5 tips for pumping up big biceps.

The same ambiguity is in the reaction of the guys: some dream of becoming the same, others say that they are just freaks pumped up with synthol...

However, here, as in other matters, everyone has the right to their opinion. In any case, watching people of extraordinary appearance is interesting to almost everyone, and athletes love to measure their achievements. The biggest biceps are a dream for many bodybuilders.

So among the “jocks” there are their own record holders, and they are successfully recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.

Names of the owners of the largest biceps

Big biceps

The names of great bodybuilders who have achieved great success in strength sports appear on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. And Greg Valentino and Mustafa Ismail take pride of place in it.

A beautiful, pumped up, sculpted body can be the result not only of long-term work on oneself, but also of uncontrolled steroid use, which over time can lead to irreversible consequences.

The very first record holder among the owners of large biceps was Larry Scott - the first Mr. Olympia, who basked in the glory of his sports glory in the 60s, and the volume of the biceps muscle of his shoulder in a tense state was 54 cm.

Of course, today such biceps will not surprise anyone, and “natural” large muscles are quite a rarity these days. Now, I would like to tell you about the success story of the famous jocks who became famous for their biggest biceps.

Greg Valentino's Path to Success

Greg Valentino

The first place in the list of owners of large biceps rightfully belongs to Greg Valentino, whose girth of the biceps brachii muscle is 84 cm in a tense state, and his powerful figure will not leave anyone indifferent.

The path to success of this athlete began with a passion for Arnold Schwarzenegger and the desire to be like him. Gresh had been working towards this result for many years. While still a thirteen-year-old teenager, he dreamed and strived for an ideal body, then he first found himself in the gym.

Already at this age, he worked hard to develop strength abilities and increase muscle volume.

After just ten years of training, my biceps and triceps tension arm girth was 53 cm, which is an excellent result for a natural weightlifter who achieved success without the use of steroids.

However, he did not stop there, but continued grueling work on himself, improving his body, but muscle growth stopped and body weight did not increase, despite all the efforts of the athlete. This forces Valentino to take a desperate step - to start taking anabolic steroids to improve muscle growth.


And this decision yielded results - muscle growth noticeably accelerated, especially biceps and triceps. And after a short time, the volume of his shoulder increased by as much as 20 centimeters! And with a biceps of 71 cm, he was already written about in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, the price of Greg Valentino's success turned out to be too high, since steroids, by increasing muscle mass, disrupted the functioning of other organs and systems of the athlete. And experts are simply confident that the athlete even used intermuscular injections of synthol to achieve his goal.

Large doses of steroids disrupted the immune system, making it vulnerable even to harmless viruses. Another problem is necrosis of muscle tissue, which required surgery to solve.

Greg demonstrated his problem to novice bodybuilders in order to warn them about the terrible consequences of uncontrolled intake of chemical compounds. He posted his photos on the Internet, which clearly showed ulcers on the muscles with pus oozing from them.

Consequences of synthol

Fortunately, the athlete managed to overcome the disease and he wrote and published a book about the difficult path to success in bodybuilding and a beautiful, sculpted body. On the Internet you can also find a video of an athlete, where he talks about his life path and analyzes the mistakes he made.

It is interesting that the athlete not only saved his life and regained his health, but also returned to training. Greg Valentino is still admired by the younger generation of bodybuilders, and his story is a reason to think about the means to achieve your dreams.

Gregg Valentino

The record among athletes all over the planet belongs to a young man who is passionate about bodybuilding, Gregg Valentino. To achieve results, Gregg began training from a young age. At the age of 13, he was already lifting weights. At first, Gregg, like all boys his age, just went to the gym, dreaming of getting a beautiful male body. But over time, the young man became so interested in training that he began to visit the gym for his own pleasure, although Valentino was also focused on results. His passion gradually grew into determination and true professionalism. Naturally, this could not but bring certain fruits. In ten years, Gregg managed to pump up huge biceps of 53 centimeters, without any use of drugs.

But when Gregg began taking supplements, his biceps began to grow by leaps and bounds, literally swelling. As a result, he managed to reach a record height of 71 centimeters. Currently, Valentino has the largest biceps in the world - 84 cm. An arm of such volume is difficult to imagine, however, it is real. It was thanks to his efforts that Gregg managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records; Arnold Schwarzenegger himself may well envy his results.

An interesting fact is that bodybuilders often cannot boast of enormous strength, but only the volume of their limbs. Typically, their weight makes it more difficult for them to move, causing them to lose reaction time and dexterity.

Gregg was able to develop a unique system, including the most effective biceps exercises, consisting of flexion movements at the elbows of the arm with a load. For such training, any weights can be used: both dumbbells and a barbell. If you want to increase strength, perform exercises with a full range of motion; if your goal is to increase volume and muscle peak - with limited amplitude. This is exactly what Gregg Valentino advises. By the way, he recommends working out three times a week, combining biceps exercises with training the broad back muscles. Other days can be devoted to triceps and shoulder muscles. Gregg advises focusing on each movement, visualizing how the biceps increase in size and muscle tissue builds up. This psychological technique is very helpful in achieving unprecedented results.

In general, Gregg Valentino displeases many skeptics. Some believe that he achieved success thanks to synthol, and therefore has no right to be called a bodybuilder. It is possible that this athlete is not ideal, but at the same time it was he who became the record holder.

Mustafa Ismail - owner of natural biceps

I want to tell you about another worthy owner of large biceps, who claims that he is categorically against prohibited chemical compounds (anabolic steroids, synthol) -

Mustafa Ismail. The young bodybuilder from Egypt has impressive biceps, namely 63-64 cm. He is no less popular than the previous candidate, despite the fact that the volume of his biceps muscle is almost 10 cm smaller.

So what is the secret of his popularity, you ask? – The thing is that he claims that he achieved this result using only natural products and protein shakes. He talks in detail about his lifestyle, daily three-hour workouts and natural nutrition, which he has been following for 10 years.

Mustafa Ismail

He also claims that the secret of his success is his diet, which contains virtually no fat, but a lot of carbohydrates and proteins (of course, protein shakes).

Like Greg, Mustafa, while still a teenager, became interested in bodybuilding and began modeling his body, being merciless to himself. He got out of bed at 4 am, trained 3 hours a day in the gym and sat on a special diet that could compete with modern chemistry.

Let's pay special attention to the bodybuilder's diet. To keep his body in perfect shape, he eats 4 kilograms of carbohydrates, 3 kilograms of protein and drinks 11 liters of water every day.

He gives particular preference to chicken meat (he can eat up to 1 kilogram per day), fish and lean pork (up to 500 grams per day), protein shakes up to 3 liters and almonds. To maintain your muscles in ideal condition, you should take a lot of protein foods.

Many experts doubt the truth of this statement, because they believe that only an athlete who uses synthol can have such an unnatural figure.

The largest biceps in the world

Sport is always good, because it has a positive effect on health. But this is not the only advantage - for example, if you take up bodybuilding seriously, you can become the owner of a beautiful figure (if you do it correctly, of course).

All of you have probably seen bodybuilders with tens of kilograms of muscles more than once. Some people are crazy about such people, while others are disgusted by it. And this is not surprising, because there are jocks in the world who have ugly bodies. Now you will learn about the people who have the largest biceps in the world. Let’s say in advance that this is not the most pleasant sight, since the athletes’ hands look simply disproportionately huge.

Greg Valentino

Greg Valentino is a unique person. And the thing is that the girth of his arms reaches 71 centimeters! Today he has practically no competitors in this field.

Unlike most bodybuilders, Greg never wanted to win the Mr. Olympia title or participate in other famous competitions. At the same time, he was always famous for his excellent weight gain. Valentino himself claims that he had big hands almost from infancy. At the same time, he recalls that he first went to the gym when he was only 13 years old. At that time, he was already dreaming of an ideal body, which, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger was famous for. Therefore, his training in the gym was primarily focused on strength and body weight.

Over 10 years of constant training, our hero was able to swing perfectly. He claims that over the past time he was able to achieve arms whose girth reached 53 centimeters and this without the use of illegal drugs! A remarkable result, if this is indeed true. Alas, after some time Greg finally decided to use steroids, since his weight gain had practically stopped. What did it give? Judge for yourself - the athlete was able to achieve incredible results - 71 centimeters! It was this result that was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. After Valentino began using steroids, he began to have health problems. In addition to the fact that his muscle mass was growing at a tremendous pace, the athlete’s strength was literally falling day by day. Over time, Greg began to have problems with his muscles - they simply began to fester. Interestingly, the bodybuilder did not hide his problem and posted photographs on the Internet in which pus was pouring out of his muscles through a hole. He did this so that those guys who continue to use steroids would look and think - do they need such a sport?

It is worth noting the fact that this is far from the most difficult period in the life of an athlete. The fact is that at one time Greg served and he even had to fight, where he killed people. In addition, our hero was involved in drug distribution for a long time and was able to make good money by opening several gyms. However, then he himself became addicted to drugs and lost everything he earned, and even went to prison. Currently, he is famous for the fact that she has both a lot of close friends and a large number of enemies with whom he is ready to fight at any moment.

Today Greg has settled down and sat down to write an autobiographical book. What will come of this will become known in the next few years.

As for the bodybuilder’s huge biceps, experts say that it’s not a matter of steroids at all - it’s basically impossible to pump up such arms with their help. Most likely, Greg injected himself with a substance called synthol. It is this that allows you to instantly gain weight, but after a while, suppuration inevitably begins and this pus must be disposed of. Well, besides, such a figure looks ugly. However, everyone has their own taste.

Mustafa Ismail

I would also like to tell you about another, no less colorful athlete named Mustafa Ismail. The bodybuilder was born in Egypt and today lives in America. He is 24 years old and has the largest forearms in the world, and is also famous for his huge biceps - 79 cm in girth! That's even more than Greg Valentino!

Outwardly, Mustafa resembles the cartoon character of the sailor Popeye, with whom his friends constantly compare him. However, Ismail is not offended by jokes.

The largest biceps in the world

The young man began his sports career when he was only 14 years old. At that time he was still living in Egypt. Almost immediately, he paid the most attention to his biceps, which made him famous. Over time, Mustafa's family moved to the USA, where the guy continued training. Today, the maximum weight he can lift with his biceps is 226 kg!

On weekdays, Mustafa gets up at 4 am. At 5 he comes to training, where he trains for three hours. Then he goes to his first job, where he works until lunch. Then he returns home, eats a hearty meal and goes to bed later. Towards the afternoon he goes to his second job.

What caused the development of such huge biceps? The athlete assures that the matter is not only in exhausting training, but also in the food he eats. So, per day he must eat at least 3 kg of protein food, 4 kg of carbohydrates, and also drink at least 10 liters of water. Every day he consumes at least 1.5 kg of various meats, several cups of almonds, and at least three liters of protein shake.

The largest biceps in the world

Mustafa says that he was forced to go to the gym by the ridicule of his friends - he was too fat, but over time he got rid of fat and was able to gain a lot of muscle mass. Regarding his physique, he associates it with his father, who was involved in Greco-Roman wrestling for a long time.

The athlete claims that he has never used illegal sports drugs, and achieved the size of his biceps only through long and grueling training. And yet most experts don’t believe the guy. They believe that he either uses synthol, which is most likely, or decided to try silicone implants. Be that as it may, the athlete will soon certainly be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest biceps in the world.

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