Consequences of the influence of growth hormone on the human body: side effects and harm

Growth hormone, also called somatotropic hormone, is the central component of a whole group of hormones that are responsible for the growth of the body. Moreover, first of all, for growth in the literal sense, that is, growth hormone activates the growth of bones in the body. This is the explanation for the fact that the maximum concentration in the blood of this hormone is observed precisely in infancy and childhood. Subsequently, throughout life, the level of growth hormone secretion only decreases, which is why it needs to be supported and stimulated in every possible way, which we will discuss separately later. We will also touch on all the key questions on this topic, starting with what growth hormone is needed for and ending with how, why and how much it should be taken (as needed).

What is growth hormone used for?

Growth hormone is important for the simple reason that it is involved in almost all chemical processes occurring in the body. It plays a key role in protein, carbohydrate, fat and mineral metabolism, since bones for normal development require an active supply of minerals to the corresponding growth zones, as well as to the muscles that support these bones. When active bone growth stops (at about 20-25 years), excessive secretion of growth hormone becomes dangerous for the body, since under its influence processes are triggered that can lead to undesirable changes in skeletal proportions in various parts of the body, such as the face, feet , hands, pelvic bones and more.

To prevent such negative phenomena from occurring, the body has its own regulatory mechanism, which at the right time reduces both the concentration of growth hormone in the blood and the level of its production. As for the increase in the level of somatotropin concentration, it leads to the activation of gluconeogenesis, which in turn stimulates an increase in the level of glucose in the blood and, as a reaction, increased insulin secretion. Insulin is actually an antagonist of growth hormone in the processes of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. In addition, a high concentration of somatotropin can lead (and often leads) to increased production of somatostatin, the response of which is to suppress its production.

What are the possible side effects of GH?

Somatropin, as a natural compound in the body, rarely causes side effects, but if used incorrectly or for long-term use, it can cause some side effects:

  1. Tunnel syndrome. Intensive growth of myosin and myofibril leads to compression of nerve endings. This manifests itself as numbness in the arms and legs and a feeling of discomfort.
  2. Fluid retention in the body. Swelling occurs when the drug is used incorrectly. Eliminated by using a low-salt diet.
  3. Hypertension. It occurs as a result of fluid retention in the body. Treated with antihypertensive drugs.
  4. Lipoatrophy. Long-term use of the drug causes thinning of the fat layer.
  5. Acromegaly. High dosages and long-term use cause growth and enlargement of the hands, feet, nose, lower jaw and brow ridges. To eliminate the phenomena, taking the drug must be interrupted for 4-5 months.
  6. Drowsiness and weakness. Occurs at high dosages of growth hormone. After discontinuation of somatropin, the phenomena disappear.
  7. Suppression of the thyroid gland
  8. Hyperglycemia - increased blood glucose levels;
  9. Hypertrophy of the heart muscle and other organs.

Practice shows that side effects occur with continuous use of somatropin for a year or more, with ultra-high dosages exceeding 10 IU, as well as in cases of incorrect calculation of the dosage per unit of weight. Bodybuilders taking ultra-high doses of GH have significantly increased abdominal muscles. Outwardly, it looks like a big belly.

Functions of growth hormone

functions of growth hormone

Anabolic functions of growth hormone. In addition to its direct effect on bone growth, growth hormone also accelerates muscle growth, both by optimizing the delivery of protein amino acids to muscle cells and by activating the formation of protein structures. Typically, the activation of muscle growth is partly virtual in nature, since cell growth occurs primarily due to the accumulation of water, which means it is pointless to expect an increase in strength or endurance. Thus, taking into account the role of growth hormone in the breakdown of fats, an increase in muscle mass is important for increasing body contour, primarily in competitive bodybuilding. But in strength sports, such as powerlifting or weightlifting, it is virtually useless.

Fat burning functions of growth hormone. Somatotropin helps accelerate fat metabolism, weakens the processes of accumulation of adipose tissue, increases the rate of fat breakdown and, due to this, helps reduce the total mass of adipose tissue. Due to this, growing muscles become drier. In adulthood, and especially in old age, a decrease in the secretion of growth hormone entails a number of undesirable effects, one of which is a decrease in the ability to break down fats. As for its use for sports purposes, growth hormone in bodybuilding is valued, among other things, for its ability to increase relief, which means that the increased need leads to the use of artificial growth hormone preparations.

What's happened?

Somatotropin (growth hormone) is a water-soluble hormone widely used by many people who want to keep their body in shape.

  • Injections are used to increase height
  • Treatment of injuries
  • To obtain a rejuvenating effect
  • Creations of sexuality and slimness

At this time, the drug is being produced by the Chinese. Its price is quite affordable and the quality is average, which is a significant plus. It is best to purchase the product on well-known Internet sites, or at a pharmacy, but it will be much more expensive.

The following drugs have quality certificates:

  • Jintropin
  • Ansomon

To avoid buying a homemade drug, pay attention to the code under the protective sticker of the package.

Why take growth hormone

why take growth hormone

First of all, it is worth saying that before pharmacologically, this substance was artificially derived in the laboratory, athletes often tried to increase the secretion of their (endogenous) growth hormone in natural ways. We trained actively, ate well, slept soundly and more. Since growth hormone drugs became publicly available, their popularity has increased sharply and has not decreased to this day. This drug is called synthetic somatotropin. However, in addition to the positive qualities that we have already listed above, the synthetic (exogenous) substance also has a number of side effects. Some of them are reversible, for which you just need to stop taking the drug, while others have more serious consequences.

First of all, an increase in the concentration of growth hormone causes an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, which increases the load on the pancreas, which produces insulin to lower blood sugar levels, as well as somatostatin to suppress the production of growth hormone. Thus, it turns out that taking drugs based on growth hormone can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus, including pancreatic diseases. Frequent use of this type of drug can disrupt the function of the thyroid gland, cause the development of arterial hypertension and more. This is just a small list of the consequences that can result from the use of exogenous growth hormone, the original one, not to mention counterfeits.

Why is a blood test for growth hormone not reliable for checking its quality?

The simplest method, which is often used to determine somatotropin, is the growth hormone test. It is relatively inexpensive and accessible, and is carried out by all network laboratories (Helix, Invitro and others).

test for growth hormone

The test is taken in two stages: first, a blood test is taken without using the hormone, then an injection of 10 IU of the hormone is given, the blood is tested again three hours after the administration of somatropin. A jump in STH before and after will indicate the authenticity of the drug. However, this method cannot be considered completely reliable. The fact is that the bottle may contain other peptides that can stimulate the production of its own somatotropin in the blood.

How to increase the concentration of growth hormone

how to increase the concentration of growth hormone

As you might have guessed, there are only two methods for increasing the concentration of a substance in the body - natural (without the use of drugs) and artificial (with the use of drugs). Let's start with the first method, since it is not only more accessible, but also highly recommended. It is known that the greatest peak in growth hormone production occurs approximately in the first hour after falling asleep. In addition, it is also known that an increase in physical activity can significantly increase the secretion of this hormone. From this we can draw a conclusion about how you can naturally increase the secretion of growth hormone, without the use of any drugs, literally at home.

  1. Eating junk food leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose and fatty acids in the blood, which reduces the production of somatotropin. Avoid fatty, fried and sweet foods.
  2. Try to make your sleep restful and comfortable. Rest helps restore strength after hard training and activates the production of growth hormone.
  3. Systematic training and exercise have a positive effect on the secretion of growth hormone, as well as on building muscle and burning fat deposits.
  4. Eat more foods rich in amino acids (arginine, glutamine), as they have a positive effect on the production of growth hormone.

Natural Methods to Increase Secretions

Anyone who truly cares about their health will not resort to injections. A person who understands that at his age growth hormone has begun to be produced less will try to change his lifestyle. You can achieve good results to increase hormone levels by following these methods:

  1. Proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced, which will help to form a beautiful body. Natural stimulators of growth hormone are amino acids, which are rich in pine nuts, eggs, pumpkin seeds and soybeans, cottage cheese and hard cheeses. Before going to bed, it is better to consume easily digestible proteins in the form of low-fat cottage cheese and chicken eggs.
  2. Healthy sleep. Remember that growth hormone is produced most during sleep? Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. Daytime sleep, albeit short, is also useful. It will make you cheerful and energetic and increase the growth hormone.
  3. Physical exercise. Strength training every day for an hour will make your body unrecognizably beautiful and sculpted. This is the most effective method.
  4. Run. Run short distances and your muscles will quickly return to normal.
  5. Discharge. Do not accumulate fatigue and disappointment, stress and emotional distress. They need to be given a way out. A bath and a contrast shower, fasting days and communication with real friends help to come to your senses.

Man eating

Growth hormone course

growth hormone course

The growth hormone course given below is designed primarily for beginner athletes who want to use it to get an athletic figure with a minimum amount of subcutaneous fat. Dosages and combinations with other drugs are given based on scientific data, as well as the experience of athletes from various sports. The average values ​​are derived in such a way that they are suitable for the widest possible range of stakeholders, without any health problems. The course of growth hormone is suitable for both men and women, with the only restriction - at least 20 years of age. This is due to the fact that in younger people, this can lead to asymmetrical bone growth and, as a result, to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

  • The goal of the course is to increase the relief of the body in the presence of already sufficiently developed muscle mass. As a result of the course, auxiliary positive effects are also observed, such as general rejuvenation of the body, improved muscle elasticity, and improved skin properties.
  1. Before starting the course, it is strongly recommended to take tests for tumor markers: CA19-9, CA72-4, Cyfra 21-1, AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein), RAE (Carcinoembryonic Antigen). If any deviations in tumor markers are detected, a course of growth hormone is strictly prohibited. In this case, you need to be examined by an oncologist.
  2. Upon receipt of satisfactory test results, it is recommended to start the course with 5 units (units of action) every day. At this stage, it is enough to administer the drug only once a day, since a higher frequency of injections will not lead to obtaining any better result. In addition, frequent injections can cause the formation of abscesses.
  3. By the second or third week, if no complications arise, you can double the dosage to 10 units per day, which will need to be divided into two injections. By the way, large doses of growth hormone are undesirable, so injections must be separated in time. It is best to administer the drug on an empty stomach, one hour before meals in the morning.
  4. The optimal duration of a growth hormone course is 3-6 months. A shorter course does not always lead to visible results. At the same time, a longer course is also undesirable due to the development of the body's tolerance to the drug. The body begins to produce antibodies that bind growth hormone and neutralize the effectiveness of its action.
  5. Growth hormone medications can suppress the thyroid gland, which can reduce the effectiveness of the course. For this reason, the course must include the drug Thyroxine, at a dosage of 25 mcg per day, throughout the entire cycle. This will increase the safety and effectiveness of the growth hormone course, since thyroxine has a pronounced fat-burning effect.
  6. It is also worth saying that significant doses of growth hormone (more than 5 units per day) often increase blood sugar levels, which is why diabetes mellitus may develop during the course. In this regard, depending on the dosage and duration of the course, the drug Insulin is added to it to normalize sugar levels, as well as to reduce the load on the pancreas.
  7. To monitor blood sugar levels, you can also use a portable glucometer during the course. It is recommended to measure your blood sugar levels 2-3 times a day. After consultation with an endocrinologist, you can include Metformin in the course, which can act as an easy replacement for Insulin.
  8. As for the training process, during the course of growth hormone you need to train 2-3 times a week, and strength training can be supplemented with cardio training. As for the diet, your usual diet should, if possible, be supplemented with a full list of sports nutrition, as well as the required amount of water.
  9. There is also a slightly different practice for taking growth hormone medications. It boils down to the fact that the course of the drug should be longer (from 6 to 12 months), and the dosage, accordingly, should be lower (2.5-3 units per day). This regimen extends the achievement of results over time, but at the same time is a mild form of hormone replacement therapy.

Growth hormone release forms

growth hormone release forms

Just 30 years ago (until the mid-1980s), there was only one preparation of natural somatotropin in nature, which was extracted by laboratory methods from the pituitary gland of corpses. Around 1985, the use of this hormone began to be associated with a rather rare disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It is a chronic, progressive encephalitis that is often fatal. So, ever since taking somatotropin was associated with such negative consequences, it gradually began to be withdrawn from sale and then from production. For this reason, today it is almost impossible to find “human” growth hormone. The only exception is somatotropin, produced in Lithuania.

Today, virtually all growth hormone preparations are divided according to the method of their preparation into homologous ones, extracted from the pituitary glands of corpses; synthetic, which contain one amino acid more than “human” growth hormone; recombinant drugs produced by genetic engineering. As for the latter, they are usually of the highest quality compared to other forms. The drug is a light powder in a glass bottle, which comes with an ampoule with a solution (usually Novocaine). The prepared solution must be administered immediately or stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a day. The finished product must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius.

Growth hormone in bodybuilding

growth hormone in bodybuilding

Despite the fairly successful and many years of experience in using growth hormone drugs, quite often one can observe reviews or comments from athletes that growth hormone for sports purposes supposedly “does not work.” As for such statements, this is nothing more than polemics. The chemical nature of a substance cannot but have an effect on the human body, which means that the reason must be sought not where it is pointed out, but in itself, that is, in each particular case. The main reason why growth hormone may not “work” is a violation of the course or non-compliance with its terms. In addition, in the practice of using this substance there are many more explanations, the most popular of which we will describe below.

Reason #1. The dosage of growth hormone was too low or its use was not long enough. This, in turn, is explained by the high cost of the drug, which not everyone can afford. A course of growth hormone can sometimes cost up to 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

Reason #2. Exercising in a cool room or, for example, living in a cold climate inhibits the absorption of the drug in the blood. This is another factor that may be the reason why exogenous growth hormone does not have the desired effect.

Reason #3. Consuming glucose reduces the effects of growth hormone. In other words, if an athlete experiences elevated blood glucose levels during exercise, the anabolic effect of the injected growth hormone drug will likely be reduced.

Reason #4. Some hormones suppress or reduce the anabolic effect of exogenous growth hormone. These hormones include somatostatin, progesterones and glucocorticoids. This also includes medications such as Chlorpromazine, Imipramine, Morphine and Theophylline.

Reason #5. The effect of taking growth hormone drugs may be small and insignificant if the drug was used “solo”, that is, independently. During the course, the body also requires thyroid hormones, insulin, anabolic steroids and more.

Reason #6. Often, the reason that a course of growth hormone did not give any results may be that you were sold a counterfeit. It is very difficult to distinguish an original product from a counterfeit product, which is why this is often the reason for the appearance of negative reviews.

By the way, as for growth hormone preparations in bodybuilding, the substance itself - somatotropin - is included in the list of doping agents, although it is not detected at all during doping control. This is what makes it so popular among competitive athletes, at all levels, from national championships to international competitions. However, in the future, there is a possibility that growth hormone in bodybuilding will be replaced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), the use of which makes it possible to obtain a significantly larger amount of the substance necessary for the secretion of its own somatomedins. As for the ban on growth hormone in sports, even scientific research does not provide a clear justification for the reasons.


What is the main conclusion we can draw from everything discussed above? First of all, you need to understand that growth hormone in general is very important for the normal occurrence of most chemical reactions in the human body. Without it, or rather with low or insufficient secretion, bone growth processes slow down, wounds heal more slowly, the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen decreases, which leads to deterioration in the health of connective tissues - ligaments, joints, tendons and cartilage. The condition of the skin, hair, nails and more becomes worse. The metabolic effects of somatotropin also play a significant role, that is, those that have a direct effect on protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as lipolysis, which is very important during training.

As for the role of growth hormone in bodybuilding, it is worth recalling that its sufficient concentration in the blood contributes to building muscle mass, burning subcutaneous fat, as well as a favorable course of recovery processes after training. Sufficient concentration is achieved either naturally or artificially. In the first case, you need to exercise often, eat right and sleep well. In the second case, it is necessary to take growth hormone medications. It is impossible to say for sure how advisable it is to take medications, but we can definitely say that this should be done with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision. At the same time, we should not forget that the risk may not always be justified.

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