How to pump up your abs correctly - basic tips for serious results

Beautiful, sculpted abs are the dream of many young people, regardless of gender and social status. Yes, Mother Nature herself has such a desire. And the best part about this is that you can create beautiful abs on your own. However, not everyone manages to do this, and the problem is the wrong approach to classes. Today we will reveal the secrets of how to pump up your abs effectively.

How to quickly pump up your abs: common mistakes made by beginners

Often, beginners believe that abdominal exercises are a great way to eliminate excess fat from the abdominal area. In fact, it is worth knowing that excess fat in the body is often deposited in the abdominal cavity, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, if you have extra pounds, you first need to get rid of them, and then start pumping up your abs. Otherwise, even the most prominent muscles simply will not be visible under the fat layer.

It is also worth knowing that muscles do not grow during training, but in the intervals between them. Therefore, you need to give them the opportunity to rest and recover. This is especially important for beginners, because their body is not trained at all. Many novice athletes who are interested in how to quickly pump up their abs immediately begin to train a lot, frequently and to the point of exhaustion; they will quickly gain sculpted abs. In fact, sacrifices of this nature will not give any good results. They will only lead to unbearable muscle pain, with which you will not want to repeat exercises for a long time.

To achieve results, it is advisable to exercise 3-4 times a week, but in order to speed up the process, you can increase the frequency of training.

To get good results, it is enough regularly perform some exercises to quickly pump up your abs. However, to speed up the results, it is recommended to create a program that will include a set of different exercises. It is better that it involves performing exercises as often as possible, which will provide relief and endurance training. But even here it is important not to overdo it. To cope with the task of pumping up your abs correctly and quickly, it is better to do 3-5 different exercises 20 times than the same exercise repeated more than 50 times.

The benefits of an ab roller

Periodic training with a roller has the following benefits:

  • Allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles (rectus and oblique abdominal muscles), work out the relief;
  • As a result of training with a gymnastic wheel, you can form a strong corset of core muscles, the development of which will also allow you to progress in basic basic exercises, such as squats with a barbell and deadlifts;
  • About 20 muscles take part in this movement;
  • The exercise is functional, it increases overall endurance, improves muscle coordination, flexibility and balance;
  • Allows you to correct your posture and straighten your back;
  • Use for preventive and recovery purposes after injuries and other diseases;
  • Supports the normal functioning of the digestive and other metabolic processes of the body, improves overall tone, and promotes weight loss.

Exercises with a roller

Let's look at the main types of exercises with an abdominal roller:

Roller skating on your knees

This roller exercise is one of the simplest. Therefore, it is recommended for people with little experience with a roller.

Place a soft rug under your knees. Get on your knees, grab the handles of the roller and smoothly roll it forward until your torso is completely straight. Then roll the roller back and return to the starting position.

During the entire movement, you must keep the roller pressed to the floor. Keep your knees firmly on the mat. When performing the exercise, your arms may be slightly bent, but they should be in a fixed position. Keep your back straight, with a slight arch in the lumbar region. At the moment of maximum straightening, you can stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and start moving back.

To add load to the oblique abdominal muscles, you need to roll the roller while kneeling to the side; everything else is the same as the traditional execution.

Roller skating from a standing position

This option is the most difficult of the exercises presented. You should move on to it only after you have learned how to perform the previous variations correctly. Take an emphasis in a standing position, i.e. bending over, keeping your legs straight, roll the roller back to its greatest length. Hold the position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position.

Roller skating from a standing position to the sides

The starting position is taken similarly to the version from a standing position, the roller rolls alternately in each direction. When performing the movement, the arm towards which the roller rolls is slightly bent at the elbow joint. For this exercise, it is recommended to use a double roller (which has two wheels).

Roller skating from a prone position

This is kind of a reverse exercise from the previous one. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as far as possible. There you grab the handles of the roller, inhale, and as you exhale, you begin to pull the roller towards you until you reach a kneeling position. Then, as you inhale, you straighten up. After straightening up, you can relax a little, and then do the next repetition.

Perform the selected exercise option for 3-4 sets in a repetition range of 10 to 15. It is recommended to increase the load by increasing the approaches, then increase the number of repetitions.

Features of training with a roller

In order for training with an ab roller to bring the best results, pay attention to the following features:

  • It is necessary to perform the movement with a gymnastic roller under control and slowly throughout its entire length. Do not allow the wheel to roll forward on its own, as this increases the risk of injury and sprains;
  • Try to keep your back straight at all times and do not round or arch it too much.
  • The abdominal muscles are in a tense state throughout the entire approach, otherwise the exercise will lose its effectiveness;
  • Breathe evenly, in a straightened position, do not forget to take a short break;
  • Do not perform the exercise until complete “failure”, i.e. the moment when you can no longer do a single repetition. Always reserve the strength to perform 1-2 repetitions as a “reserve”, which will protect you from injury;
  • Do not start training with a roller if you experience pain in the lower back or back.
  • When performing the exercise on your knees, place a mat under them;
  • Before you begin active training, carefully study the correct technique.

Systematic training with an ab roller will allow you to strengthen your abdominal muscles, tighten your stomach and generally keep your body in good tone. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of internal organs and helps straighten posture and curvature of the spine. Include abdominal roller exercises in your training program and excellent results will not take long to arrive.

Tips for working out your abs

We also recommend including interval training in your program and choosing the right diet for yourself so as not to leave fat a single chance. In your diet, give preference to natural products, lean on fruits that reduce fat in your diet. If you don’t have much free time to train, but want to get results, use short explosive interval training.

The ideal body is not difficult at all. The main thing is to maintain regularity! Spend 10 minutes a day doing this morning abdominal exercise and within a month you will notice the results when you look in the mirror at your sexy tummy!

Taking sports supplements - creatine, bcaa amino acid and pre-workout complexes - will also help you increase your strength. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights!

Plank to strengthen your abdominal muscles

The plank is a great exercise. It allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles and get rid of excess fat. This is static. And in addition to training your muscles, planking will help reduce back pain.

At first glance, everything is very simple, but the exercise requires concentration and balance.

How to do it correctly?

  • Take a lying position on your stomach.
  • Then lift your body using your forearms and toes.
  • Keep your back straight and make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Once you can confidently hold a plank for 30 seconds, increase the time to 40 or 45 seconds.
  • Perform 4 approaches.

Why am I writing all this?

You must understand that understanding such things will greatly simplify your life in the form of pumping up your abs.

People often divide the abs into lower and upper, this is actually not entirely correct...

Because the abs cannot work in parts (bottom or top), it always works only as a whole, which is why it is actually called the rectus abdominis muscle. Do you understand?))

It’s just that most often the “lower” abs always lag behind the upper ones, and because of this people divide them into top and bottom, but now everything is clear, I hope? There is no such thing as up and down, there is only the rectus abdominis muscle.

But the lower part lags behind due to the fact that:

  • In fact, there is nothing even to train there. Because The rectus abdominis muscle (our abs) is thick only from the navel and above (at the waist), but below the navel, where the pubic bone is attached, this muscle is very thin (because it is formed by connective tissue), this is one of the reasons why the bottom of the press lags behind the top.
  • You already know that the top of the abs is thicker and stronger than the bottom, and because the top is thicker and stronger, it takes up most of the work of twisting and supporting the core, i.e. the upper part of the rectus muscle (press) is more adapted to physical work.

What do you learn from all this? Let's summarize:

  • Any exercise on the rectus abdominis muscle (our abs) is used entirely; there is no such thing as pumping up or down.
  • The lower part of the abs is more difficult to develop than the upper part.

How to pump up your abs to six-pack size - diagram and best exercises

The only way to pump up your abs is to love pumping them up. If doing exercises makes you bored, you will never achieve six-pack. Following a low-carbohydrate diet with a moderate amount of calories also plays a role - otherwise belly fat will hide muscles.

Effective pumping of the press, first of all, implies the ability to involve various abdominal muscles in the work - in particular, consciously tense the cubes, as well as the transverse muscles of the body, encircling it like a belt. In addition, sculpted abs require regular changes of exercises.

On the subject: Pump up your abs after mesh hernia surgery

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