number of people left in the world who overcome long distances from generation to generation - these are mainly residents of East Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia). Due to special climatic conditions, some people are forced to experience serious running stress every day, including women. Marathon running is programmed into them by nature. Moreover, the number of children such women have is no less than in the rest of Africa - and there, as you know, the birth rate is extremely high. So running certainly doesn’t have a negative impact on their fertility. It turns out that people who are evolutionarily adapted to overcome long distances do not experience problems with the cycle. But for you and me they can cause serious pathologies” (Pavel Nikitin, pathologist). However, history knows examples of famous female marathon runners who continued to train into old age, had families and looked decidedly younger than their years. Take, for example, the same Katrin Schwitzer - in 2021 she ran the Boston Marathon again. And for a second, she turned 70 at that time.
More and more young girls are following this lifestyle. “Sometimes after a difficult trail 30-40 km long, I hear a lot of the same type of phrases: “Well, you’re a girl, why do you need this?” Of course, runners are mostly guys. But if a woman runs (even as an amateur) – this is character! In my subjective opinion, competitive passion predominates in men's sports, but girls have almost none of it. They run for mood, pleasure, maintaining their figure and overcoming themselves. The female body during increased sports loads is something unpredictable. He can arrange an unscheduled red day on the calendar at the thirtieth kilometer of the marathon distance, or he can even cancel menstruation for six months: “Train, little one, to your heart’s content!” Previously, it was not customary to talk about such intimate things even to a coach, but over time, the approach to women's running has become a more open question, and the topic of our health is finally openly discussed. There are many prejudices around women's running, but doctors do not prohibit even pregnant runners from participating in sports, but only slightly reduce the amount of exercise. One of my friends ran 5-10 km at an easy pace until she gave birth and was filled with incredible energy throughout her pregnancy! Frostbite in winter, chafing on the body, loss of toenails, calluses. What is feminine here? Judging by myself, this is a sporty character. In the cold season, we dress in thermal underwear and are not afraid of catching a cold. Having covered the treasured kilometers, we can find a good podiatrist and restore our nails, and after training use dry shampoos, aromatic oils and body creams. Running makes you feel better. After all, everyone knows that women can do a million things at the same time! Therefore, training is partly relaxation and a source of vitality. If your girlfriend loves to run, then I sincerely advise you to share this passion with her,” says Irina Panfilova (amateur marathon runner). This article is not a call to action, but only a reason to think about your own activity. Fortunately, people no longer throw people off a cliff, as in Ancient Greece, and women don’t have to defend their right to do what they love. The pioneers gave us this opportunity. So why not use it? Author - Tatyana Zaitseva Photo: Unsplash
What kind of running is most beneficial for women?
There are quite a few types of running and each has its own application. These are interval running, cross-country, fartlek, sprint, jogging. Jogging is considered the most beneficial. The American College of Cardiology conducted research for 12 years. It turned out that fast types of running such as sprints, intervals and progressive ones are more likely to cause sudden death. Conversely, joggers had the lowest mortality rates .
This happens due to uniform oxygenation of the body and the growth of new capillaries.
During a jogging race, endorphins are produced, i.e. it acts as a natural antidepressant. Suitable for all fitness levels, ideal for seniors.
Jogging enhances immunity to disease, lowers blood pressure, increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol, and reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.
Physical activity after 50 years
Physical exercise and an active lifestyle are important for every person, regardless of their age. Therefore, you should not think that after 50 years you need to give up on playing sports; on the contrary, this is a reason to start doing sports for those who previously did not have enough time, but now have it, and for those who have been taking care of their health since their youth.
Personally, I am also far from a youth, however, it is difficult for me to imagine myself without a gym. My neighbor, who turned 52 last week, decided to also take up exercise, so he asked me what kind of workouts I liked and if he could go to the gym with me. This gave me the idea for an article about age and sports.
Where to begin?
At this age, it is best to start by consulting your doctor. In principle, this will not hurt young people either, it’s just that the risks here are slightly increased, such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Therefore, visiting the clinic will be the very first and most important step on the path to your own health.
Now you can start drawing up a training plan.
No matter how strange it may seem, the main emphasis should be on strength training, because... it can help prevent osteoporosis and maintain muscle mass
It is very important to pay attention to flexibility exercises.
Training plan for those over 50
I will give this plan as an example, and you decide for yourself which of this will be useful and try to put it into practice. So, it includes 2 days of strength training and 4 days of cardiovascular training.
If you feel discomfort or pain, you should stop immediately and consult a trainer or doctor for advice. Be sure to keep clean water with you.
Cardiovascular training
What is important here is not so much what exercises you choose, but the intensity of their implementation. You need to choose an intensity that can get you into a good sweat and get your heart rate up, but still be able to hold a conversation
Despite the fact that it is undesirable to talk during classes, the very ability to speak with even breathing without interruptions indicates that you are doing everything correctly. This ensures that you have activated your body without overexerting yourself.
The variations of the exercises themselves can be as different as you want, i.e. do what makes you happy. Since 4 days are allotted for training the cardiovascular system, you can make them varied, which will help get rid of depression and stress, boredom and fatigue. Here are some examples:
- — Water aerobics in the pool
- - Run
- - A ride on the bicycle
- — Aerobics
- — Exercises on simulators (for example, simulating rowing).
Everything listed above will be much more interesting if you do it not alone, but with family or friends. Before you know it, 30 minutes have already passed excitingly and with health benefits.
Strength training for those over 50
An important component of training is warming up, thanks to which you can avoid possible injuries during exercise. Strength training lasts 20–45 minutes and is carried out 2 times a week with moderate exercise intensity
Since developing strength and a clear focus on gaining mass at this age are not particularly needed, you should pay attention to each muscle group separately, performing a couple of exercises to strengthen the abs, for the legs, back, arms, chest, etc. Do 2 – 3 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions, not forgetting about proper breathing
Sample program:
1 day
- — Traction of horizontal/vertical block
- — Incline press
- — Bench press / Smith machine
- — Reduction and extension of dumbbells lying/standing
Day 2
- — Flexion and extension of legs in a lying machine
- — Leg press in the machine
- - Calf raises in the machine.
That's all I have. If you liked this article or have any questions, write, I will be glad to answer and chat.
How long and how should you run to lose weight?
The benefits of running for women who want to lose weight, if they do not eat food an hour and a half before and about an hour after. Coming from a run, only vegetables, fruits and smoothies.
You should start running with a 15-minute jog and gradually increase the time to 30 minutes. You need to run slowly, breathe evenly, look straight. Bring a bottle of water with you to avoid dehydration.
The best time to run for weight loss is in the morning. But not everyone can do this in the morning. After all, in the morning you still need to have breakfast, and running immediately after eating will lead to rapid fatigue, and there is still a working day ahead. In these cases, it is better to postpone jogging to the evening, when the body has already fully woken up, all meals have been completed and all that remains is to burn calories. We went for a run in the evening, ate a light salad and went to bed.
Fat begins to be burned after 20 minutes of physical activity . Before this, glycogen is consumed from the liver. To keep your metabolism moving forward, different strategies are used. The best is interval running: periods of maximum speed are followed by low-intensity work.
It is also important to include in the program a uniform long run with a heart rate within 60 - 70% of the maximum.
To avoid the addictive effect, the load is increased by 10% every week .
The number of workouts per week is 3. Do not forget about the mandatory rest - 2 days. When the 10-11 km mileage ceases to be a problem, you need to change the intensity of your training with your trainer. Weight loss will be noticeable by the end of the first month.
How to replace running
Those who want to lose excess weight can successfully replace running in the winter on the street, on the spot, on the stairs with walking. The leg muscles will not be destroyed. The female figure is improved by a system of exercises - callanetics. At the same time, certain muscles and their groups are tensed. The body will become slim and healthy. Men can also use strength exercises using special techniques. For example, this is the isotonic training system. Young people use dynamic exercises performed in traditional ways. This requires the absence of a disease - atherosclerosis. Also, Nordic walking with poles, which is the subject of this section, can be an excellent replacement for running.
Motivation and Nutrition Tips
Science-backed motivations:
- Give yourself a tangible reward: illusory goals like “good health,” “longevity,” “a stunning body,” or “I’m on trend” are not tangible enough. The best reward is something you can “touch.” For example, treat yourself to something sweet after a grueling run or pleasant shopping. Gradually, sweat and pain for the brain will be associated with the upcoming release of happiness hormones.
- Make a public promise and then you will have many sensitive and attentive judges.
- Work on positive thinking. 99% of early rises are not good. But if you imagine how you will stretch out on your bed in the evening with your favorite book in your hands, pleasant notes of anticipation will immediately arise. And if you remember how prettier and stronger your abs are, your new strength will tear you off the couch very quickly.
- Receive cash rewards. Money rules humanity, despite the idealists. Even presidents owe their seats to them.
- Forever Young - People will always misjudge your age downward.
- Run in company. Pleasant company is a good incentive, especially for sociable people. The desire not to let down those who count on you and not to break agreements usually overcomes laziness.
So, the benefits of running for women prevail. The only task is to find a suitable type for yourself in order to have fun.
It's really not a sin to laugh
Do you know what euphoria is? This is a positive emotion. It feels like a sudden, huge feeling of delight, happiness.
Have you not realized yourself as such a free, joyful person for a long time? Buy a fashionable tracksuit and get to the stadium as soon as possible! While running, our body produces endorphins. They create a good mood and cheerfulness. Please note: everyone who is passionate about jogging is vigorous and cheerful. And don't consider them some kind of fools. Like, everyone has so many problems in their lives today, but they don’t give a damn. No, they know their difficulties very well. They just treat them differently and solve them easier. Endorphins trigger such a powerful mechanism that any depression disappears without a trace.