How to pump up your biceps: increase the volume of your arms in a short time

How to work your biceps at home

When there is no sports equipment at home, the best way to pump is to use your own weight. How to quickly grow your can with push-ups. First of all, when performing exercises, you need to ensure that the entire load is transferred to the desired muscle.

Twice a week is enough to pump up with push-ups. Initially, five approaches of fifteen times are enough. Proper execution of training promotes the growth of this muscle, although push-ups also affect the development of the triceps, which is necessary for relief.

Technique for performing the French press exercise

This exercise is very common in gyms today. In almost every one of them you can meet a man who performs it. Girls are not afraid to do it either.

Since the bulk of the arm muscles is in the triceps, this exercise is aimed at developing and working it out. By following the step-by-step steps below, you will build muscle mass, tighten your skin, isolate your biceps, and develop flexibility in your arm muscles.

To implement your plan you will need:

  • bench;
  • EZ - neck.

It is believed that this exercise is not too difficult technically, but sometimes injuries occur when performing it. Before you start, read the instructions carefully.

Barbell exercise

The main thing for working out the biceps muscles is not weights, but the upper body lift. Just such a movement is the basic one in training.

From the starting position: level stance, lower limbs perpendicular to the shoulders, grip of the barbell slightly wider than the shoulder area, palms facing up.

The exercise starts from the top point. Slowly lower the bar down, and immediately, without relaxing, lift it up. Do not straighten your arms completely at the lowest point, so as not to reduce the load.

Hand exercises

It is known that muscle mass grows depending on the amount of working weight. This means that the more weight you work with, the better results you will get. The process of increasing arm volume is long-term: you won’t be able to quickly pump up 40 cm biceps. This is a lot of time and effort spent, which you must put into the basis of building a beautiful body.

biceps 40 cm height 180

One of the effective exercises for strengthening arm muscles is the French press. After this exercise, you will see real changes over time. But it is worth thinking about the correct execution, since this system is very traumatic for the elbow joints.

Workout in the gym

With exercises using block lifting and barbell presses, you will undoubtedly achieve effectiveness in achieving your goal. The block exercise machine allows you to keep your biceps under constant tension and work with heavy weights. This is the difference between a cable machine and a barbell curl. When working out a can while lifting a block, it makes no sense to strictly adhere to the execution technique; it limits the use of large weights.

Work through a full range of motion, stretching and contracting the muscle groups above and below. It is advisable not to cross the load point. In order to get the greatest impact while performing an exercise with a barbell, it must be done without strict use of technique. If you allow the body to move freely while working with a barbell, the quality of the work will increase several times, and most importantly, you will avoid possible traumatic nuances. A very strict technique interferes with the use of large weights and the naturalness of mechanics.

Of course, this does not mean uncontrolled movement of the bar; you can simply slightly deviate the body along a natural trajectory. Work strictly at full amplitude. Stretching and contraction of muscles should be maximum. Extension and flexion with a barbell are the best exercises in developing the muscles we need.

Include this task in every workout; it has a very positive effect on the muscle when returning the bar to the main position.

How to increase volume in a month?

In order to achieve the growth of your can in height, it is necessary to perform concentrated lifts. From the starting position, sitting on a bench, feet shoulder-width apart, the elbow joint of the hand with dumbbells should rest against the inner thigh, with the other hand hold the knee joint.

Inhale. The hand goes to the chin. Exhalation. Initial position. Hands must be alternated. Do not plan to start your workout with a concentrated lift. Place this exercise in the middle of your training time.

How to increase biceps width

The best exercises that will give the muscle groups of the arms relief and volume.

  • Curling your arms with dumbbells or a barbell. If you want to increase the size and strength of your biceps, perform familiar exercises with weights.

The video below shows step-by-step executions of tasks to increase the volume and definition of the biceps. As you can see, the main thing for pumping is not very large weights, you need correct execution, stability, and perseverance.

How to pump up your biceps with a barbell and dumbbells

It's time to find out what exercises to pump up your biceps using only free weights - barbells and dumbbells. So, meet the top 5 exercises to increase biceps!

There are various equipment that can change the shape and position of the workout. Some machines allow you to reduce the load on the rest of your body or perform a stationary workout while increasing the resistance. Whatever you use, resistance is most important because it is weight and resistance that pushes the boundaries of the muscles and causes them to repair and grow.

Pumping up your biceps with a barbell and dumbbells is the most productive solution, since these equipment provide the most powerful biceps workout. But do not forget that performing these exercises requires maximum concentration and precise technique to avoid injury.

Standing barbell lift

If you want to grow your biceps and look like a tank, regular barbell curls are the best biceps exercise. Regardless of the working weight, when you curl your arms, the body will use all of the biceps muscles and some of the forearm muscles. Standard lifts force the arm to work in relative isolation from the back and shoulders, but under one condition - it is performed without cheating.

It is common to see your body swaying during exercise, but this should be avoided if you want a more effective workout. It is necessary to remain motionless, bending your elbows and not moving your upper body. Perform the lift while holding the barbell with both hands. Hold the weight with your palms facing outward and let the bar rest on your hips so that your arm is fully extended downward. Keep your elbows close to your sides and lift the weight up to your chin without moving your elbows, hips, or core. While maintaining tension, allow the weight to slowly lower to the starting position. Without the barbell touching your thigh, begin the next repetition.

Exercises for girls

It is very difficult for a girl to cope with such a task. They easily pump up their legs, butt, and abs, and forget about their arms, although flabby limbs will look funny against the background of a beautiful body. It must be remembered that with age, the shape of the muscles in the arms of the female half sags. It can be maintained through physical exercise.

There is no need to think that it is realistic for a woman to increase her biceps to the size of an outstanding athlete. You will be able to pump up your arms to a slight outline of some muscle groups. How many months can it take to correct the shape of a woman’s neglected arms? It all comes down to a properly designed arm training program.

Proper nutrition is always in the foreground. The number of workouts does not exceed three times a week. The technique of performing the exercises must be strictly observed. You can pump up your can by doing just four exercises, doing three sets of fifteen repetitions at a slow pace.


First you need to understand what biceps are. It is known that this is the name of the biceps brachii muscle. No one is born with good muscles. To achieve gigantic size and high quality muscle mass, many years of training are required.

The golden ratio for a beginning athlete is a biceps of 40 cm. Every person who wants to increase the size of their biceps should know that the arm muscles also include the triceps. If you work correctly on these zones, then you will achieve the desire to have beautiful shoulder relief.

For a man, 40 cm biceps is normal. Photos of such athletes are not uncommon in our time. With proper persistence, proper exercise and proper nutrition, you can achieve good results.

Today, even teenagers can boast of developed arm muscles. 40 cm biceps at 14 years old is not crazy. It is quite normal, with moderate training, to have this size of biceps muscle even at this age.

Biceps peak

They say a lot and different things about the peak. Some are sure that the peak is given by nature, others claim that it is acquired through persistent training. The height of the peak is directly related to the strategic design of training. By training with basic exercises that build mass well, you accustom your muscles to stress and don’t get results over time.

It is not superfluous to use isolated exercises in swinging. They can improve your biceps. The hammer exercise will help increase the size of your arm in a short time. How to pump up your biceps? The answer is simple; persistent training, correct execution of the technique, skillfully selected exercises, proper nutrition.

Use different grips on the bar

Basic anatomy tells us that our biceps are engaged not only when bending the elbows, but also when supinating the forearms. Based on this, we have found the best way to ensure maximum stress on the biceps.

To do this, you need to shift your usual grip from the middle (traditional manner) to the side of the thumb, thereby changing the angle of the load. Using this strategy, you can increase the volume of your biceps by an order of magnitude.

how to increase biceps volume

Bonus – chest workout without iron

You can get the sculpted look of a pumped-up chest without leaving your home. The main thing is to want it badly. Push-ups from the floor. Fifteen repetitions per set. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Two minutes of rest between repetitions. The result is visible in two weeks. Alternative push-ups: lying position. After doing one push-up, place your right hand closer to your left, move it to the level of your left shoulder. We did push-ups.

Repeat on the left side and do a push-up. The exercise is not easy, but the effect of working it out is stunning. Push-ups with narrow arms: hold a twenty-centimeter-high bar under one arm. From a lying position, lift your body until your arms are level. Apply the beam to the other hand, do the same.

Perform four sets of fifteen push-ups. Narrow grip on the beam. From a prone position. Number of approaches - four; fifteen times. In four weeks, you will pump up your breasts and get sculpted contours. Jumping with hands. From the starting position, lying flat. They placed their hands on the beam. Push-ups with replaceable support. While lifting the body, we remove our hands to the floor and vice versa. Make sudden movements with your hands.

How to pump up the lower chest

Parallel push-ups work the entire body. They can be used especially effectively to pump the outer part of the chest muscles and the lower part, which is important for maintaining the proportionality of the development of parts of the chest.

To avoid injury during training, you need to perform movements as smoothly and slowly as possible. Beware of bending your arms more than ninety degrees. It is important to listen to the recommendations when working with your own heavy weight or with increased weight.

When working with heavy weights, you must first perform push-ups with your own weight, and only then do the exercise with increased weight slowly and stick to a short range of motion. Keep control of the pace of the exercise.


  • In order to develop large and sculpted biceps, you need to give them dosed loads, which means that you should not use a large number of exercises, work with extreme weights and do several workouts aimed at developing biceps.
  • The ideal option for mass would be to perform two, maximum three biceps exercises on the day of back training. The weight in the exercises should be light and allow you to perform three to four sets of 12-14 repetitions each.
  • Naturally, the training process can be diluted with exercise options using heavy weights if progress has stopped. When training your biceps, you should also take into account the load from other exercises aimed at developing various muscle groups. There is an opinion that progress in the growth of biceps can be achieved without paying attention specifically to the biceps, and all because by performing many basic heavy exercises, these muscles are included in the work and receive sufficient load for growth.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the parallel bars exercise

  1. Wear weights. Take a standing position on the uneven bars, leaning on your hands, and your torso should be perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow, and raise and lower your body with measured jerks up and down.
  3. It is enough to perform 5 times 5 repetitions. This is the norm for a beginner, provided that the weight is relatively small: approximately 10 - 15 kg.

This exercise can be performed not only in the gym. If you have a Swedish wall at home, then you can attach bars to it. If you have pancakes, a strong belt and a rope, you can actually build a weighting projectile.

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