How can a skinny guy turn into an athlete?

Body type and training features

There are 3 main body types: asthenic, athletic and picnic. Asthenics are predisposed to thinness. Athletic people have an athletic build and easily gain muscle mass. Picnicians gain weight easily, but from fat rather than muscle tissue.

Causes of thinness

Often the cause of thinness is an asthenic body type. Asthenics have an accelerated metabolism, gain weight slowly and lose weight quickly. They are characterized by a low amount of muscle and fat tissue.

Another possible cause could be malnutrition. Lack of sufficient physical activity also affects body weight.

Asthenic body type

The period of thinness is typical for adolescents during a period of active growth. After some time, with the right diet and adequate physical activity, the young man will gain muscle mass.

Drugs that affect weight gain in men

Some men have such a fast metabolism that it is impossible to gain weight without special means. It is recommended to consult with a specialist before starting to use sports nutrition.

Eating special protein shakes with food helps you gain weight. Various mixtures can be used as additional nutrition. A special diet for weight gain is also important; a man needs to consume large amounts of proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Medicines that stimulate weight gain in women

It should be remembered that the female body accumulates fat mass more easily than muscle mass. It is necessary to consult a specialist before taking any drug.

To gain weight, women are often prescribed the hormonal drug Oxandrolone . You can use Nutrizon for weight gain. Riboxin is also used , which allows you to gain weight due to muscle growth.


How long does it take to gain weight?

Men who want to increase their body weight are often concerned with the question: how long does it take to gain weight? It is worth considering that the rate of weight gain varies significantly among people with different body types. If you have a thin physique, you won’t be able to gain weight as quickly as if you tend to be overweight. A lot depends on genetics, effort put into training and diet, and patience.

Another important aspect for gaining weight is regular rest. You should try, if possible, to avoid stress that negatively affects body weight, and also sleep at least eight hours a day. The fact is that muscle growth does not occur during training, but when a person rests, especially at night.

How can a man gain weight without harming his body? Experts do not recommend consuming various synthetic cocktails in pursuit of a rapid increase in muscle mass. They will not bring anything good to the body, and may even lead to illness. In addition, the athleticism acquired in this way will not last long.

No one can say for sure how long it takes to gain weight. It is best for your body to gain weight slowly but surely through regular exercise and a balanced diet. Then the resulting effect will last for a long time.

Nutrition Basics for Mass Gain

To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you expend. In addition, to get a beautiful, muscular body, you should maintain the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

More than one diet has been developed to gain weight. The basic principles of these systems are a slight excess of calories, a large amount of complex carbohydrates contained in grains and vegetables, consumption of protein foods and healthy fats. You should not eat fast food and sweets, they will help you gain weight by increasing the volume of adipose tissue, but will not affect muscle growth.

What foods will help you get bigger?

To gain weight, you need to eat a large amount of grains: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet . An important source of protein are chicken eggs . Eating red fish will help you gain muscle mass: salmon, salmon, pink salmon .

Nuts help you gain muscle mass . They are rich in healthy fats and fatty acids and are a high-calorie product. Lots of nuts and protein.

Nuts help you gain muscle mass

It will be easier to increase muscle size if you consume protein shakes . The cocktail should be drunk after training and before bed; it should not replace meals.

To build a beautiful, sculpted body, you also need healthy fats: fish oil, vegetable oil .

You also need to eat dairy products to gain weight. Products with normal fat content should be used. But you shouldn’t overuse sweet yoghurts.

Brewer's yeast

To gain muscle mass, many people take brewer's yeast. This is a natural dietary supplement. Before you start taking it, you should consult a specialist.

Many people are interested in the question when choosing brewer's yeast for weight gain, which one is better to buy. An effective domestically produced supplement Ecco Plus , in addition to yeast, contains folic acid, magnesium, potassium, iodine, selenium, calcium and vitamins. Another good remedy, Evisent , contains sulfur in addition to yeast.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur

It must be remembered that yeast stimulates the appetite. They must be taken with caution so as not to gain more than the desired weight.

What to give up

To stimulate muscle growth rather than fat growth, you should eat healthy foods. Therefore, you need to give up sweet soda, fast food and foods high in sugar.

Immediately before training, you need to avoid foods high in fiber. You should not eat food that stimulates gas formation before exercise.

So, to gain weight for a skinny guy, you need to:

Eat a lot

  • After starting training, increase the usual amount of food you eat by about one and a half times, making sure to increase the protein content in it so that there are 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. And not the actual current weight, but the desired weight.
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day, and each meal must contain protein.
  • Eating at night is your strong point. It is mandatory to eat before bed (maximum an hour before bedtime); it is advisable to eat a casein protein shake, beef or cottage cheese - they will be digested all night, constantly supplying amino acids to the blood. Chicken or fish are digested very quickly, and there is no point in eating them at night - the muscles will be without nutrition for half the night and will not be able to grow.
  • Provide normal drinking regimen and vitamin and mineral components.

Get plenty of rest

  • At least 8 hours of sleep at night, and preferably another 2-3 hours during the day. Muscles grow only during sleep, provided that the nutrients and hormones necessary for their growth are available. In the first hours after falling asleep, it is active, then more and more slowly, as the pre-morning production of cortisol begins.
  • After waking up, be sure to take Vitamin C (it blocks the work of cortisol, which stops muscle growth and causes awakening).
  • It is important to try to minimize excessively active daytime activities and save energy. Otherwise, additional food will be burned in the usual way as additional fuel, and muscles damaged during training will not increase due to overcompensation, but rather decrease in size.
  • Change the type of metabolism and transfer the body from the usual “external” nutrition of glucose coming from the blood, to nutrition of glucose stored in the glycogen of the muscles themselves, that is, to its own “reserves”. If this is not done, the body simply will not store glycogen, which means muscle volume will increase more slowly.
  • After a change in metabolism, the body will switch from dystrophy to working in normotrophic mode, and an even weight gain will begin.

Choosing exercises

To gain muscle mass, you not only need to eat right, but also follow a workout regimen. You should exercise regularly, combining strength and cardio exercises. It is advisable to use the maximum number of muscles in the work.

What rules must be followed

An untrained person should start with a light load, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises. It is better to attend several classes with a personal trainer. Before starting a lesson, be sure to warm up to avoid possible injuries.

During training, you need to drink enough water. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to become dehydrated.

Weighting equipment for exercises - dumbbells

Gaining weight at home is more difficult than in the gym. It is advisable to exercise with weights. You can buy them at a sports store or use any items for additional weight.

What will we download?

It is necessary to train different muscle groups. It is advisable to devote one lesson to training one zone: pump your legs on one day, your abs and back on another, and your arms on the third.

Exercises should be changed and alternated, as the muscles get used to the type of load used and begin to grow more slowly. The most effective exercises are those in which the largest number of muscles are involved in the work - this way you can gain muscle mass faster.

A set of exercises and training

Once you have decided that your body belongs to a certain type, you will have to choose a training program. If you previously did physical education only in school lessons, then the program can be safely used for up to six months (otherwise - 3-4 months).

Please note that for thin people (ectomorphs), basic exercises are more suitable, and isolating exercises should generally be put on the back burner for now. You can find out for yourself what these two types of exercises mean.

For people with an athletic type (mesomorph), it is better to also focus on basic exercises, diluting them with isolating exercises. If for an ectomorph the basic ones should be 100%, then for a mesomorph it is 80 to 20%, where 20%, as you understand, are those same single-joint isolation exercises.

The duration of training for the first type is approximately an hour, no more. For the second - an hour and fifteen minutes. The optimal training frequency for both will be 3-4 times a week. This allows you to work out your entire body, taking advantage of all the advantages of split training. Rest between sets and exercises may also be optimal for two somatotypes: 2 and 3 minutes, respectively.

There are also some questions about the number of exercises in an ectomorph training program: some say 4 is enough, and some lean toward 6. I will say this: do 4 and see how you feel: if you have the strength, then why not do all 6 exercises. The main thing is that this does not come at the expense of the duration of classes.

The intensity of the exercises should be moderate in both cases, provided that you do not yet lift almost maximum weights. That is, you do not work quickly, so as not to lose your technique and breathing, but also immediately, so that the muscles feel the load, otherwise muscle growth will be unstable.

On a personal note, I would add that any novice athlete, regardless of what body type he has, needs to clearly establish technique in three basic basic exercises from the very beginning - the bench press, squats and deadlifts. This three is the key to success for anyone.

How to gain weight quickly as a teenager

It is not recommended to take any medications before the age of 21, as they can negatively affect the metabolism of a growing body and lead to undesirable consequences in the future. These remedies will help you gain muscle size, but may cause weight problems in the future. In addition, the hormonal system may be affected.

A balanced diet is important. The norms for the ratios of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for teenagers are different. A growing body requires more fat than an adult. You also need more protein.

Balanced diet

You can quickly gain muscle volume only with the help of special drugs - steroids. This method is unsafe and is not recommended.

It will not be possible to gain weight quickly during a period of active growth, since metabolism is most active at this time. In addition, the body quickly elongates in length, changing its proportions.

Gaining weight for a man at home

At the initial stages, you can gain weight at home.
But this is only in the first year of classes. As your body becomes much stronger, you will have to further increase the load, which is impossible to do at home. For example, if you are a very thin man and cannot do pull-ups and push-ups, then you first need to master these exercises. At first, you will be able to do a very small number of repetitions. That is, your approach will be considered working. This means it will bring results.

You can also practice on the horizontal bar and parallel bars. After all, they are on every playground. Your first goal will be to master pull-ups, push-ups and parallel bars. When you can do more than 10 repetitions, you will have to use additional weight. The following items can be loaded into the backpack:

  1. Books.
  2. Water bottles.
  3. Bottles with sand.
  4. Stones.
  5. Pancakes from dumbbells or barbells.

While performing the exercises, you need to wear this backpack on your back. The principle is the same as in the gym: four working sets of 6–8 repetitions.

Gradually increase the weight so that there is at least some result. To train your legs, do single-leg squats. There is no way to increase the weight here, so do it as many times as possible.

In the first few months, you will grow considerably in strength, and home workouts will no longer bring you the desired results. Therefore, after the first year of training, you will have to go to the gym.

Contraindications and side effects

Many people looking for a way to gain weight quickly stop at medications. This method has many disadvantages and can be dangerous.

Hormonal drugs disrupt the body's natural balance. After stopping taking these medications, a person may begin to gain weight uncontrollably or, conversely, lose it. Such drugs are especially harmful to adolescents, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Some people who started drinking Nutrizon experienced allergic reactions. The same effect is possible from protein shakes if a person has an individual intolerance to the ingredients.

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