Fat burning exercises for weight loss for men

Workout in the gym

When it comes to fat burning workouts for men in the gym, there are many nuances. If you decide to build muscle mass not at home, you should immediately prepare for the fact that in the first few months the trainer will give you exercises with your own body weight, there will be a minimum of strength work.

Why is that? Excess fat adversely affects joints and heart function during hard work, which contributes to the emergence of new ailments. Therefore, at first you will simply prepare your body for growth, at the same time removing excess fat.

Here's an example of a typical fat-burning workout for men.

Light cardio. It lasts no more than 5 minutes, during which you should jog, spending a minimum of effort. This way you can warm up for further work.

  • 1 exercise – burpee. Common among athletes and having several variations, it perfectly burns fat cells. The two most common options are jumping up + push-ups and jumping up + lying down with legs thrown back.
  • 2 – barefoot jumping with alternating legs. Despite the ease of the exercise, it will be difficult for overweight people. Start jumping at a slow pace and do 10-15 repetitions on each leg. Then they can be increased to 20-25.
  • 3- squats with a kettlebell or dumbbells. The latter must be in your hands. You should try to squat as low as possible.
  • 4 – crunches on a fitball or bench. If you have no training experience, the best choice would be a fitball, as it is soft enough and supports your back well.
  • 5 – entry to the stand. More energy intensive than jumping, but also more effective. When you feel better, you can pick up small dumbbells.

All exercises are done consistently and without rest. Usually trainers give from 3 to 6-7 laps to complete. If you feel unwell, ask to lower the difficulty.

Easy jog up to 5 minutes. The final stage of fat burning training for men.

About training in the gym for experienced athletes

The training program for experienced athletes is very interesting. It is based on 4 basic principles:

  1. Moderate weights and high repetitions. For example, if you bench pressed 70kg for 8 reps, your total tonnage would be 560kg. And the other at this time did 15 repetitions of 50 kg. Its tonnage will be 750 kg, which is significantly higher. More repetitions will burn more fat.
  2. Basic exercises. It is when they are performed that the maximum muscle fibers are included in the work. The leaders here will be squats, bench press, deadlift.
  3. Total amount of work. The more movements you make, the faster you will say goodbye to the fat layer. Cardio is added on training days for 20-30 minutes after training or 60-90 minutes on non-training days. You yourself can vary the degree of load, from light (walking) to heavy (fast running).
  4. Nutrition. Yes, yes, about him again. Replace foods with carbohydrates with proteins. It will always have a lower calorie content. For example, for dinner you can eat fish with vegetables, and for lunch lean meats.

Don't forget about sports supplements. This includes amino acid complexes and fat burners, the weakest and safest of which is L-carnitine. Although its effectiveness is still hotly debated, it has been proven to provide an additional source of energy.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Weekly training plan

As for specific exercises for a fat-burning workout in the gym, we named 3 main ones - squats, bench press and deadlift

Please note that they all involve the 3 largest muscle groups - legs, chest and back. Together with them you can combine small muscle groups

For example, break down the training week according to the following program:

  • Monday – heavy chest + triceps workout;
  • Tuesday - cardio training 60 minutes;
  • Wednesday – legs + shoulders;
  • Thursday – cardio training 45-60 minutes;
  • Friday – back + biceps;
  • Saturday – cardio training 60 minutes;
  • Sunday is rest.

In addition to classic exercises, you can add:

  • Chest – dumbbell bench press, fly or butterfly exercise;
  • Legs – bending/extension of legs in the simulator, bench press with legs;
  • Back – pull-ups, upper/lower pull-downs, hummer rows.

It is worth noting that these exercises will be less effective than the “holy trinity” due to the inclusion of fewer muscle fibers.

Thus, we reviewed the main fat-burning training programs for men - beginners and experienced athletes. Remember that a workout program at home will work slightly worse than a full-time workout at the gym, eat right, do cardio and get rid of excess fat.

We achieve maximum effectiveness of the training process when losing weight

The most effective workouts for getting rid of extra pounds are considered to be those that combine different types of loads: cardio and strength exercises, and in the specified sequence. Among them it is impossible to single out the best, since it is their tandem that will help a man achieve significant results in the shortest possible time.

When choosing a place to exercise, you should give preference to training in the gym. The feasibility of such a choice is due to the impossibility of placing a large amount of sports equipment at home, necessary for full-fledged exercises involving various muscle groups.

In a specially equipped place, a man will be able to find not only basic equipment (dumbbells, barbells, etc.), but also large-sized equipment for more thoroughly working out the muscle corset and burning fat.

Moreover, the home environment in most cases is more relaxing than conducive to active sports, which cannot be said about training in the gym, where everyone present is busy with one thing - doing exercises to improve their body.

For maximum effectiveness of classes, it makes sense to use the services of a trainer who has sufficient knowledge to draw up the correct program, taking into account the initial parameters, goals and possible contraindications of the ward. You should not make a choice in favor of independent exercise, due to the high probability of causing irreparable harm to your health.

A professional will be able not only to correctly distribute the load during the training process, but also to make adjustments to the diet, excluding junk food from it and adding fat-burning supplements, which are considered the highest quality among similar products in the sports nutrition segment.

Fat burning exercises at home

The point of fat-burning workouts at home is that they should be longer than usual. Burning calories starts from the 20th minute of exercise, so it makes no sense to spend 15 minutes on them. The optimal duration of exercise is 50-60 minutes. It is also necessary to ensure that the pulse rate varies between 120 and 160 beats per minute. It is this interval that is the optimal combination of efficiency in fat burning and safety for the cardiovascular system.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Fat burning exercises at home

Additional Information. Some intense workouts to burn fat at home require special equipment.

Superset for all muscle groups

These are some of the best exercises to burn fat at home. These actions are performed without stopping, the transition from one part to another should be quick and smooth. It is recommended to perform at least 5 repetitions of each exercise, and upon completion do a light warm-up of all muscles.

Squats and jumps

The first part of the exercise allows you to get rid of fat from the buttocks and thighs, while jumping increases your heart rate, which has a positive effect on fat burning. Untrained people should not perform the exercises daily; they need about 4-5 days for muscle recovery.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. As you inhale, lower your pelvis, placing your thigh parallel to the floor, as when sitting on a chair. As you exhale, jump from the lowest point, lifting your socks off the floor. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times, then perform jumps.


These exercises are performed at an extremely accelerated rhythm and involve every muscle group. Perform 20-40 repetitions, depending on the level of readiness of the person.

Take a standing position. As you inhale, squat down and place your palms on the floor. As you exhale, push off with your feet and jump into the plank position with your arms straight. As you inhale, return to your palms in a jump. As you exhale, jump up and take the starting position.

Push ups

Small muscles recover much faster, which is why you can perform such fat-burning exercises at home every 2-3 days. By keeping your abs tight and without sagging your lower back, you can achieve correct posture while burning fat. Perform at least 10-15 repetitions.

Take a plank position and from there place your palms wider than your shoulders and place your feet hip-width apart. As you inhale, lower your chest to the elbow level, while spreading your elbows in different directions. As you exhale, push up and return to the starting position.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Push ups

Interval exercises

This is a quick training complex that is performed at maximum speed every other day.

It is important to monitor the intensity of the pulse. This fat-burning workout at home is especially good for women.

Hull lifts

Exercise tones your abdominal muscles

The procedure is performed at an accelerated pace, and it is important to control breathing. Exercises are performed after 1-2 days

Lie on your back, bring your feet together, spread your knees. As you exhale, lift your body using your abdominal muscles and touch your feet with your hands from behind your head. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Jumping rope

This procedure allows you to increase your heart rate, thereby increasing fat burning. Jumps are performed at a fast pace for 1 minute, after which you must immediately return to the first exercise. Perform at least 10 laps at a time.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Jumping rope

6 week workout plan

Remember that a set of exercises to increase the fat burning effect is performed “minute by minute.” Repeat one exercise 12 times and use the remaining time to rest (or you can insert a little cardio activity). Some exercises require timed exercises rather than repetitions (20 seconds instead of 12 times).

Do one exercise and then move on to another. There is no need to repeat the complex; maintain a high level of intensity and devote yourself completely to each exercise. And remember that before training you need to warm up.

Minute 1 - Regular burpee

Burpees are the best way to burn calories quickly and also work both your upper and lower body right away. Depending on your experience, you may or may not be able to do a push-up that is part of a burpee. In any case, most people will be able to complete the exercise without problems.


  1. With your feet hip-width apart, bend over and press your palms to the floor directly between your legs.
  2. As you jump, push your legs back so that you are in a push-up position.
  3. Do one push-up or skip this step.
  4. Move your feet forward and then jump up.
  5. Land and repeat the exercise.

Minute 2 – Climber Exercise

A very popular bodyweight cardio exercise that requires less effort than jumping exercises. But despite this, it will help you burn just as many calories and also strengthen your core muscles, especially the abdominals. Don't try to count 12 reps, just do it for 20 seconds.


  1. Place your feet and palms on the floor.
  2. Keep your torso tense and move one leg toward your elbows.
  3. Return your leg to the original position, repeat with the other leg.
  4. Repeat at a faster pace.

If you have difficulty with the movement, raise your upper body and try the exercise again.

Plyometric push-ups

Plyometric push-ups are a high-energy upper body exercise that works the chest, shoulders, triceps, and other core muscles. It is more difficult than a regular push-up because it requires you to take your hands off your chest for a second. Plyometric push-ups require more strength from you.

But we understand that not everyone will be able to complete this exercise. And others will complete it without much effort. This is normal, and there are several versions of the exercise that are suitable for both types. We will tell you about them in the instructions.


  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Keep your torso parallel to the floor and spread your shoulder blades.
  3. Lower yourself down and then rise up sharply and try to clap your hands.
  4. Repeat.

To make the exercise easier, perform it on your knees or on an elevated surface. You can also use a cotton wall.

To make the exercise more difficult, lift your leg onto a platform (bench, chair, bed, whatever). Or do a classic plyometric push-up, but jump up as you clap your hands.

Walking jump

Stepping jumps are great for working the lower body muscles and increasing overall endurance. To complete it you will need a bench, chair or something similar.


  1. Place one foot on the platform, and then jump off it with one foot, jumping on the other.

To make the exercise more difficult, use weights. If you have difficulty performing the exercise, simply move your legs at a very fast pace, do not jump.

Leg throws to the side

This exercise can be performed by all people with a fairly developed upper body, as well as average mobility in the lower part. Complete it as quickly as you can!


  1. Get into a push-up position and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Leaning on your right hand, move your right leg in the opposite direction, rotating your body. Keep your body tense and allow your inactive leg to move with it.
  3. Repeat with your left leg.

You can perform the exercise with a raised platform, but the original format may be difficult for you.

Commando plank

Planks are a great way to strengthen your body and improve stability. But by adding upper body movement to the exercise, we also develop upper body strength.

  1. Do a plank, but lift your buttocks slightly.
  2. Lift and press into the floor first with one hand, then with the other, without lowering the first.
  3. Return the first hand to the starting position, and then the other.
  4. Repeat.

Each time you return to plank position is a repetition.

If the exercise is too difficult for you, you can do it on your knees.

Jumping with arms and legs raised (Jumping Jack)

Anyone can do this exercise. Jumping Jack is an old fashioned full body cardio, finish this workout with it.


  1. Stand with your feet together and your arms close to your body.
  2. Jump, spreading your legs out to the sides, and clap your arms above you.
  3. Jump to the starting position, again press your hands to your body.
  4. Repeat for 20 seconds.

Nothing complicated.

This is all?

If you have been doing these fat burning exercises at home at the right pace, then you are unlikely to be able to continue, unless, of course, you are an experienced athlete. But, if your goal is to lose weight, then you can test yourself a little more.

Remember, you don't need to change anything about this routine; you do it the same several days a week for 6 weeks. The main thing is no concessions.

We also recommend choosing an active activity that you enjoy and doing it for at least 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter what it is - tennis, basketball, boxing, or anything else.

You don't know it yet, but soon you will be a fat burning machine! And also reduce your stress level, thereby increasing your performance.


Some people are prohibited from engaging in any physical activity, even if it is done at home. In any case, before starting to lose weight, it is recommended to visit a cardiologist so that he can choose the optimal type of training, depending on the characteristics of the human body.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat
Common contraindications to training include:

  1. Recent viral or bacterial diseases. During an exacerbation of the pathology, training is stopped or the time of training is reduced by 50%. You can switch to your usual rhythm only 10-14 days after the signs of the disease disappear.
  2. Oncology. In such a situation, you should avoid physical activity, as it increases metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Previous surgical operations. You can resume training only after consultation with a specialist, but not earlier than after 6 months.
  4. Fracture of limbs.
  5. Blood pressure problems. Men suffering from hypertension are recommended to use low-intensity types of exercises to lose weight: Pilates, yoga, callanetics.
  6. The presence of artificial prostheses in the body.
  7. Psychological disorders.

Expert advice on improving exercise efficiency and speeding up weight loss

Professionals recommend a comprehensive approach to losing weight. It is necessary to establish nutrition, take into account the characteristics of the body, and build a work program. This is the only way to achieve impressive results.

Harley Pasternak, trainer

This world-famous trainer has worked with many foreign actors, musicians and other public figures. He believes that an individual approach is important, but there are some general principles that need to be followed. For men, it is recommended to train variedly, combine strength training and cardio, and eat right.

Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist

Doctor of Science and nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov believes that it is better to start losing weight with a diet. After this, it is worth supplementing the procedure with training. But at the same time, classes must correspond to age, as well as the characteristics of the body. Everyone needs to have a workout schedule; weight loss is more effective if you follow a routine.

Teddy Bass, trainer

Another trainer who has worked with world celebrities. He is a proponent of varied training and believes that a training plan should be built after setting a goal. His principle is that training must be hard if an athlete wants to achieve results.

Why does fat accumulate on the stomach?

The causes of belly fat can vary.

Firstly, there may be reasons related to health conditions: various hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders. In this case, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Secondly, there may be reasons related to our lifestyle, such as:

  • Sedentary work that requires a sedentary lifestyle. A constant forced sitting position creates incorrect posture. Due to a slight forward displacement of the spine, the internal organs move forward. And if physical activity is minimal, then fat very quickly begins to accumulate on the stomach.
  • Stressful situations that are repeated often also contribute to the deposition of belly fat. When we are stressed, our body releases the hormone cortisol, which suppresses estrogen and also leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels. A decrease in estrogen in women leads to a redistribution of fat deposits and the appearance of excess so-called visceral fat - fat that surrounds the internal organs. Fat is deposited less on the hips and more around the waist. At the same time, the constant desire to “eat stress” with something sweet and high-calorie also leads to the fact that the stomach increases in volume.
  • Poor nutrition, excessive consumption of carbohydrates and foods rich in trans fats, which are slowly eliminated from the body (sweets, flour and fatty foods) contribute to the deposition of fat in the waist area.
  • Lack of adequate sleep impairs the body's ability to cope with stressful situations and therefore indirectly affects the accumulation of belly fat. For normal functioning of the body, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  • Consequences of pregnancy. During pregnancy and lactation, the body actively stores nutrients. Therefore, try not to overeat and do not forget about physical activity.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

causes of excess belly fat

Thus, to prevent the appearance of a belly, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Healthy food;
  • do not forget about the need for physical activity;
  • do not overload yourself at work and at home;
  • sleep enough hours.

But if the belly has already appeared, proper nutrition in combination with a special set of exercises will help to effectively remove fat.

Effective exercises

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is very important to combine fat-burning workouts with proper nutrition and drinking enough water.


For home strength training, it is worth purchasing good dumbbells that are suitable in weight at a sports store. With them you can do exercises not only for the arm muscles, but also for the buttocks and abs. For example, it will be useful to pick up a dumbbell while performing classic crunches.

By and large, dumbbells can replace plastic water bottles and even books - the main thing is not to be too light while doing the exercises

It is also extremely important to do a high number of repetitions

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


Interval training is suitable for people with good athletic training and is very effective. Their principle is to constantly alternate between maximum load and rest. For example, combine fast running and calm walking.

This approach makes it possible to burn twice as many calories. This will allow you to lose 2 kilograms of fat per week - twice as much as with regular training.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


The essence of circuit training is that 10 different exercises are performed quickly one after another, then repeated two or three more times in the same sequence. Keep your heart rate elevated and use light weights for at least 15 repetitions. This workout lasts at least 20 minutes.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


Tabata is a four-minute high-intensity exercise that consists of eight twenty-second stages, followed by 10 seconds of rest. You can exercise with a rope, jump rope, squats, etc., combining strength and aerobic exercise, maintaining a high heart rate.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Boot Camp

A great workout to boost your metabolism, combining interval and resistance training. You can practice using a video from certified trainer Adam Rosante.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


A very effective and popular workout that consists of short but very intense exercises such as kettlebell swings or squats. They will make the extra pounds melt away literally before our eyes.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Hot yoga

It may seem that yoga is created for the lazy. However, it is great for training flexibility, which is useful during high-intensity workouts, and also improves health and cardiovascular system.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Exercise bike

An exercise bike or vigorous cycling can burn more than 750 calories in one hour of exercise. It is especially effective to train on an empty stomach - this way the body will burn 300% more, using its own fat first.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


When practicing boxing, it is important to remember that you need to use your entire body when punching, and not just your arms - this will also use your abdominal muscles.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


When running to burn fat, it is best to speed up and run at an incline uphill, bending your arms at right angles and not squeezing them

It is absolutely important to have comfortable shoes

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Jumping rope

A jump rope is an excellent inexpensive sports equipment for the home that does not take up much space (you can carry it with you!).

Adam Rosante put together this workout plan:

  1. Warm up by stepping over a jump rope.
  2. Jump rope 100 times.
  3. Do another 100 sprint jumps.
  4. Repeat 50/50 of both types of jumps.

Subsequently, you can increase the number of jumps to 100/100. You can do jumping without a jump rope.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat


Swimming allows you to burn more than 750 calories without straining your joints.

Rosante suggests this water exercise plan:

  1. Keep your balance on the water.
  2. Rest 2 minutes.
  3. Swim 10 times 100 meters.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Workouts that burn fat

Exercises that promote fat burning are grouped in a specific complex, which must be performed in combination with cardio exercise - cycling or an exercise bike, light jogging (learn more about proper running for weight loss), swimming, jumping rope or brisk walking. It is these types of workouts that speed up metabolic processes, which ultimately leads to the loss of fat mass.

Strength exercises are performed using your own weight - active muscle contractions reduce forms.

Before starting your workout, do not forget to warm up for 5-10 minutes, and upon completion, stretch all the worked muscle groups.

The best exercises are the golden “three”

I would like to recommend you the 3 best exercises for women to burn fat:

  1. Lunge with jumping - performing it will not only tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, but also remove excess fat. Take a deep step forward, squatting and immediately pushing yourself up, straightening your knee. Immediately change legs and do the same. You need to perform the exercise until you sweat and feel a little tired.
  2. Take a ball (fitball), place your elbows on it, and put your feet back (straight back). Roll the ball forward using the strength of your arms, then pull it back using your abdominal muscles.
  3. The lateral transition exercise is great for the entire body, but it requires a lot of space to perform. You need to move sideways in one direction and the other for 10-15 minutes.

Cardio program

The cardio exercise program for each person is selected individually, because much depends on the state of his body and the specific purpose of the exercises. For some men, it is enough to lose a few kilograms, while others will have to persistently fight much larger fat accumulations. It is also important to consider the location of the training, since the possibilities in the gym are usually much wider.

Did you know? To make the workout go faster and not be so tiring, it is recommended to perform exercises to music. For example, when running, it allows you not to think about the distance traveled and the part of the path that still remains to be covered (which, in turn, maintains optimism and a positive attitude).

In the training room

The training program for the gym is selected based on the available equipment. For example, one of the effective options for weight loss is the following set of exercises (training should take place 3 times a week):

  1. Warm-up (5-10 minutes) - use of a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike; jumping rope, exercises to warm up the joints.

    Man on a treadmill

  2. Hyperextension — 15 turns in three sets (at first you should not use weights, because the body must get used to the load).


  3. Pushups (bench) - 3 sets of 15 reps.


  4. One-arm dumbbell row (on a bench) - 10 times, 3 approaches, alternately for each hand. The technique is simple: rest your knee and one hand on the bench, leave the other leg straight on the floor, and gently place your arm bent at the elbow (with weights) behind your back.

    One-arm dumbbell row

  5. Head Pull - 15 times, 3 approaches.

    Head Pull

  6. Leg trainer - 10 times, 3 sets.
  7. Pulling up your knees, resting your elbows - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  8. Repeat cardio on machines - 15-20 minutes.

Of course, constantly doing the same exercises can quickly get boring, so it will be useful for men to learn about another possible training scheme:

  1. Monday - cardio on the mentioned machines (30-40 minutes), bench press (3 sets of 15 times), prone dumbbell exercise (3x15), bent over dumbbell exercise (3x20), seated dumbbell press (3x15), French bench press (2x20), standing arm extension (4x20), raising the body from a lying position (3x20), raising legs in height (2x20), cardio exercises at an average and reduced pace (15-20 minutes).
  2. Wednesday - cardio exercise for 30-40 minutes using an exercise bike, treadmill or ellipsoid, overhead pull-down (3x20), lower pull-down (3x15), hyperextension without weights (3x20), exercise with dumbbells for biceps in a standing position (2x15), “Hammer” exercise in a sitting position, dumbbell raises to the sides (2x20), dumbbell raises in front of you (2x15), exercises on a Roman chair without weights (3x20), cardio exercises (15-20 minutes).
  3. Friday - cardio exercises (half an hour), weighted squats (2 sets of 20 times), leg extensions (2x20), leg curls (2x20), leg press in three positions (in the center of the supporting surface, wide apart on the lower part and wide apart on its upper part; 20 each time), calf raises (5x20 in different leg positions), seated dumbbell press (3x15), dumbbell lateral raises (3x15), Roman chair crunches (3x15), average cardio exercises pace (10-15 minutes).

Did you know? The most ancient tool for transforming your body with the help of strength exercises is dumbbells. However, they have not always been used to increase muscle mass. Ancient Greek athletes used them to improve their performance in triple jumps (on average, the result improved by 15-20 cm).

Exercises to strengthen the male abs can be very different (the main thing is that all its parts are involved). If desired, you can include deadlifts in the program, but preferably immediately after hyperextension. In any case, when planning a lesson, it is very important to alternate exercises so that all parts of the body work, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Ways to combat extra pounds

To regain and maintain your slim figure, you will need remarkable patience and an understanding that you will need to follow this path throughout your life. The fight against annoying extra pounds needs to be approached in a comprehensive manner: strength and cardio exercises should be combined with a balanced diet. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend money on classes in fitness rooms. It’s possible to correct your shape independently – with the help of a set of exercises.

However, you will have to remember a few simple rules.

  1. The duration of classes to enable the process of fat breakdown should be at least 30 minutes, and preferably 45–60 minutes. After all, the breakdown of adipose tissue begins approximately at the 20th minute of exercise.
  2. Heart rate should be at the level of 100 beats/minute for beginners, and for trained people - 120–130 beats/minute. It is these indicators that will contribute to the breakdown of fat reserves.
  3. The best time for fat-burning workouts is in the morning. In this case, it is more effective to carry out the exercise on an empty stomach, when the maximum amount of stored glycogen will be consumed overnight.
  4. You will need to switch to proper nutrition. You need to completely give up sausage, sweets, baked goods, canned food, fast food, smoked and confectionery products. It is better to process food by boiling, baking, steaming or grilling. Vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream should be added to salads as a dressing.
  5. Those with a sweet tooth need to replace sweets and cakes with fruits and dried fruits. However, occasionally you can afford 1/3 of a bar of dark chocolate, a couple of marshmallows or lollipops.

Workouts for weight loss at home

The advantage of home workouts for burning fat is that they are convenient. If you have children and don’t want to hire a nanny, or your schedule is too busy and it’s not possible to spend time traveling to the gym and back, a set of exercises for losing weight at home solves most dilemmas. Not to mention, it eliminates the excuse for not working out.

Lose weight quickly at home

People think that weight loss exercises at home are for those who are just starting out, but this is far from the truth.

Here are 3 workouts for weight loss at home, developed by Jesse Hilgenberg, a member of the International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB), as well as fitness bikini model Lias Denelon. They're divided by fitness and experience levels, so whether you're new to weight training or you consider yourself an expert, you can achieve remarkable results - no matter how active your lifestyle is.

For training, you only need an expander band, a set of dumbbells, a barbell, if you have one, and a horizontal bar in rare cases. Running out of time? No problem. To complete a set of exercises for weight loss you will need approximately 30 minutes. Just don't forget about discipline.

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

Don't get hung up on the same type of workouts and ways to lose weight. Use dumbbells, resistance bands and your own body weight in your strength training to burn fat at home.

Since motivation tends to wane when exercising at home, and it is tempting to surf the Internet or click through TV channels, it is important to create a training schedule week by week and within one session. Arrange a meeting with yourself - preferably at the same time every day or every week to get used to it and maintain control.

Arrange a meeting with yourself - it is advisable to do this at the same time every day or every week to get used to it and maintain control.

Once you cross the three-week mark, skipping your favorite workout won't even be considered.

Also, don't forget to add variety by changing the exercises or number of repetitions in your weight loss workout program. Limited equipment may mean you have fewer choices of fat-burning exercises to choose from, but that doesn't mean you have to do the same workout every day.

Don't fall into the trap of routine. Instead, focus on using bands, dumbbells, and athletic splits in your workout. Try an upper/lower body weight loss routine for a few weeks first, then feel free to switch it up to a full body workout plan, this will help target your muscles and get them to respond. The more variety the better.

Warm up before exercise

Be sure to do a light warm-up before each workout, and end it with stretching. Don't miss this! What you do today to improve your flexibility will help you improve your performance in your training session tomorrow.

Cardio workout for men (first round)

Cardio training for men consists of two rounds of 5 exercises in each round. Be sure to do the pre-workout warm-up linked above.

Most of the exercises in the presented cardio workout for weight loss are aimed not only at accelerating metabolic processes, but also at strengthening individual muscle groups. This is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of excess weight, as well as gain the relief that is cherished for athletes.

First round

Running in place with punches in front of you

Benefits of the exercise : This cardio exercise for men at home has an excellent effect on the entire body, connecting the muscles of the arms and legs at the same time.

How to do it : Standing on the gymnastics mat, begin to intensively raise your knees in a static running manner, performing alternating punches in front of you. The knee is raised until the thigh is parallel to the floor.

How to simplify : To simplify the exercise, do not perform high knee raises. Run in place at an accessible pace and with low knee lifts, striking with your arms.

How much to perform: 20-25 blows on each hand (40-50 blows in total).

Squat jumps with leg extensions

Benefits of the exercise : Jumping itself is extremely effective in helping to lose weight. The “star” pose at the peak additionally loads the muscles of the lower and upper extremities.

Fat Burning Workout Program

The best fat-burning exercises at home: how to easily burn fat without leaving home. types of exercises to burn fat

It’s good if the training program is drawn up by an experienced professional trainer. But we don’t always have the desire and opportunity to contact a sports instructor. In this case, it is useful to learn how to develop a training program for burning fat yourself. It is best to create a training plan when you already have an idea about your body and what suits you. To get this idea, you need to practice regularly for at least a month.

Separate method. The split training method is the most famous and is suitable for beginners. You do all sets of the first exercise with rests, then move on to the next one, and so on according to the training plan. Superset method. This method is very effective in losing weight. One set of the first exercise is performed, then one set of the next exercise without rest, and so on. Circuit training method. This method refers to power aerobics. All exercises are performed in a circle, one approach without rest. Combined training method. During combined training, aerobic and strength exercises alternate.

How to create a workout program to burn fat yourself

We determine the purpose of sports activities. People go to the gym or lift dumbbells at home for 5 main reasons, and to create a training program we need to focus on one of them (increasing muscle mass and physical strength; weight loss; increasing strength without increasing muscle mass; muscle definition; maintaining existing physical forms). Determine the weekly number of training sessions. Your free time plays a major role in this matter. Soberly assess your capabilities and estimate how many times a week you can exercise. For weight loss, the optimal number of workouts is 3 or more. To maintain your shape, you can limit yourself to two workouts a week. We determine the training method. For weight loss, both combined and circuit training for burning fat are suitable. To work out muscle definition, you can choose the superset method or the same combined method. We determine a set of exercises. Choose the exercises you will perform in each workout. If you have little experience in this matter, read about basic exercises for the main muscle groups and do them. The number of repetitions and the number of exercises themselves depends on the number of workouts and your physical fitness. We distribute the selected exercises into workouts. If our goal is to lose weight, we train all groups a little at each workout, because our task is to expend as much energy as possible. Determine the sequence of exercises. To lose weight, it is important to exercise your entire body during exercise. Therefore, in no case should you perform exercises in blocks for one muscle group. Alternate exercises on the upper and lower body or on antagonist muscles. Set the number of repetitions of the exercise and approaches. To lose excess weight, three to four sets of 12-15 repetitions of any exercise is enough.

If you set a goal to lose weight and resolutely start training, the results will appear soon. Fat burning workout videos will help you better understand the principle of performing the exercise and avoid injury. Proper sports nutrition combined with regular workouts at home or in the gym will definitely lead to fat burning and bring your figure closer to the desired ideal.

The basis of losing weight is proper diet

The vast majority of beginners are convinced that just the right physical exercises are enough to lose weight. However, the issue of burning subcutaneous fat depends, first of all, on how healthy you eat. Yes, intensive and voluminous work in the gym can lead to kilograms of fat mass being lost, however, if your diet is incorrect and includes a lot of unnecessary things, the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

How to eat right to lose weight? Let me remind you briefly:

  • Limit your consumption of fast carbohydrates (flour, sweets) to a minimum - they can be consumed in minimal quantities only in the morning.
  • Eat strictly at certain periods of time (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - exclude snacks and other unnecessary meals.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake (by 10-15%) and increase your protein intake.
  • Monitor your weight and subcutaneous fat thickness every month - if the result is not visible, reduce your daily caloric intake even more (primarily due to carbohydrates).

Thus, by paying the necessary attention to the issue of proper nutrition, we significantly increase the effectiveness of our fat-burning workouts, and also speed up the weight loss process itself. At the same time, we consolidate the achieved results and do not gain back the lost kilograms, even if we stop going to the gym for a while

Gym training program for weight loss

Next, we will analyze a fat-burning training program, which will be based on supersets and an increased amount of work. This technique burns fat the most during training, accelerating your cardio-respiratory system.

The total duration of the program is 6-8 weeks.

Training frequency – 3 times a week.

Fat burning training complex - for men

Workout #1 – Monday

Bench press - superset - wide grip pull-ups312-15
Dumbbell bench press - in a superset - Bent-over barbell row415
Crossovers on the upper blocks - in a superset - Thrust of the upper block to the chest315
Lying dumbbell flyes - superset - Bent-over dumbbell rows315
Twisting with body rotations315
Reverse crunches315
Any cardio exercisemaximum

Workout #2 – Wednesday

Romanian deadlift415
Leg press415
Hyperextensions in the simulator - in a superset - Bulgarian lunges315
Leg bending in the simulator - in a superset - Leg extension in the simulator315

Workout #3 – Friday

Barbell curls - superset - Dips312-15
Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip - in a superset - Bench press with a narrow grip312-15
“Hammer” - in a superset - Arm extension with a dumbbell from behind the head415
Bending arms on a lower block - in a superset - Extension of arms while standing on a block315
Twisting with body rotations315
Reverse crunches315
Any cardio exercisemaximum
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