Strength Test: Intense Tabata Workouts

Tabata training: what is it?

The Tabata system is a technique that is highly effective by performing intense physical exercises with rest breaks. Thanks to the method, it is easy to distribute the load over the entire body, because the complex includes both aerobic training and weight training. Tabata exercises are a suitable method for weight loss because this approach helps stabilize muscle tissue. Thanks to this, the percentage of body fat decreases.

Izumi Tabata noted the high efficiency of the method. Based on observations, the doctor came to the conclusion that athletes using this technique increased the body's endurance and improved the condition of the cardiovascular system. This intensity of exercise allows you to burn 15 calories per minute. Tabata exercise is more effective than jogging, during which you can lose 9.2 calories over this period of time.

The Tabata system is suitable for beginners due to its accessibility. You can perform the exercises at home or in the gym.

This implementation of the Tabata complex is carried out with the participation of an assistant, with a stopwatch. This will help you record the amount of exercise you do over a period of time. It is worth purchasing a heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate. One circuit training allows you to work all muscle groups. It is recommended to gradually reduce the rest time between sets (by 10 seconds). Without taking into account these principles, performing Tabata exercises will be ineffective.

Despite the large number of advantages, there are disadvantages:

  1. Intense exercise puts stress on the heart. Therefore, a beginner must be gradually prepared for strong physical activity, otherwise dizziness, chest discomfort, and nausea may occur.
  2. Not suitable for low carbohydrate diets.
  3. Load on joints.

A little history

Initially, the Tabata complex was practiced by members of the Japanese speed skating team. Irisawa Koichi, the head coach, discovered a new training technique. Then Dr. Izumi Tabata was going to evaluate the effectiveness of the complex. The results showed an increase in aerobic endurance and fat burning intensity. After the doctor described the new method, the complex was called “Tabata training.”

What's the point

The original version of the Tabata exercise technique had the following structure:

  • training time - 4 minutes;
  • 8 sets * 20 seconds on an exercise bike;
  • 10 seconds rest.

According to the results, thanks to high intensity and short breaks, it is possible to quickly and effectively strengthen muscles. Tabata exercises are suitable for weight loss, because intense physical activity accelerates the metabolism, which contributes to the loss of excess weight for several days after training.

Exercises are suitable for cutting because the Tabata complex increases the percentage of muscle relative to fat tissue.

How is Tabata different from cardio training?

The Tabata exercise system for weight loss takes 4 minutes, which is the main difference from cardio training. The Japanese method includes both aerobic and strength exercises, which can be performed at home.

Tabata training is preparation for yoga. This is due to increased endurance and performing exercises to improve the functioning of the respiratory system. Unlike the Tabata method, cardio is a core training that improves fitness at a base level.

Tabata training: how to do it?

Tabata is an energetic workout that will help you get in great shape at home without additional equipment. Thanks to Tabata, you can lose weight, improve body contour, get rid of problem areas, strengthen your heart, become stamina and stronger.

The exercises presented below help focus the work on the core and abdominal muscles (but in addition to this, the whole body is also included in the work). Fast interval pacing will burn calories and speed up your metabolism. A set of Tabata exercises for the abdomen not only helps you lose weight, but also helps straighten your posture, stimulates blood circulation, and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Tabata program for 5 days:

  • Day 1: Tabata Ab Workout (suggested below)
  • Day 2: Low Impact Tabata Full Body
  • Day 3: Intensive Tabata for Legs and Buttocks
  • Day 4: Low Impact Full Standing Tabata
  • Day 5: Intense Tabata Full Body

7 reasons to do Tabata workouts:

  1. Tabata is ideal for training to burn fat.
  2. Tabata workouts help you lose weight without destroying your muscles.
  3. This is not a boring and varied type of training.
  4. This is a quick way to improve your physical endurance.
  5. This is high efficiency with low time consumption.
  6. No additional equipment is needed for training.
  7. The program is easy to follow, the interval diagram is convenient and clear.

Scheme for performing Tabata training for the abdomen:

  • The total duration of the workout is 30 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down).
  • The program consists of 6 Tabata rounds of 4 minutes each.
  • One Tabata round includes 8 approaches according to the scheme: 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest.
  • In each Tabata round you will find 4 exercises, which are repeated in two approaches (ABCDABCD scheme).
  • Each exercise is respectively performed twice.
  • Between Tabata rounds you are supposed to rest for 1 minute.

What else is important to know:

  • Be sure to do a short warm-up before training. This will help warm up your joints and muscles, minimize the risk of injury, and prepare your cardiovascular system.
  • Be sure to do a short stretch after your workout. This will help you relax your body faster and also reduce the intensity of pain in the post-training days.
  • In any high-intensity training, the load is regulated by the pace of execution. Increase the speed of your exercises if you want to increase the load. Slow down the speed of your exercises if you want to reduce the load.
  • During the 10-second rest, do not stop. Try to walk in place to avoid unnecessary stress on the cardiac system and dizziness.
  • Each exercise in a Tabata round is performed twice. If the exercise is performed specifically on the right or left side, then the first time you perform it on one side, in the next approach - on the other side (when you return to this exercise again in the Tabata round).

Where to get a Tabata timer:

  • Download the timer for your mobile phone Tabata Timer [selection of applications for Android].
  • There are many videos on YouTube with ready-made Tabata timers.

Links to videos with Tabata timers:

  • Link to tabata timer without music
  • Link to tabata timer without music
  • Link to tabata timer with music
  • Link to tabata timer with music

How to make your workout easier:

  • If you are a beginner, then at first do only 3 of the suggested Tabata rounds (instead of 6). In this case, the duration of the training will be 15 minutes.
  • Perform simplified versions of the exercises suggested in the descriptions.
  • Slow down the speed of your exercises, trying to move at a moderate pace.
  • Increase the rest time between rounds to 2 minutes.

Increase the load gradually. There is no need to torture your body by trying to work super intensely without good physical preparation.

How to make your workout more challenging:

  • In Tabata, speed is everything. If you want to complicate the workout, then increase the pace of the exercises (but not at the expense of technique!).
  • You can increase the duration of the workout to 8 rounds by repeating any of the suggested rounds twice.
  • You can add an intensive 10-minute workout at the end of the training: this one.
  • You can add a 10-minute press session at the end of the training: this one.

What is the Tabata Method

Everyone wants to get in shape, and with the advent of the tabata method, losing weight at home has become possible. Training according to the Tabata protocol is short, but intense. This is a complex for women and men who want to lose weight or physically change for the better. Tabata interval exercises will do to the body in 4 minutes what is achieved in an hour of intensive training in the gym:

  • According to the technique, you need to make a lot of movements in a short time.
  • You need to give your all one hundred percent.
  • Alternate stages of intense exercise with moments of complete relaxation according to the yoga system, abstracting from the world.
  • The effect is achieved through Tabata interval exercises: performing a large number of exercises in 20 seconds, alternating with a ten-second rest.
  • The row is repeated for 4 minutes. During the period you can do 8 exercises.
  • The result is the same as during an hour of working with fitness training machines.

Tabata timer

To monitor the cycle of exercises according to the Japanese doctor’s method, there is a Tabata timer protocol. This is a stopwatch that divides the lesson into the following parts:

  • introduction;
  • voice command to start;
  • 20 seconds of pumping to music;
  • 10 seconds – pause.

For a beginning athlete, one approach is enough to reach exhaustion. Trained people can increase the set and adjust the time to suit themselves. The timer can be downloaded as an application to your computer, or used online. The four-minute countdown is divided into eight periods, the end of which is signaled by an audible signal. The frequency and intervals of the fat burning complex can be changed.

Music for Tabata training

The program has only one drawback - inconvenience in measuring training time. In order to avoid this, use a timer application. The music is loaded, it is adapted to the exercises - it is divided into pieces with breaks. You can use any music - jazz, classical, rock. The main thing is that the work lifts the spirit and helps to withstand the load. There is special music for tabata; it can be found on the Internet, listened to online or downloaded to your smartphone.

Description of the technique

The undoubted appeal is that everyone can conduct classes at home. After all, Tabata exercises for weight loss do not require the use of equipment. Training is carried out only three times a week, and this is enough to lose weight. It makes no sense to exercise more often - there is no benefit from exhaustion , the body will not have time to recover.

Alternating intense load and short periods of rest (20 seconds for work, 10 seconds for a break) is the main difference between the protocol and other training methods. Half a minute for one exercise, then immediately move on to the next. 8 cycles are carried out, which is 4 minutes. But this time will not seem short to those who will study - they will have to give it their all. The number of repetitions is not critical; everyone has their own pace, depending on their level of preparation.

Protocol efficiency

Alternating short periods of exercise and half as much rest periods produced unexpected results . It turned out that this type of activity increases both anaerobic (speed and strength, fat burning depend on it) and aerobic performance (oxygen is better absorbed).

Research conducted by Dr. Tabata showed:

  • In just 6 weeks of training, you can increase your aerobic endurance by 14%, and your anaerobic endurance becomes twice as much! All this is felt as an increase in strength.
  • In 20 min. During training, athletes spent more than 300 kcal - similar indicators are quite difficult to achieve.

Another positive point: the Tabata program stimulates the growth of muscle fibers. For those who are drying, this is a significant plus. It’s no secret that in the process of losing weight, the body often “eats” not only fat reserves, but also muscle tissue. And it is quite difficult to increase it, unlike subcutaneous fat tissue.

Timers for Tabata training

A regular timer will not work, as you will have to constantly restart it. Therefore, you can choose one of those that are specially designed for Tabata.

Mobile applications. Most of them are absolutely free. Easy to customize, suitable for any gadget. You can change the number of intervals and set the time individually. The end of each stage is accompanied by a sound signal. Video. The videos presented on video hosting sites come not only with a timer, but also with example exercises

They can't be customized, but you can glean a lot of important information. There are also just video timers without training at different intervals. Websites

These are ready-made timer programs that can be launched immediately after opening the page. In addition, you can choose your own intervals.

Any person with the required level of training can lose weight in 4 minutes using the Tabata system. After training, you will definitely feel tired, and your muscle temperature will increase significantly. It is recommended to exercise every other day so that the body has time to recover. For maximum productivity, it is better to perform the complex in the morning, instead of exercise.

The effectiveness of the Tabata system for weight loss

Tabata is often used for quick, effective weight loss. With regular exercise, the first results will be visible within 2 weeks. The advantages are as follows:

  • high intensity training involves burning a large number of calories even in 4 minutes. This indicator is individual and depends on the level, group of exercises, and initial weight. On average, 150 calories are burned in 10 minutes;
  • effect after training. The Tabata system for weight loss triggers the so-called “afterburn”: another 48 hours after exercise, the fat disappears;
  • increasing endurance, protecting the heart. Compared to cardio, muscle tissue will not be damaged, but on the contrary, it will strengthen and increase in size;
  • If you do this sport every day, you can lose from 0.5 to 3 kg of weight in a week.

Advice! In the first week, 2 kg or more may be lost due to getting rid of water. Such sudden weight loss requires special attention to nutrition during this period and drinking regime in order to replenish the balance of electrolytes and nutrients in the body. A fitness bar or just a balanced diet is suitable for this.

Tabata workout for men

In general, Tabata workouts can be considered unisex workouts, but often men and women want to place emphasis in their exercises slightly differently.

The first example of training according to the Tabata protocol for men

This training option uses all major muscle groups.

Video: Functional training for men using the Tabata protocol

The first exercise stated in the presented training is Jumping Jack. It works like this:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.
  2. Let's perform a jump and, with a sharp, dynamic movement, spread our legs and move our arms up through the sides.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We continue to jump until the end of the twenty-second Tabata circle.


The second exercise, the thruster, in its classic execution involves the use of a barbell, but any other additional weight, for example, a dumbbell, can easily replace it.

  1. Starting position - in a standing position, fix your legs shoulder-width apart, straighten your back.
  2. We raise the dumbbells, bringing them to the same level with the shoulder girdle.
  3. Without changing the position of the dumbbells, we perform a deep squat, keep the weight on the heels, and in no case transfer it to the toes.
  4. When we start to get up, we “throw” the dumbbells up. The movement should be fast - after all, we only have 20 seconds to work, and the effectiveness of the exercise itself increases.
  5. Do the squat again.
  6. We continue to perform the exercise until the twenty-second Tabata circle is completed.


The third exercise is body rotation with dumbbells.

Starting position - put one leg forward, knees slightly bent, abdominal muscles tense and ready to work. We perform a turn and move the dumbbells to one side, spinning our body with powerful movements due to the work, first of all, of the abdominal muscles - the shoulders are almost relaxed

It is important to work with the body here. We turn in the other direction. We continue to perform body rotations until the twenty-second Tabata circle is completed.. ENT.


Next is the exercise Diagonal swings with both arms.

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. We move the hand with the dumbbell to the right and slightly tilt the body in the same direction, as if swinging.
  2. We swing to the left and up, slightly twisting the body inward.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We continue the approach in one direction until the twenty-second Tabata circle is completed. After rest, you need to repeat the same exercise, but in the opposite direction.


The fifth exercise - short amplitude movements with dumbbells or dumbbell rows - is performed to work the rear deltas of the shoulder.

  1. Starting position: leaning forward, holding dumbbells in both hands.
  2. As you exhale, we perform either alternate or simultaneous rows of dumbbells towards ourselves.
  3. As you inhale, return the dumbbells to their original position.
  4. We continue to perform the approach until the completion of the twenty-second Tabata circle.


And finally, the final exercise in the presented workout is the lateral raise of dumbbells. It is somewhat similar to the Thruster exercise, but is performed without squatting.

  1. Starting position: standing or sitting. If standing, then your feet are positioned at the width of your shoulders. We hold dumbbells in our hands, elbows bent and at shoulder level. The back is straight.
  2. As you exhale, raise both arms, keeping your back straight.
  3. While inhaling, we return to the starting position.
  4. We repeat the exercise until the twenty-second Tabata circle is completed.


Every two or three training sessions according to the Tabata protocol, it is worth changing the exercises, or at least their order of execution, since the body quickly gets used to the proposed load, and if you do not change it in a timely manner, the effectiveness of such training will significantly decrease.

A workout that allows you to effectively work your legs and buttocks.

Tabata workout for the stomach: exercises

Tabata training at home does not require the use of additional equipment. You will work exclusively with your own weight. In total, you will have 6 Tabata rounds of 4 minutes each. Total training time: 30 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). The training scheme is described above.

Scheme using the example of the first round:

  • Jumping with pelvic rotation: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Knee lift + forward leg swing (right side): 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Horizontal run: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Knee-elbow crunches with leg straightening: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Jumping with pelvic rotation: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Knee lift + forward leg swing (left side): 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Horizontal run: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Knee-elbow crunches with leg straightening: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds

After completing "Round 1", you take a 1 minute rest and proceed to the next round in the same way.

Tabata Round 1

Jumping with pelvic rotation

Why : This is a great exercise to start our Tabata for weight loss. It is moderately intense, so it is ideal for the first exercise of the training. Jumping with pelvic rotations works well on the oblique abdominal muscles, removes problematic deposits in the side parts of the body, and also accelerates metabolic processes in the body of the practitioner.

How to do it : Jumps must be performed using the strength of your toes. Pushing off the floor, rotate your pelvis to the right side. During the next jump, the turn is made to the left. Maintain this alternation throughout the entire approach. You can hold your hands freely or secure them on your belt.

How to simplify : The exercise is not difficult, but to simplify it, you can do light jumps in place without turning (as if you were jumping rope).

Knee lift + leg swing forward

Why : A complex exercise affects the core muscles and also strengthens the muscles of the lower extremities. The main emphasis is on working out the oblique muscles and lower abs, which helps in forming a slender waist, getting rid of the sides and fat in the lower abdomen.

How to do it : Hold your arms bent at the elbow joint in front of you. The exercise is performed in two phases. First, lift your right knee and rotate your body in the opposite direction. Touch your left elbow to your right knee. Return to the starting position. After this, you need to swing your right leg forward. Try not to bend your leg during the swing; it should be taut. Do a whole set on one side, then do the other side exercise in the second half of the Tabata round.

How to simplify : Perform only bent knee raises, without straight leg raises.

Horizontal running

Why : One of the best exercises for a flat stomach. The Tabata element for weight loss belongs to the category of cardio exercises, thanks to which it can be used to quickly get rid of excess weight. Also, the movement helps to strengthen the core muscles in a short time and develop sculpted abs, which, perhaps, every exerciser dreams of.

How to do it : You will work in a plank position on your hands. The essence of the exercise is to alternately bring your legs up to chest level. The movement is similar to running in a horizontal plane. The faster you change legs, the more intense and effective the execution will be.

How to simplify : Pull your knees to your chest one at a time, at a moderate pace, without jumping.

Knee-elbow crunches with leg straightening

Why : Tabata exercises for the abdomen provide a static load on the core muscles, making the work more productive and less time-consuming. The element can also help in the development of stabilizer muscles and neuromuscular connections.

How to do it : Lie on the floor, bring your palms together at the back of your head, bend your legs at the knees. After this, do a twist touching your elbows to your knees. Then straighten your body and stretch your legs up just below the perpendicular to the floor.

How to simplify : Perform knee-elbow crunches without extending your legs upward. The knees remain bent and the feet fall to the floor when straightened.

Take a 1 minute rest after the first round. When resting, do not sit down, walk in place.

Tabata-Round 2

Running in place with feet touching

Why : This is another cardio element of Tabata for weight loss, which can completely replace classic jogging. In addition to activating metabolic processes, the movement actively engages the core muscles (especially the lower abs) and strengthens the arms and legs.

How to do it : The essence of this running is that with each step you need to raise your knees high, while touching your foot with the hand of the opposite side (left foot with right palm and vice versa). Don’t forget about proper breathing: inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 2 steps. This will help get rid of the tingling sensation in your side.

How to make it easier : Perform regular jogging in place at a moderate pace.

Standing Knee to Chest Pull

Why : Isolated training of the oblique muscles is an important aspect in the training process. With this exercise you will be able to achieve a slim waist and get rid of your belly. Additionally, the quadriceps are involved in the work, and a high pace of execution stimulates metabolic processes, helping to lose weight.

How to do it : Turn your body slightly to the side. Select your supporting leg and place your entire body weight on it. Take steps with the other leg, raising your knee at the peak point to approximately the level of the bottom of your chest. Help yourself with your hands, moving them along your body as if you were running. Do a whole set on one side, then do the other side exercise in the second half of the Tabata round.

How to simplify : The exercise is not difficult, but to make it easier, you can reduce the pace of the exercise. For example, pause for a second while straightening your leg as you return to the starting position.

Plank on all fours knee-elbow

Why : Any modification of the classic plank provides an enormous load on the athlete’s body. This particular variation provides accentuated work on the lateral parts of the body, and also engages the entire core muscles.

How to do it : In this case, you need to get on all fours with emphasis on your toes. Thanks to this, you get the opportunity to perform cross abductions of the knees to the opposite hand one at a time. The body itself remains motionless, held tightly by outstretched arms. It is not necessary to reach your elbow with your knee, just try to reach forward.

How to simplify : Pull your knee not to the opposite elbow, but to the same one (right knee to right elbow, left knee to left elbow).

Torso rotations in corner pose

Why : An effective exercise for strengthening the lateral parts of the body and developing the oblique abdominal muscles. Since the element requires constant maintenance of balance, the process additionally includes stabilizer muscles necessary for the correct performance of other strength exercises.

How to do it : Your task is to maintain balance on your hips, first raising your legs and leaning your body back 45 degrees. The arms are brought together clearly in front of you with the elbows turned in different directions. In this position, rotate your body to the right and left, working solely using the strength of your abdominal muscles.

How to simplify : Lower your feet to the floor, rather than keeping them suspended.

Take a 1 minute rest after the second round. When resting, do not sit down, walk in place.

Tabata Round 3

Knee-elbow + cross jump

Why : This is a complex element that combines both the benefits of strengthening the cardiovascular system and strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles. Thanks to the high intensity of the exercise, an amazing fat burning effect is achieved. In addition, the twisting motion helps normalize the digestive process.

How to do it : In the initial phase, you need to spread your legs wider than your shoulders, and put your hands at the back of your head. The first movement is to make a cross elbow-knee touch. Then, returning to the starting position, you do a cross jump. Then do another knee-elbow touch on the other side. Next cross jump with the other foot in front.

How to simplify : Perform one crossed jump - two knee-elbow lifts. This will slow down the pace of the exercise.

Squat + side kick

Why : Tabata for weight loss is not complete without a separate exercise for the lower limbs. The presented element allows you to develop the volume and strength of your legs, and also connects your arms to work. Additionally, the abdominal muscles are involved during turns. Thanks to the powerful stimulation of blood circulation from the lower to the upper body, exercise is great for weight loss.

How to do it : Hold your hands in front of you in a fighting stance. Feet shoulder width apart. The squat is carried out to a right angle in the bend of the knee joints, after which you stand up and strike to the right side. After the next squat, the blow must be made to the left side. And so on in turn.

How to simplify : Perform a shallow squat, at first you can even do it at half the amplitude.

Plank pelvic lift + leg raises

Why : In the process of performing this exercise, you will work out problem areas on your sides, and also strengthen your lower back, buttocks and lower abs. Additionally, the leg muscles work during jumping. Since during the work you are in the plank position, the element provides a general load on all the muscles of the abdomen and back.

How to do it : Take a plank position on your elbows and fix the position. The movement consists of two phases. The first phase – lift your buttocks up, keep your body and legs straight. Don't slouch. Pause briefly in the top position, squeezing your back and abs, then return back to the elbow plank. Second phase - do plank jumps with your legs apart and together.

How to make it easier : Perform a pelvic lift, and then instead of jumping, simply move your legs one at a time to the side.

Hand-to-foot touch in reverse bridge

Why : This is an excellent complex exercise that targets all muscle groups. Due to cross touches, tension in the abdominal area increases, body stabilizers and core muscles in general develop. In addition, the reverse bridge perfectly develops the triceps, the posterior deltoids, the back of the thigh, and strengthens the lumbar region.

How to do it : Sitting on a gymnastic mat, place your palms and feet on the floor, then lift your pelvis. Having fixed the position, raise your right leg and touch its foot with your left palm. Each new repetition is accompanied by a change of sides. While driving, do not rush, avoid sudden jerks.

How to simplify : In the lightweight version, support is maintained on both hands throughout the entire execution - only pull your knees to your chest, your palms remain on the floor.

Take a 1 minute rest after the third round. When resting, do not sit down, walk in place.

Tabata-Round 4

Jump steps + jump with legs raised

Why : Tabata training at home often includes aerobic elements, which are recognized as one of the most effective for fat burning. Also, exercise not only helps with overall weight loss, but also helps strengthen the lower body and develops overall endurance.

How to perform : Each step will be performed in a jump. Take 2 steps on the count of “one” and “two” back and forth, then, using a similar count, make a jump with the legs apart and bringing them back together. Place your hands on your belt or keep them near your body as if you were running. Inhale for 2 counts, and exhale for 2 counts.

How to simplify : Perform only jumps with legs spread, without steps back and forth.

Vertical fold

Why : The Tabata element for the abdomen has some similarities with classic crunches, but is performed while standing. The rectus abdominal muscles are involved in the process, allowing you to develop volume and abdominal relief at the same time. The movement also stretches the back, relieving it of tightness and pain.

How to do it : We will work standing. To begin, raise your arms above your head. After this, swing your straightened leg in front of you, while simultaneously leaning your body towards it. During the peak phase, your palms should touch your toes. Each new repetition is accompanied by a change of sides.

How to make it easier : Bend your knees as you lift them up.

Jumping forward in plank

Why : A super-effective cardio element that is definitely worth adding to your weight loss plan. Jumping in the plank puts a serious complex load on the abs, arms and legs. It is one of the best in the fight against excess weight, so movement is necessary for people trying to lose weight.

How to do it : Starting position - hand plank. Having accepted it, you need to jump forward, leaning only on your upper limbs. Your feet should be approximately at chest level, after which you jump back again.

How to simplify : Pull your feet forward in alternate steps without jumping.

Twisting into a fold

Why : The element is aimed at developing the abdominal muscles and is basic in achieving such a goal. Both the upper and lower parts are subject to the same load. Additionally, the quadriceps are involved in the work, keeping the legs suspended throughout the entire approach. A great abdominal exercise at home.

How to do it : Sitting on a gymnastics mat, place your palms on the floor. Tilt your body back and lift your legs 10-15 cm from the surface of the carpet. Start pulling your knees towards your chest and reach your body towards your legs. Pause for a second in the top position and then return to the starting position.

How to make it easier : Lower your legs to the floor as you straighten.

Take a 1 minute rest after the fourth round. When resting, do not sit down, walk in place.

Tabata-Round 5

Running with kicks and knee raises

Why : This element of Tabata for weight loss simultaneously includes both the upper and lower limbs. By raising the knee, not only the quadriceps is loaded, but also the lower abs. This ensures getting rid of fat deposits in the waist area.

How to do it : Raising the knees is performed alternately at a fast pace. Try to pull it towards your lower chest for maximum effectiveness. Perform strikes with the hands of opposite sides (raising the left knee - striking with the right hand and vice versa). Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 2 steps.

How to make it easier : Run in place with boxing, but without raising your knees high.

Raising the knee to the side from a “curtsey”

Why : Exercise places an accentuated load on the sides of the abdomen. By raising the knee to the side, the lateral parts of the thighs are subject to tension, which helps make them more toned and slender. One of the most effective exercises for getting rid of sides.

How to do it : Place your arms behind your head and place your legs in a “curtsey” position. To perform the exercise, lift your leg back, bending it at the knee. At the same time, you lean your body towards her, trying to reach your elbow with your knee. After this, return to the starting position. Do a whole set on one side, then do the other side exercise in the second half of the Tabata round.

How to make it easier : Do not move your leg back diagonally, place your working leg next to your supporting leg.

Side Plank Knee Raise

Why : The side plank itself is one of the most effective exercises for developing the lateral parts of the body. By additionally raising the knee, you emphasize the load in the lower abdominal area, develop stabilizers, and also learn to better maintain body balance.

How to do it : Lie on your side, then focus on your forearm and the side of your foot. The legs, body and neck should become one line without sagging or bending. Having fixed the position, begin to raise your knee to the level of your lower chest. Work at a moderate pace, maintain your position, do not fall forward. Place your free hand on your belt or stomach. Do a whole set on one side, then do the other side exercise in the second half of the Tabata round.

How to make it easier : Stay in a static side plank position.

"Butterfly" with arm curls

Why : It is impossible to achieve a flat stomach without strong back and lower back muscles. This exercise focuses the load on the latissimus dorsi and lower back muscles. The work also involves the back of the thigh, buttocks, rear deltoids, and abs.

How to do it : While lying on your stomach, extend your arms forward, supporting them at a distance of 5-10 cm from the floor. The legs also need to be raised to a similar distance. After this, make a movement with your hands similar to a pull-up on a bar. Your elbows should move toward your lower back. Additionally, lift your body at the peak point.

How to make it easier : Lower your feet to the floor to make it easier.

Take a 1 minute rest after the fifth round. When resting, do not sit down, walk in place.

Tabata-Round 6

Lateral jumps with knee lift

Why : Tabata training at home is not complete without jumping. This element will allow you to diversify the standard type of exercise, placing additional stress on the lateral and adductor muscles of the thighs. By raising your knees, you will engage your abdominal muscles. Additionally, during the work, the calf muscles develop.

How to do it : The technique becomes easier if you imagine yourself jumping over a rope or a puddle. Jumps are performed from side to side with the knee raised at the peak point above parallel to the floor. Jumps should be energetic.

How to make it easier : Jump from side to side without lifting your knees high.

Cross Knee Raise + Boxing

Why : This functional element of Tabata for the abdomen activates the work of the lower extremities, engages the abs and arm muscles. Due to its intensity, the element accelerates metabolic processes, develops the athlete’s endurance, and strengthens heart health.

How to do it : The exercise has two phases. To begin, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your hands in a fighting stance and pressed to your body. In the first phase, perform 2 lifts of the right knee to the left elbow. In the second phase, perform boxing with your hands on the count “1-2-3-4”. Then bring your knee toward your elbow again. Do a whole set on one side, then do the other side exercise in the second half of the Tabata round.

How to simplify : The exercise is not difficult, so you can simply slow down the pace to simplify it.

Cross knee plank

Why : This exercise is performed in a plank position and uses a large number of muscles, so it helps not only strengthen the entire body, but also speed up fat burning. By crossing your knees, you focus the load on your obliques, eliminating wrinkles and creating a slimmer waist.

How to do it : Take a lying position - planks on your hands. The essence of the exercise is to alternately pull the knees to the opposite side: the left knee to the right elbow and the right knee to the left elbow. Keep your stomach tense, your palms placed strictly under your shoulder joints, and your pelvis does not go up.

How to make it easier : Perform a full set of knee pulls on one side. It is easier to perform the exercise without changing legs.

Answers to popular questions about Tabata

  • How often should I do Tabata?
    Do Tabata 3-4 times a week. Maintain a rest interval of one day so that the muscles have time to recover.
  • How long is a Tabata workout?
    If you are a beginner, then start with 3 Tabata sets and perform various basic exercises. This workout will take about 25 minutes (including rest between sets and warm-up and cool-down). For advanced athletes - 4-5 complexes per workout.
  • Is it possible to combine Tabata and strength training?
    Tabata is a high-intensity workout that produces high energy costs for the body. Tabata in 30 minutes can replace a full-fledged strength training. Therefore, the Tabata protocol should be performed on separate days from training in the gym.

Tabata workout for men

The modern rhythm of life makes it impossible to devote a lot of time to sports. For those who have difficulty with time, but strive for beauty and health, Tabata is perfect; it is known that this is a universal way to keep yourself in good shape and strengthen the body's defenses. Even 15 min. daily training will bring good results. In addition, Tabata for men is an exercise that affects not only physical performance, but also helps cope with stress by improving the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the synthesis of happiness hormones.

Tabata complex for weight loss for men

It is recommended to include exercises in the Tabata complex for men based on individual goals, objectives, body characteristics and health status at the initial stage. If a man plans to get rid of belly fat, then exercises must be selected that involve all the abdominal muscles. For those who, in their opinion, have excess in the hip area (and this also happens), then the direction will be completely different.

We will look at an example of a set of workouts aimed at losing weight in the abdominal area:

  1. Oblique twists. Lying on your back, hands clasped at the back of your head, alternately you need to reach with your right and left elbow to the knee of your opposite leg.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs, slightly bent at the knees, hands clasped at the back of your head. Without changing the position of your legs, lift your shoulders and stretch forward and upward.
  3. Lying on your back, arms along the body, without lifting your lower back, raising and lowering straight legs.
  4. Running at close range. Starting position – lying down. Trying not to sway, you need to alternately lift your legs, bent at the knees to chest level.

Tabata for men over 50 years old

By and large, the Tabata system is very flexible and variable, which provides an excellent opportunity to adapt it to the individual needs and capabilities of any healthy person. As for classes for men who have crossed the half-century mark, adjustments need to be made taking into account age-related characteristics. To do this, you need to reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise by 25%. This figure is exaggerated and may vary depending on physical capabilities and general health.

Of all the previously proposed exercises, it is worth excluding hard ones, those that require too much effort or place an excessive load on the joints for this age. Everything is very individual, but it is better not to include burpees, deep squat jumps, running while lying down, or classic push-ups in the program. It is worth remembering about Tabata that this is a very intense training in its essence, so the most harmless exercises for older people can be called the static-dynamic types presented below.

Basic Tabata exercises for men and women

If a man loses weight and has no muscles, then he looks unattractive. Women have problem areas: abs, sides, buttocks. Men can create programs themselves, or engage in a special complex.

The basic, beginner complex for men involves: legs, buttocks, thighs, abs

  • I.p. hands in front of the chest, feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down, stand up and move your straight leg out to the side. We repeat 8 times for 20 seconds, not forgetting about the break between sets.
  • I. p. standing, feet parallel. Take a step back with your left bent leg. We lean on the bent front leg. Support is the heel of the front leg. Then we change legs.
  • I. p. standing on our knees, we rest our hands on the floor. We stretch into a plank position. We pull our knees to our shoulders one by one.
  • I.p. lying on the floor, back pressed, legs at 90 degrees. Slowly raise and lower your pelvis.

The exercises are performed in 8 series.

The basic complex for women is:

  1. Squats;
  2. Turn to the sides, arms clasped at chest level;
  3. Kneeling push-ups;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Lying down, bend your knees and reach your toes with your hands;
  6. With your hands on the back of your head, raise your upper body as high as possible.

This exercise can be performed by both men and women:

Standing, stretch your arms along your body, jump, clap your hands above your head, then sit down, stretch your legs back, do push-ups, lie down and repeat everything in reverse order.

Tabata contraindications

The workout requires a lot of energy and creates cardio stress. Before you become a fan of the Tabata method, you need to consult a doctor. In order not to harm your health, you need to know about the contraindications of Tabata

With a careful approach and on the advice of a doctor, you can choose the appropriate complex for any situation. The following categories of the population cannot be treated according to the protocol:

  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from heart failure;
  • in the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • with an umbilical hernia;
  • having varicose veins;
  • for hypertension;
  • for back diseases.

Rules for drawing up a program

To train according to the Japanese scientist’s system, you need to select exercises for weight loss that are suitable for the Tabata protocol. They must meet a number of requirements:

  • It is necessary to use several joints, different muscle groups, and give both static and dynamic loads.
  • Have a not too complicated execution technique.
  • The exercises should not be easy and not very difficult - the athlete must have time to complete at least several repetitions in 20 seconds.

Although the system does not include a warm-up, you can start exercising only after warming up - this rule applies to any exercise.

For people who are not well prepared, creating a program can be overwhelming. In this case, a good solution is to practice the Tabata protocol online. Today there are a large number of sports video channels, you can choose any one. Over time, it will become clear which exercises are easier, which are more difficult, and how to create an effective exercise for yourself.

Cons and contraindications

Speaking about the disadvantages, representatives of fitness areas note the following disadvantages of this technique:

  • Intense training leads to the body being in a stressful state, which negatively affects the condition and functioning of the muscular, endocrine and nervous systems. And to eliminate the malfunction, you need proper rest and nutrition, and for this you need to take periodic and long breaks between workouts.
  • Another disadvantage is the increased appetite that occurs during such intense exercise, and it is almost impossible to control it. The only option to eliminate this problem is to develop willpower, since sticking to a diet in such conditions is almost impossible.

Despite the fact that such exercises are allowed for almost everyone, there are also a number of contraindications that are important to consider. These include:

  • Serious or chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of ligaments and tendons.
  • Pathological processes in the digestive system.
  • Low or high blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Having a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
  • Obesity of the 2nd and 3rd degree. Sudden and high intensity can cause joint and heart problems in such people.

Fat loss program

Before performing a Tabata workout, it is necessary to warm up, consisting of both 5-10 minutes of cardio at a moderate pace, and preparation of joints and ligaments. Then the first exercise is 20 seconds of as fast repetitions as possible with perfect technique, followed by 10 seconds of rest. After resting, again 20 seconds of activity. A total of 6-8 rounds, after which 1-2 minutes of rest and the next exercise of the program.

Beginners are recommended to start with 4 simple exercises (that is, a total of 16 minutes of the Tabata protocol, excluding warm-up and rest), gradually the number of exercises can be increased to 8-12. The choice of exercises depends on the needs of a particular athlete - that is, with an emphasis on those muscles that need to be pumped. Training for fat loss is carried out no more than 1-2 times a week.

The best exercises for Tabata

Squat Exercise: Start in a plank position, perform a push-up, then jump inward with your hands on the floor. Then jump up as high as possible.

Exercise “Mill”
Starting position: legs wider than shoulders, body parallel to the floor, arms to the sides. Feeling the work of your abdominal muscles, touch your right leg with your left hand.

Dumbbell push-ups
The exercise combines push-ups with alternately lifting a dumbbell with one hand to the chest. During a 10-second rest, do a plank.

Stepping onto a bench
is one of the best exercises for the gluteal muscles. First, step up with your right foot, then lift your left leg up. The abs are tense.

Starting position: squats with legs wide, hands behind head. Tighten your core and buttocks, then jump up sharply.

Crunches with a fitball
Exercise for the abdominal muscles. Using your abs, bring the fitball closer to you.

Leg swings
An exercise to give the buttocks a rounded shape. Perform alternate leg swings, keeping your back straight and squeezing your gluteal muscles at the top.

Push-ups with clapping hands
First, do regular push-ups, then push off the floor with both hands and clap in the air. During the 10 second break, do the plank.


Training according to the Tabata protocol is one of the best ways to quickly lose fat. The advantage of this technique is the short duration of the training (about 20 minutes in total) and the ability to train with various equipment - both with body weight and with dumbbells or using elements of functional training (kettlebells, kickboxing, sprinting).

  1. Active vs. passive recovery during high-intensity training influences hormonal response, source

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Examples of Tabata protocols

The Tabata system is called a protocol. Although 4 minutes seems too simple for weight loss, it actually costs a lot of energy.

After 3 months, the body will be able to increase anaerobic load by 3 times. There is no special selection of exercises in the Tabata protocol. The main thing is that the exercises are simple.

Classes begin with a warm-up. To circulate blood in the body, they use: walking, squats, bending, lunges. And at the end of the workout, walk lightly to calm your heart rate. You are not allowed to eat before class, unless you eat a banana 2 hours before class. Do you want a toned stomach? You can upgrade it in 1 lesson. That is, in eight approaches. You can perform 1 exercise or 8 different ones.

Exercises for the protocol exist on:

  1. Legs. These are: squats, swings, lunges, jumps, jumps, running in place
  2. Stomach. Pumped: upper, lower, middle, oblique muscles. You can lean in different directions. Twist while standing and lying down
  3. Back: lying down, with lifting, bending, twisting
  4. Arms: swings, push-ups, rotations, punches
  5. Buttocks: lying swings, kneeling, squats

Exercises for the abs

With the initial position of the hands behind the head, the upper abs are pumped. You can raise your body to your bent legs, draw a figure eight with your legs raised up, and make a bicycle.

Leg exercises

To work the leg muscles, there is the following protocol:

  1. Feet together, squat without lifting your heels off the floor;
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes to the sides, straighten your back Squats with lifting on your toes and lifting your heels off the floor;
  3. Make a very wide stance. When squatting deeply, transfer the weight of the body onto one leg, leaving the other straight;
  4. Lunges the legs forward while transferring the weight of the body. Spread your legs wide, perform jumps, alternately bending your knees so that they reach your stomach
  5. Right and left leg swing

Important: When training, a cardio load is created, as large energy costs occur. Therefore, before you start exercising, consult a specialist.

So, the Tabata protocol implies:

  • complete the “sprint phase” in 20 seconds;
  • “rest phase” for 10 seconds;
  • do 7-8 approaches.

Tips for increasing efficiency

To achieve a good effect, you need to work hard: do everything efficiently, 100% and stop feeling sorry for yourself. It is normal and correct to feel squeezed, tired and sweaty after exercise.

If you have not achieved this effect, then you need to select other exercises or, for example, speed up the pace of the exercises. In the process of mastering the technique, the muscles and body gradually get used to the initial load, so it is important to complicate the training and periodically change the exercises to more complex ones. You can also do the task for 30 and 40 seconds instead of 20 seconds of active work or add approaches. For such activities, time is important, so it is recommended to purchase or download a Tabata timer to your phone, which will allow you to accurately monitor the time and sound signals for the start of the exercise and rest time.

Breathing is the main component of the Tabata system, so training should be done in a well-ventilated area or outside. Many sources do not always talk about preparation or warm-up, but you should not forget about it

It is important to warm up the body and muscles to minimize injury during intense exercise. During the process, it is also not recommended to waste time on talking, but rather focus on the process. After finishing the exercise, you should not stop; it is better to give preference to slow walking.

At the end of the workout, do not forget about the cool-down in the form of stretching the muscles involved.

How to exercise correctly

For classes, it is better to choose a fitness club that has not only the necessary equipment, but also experienced instructors. To maximize the effectiveness of your training, you must adhere to a number of recommendations.

  • Mandatory warm-up. Before moving directly to Tabata, you should do at least some moderate-intensity cardio. This could be running in place, jumping, bending, squats, turns, or other activities that will warm up the muscles.
  • Maximum exposure. You need to prepare for the fact that the program is very intensive. Each approach must be performed to the limit. During a 20-second workout, you should do everything to keep your muscles working. In this case, the load should be the same both during the first and during the eighth approach. If you save your energy, finish a few seconds earlier, extend your rest, then this is regular aerobics, not a Tabata program.
  • Accurate adherence to time. It is recommended to first purchase a stopwatch or timer with a sound signal. It is important to adhere to all time frames, as they are considered optimal and are the key to the desired result.

Advice! To control time and select a specific exercise program, you can use special mobile applications. They have built-in timers that you can use for free, choose the type of workout, and get useful recommendations.

Tabata training - load plan for different levels of training

The “Tabata protocol” is the basic concept in the interval training system on which the weight loss technique is based. Its essence is that:

  • during exercises, the maximum number of muscles should be involved in the work;
  • the time to complete one exercise is 60 seconds;
  • rest between exercises – 10 seconds;
  • a total of 8 approaches are done for one exercise;
  • The total length of time it takes to complete one exercise is 4 minutes.

Load plan for entry level

  • squats (incomplete and deep, with or without weights);
  • various types of tilts;
  • push ups;
  • bar;
  • jumping up;
  • lunges.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the listed exercises, already when performing the first 4-minute block you will feel that it puts a strong strain on the muscles, while literally every cell of the body is involved in the work.

Intermediate workouts

After mastering the basic Tabata complex, you can try to complicate the task and try the option proposed by the author of the method for people with an average level of physical fitness.

This lesson plan includes:

  • squats;
  • exercises to raise arms to the sides (with a sufficient level of training, performed with dumbbells);
  • lifting straight legs from a lying position, crossing legs (“scissors”);
  • push ups; twisting;
  • “boxing” (punching a punching bag);
  • raising the knees to the elbows.

For different days you can choose different types from the presented complex

It is important to remember that regardless of the level, the training protocol remains the same

Advanced classes

Tabata exercises for an advanced level are suitable for those who have been practicing for more than 1 year and have a total experience in sports of more than 5 years. Performing exercises at this level requires great endurance and muscle strength, but for those who have already reached this stage, it allows you to build an ideal body, bringing it to perfection.

Exercises at this level differ from previous training plans and involve the use of additional equipment that increases physical stress on the body. These could be dumbbells, barbells, thrusters, burpees, jumping rope. Sprint exercises and various weights are also added when performing techniques of the previous levels.

Here is an approximate set of exercises for beginners in pictures.

Exercises and ready-made training plan

Fat burning training using the Tabata system is usually based on strength, plyometric, and cardio exercises performed in intense dynamics. There are several types of plans:

  • all 8 approaches are repetitions of one exercise;
  • alternating two exercises selected from different categories;
  • performing one exercise in two sets, and then the same number of approaches of another, followed by alternating;
  • half of the approaches (four) are performed with one version of the exercise, and the second half (also four) with another;
  • alternating four different activities;
  • pairwise alternation of four types of exercises;
  • performing a combination of 8 different fitness exercises.

Note! Not every person is suitable for constantly changing exercises, or this is simply not necessary to achieve the goal. Therefore, order and variety are chosen individually, and not based on general recommendations.

Average level

It requires a certain amount of training, so the exercises in this category are varied. It is recommended to use about four different types of activities in one workout. The most commonly chosen exercises are:

  • jumping to the side;
  • jumping with legs and arms spread;
  • performing “scissors” with legs while lying on your back;
  • combining a step-up step with squats;
  • plank with elbow twists;
  • kicks forward, backward (alternately with each leg);
  • running in place with high knees or shin overlapping;
  • plank jumps;
  • jumping lunges;
  • burpees without doing push-ups;
  • plank with leg raises.

In this case, there must be a 10-minute warm-up, and then a light cool-down until the optimal heart rate is reached.

Advanced level

You can move on to it only after 2-3 months of regularly performing intermediate level blocks. You can do trial sessions that will allow you to understand whether the athlete is ready to master a new level. If not, do not overload the body or injure muscles and joints.

Preference should be given to the following exercises:

  • pulling your legs towards your shoulders during the plank;
  • performing burpees with complications;
  • lifting your legs while doing the plank;
  • regular push-ups and kneeling push-ups;
  • running in place with high knees;
  • combination of jumps with wide squats;
  • plyometric lunges with jumps;
  • jumping with full body turns 180 degrees.

Fat-burning Tabata gymnastics allows you to use equipment for weighting, but you need to move on to this stage after you have fully mastered the basic programs. Preparing and gripping dumbbells and other sports equipment takes time and can distract from the dynamics of the complex.

Plyometric lunges with jumps are performed as follows. Transfer your body weight to the heel of your front leg, while keeping your body straight. In a standing position, lunge backward with your leg, bending your knee at a right angle. In this case, the knee of the leg that is located behind should be almost at the level of the floor, but not touch it. After a lunge, you need to change legs without delay. Return to the starting position only after completing the approach.

Burpees are not an easy exercise. To perform it you must have good physical fitness. You need to squat down, placing your palms on the floor. To move the body into the horizontal plank position, you need to sharply bounce your legs back, and then immediately return to the squat. The difficult level involves adding push-ups after every two bounces to increase fat burning efficiency. An individual fitness trainer will help you quickly master advanced techniques.

Exercises with dumbbells

  • Hold the dumbbell with both hands at the same time, maintaining a straight stance, with your feet wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees, lower your hands with the projectile between your knees. Without bending your arms, jerk the projectile to a point above your head, then straighten your body and jump to connect your legs. Do everything in reverse order.
  • Take a horizontal plank position with your hands on the dumbbells. Balancing on one arm, raise the other with the apparatus until the elbow is above the level of the back. Repeat on both sides. Return to the plank position, with a sharp jump, pull your legs up and squat down.
  • Stand straight, holding dumbbells (one in each) in your arms along your body. Do a squat, move your hips back, move the projectile forward in front of you, placing it on the floor. Sit down, quickly bounce your legs into a horizontal plank, leaning on dumbbells, and do one push-up. Return to the IP, performing the steps in reverse order.
  • Stand straight, straighten your back, grab the dumbbell with both hands, and press it to your chest. Elbows pressed to the body. Perform a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Straighten back, turn your body to the right. Return to the starting position, repeat everything, just turn left.

Workout for Beginners

If you are a beginner, stick to a simple and varied set of exercises:

  • Run in place, arms bent at the elbows, while raising them up above your head and lowering them to the sides.
  • Squats with legs wide apart. Hands behind the head, clasped with fingers at the back of the head. Returning to the starting position, jump.
  • Stretching of all joints.
  • Lifting the hips to the chest. The legs are also widely spaced. Hands in front of you, fingers locked, elbows pointing clearly to the sides. Alternate performing the exercise on your right and left leg.
  • Jumping. Use a jump rope.
  • Jump, feet together - to the sides, alternate. The knees are soft. Also spread your arms to the sides each time, until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Squats with dumbbells. Feet wider, knees apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands; straighten your elbows for each squat. Elbows point clearly to the side.
  • “Scissors” with legs in a lying position. The lower back is pressed tightly to the floor.
  • “Bicycle” - also lying down. Don't forget about keeping your lower back pressed to the floor.
  • Push-ups from the plank position. If it’s difficult, feel free to do it from your knees.
  • Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. Hands behind your head, elbows pointing clearly to the side. Lift your shoulder blades and return to the starting position. The abdominal muscles are tense.
  • Twisting. The exercise is aimed at the lateral abdominal muscles. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Point your right elbow towards your left knee. And vice versa - with your left elbow, try to reach your right knee. Alternate.

Tabata exercises for weight loss: description, video lessons ^

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Tabata Protocol: reviews from those who have lost weight

Exercise protocol Tabata for beginners

It is worth noting that for beginners it is necessary to reduce physical activity, but not reduce the intensity of the workout. In order not to cause harm to the body, Tabata training should begin with small loads and gradually increase them.

It's important not to overdo it. Beginners are recommended to perform the following set of 8 exercises, each of which takes 20 seconds at intervals of 10 seconds:

  1. Squats. You can take dumbbells and move your arms forward during squats.
  2. Raises with dumbbells. You need to hold your hands in front of you, then spread them to the sides, trying to keep your back straight.
  3. You need to press your palms together and turn your torso to the sides.
  4. Pushups. For beginners, you can do push-ups with your knees on the floor.
  5. You need to lie on your back and slightly raise your straight legs above the floor. Make the so-called “scissors”.
  6. You need to lie on your stomach, hold your hands behind your head and do chest lifts.
  7. You need to take a lying position, then stand up, jump and take the starting position again.
  8. You should lie on your back and bend your knees, raise your torso, trying to reach your toes with your palms.

Tabata Protocol: Abdominal Exercises

By performing Tabata exercises for the abs, you can successfully get rid of a saggy tummy in a short time. The complex consists of 8 exercises:

  1. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees, and keep your hands behind your head. As you exhale, you need to raise your head, shoulders and shoulder blades, and as you inhale, lower yourself down.
  2. You should lean your elbows on the floor, slightly raise your straight legs and alternately push forward with your legs.
  3. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and stretch your arms above your head. As you exhale, lift your body completely and turn it to the side.
  4. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs 10 cm from the floor and cross.
  5. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs, and hold your hands behind your head. As you exhale, you should raise your torso and stretch, for example, with your right elbow to your left knee, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, reaching your left elbow to your right knee.
  6. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs, and extend your arms along your body. Raising your shoulders slightly, you should alternately reach with your left hand to the left heel, and with your right hand to the right heel.
  7. You should lean your bent arms on the floor, bend your knees. Extending your elbows, you need to stretch your straight legs forward and lift them off the floor, and then return to the starting position.
  8. Lying on your back, you need to lift first your right, then your left legs to a right angle.

Tabata exercises for thighs

  1. Squats.
  2. Lunge forward, alternating right and left legs.
  3. Back lunges.
  4. Lying on your side and leaning on your elbow, you need to raise your two straight legs up, then lower them down.
  5. You need to lie on your side, as in the previous exercise, and lift your upper leg. Then turn over to the other side and lift the other leg.
  6. Holding onto a chair, you need to swing your legs forward, then to the sides and back.
  7. Repeat exercise six.
  8. Do squats. In this case, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your toes and knees to the sides.

We also recommend that you read the article Shaping for weight loss.

Tabata - pros and cons

Japanese Tabata training, like other existing systems and techniques, has both adherents and those who consider it, at a minimum, imperfect and, at a maximum, dangerous

In fact, everything has two sides and a lot depends on factors that are important to pay attention to when deciding to try something new. This is why it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Tabata method.

The benefits of Tabata training

The Tabata protocol has many undeniable advantages, as evidenced by the widespread use of the method.

  1. The main advantage of Tabata training is its effectiveness. You can burn up to 500 kcal during a workout.
  2. The duration of the training is no more than half an hour, even for the most advanced athletes. If you remember how many calories are burned when running for an hour (on average 700 kcal), it becomes clear that this is one of the most effective training for fat burning.
  3. It does not require visiting the hall; the entire complex can be done in any accessible place on two square meters.
  4. Increases endurance, both aerobic and anaerobic, but at the same time you can make the right accents and develop the endurance that is required in each individual case.

Tabata - harm

There are not so many disadvantages of the system and most of them are medical contraindications.

  1. Tabata is a high-intensity exercise, so it is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure).
  2. If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, the Tabata protocol may also be contraindicated, so it is better to consult a doctor for clearance and recommendations.
  3. Very poor physical fitness and a lot of excess weight may be reasons why training using this method will be contraindicated. Tabata for beginners should be built with minimal loads.

Tabata technique: 4 minutes a day for a beautiful belly

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: Everyone wants to keep their body in shape, and a flat stomach and abdominal muscles are especially important for us. But there's not always time to go to the gym to work out your abdominal muscles. As incredible as it may seem, you only need 4 minutes a day and a calm, private place to exercise (your bedroom or living room will do) Speech is about the Tabata technique, a short but very intense workout developed by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata.

Everyone wants to keep their body in shape, and a flat stomach and abdominal muscles are especially important for us. But there is not always time to go to the gym to work out the abdominal muscles.

As incredible as it may seem, you only need 4 minutes a day and a quiet, private place to study (your bedroom or living room will do).

We are talking about the Tabata technique , a short but very intense workout developed by the Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata.

Back in the 90s, thanks to his research, he came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to lose weight and strengthen muscles is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

He developed a very unique training plan, which he called the “Tabata protocol.” It was successfully used in many fitness centers and even some Olympic champions practiced it (and said that they achieved good results, including thanks to such exercises). However, this approach was soon forgotten. That was until recently, when a producer from Universal Pictures asked to make a series of documentaries that would be released on DVD so that people would learn about the method of the Japanese scientist.

The Tabata Protocol is based on the following principles:

  • you need to strive to ensure that the heart works in a certain “mode” (slightly faster rhythm) during exercise (with a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise). This is the so-called “cardio zone”.
  • Metabolic processes in our body during anaerobic exercise will lead to the fact that the muscles will require more energy than breathing can provide, and therefore we will be able to burn more fat.
  • physical exercise occurs at high intensity for a short period of time.

If your body is not accustomed to heavy physical activity, then it is better to go to the gym so that experienced trainers can tell you how to exercise correctly.

How can this Japanese technique help you get a flat stomach?

If you perform the exercises at appropriate intervals (and every day), then within two months you will notice a positive result and will be pleasantly surprised.

Below we will explain how to do this correctly.

1. First you need to “warm up” a little

High intensity exercise (no matter what muscle group) should not be started without first warming up. To do this, you can jump rope a little (literally a few seconds) or stretch the muscles of your legs or waist.

This way you will be able to avoid “jerking” in your back and overloading your legs.

2. Tighten your abs

  • After you have warmed up, lie on your back and raise your legs (30 cm from the floor).
  • Place your hands under the back of your head and lift your head (as shown in the photo):

Try to stay in this position for 20 seconds.

3. Small jumps

  • You should also be very careful when performing this exercise. If you have back problems, it is better not to do them at all.
  • stand up and bring your knees together.
  • now push off and jump up.
  • when “landing,” do it with your legs bent and hip-width apart.
  • and so repeat your jumps, maintaining the same body position (up - knees together!).
  • repeat for 20 seconds.

4. Not just push-ups

  • When you are in the starting position (face down with support on your hands), bend your knee and press it to your chest. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • then repeat the same with the other leg.

5. Abdominal and endurance exercises

  • Lie on your back and stretch your arms up.
  • Now perform a classic twist, lifting your body and hugging your knees with your hands, which you need to raise to chest height.
  • repeat the exercise several times for 20 seconds (at the fastest pace possible for you)
  • As you can see, all the exercises are quite simple, but they require a certain endurance and... speed.
  • Ideally, you need to be able to complete all these exercises in 4 minutes (at a good rhythm and without stopping).

Turn on suitable music for yourself and try to train like this every day. But remember to be careful and don’t overwork yourself. Within a few weeks, your efforts will be rewarded - your stomach will become more elastic and toned. And, of course, remember about balanced nutrition! published

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Tips and contraindications for training

Intense loads, and even compressed in a very short period of time, require thorough stretching and warm-up. The load will be applied to almost all muscle groups, so in order to avoid unnecessary injuries and discomfort, add another 5 minutes to the 4 minutes for warm-up.

And don’t forget that after training, in addition to rest, your muscles will also need a cool-down. The exercises are so effective that the effect of such loads lasts for another 2 days. And, by the way, you shouldn’t do them every day in pursuit of quick results.

There will be no effect; rather, you will simply exhaust your body and your muscles will become exhausted. In between workouts, it is better to do simple stretching (callanetics, yoga or any other exercises for flexibility and grace are suitable).

What else should you consider before starting classes? Despite all the miraculousness of this protocol, there are still contraindications for it, namely:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • critical days.

Who is Tabata training suitable for?

These workouts are well suited for those with an average level of fitness and no special contraindications for health conditions.

Tabata training is especially good for those people whose main goal is:

  • get rid of the plateau and move the weight off the dead center;
  • accelerate the growth of muscle mass through stressful situations for the muscles;
  • getting new sensations from training;
  • improving physical fitness and endurance;
  • rapid disposal of excess fat mass and, as a result, weight loss.

The Tabata protocol is not recommended for beginners; transition to them is possible after at least 3 months of regular strength or cardio training.

Watch this video on YouTube

Tabata training for advanced levels

These workouts include more complex exercises, including those of a combined nature. This time, Yanelia Skripnik divided Tabata training into muscle groups so that you can target your problem areas: upper body (arms, shoulders, back, chest), lower body (hips and buttocks), stomach and abs. Classes follow a similar pattern of three tabatas.

For the upper body

These upper body workouts won't tone your arms and chest or make them powerful and voluminous. But you will tighten problem areas, get rid of fat on the back of your arms, in the armpits, sides and back. For these programs you will need light dumbbells 0.5-1 kg.

Tabata workout 1

  • Push-up with rotation from a crab position (to the right side)
  • Push-up with rotation from a crab position (on the left side)
  • Triceps springs
  • Push-ups + plank leg raises
  • Abduction of arms with a dumbbell in a plank position (on the right side)
  • Abduction of arms with a dumbbell in a plank position (on the left side)

Tabata workout 2

  • Dumbbell push-ups + bicep curls
  • Lateral raises with dumbbells
  • Push-ups with belly touching floor + plank jump to chest
  • Raising arms with dumbbells parallel to the floor
  • Raising arms with dumbbells on the shoulders in an inclined position (on the right side)
  • Raising arms with dumbbells on the shoulders in an inclined position (on the left side)

Tabata workout 3

  • Side plank + push-ups (right side)
  • Side plank + push-ups (left side)
  • Jumping in the plank with arms and legs raised with a dumbbell
  • Push-ups with hips raised
  • Plank abduction with dumbbells
  • Push-up + superman

For the lower body

These Tabata workouts for thighs and buttocks will not only help you tone your muscles, but will also force your body to burn fat intensely. Therefore, if you want to reduce the volume of your legs, making them dry and slender, then such exercises are ideal for you. This training method is especially relevant for girls with a pear body type.

Tabata workout 1

  • Squat with a 180 degree turn
  • 3 light jumps + 3 high jumps (kicking the buttocks with the feet)
  • Back lunge + back leg swing (to the right side)
  • Back lunge + back leg swing (to the left side)
  • Leg kick + plank leg abduction (right side)
  • Leg kick + plank leg abduction (left side)

Tabata workout 2

For this workout you will need leg weights.

  • Jump Squat
  • Jump forward + rise on toes
  • Two jumps in place in a lunge + moving the leg back (to the right side)
  • Two jumps in place in a lunge + moving the leg back (to the left side)
  • Lateral leg raise (on the right side)
  • Lateral leg raise (on the left side)

Tabata workout 3

  • Side lunge + back lunge (right side)
  • Side lunge + back lunge (left side)
  • Squat + side leg swing
  • Squat jump 1-2-3
  • Pulsating lunge + leg kick back (right side)
  • Pulsating lunge + leg kick back (left side)

Tabata workout 4

  • Squat Jump + Squat Jump
  • Skater with hands touching floor and leg raised
  • Back lunge + jump with knee to chest (right side)
  • Back lunge + knee to chest jump (left side)
  • Squat with a 90 degree turn
  • Squat toe raise

It's interesting to know

Tabata was developed in Japan and named after its creator, Dr. Izumi Tabata, who worked on the system together with the institute’s fitness and sports staff. In 1996, during a month and a half experiment, they proved the effectiveness of the technique when athletes:

  • Stamina increased by 28%;
  • the ability to absorb oxygen by tissues increased by 15%;
  • The layer of subcutaneous fat has significantly decreased.

The indicators were compared with similar data from athletes training on simulators.

All about training according to the Izumi Tabata system

Interval training was invented by Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata in 1996. The basis of his research was the search for the type of loads that would allow athletes to develop strength and endurance. As a result, it was proven that short anaerobic training, developed by Dr. Tabata, gives more significant results than regular ones.

What is the essence of the technique and the difference from cardio training?

He developed a program of 8 approaches that together last 4 minutes. Each approach consists of 20 seconds of active exercise and 10 seconds of mandatory rest. The variety of exercises is selected based on the individual needs of the athlete, muscle groups that should be emphasized.

During cardio training, oxygen is used to obtain the required amount of energy, which is why it is called aerobic. The Tabata system is designed in such a way that to intensify the process, the body switches to an oxygen-free, or anaerobic mode of operation. Thanks to this, fat is burned faster, endurance increases, and muscles become stronger.

In anaerobic mode, long-term training will not work, as this is a colossal load on the body. Therefore, a set of exercises should be developed by a personal trainer who will take into account the characteristics of the body. The load should be full, uniform, and not excessive.

Indications and contraindications for training

The Tabata program is suitable for absolutely everyone who has previously trained in the gym or at home and can easily cope with the initial level of exercise. There are no special contraindications for health reasons, but it all depends on the type of load that will be used in the complex.

The Tabata system is suitable for the following purposes:

  • rapid weight loss, working on problem areas that do not work during regular exercise;
  • returning muscle tone, achieving good physical shape;
  • weight movement in case of a “plateau” (weight does not decrease even with active training), acceleration of muscle growth;
  • a variety of exercises, a desire to try a non-standard anaerobic technique;
  • increasing strength, endurance, preparing for competitions.

Advice! You shouldn’t immediately try the Tabata program as soon as you feel like it. First, it is recommended to do cardio and aerobics for a couple of months, only after that gradually try Tabata training for beginners.

Experts recommend abandoning the program and choosing a different type of load if at least one of the following points is present:

  • lack of training experience, long sports break;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, prohibition on heavy exercise;
  • dysfunction of the joints, musculoskeletal system, chronic back diseases;
  • low-carbohydrate or mono-diet, which do not provide the body with everything necessary for anaerobic exercise;
  • low body endurance.

The peculiarity of the Tabata system is that you can use almost all types of exercises. Therefore, in many cases, an optimal gentle complex is compiled, and exercises for certain muscle groups are selected.

What is the essence of Tabata training?

To understand what exactly aerobic and anaerobic modes of work are, you can compare cardio and strength training. During cardio training (aerobic mode), the source of energy is oxygen. The body works in a certain pulse zone, consuming a sufficient amount of oxygen. This includes walking, running, cycling, rowing and the like. During a strength session or intense training (anaerobic mode), the body does not have enough oxygen, and it switches to a mode of operation without its participation. And if cardio exercise requires a session lasting 30–60 minutes, then you won’t be able to train for a long time in anaerobic mode.

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