Testosterone boosters: what they are needed for, list of the most effective

Testosterone affects processes occurring in the brain, adipose and bone tissue, the cardiovascular system, male genital organs, and is responsible for reproductive activity. This androgen regulates the metabolism of essential nutrients, affects the growth of muscle tissue, and stimulates hematopoietic processes.

Testosterone boosters

Testosterone is formed under the influence of luteinizing hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The blood carries it throughout the body and delivers it to the male testes, where the production of gonadosteroids begins with the help of Leydig cells. And then this leads to certain changes:

  • behavioral reactions - a person becomes active, self-confident;
  • muscle growth and reduction of body fat;
  • increasing potency;
  • strengthening the skeletal system.

Testosterone is needed by the body during intense exercise. Increasing its level depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the application of significant muscle force for quite a long time (more than 15 minutes), and breaks should be short. During competitions, testosterone helps to mobilize all the functional capabilities of the body.

Testosterone boosters - what they are, how to take them and rating the best

Testosterone boosters are a group of dietary supplements designed to restore the natural level of sex hormones in the body. The drug is used by athletes to improve their strength and gain muscle mass.

It should be noted that the use of this supplement is only relevant for those people who have a truly low level of testosterone in the body, a conclusion about which can only be made on the basis of tests. Most often, these are men over 40 years old, but there are other cases when it is advisable to use testosterone boosters, which we will discuss in this article.

If you are a young athlete under the age of 25-30, then there is no question about whether to take the supplement. Your hormonal balance is in perfect order, and testosterone levels are at a high level. By purchasing the drug, you will only be wasting your money, and any effect obtained will be approximately at the placebo level.

How to choose a testosterone booster?

Testosterone boosters allow you to increase the concentration of the main anabolic hormone in the body and, accordingly, increase training performance. Are you interested in the main points that you need to pay attention to when purchasing? We will help you sort them out.

Let's highlight the main steps when choosing a testosterone booster:

  • first, consider whether you need a testosterone booster;
  • secondly, decide on the type of product based on your goals;
  • thirdly, pay attention to the release form and amount of the active substance.


Tribulus Terrestis is a product for those who want to improve not only athletic, but also sexual performance. Some of its saponins act as bioactive components that have anabolic and aphrodisiac effects . Boosters with Tribulus Terrestris:

  • increase the level of total and free testosterone;
  • increase strength and endurance;
  • promote muscle mass gain;
  • speed up recovery after hard training.

As a rule, tribulus supplements contain an average of about 700 mg of the active substance, but the amount may be more or less (500 mg in Tribuvar 500 from SAN, 1500 mg in Tribulus Maximus Extra Strong from Biotech Nutrition). If you want to achieve both training and purely male victories, we recommend trying the optimal T90 option from Starlabs with 750 mg of tribulus in one capsule. Also pay attention to the percentage of saponins in the extract.


The high bioavailability of magnesium and zinc in the ZMA supplement is ensured by the presence of vitamin B6 in most preparations of this type. It is responsible for better digestibility of the microelements contained in the composition. The main effect of consuming ZMA is a powerful anabolic effect, especially if the athlete had a deficiency of magnesium and zinc before taking it : there is an increase in the natural secretion of testosterone due to components natural to the body.

Do you want a real breakthrough in your sports results? Then pay attention to the “classic” - ZMA from Optimum Nutrition. This booster contains all the listed ingredients, which leaves no doubt about its effectiveness. ZMA Max from MusclePharm adds fenugreek extract and melatonin to the “great anabolic trio” to normalize your regimen and help you recover.

How to choose a testosterone booster?

Testosterone complexes

Complex supplements are designed for athletes who want to influence their testosterone from all sides - increase free testosterone levels, block estrogen receptors, aromatase, etc. (often such preparations include tribulus, and other extracts, and zinc, and magnesium, etc.). Are you one of them? We recommend T-Bomb II from MHP or Testogen-XR from Ronnie Coleman. These boosters are simply storehouses of biologically active components; they provide powerful support for natural testosterone levels.

The main working components of the complexes (except for minerals and tribulus):

  • D-aspartic acid . Participates in the regulation of endocrine processes, enhancing the release of the hormone gonadotropin, which increases the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Oat extract . Stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone, which plays an important role in the formation of the main male hormone;
  • Spinach extract . Acts as a source of ecdysterone - this natural substance has a powerful anabolic effect.

There are many other substances (especially extracts) and types of boosters; we have highlighted the most basic and popular ones. The choice of one or the other depends on your preferences and goals, as well as the desire to use familiar means or experiment.

Booster release forms

Most boosters are sold in the form of tablets and capsules (however, there are exceptions, for example, powder Evo Test from BSN). They are freely available and do not require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. Just choose the best option and order the product in our store.

Precautions, gender and age

The drugs are not recommended for women due to possible masculinization (increase in the amount of hair, deepening of the voice, etc.). If you are a man, then your age and natural characteristics play an important role.

We advise people under 23 years of age to refrain from using it , as it can lead to hormonal imbalances in the body. In addition, the level of natural anabolic testosterone in young men is quite high even without its stimulation.

What are testosterone boosters?

Testosterone boosters produced by sports nutrition brands are most often made based on tribulus extract (tribulusterrestis - a herbaceous plant that stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone), D-aspartic acid (an amino acid involved in the regulation of the endocrine system) and elements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12 (for example, ZMA complex), which have a positive effect on all endocrine processes in the body.

Pharmacy drugs

In addition, there are a number of medications that can also be conditionally classified in this group. You can buy the following testosterone boosters at the pharmacy:

  • tamoxifen;
  • tribusterone;
  • dostineksiletrozole (aromatase inhibitors that reduce estrogen levels in the blood);
  • forskolin (made from the natural plant coleus forskohlii, improves the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus);
  • agmatine (stimulates the production of gonadotropin and gonadoliberin).

Natural boosters

However, it is possible to increase your own testosterone levels not only with the help of medications or sports nutrition. There are also natural testosterone boosters, including walnuts, seafood, red fish and beef.

The fact is that these foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which serve as a kind of “fuel” for the production of testosterone. Natural pomegranate juice also has a positive effect on hormonal levels, thanks to the large amount of B vitamins. The effect of these products will be weaker than that of sports nutrition or medicines, but you can be sure of their naturalness and benefits.

Purpose of boosters

This supplement is designed to restore low levels of free testosterone in the body to natural values. You should take a testosterone booster only after taking tests for sex hormones and consulting with an endocrinologist. If tests show that the level of endogenous testosterone is not lower than the reference values, then there is no particular point in taking this supplement - you will not get a visible effect, and the increase in testosterone levels, if there is one, will be very insignificant.

Sex hormones are responsible for a huge number of vital functions in the body, including:

  1. Increased strength and muscle mass.
  2. Fat metabolism.
  3. Improved protein synthesis.
  4. Reducing catabolic processes.
  5. Reducing blood glucose levels.
  6. Normal functioning of the sex glands and others.

Accordingly, if the level of testosterone is low, then things are not the best with these functions: libido weakens, strength indicators during training fall, muscle cells are destroyed, and overall well-being worsens. Drowsiness, irritability, and aggressiveness appear. If you want to avoid this, it is advisable to start taking a testosterone booster.

What should a testosterone booster look like?

It is very difficult to distinguish a meaningless product from a quality product based on one package, so let's make it a habit to always look at the label, and, in particular:

  1. To the manufacturer;
  2. On the composition.

If the manufacturer is unknown to you, this is not a reason to refuse the product (believe me, most likely you know little about real American sports nutrition). After all, if you buy testosterone boosters in an online store, then in a couple of seconds you can open a search engine and google information about the brand (most likely on American forums). More often than not, it is foreign little-known brands that produce the coolest products! From such well-known brands as ON, Weider, Maxler, etc. test boosters do not work due to their very poor composition. If you want something more, spectacular, then welcome to the world of the underground!

Now for the composition. The best test boosters almost always have many components, but this is not a panacea. I think most people are familiar with Apex Male from Blackstone Labs, which has gained super popularity over the past year! The composition almost always contains the same components: Tribulus, Maca, DAA, NMDA, Mucuna, etc., just the layout, dosage and raw materials are different, and this plays an important role!

Post-course therapy

If you are a professional athlete and use anabolic steroids to increase athletic performance, then you must understand that the course of steroids must be followed by a recovery phase. In the sports community, it is called post-course therapy. This must be done to give the body a little rest from prolonged doping. In addition to the endocrine system, pharmacological drugs have a strong effect on the liver, and restoring liver cells is the second priority task for post-cycle therapy.

The benefits and harms of drugs

We have figured out the benefits of testosterone boosters: they help restore natural hormonal levels, which is extremely important for the body of any athlete. In addition to athletes, boosters are often used by men over 40 years of age. At this age, the hormonal system is already being rebuilt, and significantly less testosterone is produced. This results in many problems: erectile dysfunction, constant fatigue, weakness, irritability, etc. A man simply loses strength and vitality. In this case, you should try using a testosterone booster, this will help return your life to normal.

The harm of testosterone boosters is a widely discussed issue in the fitness community. Most experts agree that side effects from taking testosterone boosters are extremely rare, and you don't have to worry too much about them. However, sports nutrition manufacturers are playing it safe and list the following possible side effects:

  • impotence;
  • acne;
  • irritability;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • gynecomastia;
  • aggressiveness.

Testosterone boosters are not recommended for use by persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and renal failure.

How dough boosters work

Basically, these supplements act as libido enhancers, and most of them do not affect testosterone levels. In rare cases, the supplement results in a 20% increase in testosterone. This result may seem impressive, but for practical purposes, such as increasing muscle mass, it does not matter. Working testosterone boosters do exist, but they can increase testosterone levels by 20-50%. For comparison, doses of a steroid course, with additional intake of synthetic testosterone, increase the level of the hormone by at least 300%. It is these kinds of excessive overdoses that provide an increase in strength and mass for those who do this professionally.

Natural testosterone boosters

  1. Tribulus terrestris is an East Asian plant that increases libido and accelerates the production of your own testosterone. The most popular and best-selling product from the rating of the best sports nutrition supplements is the testosterone booster Tribulus of the same name, made from the same plant, widely known in bodybuilding circles, but it does not have a significant effect on increasing testosterone and the weight of athletes.
  2. D-Aspartic Acid – Can increase testosterone by up to 42% after 12 days. Within a week, libido increases significantly. But studies show that after about a month of taking D-AA, testosterone levels return to normal.
  3. ZMA - a complex used for zinc or magnesium deficiency; it can bring your own testosterone back to normal. The supplement is made specifically for athletes as a promised muscle growth accelerator, but in fact, it does not increase the hormone above normal. Read more about ZMA sports supplement →
  4. Fenugreek is a testosterone booster and prevents its conversion to dihydrotestosterone. This leads to a relative increase in your own male hormone. But again, this is not the level that will lead to muscle hypertrophy. This testosterone booster can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Tongkat ali , a Malaysian herb traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, provides a very mild testosterone boost for infertility, but it has no effect on healthy men. Tongkat ali is effective in increasing libido.
  6. L-DOPA – suppresses prolactin (by increasing dopamine activity), adding L-DOPA increases testosterone if prolactin was abnormally high. A healthy man does not have elevated prolactin (unless he is on steroids), so adding L-DOPA will not increase testosterone levels.
  7. Vitamin D is often added to various dietary supplements to boost testosterone levels. Vitamin D supplementation can potentially increase testosterone levels, but there is limited research on the effects in athletes. Just like zinc and magnesium, if the body is deficient and testosterone levels fall below baseline levels, then these supplements simply return the hormone levels to normal (not higher). The vitamin can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

How do testosterone boosters work?

Testosterone booster

There is a long list of things that get better over time: jeans, whiskey and cheese, to name a few. But our body and physical capabilities, unfortunately, do not improve over time. We start to see some not-so-favorable changes in strength and muscle mass as we enter our thirties, and it doesn't get any easier.

Who is guilty? Testosterone. In fact, after age 30, most men begin to experience a gradual decline in their levels of this hormone. This could be as simple as a slight drop or a sharp decline, depending on a wide range of factors, from body composition to stress levels.

Testosterone boosters are a class of herbal supplements designed to naturally increase testosterone levels. They typically contain both micronutrients that men are commonly deficient in, such as zinc, which have been linked in studies to healthy testosterone levels.

They may also contain adaptogens, which are a class of supplements thought to help the body adapt to stress, or ingredients associated with improved sleep.

Sleep restriction has been shown to reduce testosterone levels in healthy young men, and that consistent sleep disruption is a common symptom of low testosterone.

Testosterone boosters can work by increasing testosterone levels within normal limits or by providing indirect hormonal support.

Either way, these supplements are designed to provide all the benefits that healthy testosterone levels can provide: faster workout recovery, larger, stronger muscles, increased libido, and more.

Testosterone boosters

Testosterone boosters are popular testosterone sports nutrition supplements that increase the body's natural testosterone levels. Widely used by athletes to increase muscle mass and strength, as well as to exit a steroid cycle, increase libido, and adjust hormonal levels (as prescribed by a doctor).

Testosterone made man a man. It is the most powerful androgen , or male sex hormone. During adolescence, testosterone begins to be actively produced, before the formation of the reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics are completed. During weight training in the gym , the concentration of testosterone in the blood increases by 37% .

Premium quality testosterone boosters

This category includes only high-quality, effective and safe sports nutrition. Its only drawback is the high price, but it is completely justified.


An innovative dough booster, which, according to experts and customer reviews, is many times more efficient and powerful than all existing products today. It contains many effective components. Available in capsule form. The product guarantees amazing results and is considered the optimal solution for athletes and bodybuilders who want to quickly build muscle mass and increase male strength. Thanks to the components included in the composition, the elimination of toxins and estrogen metabolites from the body is accelerated, endurance increases, and brain activity improves. Mood improves, training performance increases, and anxiety decreases. Taken together, the drug helps achieve high results in sports.

Average cost: 3,400 rubles.

testosterone booster APEX MALE


  • high efficiency;
  • safe composition;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • increasing endurance;
  • multifunctionality.


  • high price.

Blackstone Labs Growth

A drug that helps increase the production of growth hormone almost immediately after using the first tablet. The components included in its composition allow the body to effectively deal with stress, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, release more testosterone and less estrogen from the body, increase energy, mood, attention, mental activity and much more. The product normalizes sleep and increases motivation in the gym. As a result of systematic use, the body contour becomes more pronounced, fat deposits are reduced. According to experts, the product is considered one of the unique and high-quality.

Average cost: 3,280 rubles.

testosterone booster Blackstone Labs Growth


  • efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • quick results;
  • proven brand.


  • high price.

Nutrex T-Up Black

An excellent drug that allows you to maintain normal testosterone levels for a long period of time. If we compare this product with others, the supplement stimulates the production of the hormone not only during training, but also after it. Experts recommend the supplement both for gaining muscle mass and for maintaining sexual function and losing weight. It has been scientifically proven that the drug promotes a natural increase in testosterone. All of the above is achieved thanks to a competently and professionally selected composition. Recommended supplement for active people. It significantly increases endurance and physical strength.

It is recommended to take the supplement in combination with intense physical activity and protein nutrition. In this case, you can achieve maximum results.

Average cost: 2,599 rubles.

testosterone booster Nutrex T-Up Black


  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • quick results;
  • natural increase in testosterone.


  • high price.

Testosterone boosters in bodybuilding

High biochemical indicators of testosterone levels are the key to building massive muscles and rapid muscle development. Because, no, there are no other hormonal indicators that would be so important for bodybuilding and muscle growth. In the world of sports nutrition, fortunately, there are a variety of cutting-edge testosterone boosters that will help you build muscle mass and maximize your testosterone levels.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen . It is derived from cholesterol , like other steroid hormones, and is created by Leydig in the testes.

Testosterone's effects on humans and other vertebrates occur through two main systems: through activation of androgen receptors, and conversion to estradiol and activation of certain estrogen .

Signs of decreased sex hormones

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass or inability to gain muscle mass
  • Low sex drive
  • erectile disfunction
  • Memory loss and lack of attention
  • Irritability
  • Weight gain and low metabolism

anabolic sports supplements . The use of testosterone boosters is one of the most controversial issues in modern bodybuilding.

Sports supplements that affect testosterone levels are not harmful to health. The downside is that testosterone is just a drop in the ocean.

Testosterone molecule

Too many bodybuilders , especially those competing in competitions, try almost all hormonal illegal drugs, called steroids, regardless of each other, exhibiting both androgenic and anabolic properties, resulting in a large number of side effects that require immediate medical attention.

Nineteen carbon molecules, 28 hydrogen molecules and 2 carbon molecules make up a testosterone molecule. How can you increase your body's natural production of testosterone? Here is a list of some of the most popular testosterone boosters currently available on the market.

Do testosterone boosters help you gain muscle mass?

Testosterone booster

In short, yes, they help. However, poor nutrition and a mediocre workout program will certainly reduce the effectiveness of your testosterone.

And a great workout program and a nutritious, balanced diet can help you gain muscle mass and boost your testosterone levels.

Certified strength coach Parker Hyde shares how to maximize your testosterone levels through working out in the gym in his article, How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally Through Workout.

In short, load (or "intensity"), overall training volume, exercise selection, and even exercise order can all have a positive impact on testosterone levels.

Likewise, the amino acids that a protein-rich diet contains play a big role in both increasing testosterone and muscle growth.

When combined with training that increases the sensitivity of androgen receptors and the intake of essential amino acids needed to support protein synthesis, the effects of testosterone on muscle and muscle performance are greatly enhanced.

So before you take testosterone boosters, make sure you're in the mood to hit the gym. Exercise according to a well-designed muscle-building program and ensure that you consume enough protein and total calories based on your body weight, goals and activity level.

Focus on eating right and training hard, and your testosterone booster will live up to your expectations!

Best testosterone booster

Use each supplement strictly according to the instructions. You should not experiment with your body if you have hormonal problems.


This product is one of many testosterone boosters that are available on the market. Its chemical names are androstenediol, Nor-androstenedione, and Nor-androstenediol. These products were first developed in Germany and were intended to have similar properties to steroids .

The main difference between these products and anabolic steroids is that anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, the male sex hormone. And Andro products are precursors , that is, they are not testosterone, but they can turn into it as a result of biochemical reactions in the body.

EPI-ANDRO 50, 90 tablets

Andro products are plant substances that are converted into testosterone when they come into contact with enzymes in the liver . They are capable of increasing testosterone levels by up to 600%, and according to many people, Andro products are “weak steroids.”

An increase in testosterone levels due to taking Andro products entails a number of possible unwanted side effects , such as:

  • scalp hair loss
  • body hair growth
  • acne
  • gynecomastia
  • increased aggressiveness

And yet, these side effects are much safer than those from steroid use. In addition, the side effect of " steroid rage " associated with taking Andro products can be splashed out on the barbell in the gym.

The effectiveness of taking Andro in your sports training cannot be compared with the results from taking anabolic steroids, but Andro products are much safer and also much cheaper .

Androgen products should only be used by healthy men 21 years of age or older. It is recommended to use these products for no more than 6 weeks followed by a 4-week break to allow your body to produce hormones naturally.

Tribulus terrestris from maxler

On October 8, 2004, Androstenedione was added to the list of prohibited drugs , the ban was passed by unanimous consent in the United States Senate. In addition to this bill, controlled substances are amended to include additives such as Androstenedione, 4 Androstenediol, 5 Androstenediol, and others.

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a Bulgarian root that has been used for thousands of years to stimulate the body's production of testosterone. Tribulus has a long history of use in various cultures as an aphrodisiac (stimulates sexual desire) and treatment of sexual dysfunction.

The effects of Tribulus include increased release of luteinizing hormone , thereby increasing testosterone production, increasing sperm production, increasing ejaculation volume, and increasing libido.

Tribulus has also been experimented in livestock production, and research has shown an increase rutting behavior in rams and wild boars.

Tribulus extract is safe and does not have any unwanted side effects.

ChromaDex quality guarantee, absolute from Tribex® . “We have tested hundreds of samples and Tribex Tribulus Terrestris is the most powerful and complete in its composition,” says Frank Jaksch, President of ChromaDex. “Most of the Tribulus we tested were either low-quality extracts or counterfeits that had added protodioscin —containing fenugreek and wild yam extracts.”

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA in sports nutrition

The storm of all hormones, or as it is also called “ mother hormone ”, “elixir of youth”, which is converted in the body into all four types of hormones:

  • progesterone
  • testosterone
  • estrogen
  • pregnenolone

DHEA is a naturally occurring androgenic hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It has been scientifically proven that it does not affect the level of excess weight in the body (previously it was thought that it was involved in burning fat), while oral administration of this supplement, unfortunately, does not affect the growth of muscle mass, but other forms significantly increase testosterone level in the body.

Mid-price testosterone boosters

Products in the mid-price category, as a rule, perfectly combine reasonable prices and excellent quality. They are the ones who are preferred most often. In our rating, we tried to include only the best supplements, which, in addition to being effective and of good quality, have an affordable price.

Tribulus 1500

Despite the relatively low price, this testosterone booster is highly effective. According to customer reviews and expert opinion, the drug is considered one of the best. The supplement has a natural composition, normalizes the secretion of your own testosterone, improves the functioning of all endocrine systems, promotes recovery from physical or psychological stress, increases tone, strengthens overall well-being, increases sexual energy, energizes your mood and reduces apathy. The product is completely natural and does not cause side effects.

Average cost: 1500 rubles.

testosterone booster Tribulus 1500


  • efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • quick results;
  • improves well-being;
  • energizes and provides a feeling of vigor.


  • difficult to tolerate for some people due to high concentrations.

2SN Testobooster

This complex effectively stimulates the production of your own testosterone, promotes muscle mass and strength gains, has a tonic effect, and helps increase libido and sexual activity. During development, exclusively herbal components are used to help increase the production of your own testosterone from your glands. Taking the supplement will help increase sexual activity, physical endurance, activate anabolic processes and increase vitality.

Average cost: 1390 rubles.

testosterone booster 2SN Testobooster


  • natural composition;
  • efficiency;
  • acceptable price;
  • quick achievement of results;
  • increasing endurance and strength indicators.


  • not detected.

DAA D-Aspartic Acid

The sports nutrition product increases endurance, participates in the synthesis of amino acids, increases performance, reduces fatigue and the likelihood of developing depressive conditions. In addition, the supplement increases libido and eliminates sexual dysfunction. The effectiveness of the supplement is confirmed by reports from athletes. The data obtained confirm the research results - testosterone does increase.

Average cost: 1290 rubles.

testosterone booster DAA D-Aspartic Acid


  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • quick results;
  • acceptable price.


  • not detected.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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