Fat burners: how to take, benefits and side effects of drugs

The issue of fat burners will never lose relevance, because people are always trying to achieve an ideal figure, some have a problem with the accumulation of excess fat. Therefore, let's talk about drugs that will help, to one degree or another, not get rid of this problem.

There are many articles and materials about fat burners on the Internet, but for the most part they are not informative enough or describe fat burners one-sidedly. Therefore, in this article we will approach the analysis of fat burners in a comprehensive manner, we will put everything on the shelves so that everything is extremely clear and understandable.


Lipotropic fat burners are a group of drugs whose positive effect is achieved by accelerating metabolic processes. The fact is that people who are overweight (body mass index - more than 26) gradually slow down their metabolism. As a result, lipid (fatty) compounds begin to accumulate in the liver, which can lead to serious diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver.

Lipotropic supplements stimulate metabolic processes, thereby preventing excessive accumulation of lipids in the liver and helping to convert them into an energy resource. Let’s put it simply, thanks to lipotropics, the athlete’s body does not “store” fats in the liver, but under the influence of physical activity directs them to maintain muscle function, which contributes to weight loss.


The main components of lipotropic fat burners are:

  • Methionine . An essential amino acid that helps reduce “bad” cholesterol in the blood and utilize subcutaneous fat;
  • Kholin . An organic compound that promotes the transport and metabolism of fats in the liver;
  • Inositol . A vitamin-like substance with effects on the body similar to choline (transport and metabolism of fats);
  • Betaine . A vitamin-like substance that promotes fat oxidation and prevents muscle breakdown;
  • L-carnitine . A compound that transports fatty acids into cells for conversion into energy.

In addition, sports nutrition manufacturers add ascorbic acid (vitamin C), chromium picolinate, selenium, omega-3, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), coenzyme Q10, and melatonin to their products. It is worth noting that the additional components have not proven a significant fat-burning effect. It is widely believed that these substances are just a marketing ploy.

Dietary sources of lipotropic substances

Many components of sports fat burners can be found in regular food products:

  • Methionine : beef, poultry, liver, cod, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pasta, peas, soybeans, beans, bananas;
  • Choline : beef liver, egg yolks, nuts, green vegetables (cabbage, spinach), oranges, lentils, peas, barley and oatmeal;
  • Inositol : wheat germ, raisins, melon, watermelon, peas, cabbage, citrus fruits, peaches, peanuts;
  • Betaine : pasta, beets, wheat bran, sunflower seeds, spinach, seafood, seasonings;
  • L-carnitine : beef, pork, milk, cottage cheese, cod, chicken breasts, hard cheese, whole grain bread, peanuts, almonds, cashews;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) : Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, parsley, kiwi;
  • Chromium picolinate : beef and chicken by-products (liver, kidneys, hearts), red meat, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits;
  • Selenium : Brazil nuts, porcini mushrooms, pork kidneys, seafood, seeds, wheat, chicken, pasta;
  • Omega-3 : flaxseeds, salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, soybeans, walnuts, pumpkin, cauliflower, olive oil;
  • Conjugated linoleic acid : butter, vegetable oils (corn, mustard, flaxseed, soybean, olive, etc.);
  • Coenzyme Q10 : peanuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, beef, chicken, eggs, herring, trout, citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries;
  • Melatonin : whole grain bread, turkey, oatmeal, dairy products, bananas, potatoes, cherries, nuts, rice.

Benefits for the body

Due to their complex composition, lipotropics, in addition to burning fat, have the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalize liver function;
  • Stimulates glycogen production;
  • Protect liver cells;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes;
  • Regulate cholesterol and insulin levels;
  • They have a general strengthening effect;
  • Supports the body's protective functions.

Note that the listed advantages of fat-burning supplements appear only if you follow a high-quality, balanced diet that includes natural products.

Side effects

Lipotropics are considered the most harmless fat burning supplements. No lasting side effects have been identified from taking these drugs. The only thing that scientists were able to determine was allergic intolerance to some components and digestive upset when the daily dosage was exceeded.

Allergy sufferers should consult a doctor before use. In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant women to take lipotropic supplements, as there have been no long-term scientific studies to prove the safety of this type of fat burner on the developing fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

The best lipotropics

We offer a list of popular lipotropic drugs:

  • Power System L-Carnitine Liquid 3600 (RUR 1,800);
  • Maxler Acetyl L-Carnitine CLA Plus (900 RUR);
  • San Alcar 750 (RUR 1,200);
  • Olimp L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot (RUR 2,500);
  • Geon Carnitine Power 3200 (RUR 1,400).

The cost of the drugs depends on the size of the package and the quantity of the product itself.

What should be included in a working fat burner?

Usually on the shelves of sports stores there are many fat burners intended not only for men, but also for women. The composition includes super-active components that allow you not only to get rid of fat reserves faster, but also to maintain performance during a low-carb diet.

To buy a weight loss drug that works, you need to carefully read the composition and study all the available components. Ephedrine has long been considered the main active ingredient. It was and is added to all the most famous fat burners. But now this component has begun to be supplemented with other effective ingredients.

You need to pay attention to the following components:

  1. To lower blood sugar levels and reduce fat absorption, Taurine, Chromium Picolinate, Alpha Lipoic Acid, etc. are used.
  2. An effective means for transporting fatty acids is Carnitine.
  3. Fat burners must include antioxidants - Green Tea, Grape Seed Extract.
  4. Caffeine is one of the most popular energy drinks and lipolysis stimulants. Plus, it enhances the effect of Ephedra!
  5. Geranium, DMAA, 1,3-dimethylamylamine are all one component that will give you concentration and stamina.
  6. Vitamins B, C, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium are desirable components of a fat burner. They allow you to maintain the balance of important microelements and the correct metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

How does a fat burner for women work? Exactly the same as for men! 99% of products in this category are gender neutral. The only clarification is that components such as Mucuna, Tribulus and D-aspartic acid are unnecessary in feminine products.

Buy the best fat burners >>
You cannot carry out an aggressive course to combat excess weight - there is a risk of causing hormonal imbalance, which will lead to serious consequences.

It is advisable to purchase thermogenics that contain plant components:

  • Caffeine;
  • Theobromine;
  • Ephedrine;
  • Capsaicin, etc.

If you are a beginner, then when choosing a fat burner you definitely need to make sure that the composition does not include a large number of stimulants. Start with simpler, milder foods. So a portion of Caffeine should not exceed 200 mg for a beginner!


lipotropic fat burners

Thermogenic fat burners are a group of drugs, the positive effect of which is achieved by stimulating adipose tissue receptors and increasing body temperature. Principle of action: the supplement acts on beta-adrenergic receptors. As a result, the released fatty compounds enter the bloodstream and are sent to the cells to be converted into energy. In addition, thermogenics make muscles work harder, which increases fat consumption and helps you lose weight.

A side effect of taking the drug is an increase in body temperature. This is why the name “thermogenics” came about. Some components of the supplement increase the heart rate and excite the nervous system, which further promotes energy expenditure. It is worth noting that increasing body temperature also helps burn fat reserves. As a result, the body has a complex effect that allows you to get rid of excess weight.


The main components of thermogenic fat burners are:

  • Caffeine . Stimulates the nervous system, accelerates the heartbeat, helps break down fatty compounds;
  • Synephrine . Helps speed up metabolism. When combined with caffeine, it enhances its beneficial effect;
  • Forskolin . Stimulates the nervous system, increases the secretion of thyroid hormones, accelerates fat burning;
  • Evodiamine . Reduces appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, increases body temperature, has a diuretic effect;
  • Guggulsterones . Stimulate the functioning of thyroid hormones, which promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • Yohimbine . Stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors, thereby helping to release and convert fat into energy.

In addition, sports nutrition manufacturers add vitamins, extracts of green, white, black tea and coffee, guarana, a diuretic complex (bearberry, juniper, dandelion), bitter orange extract, ginger root and other herbs to their products.

Sources of thermogenic substances

Sources of thermogenic components are some natural products, as well as plants:

  • Caffeine : tea extracts (green, black, white), coffee beans, cola nut extract, mate, guarana;
  • Synephrine : bitter orange, tangerines, clementines, Seville, grapefruits, lemons;
  • Forskolin : main source is a perennial herb, Coleus forskohlii, found in India;
  • Evodiamine : The substance is obtained from an extract of the Evodiae (Wu-Chu-Yu) tree native to China;
  • Guggulsteroids : the substance is obtained from the plant Commiphora Mukul (another name is Guggul Tree);
  • Yohimbine : This plant alkaloid is synthesized from the yohimbe plant.

Benefits for the body

In addition to the pronounced fat-burning effect, thermogenics have the following beneficial properties:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Feeling of strength;
  • Pumping effect due to vasodilation;
  • Fast delivery of proteins to muscles;
  • Additional source of vitamins;
  • Improving potency in men (if it contains yohimbine).

As with lipotropics, taking thermogenics should be accompanied by regular physical activity and a low-calorie diet. Otherwise, the beneficial effect declared by the manufacturer will not occur.

Operating principle

Modern dietary supplements act comprehensively. How the supplements work:

  • improve metabolism;
  • remove toxins, waste and free radicals from the body;
  • normalize water-salt balance;
  • reduce appetite and cravings for sweets;
  • prevent fluid stagnation;
  • block receptors responsible for the absorption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • activate fat burning.

Additional functions:

  • increasing endurance and physical strength;
  • normalization of cholesterol and sugar levels;
  • increased mood;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • reduction of fatigue.

Supplements are suitable for beginner athletes who need to reduce body weight to form a beautiful muscle profile.

But taking supplements for longer than 2 months is not recommended.

. The body must independently perform the listed functions without additional stimulation. Otherwise, addiction to the drugs develops, real drug dependence.

Do ordinary people need fat burners?

Fat-burning drugs will not relieve excess weight if a person does not exercise and does not follow a low-calorie diet. Scientists have proven that thermogenics and lipotropics can improve fat burning by 5-10%. But at the same time, sports exercises and a calorie deficit should be the basis for accelerating metabolism. Weight loss supplements only complement these two factors, helping to speed up metabolic processes and promoting the release of fatty compounds.

How natural ingredients work

The most common components of thermogenics are caffeine and green tea. The first acts as a stimulant of the nervous system and heart. The second helps use fat as an energy source.

Guarana as part of lipotropics has tonic properties, and sunflower seed oil helps regulate lipid balance.

White bean extract is used as a carbohydrate blocker. And chitosan often acts as a fat blocker. In the digestive tract, it turns into a gel that binds lipids and prevents the body from absorbing them.

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Recommendations for taking fat burners

how to take fat burners

Let’s make a reservation right away: the dosage of the drug varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, there is no single dosage regimen. Before use, read the information on the packaging or consult your fitness trainer. Now let's look at the general principles to follow when using fat burning supplements:

  • Take the drug 30 minutes before training;
  • Do not take the supplement before bed;
  • The course of treatment is 4 weeks, then rest is 2 weeks;
  • Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the manufacturer.

If you feel discomfort after taking it (for example, abdominal pain, dizziness, body tremors), reduce the daily dose or break it into 2-3 servings and take them throughout the day. If negative symptoms continue for a long time, stop using the fat burner and consult a doctor.

General precautions and rules of administration

READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY! A fat burner is not a substance that can be consumed until you feel full. For drugs aimed at weight loss, there is such a thing as an overdose, there is a risk of developing very specific side effects, and there is the concept of “interaction with other substances.” If you are taking any medications that affect the same organs or systems as fat burners, inquire about potential interactions.

And be sure to take into account contraindications. Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended dose and follow the manufacturer's temporary instructions for taking time between doses of the product.

What to combine fat burners with

Let's look at effective and useless combinations of fat-burning supplements with other types of sports nutrition:

  • With pre-workout complex . This combination is not recommended, especially for beginner athletes. The fact is that both supplements tend to contain caffeine in high dosages. Therefore, simultaneous use may be harmful to health;
  • With vitamin-mineral complex . Useful link. Many fat burners have a diuretic effect, causing the body to lose water, as well as vitamins and minerals. Therefore, simultaneous intake of supplements will make up for losses;
  • With protein . Useful link. During weight loss, an athlete loses a small amount of muscle. To minimize the breakdown of muscle fibers, it is useful to take protein mixtures. The same applies to BCAA and amino acid complexes;
  • With creatine . Useless bunch. There is no proven synergistic effect from simultaneous use of drugs. Moreover, some fat burners have the opposite effect of creatine. Therefore, it is better to take these supplements separately.

Recommendations from professionals

To purchase high-quality fat burners, you need to follow several useful recommendations from professionals:

  1. It is worth buying products that are patented by large companies. An untested product is prohibited for use, especially if there is no official packaging and instructions.
  2. Every 2-4 weeks you need to take a break as the body gets used to fat burners.
  3. You need to remember that when you use thermogenics, your body temperature can rise significantly. Therefore, overdose should be avoided.
  4. When using a thermogenic complex, you need to consume a large amount of water to prevent dehydration of the body.
  5. It is forbidden to take fat-burning drugs before going to bed. Thus, progress can be stopped due to insomnia and overexcitement.

Important! If, when using any drug, severe tremors, agitation, nausea or drowsiness appear, you should immediately reduce the dosage or completely abandon the fat burner.

After watching this video, you will make your fat burner work 100%:

We recommend that you seek the selection of sports nutrition for weight loss >>

How to replace fat burners

Natural food products (tea, coffee, herbal infusions, vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, etc.) can replace sports fat-burning supplements. But don’t think that if you start eating boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad, you will instantly lose weight. No, only a combination of a low-calorie diet and physical activity will allow you to gradually lose excess weight. And fat-burning substances found in natural products will help with this. In addition to a quality diet, you can take pharmaceutical medications, but more on that later.

Cortisol blockers

Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in response to stress. Stress can be caused by hunger, overwork, physical activity, or fear. An increase in cortisol causes muscle breakdown and triggers the accumulation of all types of fat.

Accordingly, by blocking cortisol production, it is possible to minimize muscle loss and reduce fat accumulation. Those. These drugs do not actually affect the fat burning process. They simply reduce the likelihood of “new” fat accumulation.

How to choose a fat burner

First, let's say a few words about the form of release. The additive is produced in powders, capsules or liquid form. There is no difference in effectiveness between these forms. The only difference is that the powder preparation is slightly cheaper than the others. Now let's look at the selection rules:

  • Buy brand name products from large sports nutrition stores;
  • Inspect the packaging carefully. If you see a fuzzy font or image, you are most likely holding a fake;
  • Consult the seller about contraindications. If you have heart, central nervous system or gastrointestinal diseases, consult your doctor;
  • Start with safer lipotropics. If there is no effect, try taking thermogenics;
  • Before purchasing a supplement, check out people's reviews online or at your gym.

Novice athletes who come to the fitness center for the first time are not recommended to take fat-burning complexes. The fact is that the cardiovascular system and central nervous system of beginners are not prepared for additional stimulation with the help of drugs. It is best to start taking such supplements after 4-5 months of regular exercise.

The importance of sleep

You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours, and go to bed no later than 23:00 or 00:00. During sleep, important processes occur that affect the results of training: normalization of hormonal levels, restoration of muscle tissue, stabilization of the emotional state.

Constant lack of sleep has a negative impact on well-being and body quality. The person becomes lethargic, tired, and lacks energy. This will lead to a decrease in strength indicators and a slowdown in the weight loss process.

Stimulants taken in the afternoon have a negative impact on sleep quality. You can take such fat burners only before 17:00. If you still can’t fall asleep, you should reschedule taking the supplements to an earlier time of day (no later than 14:00).

Pharmacy drugs

In the previous sections, we examined two main groups of sports fat burners. Now let's look at pharmaceutical drugs. Please note that the supplements presented are not suitable for beginners. They are allowed to be taken only by experienced athletes who have no medical contraindications.

  • Bromocriptine-KB . Benefits: suppress appetite, burn subcutaneous fat. Side effects: nausea, rash, arrhythmia;
  • L-thyroxine . Benefits: burning subcutaneous fat. Side effects: arrhythmia, tremor, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities;
  • Yohimbine hydrochloride . Benefits: Fat burning, aphrodisiac. Side effects: diarrhea, tremor, tachycardia;
  • Metformin . Benefits: promotes the breakdown of fats. Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps;
  • Clenbuterol . Benefits: Helps burn fat. Side effects: headache, nausea, tremor, skin rash;
  • Glucobay . Benefits: promotes weight loss. Side effects: flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

Fat burners for building a beautiful body

Surely, every person dreams of a beautiful figure. In order to build muscle and increase strength, many people go to the gym. And here, it is quite possible to use various drugs as assistants to achieve results faster. For those who want to build their body and get rid of excess fat accumulation, there are many different special exercise programs, as well as effective diets. You should also take supplements, such as fat burners.

How to make a fat burner at home

Sassi water for beginners

The drink is perfectly refreshing, dulls the feeling of hunger, normalizes digestion, and helps burn subcutaneous fat. Ingredients: 1 medium cucumber, 1 lemon, ginger root (20-30 g), mint leaves (10-15 pieces), clean boiled water (2 l).

  • Cut the lemon and cucumber into thin slices;
  • Finely grate the ginger;
  • Lightly chop the mint leaves;
  • Combine all components in one decanter, fill with cool water and let brew for 10-12 hours;
  • Then add a few ice cubes to the infusion;
  • A healthy, tasty drink is ready.

Analog of ECA fat burner for professional athletes

ECA is a combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. According to numerous studies, it is considered an effective fat-burning complex. If it is not possible to purchase ECA at a sports store, make it yourself from pharmaceutical preparations. For this you will need: Bronchoton cough syrup, cardio aspirin, caffeine-sodium benzoate.

  • Drink 25 g of Bronchoton (2 tablespoons);
  • Then take 200 mg of caffeine (2 tablets) and 200 mg of aspirin (2 tablets);
  • Drink a small amount of clean water.

After 20-25 minutes you will feel a surge of strength, vigor and desire to exercise. This fat burner should be taken 30-40 minutes before class. Please note that pharmaceutical drugs have contraindications and side effects. Read the instructions before use.

More water

Drink more when using fat burners! Removing a large amount of fluid with insufficient supply from the outside threatens dehydration (dehydration). This condition negatively affects the speed of metabolic processes: metabolism slows down and fat deposits are burned less efficiently.

In the world of professional athletes, it is customary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. However, there is no need to overload the kidneys. Doctors say: to calculate the daily water requirement, you need to multiply your own weight in kg by 30 ml.

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