About how to learn to do push-ups from scratch: the correct technique, recommendations for beginners

How to learn to do push-ups

You can master the technique from scratch in a short time. The main thing is to be patient and persistently pursue the goal. Those with weak hands and beginners, spending only 30 minutes a day on training, can achieve good results in a month.

There are several types of push-ups for beginners:

  • from the wall;
  • from the table;
  • from your knees

Experienced athletes recommend starting training with light loads – push-ups on a vertical surface.

To learn how to do push-ups to benefit your body, remember these rules.

From the wall

Such exercises are suitable for people without training. Any girl and even a child can handle them. Thanks to the classes, boys and girls will strengthen the muscles of their arms and shoulders.

The starting position is to stand opposite the wall at a distance of about 1 m. The legs should be joined, the back should be straight.

Technique for performing wall push-ups:

  1. Place your outstretched arms against the wall.
  2. As you inhale, lean toward the wall, slowly bending your elbows until your forehead rests on a vertical surface.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times a day, 3-4 approaches. Between each approach you need to take a break of 1 minute.

Once the technique is mastered, you should move on to push-ups from a bench or table.

From the wall
You should do 3-4 approaches a day.

From the table

The higher the surface, the easier it will be to do push-ups. Starting position – hands at shoulder distance rest on the table, legs are joined together.

Push-up technique:

  1. Touch your chest to a hard surface, bending your elbows.
  2. Return to starting position.

The number of exercises at a time is 10-15, 3-4 approaches. You can use a chair or bench.

From the table
You can use a table or bench for the exercise.

From my knees

This variation is best performed on a mat to minimize pain in the knee area.

Starting position – lying down, hands positioned shoulder-width apart, legs bent at the knees, raised up and crossed at the ankles.


  1. Lightly touch your chest to the floor, bending your elbows.
  2. Return to starting position.

Number of repetitions – 10-15 times, 3-4 approaches.

From my knees
When doing push-ups from your knees, place a mat under your feet.

Learning to do push-ups: useful tips

The steps listed above will help you cope with the task of quickly learning how to do push-ups for a girl from scratch. To make mastering this exercise more effective and safer, also adhere to the following recommendations :

  • Postpone the lesson if you feel weak, tired, or unwell. Doing push-ups every day to the point of exhaustion is unnecessary. 2-3 times a week will be enough . It is important that the load is smooth and gradual - this will ensure the best result.
  • Keep your back and legs straight so that they are in one line. The palms should be parallel to each other. Try to pull your stomach in during the exercise.
  • As with any workout, breathing is very important. We lower ourselves as we inhale, returning to the starting position as we exhale. For beginners, it will be enough to perform 5-7 repetitions . Remember to warm up. Do a few squats, swing your arms, walk around in place - this will help prepare your body for the upcoming loads.
  • To avoid discomfort and minimize the risk of injury, choose comfortable clothing. It should not be tight, but not too loose. Sleeves that are too long and pants that are too voluminous can interfere with your workout. Also, before class, remove rings and bracelets if you are wearing them.

Rules for performing classic push-ups

Once the easy variations have been tried out, you can move on to doing classic push-ups. Starting position – lying down, arms extended shoulder-width apart, body (from heels to head) a straight line.


  1. As you inhale, touch your chest to the floor, bending your elbows.
  2. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Correct posture
From head to heels, the body should be straight.

Push Up Guide

The ability to do push-ups is a skill that anyone can learn and constantly improve. Anyone should be able to defy gravity and perform a sequence of several push-ups. All it takes is work on yourself. As with any bodyweight exercise, it takes time for a person's body to get used to the movement, remember it and make it part of everyday life. The good thing is that our body gets used to this kind of exercise very quickly, but the bad thing is that it also quickly forgets the movement if we take too long a break between workouts. Regular exercise will help solve the problem.

Our body is a kind of biomachine; it learns and gets used to what is required of it. For push-ups, you need to have a strong torso, powerful chest and triceps, and core muscles. It is on the development of this muscle group that this exercise will focus. It will become easier as your body gets used to it, so don't forget to increase the number of repetitions and make the exercise more difficult.

muscles involved in push-ups

What exercises to do

To complicate the classic, you can put your palms together so that they are exactly under the center of the chest (narrow grip). The technique is no different from that described.

You can also perform the classic variation with weights in the form of a backpack behind your back or a barbell disc.

Performing push-ups with weights.

The Impact of Proper Technique

Correctly performed exercises are the key to a sculpted torso and good posture. If you perform push-ups without mistakes, you can quickly build muscle mass, strengthen your spine and improve your health.

Mistakes that beginners make:

  1. The arms bend asynchronously.
  2. The body either sags down or bends up.
  3. The torso does not fall completely (the chest does not touch the surface).
  4. Knees or pelvis touch the floor.

Such mistakes not only minimize the effect of exercise, but can also harm the spine.

Basic principles

For beginners, it is important not only to choose a suitable training program, but also to understand the very principle of performing the exercise. If you break the basic rules, you can do more harm than good.

Rules and preparation

In order to learn how to perform effective push-ups, you first need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the exercise and preparing for it. You cannot put stress on your muscles and joints without first warming up.

It is impossible to perform the exercise effectively without preliminary preparation.
It is impossible to perform the exercise effectively without preliminary preparation.

In addition, the following rules can be distinguished:

  • you need to increase the load gradually;
  • follow the training schedule, that is, do not miss workouts and leave free days for the body to recover;
  • approaches are performed with a rest break from 30 to 90 seconds;
  • when performing all types of push-ups, the body must remain taut, extended in a straight line, without bending;
  • If you have chronic diseases or other health problems, such activities may be contraindicated.

Important: if you are doing push-ups from scratch, you do not need to strive to quickly move on to an advanced block of exercises. Until you achieve good results with your current regimen, there is no point in moving on to more intense training.

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Push-up program for girls: learning to do push-ups correctly

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Determining your fitness level

In order to choose a training program that suits you, you need to check your level of physical fitness. To do this, you need to take a lying position and do push-ups as many times as possible. It is important to maintain the correct position.

The results are distributed as follows:

  • 0-5 – beginner;
  • 6-10 – weak level;
  • 11-15 – average level;
  • more than 20 – good preparation.

The standard push-up technique may be too difficult for those who are very bad at push-ups. In this case, at first you should perform the exercise in a position with emphasis on your knees, and after gaining basic skills and strengthening your muscles, you can move on to the standard course.

Push-ups are standard, but for beginners you can start with a kneeling position.

In addition, it is very important to understand the differences between individual types of push-ups. So, with a classic hand position, it will be much easier for a person, even with minimal training, to do push-ups than with a narrow or wide position. An additional influence can be exerted by the condition of the muscles involved during the exercise.

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How to make push-ups harder

There are several complicated variations of push-ups. For example, on one hand. The technique is identical to the classical method, but the starting position is slightly different. The initial position of the body is lying down, one of the arms is placed behind the back. In this way, the training guy or girl works out different muscles of the arms, abdomen and buttocks.

You can complicate the technique by doing push-ups on your fingers or fists.

Other complicated versions of the classics:

  1. With the legs positioned on a hill.
  2. With a bang.
  3. Plyometric push-ups.
  4. "Grasshopper".

The last variation is characterized by the fact that the hands are placed on the floor at the level of the stomach, and not at the level of the shoulders, which is why you have to watch to maintain balance. Athletes or men who have been training for a long time train this way.

Compound presses
Only after you have completely mastered the push-up technique can you make the exercises more difficult.

The benefits of push-ups for girls

Of course, a girl wants to learn how to do push-ups not out of sporting interest, but because push-ups are a very useful exercise. The main muscle they work is the pectoralis major muscle. This, of course, will not allow you to enlarge your breasts, but it will make it possible to improve their tone, eliminate unsightly protruding bones, and improve endurance.

Also, during push-ups, the deltoid muscles are used, which help push the torso upward. Despite the fact that this is not a basic exercise for this muscle group, it nevertheless makes it possible to outline a beautiful line of the shoulders, giving them an attractive roundness.

When we straighten our arms, we train the triceps. If you do push-ups with a narrow grip, you can increase the level of load on this muscle. The biceps do not work as actively, but the strength and endurance of these muscles also increases. During push-ups, the abdominal muscles receive a static load. Among other things, push-ups can be indicated for back problems. Naturally, after consulting a specialist.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

To achieve results, you need to start small. For the first few days, it is enough to do push-ups against the wall (10-15 times, 3-4 sets). Each time you need to take half a step back.

Next you need to adhere to the following schedule:

  1. Days 4 and 5 – table push-ups.
  2. Days 6 and 7 – bench push-ups.
  3. Day 8 – plank and knee push-ups.
  4. Day 15 – classic push-ups.

Tips and tricks from professionals

People doing push-ups must be careful to avoid mistakes because... this may harm their health. Experienced athletes recommend exercising regularly, at least 3-4 days a week.

At the same time, it is important to listen to your body. After training, set aside time for stretching. While performing exercises, professionals advise monitoring your breathing and heart rate.

In fact, learning how to do push-ups is not as difficult as you might think. The main thing is to train systematically, increase your endurance, and over time you will be able to do push-ups for a long time without fatigue.

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